Cognition of the average group of aquarium fish. GCD in the middle group on the topic “Visiting river fish. Visual material and equipment

State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 16 combined type

Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg


continuous educational activities

with middle school children

for cognitive development

Topic: "Fish. The structure of fish "


teacher A.A. Bogoslavskaya

St. Petersburg


Target :

Give basic information about fish.

Planned results: have ideas aboutthe structure of fish and their habitat; show a desire to take care of the fish.

Tasks :

1. Teach children to highlight body parts.(Mouth, eyes, gills, tail, fins, scales).

2. Consolidate existing ideas about the aquarium, give new information about its inhabitants(features of behavior)

3. Arouse a desire to take care of the fish and the cleanliness of the aquarium.

Dictionary activation:

Aquarium, enough (mouth, food, fins, scales, gills, eggs.

Equipment :

Charged aquarium with fish, illustrations,"Magic TV", slide DVD, musical accompaniment.

preliminary work:

Excursion to "Corner of nature", watching aquarium fish, reading a fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin"Gold fish.

GCD progress:

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.

caregiver : Guys, today we will talk about someone very interesting. And about whom, you will know if you guess riddle:

Swimming under the bridge

And I wag my tail.

I don't walk on earth

I have a mouth, but I don’t speak.

(a fish)

That's right, it's a fish.(slide show).

And what are they - fish ? How are they different from us humans?(listing of characteristic features by children).

The teacher gives all the rest of the information after the statement. children : no arms, legs; there is no wool, but there are scales, fins, they breathe with gills.(schematic drawing).

Where do the fish live?(in water) . You correctly said that fish live in water, but not in any. Can they live in puddles?(children's answers with teacher's additions). Fish need a lot more than water. other : light, heat, plants, food.

Can humans live in water? That's right, they can't, but people have always been attracted to the underwater world, because you really want to know what's going on there! Under water there is an interesting and diverse world inhabited by amazing inhabitants.(Slide show and review). But traveling underwater is difficult and not always possible, so people have come up with a special house in which fish can live. Who knows what it's called?(aquarium) . Do we have an aquarium?(Yes) . Where is he located? But before we go there, let's do it with you warm-up:

Warm up.

The fish are swimming in the pond

They wave their tails.

Here we dive into the depths

Frightened Masha.

I light a flashlight

I will call them with light.

And of course I will feed

This delicious food.

And now, guys, send to our aquarium. Here it is, our aquarium! And for whom is it prepared? What is in the aquarium?(pebbles, aquatic plants, snails). Guys, the fish have become crowded in one aquarium, so we will move the small fish to a smaller aquarium. Our fish are called GUPPIES.(we release fish into the aquarium with children).

Are the fish big or small? Where are the eyes? What do fish have? Where are the fins?(on the back and on the stomach)Guys, show me how a fish helps itself to swim with its tail(showing movements by children).

And in order for the fish to live in our aquarium, what needs to be done?(feed) .

The fish are fed with special fish food. Let's feed her. What is the fish doing?(is eating) . What does she get for food?(mouth)

New information: Fishes are never still, they are constantly are moving : fins, gills, mouth.

And now guys, let's go to our cinema(Slide show). Look, fish are different in size and color. They live in various bodies of water and in fresh water.(rivers, lakes) and in salt water(seas and oceans) . But all fish have fins, gills, eyes, mouth, scales, tail.

Who knows where they come from fishes ? (children's answers and reasoning) Fish spawn , and fish hatch from the eggs, small at first, and then they grow.

In conclusion, you can ask the children to show those parts of the body of the fish that they remember in the illustration.

Theme: "Aquarium"

Educational areas:

Speech development

cognitive development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Types of children's activities:


Cognitive - research


Target :

1 Developing:

Develop the ability to organize action;

To form the ability to set a goal and set the parameters of the result;

Choose material, tools, method to obtain the result;

To form the ability of children to engage in communication during work;

To carry out reflection in the conceptual pair goal - result.

