Pranks with kids. Jokes games. Draw games. Funny games for kids. bikers from the madhouse

You can play pranks on friends not only on April 1 - good pranks will entertain guests at any holiday. Prank games are trick games where participants may not even realize until the very end that they will find themselves in a ridiculously funny situation. Many games are accompanied by good-natured laughter at a voluntary victim. The main thing is to think carefully about whether the prank is appropriate in this company, whether it will offend anyone. The tone and friendliness of the environment play a huge role. I bring to your attention the following fun prank games:


Number of players: at least 8 people.

None of the participants should know this game (and if there are any in the company, ask them not to reveal the secret).

Everyone stands in a circle and takes each other by the arms, in the center of the circle is the leader.

The host says: “Now we will play a game called Zoo. To each of you I will whisper in your ear the name of some animal, which you must keep secret. Then, when everyone gets the name of the animals, I will mention them in my story. If the name of your animal falls out, you must quickly crouch and pull two adjacent players with you, which you hold under your arms. And the task of these neighboring players is to keep you. Understandably?"

Then the facilitator comes up to everyone and whispers the same thing in his ear, for example, "Hippo". At the same time, each player thinks that only he has the name of this animal (when the host distributes the names, he must unobtrusively pretend that he invents a new one every time - for greater persuasiveness, you can even peep into some piece of paper, allegedly distributing "roles").

It sounds something like this: “I’m walking around the zoo and I see a Lion ... (everyone is standing), I go further, I look - a Monkey ... (everyone is standing), I turn a corner, and there is a Crocodile ... (everyone is standing). I go further, I look - huge hippo... "(at this time, each player, having heard the word that was spoken in his ear "only to him alone", sharply crouches and the following happens: the whole circle flops together and cheerfully on the floor).

The draw was a success! It is advisable to provide a place for falling, otherwise you can break furniture, break something, etc.

bikers from the madhouse

In the midst of the fun, pick a good moment and invite someone to take a test of coordination (sobriety, agility).

The player's task is to lift the matchbox with two matches. Holding the heads of the matches with two fingers, each must be rested on different sides in the center of the box and thus lift it, and the arms should be extended. After several attempts, this usually succeeds.

At the moment when the box is already lifted by the victim and held by him in outstretched arms, you complicate the task: now you need to hold this box, while stomping with one foot.

When the “victim” gets the hang of it and stamps his foot on the floor with a satisfied face, holding a box of matches in front of him, you turn to the audience and declare: “This is how they start a motorcycle in a madhouse.” Audience laughter is guaranteed.

A variant of this prank: all the same, only you present it as a skill contest and invite several people to participate.

Well, a fairy tale!

The victim of the prank is told that now everyone in the company will guess one famous fairy tale. He will have to guess it by asking the company questions about the plot of the fairy tale. The whole company will answer in chorus, and not each one by one. Only "Yes", "No" and "Doesn't matter" answers are allowed. The conditions of the game seem simple to the victim, and he is removed. The company pretends to conceive a fairy tale, but in fact agrees on a prank.

The fact is that no fairy tale is conceived. And the collective response (necessarily in chorus) is built according to the following principle:

  • vowel(for example, “Is there a princess in this fairy tale?”), then everyone says “Yes!” in unison.
  • If the victim's question ends with consonant(for example, “Is there a Serpent-Gorynych in this fairy tale?”), Everyone shouts “No!” in unison.
  • If the question ends with "b" or "th"(for example, “And Koschey the Immortal?”), then everyone answers in chorus “It doesn’t matter!” (or maybe").

An important condition is that participants must clearly adhere to the rules and respond in unison in unison. Any other comments other than these three phrases are prohibited.

So, the whole company is prepared, the victim is invited, and the “guessing” of the fairy tale begins. The victim very quickly realizes that the fairy tale is somehow abnormal, to put it mildly. But confident answers in chorus make you believe in the reality of the conceived fairy tale. After 10-15 minutes, the execution can be stopped. If you have already laughed enough, you can have mercy and tell the truth that you didn’t think of any fairy tale at all. The pleasure of the game is guaranteed!


Variant of the previous draw.

Everything is the same, only two volunteers act as victims here, who are allegedly invited to play the role of detectives. They are told that they must "solve the crime". The rules for participants are exactly the same.

The detectives will achieve their goal if they figure out exactly how they are being fooled.

Wild Monkey Symposium

One wishing to be taken out of the room so that he does not see or hear the rest, he will be the "victim" of the prank. The host says: “Listen to me carefully, now we will play it. When he returns, we will say that the Brazilian symposium of the wildest monkeys has gathered here, and he needs to determine which of them is the wildest. For this, we say, you must ask: "Who is the wildest monkey here?" Everyone will shout: “Me! I!" With two attempts you have to guess who this monkey is. And the wildest is the one who screams the loudest and hits his chest harder with his fist. So you have three tries.

