Dream of playing a musical instrument. Why dream of musical instruments. What do dreams mean Musical instruments

Playing musical instruments - to success, joyful prospects and a pleasant pastime. Playing in an orchestra is a harbinger of fun entertainment, a sign that your chosen one will always be faithful to you. Playing the accordion is not a very pleasant affair with a happy ending. Play the harp - to marriage and a happy family life. The dream in which you play the balalaika means joyful events in the near future. Playing a drum in a dream - get good news; on a tambourine - surprises await you, idle gossip. Playing the cello in a dream is a sign of a great joyful event in the family circle. Playing the bagpipes is a good sign, foreshadowing that everything will be fine. Play the guitar - enjoy yourself in a new interesting society in which you will find a life partner. Playing a pipe in a dream is a pleasant surprise. In general, to play some kind of wind instrument of unknown origin is to experience a strong shock. Playing the organ in a dream is a harbinger of someone's death. Playing the horn means that in reality the slanderers will bring you to tears. Playing the violin portends profit and disputes about its distribution. Playing the flute - to unsuccessful meetings, failed deals and unsuccessful purchases. Play the piano - for a date with your loved one; on other instruments - to a successful course of affairs. If in a dream you play notes, this portends positive changes in your life.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Musical instruments in a dream why dream

Musical instruments - Seeing musical instruments in a dream - to receive long-forgotten pleasures; if they are broken, then the pleasure will be interrupted by the intervention of an uninvited company.

To see a guitar hanging on the wall in a dream is a pleasure, to play it means to find out interesting news in reality, to hear it means to grieve about what was in your hands, but you did not take the opportunity. Buying a guitar in a dream is a sign that you have to make a choice.

An electric guitar in a dream is a harbinger of your desire to find a common language with those who are unpleasant to you, but very necessary; play on it - make an unfortunate mistake and reveal the secret at the most inopportune moment.

Hearing a bass guitar in a dream means that someone is trying to harm you by creating various obstacles in your path.

Seeing a piano in a dream is a harbinger of some fun event or meeting, playing it is a sign that your undertaking will bear good fruit.

If you dreamed of a broken and out of tune piano, it means that in reality you are tormented by the non-recognition of your merits to society. Seeing an old piano in a dream is a sign that your troubles are the result of neglecting good advice. For a girl in a dream, learning a complex melody means that one of her friends will show deeper feelings for her than just friendship. If in a dream you see a piano or play it, it means that old friends or former employees will let you know about yourself.

In a dream, to hear an organ in a church - to the collapse of the family, a sad chant in a dream, accompanied by an organ - to tedious work, a quarrel with friends.

Seeing an accordion in a dream or hearing a game on it is a pleasant pastime, an invitation to a celebration.

Hearing a button accordion in a dream - to the appearance of your faithful assistant and friend. Seeing you playing it is a sign that you will please your family with something.

Hearing an accordion in a dream is for entertainment, getting rid of sad memories. For a young woman to see herself playing the accordion is a harbinger of a meeting with a loved one, a union with whom will be happy and long. If the accordion is out of tune, then your close friend may get sick.

Seeing yourself or someone playing the cello in a dream is a great joyful event.

Seeing a pipe in a dream is good news, it is also a sign that you will have unusual hobbies, blowing a pipe - to fulfill your desires.

Seeing a violin in a dream - to a fun pastime, good luck in love, an addition to the family. Playing the violin in a dream with an orchestra - to render you all honors, alone - a sign that you will find comfort and peace of mind.

To see a balalaika in a dream - to joy, fun. Hearing praise about your playing the balalaika in a dream means that in reality you will receive an undeserved reprimand. If a string breaks while playing the balalaika, this promises an unexpected change in your plans.

Hearing the sound of musical cymbals in a dream is a disease of an elderly person from your environment.

To see a drum in a dream - to benevolent relations with others, for sailors, fishermen and merchants - this is a sign of good luck and prosperity. If the sound of the drum is muffled, it means that one of your friends needs help, loud - a harbinger of happiness, prosperity, a successful career. If in a dream you beat a drum, it means that you will be visited by a guest who has arrived from afar.

