What to put on the new year at school. New year at school

It just so happens that any new year script- for a school class, a corporate party or just a group of friends - it can not do without competitions. But sometimes the same funny trials "roam" from one holiday scenario to another and are no longer perceived as something bright and unusual. We offer to diversify your New Year's scenario with unhackneyed contests - they are suitable for teenage schoolchildren and adults.

New Year's Dictionary

For this competition, you need to prepare cards with all the letters of the alphabet, excluding b, Y, b, Y. You will also need an opaque container.

The moderator announces that a "Special Holiday Dictionary" is being prepared for publication. Each participant pulls out a card with a letter and immediately names the word of the New Year theme and gives its funny or original interpretation. All words are written on a board or poster so that there are no repetitions.

Making a snowman

The contestants are divided into pairs. The facilitator gives each pair a roll of toilet paper, a baby bucket and a peeled carrot. One member of the pair "sculpts a snowman" from the second - wraps it toilet paper, puts a bucket on his head and "sticks" his nose-carrot. The pair that "make a snowman" faster wins.

Option: after distributing pairs of guests the same sets of tinsel, unbreakable Christmas tree decorations, garlands, cut-out paper snowflakes and clothespins, you can hold a similar "Dress up the Christmas tree" contest. Whoever "dresses up" his partner faster and more effectively wins.

song contest

Words of the New Year theme are written on cards or pieces of paper: frost, snow, ice, Christmas tree, hoarfrost, round dance, etc. Everything is put into an opaque container - a box, a hat. The host approaches the guests in turn, asks to draw out a card and sing a line from the song where the extended word occurs. Other guests also join in - they remember and sing. The winner is the one who remembers the last line from the song. The facilitator can support the participants with the techniques of the auctioneers: "It's cold for a small Christmas tree in winter - one! It's cold in winter - two! Three!".

Chinese calendar

All guests will participate in this competition. The host announces that those born in the year of the Rat are the first to be invited to the stage.

Guests must complete one of the following tasks (at the host's choice):

  1. Use gestures and sounds to depict the animal under the sign of which they were born.
  2. Remember how you can more fairy tales, literary works and cartoons in which this animal is the main or almost the main character.
  3. Compose a New Year's greeting on behalf of this animal.

Then by zodiac circle similarly, the tasks are performed by all other guests.

Animal sequence and ideas for the contest:

  • Year of the Rat (Mouse) - "The Nutcracker", "Ryaba Hen", "Turnip", "Teremok", "Nils' Journey", "Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile", "Ratatouille".
  • Year of the Ox - "A bull is walking, swinging ...", "A bull is a straw barrel", "The wolf and the calf".
  • Year of the Tiger - "Striped flight", "Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all ...".
  • Year of the Rabbit - "Brother Rabbit", "Just you wait!", "Alice in Wonderland".
  • Year of the Dragon - "Serpent Gorynych", "Kill the Dragon", "How to Train Your Dragon".
  • Year of the Snake - Mowgli, Rikki-Tiki-Tavi.
  • Year of the Horse - "Humpbacked Horse", "Headless Horseman".
  • Year of the Goat - "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", "Cat's House".
  • Year of the Monkey - "Monkey and glasses", "38 parrots".
  • Year of the Rooster - "Golden Cockerel", "Bean Seed", "The Bremen Town Musicians".
  • Year of the Dog - "101 Dalmatians", "Cat and Dog", "Vacations in Prostokvashino", "The Wizard of the Emerald City".
  • Year of the Boar - "The Three Little Pigs", "The Pig and the Shepherd", "The Adventures of Funtik the Pig".

vegetable competition

Two teams of 3-4 people are recruited from among the guests. Their goal is to explain to rivals in the pantomime genre what is shown on the card issued to them. They show the picture to the audience to make it more interesting. On the cards any plants can be depicted - trees, shrubs, flowers. The team that guesses can ask suggestive questions, to which you can answer "yes" or "no" (head movement). For example: "Is this a tree?", "Is this a thorn bush?", "Is this a garden flower?".


The host announces that the time has come for a competition dedicated to the 12 months of the year. Those guests whose birthdays fall in the spring months go out first. Together they complete three tasks.

First: name all the names of people associated with three spring months(April, Martha, May and Maya).

Second: they remember at least one poem or song that talks about spring (“I love a thunderstorm in early May”), read an excerpt or sing a verse.

Third: they remember films about spring ("Spring on Zarechnaya Street").

By the same principle, all other guests perform tasks: after spring - summer, then autumn and winter.

New Year's contests for fifth graders. Leisure, hobby. Child from 10 to 13. New Year's competitions for fifth graders. Help, throw ideas or links. My daughter and her girlfriend were given the task today to prepare competitions for the spark, which will be the day after tomorrow.


1. "Happy New Year!"
The guys stand in a circle, blindfolded, in the middle. Everyone holds out their hands to the driver, he shakes his hand (one) and says: "Happy New Year!". The owner of the hand replies: "And you too!". You can change the voice. If the presenter guesses by voice who answered him, then he becomes the leader.
2. Homework required.
On the sheet thick paper(for drawing) A3 format, a hole is cut out the size of a child's face. A recognizable object is drawn around the hole (snowflake, butterfly, sailor, Dr. Aibolit, fungus, etc.). The driver sits on a chair, looks out through the hole, as if through a window. Everyone sees who he is, except for himself. With the help of questions Is it alive (non-living, animal, can fly, etc.)? must guess who he is.
This is the third year that this contest has been going on with a bang. Drawings are sketchy, but easily recognizable.
3. Gemini
Two children take each other by the belt. They have one hand free. And they have to do something that requires both hands: cap the bottle, cut out a circle from a sheet of paper.