And now our actions: he will ask, and we will yell. After two attempts, he will point to someone. We will all pretend to be surprised and say that he guessed right. The one who was shown as the wildest monkey comes out - it's his turn to guess. Next, we think of someone as if for real (this is necessary so that the “victim” does not guess about the upcoming joke) and call the first “wild monkey”. When he starts asking “Who is the wildest monkey here?”, the first time we will scream, and the second time we will breathe in for a scream and ... only the “victim” will scream, i.e. it will become clear who is the wildest monkey here. Any questions?"

The game proceeds according to these instructions. To have more fun, you can choose not one, but several "victims", i.e. remove not one, but three or four people.


The game requires a company of 6-10 people and a "victim" - a person who has never played this game. The host sends the "victim" to another room and tells all the ignorant of the rules of the game. Then the “victim” is invited back and the leader informs her: “MPS is a person and he is among us. Your task is to find this person and find out how the abbreviation stands for. To do this, you can interrogate all of us. The question should be formulated in such a way that the respondent can only answer “yes” or “no”. We are committed to telling the truth." Moreover, everyone must ensure that this rule is not accidentally violated. This is where the “fun” begins, because MPS stands for “my right neighbor”, i.e. each participant answers about his right neighbor. The “victim” is perplexed: how can one person be both a blond and a brunette, wear glasses and not wear them, etc. And everyone claims to be telling the truth. The game continues until it dawns on the “victim”, which means MPS. For the role of "victim" it is desirable to choose a person who is smart and has a sense of humor.


The draw is extremely simple. We need a company of different sexes, preferably a little drunk, three dozen clothespins and a good mood. Two couples are called, in each a guy and a girl. Two guys are blindfolded and invited to feel by touch to find 15 clothespins hung on the clothes of their partners. When both players have coped with the task, everyone applauds in unison. The facilitator then asks the couples to switch roles. Arguing that women are more accustomed to clothespins, he proposes to complicate the task and increase their number to 15 for each person. The funny thing is that not 15 clothespins are attached to the clothes of partners, as was agreed, but 13 each. It's very fun to watch the ladies looking for non-existent clothespins!

intimate conversation

A prank game that will revive a bored audience. A couple is invited to participate. The girl is placed on a chair. Between her legs she holds a bottle with a narrow neck. A blindfolded man with a straw in his mouth is placed a few steps away from her. He needs to insert the tube into the bottle with the help of the girl's prompts. All comments are discreetly recorded on a voice recorder, and then the host announces: "Let's hear what this couple did last night." It turns out really very similar: “Below, yes, yes! Like this! No, just a little lower, right! Insert!"

Crazy cleaning lady

During the host's speech, suddenly a cleaning lady (in a dressing gown, with a mop and a bucket of water) comes on stage from behind the scenes and quite seriously begins to clean the stage (for real).

Host: What are you doing, we have a program!

Cleaning lady: I ​​have a job! All sorts of people walk around here, they only follow, and then everything disappears ...

The cleaner continues cleaning the stage, grumbling under her breath. The host shrugs his shoulders and tries to continue his speech, occasionally glancing at the cleaning lady. She, not at all embarrassed, washes a rag in a bucket and wipes the stage with a mop a couple of times. In the process, the bucket is rearranged throughout the stage and at some point disappears from the eyes of the audience backstage for a moment. At this point, you need to quickly change it to the same bucket, half-filled with confetti. The cleaning lady comes to the edge of the stage and with the words “Sit down here!” suddenly, with a flourish, quickly “pours water” on the audience. Spectators try to evade with squeals and yells. This is followed by a rain of confetti and an explosion of laughter.

Insidious phrase

The host declares that none of those present will be able to correctly repeat the three phrases that he will say after him. Of course, no one agrees with him and the game begins.

The host says the first sentence. For example: "The weather is good on Deribasovskaya." Everyone easily repeats this phrase. The host says the second phrase: "It's raining again on Brighton Beach." It is also repeated by everyone confidently. Then the Leader quickly and joyfully declares: “Aha, so you made a mistake!” Surprise, questions, argument ... And the host explains that his third phrase, which had to be repeated, was: “Yeah, so you made a mistake!”

Take the prize for the word "three"!

The competition is very simple and fun. 3 people are invited to participate. The host puts several chairs in a circle, the participants sit on them. Another chair is placed in the middle, a prize is placed on it.

The facilitator reads the verse and as soon as he says "three", the participants must grab the prize. Whoever is the most attentive and dexterous gets it as a reward. The game takes place in three stages (for example, in the first round, a chocolate bar is played, in the second, chewing gum, and in the third, Chupa-Chups). Each time the facilitator says "three" anywhere in the story.