Seeing a pipe or a small flute in a dream or playing them means that despite the rumors spread about you, your reputation will remain impeccable; hearing the sounds of a pipe means that soon you will have to defend your honor or the dignity of people close to you; for a woman, this is a sign that she is waiting for a marriage with a military man.

Miller's dream book

Musical Instruments - A dream about musical instruments promises long-awaited pleasures. If the tools are broken, then the pleasure will be spoiled by the intervention of an uninvited alien company.

This dream tells a young woman that she will be able to arrange her life the way she wants.

Women's dream book

Why does a woman dream of Musical Instruments, what is this dream about?

Musical instruments - To see musical instruments in a dream - to long-planned entertainment. Broken instruments indicate that your pleasure will be spoiled by the appearance of intruders. For a young woman, such a dream portends the opportunity to make her life the way she wants to see it.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why dream of musical instruments in a dream

Musical Instruments - Property of no use

Collection of interpretations of Zhou-Gong

Why dream in a dream Musical instruments

You give a longitudinal flute to another person - portends fame, glory. You give a man castanets - portends a squabble. You press a stringed instrument to your chest - There will be support, help from another person. You play the sheng instrument - portends change. You play the longitudinal flute and beat the drum - There will be joy, a holiday. Another person plays musical instruments - You will be recognized as right in litigation, litigation.

Music box - A mechanism that produces repetitive music. This image may indicate a mechanism of latent obsession or a manifestation of schizophrenia (see toy).

Musical equipment - No sound - expectation of change.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do musical instruments dream

Mandolin - Playing a mandolin in a dream means that you will have to spend a lot of effort, time and nerves in order to achieve a decision in your favor of an extremely important matter for you, on which your entire future career largely depends. Hearing the sounds of a mandolin portends melancholy, despondency and disappointment. A broken mandolin speaks of the onset of unfavorable life circumstances for you.

musical instruments- To see musical instruments in a dream - promises long-awaited pleasures. If they are broken, the pleasures will be interrupted by the intervention of an uninvited motley company. If a young woman sees this dream, he portends her a real opportunity to make her life the way she wants to see it, Miller's Dream Book

play a musical instrument- You will play on the nerves of someone., Family dream book

oboe (musical instrument)- Have an artistic vocation., Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

hear the game on musical instruments or play it yourself- success, joy and peaceful relations with others., Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

musical instruments- property that does not generate income. Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

musical instruments- Musical instruments dream to great pleasure. But, if they are broken, the pleasures will be interrupted by something or someone. If a young woman sees a musical instrument in a dream, then she will have a chance to make her life the way she wants to see it., Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

tools according to the description - Seeing wooden (carpentry) tools in a dream - in reality it can be a harbinger of the unsuccessful completion of any work. To deal with iron (locksmith's) tools in a dream - such a dream predicts success in the business begun. Broken tools portend a serious illness of one of your relatives or friends. Medical instruments - times are unfavorable for you, surgical - the disease threatens you directly. If you dream of tweezers, it means that in real life a rather delicate situation will develop around you, which will cause you a lot of trouble. A scalpel portends domestic troubles or dissatisfaction with how a friend treated you. Drawing tools portend a meeting with a distant relative, whom you know only from the stories of the elders in the family. The compass is a sign of upcoming failures in business. Musical instruments warn against a possible accident. Seeing a chisel in a dream means that in reality you will force you to reckon with your opinion, which will cause well-deserved respect. To sharpen a chisel - to some losses. A whirlpool in a dream suggests that only diligence and diligence will pave your way to happiness. File - to hard and long work. Planer - to minor troubles., Dream Interpretation Melnikov

music by description - Dreaming of playing a musical instrument, dancing or listening to music is positive in itself if such a dream implies a new, progressive path. But this image can also be negative if the music is accompanied by repetitions, choruses, or resembles songs from childhood, or is well-known classical melodies, since in this case it symbolizes the penetration of the neural microprocessor stabilizer into the brain., Images of Meneghetti

accordion by description - Playing this musical instrument, which you hear in a dream, portends you to soon participate in some kind of entertainment that will save you from painful thoughts and despondency. Playing the accordion yourself is a harbinger of very sad events, the result of which, however, will be a meeting with a person who will turn your whole life upside down, becoming a faithful companion for many years. However, if the instrument is out of tune, your friend may become seriously ill., Dream Interpretation Melnikov