Yesterday my 5th grader had an NG light.
Of the competitions were:
1. Drawing on the board blindfolded the symbol of the year (2 people participate at the same time, the class determines the winner from the pair)
2. Children stand in a circle and pass the tangerine from hand to hand to the music. The music stops. The one who has the tangerine in his hands sings, dances or recites a verse.
3. Pair competition: Participants are given 2 sheets. You need to get from one end of the class to the other without stepping on the floor. One sheet is placed - puts a foot on it, then another sheet, the second leg on it, etc.
4. "Sticky": parts of the body are written on small pieces of paper (thigh, hand, head, waist, elbow, etc. can be repeated)
Children take turns pulling out pieces of paper and should stick to the previous participant in written parts. It turns out a funny caterpillar)

6 competitions for the New Year's scenario: for schoolchildren and adults. Competitions for the New Year's scenario - New Year's holiday at school, class, at work. For example, traditional banquets with an entertainer (with the inclusion of pop numbers in the program ...

Scenario of the New Year - contests for children's holiday at school and at home. Games for children. gift for New Year- New Skylanders. Top 10 Children's Books of 2014 Competitions for Teens and adult party. How to spend a home New Year's party for ...


Ours just had a light: the "fashion show" competition - different, pre-prepared clothing items are piled up, two teams, on a signal, rush to disassemble and dress up their model, the condition is that there must be a headdress, some kind of top-shirt and accessories who will dress up better. Competition "magnetism", teams in a row, each cocktail straw, pulling the air with a straw from one to another, pass a paper napkin (should stick to the straw :)))), whose napkin will fall less and get to the last one faster player, hands do not help!

Contests for the New Year? - get-togethers. Child from 7 to 10. The theme of the competition is "New Year, Winter and Christmas" - young readers recite the poetry of the classics, contemporaries and even poems of their own composition. 6 competitions for the New Year's scenario: for schoolchildren and adults.


Excellent and very funny game Who am I?
A well-known character is drawn on whatman paper (Cheburashka, Kolobok, etc.) and a cut is made for the face. According to the rhyme, the one who will guess who he is is selected. Permissible questions: "Am I a man or a woman?, Am I green? I have big ears"?" The answers are only Yes or No. Full laughter is guaranteed for both children and tipsy adults.

Search for things from notes, option What Where When, crossword for children, version of the game Field of Miracles (draw squares, but do not twist anything, guess by letter), culinary competition (put a tiger on a plate of tangerine slices and chocolate or chocolate chip cookies).

Section: New Year (new year's minutes of fame at school for the new year). At school on New Year's Eve there will be a "Minute of Glory". Please advise, what can a third-grader from the colloquial genre speak with? 6 competitions for the New Year's scenario: for schoolchildren and adults.

Section: New Year (New Year's predictions for schoolchildren). Tell! I make fortune cookies for kids and adults. And here with children - a hitch. Only such come to mind - a fairy will give you a fabulous dream ... a fun journey awaits you ...

6 competitions for the New Year's scenario: for schoolchildren and adults. Give gift ideas to second graders for the New Year. Give at school. New Year's programs for schoolchildren in the museum of entertaining science "LabyrinthUm". (All months). 17. What they leave when they need ...

Magical New Year's Carnival - scenario for grades 5-9

It sounds like a dance tune. On the stage - a group of "masks" performs their dance. At the end of the dance, the Host and the Host enter the stage.
Hello dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to today's celebration.
Outside the window, winter is the time of the most short days and most long nights. But we love this time of year. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.
It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished desires come true, the most incredible miracles are possible. Don't believe? I am sure that you will be able to see this if you become a member of our New Year's carnival.
We invited interesting guests to our holiday, prepared exciting contests, funny musical and dance surprises, so we hope that no one will be bored.
And today we have a unique opportunity to make a trip to different countries of the world and find out what traditions of celebrating the New Year exist at different latitudes the globe. And foreign guests who are invited to our carnival will help us in this.
With the arrival of white Januarys
We all become "wiser" -
New Year's signs
We take from all over the world.
What to eat, what to drink, what to wear...
Gray-haired New Year's Eve
In Italian, trash in the windows
Throw - with grief in half.
That, according to the eastern axiom,
Rearranging furniture in the house
And we calculate endlessly -
Who is the Mouse, who is the Tiger, and who is the Sheep...
From Santa Clauses of different suits
We are waiting for gifts and a lot of happiness.
And we believe that heaven
We are all preparing miracles ...

The music plays, the song "New Year's" of the group "Disco" Crash ". Snegurochka 1 and Snegurochka 2 enter the stage.

Snow Maiden 1: Where are you dressing up?

Snow Maiden 2: How to where? New Years is soon. Let's go with Grandfather Frost to congratulate children on the holiday, to give gifts.

Snow Maiden 1: And why did you decide that it was you who would go to the holiday? After all, we are both granddaughters of Santa Claus, both Snow Maidens!

Snow Maiden 2: I'm younger. I must go. Why do we need a junk like you on a holiday!

Snow Maiden 1: Look at yourself better, I’ll also get a present for the holiday! It would be better if it snowed.

Snow Maiden 2: What is it, am I worse than snow or what? The snow will melt, but I will stay!

Snow Maiden 1: Yes, you won’t erase such a gift as you, as you draw, you won’t turn off with any bulldozer, you won’t drive around on a crooked mare!

Snow Maiden 2: You know what, my elder sister, the Veteran Snow Maiden! Don't turn up your nose. Grandfather Frost will come, he will judge us. Let him say who he wants to take to the holiday!

Snow Maiden 1: Let's call him!

Shout together:

Santa Claus, get up, it's time,

Waiting for gifts for the kids!

(Sleepy Santa Claus appears with a bag of gifts behind his back).

Santa Claus: I slept for almost a year, although there is a lot of work. It's time to go to work: go and congratulate on the holiday, give gifts. As always, the New Year is walking around the world, and each time the Supreme Duma of the ancient convocation gives out tasks on where to go this year. I’ll tell you, my dear granddaughters, that this year I was given a difficult task, to congratulate ... And why are you so gloomy, what happened, what happened?