I will tell you a story

In half a dozen phrases.

I'll just say the word "THREE", -

Get your prize now!

Once we caught a pike

Gutted, but inside

Small fish were seen

And not one, but whole ... 6

When you want to remember poetry

They do not bison until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

One, another, but better ... .9!

Dreaming guy hardened

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, do not be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command: "One, two ... march!"

One day a train at the station

I had to wait three hours...

(if they do not have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it with the words:)

Well, friends, you did not take the prize,

When there was a command to take! (if there are inattentive players)

Well, friends, you took the prize

I rate you five!

High jump

The game will require a couple of strong guys and a not very overweight volunteer (preferably female). The volunteer is kicked out the door and the rules of the prank are explained to the rest. Then they put the newcomer on a chair, blindfold him and inform him that the chair will now be raised, but he does not need to be afraid. In order not to be scared, a person stands in front of the person standing on a chair and allows you to put your hands on your head - to maintain balance. The essence of the draw is that the muscular guys, on command, raise the chair, but a little and very slowly, literally by 10-20 centimeters, and at the same time, the person who acts as a support slowly and evenly begins to squat. Thus, it seems to the volunteer that the chair has already been raised by a meter, one and a half and higher. When the assistant is already so crouched that the hands of the volunteer on the chair no longer reach his head, the leader shouts in a wild voice: “Jump! Now they're dropping it!" Try not to have hard, sharp or breakable objects around - the volunteer can really jump (because he thinks he is at a high altitude), and even fill up the rest.

word guesser

The host invites one of the guests to think of a word (absolutely any subject) and say it to his assistant in his ear. After that, the host’s assistant begins to randomly list any words, but when it comes to the hidden word, the host guesses it and says “Stop!”.

The trick is that the leader arranges with the assistant to name the hidden word immediately after “something on four legs”! It can be any animal, or a piece of furniture, or something else, the main thing is that it be on four legs! You can even come up with a few “signs” with an assistant in advance (for example, call the hidden word after “something white”, after “something round”, etc., there are many options) and change tactics every time - then it is difficult for those present will understand what your secret is, and you will definitely surprise them and have fun yourself!

Unforgettable hypnosis session

The leader (he is also a hypnotist) stands in the center of the room and invites any number of people to a “hypnosis session”. Volunteers stand in one row or sit on chairs placed in one row. The leader is facing them. Then the light is extinguished (you can turn off the light completely, but it is better if the light illuminates only the hypnotist), the leader distributes to everyone an ordinary dinner plate or tea saucer and begins the hypnosis session. At the same time, he asks volunteers to do any simple actions (close their eyes, shake their heads, shrug their shoulders, etc.), and - be sure! - from time to time asks them to rub the bottom of the plate, and then scratch their nose or chin, rub their forehead or cheek. The draw consists in the fact that each plate from the bottom is heavily smoked with matches or in any other available way, and only the presenter knows this secret. When the session ends and the light turns on, everyone sees that the faces of the “hypnotized” are heavily soiled with soot. When everyone realizes that this is a prank, there is a lot of fun. Even the “victims of hypnosis” have fun!

Water or vodka?

The draw will take place only once, but it's worth it!

The conditions of the game are simple: call any number of participants and give each of them a transparent glass with a straw (the glasses are filled with a third of a transparent liquid). The presenter announces to the spectators and participants that in all glasses, except for one, simple drinking water, and in this one - pure vodka! The goal of each player is to drink the contents of his glass through a straw so that no one guesses what exactly he is drinking: water or vodka. And the task of the audience is to try to guess who is the only one who got vodka. Then the action itself takes place: the participants, contriving in different ways, sip liquid from glasses, the audience tries to guess, expressing their assumptions. When all the contestants have completed their glasses, and the audience has put forward their versions, the presenter announces that everyone has become “victims” of the prank, since in fact there was vodka in all the glasses!

phone prank

For the draw you need a company of several people. You take turns (with an interval of about half an hour) calling the same number and asking in different voices to call, for example, Serezha Ivanov. Naturally, they answer you that you were mistaken (each time more and more nervously). The joke is that the last of you calls and says: “Hello, this is Seryozha Ivanov. Nobody called me?"