harp by description - Seeing a musical instrument in a dream means that you will have the opportunity to have a good time. If the harp is broken, this is a sign of illness, and for lovers, such a dream portends a betrayal of this word. Hearing someone playing the harp - a case that seemed win-win will end in an unfavorable way for you. To play it yourself - you will be comforted in sadness, but do not be overly trusting, especially if there is even the slightest reason for this in a love relationship., Dream Interpretation Melnikov

play by description - A dream in which you see yourself gambling, portends trouble. If you win at the same time, in reality you will fall into a bad company and, trying to leave at the expense of others, you will make enemies for yourself. If you lose, they will laugh at you, having acted dishonorably, you can cause involuntary damage to your friend. Playing cards in a dream - in reality, succumb to temptation and be deceived, while playing a dishonest game is a harbinger of a serious illness. Playing chess or checkers - in reality to have fun, playing billiards - to trouble, badminton or tennis - surprise awaits you, skittles - loss awaits you. Play games with children - in real life you will experience sadness, boredom and frustration. Playing musical instruments - to success, joyful prospects and a peaceful relationship with others, as well as a pleasant pastime. Playing in an orchestra is a harbinger of fun entertainment, a sign that your chosen one will be faithful to you. Playing the accordion is a harbinger of sad events, but with a happy ending. Playing the harp - to marriage and a happy married life. The dream in which you play the balalaika portends joyful events in the near future. Playing a drum in a dream - you will receive good news, on a tambourine - surprises await you caused by idle gossip. Playing the cello in a dream is a sign of a great joyful event in the family circle. Playing the bagpipes is a positive sign, portending that everything will be fine. Playing the guitar - enjoy in a new interesting society in which you will find a life partner. If in a dream you play the oboe, this indicates that artistic abilities are hidden in you. Playing a pipe in a dream - to joyful amazement, pleasant surprises. In general, playing some kind of wind instrument of unknown origin is to experience a strong shock from unexpected events. Playing the organ in a dream is a sad sign, a harbinger of someone's death. Playing the horn - such a dream means that in reality the slanderers will bring you to tears. Playing the violin portends profit and contentious issues on its distribution. Playing the flute - to unsuccessful meetings, failed deals and unsuccessful purchases. Playing the piano - for a date with your loved one, playing other instruments - for a successful course of affairs. If in a dream you play notes, this portends positive changes in your life. Play solemn hymns - in reality you will have to take on extremely boring duties, marching music - to receive a letter from afar. Hearing how others play musical instruments portends joyful events in the family circle. Play scales in a dream - in reality, become disappointed in your lover. Play the accordion - in reality you have to participate in noisy entertainment with a plentiful feast and drink. Playing dominoes and losing means that your best friend will insult you. In addition, this dream portends that you will make your loved ones worry about you very much. In reality, you should be more careful with strangers, especially men. If you play dominoes, winning, this portends a dubious hobby that will greatly poison your life. Playing dice in a dream is an unsuccessful speculation that can lead to ruin and despair. For a young girl, such a dream portends that her lover is not worthy of her respect and love. Playing blind man's blind with someone in a dream means that in reality, actively begin to look for a groom for yourself., Dream Interpretation Melnikov

cacophony by description - Hearing in a dream a cacophony of musical instruments before the start of a musical performance, when the orchestra members usually tune their instruments, is a harbinger of misfortune that will break out over you for no reason. The cacophony of metallic and other sounds heard in the factory floor or at the construction site portends a postponement of vacation due to urgent and urgent matters., Dream Interpretation Melnikov

keys by description - Seeing the keys of musical instruments in a dream is a change in circumstances in your life. Luck replaces bad luck or vice versa. Hitting the keys - to receive money. Piano keys portend joy and triumph, accordion or accordion keys - bright sadness, organ or harpsichord - you will be honored. Typewriter keys portend hard and hard work. The keys of a calculator or computer - to mental work., Dream Interpretation Melnikov

lyre by description - A lyre seen in a dream as a symbol of poetic creativity and inspiration portends simple worldly pleasures and complete mutual understanding between partners. Seeing the lyre as a musical instrument that someone plays is a sign of sublime love, which is contraindicated in petty insults and jealousy., Dream Interpretation Melnikov

