What works about true friendship. Literary works about friendship. M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

Friendship, like love, has different shades - and all of them are reflected in fiction.

Text: Fedor Kosichkin
Photo: planeta.moy.su

"What is friendship?.."

Specialized resources assure us that July 30 is Friendship Day. What it is - no one knows; as, however, no one knows what friendship itself is - because this beautiful word denotes a dozen different types of relationships. But all of them are reflected in fiction: from Pushkin "What is friendship? A light hangover…” to Petrarch's “S’amor non è, che dunque è quel ch’io sento?” (“If this is not love, tell me what?” ) - however, also mentioned in Pushkin's "Snowstorm", and Tsvetaevsky “And the one next to her is dry and burning, like hellish coal, who is he? - What a question! Of course, a friend, Not a husband, of course ...! .
We, by no means claiming to be final, have identified and illustrated eight types of friendship. Although, of course, in fact there are much more of them than shades of gray in a once fashionable book.

Friendship in arms:

Probably the oldest "type" of friendship that arose from the need to drive mammoths together and fight off hostile Neanderthals. We will not go so far into history, it is enough to recall the three French musketeers of the 17th century with their legendary "One for all and all for one!" . An exemplary contemporary of the Musketeers, Cossack Colonel Bulba expressed the same idea even more clearly: "There is no bond more holy than fellowship!" . The novel by Erich Maria Remrak is called almost the same as the novel by Dumas - but it was written in a completely different era and describes a different era. Front-line comrades have matured, and it turned out that they are different. In war as in war. And in the world as in the world.

Alexandr Duma

Nikolay Gogol

Adult Friendship:

Growing up is almost as harsh a test as war. Or maybe even more severe. Few manage to survive it without losing long-term friends with whom they once were inseparable water. And two very different books about a group of children growing up together are proof of this.

2. Arkady Gaidar

Leisure Friendship:

Joint trips, (sports) games and meals - it would seem that a much less traumatic "type" of friendship than camaraderie in arms. What is brilliantly described in the classic humorous book of Victorian England. Jerome K. Jerome keeps stressing that the three young London clerks are each in their own way unbearable - but they manage to get along quite well in the same boat. But we remember how the friendship between Onegin and Lensky ended, who at first were also just "nothing to do friends."

3. Jerome K. Jerome

4. Alexander S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

Friendship of opposites:

However, Pushkin immediately points out that his heroes were completely different - like "Scythe and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire" . And sometimes this in itself, without additional external reasons, contributes to the establishment of friendly relations. Opposites attract and complement each other. Therefore, a prosperous home boy in a clean jacket (and with endless prohibitions and restrictions) Tom Sawyer gets along well with the actual homeless child Huck Finn, who enjoys complete freedom, and the self-absorbed hermit Narcissus is in constant intense dialogue with the eternal wanderer, ebullient and active Goldmund (Chrysostom) - such thoughtful names were given to the heroes of his philosophical novel by the mystic writer Hermann Hesse.

5. Mark Twain

6. Hermann Hesse "Narcissus and Goldmund"

Friendship - "taming":

When the characters differ not only in characters, but also in age, experience and social status, it is more appropriate to talk about friendship-"domestication". Yes that's right: "We are responsible for those whom we have tamed" . Whether it's Rose, Fox or Lamb. Sixty years after the release of The Little Prince, the unusual beatnik writer Sam Savage ironically turned Saint-Exepuri's famous formula inside out. When his hero, an outsider writer, is asked how he managed to tame a rat so remarkably (i.e., this very Firmin, the main character of the book), he answers in all seriousness: “he didn’t tame, but civilized!”
Well, truly, we are responsible for those whom we have civilized.

7. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

8. Sam Savage Firmin

Friendship Assistance:

But it also happens like this: it seems that it is not necessary to “tame” a friend, but he is obviously no match for his friend. And it's great for both of them. The classic example is Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Sophisticated intellectual, cocaine player and violinist Holmes needs to lean on a rustic, but certainly decent doctor, the embodiment of common sense. Yes, and at the same time show off in front of him. And, alas, it is much easier for the reader to associate himself with an ordinary person than with a genius.
Thomas Mann took advantage of the same relationship of characters when he wrote his most complex intellectual novel, Doctor Faustus. Its full name is “Doctor Faustus. The life of the German composer Adrian Leverkühn as told by his friend. And indeed: without this very friend with the speaking name Serenus Zeitblom (serenus - “modest”), the author would not have been able to tell about the brilliant composer and his supposedly concluded deal with the devil.

9. A. Conan Doyle

10. Thomas Mann "Doctor Faustus"


Somehow it happened that the first examples of female friendships come to mind here. Countess Natasha Rostova and the pupil of the Rostovs Sonya grow up together, from childhood they share the most intimate, and the Rostovs' parents do not make any difference between the two girls. At the first ball “Two girls in white dresses, with identical roses in their black hair, sat down in the same way, but,” Tolstoy continues, “involuntarily, the hostess fixed her gaze longer on thin Natasha”. And this disparity is only growing...
Female friendship-rivalry is a terrible thing. The novel of the modern writer Anna Matveeva is about this. Not Tolstoy, of course, the scope, but the depth of immersion in the chosen topic is impressive.

11. Lev Tolstoy "War and Peace"

12. A. Matveeva


But envy and rivalry are not the only possible "variant" of female friendship. What Marina Tsvetaeva told about in her usual exalted manner in The Tale of Sonechka. This is a poetic story about the most tragic and at the same time romantic period in the life of a young - she is not yet thirty - poetess, hungry and homeless 1919 - 1920, spent in Moscow's Borisoglebsky Lane. At this time, Tsvetaeva gets acquainted with the same impoverished and romantic youth as she is - the actors of the nearby Vakhtangov studio, who are trying to discern Jacobin Paris in revolutionary Moscow and trying on, literally and figuratively, camisoles and wigs of the 18th century. Among them are young actors Yura Zavadsky and, most importantly, Sonechka Goliday - impudent, beautiful, narcissistic. And for Tsvetaeva, in this name, apparently, another Sonya appeared - Parnok, the heroine of the Girlfriend cycle, written in 1914-15. And this cycle is without a doubt a love cycle.
But the opposite also happens. It probably even happens more often. Not friendship turned into love, but love turned into friendship. How this happens is described, for example, in the now forgotten novel by E. L. Voynich "The Gadfly". No, no, this is not about the main character Felice Rivares, who carried his love for the heroine Gemma through his entire turbulent life, but about the “family friend”, the Italian Martini:

He spoke English - of course, like a foreigner, but still quite decent - he did not have the habit of staying up until one in the morning and, ignoring the weariness of the hostess, ranting loudly about politics, as others often did. And most importantly - Martini came to Devonshire to support Mrs. Ball at the most difficult time for her, when her child died and her husband died. Since then, this awkward, silent man has become for Kathy (the maid - ed.) the same member of the family as the lazy black cat Pasht, who now perched on his lap. And the cat, in turn, looked at the Martini as a very useful thing in the house.
And what about the Martini?
“Nowhere has Martini felt better than in this small living room. Gemma's friendly manner, the fact that she was completely unaware of her power over him, her simplicity and cordiality - all this illuminated his far from joyful life with light. And whenever Martini felt especially sad, he would come here after work was over, sit, mostly in silence, and watch her bend over her sewing or pour tea. Gemma did not question him about anything, did not express her sympathy for him. And yet he left her encouraged and reassured, feeling that "now you can stretch out another week or two." "Gadfly"

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Many writers have addressed the theme of friendship in their works. A friend is the person who will help you find a way out of a difficult life situation, support you with advice, you can always rely on him.

Let's turn to Russian literature.