2 Educational:

Enrich and systematize the knowledge of children through cognitive research activities;

Clarify the children's ideas about fish;

To teach children to see, assess the current situation, come up with ways to solve it;

Activate and enrich children's vocabulary.

3 Educational:

To promote the formation of independence, accuracy in the performance of work.

Forms and methods of work:

surprise moment

art word



Vocabulary work: scales, algae, aquarium, fins,

GCD progress:


Organizing time. Guys join hands, stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

Guys, today Katya's sister Snezhana came to visit us. Let's listen carefully to what she wants to tell us.

Katya and I went to the pet store at the weekend. There we saw many different aquariums and examined them with interest. When we got home, we wanted to make an aquarium with our own hands. As a result, we got this (shows an aquarium). Katya offered to take him to the group. We give it to you and children. I think that it will be useful to you (gives and leaves).

Thank you, Snezhana, what an interesting aquarium you have.

(Children sit in a semicircle on chairs)

Let's take a look at it. What do you see? (Algae, pebbles, sand, shells, starfish, etc.)

Who can live in an aquarium? (listens to the children's suggestions)

Listen to the riddle and guess it.

Parents and children have all clothes from coins. (Fish)

Shines in the river with a clean silvery back. (fish)

Well done. Of course, a fish.

(Show videos or pictures of aquarium fish.)

Guys, look what beautiful aquarium fish. Did you recognize them? And what are they called? (Goldfish, cockerel, clown fish, butterfly, etc.)

Well done. Please come to the table. I have "magic pictures", look at them carefully and tell me what can be done with them? (make a picture).

Try to make a picture. What happened? (it turned out to be a fish).

word game (individual work to activate the dictionary)

  • What does a fish have? (name the body parts of the fish);
  • What is the body of the fish covered with? (Scales)
  • What helps a fish swim? (fins, tail)

- (Scales, and a tail instead of a steering wheel)

  • What can a fish do? (swim, dive, move your fins, grab food, look, turn around, etc.);
  • Are all fish the same? (All fish are different)
  • Where does the fish live? (In water)

Let's turn into fish.

Fizminutka "Fish".

The fish swam, splashed,

In clear clear water.

That will curl, develop,

They will bury themselves in the sand.

Have a rest!? Guys, who were we now? (by fish)

We had fun, we played, swam, frolicked. And in our aquarium no one lives, does not swim.

What to do? (One of the children suggests populating the aquarium with fish)

Let's put the fish in the aquarium.

What can we do to make fish appear? (children's guesses)

Do you have fish? (children's guesses) Where do we get them? (We can do it ourselves).

Of course we can do it ourselves. But as? (with my own hands) Okay guys, I agree with you.

What will our fish look like? (children's guesses)

(Silhouettes of fish and other material are on the workpiece table)

Come to the table and choose everything you need to work. Pay attention to seeds, feathers, buttons, etc. (Productive activities for children to make fish.)

Questions aimed at building a plan. (individually)

What do you want to do?

What are you going to do it for?

What does your fish look like?

What are you taking it for?

Questions aimed at analyzing the implementation.

What are you doing right now?

What have you already done?

Are you getting it? What is the difficulty? (do you need my help?)

Questions of reflection in accordance with the implementation of the plan.

What did you want to do?

Did you succeed?

Would you like to make such a fish?

General question.

Why do we make fish? (to populate the aquarium)

Take your fish and come to our guests, they will help you.

(children with a teacher populate the fish in an aquarium) music plays


Guys, look what we've got!

We with the children of another subgroup will make more different fish and replenish our aquarium.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the middle group "Goldfish"



  • expansion and refinement of the dictionary on the topic: "Aquarium fish";
  • improvement of natural scientific ideas (fish, body, head, tail, fins, gills, scales, etc.);
  • development of coherent speech;
  • development of auditory and visual attention, memory, phonemic hearing;
  • development of observation, thinking;
  • development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills;
  • activation of cognitive activity:


  • agreement of adjectives with nouns;
  • the formation of relative adjectives, the use of diminutive suffixes of nouns;
  • consolidation of case endings and the formation of prepositional - case constructions.