Snow Maiden 1: Yes, Grandfather, some here believe that they can make any holiday happy with their presence. To be, so to speak, an utter gift!

Father Frost: What for? I have already received gifts. Look at the whole bag!

(Puts the bag in a conspicuous place).

Snow Maiden 2: The fact is, Grandfather, that I believe that the youngest, most blooming of us should go to the holiday with you.

Snow Maiden 1: And my centuries-old experience, experience, you don’t take into account at all? Just imagine, you will come, a new, unfamiliar face, the children will not recognize you, they will still be frightened. And I'm a completely different matter!

Father Frost: Granddaughters, do not quarrel!

(Snow Maiden 1 slowly takes a bag with gifts).

Snow Maiden 2: Well, Grandpa! It's a shame indeed. I waited a whole year, prepared a congratulation for a whole month, dressed up ...

Snow Maiden 1: Been on a diet all day...

Snow Maiden 2: And you did make-up all day, smeared wrinkles ...

Snow Maiden 1: It was me who covered up the wrinkles, it was me ... Yes, I you ...

(He chases her and tries to hit her with a sack. She runs away. As a result, Snegurochka 1 hits Santa Claus on the head with a sack).

Snow Maiden 2: Ouch! What have we done!

Father Frost: Stop fighting. In my opinion, something terribly irreparable happened. I'm afraid no one will go to the party. And someone this year will be left without gifts.

Snow Maiden (together): Why?

Father Frost: At my age, it is very reckless to make sudden movements in the head area. And you, my kind granddaughters, my dear granddaughters (he says maliciously), hit her, so to speak, with a blunt object - a bag. And now, now (almost crying) I forgot where I was supposed to go, where the Supreme Duma of the ancient convocation sent me to celebrate. Now everything is gone!

Snow Maiden(together): Terrible!

Father Frost: I know that horror! There is nothing more terrible than a holiday that does not exist.

Snow Maiden 1: Something must be done!

Snow Maiden 2 Q: What can we do now?

Snow Maiden 1: Calm, just calm. My life experience tells me that if you lose something, then you need to look for it.

Snow Maiden 2: Well, you're the head! That's right, let's hit the road! Let's go and find our holiday!

Father Frost: That's just which way to go, I'll never know! I forgot everything! I only remember that the place is so unusual, some kind of exotic, not close, not far away, the name is so warm, warm, almost native.

Snow Maiden 2: If warm and exotic, then this is probably Africa!

Snow Maiden 1: What Africa! A close and distant place! And Africa is definitely far away. So I think that distant, close, warm and exotic is something like Italy. Correctly?

Father Frost A: Maybe let's go see.

Father Frost: The place, of course, is exotic, but somehow too much! And not so warm. Maybe look for something warmer.

(The song “Over the Four Seas” of the “Brilliant” group sounds).

Father Frost: Phew, I'm tired, granddaughters!

Snow Maiden 1: Don't worry, grandfather, we have already reached a very warm and exotic country.

Snow Maiden 2: There are palm trees and elephants. Look, and people are so cheerful, smart, all in multi-colored sheets!

Father Frost: Ba! Yes, this is India!

Speech on the meeting of the New Year in India. Young woman.

Hello dear guests! Dancers from the Indian folk theater troupe greet you. New Year's Eve in India is celebrated not at midnight, but at sunrise. On this day, it is forbidden to quarrel, get angry. It is believed that the whole year will turn out the way it began. You need to get up early, put yourself in order, slowly remember the past and think about the future. During the day, archery competitions are held, kites. The performances of our folk theater are especially popular and gather huge crowds in the streets and squares. And now you will meet with the famous Indian magician and magician, magician and fakir, the mysterious Raja.

A magician appears in a long cloak, holding a black box with a hole in his hands. The magician bows, greets the guests, invites those who wish to take part in the competition.


I suggest you see the mysterious, fabulous oriental night. To see it, you need to close one eye, and look into the round opening of the box with the other. And so the miracle begins...

The participant looks into the hole, for greater effect, a magician's cloak is thrown over his head. But he didn't see anything there.


Well, what did you see? The participant saw nothing.


That is, how to understand it? You see darkness. This is the magical, mysterious oriental night! And now I will show you some tricks.

"Vagaries of the Flame"

The magician lights a candle, blows lightly on the flame, it deviates into opposite side. Then he takes the funnel, blows on the candle through the funnel. The flame is deflected towards the funnel. (Explanation in the funnel area is created reduced pressure, into which the flame is drawn). He puts a bottle in front of a burning candle, blows on it. The candle went out. (Explanation: the air stream split into two streams, then joined and blew out the candle).


The magician takes a glass of water, puts a card on the glass. Holding the card with his hand, he quickly turns the glass over and removes his hand: the water does not pour out. (Explanation: air presses on the card and presses it against the glass).


And now I invite the audience to help me perform magic tricks.

Those who wish come out.

"Magic Coin"

The magician asks the participant to pick up one of the five coins, squeeze it in his hand and hold it. The coin is then placed on the table. The magician mixes them and finds the right one. (Explanation: the one held in the hands will be warmer than the others).

« hand snake»

The magician suggests rubbing a plastic ruler on wool and bringing it to the kite: it will raise its head. (Explanation: the ruler acquires electric charge and begins to attract light objects).


Thank you for your attention! And the prizes from the Christmas tree can be taken by those who explain the last two tricks.


Our folk Indian theater says goodbye to you, wishes you happiness in the new year.

Father Frost: My brains started to thaw from this heat. I think that they could not send me to such a noisy place, this is for young Santa Clauses. And where I had to go, I have no idea!

Snow Maiden 1: I think I do. If the place is calm, balanced, with strict rules, age-old traditions, then we are on the way to the United Kingdom, to Great Britain.