Two volunteers are called for the competition. A boiled egg (ping-pong ball) is placed in the middle of the table. The participants are tasked with blindfolded blowing an egg (ball) from the table through the side of the opponent. While the players are blindfolded, the egg (ball) is carefully removed and a plate filled with flour is placed in its place. When they begin to blow with force on this plate, they are at first amazed, and when they untie their eyes, they are indescribably delighted :) - keep your cameras ready, the shots will turn out even the same! It is desirable to attract men to participate in this competition, so as not to spoil the women's makeup, and at the same time their mood!

push up

Men - participants in the game are put on a dark, non-translucent bandage on their eyes and are offered to push themselves off the floor as many times as possible. After the men have tried their hand, the host says that the floor is not very clean and suggests laying down paper (the bandages are not removed). These are strips of wallpaper on which silhouettes of naked women are depicted in life-size. Men are now performing the task, located above these silhouettes. After a while, the host removes the bandages and asks the players to continue. Fans count the number of push-ups, cheer with jokes and advice.

hard boiled eggs

Those wishing to test themselves for courage and endurance are called, from 3 to 5 people. The host gives everyone an egg, while informing that one of them is raw. Now each participant must break an egg on his head. The one who got the raw egg will be the winner. Since all the eggs are boiled, at the moment when the other participants have already broken their "requisites", it will become obvious that the last player has a raw egg (although in fact he also has a boiled egg). Thus, after some hesitation and persuasion of the public, it is necessary to bring a person to condition, so that, without fear of anything, he boldly breaks an egg on his head and finds out that it is boiled. For patience, endurance and courage he is entitled to a prize!

Do we argue?

You find a "victim" and offer a bet with the words: "I bet that you will not budge me, even if we stand on the same sheet of newspaper opposite each other?"

Solution: the newspaper is placed on the threshold of the door so that when you close the door, you find yourself on the side where the door does NOT open. Try it, you will definitely win a chocolate bar or a bottle of soda!


This trick can be shown to a large number of people. Some of the spectators hand out the same envelopes, inside which are the same empty sheets of paper. The magician asks everyone to write a question. The magician's assistant then collects the envelopes with the enclosed slips. The magician takes the top envelope and, before opening it, says what question is written in it. For example: “What will the weather be like tomorrow?” After that, the magician opens the envelope and, as it were, checks whether he guessed correctly. It is better to ask the guests who wrote this question and comment on it. Then the magician does the same with the second envelope, with the third, and so on until the end, until he reads everything. Finally, skeptical viewers are invited to go out and check if the magician has made up. In fact, one decoy duck is sitting among the spectators. His envelope with a question about the weather is placed down - this should be monitored by the magician's assistant. When the magician says what is written in the first envelope, he utters exactly this phrase known to him. When he then opens the envelope for verification, he gets acquainted with the next question and calls it before opening the second envelope. This is a very effective trick. The main thing is not to let curious spectators check the magician until the trick is over.

Cups in hands

Everyone who wants to participate in the game leaves the room. Then the first player enters the room, they blindfold him, put him in the middle of the room. The host asks the player to spread his hands to the sides, gives him a glass in each hand, pours water into them and leaves. The host's assistant records all the words spoken by the player. The player stands for a while, he gets bored and he starts asking all sorts of stupid questions like “what should I do?” or mutter something. If the player is completely silent, then he can be stirred up - the host takes the player’s hands and begins to carefully pour water from one glass to another or do something else at his discretion. The audience is silent, no matter how funny it was! When everyone gets tired of this player, they take away his glasses, remove the bandage, report that all the words he uttered were recorded, and these are the words that he will pronounce on his wedding night! Then the next player starts, and the process repeats. At the very end, the assistant facilitator reads out (with intonation) what each player said, giving the name of the player.

Find the number on the belt

You take a belt belt (for effect, you can remove it from yourself) and say, referring to those present: “On this belt, anyone who can, can read the number. It is written in large size, so that even a near-sighted person can see it without glasses. However, finding this number is not so easy. It will take not only attention, but also ingenuity. Who's going to try to find the number on the belt?" you say, passing the belt to the audience. The belt will be examined from all sides and singly and in groups, but the number written on it will be revealed only if someone guesses what the secret of the riddle you proposed is. And the secret is very simple. In advance, it is necessary to roll the belt as tightly as possible in a spiral so that the buckle is in the first inner coil. On the spiral, write a large two-digit or three-digit number with a white or light yellow pencil. Expand the spiral - the number will disappear. It will be possible to find it only when the belt is again coiled.

Joke bet

Bet you can show everyone what you haven't seen, what they haven't seen, and what everyone won't see in the future.

Solution: Take out the nut, crack it open, show the contents to everyone and eat it.

moment of silence

A simple game is offered, for non-compliance with the rules - a fine (for example, a chocolate bar or even a bottle of champagne). The guesser pronounces the conditions to the player: “I say one, two, three. You repeat "three" and remain silent for exactly a minute. If you say even one word, you will be fined.” After that, as a rule, questions like: “Are you going to make you laugh, won’t you tickle?” The guesser gives the word that everything will be fair. When the “victim” has agreed to the game, the following happens:

The guesser says: "One, two, three"

Player: "Three"

Guessing: “Well, you lost, you didn’t have to repeat it!”