  • increased activity, awareness, interest in speech therapy classes;
  • fostering a sense of love for nature, a caring attitude and a desire to care for fish.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

(Riddles for children.)

Speech therapist:

This house is not wooden

This house is not made of stone

It is transparent, it is glass

No number on it

And the residents in it are not simple

Not simple, gold.

These same residents are famous swimmers.

Speech therapist: I have prepared a surprise for you today. Do you want to know what it is?

Children: Yes.

Speech therapist: Then guess another riddle:

Came to us from a fairy tale,

There was a queen.

This fish is difficult

This fish...

Children: Golden.

Speech therapist: Right. This is a goldfish. Have you heard the story about her? And who wrote it?

Children: A. S. Pushkin.

Speech therapist: And where did the goldfish live in the fairy tale?

Children: In the sea - the ocean.

Speech therapist: Right. Well, since you guessed my riddle and answered all my questions correctly, look what a surprise I have prepared for you.

2. Examination of the painting "Goldfish". Conversation.

(Expansion of the dictionary on the topic "Aquarium fish". Improving dialogic speech.)

The speech therapist shows a picture of a goldfish in an aquarium and allows the children to admire the goldfish for 20 to 30 seconds, and then asks questions and leads the observation.

Speech therapist: Who is this?

Children: Goldfish.

Speech therapist: How did you guess?

Children: She is orange, golden, like in a fairy tale.

Speech therapist: What does a goldfish do?

Children: She swims

Speech therapist: She swims in the aquarium. That is the name of her house, this glass box. Is the goldfish big or small? Compare it to a snail sitting on a leaf.

Children: She is bigger than a snail. She is big.

Speech therapist: What else can you say about goldfish? What is she?

Children: She is very beautiful and fabulous.

Speech therapist: Right. Look closely at the fish. She has a body, head, long tail, fins. The fish has gills on its head. They help the fish breathe. The fish has beautiful golden eyes and a small mouth. The body of the fish is covered with scales. Each scale is like a small gold coin, just as round and shiny. What do you think, why do fish need a tail and fins?

Children: To swim.

Speech therapist: Of course! Fish need fins so they can swim. Listen to how similar these words are: “swim”, “fins”.

Speech therapist: What does a goldfish eat?

Children: She eats food.

Speech therapist: A person feeds her correctly with dry food, and now let's rest a bit and remember our exercise "Fish".

3. Physical culture minute "Fish"(Nishcheva).

(Coordination of speech with movement, development of imitation. Refinement of the dictionary on the topic.)

The fish swims in the water

Fish are fun to walk.

(Alternately connect fingers from index to little finger and back)

Fish, fish, naughty,

(Wag with index finger)

We want to catch you.

(Twist hands forward - back)

The fish arched its back

(Squat, twisting the torso)

I took a piece of bread.

(Show grasping exercises with hands)

The fish wagged its tail

(Squat, twisting the torso)

Went away very quickly.

4. Ball game "Call it affectionately."

(Improvement of the grammatical structure of speech (formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes). Development of dexterity.)

The teacher invites you to stand on the carpet.

Speech therapist: Get in a circle. Let's play ball. I will throw the ball to you and name the words, and you will catch the ball and call this word affectionately.

5. Game "Aquarium".

(Development of visual perception, attention, thinking, orientation in space.)

The speech therapist invites the children to the model of the aquarium, on which planar images of fish are fixed.

Speech therapist: Look carefully at the aquarium, fabulous fish swim in it. Find and show identical fish. What color are they?

Children: Complete the task and answer questions.

Speech therapist: Now correctly count all the fish.

Children: Carry out the task.

Speech therapist: Now show the fish that swim to the right (left). Which swim at the top of the aquarium and at the very bottom?

Children: They answer questions.

6. The game "The fourth extra".

(Development of dialogical speech, visual perception and attention, thinking and memory.)

The speech therapist places subject pictures on the easel, which depict the inhabitants of the seas and aquarium fish: a dolphin, an octopus, a seahorse and a goldfish. Asks the children to name the extra picture and explain why it is extra, and then suggest a suitable picture in its place.