1) So, an example of a touching and true friendship is the communication between Makar Devushkin and Varvara Dobroselova - the main characters of F. M. Dostoevsky's work "Poor People". This is an epistolary novel (in letters). Despite the extreme need and obstacles in life, each of these heroes thinks more about the well-being of the other than about their own, which is reflected in their tender letters.

2) In the novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, the story of friendship that runs through the whole work is the friendship of Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov.

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Arkady cherishes their friendship with Bazarov. Bazarov was older and more experienced than his friend with already formed views on life, sometimes very tough. Arkady is the complete opposite. All he is going to is peace and comfort, and this does not coincide with Bazarov's attitude to life - not to sit doing nothing, to work. Arkady is attached to Bazarov, but it is impossible to call this friendship. Eugene has no friends, there is no one who could speak with him on an equal footing.

3) Front-line service - there is no doubt that there is no stronger and more faithful friendship between people. There are many examples in the literature on this topic. But most often this topic is revealed in literature devoted to the Great Patriotic War (the novel by K. M. Simonov “The Living and the Dead”, the story by B. L. Vasiliev “The Dawns Here Are Quiet ...”).

Updated: 2018-04-26

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There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship; to exclude friendship from life is the same as to deprive the world of sunlight. Cicero

July 30 is celebrated as International Friendship Day around the world. This is one of the “youngest” holidays, the decision to establish it was adopted by the UN General Assembly only in 2011.

We are sure that for someone this day will be an occasion to call old friends or meet a friend whom they have not seen for a long time or to gather in a large and noisy company. This day is also good. which makes it possible to remember how many wonderful books are devoted to friendship.

In our today's selection - in our opinion, 7 of the best works. We all read most of them in our youth, but this did not make them less relevant. And our list may prompt someone to take a book from the shelf to learn about true friendship.

Alexandr Duma. Three Musketeers

One of the most filmed books in the world. A book about love, friendship, loyalty and principles. The adventures of the brave Gascon D'Artagnan and his friends are the dream of any young man.

Suffice it to say that the total circulation of the book is more than 70 million copies!

“It’s time, it’s time, let’s rejoice!”

J.R.R. Tolkien. Lord of the Rings

The epic novel by the English writer J. R. R. Tolkien is the most famous work of the fantasy genre. The Lord of the Rings was written as a single book, but because of its length, it was divided into three parts when first published: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King.

The adventures of Frodo and his friends have become one of the most famous and popular books of the 20th century. Subsequently, the story was repeatedly used in board and computer games, and was also filmed by Peter Jackson.

Among other things, The Lord of the Rings was ranked number one on the BBC's 200 Best Books list.

Erich Maria Remarque. Three comrades

A story about the friendship of three school and then front-line comrades - Robert Lokamp, ​​Gottfried Lenz and Otto Kester. it was the military fraternity that rallied the three comrades: Robert Lokamp, ​​Otto Kester and Gottfried Lenz.

The relationship of the main characters, as well as Robert's beloved, against the backdrop of post-war Germany, conquered the hearts of millions of readers.

The heroes of the novel are ready for anything for the sake of friendship. Despite the death that soaked him, the novel speaks of a thirst for life.

  • Read also:

Jack London. Hearts of three

The novel, written by Jack London shortly before his death, became his fiftieth anniversary.

The novel begins with a preface in which Jack London writes that he took up this work due to the lack of fresh plots for the cinema.

A young descendant of the pirate Morgan, who left him a rich inheritance, goes in search of his ancestor's treasure. On the way, he meets his distant relative, Henry Morgan. Dangerous adventures, unknown lands and love await them.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. A Tale of Friendship and Enmity

This work is absolutely uncharacteristic for the Strugatskys, since its target audience is teenagers. This book was the only one created by them as children's literature.

It should be noted that the authors themselves rated The Tale of Friendship and Enmity low. “The main motive was the fact that it was impossible to publish anything serious at that time. Therefore, we decided to remake the old script into a fairy tale for children of senior school age. Accordingly, this fairy tale has always been treated like this: as an unwanted and unloved child.” - Boris Strugatsky later recalled.

