Why dream of a billiard table with balls. Why is the ball dreaming? Balloon, billiard and bowling ball. Dreamed - Billiards

Pinball, Mazik, Table, Bixa, Biksovka

billiards in Modern dream book:

  • If you dreamed of billiards, then in real life you need to be prepared for a series of misfortunes in the form of quarrels, slander, as well as litigation over property. If in a dream you see a billiard table, near which there is no one, then you should beware of those who pretend to be your friends.
  • Interpretation in Miller's dream book sleep Billiards:

  • Billiards portends to the one who sees this dream, future troubles, as well as lawsuits and strife over property. Slander will harm you. If you see a billiard table and the balls are not in the game, this means that insidious friends will harm you.
  • Why dream of Billiards The latest dream book?

  • A serious explanation in a closed room, with unpredictable consequences.
  • AT Family dream book if you dream of Billiards:

  • Billiards dreams of trouble, lawsuits and strife over property.
  • If you dreamed of a billiard table and balls - get ready for the deceit of friends.
  • If you dream of billiards? AT Eastern dream book:

  • Playing billiards - to a series of misfortunes: quarrels, slander, litigation over property. If you see a billiard table, near which there is no one, beware of those who pretend to be friends.
  • Billiards dream interpretation Noble dream book:

  • In billiards - sadness.
  • See Billiards in a dream Gypsy dream book:

  • Seeing an empty billiard table - you are lucky in love. Play billiards yourself - someone is going to deceive you or you are someone.
  • Billiards dreams of troubles of a property nature. Seeing billiards in a dream means imminent financial losses, embezzlement, losses, lawsuits and proceedings. Playing billiards in a dream - a hectic life, slander, loss of reputation awaits you. If you dream that you won billiards, it means that soon you will get what you have been dreaming about for so long. Losing billiards in a dream means freeing yourself from the doubts that have been gnawing at you for a long time. If you are a gambler, then billiards is a dream as a warning that luck will not be on your side, so you should refrain from card and other games, because you expect loss and big losses. Read a more detailed dream book of billiards below.

    Why dream of Billiards, interpretation of sleep

    Dream Interpretation Hasse

    Billiards dreams of damage and loss. If you played billiards, while winning all the time, this means that your detractors will be you. Losing dreams of the triumph of enemies. If you dreamed of a billiard room in which people played, this suggests that harmony and complete harmony will reign in your family life. However, if at the same time the situation in the hall was restless, tense, then in reality conflicts will periodically flare up in your life.

    See billiards in a dream

    English Dream Interpretation

    If in a dream you played billiards, you will soon find yourself in a predicament from which it will be difficult to get out. For those who seek the location of a young girl, the dream serves as a warning that the friends of his chosen one are plotting something against him.

    If in a dream you play billiards, then the dream warns you of wasting time on a business that will never succeed, and lovers will be disappointed in love and unexpected obstacles. It is possible that the relatives of your beloved (lover) will interfere with your marriage. To dream about how you hit balls with a cue portends squabbles and quarrels with friends or relatives who will not agree with the point of view that you are trying to impose on them. Winning the game is good; to lose is a sign of loss and failure. If in a dream you see people playing billiards, then you should be wary of slander, which will reflect badly on your reputation and business. For people who tend to play billiards, a dream about billiards does not portend anything special. See interpretation: passion, play.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

    Dream Interpretation - Ball

    To dream of a fireball flying towards the Earth - such a dream indicates that in the future the Earth is threatened by a large meteorite that will bring destruction to our planet. To the dreamer, such a dream prophesies misfortune.

    If you dreamed about the globe, then this dream means that our planet is in real danger. Moreover, this danger does not come from outside, but it lies in the people themselves. The thing is that the population of the planet has completely forgotten that we live on a fragile star and that life itself has been given to us from above. It seems to each specific country, even to each person, that he is stronger than others, and therefore the most important desire is the desire to prove to the whole world his own superiority with the help of weapons and violence.