The player is indignant: “Yes, you said it yourself! (or something like that)".

As a result (if the player is not a brake, of course) - a moment of silence is interrupted, and the player himself violated the rules, which the guesser gladly informs the player about. You can "earn" a lot of chocolates in this way!

Children love various funny undertakings, tricks and jokes, so games with elements of humor are very successful in children's companies. Children like to enjoy themselves and amuse their friends and relatives, and adults should encourage this desire, because the participation of children in funny contests and funny pranks develops a sense of humor, helps to liberate themselves and teaches you to brilliantly get out of difficult situations.

Suggested games - practical jokes and humorousEuropean competitions for children will decorate a children's holiday and will be useful for organizing leisure activities in holiday camps or at school events (the idea of ​​the selection by T. Obraztsova).

1. Draw - trick with photos.

Prepare two strings with very small magnets. Tie one around a photo that you mix with other photos. Announce to the guests that you will now show a photo trick, that is, using the simplest string, pull one special photo out of the box, which is associated with a “very creepy story” (“come up with a very creepy story in advance”).

Throwing the rope into the box, you will attract the photo with a magnet. Moreover, everything will look as if the rope itself wrapped the picture and tied it into a knot. After taking out the photo, “finish off” the guests with your amazing story. Tite in the box

2. Draw for guests "Young palmist"

This drawing will please the guests who have gathered in your house and, for sure, will please the performer - your son or daughter. Its meaning is to tell the child something about each of the guests in advance, and then, having let on significance, announce that your child is making great strides in palmistry. Let the young palmist behave mysteriously, using artistic abilities, prepare a little to use different terms about the line of life, the Mount of Venus, and so on, and give out the information received from you.

Such fun is especially useful if it gives children the opportunity to have fun, participate in the entertainment program and bring benefits.

3. Cheerful team game for children "To the bull's-eye!"

Two teams of 10 - 15 people line up. They are given one apple, which must be passed from the first player to the last, pinching the fruit between the chin and chest. Dropping an apple is out of the game. A team earns as many points as there are players left in the line.

Then the participants must eat this apple: it is again passed to each other, biting off a piece. Whoever ate the fastest gets 5 points. Then we sum up the points for two competitions and identify the winner.

4. Humorous competition "Torture with balloons"

To organize a relay race, you need to recruit 2 - 3 teams of three people.

First step competitions: a balloon, into which half a glass of water was poured when inflated, must be carried on the head to the intended goal. If the ball falls down, pick it up and keep moving.

Second phase: holding the ball between their knees, the players must jump to the finish line.

If the balloon burst, the team receives a penalty point.

Third stage: put the ball on the badminton racket and follow to the finish line.

Fourth: while holding the ball in the air, you need to reach the goal with it.

points in this team comedy competition

are counted for each ball brought to the finish line intact.

5. Surprise for friends "Wonders of telepathy"

This pre-prepared surprise for friends may be unraveled, but it will bring revival and variety to the festive fun. To organize this prank, it is not necessary to have telepathic abilities at all, but a good memory does not hurt at all.

The bottom line is this: before the arrival of guests in the premises (others - not where the feast will take place), it is necessary to hide pieces of paper with numbers from 1-25 in advance, all in different places that will not be visible (under the flower pot, under the microwave, etc. .p.) and remember (!) Where what number lies.

Then, at one of the moments of the holiday, the owner announces that he has telepathic abilities and offers to guess the figure conceived by someone, asks to write it down on a piece of paper, he himself goes out and pretends that he just did it and says, the note with the conceived figure is there -then. The guests compare what was written and found ... and admire, so several times.

6. Drawing "Fulfillment of desires"

This draw is suitable for any company, you just need to agree with someone in advance. This person at the appointed time should knock on your door and convey the “order”. Any treat can be an order: cake, champagne, ice cream. The task of the one who plays, literally in 5 minutes. before the “order” arrives, start a conversation with the guests that he wants something tasty, and argue with those present that he will now “create a miracle” with the power of thought. You can play a small telepathic session. This is where the person with the order should appear.

7. Cheerful draw "Congratulations!"

Cool prank for a group of teenagers. You need to choose one of your friends who you will make the "birthday man". From the morning of the day off, all the “conspirators” call the “birthday man” in turn and wish him a happy birthday. And so the whole day. Despite the fact that the victim of the prank will refuse and say that his name day is only six months later, the conspirators gather in the evening, buy a cake, wine and flowers and go to visit the “birthday man”. Why not have a great weekend evening!