Father Frost: Oh, and it's good in the UK! And the porridge is delicious, just right for me, the old man. And how romantic it sounds: "Oatmeal, sir!"

Snow Maiden 1: Yes, what is this exotic! I can't stand this mess since childhood. That's all sorts of seafood: mussels, squid, crabs and sushi with them.

Snow Maiden 2: And poking around with chopsticks.

Snow Maiden 1: Well, at least with chopsticks. But you know how interesting. After all, the main thing in eating is the process, the ceremony, as in Japan.

Father Frost: Well, maybe we’ll really rush to Japan.

Sounds like Japanese music.

presenter: On the Japanese islands Winter has come. Snowflakes swirled, covering the ground with a white fluffy carpet, and all ordinary Japanese began to expect the long-awaited holiday - the New Year. On the eve of the holiday, the Japanese decorate their house. Pine branches and colored paper are hung on bamboo sticks.

Several people represent the house, two people - the Japanese in kimono, who "decorate" the "house".

First Japanese: Akutagawa, Kadamatsu! Kadamatsu!

Leading(translates): Masha, let's decorate our house with a pine - this is a symbol of longevity and strength!

Second Japanese: Agi, agi! Take, take, Yamamoto! Harakiri, the samurai!

Leading(translates): Of course, Vanya, come on! And we also need to decorate with bamboo, it will help us become hardy next year, add strength and help resist the blows of fate.

Japanese(together): Ikebana, banzai!

Enter two guests. On skis, also dressed in kimonos.

Guests(together): Akutagawa, Yamamoto, runesuke!

Leading(translates): Masha, Vanya, hello!

Japanese(together): Ryuunesuke, yakuza! Kimono!

Leading (translates): Hello friends! Get undressed.


Hello dear friends! I have come to you from Japan to wish you all a Happy New Year. In our country, on New Year's Eve, it is customary to give postcards with the image of an animal, under the sign of which the New Year begins. Before the holiday, you must also pay off your creditors. The Japanese consider the numbers 100 and 8 lucky, so in the temple, 108 bells are announced about the onset of the new year. With the last blow, it is supposed to go to bed in order to get up before dawn, go outside and celebrate the New Year with the first rays of the sun. New Year in Japan is not just a holiday, but, as it were, a common birthday. The one hundred and eighth stroke of the New Year's bell added a year to every Japanese. In the morning, the traditional procession of the "Dancing Tiger" passes through the central streets. He is portrayed by four masked men dressed in colorful fabrics. And now I invite you to take part in such a procession. To do this, I need several participants. One group will make the head of the tiger, the other - the tail. The "head" must catch the "tail".

The music is playing and the game is being played.

First Japanese: Takeshi Kitano! Deduk Moroka and Sneguraki!

Leading(translates): Since everyone is ready for the beginning of the holiday, we must call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!

The Japanese and the guests (shouting together): Deduk Moroki and Sneguraki!

Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden enter. They are also wearing kimonos.

Deduki Moroka: Banzai, Pokémon!

Leading(translates): Hello, children! How long have I not seen you! How well you decorated the house and prepared for the New Year!

Sneguraki: Sensei, chime!

Host (translates): It's time to get the bell, each stroke of which drives away one of the evils.

Takes out the bell. Every time she hits him, the host translates.

Host: Ding!

Snow Maiden 1: This is the country! Not a country, but a solid exotic! Everything is so amazing, extraordinary!

Snow Maiden 2: What's the point, they didn't expect us there anyway.

Father Frost: You, granddaughters, do whatever you want, but I'm already tired. It is hard for me, an old man, to chase around the world, to look for someone to congratulate on the holiday. Nothing can be done, you have to return home with nothing.

Snow Maiden 1: So, someone this year will still be left without a holiday, congratulations, a gift. But there's nothing you can do, you have to go home.

Snow Maiden 2: Or maybe we will visit some other countries on the way home?

Music sounds, children in African costumes take the stage. 5th grade performance Miss Africa: Hello guys, nice to see you here! Despite the absence of snow and frost, Africa also celebrates the new year. A traditional Christmas tree is in almost every home (whether plastic or spruce-like "eucalyptus"). At different peoples their special traditions of meeting the new year. In Africa, on the land of the Abidji, who settled in the southern regions of Côte d'Ivoire and consider themselves Christians, the spirits of fire, water and forest rule at the New Year's festivities. Villagers gather for ritual dances, general meditations and races on all fours with an egg in their mouths. The winner of the race is the one who first reached the finish line and did not break the shell - a symbol of the fragility and fragility of human existence. After all, the Abidji egg is a symbol of life. Ritual New Year's dances can be watched to the end only by a person with strong nerves, because the dancers, to the enthusiastic cries of the public, slash themselves with daggers. Surprisingly, there is almost no blood, and the scars are healed before the eyes. However, there is an explanation for this - from generation to generation, the secrets of miraculous ointments were passed on, which made the body of a warrior immune to pain. And after a general meditation, they say, real miracles happen: the sick recover, ulcers heal, and even someone may have the gift of foresight.

For example, in one of the tribes of Kenya, on New Year's Eve, when meeting, tribesmen spit at each other, so they wish each other health, happiness and good luck. This is a very exotic custom, but don't worry, we won't spit on each other, but we'll try to congratulate you in African style.

Miss Africa: Africa - hot scorching sun, impenetrable jungle and temperamental, incendiary dances to the sound of tam-tom. I'm announcing an African dance marathon.

Dance "Jumbo"

During the dances, we choose the best "leader" of the tribe of dancers and present a prize - a New Year's loincloth (tinsel ribbon.)

Father Frost

Granddaughters, I just received a message. But I can't understand anything. The text is written in some strange letters.

Snow Maiden 1 Let me see. So, of course, these are Arabic letters. But what is written here? Maybe among our guests there are connoisseurs of Arabic? Only with their help will we decipher the message.