Friendship is one of the most frequent topics at the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination; arguments from the literature are found in almost all works of the school curriculum.

However, when writing an essay, it is important not only to be able to retell the plot, but also to formulate the thesis and the problem, which often causes the greatest difficulties for students.

What is friendship - a definition for an essay

Friendship - close relationships arising on mutual understanding, mutual respect and community of interests.

Partnership is called one of the best moral feelings of a person, because it involves disinterested help, sympathy, support in difficult situations.

Without true friendship, life is nothing. True friends are not given to every person, but the one who has them is truly happy.

Arguments from literature for an essay on friendship

When writing a final essay in grade 11 or grade 9, you need to use arguments from fiction. At the same time, it is better to take works of Russian and foreign classics that take place in the school curriculum.

Worth considering: the work of modern authors is not forbidden, but it should be borne in mind that the verifier may not know this work, which will make it difficult to check the essay, may lead to additional questions and deduction of points.

Be sure to highlight in the source text the problem that needs to be correctly formulated. For example: "the problem of children's friendship and children's games", but not "children's friendship and children's games". After that, you need to write the theses, that is, the main ideas of this text.

Several problems can be given, but the main one is one that runs throughout the text and touches on its main theme.

Each person understands the text in his own way, so the problems of one text for different students may differ slightly. Points are not deducted for this if the problem is formulated correctly and the right arguments are selected for it.

Examples of friendship in literary works

The arguments are taken from the works that take place in the course of Russian literature at school.

I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

Highlighted in the text the problem of fellowship of opposite people. When Oblomov and Stolz were children, they had a lot in common.

There is nothing more disinterested than childhood friendship, when the characters were curious, cheerful and eager to learn new things.

However, with age, Oblomov more and more went into the world of his dreams and dreams, lost interest in life and ceased to be interested in what was happening around him.

Stolz, in turn, remained an active person, he was interested in many things, he wanted to try himself in different areas.

Despite this, the heroes maintained their warm relationship throughout their lives and after growing up remained close people, they were always happy to see each other, discuss problems or difficulties.

M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

The author highlights the problems of the lack of true friendship in a person's life, the inability to sincere relationships and mutual assistance.

The main character, Pechorin, never recognized partnership, believing that one of the friends is always the slave of the other.

Maxim Maksimych sincerely considered Pechorin his friend, while the main character himself called him only a friend. Grushnitsky, whom Pechorin, on the contrary, singled out from his social circle, did not seek to have close relations with him.

And only Werner, it would seem, could be truly friends with Pechorin, but this did not happen either. Both heroes are too selfish and insensitive to selflessly help the other without demanding anything in return.

F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

The work raises a problem values ​​of true friendship and devotion.

Razumikhin and Raskolnikov are not ideal, they can even be called antagonistic heroes.

However, both of them know how to be friends and value their friendly relations.

Raskolnikov, although annoyed, feeling the excessive care of a friend, appreciates it. And Razumikhin, in turn, gladly helps Raskolnikov, takes care of him and takes care of him, without demanding anything in return.

It is more important for him to give than to receive, and in these relationships he feels happy.

I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

The author touches the problem of imaginary, fake friendship, which quickly falls apart due to different interests.

Bazarov, brought up in an ordinary middle-class family and accustomed to work, denies love, honor, faith and calls himself a nihilist.

At first, he is interested in Kirsanov, who, on the contrary, shows a penchant for the natural sciences, music, and poetry. Eugene gladly agrees to go to the luxurious Kirsanovs' estate, but quickly realizes that he is superfluous here.

A friend does not support his interests, does not help him in conducting experiments, for which Bazarov reproaches Arkady for being too soft and infantile, and their friendship quickly fades away.

L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

The text poses a problem true friendship, which, unlike the imaginary one, cannot be destroyed by anything and never.

The partnership of Andrei and Pierre withstood all the tests, the heroes did not allow it to fall apart due to distrust or betrayal, they did not subject it to vicious temptations.