8. "Fountain on a hot day"

This draw is especially appropriate as a small one. Buy a proper bottle of soda, give it a shake, and offer anyone in your group a refreshing drink. When your friend starts spinning the cork, it is better to move away from him - a fountain of sparkling water will spill from the bottle. If you see fit, then run away from your friend!

9. Joke at the holiday "You ruined my jacket!"

For this prank, you will need a spool of thread. It needs to be put in the pocket of your friend's jacket, coat or cardigan. And be sure the tip of the thread should hang outside. The person wearing the jacket will either see the thread himself, or you will pay attention to it. When you try to remove the thread from the clothes, you get a rather comical situation.

10. "The coolest"

For this joke, you will need a wooden egg that will perfectly look like a real one, and an ordinary hard-boiled one. Invite one of the guests to crush a wooden egg in the palm of one hand. He, of course, cannot do this. Then, deftly replacing the wooden egg with a real one, perform the same trick. Your egg will surely burst. So you can proclaim yourself the strongest strongman, or rather "the coolest"

11. Competition "Snap - splinter!"

First, the host selects two participants, blindfolds them, and asks the guests to help him and attach as many clothespins to the players as possible in the most unexpected places. The second stage: now the players must blindly remove the clothespins from each other. Time - 2 min. whoever has more wins.

12. "Crazy Barbers"

Dial 5 - 6 couples: boy-girl and announce a hairdressing competition. It is better to pick up girls with long hair, they will be "clients". We blindfold the girls. We give the guys colored and shiny varnishes, various hair bands and hairpins. We pinpoint 5 min. The flight of fantasy of "crazy barbers" is not limited by anything. The winner is the one who in 5 minutes. will make the most stunning hairstyle.

13. "Super make-up artist"

The principle of the game is the same as in "Crazy Barbers", only here instead of blindfolds there will be a complete absence of a mirror and instead of hairdressing - a chance to be known as the best makeup artist of the season. Each participant is given a set of cosmetics, which he puts on himself without looking. We also evaluate the winner on the extravagance of the make-up done.

14. "Let's claim the record!"

The Guinness Book of Records contains many of the most "stupid" achievements, why not fool around and add to this collection? (Just remember the safety rules)

We are recruiting 2 teams of 10 people. The game is played in three rounds. First, the teams are presented with a dish of pasta. They are allowed to be eaten without the help of hands. The leader fixes the time during which the people consumed the first dish, and move on to the second. At the same time, the number of players is halved. This time we serve watermelons or melons, cut into large chunks. Here, too, the time of “reprisal” with the product is detected.

For dessert - three large bottles of soda. There are also three players. For how much will they drink one and a half liters of water? We record the time. Then we sum up: the team that (by the sum of the time) of the three competitions ate faster receives a prize - a big cake.

15. "Gourmets"

You will need "exotic" products: boiled turnips, diet bread, drinking whey, any greens.

Five players should not see what lies on the table - we blindfold them. Their task is to name the products in the ear of the five assistants of the presenter from three bites. Answers are recorded and announced after. Which of the players guessed more products, then well done.

16. "Cool cooks"

21. Draw "How to play kukaryamba?"

No more than 20 people sit in a circle.

Host: "Do you know how to play kukaryamba?". The player, of course, responds. What is not. Then he asks the same question to the next one. So everything goes back to the host: “I don’t know how to play kukaryamba either. Then why are you all sitting here?” - and pushes his neighbor to the side.

22. "Ambiguous position"

We are recruiting boy-girl pairs. We tie them back to back and give them a variety of tasks: dance a gypsy girl, wash dishes, chop onions, and so on.

23. "Crocodile" with forgery"

Here the player needs to depict for his team the item that is indicated on the paper. But the players agree in advance that they cannot understand what they are being portrayed.

24. "School Scarecrow"

We line up the participants in a circle and ask: spread your legs shoulder-width apart, raise your hands up, make the most terrible face you can. And now, swaying like trees during a hurricane, make different sounds in a terrible voice, as if you are frightening someone. Congratulations! You have successfully passed the certification at Scarecrow School!

25. "Babok-Ezhek Competition"

We collect 2 teams and issue a broom or a broom. Then we arrange tests for the players: overcome the obstacle course, take each team member to the finish line, dance tango on a broom, etc. Such a competition is especially good for a thematic game program, for example, dedicated to folk tales.

26. "Merry Relay"

We need two teams.

We organize a whole range of competitions for them:

1 carry a full glass of water to the finish line;

2. we carry a head of cabbage on our heads;

5. one holds the player by the legs, and he hurries to the finish line on his hands;

6. two players carry a third player on their linked hands to the finish line;

7. we jump in bags;

8. we grapple with our hands back to back;

9. tie foot to foot and go to the finish line;

10. blindfold and look for the finish.