7. Articulation gymnastics.

(Development of articulatory motor skills.)

Children sit in front of a mirror, the teacher monitors the correct fit of the children.

Speech therapist: Show how the goldfish opened its mouth. Don't rush, don't stress. Perform the exercise calmly (5-6 times).

8. Split pictures "Aquarium fish".

Development of visual gnosis and constructive praxis.

The speech therapist gives the children pictures, offers to consider and name the fish depicted on them. The children name the fish.

Speech therapist: And now "disassemble" the pictures, shuffle them, and then put the images back together.

Children do the task

9. End of class.

(Assessment of children's work.)

Speech therapist: Who did you meet today?

Children: With a goldfish.

Speech therapist: What is she like?

Children: Beautiful, golden, agile, small.

Speech therapist: Where does she live?

Children: In the aquarium.

Speech therapist: What is she doing?

Children: She swims in the aquarium and makes us happy.

Speech therapist: What can you feed her?

Children: Dry food.

Speech therapist: You worked very well in class, were attentive, tried to speak correctly. You are great.

Lesson on the development of speech in the second junior group

Outline of the lesson on the development of speech "Aquarium fish"

Prepared and conducted by the teacher of the speech therapy group
senior preschool age: Timireva Lyudmila Valerievna



  • expansion and refinement of the dictionary on the topic: "Aquarium fish";
  • improvement of natural scientific ideas (fish, body, head, tail, fins, gills, scales, etc.);
  • development of coherent speech;
  • development of auditory and visual attention, memory, phonemic hearing;
  • development of observation, thinking;
  • development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills;
  • activation of cognitive activity:


  • agreement of adjectives with nouns;
  • the formation of relative adjectives, the use of diminutive suffixes of nouns;
  • consolidation of case endings and the formation of prepositional - case constructions.


  • increased activity, awareness, interest in speech therapy classes;
  • fostering a sense of love for nature, a caring attitude and a desire to care for fish.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

(Riddles for children.)


This house is not wooden

This house is not made of stone

It is transparent, it is glass

No number on it

And the residents in it are not simple

Not simple, gold.

These same residents are famous swimmers.

Children: Aquarium.

Educator: I have prepared a surprise for you today. Do you want to know what it is?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then guess another riddle:

Came to us from a fairy tale,

There was a queen.

This fish is difficult

This fish...

Children: Golden.

Educator: Right. This is a goldfish. Have you heard the story about her? And who wrote it?

Children: A. S. Pushkin.

Educator: And where did the goldfish live in the fairy tale?

Children: In the sea - the ocean.

Educator: Right. Well, since you guessed my riddle and answered all my questions correctly, look what a surprise I have prepared for you.

2. Examination of the painting "Goldfish". Conversation.

(Expansion of the dictionary on the topic "Aquarium fish". Improving dialogic speech.)

The teacher shows a picture of a goldfish in an aquarium and allows the children to admire the goldfish for 20 - 30 seconds, and then asks questions and directs the observation.

Educator: Who is it?

Children: Gold fish.

Educator: How did you guess?

Children: She is orange, golden, like in a fairy tale.

Educator: What does a goldfish do?

Children: She's swimming.

Educator: She swims in the aquarium. That is the name of her house, this glass box. Is the goldfish big or small? Compare it to a snail sitting on a leaf.

Children: She is bigger than a snail. She is big.

Educator: What else can you say about goldfish? What is she?

Children: She is very beautiful and fabulous.

Educator: Right. Look closely at the fish. She has a body, head, long tail, fins. The fish has gills on its head. They help the fish breathe. The fish has beautiful golden eyes and a small mouth. The body of the fish is covered with scales. Each scale is like a small gold coin, just as round and shiny. What do you think, why do fish need a tail and fins?

Children: To swim.

Educator: Of course! Fish need fins so they can swim. Listen to how similar these words are: “swim”, “fins”.

Educator: What does a goldfish eat?

Children: She eats food.