Iranian music sounds, a young man and two girls in Iranian outfits come out.


Greetings to you, friends, from the people of Iran. We sent you New Year's greetings, wishes of good luck, joy and prosperity. In our country, on New Year's Eve, the father of the family gives everyone beautiful clothes decorated with patterns. I suggest you do something similar. I invite two young men. They will decorate the costumes of my assistants with various little things that they find in the hall or beg from the audience. When the decorations are collected, the participants will be blindfolded and then they will act by touch. The one whose girlfriend is more elegant wins.

Snow Maiden 2. Our journey continues. We are welcomed by the Scots.


Happy new year friends! New Year is a long-awaited and beloved holiday for us. A few days before January 1, musicians and singers performing folk songs take to the streets. All new year's eve street vendors sell toys, whistles, squeakers, masks, Balloons. All family members gather by the fireplace, look at the fire, which symbolically burns all the hardships of the old year, make plans for the future, and when the hands of the clock approach twelve, the head of the family silently opens the door wide open - while the clock strikes, it is believed that the Old Year comes out and New included. Santa Claus - Father Frost - comes to every house, and children play with him. Favorite game is hide and seek. I suggest you do something similar.


1. Blindfolded, get up from a chair. Following the leader's commands (4 steps forward, 4 to the right, 4 to the left, etc.), return to the chair and sit on it.

2. Team members stand one after another, the next one puts his hands on the shoulders of the previous one, everyone except the "guide" is blindfolded, the "guide" must lead the team through the maze, bypassing the chairs, skittles. The goal is not to knock things down.

Scot. Once again, I congratulate everyone on the New Year. I want to wish that next year you do not have to make wrong steps, playing hide and seek with fate.

Snow Maiden 2. We received a package. This is a dogwood branch decorated with bright paper and flowers. And a note is attached to it: "Surva, surva, merry time." Who knows what country?

The guys answer, a Bulgarian song sounds, girls enter with a pie.

Young woman.

Hello everyone from sunny Bulgaria! Those who celebrate the New Year in our country are given a rare opportunity to kiss Santa Claus himself. seeing off old year, the lights go out in the houses. When the clock strikes midnight, everything is plunged into darkness. In these seconds, many are trying to find Santa Claus in the dark and kiss him. Since, according to a comic belief, this portends special luck. As soon as the light comes on, festive table they put a New Year's cake with a secret: small objects are hidden in each piece of it: a nut (to crack a hard nut in the new year), a coin (a win awaits you), a paper clip (a meeting with good friend), a foil ball (a brilliant idea will dawn on you), and if a rose branch comes across, there will be happiness in love. We want to treat you to such a pie. (Treat). And we have one more surprise. Everyone knows that dreams come true on New Year's Eve. And today, those who will take part in the competition "Dance of my dreams" will be able to fulfill their dream.

5-8 girls are invited, the same number of boys. First, the girls take out notes from the basket and stand in a line in the middle of the hall. Then the boys choose notes from the baskets and stand in front of the girls. Then the first girl is invited to read the note aloud. She reads: "I dream of dancing with the best dancer in our school." The young man, whose note says "the best dancer", comes out and stands next to the first girl. So all other notes are read. After everyone is divided into pairs, the dance begins, to which everyone else joins.

Note texts for girls

1. I dream of dancing with the best dancer in our school.

2. I would really like to be invited to a dance by a tiger tamer.

3. I would like to dance with a famous film actor.

4. I want to dance with the sea captain.

5. I dream of dancing with a chef.

6. .I really want to be invited by the world champion in weightlifting.

The young men, respectively, have the best dancer, tiger tamer, famous film actor, sea captain, chef, world champion in weightlifting.

Good evening! We welcome you to Hungary. There, on New Year's Eve, children's whistles, pipes, pipes disappear from the shelves. By popular belief, the shrill and not always pleasant sound of these musical instruments drives away evil spirits from the dwelling and calls prosperity and joy to the houses. And now we will try to do something similar.

The participants of the competition are given pipes, a harmonica, a whistle, a trumpet, or you can make instruments from improvised materials, or imitate playing “your” instrument. You need to imagine yourself as a member of a brass band and "play" some popular song.

At the end of the competition, participants choose prizes and souvenirs on the Christmas tree.

Young woman.

We congratulate you on the holiday and wish you all a cheerful mood and good luck.


As a musical gift, we have prepared for you a potpourri of incendiary dance melodies. Everybody is dancing!

The melodies of rumba, cha-cha-cha, rock and roll), lambadas sound. Everyone who wants to dance.

Snow Maiden1

Our journey around the world continues.

The sound of broken dishes, crackling, rattle, rumble is heard.

Snow Maiden2

What's happening? It must be an earthquake.

Snegurochka1 For example, I know a riddle about one country, which we will just look at on the way. Listen:

Everything that is worn to holes

Forks, spoons and glasses,

Chairs, bedside tables, sofas,

It flies down on you in…Italy.

Italian music sounds, an Italian comes out.


Good evening friends! Do not worry! Nothing bad is happening. It's just the Italians celebrating the New Year. On New Year's Eve, everyone is thrown out of apartments at the very last minute of the old year. broken dishes, old clothes and even furniture. They are followed by crackers, confetti, sparklers. It is generally accepted that if you throw away on New Year's Eve old thing, then next year you will buy a new one. All Italian children are looking forward to the sorceress Befana, who arrives at night on a broomstick and through the chimney fills with gifts children's stockings, specially hung on the fireplace. And at 175 Europe Boulevard, Rome, Italy, lives an Italian Santa Claus, whose name is Babbo Natale. And he sent you a very interesting gift musical competition. It's called the "dance of numbers".

The facilitator explains the rules of the game.