music by description - If in a dream you hear the sounds of music on the radio, this portends troubles that will befall someone you know. Music sounding from a tape recorder - to the visit of a person whom you would not want to see at all. Hearing music at a concert or opera predicts a domestic quarrel. Musicians playing out of order means that you will incur significant expenses, which in principle can be avoided. Cheerful, cheerful music promises a pleasant pastime with friends. Solemn, majestic music portends a long friendship and reliable well-being. Bravura, marching music is a sign of good luck on the way to achieving life's blessings. Sad and sad music - to the hopeless collapse of the family and other troubles. Hearing mourning music in a dream is a sign of sad events in your home. If jazz music sounds in a dream, this means that the events of the near future will cause you a whole storm of the most conflicting emotions. A musical cacophony of disharmonious and harsh sounds promises trouble that your own children will bring to you. If in a dream you hear popular, well-known classical music, this portends long and tedious conversations, a waste of time. The annoying melody of a popular hit that constantly sounded in your ears means that tedious work awaits you and, possibly, the loss of friends or position in society. Composing music in a dream is a sign of significant changes in your life that will happen very soon. Playing musical instruments is a harbinger of joyful events. Seeing wind musical instruments - in reality you will receive a letter from a distant friend. An accordion seen in a dream predicts bleak events, but with a happy ending. Harp - to marriage and a happy life in marriage. The balalaika portends joyful events, the drum - good news, the tambourine - surprises caused by intrigues and slander of ill-wishers. The cello is a sign of a big, joyful event in the family; bagpipes - a positive sign, portending that everything will be fine with you. Seeing a guitar in a dream or playing it - enjoy yourself in a new interesting society. The oboe testifies to your unrealized creative possibilities. A pipe or a horn - to joyful surprises and overcoming the consequences of slander. Organ - to the dead. A violin in a dream portends a profit, a flute - to unsuccessful meetings. Piano, grand piano or piano - for a long-awaited meeting with a loved one after separation. Seeing in a dream music recorded with notes portends the fulfillment of desires. If you play by notes, this promises you joyful prospects. To play or hear scales in a dream - in reality you will have to take on the performance of tiresome duties. Hearing solemn cantatas or hymns in a dream portends extreme poverty and need., Dream Interpretation Melnikov

trumpet by description - The trumpet symbolizes peace and tranquility after a long struggle. Seeing a sewer, gas or drain pipe in a dream, in real life you will earn extraordinary respect for yourself in your environment. An old or broken pipe is a sign of poor health or stagnation in work. A dream about a pipe - a musical instrument - means that very soon you will literally be swallowed up by new, unusual interests. If in a dream you played the trumpet, then ahead of you is the fulfillment of desires., Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

instruments by description - Medical - bad times; musical - accidents., Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

music by description - Music heard in a dream promises a great pastime. Melodious, pleasant music - to the satisfaction and soothing of the soul. Cacophony promises trouble in the family. If you liked the music and you enjoyed it a lot, then everything is harmonious in your life, you can call yourself a happy person. You are full of optimism and faith in the future, you are sure that everything is within your power. If in a dream you heard pleasant, melodious music and you knew it well, then such a dream portends a return to the past. Before, you were sure that there was no going back, but now you will realize that you were wrong. We heard sharp music in a dream that made you excited - in the future, do some act against your will. Then you will regret what happened for a long time. They themselves performed music on some instrument - in reality, decide to take the initiative into your own hands and you will not regret it at all. You will be able to experience new sensations that were completely unfamiliar to you until now. D. Loff wrote: “If the musical background is pleasant for all those present, interpersonal relationships with others develop well for you. If you don't like someone's music, this is a signal to avoid these people. If a love song or hard rock sounds, then you will not be at a loss, you know what to do. Background music in dreams is a common phenomenon. We are accustomed to the fact that the music on television or in films sets the tone for the scene and defines the character of the character. The process of composing music in a dream is interesting. This can tell a lot, especially when you consider the emotions that accompany this process, which, in turn, will help you decipher the meaning of the images. Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

Right now, interpretations for dreams are being watched on the site:

Musical instrument

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see yourself in green clothes and like yourself

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rotten teeth of the dead


dirty hands




Black shoes


Clear water on the beach



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see the beloved



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Miller's dream book

Seeing musical instruments in a dream promises long-awaited pleasures.