    To dream of a huge dark ball approaching the Earth is a sign that the Earth is threatened by an ecological catastrophe and it will happen because of the emissions that various factories poison the air. There will come a time when a gray cloud will descend to Earth and people will experience a great need for air.

    If in a dream you saw a luminous ball on the surface of the Earth, then such a dream prophesies a visit to the Earth by living beings from another planet who will come into contact with earthlings and tell them a lot of new and interesting things. Such a dream warns the dreamer that in the future he will encounter something hitherto unknown to him, which will cause him great fear.

    Running away from a fireball in a dream is an omen of a terrible war. Perhaps this will be the third world war, in which many countries of the world will be involved. Such a dream tells the dreamer that he will personally suffer heavy losses in the war, and perhaps even take an active part in this terrible battle for life and death.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    1 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

    To see a billiard room and the people playing in it - to complete agreement in your family life.

    2 Astrological dream book

    Billiards - beware of gambling. You will lose to a more experienced and seasoned player. 5 house.

    3 Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

    damage and loss.

    4 Dream Interpretation of Nina Grishina

    Sleeping with billiards means:

    In billiards - sadness.

    5 Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

    The meaning of sleep billiards:

    Playing billiards - overcoming the enemy; in skittles - quarrel, loss of a friend; in cards - enmity.

    6 Gypsy dream book

    Seeing an empty billiard table - you are lucky in love.
    Play billiards yourself - someone is going to deceive you or you are someone.

    7 Magic dream book

    • Billiards - billiards - disassembly with complaints, lawsuits.
    • You see yourself playing billiards - a dream portends you a very hectic life; you expect quarrels about property, real estate; if you do not find a compromise with the opposite side, then the case may go to court; your health and peace are dear to you, so show compliance; your compliance will be highly appreciated.
    • Dreaming of losing in billiards - your good name will be slandered, your reputation will be damaged. You dream of a pool table not in the game; perhaps you are lying on a billiard table - among your friends there are treacherous people, they are doing everything to harm you.

    8 Combined dream book

    Billiards, in a dream means:

    If you play billiards in a dream, problems await you, if you watch a game of billiards, you will soon become the owner of very important information.

    9 Family dream book

    Billiards - dreams of trouble, lawsuits and strife over property.
    If you dreamed of a billiard table and balls - get ready for the deceit of friends.

    10 Christian dream book

    To see billiards in a dream - A lawsuit over property is possible. You stop playing billiards without giving in to any persuasion. Then you leave the house where there is a pool table, and you leave as far as possible from this house.

    11 ABC of dream interpretation

    Why does a woman dream of billiards:

    Seeing a dream Billiards - Playing on it - loss of time, place or work, as well as a quarrel.

    12 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

    Seeing billiards in a dream means:

    To dream about how you play billiards and constantly win - to victory over your ill-wishers.

    13 Dream Interpretation of Azar

    A dream with billiards in a dream interpretation is interpreted as:

    Billiards - Lose the game - free yourself from doubts. Win the game - get what you have long sought.

    14 Women's dream book

    Sleeping with billiards means:

    Billiards - Playing billiards portends the dreamer future troubles. Litigation and strife over property, damage from slander are possible. A billiard table and balls outside the game mean that an insidious person has wormed his way among your friends.

    15 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

    The meaning of sleep billiards:

    Billiards - You see yourself playing billiards - a dream portends you a very hectic life; you expect quarrels about property, real estate; if you do not find a compromise with the opposite side, then the case may go to court; your health and peace are dear to you, so show compliance; your compliance will be highly appreciated. There is another interpretation of sleep: your good name will be slandered, your reputation will be damaged. You dream of a pool table not in the game; perhaps you are lying on a billiard table - among your friends there are treacherous people, they do everything to harm you.

    16 Dream Interpretation of Rick Dillon

    What does it mean if a woman dreams of billiards:

    Billiards - disassembly with complaints, lawsuits.