All comers are divided into circles of 5-6 people, each takes a number from 1 to 5 (6). At the command "Start!" music sounds and everyone in the circle, holding hands, dancing, move to the right side. But then the music stops, the presenter loudly calls the number, for example, “third!” At this command, a melody sounds - Russian, gypsy, lambada, lezginka, the participant under this number goes into a circle and dances. Then the game continues, another number or two are called at once.

A game is being played, the best dancers choose prizes on the Christmas tree.


I congratulate you all on the most joyful holiday, I wish you good mood, good luck, love.

Father Frost: Oh, mama mia, santa lucia, presto contabele, legato, stocatto!

Snow Maiden 1: Grandpa, do you know Italian?

Father Frost: Si, bella donna!

Snow Maiden 2: Grandpa, do you still remember the Russian language?

Father Frost: Oh, oh-oh-oh! It seems that the second blow to my poor head also did not go unnoticed. I think I remembered who to congratulate, where to go!

Snow Maiden(in chorus): It can't be!

Father Frost: The place is so unusual, exotic, not close, not far away, the name is so warm, warm, almost native - this is Russia!

Russians for the new year we can find in warm countries. Let's take a look at them. Action 1: Young couple relaxing by the sea

He: (plays the guitar and sings an American song)

She is: Listen, Nikit, well, I don’t understand something: the New Year is on the nose, and we are steaming here in Hawaii, no holiday.

He: Listen, it's so great: the sun, the heat, the beach, the girls, you live like in Christ's bosom, the climate is wonderful, the ocean is nearby. New Year is coming, what else do you need?

She is: Girls, girls ... snowmen are much better. Like this! I want to go home. Not the climate, but the heat, not the ocean, but hot compote, not the New Year, but a mountain of worries.

Hawaii D.M., Hawaii Baba Moroza and a horse come out to the music "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

G.D.M.: Good afternoon and good hour! I salute you all! Believe Gut! Salaam Alaikum! Boynes Cyris, vast east das?

She is: What is this pretzel?

He: And the devil knows

G.D.M.: I am Hawaii Santa Claus, This is Hawaii Baba Frost. We offer you only magic. Only with us and only now a preferential fare for a trip to Siberia! Just for a little fun stuff (shows dollars).

She is: Oh, yes, we have this nonsense ... but if you keep your word, send it home ?!

G.D.M.: No problem. Kanishna send!

She is:(the mood immediately rises and begins to sing) We will go, we will rush on deer in the early morning and desperately break right into the polar circle. Let's go skiing and try icicles, in general, we will have a great New Year's leisure.

He: Nastya, look how fun it is! And you got it right: home and home! Let's stay a!

She is: Well, you are on your own again. I don't want to be here, I want to be there! I want frost, ice, snow in the end!

G.D.M.: What is snow?

She is: Well, you're a grandfather, I generally watch that one. Yes, now Nikita will explain everything to you better than me.

Sings the song "Somewhere in the world", the girls dance.

G.D.M.: Oh-oh-oh, heat is good, cold is bad!

She is: Yes, you take it! Cold is cool! Especially when it's sweet. Here you are! This is the most advanced anti-fry remedy.

He: She eats this remedy even in the cold, and here, on the beach, she is just a champion in eating ice cream.

He begins to sing a song: if you want me to show you something, I won’t tell anyone about it. All the girls on earth love it, it's just ice cream)

She is: That was great. At such a moment, you always remember that the camera is bye-bye.

He: Listen, Santa, come on, take a picture of us with Nastya, with your snow maiden and with the filly. We will show our friends at home (they are photographed)

shutter sound

Grandma Frost: By the way, the horse is a symbol of the new year 2014. To all those born in the year of the horse, he promises success in all endeavors, good luck and happiness. This is your year!

She is: That is, how, Baba Moroz, but what about me, Nikita, how are we?

Grandma Frost: Don't worry, Nastya, you better try the lottery!

She is:(takes out lottery and reads) Your cherished desire come true. You will soon see your native places, where fun and an unforgettable experience awaits you. Hooray, I'm going home (getting ready to leave, then returns) Nikita, are you with me or what?

He: Nastya, stop it. You yourself perfectly understand that all this is nonsense. It will be possible to go only from January next year.

She is:(looks at G.D.M. with resentment) That is, like this, yes, liars!

G.D.M.: Nastya swear, we need to improve: the desire will be fulfilled, together in the winter we will move

Magic Music

Action 2: In Russia

She is: Here we are at home, we are at home! (joyfully). Opa, and here is the Snow Maiden, and you are here! Oh it's just unreal

Snow Maiden: Well, hello, my dears, you recovered somehow, but you tanned.

He: As we tanned, so we will turn blue. Some even did not want to collect things (pushing her by the shoulder), now the tooth does not fall on the tooth!

She is: Well, okay, so be it, but it's more fun. We're home!

He: So no fun, where is that grandfather with gifts ah, no? Yes, it would be better if we stayed in Hawaii!

Snow Maiden: So, now we'll settle everything, SMS to Santa Claus: we are ready for the New Year, we look forward to it. Snow Maiden

To the song “The Holiday is Coming to Us”, D.M. comes in: on his head is an erokez, in his hand is a sled, where Harley Davidson is written

D.M.: I'm tired, Snow Maiden! Oh, tired! Where have I not been today! (Unfolds a sheet of paper) I was at the North Pole, at south pole was ... the penguins, you know, went completely crazy with this New Year! Gifts are demanded, dances are danced, he barely escaped ... Moreover, this damn Harley Davidson did not start. Oh, where are my faithful deer?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, so here are the children.

D.M.: Where? So they are already big, it’s not like dancing with them. Let them entertain us now.

Beat the Kremlin chimes

She is: Time!!

Father Frost: Childish time!!!

The music starts and all the children dance a flash mob to the song "Non-Children's Time"

Snow Maiden 1: Grandfather, we received a telegram: they are waiting for us at the boarding school in the city of Oktyabrsky. Well, who will you take with you to the holiday: her or me?