If they are broken, the pleasures will be interrupted by the intervention of an uninvited motley company.

If a young woman sees this dream, he portends her a real opportunity to make her life the way she wants to see it.

Why do musical instruments dream

Freud's dream book

Most musical instruments are themselves symbols of a woman, with the exception of long instruments like the flute or clarinet, which symbolize the masculine.

However: Whatever symbolizes each musical instrument (man or woman), but playing any musical instrument is a symbol of onanism or masturbation.

If you are asked to play a musical instrument, others have become aware of your hobby, and you have become the subject of gossip.

If you walk with a musical instrument, you are prone to exhibitionistic antics.

If a musical instrument breaks while playing it (a string breaks, keys sink, etc.) - you will soon part or have recently parted with your sexual partner.

If unclear or unpleasant sounds are heard when playing a musical instrument, you are unhappy with your partner, but do not dare or do not want to break up with him, and you have secret thoughts of self-satisfaction.

If you break your musical instrument in a dream, this symbolizes possible diseases of the genital organs, but it can also symbolize your desire to stop masturbating (masturbation).

If a musical instrument is idle (hanging on a wall, standing in a closet or against a wall, etc.) - you often have sexual fantasies that you cannot realize, and you have thoughts of self-satisfaction.

If in a dream a lot of people play musical instruments - perhaps you are abusing self-satisfaction.

Why do musical instruments dream

Family dream book

Musical instruments - dream to great pleasure. But if they are broken, then the pleasures will be interrupted by something or someone.

If a young woman sees a musical instrument in a dream, she will have a chance to make her life the way she wants to see it.

Why do musical instruments dream

Spring dream book

Playing musical instruments is a shock.

Why do musical instruments dream

Autumn dream book

Play a musical instrument - you will play on the nerves of someone.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Playing musical instruments is a harbinger of joyful events. To see wind musical instruments - in reality you will receive a letter from a distant friend.

An accordion seen in a dream predicts bleak events, but with a happy ending. Harp - to marriage and a happy life in marriage. The balalaika portends joyful events, the drum - good news, the tambourine - surprises caused by intrigues and slander of ill-wishers.

The cello is a sign of a big, joyful event in the family; bagpipes - a positive sign, portending that everything will be fine with you. Seeing a guitar in a dream or playing it - enjoy yourself in an interesting new society. Oboe - testifies to your unrealized creative possibilities.

A pipe or a horn - to joyful surprises and overcoming the consequences of slander. Organ - to the dead. A violin in a dream - portends a profit, a flute - to unsuccessful meetings. Piano, grand piano or piano - for a long-awaited meeting with a loved one after separation.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Musical instruments - property that does not bring benefits.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Seeing musical instruments in a dream is a long-planned entertainment.

Broken instruments - indicate that your pleasure will be spoiled by the appearance of uninvited guests.

A young woman has such a dream - portends the opportunity to make her life the way she wants to see it.

Why do musical instruments dream

Modern dream book

Seeing musical instruments in a dream - to anticipated pleasures.

If you dreamed of broken tools - obsessive friends put these pleasures. A young woman has a similar dream - predicts that she has the strength to arrange life at her own discretion.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

non-income property.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What does it mean in a dream Musical instruments to see in a dream - you see musical instruments in a dream - joyful events will soon happen in your family; you will experience the pleasures that you have long sought. You seem to hear that musical instruments are out of tune - falsehood will creep into the relationship between you and your loved ones; this will be clear to everyone, and you will be annoyed when you notice that loved ones pretend that nothing happened. You dream of broken musical instruments - uninvited guests will come to you and disturb the peace, they will not let you work or rest. A young woman dreams that she has learned to play some kind of musical instrument - the dream says that this woman has gained enough experience and can build her own life.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Instruments (musical) - in general, love or business relationships.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

What do musical instruments mean in a dream - Enjoy the rest. Imagine that you are playing the instruments you dreamed about, and everyone around admires this music.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream Interpretation of Krada Veles

A musical instrument is the energy range of a person, this is your energy or the energy of another person; Is it someone else or is it yourself.