27. "Wall Walking"

Plays as many people as fit against the wall. We stand facing the wall and put our palms on it. The host asks various funny questions. With each correct answer, the player “steps” with his palm up. The funniest thing begins when everyone's hands are raised to the limit, and the host keeps asking and asking his questions.

28. "Luntiki"

Let's form a circle. The host gets down on all fours and crawls inside the circle with the words: “Be-be-be! I'm Luntik number one!" Which of the players laughed, takes the same pose, only calls himself “Luntik number two (three, four, etc.)”

29. "Istanbul donkey"

We remove the person five players. Everyone else gets into a circle. They should shout as loudly as possible: "I am an Istanbul donkey!". The host chooses the one who turned out to be the loudest in his place. Yes, several times. Then we let in the first remote player. We do the same with him, and when he realizes that he needs to scream the loudest, we launch the third one. But the players must immediately be warned that when a second remote player appears, everyone needs to be silent, then only one will call himself a donkey, i.e. the first remote member.

We repeat this trick with all the other players who are waiting for their turn.

30. "What do you look like?"

The host leaves, and the players guess one of those present. The facilitator then asks questions like “what kind of tree does this person look like?” or “what animal?”

It turns out very funny if the presenter himself is guessed. If he manages to guess, then the hidden person is naked. If not, then everything starts again.

31. "Strange Animal"

The task of the presenter is to guess and show the animal with the help of pantomime. But the players agree in advance that in no case will they name the correct answer, even if they guess. So the game with the poor leader continues until the moment he guesses what is happening.

32. "Complicated relationship"

Open post about "fooling around"

April 1 will come very soon (already this coming Friday!) Let's digress a little from serious and instructive topics and talk about things that are funny, comical and ridiculous to colic in the stomach.

Fool's Day (aka Fool's Day and April Fool's Day) - a wonderful reason to disconnect from your adult worries and problems, remember that a child lives in each of us, and have fun from the heart. And children - these greatest "fools" in the world - will definitely support you in this fun undertaking.

More laughter and joy to you this spring!

Note to moms:

Spring is in the yard, which means that it's time to plan a summer vacation, which is impossible to imagine without outdoor activities and swimming in the sea or river, especially if you will be relaxing with children. Take care of the beachwear for the whole family in advance. If you do not have the time and opportunity to go shopping to buy swimwear in Moscow or in any other city, contact online stores, the assortment and prices of which will please the most picky buyers, and for busy mothers they can be just a salvation.

April 1 has never been an official holiday, and yet there is hardly a person who has not been played at least once in his life on this day. The saying: “The first of April, trusting no one,” is familiar to us from childhood.

April Fool's Day unofficially celebrated in Russia and in many European countries. The origin of this holiday is not known for sure. There is evidence that even in ancient Rome, Fools' Day was celebrated with jokes and practical jokes every year in February. In ancient India, the festival of jokes was also celebrated, which fell on March 31st. And according to the pagan beliefs of Ancient Russia, the brownie woke up on the first of April (there is even a series about this in the cartoon about brownie Kuzya) and on this day it was supposed to fool around, joke and deceive each other in order to confuse the brownie. And in France in the 16th century, the New Year was postponed from the first of April by order of the king to the first of January, but many continued to celebrate it on the first of April for a long time, in the old fashioned way. In order to finally get rid of this tradition, those who celebrate the New Year "in the old way" began to be called "April Fools", they were made fun of and played. So the modern day of jokes and laughter has many ancestors.

Fervent, active and cheerful mothers and fathers are not averse to playing their children on this day. If you approach the April Fool's pranks for children with all seriousness, then the children will be completely delighted and they will keep joyful memories of this wonderful holiday for the rest of their lives. It is only important that the pranks are kind, funny, do not frighten or offend the child. Resourceful parents can come up with different ways how fun and unforgettable play a joke or prank on a child on this day.

fun wash

April Fool's surprises can start in the morning. To do this, home slippers by the children's bed can be replaced with smartly decorated felt boots that "get lost". And ordinary washing will turn into a fun prank if you unscrew the divider from the faucet in advance, put a tablet of bright food coloring under it and assemble the faucet. Turning on the water in order to wash, the child will be surprised and delighted to find that the water is orange today.

april fools breakfast

A spectacular April Fool's breakfast needs to be prepared in advance. To do this, all the products and packaging in the refrigerator can be provided with Google eyes, pour thick white yogurt into a small frying pan and put half a canned peach in the middle - you get April Fool's eggs. You can add blue or green food coloring to the milk, and put an April Fool's orange on a plate. Preparing it is simple: pour orange jelly into half an orange peel and refrigerate. Then carefully cut into slices.

Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors

This idea is expensive and troublesome, but very funny. It is necessary to replace one or more ordinary mirrors in the house with "curves", as in a laughter room.