    17 Psychotherapeutic dream book

    What billiards can dream of:

    Billiards. Playing on it is a loss of time, place or work, as well as a quarrel.

    18 Dream Interpretation of Solomon

    Billiards, in a dream means:

    Billiards - damage, loss.

    19 Dream Interpretation of Solomon

    If a girl dreams of billiards, then this means:

    Playing billiards - to a series of misfortunes: quarrels, slander, litigation over property.
    If you see a billiard table with no one around, beware of those who pretend to be friends.

    20 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

    Why does a woman dream of billiards:

    In a dream, you watch how they play billiards - in the near future you will have a quarrel with one of your close relatives.
    You dreamed that you yourself were playing billiards - quarrel with one of your friends.
    Dreaming of a billiard table at which no one played means that soon false friends will cause you significant harm.

    21 Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

    Playing billiards - portends the dreamer future troubles. Litigation and strife over property, damage from slander are possible.
    A billiard table and balls out of the game mean that an insidious person has crept in among your friends.

    22 Modern dream book

    If you play billiards, you will fail.
    If you are a spectator, you will soon receive important information.

    23 Dream Interpretation 2012

    Billiards, like a table - a reminder that life is a game and / or it must be treated like a game.

    24 Slavic dream book

    Play - loss of time, place or work, as well as a quarrel.

    25 Ladies dream book

    Why dream of Billiards:

    Billiards - the desire to achieve a goal.

    26 Big online dream book

    Billiards - Seeing a game of billiards in a dream means imminent trouble, and possibly litigation over the division of property. In addition, you may receive some extremely important information for you, but at the same time suffer from slander. If you see a billiard table with balls that no one is playing at, friends can give you an unpleasant "surprise". Playing billiards in a dream is one of two things: either you will fail, or, on the contrary, a quick and big success.

    27 Dream interpretation for a bitch

    Billiards - losses, moral damage due to the betrayal of some friends.
    Playing billiards - possible serious problems and contention over property or inheritance.

    28 Miller's dream book

    Billiards portends to the one who sees this dream, future troubles, as well as lawsuits and strife over property. Slander will harm you. If you see a billiard table and the balls are not in the game, this means that insidious friends will harm you.

    It takes 10-15 minutes to fall asleep. But, if a person develops chronic sleep deprivation, then he can fall asleep within five minutes. This fact cannot be ignored - after all, every sixth accident, according to statistics, is associated precisely with driver fatigue.

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    Why dream of billiards

    Billiards in a modern dream book

    Billiards is an extremely unfavorable sign. Most of the dreams where he appears are a harbinger of a variety of misfortunes. So, if the dreamer watched the game of billiards, serious material losses await him. In addition, such a dream can predict complications in family relationships. A fierce dispute may break out between the closest relatives, which will lead to a protracted conflict. For men, playing billiards is evidence of their predilection for relationships with vicious women who walk around hands like billiard balls. If you played billiards in your dream and turned out to be a loser, then there are dishonorable people among your surroundings. They act hypocritically for their own selfish purposes. The dream warns that their actions pose a serious danger to you. Becoming a winner by playing billiards - such a plot also has a negative meaning. He predicts conflicts that will arise over property rights. It is possible that the dreamer will have to take part in a lawsuit, while he will be slandered. The dream interpretation says that by being careful, these troubles can be avoided.

    Billiards in Miller's dream book

    Billiards warns of slander from ill-wishers. This slander will cause significant damage to the dreamer, from which his property may suffer. He may also lose his earnings. It is likely that all these troubles will be the reason for a lawsuit, which, however, will not bring a positive result. A dream has a very unfavorable interpretation in which you happened to see a billiard table with balls, but without players. This is a prediction of the dishonesty of people from your closest circle. Their intrigues can cause you serious harm. If in a dream you act as a player, then in reality you may not count on the successful course of your affairs. Most likely, you will have to face a whole chain of failures. To be among the spectators - you have to learn something very interesting and useful, which will be of great importance to you.

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