To play a musical instrument is to come into close contact with the energy of another person, try to find harmony in relationships, or is it your own harmonious perception of the world around you.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Musical instrument - You give a longitudinal flute to another person. - Portends fame, glory. You give the man castanets. - portends a squabble. You press a stringed instrument to your chest - There will be support, help from another person. You play the sheng instrument. - portends change. You play the longitudinal flute and beat the drum. - There will be joy, a holiday. Another person is playing musical instruments. - You will be recognized as right in litigation, litigation.

Music box - A mechanism that produces repetitive music. This image may indicate a mechanism of latent obsession or a manifestation of schizophrenia (see toy).

Musical equipment - No sound - expectation of change.

Why do musical instruments dream

English dream book

You dreamed of Musical Instruments - Playing musical instruments in a dream suggests a desire to appeal to the emotions of others: the musical direction and instruments reflect the emotional state that you are trying to evoke. What is the dream about: What instruments were present in your dream? Most stringed instruments are considered feminine because of their round shape and sound. The violin and guitar are especially often used as the embodiment of the female body. Harp - romantic and thoughtful, very feminine. Brass instruments, on the other hand, are loud, daring and defiant. Do you blow fanfare? How did the audience perceive the sounds in the dream? Woodwinds are phallic in shape, but their sound is soft and gentle, almost caressing. Dreams about playing the flute or oboe indicate a desire to convince and persuade, instead of coercing by force. Piano, organ and synthesizer are versatile and powerful instruments used in various musical genres. Dreams in which you play them well speak of self-confidence in most life situations. Drums, cymbals, and other percussion instruments can symbolize marching to other people's drums, especially if you're independent and individualistic in real life. In addition, they are loud and turn on the listeners - are you trying to draw attention to yourself?

Why do musical instruments dream

Big dream book

Mandolin - Playing a mandolin in a dream means that you will have to spend a lot of effort, time and nerves in order to achieve a decision in your favor of an extremely important matter for you, on which your entire future career largely depends. Hearing the sounds of a mandolin portends melancholy, despondency and disappointment. A broken mandolin speaks of the onset of unfavorable life circumstances for you.

Why do musical instruments dream

Psychoanalytic dream book

You dreamed of Musical Instruments - see also Drum, Flute, Organ or Piano.1. Musical instruments in a dream are responsible for our skills and abilities in communication. Wind instruments suggest intelligence. Percussion instruments are the fundamental rhythm of life. 2. Sometimes in a dream, musical instruments may suggest sexual organs and thus an attitude towards one's sexuality. 3. Ways of self-expression (for example, playing a musical instrument) are suggestions of our creativity and are spiritual activities.

Why do musical instruments dream

Home dream book

You dreamed of Musical instruments - the ability to express your feelings, to reveal your abilities.

Why do musical instruments dream

Women's dream book

Musical instruments - Seeing musical instruments in a dream is a long-planned entertainment. Broken instruments indicate that your pleasure will be spoiled by the appearance of intruders. For a young woman, such a dream portends the opportunity to make her life the way she wants to see it.

Why do musical instruments dream

Idiomatic dream book

"Play the first violin" - lead; "pipe" - "blow" (disclose); “Ring all the bells” - a natural disaster, misfortune, holiday, joy; "balalaika" - "to balabol"; "flute" (pipe, flute): "dance to someone else's pipe" - to fulfill someone else's will; “Puff on all cheeks” - try hard; “Rattle to the fanfare”, “trumpet” (about something), “beat the timpani”, “beat the drums” - an appeal, a triumph; to trouble or victory.

Why do musical instruments dream

Universal dream book

What musical instrument do you play or what musical instrument do you listen to in your sleep? Do you play this musical instrument in real life or would you like to play it? - in the first case, the dream reflects your passion for music.

If you don’t play this musical instrument in real life, maybe it’s worth a try? Perhaps this is exactly the way of self-expression that you need.

Each musical instrument affects the senses in its own way - are your emotions in a dream explained by the action of a musical instrument? What are these emotions? If you dream that another person is playing a musical instrument, how do you feel about it? Does it amuse or annoy you?

The dream in which you play a musical instrument also symbolizes initiation. Are you ready to commit yourself to anything or anyone in your life? Or do you still want to just fool around and mess around?

Why do musical instruments dream

American dream book

The symbolism depends on certain instruments.

Piano can mean - "the keys of life."