Father Frost: This is a common thing! And then, we have been together since the first grade, and we are also responsible for everything that we do together.

Snow Maiden 1: Okay, grandfather, we agree.

Snow Maiden 2: We won't let you down. After all, we are one family!

Father Frost: My dear children! I congratulate you on the New Year, in which one of you will graduate from school and, I hope, successfully enter a technical school.

Snow Maiden

Father Frost: In order for this dream of yours to come true, you must be healthy, hardworking, hardy!

Snow Maiden(in chorus): We wish it to come true!

Father Frost: Well, those who are still in the 8th grade, let them also reinforce their successes with excellent grades and good mood!

Snow Maiden(in chorus): We wish it to come true!


Snow Maiden 1: Why are we standing? Waiting for anybody?

Snow Maiden 2: We are waiting for the director of the boarding school Tabrik Raisovich. Let him congratulate the guys on the upcoming new year.

Happy New Year! (Slams the clapperboard).

Snow Maiden.1

According to popular belief, as you celebrate the New Year, the whole year will be like that. So let's all dance together around the Christmas tree and sing, so that the coming year will be kind and cheerful.

He takes everyone to the Christmas tree, everyone dances, they sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Father Frost.

Well, well done! You will have a merry New Year. We sang with you, danced! But they are waiting for me in other places. I wish you a happy new year, see you next year!


Now it's time for us to say goodbye. It is a pity that the holiday ended so quickly.


But we hope that you will manage to keep the mood of fun, joy, expectation of something unusual for the whole year. We do not say goodbye to you, we say to you: "See you again!"

Father Frost: I completely forgot about the gifts, here they are! What's in the bag, I wonder? Any discs, cassettes, DJ? What would that mean?

Snow Maiden 1: This means that our gift is a New Year's disco!

Father Frost: DJ, DJ, let's call him guys together.

(All shout together with the guys. The DJ comes out).

Here you are, young man, disks and cassettes for the disco, I hope that everyone will be satisfied with the music.

Snow Maiden 2: Everybody is dancing!

Anna Polovinkina
Scenario of the holiday "New Year at school"

Music sounds. Against the background of music sound the words:


The last leaf is torn off

The calendar has been removed from the wall.

Waiting for a long time congratulations

January behind the door.

The old year is leaving

His last page rustles.

Let the best that was not go away

And the worst cannot happen again.

Let it be generous New Year,

Let him not skimp on happiness

Let the stars light up on time

So that all wishes come true.

1st reader:

Let the frost play more fun

Let it freeze your cheeks.

FROM new congratulations on the year

With a year of joy, happiness, love!

2nd reader:

Hours go by, days go by

Such is the law of nature.

And we want you today

Congratulate on New Year!

3rd reader:

We wish you New Year

All the joys in the world

Health for a hundred years ahead

Both you and your children.

4th reader:

Let New Year that you meet

A happy year will enter your life.

And all the good things you dream of

Let it come true and it will definitely come.

(Robbers run out. Whistling, noise, screams.)


And why are you so dressy? What is going on here with you?

Leading: Who are you?

Rogues: And we ... (song "in the footsteps of the Bremen town musicians" knife and ax workers)

So there will be no New Year for you! We're taking your kids! (they take several people by the hands and are going to take them out of the hall. The presenter stops the robbers)

Leading: And what do we need to do so that you let our children go?

Rogues: Let your children amuse us. For example, they will dance some kind of dance!

The children are dancing.


Well, well done! They amused us!

Well, okay, we'll let your kids go-

But holiday we won't let you do it anyway.

Leading: Robbers, let's make a deal So: I'll ask you a few riddles, and if you can't solve them, then you won't bother us. Deal?

Rogues: Good. There has never been a mystery that we have not solved. Let's guess.

The facilitator makes riddles:

1. Cossacks are standing,

They have white caps.

(Stumps under the SNOW)

2. Carved, lace

Spinning in the air.

And how it sits on the palm,

So immediately - water.


3. Not a beast, not a bird,

And the nose, like a knitting needle,

Flies - screams, Sits - is silent.

Who will kill him

Shed his blood.


4. Without arms, without legs,

And he draws patterns on the windows.


The robbers could not guess a single riddle correctly.


How much we don't know!

Have to go to mind school recruited!

Guys, forgive us!

Can we stay on your holiday?

We will be good and obedient!

The robbers remain.

Leading: Dear guys, dear guests, I suggest you play the game "If you like it, then do it".

Dance game.

Sounds like a cartoon song. On the snowflakes appear on the stage

Snowflake: Dear friends! We have come to congratulate you on New Year!

Snowflake 2:

New the year comes to us like moonlight

And the flickering of bright candles.

New Year! Let him be good

For you and for our friends!

Snowflake: Guys, we have a surprise for you. We will now hold a New Year's lottery.

Win-win lottery.

The host reads the wishes to the numbers tickets:

No. 1 - By chance, Georgian tea fell out on your ticket.


No. 2 - So that your face and your hands are clean, a piece of fragrant soap fell out on your ticket.


No. 3 - Dimensionless vessel for various volumes of liquid.


No. 4 - To keep your teeth from hurting,

Clean them at least once a week.


No. 5 - They wanted to win a flashlight, but they just got a ball.


No. 6 - Must be happy in abundance. From the lottery you now: You got a wonderful postcard as a souvenir from us.


No. 7 - You will receive a balloon,

Fly into space to the stars.


No. 8 - A rather rare surprise for you - Two paper napkins.


#9 - Get it - Hurry:

You - a notebook: write poetry.


No. 10 - Don't get sick, be strong, we're giving you pills.


No. 11 - Look you wonderful: And clothes, and hairstyle - And as a reward, your winnings did not fall in vain - a comb.


No. 12 - In order to distinguish the days well, you need to know the Calendar well.


No. 13 - About all the news in the world Read in the newspaper.