Thanks to a warm relationship, Andrey and Pierre went through many difficulties and managed to make the right choice, maintaining communication for the rest of their lives.

Examples of friendship in human history

Perhaps the most striking example of this in Russian history is the close relationship between Alexander Menshikov and Peter the Great.

Having met at a young age, they, despite the difference in origin, immediately became friends.

Later, Menshinkov was an indispensable assistant and "right hand" of the tsar, and after his death he began to formally rule the state. While Peter unconditionally trusted his friend with all his affairs, including very personal ones, and turned a blind eye to many of his oversights.

Many Russian rulers had friends and girlfriends. So, Catherine II also had a devoted friend - Countess Anna Naryshkina, who was an attorney in all love affairs of the Empress.

She was aware of Catherine's personal relationships, carried love letters, organized secret meetings with her lovers. In addition, Anna, together with her husband, were among the organizers of the palace coup, thanks to which Catherine became Empress.

Examples from life experience

Examples from life can also be cited as arguments, but they will no longer be evaluated with two points, like arguments from literature or facts from history, but with just one.

You can describe in your own words a real case from your life or the life of acquaintances or friends that corresponds to the selected problem.

Of course, no one will check the plausibility of the stories written, and they can simply be invented. This is a good outlet for students who cannot make other arguments on the topic.

Short stories about friendship

It is not always possible to master a long novel; before the OGE or the USE, you can refresh your memory of short stories and stories by Russian writers, and take arguments for essays from there.

A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

In the work, the author puts the problem of imaginary friendship, betrayal of a friend because of the opinion of society.

Onegin challenges Lensky, his best friend, to a duel, realizing that someone will have to die.

The protagonist does not want to shoot with a friend, but he is afraid of public condemnation due to the canceled duel. As a result, Onegin wounded Lensky with a shot, and he died from the bullet of his best friend.

A. S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

The author of the book poses the problem of a broken friendship, which, due to a sudden outbreak of conflict, has turned into a real enmity.

The reason for this is the pride of Troekurov and Dubrovsky, the manifestation of their rash actions and ardent characters.

When everything could be changed, Troekurov did not want this, he wanted to teach his friend a lesson, showing his superiority.

As a result, after a quarrel, Kirill Petrovich took his native village from Dubrovsky, and the hero could not survive the betrayal.

A. M. Gorky "Childhood"

The writer formulates the problem true friendship, sincerity and mutual understanding.

The main character - the boy Alyosha - did not find a kindred spirit among the neighbor boys.

Once he met a "freeloader" - a man who rented a room in the Kashirins' backyard, nicknamed Good Deed.

Alyosha was immediately drawn to this man, the boy understood that the lodger was as lonely as he was. The protagonist often comes to the room to the Good Deed, they are silent, understanding each other without words.

Sometimes a friend says words to Alyosha, which the boy then remembers for the rest of his life. After Alyosha's grandfather kicked out the lodger, the boy did not forget him. He considered the Good Deed to be the first of the good people he met in his life.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

Stands out in the story the problem of lack of friends, human loneliness in the crowd.

A peasant woman named Matrena, who lived all her life for others: her adopted daughter, the collective farm, her neighbors, ended up being useless to anyone.

During her lifetime, she was lonely, and after her death, the woman's relatives thought only about the division of property, crying at the wake, more by tradition than out of pity.

"Poor people" F. M. Dostoevsky

In his work, the author puts the problem of mutual assistance, indifference, which ultimately lead to disastrous results.

Makar, wanting to help his beloved named Varenka, sells a new uniform and takes a salary in advance. As a result, he is fired.

The girl, despite the difficult financial situation, also gives Makar a penny, which he immediately drinks away. The heroes blindly tried to help each other, not thinking about the expediency and consequences of such help.

Works about friendship for children

For essays, stories or speeches on this topic, you can take arguments from the literature for children.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"

The author talks about the problem true friendship, loyalty and emotional intimacy between the characters.