The flute speaks - about nature, freedom and childish purity, hidden in you and me.

Drums are a symbol of primitive, primitive instincts.

The harp can remind - of heavenly harmony and angels.

Harmonica - a wandering minstrel; enjoying time with friends and enjoying life.

Violin and all strings - means dedication.

Sitar is a symbol of oriental culture; mysticism; inner peace.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream Interpretation of Symbols

Instruments (musical) - in general, this is what they “use”, what they carefully “listen to”, what they listen to, admire, empathize with. These are love relationships, communication and the ability to "play" on the feelings of other people. Different tools have different meanings.

“Violin”, “guitar” indicate a woman (from the sleeping environment) - a love relationship; "pipe" - can be very talkative, divulging secrets or betraying a woman, as well as gossip or news; "flute" - can become the musical background of a certain fateful period of life or even the fate of a person as a whole, etc.

Thus, musical instruments are the symbolic expression of other people, encounters, moods, messages, sexual symbols and acts; the nature of the course of various cases.

Instruments (not sounding) indicate an emerging perspective, or (“does not sound!”) - a closed, unused opportunity.

Playing yourself is self-conceit or success.

Seeing musicians (playing) is always good.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

The dream in which you see musical instruments portends pleasure and love.

If a girl has a dream about musical instruments, this means that she will be able to make her life the way she wants. She will be lucky and will be able to achieve whatever she wants.

Why do musical instruments dream

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

You give a longitudinal flute to another person - portends fame, glory.

You give a man castanets - portends a squabble.

You press a stringed instrument to your chest - there will be support, help from another person.

Playing the sheng instrument portends change.

You play the longitudinal flute and beat the drum - there will be joy, a holiday.

Another person plays musical instruments - you will be recognized as right in litigation, litigation.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream interpreter 1829

Playing a musical instrument portends joy and pleasure; to hear the play of music means good news.

Seeing a harp or other similar musical instrument in a dream portends a lot of sense in an empty way; playing on it is pleasure and joy; cut or break it - a quarrel with a friend or the loss of something important.

Seeing and playing musical instruments portends the death of one of the relatives, generally means a funeral;

If you see the instruments and play them in a concert in the circle of many artists, then this marks consolation in sorrow, the cure of the disease;

Playing yourself or hearing others playing wind instruments means embarrassment, a quarrel, an unfavorable end to the lawsuit.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Musical instruments - pleasure, entertainment.

Broken - unexpected guests.

Play some musical instruments - you decide your own destiny.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing musical instruments in a dream - to receive long-forgotten pleasures; if they are broken, then the pleasure will be interrupted by the intervention of an uninvited company.

To see a guitar hanging on the wall in a dream is a pleasure, to play it means to find out interesting news in reality, to hear it means to grieve about what was in your hands, but you did not take the opportunity.

Buying a guitar in a dream is a sign that you have to make a choice.

An electric guitar in a dream is a harbinger of your desire to find a common language with those who are unpleasant to you, but very necessary; play on it - make an unfortunate mistake and reveal the secret at the most inopportune moment.

Hearing a bass guitar in a dream means that someone is trying to harm you by creating various obstacles in your path.

Hearing slow pleasant music in a dream - to good health and good luck in business, dissonant dissonant chords - to doing unpleasant things that annoy you, a sad melody - to sad news.

Seeing a piano in a dream is a harbinger of some fun event or meeting, playing it is a sign that your undertaking will bear good fruit.

If you dreamed of a broken and out of tune piano, it means that in reality you are tormented by the non-recognition of your merits to society.

Seeing an old piano in a dream is a sign that your troubles are the result of neglecting good advice.

For a girl in a dream, learning a complex melody means that one of her friends will show deeper feelings for her than just friendship.

If in a dream you see a piano or play it, it means that old friends or former employees will let you know about themselves.

In a dream, to hear an organ in a church - to the collapse of the family, a sad chant in a dream, accompanied by an organ - to tedious work, a quarrel with friends.

Seeing an accordion in a dream or hearing a game on it is a pleasant pastime, an invitation to a celebration.

Hearing a button accordion in a dream - to the appearance of your faithful assistant and friend.

Seeing you playing it is a sign that you will please your family with something.