No. 14 - You obey advice: Fruit is the best diet.

No. 15 - You got the candy,

Come visit us.

No. 16 - To be able to find out income: A notepad will come in handy.

№ 17 - "Hooray!"- shout to the whole world, You have a souvenir car.


No. 18 - So that your hairstyle is beautiful - Get a comb as a gift.


No. 19 - No typewriter - We offer this item.


No. 20 - In life, you have to hope for the best,

Glue you take, if something is not glued.


No. 21 - To write beautifully to you,

Hurry up to get a pen.


No. 22 - This piece will correct the mistake,

This eraser is called a rubber band.


No. 23 - This is not a cup, this is not a watering can.

This is the line everyone needs.


No. 24 - Always sharpen the pencil

And get a sharpener.


No. 25 - I got into the car, drove off,

AT school quickly you came.


No. 26 - Japanese camera.


No. 27 - Preparation for the development of the jaws.


№ 28 - Measuring device highest precision.


No. 29 - Music Center.


No. 30 - This item will come in handy "five" to study.


Leading: Guys, it's coming soon. New Year. And who do we need to meet this holiday?

Children: Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

Leading A: That's right, guys. Let's call them.

They are Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Del Moroz: Hello, dear guys!

Snow Maiden: Hello, dear adults!

Father Frost: FROM Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden: We wish you happiness with all our heart!

Father Frost: To live this year for you

Snow Maiden: Without sorrow and worries,

Father Frost: So that you work with success,

Snow Maiden: A on holiday had fun,

Father Frost: And good luck with your business

Snow Maiden: And smiles on the lips!

Father Frost: For love to bloom like a rose,

Snow Maiden: And not lethargic from the cold.

Father Frost: And the kids - the house is full.

Snow Maiden: Be happy in everything!

Leading: Thank you, Grandfather Frost, thank you, Snow Maiden! Something holiday we don't quite succeed.

Father Frost: Why?

Leading: Yes, the Christmas tree does not burn.

Father Frost: Yes, it's a mess. But in order for it to catch fire, three conditions must be met.

Leading: What kind?

Father Frost: Sing a song about Santa Claus.

Children sing a song.

Father Frost: Thank you, made the old man happy. Here is the second condition: I love snow very much, but here it is not visible at all. Snow Maiden, call your girlfriends-snowflakes, let them circle, zavyuzhat.

"Dance of the Snowflakes"

Father Frost: Well, thank you folks. Now I'm warm. Are you ready to fulfill my third condition?

Children: Yes!

Father Frost: Well, then repeat the magic spell after me.

Frost crackles,

A blizzard is blowing

And here is a big fir tree.

You, Christmas tree, burn!

You are on us shine a holiday!

You, Christmas tree, burn!

You are on us shine a holiday!

The lights on the tree are on.


Lantern lights

They sparkle brightly.

Dancing near the Christmas tree

We are all invited.

Children lead a round dance and sing:

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Father Frost: Oh, grandchildren, I'm tired, tired.

Leading: And you sit down, grandfather, on a chair. Our children will tell poems about the earth.

Children recite poetry.

Santa Claus distributes gifts to children.

Father Frost: Oh well done you guys. Made the old man happy. But it's time for us to say goodbye, we are with the Snow Maiden in another school children are waiting.

Snow Maiden: Goodbye, guys! Before new meet next year!

Children in chorus: Goodbye!

Sounds like a Christmas song

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  • Fairy tale: “Golden Cockerel in a new way”

  • Scenario of the performance for the New Year for children: “Mouse Riot”

  • New Year's party for children "Cinderella against Baba Yaga"

  • Musical scenario of the New Year's performance with fairy-tale characters

  • Mini-scenario from Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden at home on their own

  • Scenario for calling Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga and Leshy to the house (for children)

  • Scene at home based on Pinocchio

  • New Year's fairy tale "Zayushkina hut" - in Japanese style

  • The scenario of the children's New Year in the village club: "A fairy tale with a happy ending"

  • Scenario of the New Year's play for children: "Alice at the ball at the Red Queen"

  • New Year's play for children: "For the New Year's dream"

  • Scenario of the musical fairy tale-play “In search of Santa Claus”

  • Scenario of a musical New Year's fairy tale for children: “The Snow Queen”

  • Super-scenario Santa Claus and Snow Maiden on call

  • Scenario of the New Year's performance at school: "Morozko" (in a new way)

  • Scene for the New Year with the participation of forest evil spirits

  • Scenario of the play for children: "New Year's pig"

    Scenario of the New Year's play: "Peppa Pig and Despicable Me"

We offer scripts for a New Year's performance for a theater group, for young spectators of a kindergarten and school. The collection includes a variety of scenes, scenarios and quests for home, school and kindergarten, in DK, theater with the participation of the symbol of the year 2020 - Mice!

Our scripts are suitable for elementary school and high school students. Conducting in houses of culture, rural and urban clubs, theater studios, school theatres.

We offer new New Year scenarios for children (both toddlers and schoolchildren) to the host of the children's holiday, which can be held at school, kindergarten and at home. For short New Year's matinees for 10-15 minutes there are competitions and games for kids 2-3 years old. For middle group a festive program for 30-40 minutes is suitable. Children of senior and preparatory age for school will withstand a 1-1.5-hour matinee. We will try to keep everyone's attention age group! Children will be interested!

For schoolchildren, tea drinking with games and competitions, in which small prizes will be drawn, will become indispensable. It is more suitable for grades 1-4. For grades 5-9, you can arrange a fairy tale on your own right in the classroom, you just have to distribute the roles to the participants in advance. For high school students (grades 9-11) we offer plans New Year's programs with fun competitions, after which there will definitely be a cool disco.

For any class, you can hold a common holiday at school, children different ages can take part in the play. It will be great if Santa Claus is the director, and Baba Yaga is a biology teacher!

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