That's the closet!

While the baby is sleeping, remove things from the children's wardrobe and fill it with small bright balloons inflated with helium. Tie ribbon bows for flowers to the "tails" of the balls. When the child opens the doors, he will see bright balls in the closet, which, just touch them, will scatter around the room and rush to the ceiling. It is possible in the evening, when the child is already sleeping, to place balloons between the doors to his room and the cellophane film. Opening the door in the morning, the baby will be delighted. Just do not fasten the film too tightly so that the child is not afraid that he cannot get out. Of course, for this draw you will have to apply to the delivery of balloons.

Thread on dad's suit

For this prank, you need to take a thin spool of bright thread, use a needle to thread the thread through the breast pocket of your father's suit or through the pocket of your trousers outward, and leave the spool in your pocket. When dressing for work, ask the child to remove the clinging thread. What a surprise it will be when the thread turns out to be endless.


In this draw, the child can play the main role. You can play mom in collusion with dad, or not too nervous grandmother. To draw, you need to take a jar of washing powder or Pemolux, wash it thoroughly and pour powdered sugar or powdered milk into it. The child takes a spoon, sits down somewhere in the field of view of his mother or grandmother, and with pleasure begins to “wrap up” the detergent. The dad participating in the draw can ask to give a try ...

Couldn't get past

This prank can be arranged by dad (not suitable if the child has long and persistently begged to buy a live puppy or kitten). For the prank, you need to buy an interactive soft toy in the toy store that looks as much like a real kitten or puppy as possible. Dad hides the toy in his bosom and rings the doorbell. When the door is opened, you should say as seriously as possible: “My dears, this is such a thing ... In general, I just couldn’t get past it,” and make the toy in my bosom meow or yelp. Having enjoyed the effect produced, we hand over a soft toy to the family.

Lost New Year

While the child is sleeping, install and decorate the Christmas tree at home. In the morning, the kid will be surprised to find a belated forest beauty. And suddenly there was a call, and behind the doors - the real Santa Claus, who, by no means, had time to deliver all the gifts on time, and only now he got to Mashenka ... It is only important that Santa Claus be the most real: in felt boots, with a beard and staff. You can get this by contacting a holiday agency.

Movie about me

To mount a film about a baby from funny family newsreels for the holiday. Children love to admire themselves as little ones. Solemnly launch a film with Masha or Fedechka in the title role.

Wow, talking horse!

The draw requires advance preparation. You can buy a toy horse in the store that speaks or sings, for example:

Oh, all the kids dream
Ride a horse!
So be it, sit down, my friend,
I ride, hop-hop-hop.

We come to the park with the baby, and while the child is playing on the playground, we quietly agree with the girl riding the children on a pony that when you and the child come up to the horse, she will slowly turn on the toy hidden in the bag so that it looks like she is singing or the horse says. We approach the pony with the child, say hello and ask if she will give a ride to this wonderful boy or girl. At this moment, the girl, who holds the horse by the bridle on the other hand, quietly turns on the toy.

fun dinner

Prepare some unusual dishes for dinner, such as fruit soup or fried ice cream. Recipes for unusual dishes can be found on the Internet. Bake pies with a variety of fillings: with cheese, with dried apricots, with cottage cheese and raisins, with cherries, with rice, raisins and nuts. You can hide pieces of paper with comic wishes-predictions in pies. Put a number from the dough on each pie. Put the finished pies on a dish and take turns pulling out cards with numbers from a pile: what number you pulled out, a pie with that number and take a try. And for pies, serve glasses of jelly instead of juice or purple tea (again we use food coloring).


Write a story in advance in which the heroes of world-famous fairy tales get mixed up, get into some unusual and funny situation with a happy ending, and tell a fairy tale to a baby before going to bed. Particularly creative parents can even make a picture book. You can do it easier: buy a good edition of "Bad Advice" by Grigory Oster, read and laugh together.

magic light

In the evening, after dark, you can put luminous balls under the ceiling in the nursery. Such balls are made in holiday agencies, or you can
try making them yourself. This comes with some difficulties: you will need LEDs and batteries - the LED connected to the battery will need to be placed in a balloon filled with helium. However, there are quite detailed instructions on the Internet and even video tutorials on how to make glowing balls. We let the balls under the ceiling, blindfold the baby and lead into the room. We remove the bandage and we are delighted with the child. Having admired, you can collect the balloons and go outside to make a wish and release the balloons into the evening sky.

A sense of humor is not innate, it develops in a child with age.. The ability to appreciate a good joke, self-irony and the ability to please others with a good joke or a beautiful surprise help a lot in life. And you can teach this art to a baby, including organizing bright, memorable April Fools' holidays.

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