Hearing an accordion in a dream is for entertainment, getting rid of sad memories.

For a young woman to see herself playing the accordion is a harbinger of a meeting with a loved one, an alliance with whom will be happy and long.

If the accordion is out of tune, then your close friend may get sick.

Seeing yourself or someone playing the cello in a dream is a great joyful event.

Seeing a pipe in a dream is good news, it is also a sign that you will have unusual hobbies, blowing a pipe - to fulfill your desires.

Seeing a violin in a dream - to a fun pastime, good luck in love, an addition to the family.

Playing the violin in a dream with an orchestra - to render you every honor, alone - a sign that you will find comfort and peace of mind.

To see a balalaika in a dream - to joy, fun.

Hearing praise in a dream about your playing the balalaika means that in reality you will receive an undeserved reprimand.

If a string breaks while playing the balalaika, this promises an unexpected change in your plans.

Hearing the sound of musical cymbals in a dream - to the illness of an elderly person from your environment.

To see a drum in a dream - to benevolent relations with others, for sailors, fishermen and merchants - this is a sign of good luck and prosperity.

If the sound of the drum is muffled, it means that one of your friends needs help, loud - a harbinger of happiness, prosperity, a successful career.

If in a dream you beat a drum, it means that a guest who has arrived from afar will visit you.

Seeing a pipe or a small flute in a dream or playing them means that despite the rumors spread about you, your reputation will remain impeccable; hearing the sounds of a pipe means that soon you will have to defend your honor or the dignity of people close to you; for a woman, this is a sign that a marriage with a military man awaits her.

Piano - can mean "keys to life".

Flute - can remind you of nature, freedom and childish purity, which lies in you and me.

Drums - may indicate primal, primitive instincts.

Organ - is a homonym of a male organ or other organs enclosed in the body.

Harp - can remind of heavenly harmony and angels.

Accordion, wandering minstrel - indicates a pleasant pastime with friends and contentment with life.

The bagpipe is a symbol of fellowship.

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream Interpretation Veles

A musical instrument is the energy range of a person, this is your energy or the energy of another person; Is it someone else or is it yourself. To play a musical instrument - to come into close contact with the energy of another person, try to find harmony in relationships, or is it your own harmonious perception of the world around you

Why do musical instruments dream

Dream Interpretation 2012

Wind musical instruments - a reflection of harmony with one's inner essence; the need to be in harmony with your inner being.

Strings - a reflection of harmony relative to a larger, whole; the need for harmony between big and small, between parts and the whole.

Percussion - a reflection of harmony within the current social status; the need for harmony within the current social status.

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

The picture seen tells about the people who play a leading role in the dreamer's life, or his secret desires, which he successfully suppresses. A dream with a pleasant emotional coloring promises good changes, an unpleasant dream - exhaustion. The fulfillment of sleep should be expected before lunch.

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Playing musical instruments - to success, joyful prospects and a pleasant pastime. Playing in an orchestra is a harbinger of fun entertainment, a sign that your chosen one will always be faithful to you. Playing the accordion is not a very pleasant affair with a happy ending. Play the harp - to marriage and a happy family life. The dream in which you play the balalaika means joyful events in the near future. Playing a drum in a dream - get good news; on a tambourine - surprises await you, idle gossip. Playing the cello in a dream is a sign of a great joyful event in the family circle. Playing the bagpipes is a good sign, foreshadowing that everything will be fine. Play the guitar - enjoy yourself in a new interesting society in which you will find a life partner. Playing a pipe in a dream is a pleasant surprise. In general, playing some kind of wind instrument of unknown origin is to experience a strong shock. Playing the organ in a dream is a harbinger of someone's death. Playing the horn means that in reality the slanderers will bring you to tears. Playing the violin portends profit and disputes about its distribution. Playing the flute - to unsuccessful meetings, failed deals and unsuccessful purchases. Play the piano - for a date with your loved one; on other instruments - to a successful course of affairs. If in a dream you play notes, this portends positive changes in your life. Play solemn hymns - in reality you will have to take on extremely boring duties; marching music - receiving letters from afar. Hearing how others play musical instruments portends joy in the family circle. Play scales in a dream - in reality, be disappointed in your lover. Play the accordion - you will take part in a noisy celebration with a plentiful feast and drink.

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