When the Prince meets the Fox, he just wants to play with him. But the Fox replied that first you need to "tame" him, that is, every day to come to the same place and gradually talk with him.

After that, the Prince and the Fox became friends, and the fox often told his friend that the Prince was responsible for him, because he had already tamed him.

J.K. Rowling "Harry Potter"

The writer formulates a problem true friendship, devotion and mutual assistance that the heroes carry through their whole lives.

Harry, Ron and Hermione meet on the train during a trip to Hogwarts. Despite their different personalities, the guys quickly find a common language and become best friends.

Together they go through many tests, showing themselves as honest, sympathetic people, not indifferent to the troubles of others.

Harry, Ron and Hermione have repeatedly risked their lives to help each other, saved each other from the most difficult situations and did not allow anyone to destroy their warm relationship.

It was thanks to the solidarity of the guys that all the evil was punished, Harry was no longer in danger, and Hogwarts again became a safe place for numerous students.

V. G. Korolenko "In bad company"

Another children's work that touches on the problem of loneliness, and then an honest and open childhood friendship.

The main character Vasya was lonely, he had no friends, and his father did not understand the feelings of his own son, paying all his attention to his little daughter.

After meeting with Valik and Marusya, the hero's life changed: some meaning appeared in his life, he brought apples to Marusya and talked with Valik about various things. Vasya liked to take care of his friends, and for them he became a source of care and love, which they lacked so much.

Thanks to friends, Vasya took a different look at his father and found a common language with his sister. After the death of Marusya and the departure of Valik from the city, Vasya's life was not at all the same as before.

All his life he remembered friends who, with their short appearance, brought many new and joyful moments into his fate.

Conclusion on the role of friendship in human life

Thus, friendship is one of the most beautiful human feelings, based on trust, support, mutual assistance and close personal contact. Often it is not appreciated, taken for granted, while there are many lonely people in the world who have not known this feeling.

Everyone should understand that true friendship is not given to everyone. Anyone who has truly made friends at least once in their life is a truly happy person.

  1. (48 words) True friends are always sensitive to each other. The hero of the novel of the same name by A.S. Pushkin, Eugene Onegin, allowed himself a cruel joke in relation to his friend Lensky. He did not take into account that he could take everything to heart, and a rash act turned into a tragedy. Their relationship was not a true friendship.
  2. (48 words) Unfortunately, often under the pretext of friendship, one person uses another. Such a case occurs in the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor". Matryona's friends, taking advantage of her kindness, constantly ask her to help with the housework - of course, for free. But they know perfectly well that she already has a lot to do, but their own benefit is more important to them.
  3. (38 words) An example of sincere, tender friendship is the communication between Makar Devushkin and Varvara Dobroselova from “Poor People” by F.M. Dostoevsky. Despite poverty and life's difficulties, each of the heroes cares more about the well-being of the other than about his own, which is reflected in their touching letters.
  4. (59 words) "There is no use in someone who forgets old friends!" - so says Maxim Maksimych, one of the characters in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". He considered Pechorin a close friend and was very glad to meet again, but in return received only a cold handshake. This upset the poor old man to tears. By the way, Pechorin was punished by fate: until the end of his life he remained alone.
  5. (49 words) A somewhat unusual friendship arose between the main characters of Ilf and Petrov's novel The Twelve Chairs. It would seem that Ostap and Ippolit Matveyevich are not only partners in a common cause, but also rivals in the struggle for precious booty - however, they go all the way together, and only at the end the proximity of the goal destroys their friendly relations.
  6. (46 words) True friendship involves equality. In W. Golding's novel "Lord of the Flies", children left without adults quickly divided into leaders and subordinates, and only a few retained the ability to make friends. One of these characters is the boy Piggy, who does not abandon his friend Ralph, even when he turns from a leader into an outcast.
  7. (48 words) It is known that a friend is known in trouble. The hero of Mine Reed's novel "The Headless Horseman", Maurice Gerald, was falsely accused of a terrible crime, but could not prove anything because of his confused mind. His comrade, the hunter Zebulon Stump, did everything possible to restore justice, and he succeeded: the real culprit was punished.
  8. (57 words) In A. de Saint-Exupery's fairy tale "The Little Prince", the words of the Fox describe what friendship should be like: "We will need each other. You will be the only one in the world for me. And I will be alone for you in the whole world ... ". He also tells the Little Prince that when parting with a friend, bitterness is inevitable, but at the same time, pleasant memories will remain forever.
  9. (41 words) The idea of ​​the importance of friendship pervades J.K. Rowling's fantasy novel Harry Potter. Supporting each other in grief and joy, the heroes cope with personal problems more easily and overcome life's difficulties. But the most important thing is that only together they form a force capable of resisting evil.
  10. (41 words) The story of friendship between a man and a wolf is told by J. London in the book "White Fang". The most amazing thing is that people have done a lot of harm to the White Fang, but the kindness of the last owner has created a miracle with a wild beast. He did not remain in debt and became a devoted defender of the whole family.
  11. Real life examples