Educator: A person feeds her correctly with dry food, and now let's rest a bit and remember our exercise "Fish".

3. Physical culture minute "Fish" (Nishcheva).

(Coordination of speech with movement, development of imitation. Refinement of the dictionary on the topic.)

The fish swims in the water

Fish are fun to walk.

(Alternately connect fingers from index to little finger and back)

Fish, fish, naughty,

(Wag with index finger)

We want to catch you.

(Twist hands forward - back)

The fish arched its back

(Squat, twisting the torso)

I took a piece of bread.

(Show grasping exercises with hands)

The fish wagged its tail

(Squat, twisting the torso)

Went away very quickly.

4. Ball game "Call it affectionately."

(Improving the grammatical structure of speech (formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes). development of agility.)

The teacher invites you to stand on the carpet.

Educator: Get in a circle. Let's play ball. I will throw the ball to you and name the words, and you will catch the ball and call this word affectionately.

5. Game "Aquarium".

(Development of visual perception, attention, thinking, orientation in space.)

The teacher invites the children to the layout of the aquarium, on which planar images of fish are fixed.

Educator: Look carefully at the aquarium, fabulous fish swim in it. Find and show identical fish. What color are they?

Children: Complete the task and answer questions.

Educator: Now correctly count all the fish.

Children: Carry out the task.

Educator: Now show the fish that swim to the right (left). Which swim at the top of the aquarium and at the very bottom?

Children: They answer questions.

6. The game "The fourth extra".

(Development of dialogical speech, visual perception and attention, thinking and memory.)

The teacher places subject pictures on the easel, which depict the inhabitants of the seas and aquarium fish: a dolphin, an octopus, a seahorse and a goldfish. Asks the children to name the extra picture and explain why it is extra, and then suggest a suitable picture in its place.

7. Articulation gymnastics.

(Development of articulatory motor skills.)

Children sit in front of a mirror, the teacher monitors the correct fit of the children.

Educator: Show how the goldfish opened its mouth. Don't rush, don't stress. Do the exercise calmly (5 - 6 times).

8. Split pictures "Aquarium fish".

Development of visual gnosis and constructive praxis.

The teacher distributes pictures to the children, offers to consider and name the fish depicted on them. The children name the fish.

Educator: And now "disassemble" the pictures, shuffle them, and then put the images back together.

Children do the task

9. End of class.

(Assessment of children's work.)

Educator: Who did you meet today?

Children: With a goldfish.

Educator: What is she?

Children: Beautiful, golden, agile, small.

Educator: Where she lives?

Children: In aquarium.

Educator: What she does?

Children: She swims in the aquarium and makes us happy.

Educator: What can you feed her?

Children: Dry food.

Educator: You worked very well in class, were attentive, tried to speak correctly. You are great.

Dominant region: cognitive development.

Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative, speech, artistic, aesthetic and physical development. OOD is carried out by an educator and a speech therapist teacher.

Learning tasks: expand ideas about the features of the appearance of fish; learn to coordinate nouns with numerals, form related words; exercise in counting objects within five, compare groups of objects by number and equalize them; to consolidate ideas about geometric shapes, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, to compose an image of an object from geometric shapes on a plane; reinforce drawing skills with cotton swabs.

Development tasks: develop aesthetic perception of surrounding objects and objects of nature, visual attention, memory, dialogic speech skills, thinking, imagination.

Educational tasks: to cultivate interest and respect for wildlife.

Equipment: magnetic board, easel, tape recorder.

Demo material: an image of an aquarium on A 2 paper; audio recording “Sounds of nature. Water"; subject pictures: fish, snail, algae.

Handout: counting material - fish; geometric figures; images of square and round aquariums; fish silhouettes, gouache, cotton buds, napkins, oilcloths, water containers.

preliminary work: looking at fish in an aquarium; conversation “Who lives in an aquarium”, reading poems and stories about underwater inhabitants of reservoirs.

