How does air humidity affect human well-being? How to increase air humidity in an apartment: signs of "dryness" and ways to eliminate it How air humidity affects the human body

Every day, the skin of each person is affected by various negative factors, such as weather conditions, the environment, and the ecological situation in the region of residence. The most negative effect on the skin is exerted by ultraviolet rays when exposed to the open sun or during normal tanning. But the influence of air humidity on the skin is also important, since there are many subtleties here.

Air humidity and skin

Of course, every person noticed that on hot days and dry weather, as well as when staying in a dry wind for a long time, one really wants to drink. The body at this time requires a large number liquid, as it loses water due to external natural factors and needs to replenish these losses.

However, even when drinking large volumes of liquid in the presence of dry air, skin cells do not have enough moisture to function properly, as it evaporates through the skin in large quantities.

Humidity is a measure of the amount of water it contains. This indicator is of particular importance for the general condition of a person and his skin, and also affects the degree of comfort of being indoors or outdoors.

For example, in the summer, on the hottest days, most people find it very uncomfortable to be outside because it is difficult to breathe. This is explained by the fact that when heated, the air is saturated with moisture (its evaporation from the surface of water bodies and soil), while the higher the air temperature, the more water it can absorb. As a result, on hot days, especially if it has rained before, people experience severe discomfort and breathing problems. Of course, this condition is also reflected in the skin, because due to the heat, increased sweating begins, which can lead to serious fluid loss.

Approximately the same thing happens in winter, when it is very cold outside. During this period, the humidity of the air usually decreases, because due to the low temperature there is no evaporation of water, but the air is also ready to receive moisture and absorb it. As a result, in the cold, due to the dryness of the air, it is very difficult to breathe. With breathing, a lot of steam comes out, the molecules of which are immediately absorbed into the air. As a result, the body loses large volumes of water. Air takes away water from the skin of the face, as well as from other open areas of the body. That is why after a long stay in the cold, as well as in the heat, the skin becomes dry and dehydrated.

As a rule, if the air temperature is high, but at the same time the air humidity is lowered, this is tolerated by people much easier and has less effect on the skin condition. At low temperatures, accompanied by a high level of air humidity, rapid hypothermia can occur.

What is the danger of a violation of the level of humidity

The most comfortable indicators of air humidity for a person's condition, his health and maintaining the correct water balance in the body and in skin cells is a value from 30% to 60%. If the indicators deviate in any direction, this can lead to various negative consequences.

At low air humidity, the skin dries out very quickly due to strong evaporation of moisture, dehydrates, begins to peel off and crack. As a result, damage to the skin appears, which is not always visible to the eye, but, nevertheless, opens up free access to the body for a variety of pathogenic microorganisms that can provoke the formation of an inflammatory process and acne, as well as infection with serious diseases.

In addition, with too high humidity in the hot season, the body sweats intensely, trying to cool the skin and protect it from overheating, not only losing water, but also forming a sticky film on the skin surface, on which dust and other impurities adhere. As a result, not only dehydration of the skin may appear, but also a large number of acne caused by blockage of pores and sebaceous ducts.

If the air humidity is high, the body begins to increase the release of heat simultaneously with the intense release of sweat, resulting in a serious risk of overheating. In this case, not only the human skin suffers, but the whole body. At long stay in rooms with high humidity, a person may experience a general decrease in immunity, which results in not only skin diseases, but also various diseases internal organs, as well as exacerbation of existing diseases.

Of course, it is impossible to state unequivocally that with an increase or decrease in the level of humidity in a person, skin problems will definitely begin, since each organism is individual and it is simply impossible to predict its reaction to certain changes in the environment. Skin reaction different people to changes in the environment will be different, while if a certain level of air humidity has a certain level of air humidity on the skin of one person positive influence, then in relation to the skin of another person it may turn out to be negative.

For example, with dry skin, a high level of air humidity will be useful, since the water in the air will become an additional source of hydration for the epidermis. BUT low level humidity with dry skin type will provoke the appearance of peeling and dehydration. In addition, moisture helps to smooth out wrinkles. However, with oily skin types, high levels of moisture can be a factor in causing acne. Therefore, quite often the condition of the skin depends on the humidity of the air in an apartment or other room.

In most cases, in winter, in apartments and houses, the air has a low level of humidity, which is facilitated by the operation of various heating devices. As a result, the skin becomes drier, thinner, and may show signs of aging. Therefore, in winter, the skin needs additional care, hydration and nutrition. It is also recommended to humidify the air in the apartment, using special humidifiers for this, or simply placing containers with clean water, the evaporation of which will provide additional moisture.

As a rule, in order to avoid undesirable consequences and complications, cosmetologists recommend adjusting to a certain level of air humidity, providing the skin with the necessary conditions. With a low level of humidity, the skin must be treated with creams and other products for deep intensive hydration and nutrition. Such products have a fairly dense structure, and their use helps prevent dehydration. However, with a high level of humidity, one should also not forget about moistening, especially in the summer. But here creams with a dense structure will not work. In summer, it is best to use moisturizing gels that quickly penetrate the skin and do not create unnecessary heaviness.

View of dry air in apartments

The concept of air humidity is defined as the actual presence of water particles in a certain physical environment, including the atmosphere. In this case, one should distinguish between absolute and relative humidity: in the first case, we are talking about a pure percentage of moisture. In accordance with the law of thermodynamics, the maximum content of water molecules in the air is limited. The maximum allowable level determines the relative humidity and depends on a number of factors:

  • Atmosphere pressure;
  • air temperature;
  • the presence of small particles (dust);
  • the level of chemical pollution;

The generally accepted measure of measurement is interest, and the calculation is carried out according to a special formula, which will be discussed later.