    1. (51 words) The best friendship is the one that lasts forever. But I know a more striking case, when even death did not become the reason for its end. Two acquaintances of my father fought together in a hot spot. One died, and the second still (and more than twenty years have passed!) Helps the elderly mother of his friend in memory of him.
    2. (53 words) There is a good parable about friendship. It is about an old man with a dog, who walked for a long time and were very tired. Suddenly, an oasis appeared on the way, but the animals were not allowed to go there. The old man did not abandon his friend and passed by. They soon reached a farm, the owner of which let them both in. A true comrade will not leave you in trouble.
    3. (33 words) In L. Hallström's film "Hachiko", a real friendship is born between the characters, which conquered death. The professor adopted a stray puppy who is used to meeting a savior from work. The faithful dog was waiting for his master even when he died.
    4. (48 words) It's no secret that the strongest friendships are born during the student days. Indeed, at this time people have already formed as individuals, so connections are usually established between those who are close in spirit. It is known that Boris Yeltsin met with former classmates every year and did not change his tradition, even when he became president.
    5. (43 words) They say, "A friend in need is a friend." This is clearly seen in the Russian adaptation of Dumas' novel The Three Musketeers. Yuri Ryashentsev wrote excellent songs praising the military brotherhood of heroes. Each of them, covering a comrade, sings in a singsong voice: “I will delay them, nothing!”. In this phrase, all the power of male friendship breaks through.
    6. (48 words) There are many films devoted to the theme of friendship. One of my favorites is Yolki-1 by Timur Bekmambetov. In it, an orphan girl named Varya involuntarily lied that her dad is the president and would wish her a Happy New Year. What now? Fortunately, Vova's faithful friend comes to the rescue, and thanks to his efforts, the impossible becomes possible.
    7. (54 words) Nowadays, almost every person has several tens or even hundreds of friends on social networks. Does this count as friendship? I am sure yes, if you communicate with a person a lot, and this brings you joy. Moreover, I was lucky to meet some of the Internet acquaintances in reality, and this only strengthened our affection.
    8. (49 words) There is a saying on the Internet: “A friend is not someone who communicates with you in his spare time, but someone who frees up time to communicate with you.” We can agree with this: when a person sacrifices his deeds for the sake of another, it means that he appreciates him; and if not, it's most likely just a friendship that doesn't last long.
    9. (45 words) Friendship is incompatible with selfishness - that's a fact. A good example for me is my friend Anya. I know I can always count on her. Once I urgently needed someone to come and sit with my younger brother while I was away. Anya agreed without hesitation, although she lives on the other side of the city.
    10. (48 words) You can be friends not only with people. Aren't our pets true friends? My dog ​​is always waiting for me from school, and if he sees that I am upset with something, he tries to console me, for example, puts his head on his knees or calls me to play. And vice versa, when she sees that I am busy, she will not interfere.
    11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

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