Activity progress

1. Fish and its structure
The speech therapist invites the children to fold the split pictures “Fish” lying on the tables. Preschoolers complete the task, examine the resulting fish together with the teacher and name those that are of interest. Children are offered to answer the questions: What is the difference between fish? What body parts do all fish have? How do fish move? What are their fins for? What are gills? What is the body of the fish covered with? Where do fish live? Then the teacher summarizes the answers.

2. Speech games
family of words
Vocabulary: fish, small fish, angler, fisherman, fish, fishing, fishy, ​​fish.

Preschoolers stand in a circle. The speech therapist invites them, passing the ball in a circle, to name words related to the word "fish". In case of difficulty, children are asked questions: What can you call a small fish? What is a person who fishes called? What does a fisherman do? Where does the fisherman go? What soup is made from fish? What is a big fish called?

The teacher explains that there are a great many names of fish, but all children are called fry.

call me affectionately
Dictionary: fish, scales, tail, grass, snail, water, sand, shell, stones, eyes, mustache.

The speech therapist offers to play. Throwing the ball to each of the children, he calls the word, and in response they call the diminutive form of this word and return the ball.

3. Motor pause
Five small fish splashed in the river. ( Children standing imitate the movements of fish in the water with their hands.)
There was a big log on the sand. ( Stretch your arms to the sides.)
One said: "It's easy to dive here." ( Perform forward bends with the movement of the arms forward and to the sides.)
The second answered: "It's deep here." ( Squatting with hands on knees.)
The third said: "I want to sleep." ( They rise, put their palms together under the ear.)
The fourth one started to freeze a little. ( Place crossed arms on shoulders and rub them.)
The fifth shouted: “There is a crocodile!” ( Hands imitate the mouth of a crocodile.)
Swim quickly so you don't get swallowed. ( Children scatter and sit at the tables.)

4. Exercises "Fish in aquariums"
Number of items - the teacher invites the children to count the fish lying in front of them and asks questions: How many fish are there? Are they the same or different? How are the fish different? Children answer that they have 5 large and small fish. The attention of preschoolers is drawn to the images of square and round aquariums, their shape is clarified and they are offered to put small fish in a square aquarium, and large fish in a round one, count and equalize their number. Children are led to the conclusion that in order to equalize the number of fish in two aquariums, one fish can be removed. Children count the fish in two aquariums.

Fill the aquarium - children fill in an empty aquarium on the board according to the teacher's instructions: red fish in the upper left corner; turtle in the lower left corner; yellow fish in the upper right corner; green algae in the lower right corner; snail in the center of the aquarium.

Fish made of geometric shapes - in front of the children on trays are triangles, ovals and circles. The teacher suggests naming these geometric shapes, and then laying out fish from them. Preschoolers complete the task, examine the resulting fish and come to the conclusion that they can be laid out in different ways, for example, from an oval, a triangle and a circle; from four triangles.

6. Rybka and her friends
On the window a pond
The fish live in it.
At the glassy shores
There are no fishermen. ( Aquarium)

The children are asked to solve the riddle. Then the teacher draws the attention of preschoolers to the easel, on which there is a large painted aquarium. Finding out that there is only one fish in it, and therefore she is sad, the preschoolers decide to draw fish friends for her.

Finger gymnastics
The fish swam, dived ( Children hold their palms upright.)
In clean, sunny water. ( Perform oncoming smooth wave-like movements with the hands.)
It will shrink, unclench, ( Spread and move the fingers of both hands.)
It will bury itself in the sand. ( « Dig "sand" with hands.)

7. Fixing the material
We color the silhouettes of fish ( the teacher draws the attention of the children to the white paper silhouettes of fish lying on the tables). Preschoolers are encouraged to color them with cotton swabs. After preparing the colors, they paint the fish to the sound of water flowing in the stream, and then “launch” them into the aquarium ( attached with double sided tape).

Children's ideas about the situation are reinforced with the help of questions.: What kind of fish did you get? How many fish are in the aquarium now? Do you think the fish is happy? Why has her mood changed?

Anna Semyonova, teacher
Ekaterina Kryukova, speech therapist
MBDOU D / s No. 59 g.o. Salavat
Republic of Bashkortostan

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