Absolute humidity is measured in grams per cubic centimeter, which are also converted to percentages for convenience. With increasing altitude, the amount of moisture may increase depending on the region, but upon reaching a certain ceiling (about 6-7 kilometers above sea level), the humidity decreases to near zero values. Absolute humidity is considered one of the main macroparameters: on its basis, planetary climate maps and zones are compiled.

Determining the humidity level

(Psychometer device - it determines the humidity by the temperature difference between dry and wet thermometers)

Humidity by absolute ratio is determined using special instruments that determine the percentage of water molecules in the atmosphere. As a rule, daily fluctuations are negligible - this indicator can be considered static, and it does not reflect important climatic conditions. Against, relative humidity subject to strong daily fluctuations, and reflects the exact distribution of condensed moisture, its pressure and equilibrium saturation. It is this indicator that is considered the main one and is calculated at least once a day.

The determination of relative air humidity is carried out according to a complex formula that takes into account:

  • current dew point;
  • temperature;
  • saturated steam pressure;
  • various mathematical models;

In the practice of synoptic forecasts, a simplified approach is used, when the humidity is calculated approximately, taking into account the temperature difference and the dew point (marks when excess moisture falls in the form of precipitation). This approach allows you to determine the required indicators with an accuracy of 90-95%, which is more than enough for everyday needs.

Dependence on natural factors

The content of water molecules in the air depends on climatic features specific region, weather conditions, atmospheric pressure and some other conditions. Yes, the largest absolute humidity observed in tropical and coastal zones and reaches 5%. Relative humidity additionally depends on the fluctuations of a number of factors discussed earlier. During a rainy period with conditions of low atmospheric pressure, relative humidity can reach 85-95%. High pressure reduces the saturation of water vapor in the atmosphere, thus lowering their level.

An important feature of relative humidity is its dependence on the thermodynamic state. The natural equilibrium humidity is 100%, which, of course, is unattainable due to the extreme instability of the climate. Technogenic factors also affect fluctuations in atmospheric humidity. In the conditions of megacities, there is an increased evaporation of moisture from asphalt surfaces, simultaneously with the release of a large amount of suspended particles and carbon monoxide. This causes a strong decrease in humidity in most cities of the world.

Impact on the human body

The limits of atmospheric humidity that are comfortable for a person range from 40 to 70%. Prolonged exposure to conditions of a strong deviation from this norm can cause a noticeable deterioration in well-being, up to the development of pathological conditions. It should be noted that a person is especially sensitive to excessively low humidity, experiencing a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • irritation of mucous membranes;
  • development of chronic rhinitis;
  • increased fatigue;
  • deterioration in the condition of the skin;
  • decreased immunity;

Among the negative effects of high humidity, one can note the risk of developing fungal and colds.

We hear about relative humidity every day in the weather forecast. What is relative humidity level and why is information about it important to us?

Humidity has a serious impact on our health, general emotional state. Knowing its level, we can improve indoor air quality by reducing the impact of many undesirable factors. Too high humidity can lead to an increase in biological contaminants such as mold, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and dust mites, which can cause allergies and various respiratory problems. It can also cause arthritis, increased fatigue and migraines. If the humidity is too high, your home will constantly have a musty smell. Too low humidity is also extremely dangerous for human health. It can lead to nosebleeds, eye irritation, itching, difficulty breathing, damage static electricity and emotional irritability.

Physical and psychological impact humidity on the human body is devoted a lot clinical research held by many national institutions in the US, Canada and Russia over the past few years.

Ever since 400 BC. people divided all kinds of diseases depending on weather conditions. When the temperature rises, it is more difficult for our body to function. Our heart works harder, blood vessels constrict, and blood pressure rises. If indoor air quality is poor, we will have a reduced protective function of the lungs, resulting in cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Dry air causes asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, pharyngotracheitis, tracheobronchitis and a number of other diseases. This is confirmed by a research article published on the PubMed Central website - the US National Center for Biotechnology Information. Studies have shown that the concentration of bacteria and viruses in the air is minimal at a relative humidity level of 40 to 60%. As can be seen from the graph, asthma pathogens - dust mites and fungi cannot live at a humidity level of less than 50%. If you eliminate the cause, you will reduce the likelihood of respiratory diseases to zero.

This is also evidenced by studies conducted at the University of Oregon. They point to a key role in reducing the concentration of germs that cause influenza, maintaining proper levels of humidity. Room humidification is extremely important in cold weather. winter months when your heating system dries the air and you cannot maintain the optimum level of humidity without special devices - climate complexes or humidifiers. It will make you feel more comfortable, protect your body from the flu and its devastating health consequences.

Another interesting article on the problem of the impact of relative humidity on human health was published in USA Today, the US National Edition. It says that if the humidity level in the room is constantly outside 30% and 60%, a person has respiratory diseases, skin irritations, sore throats, and pests, fungi, rot, dust mites appear in his house, mold leading to allergic reactions. Any of the above microorganisms can undermine your health, as a result of which you may end up in a hospital bed.

That is why today the well-known weather channel The Weather Channel in the USA, meteorological services in England and Germany daily provide information for weather-sensitive people so that they have time to prepare for weather changes and possible reactions to an increase / decrease in the level of relative humidity in the air. We also receive similar information from weather forecasts on domestic television. Although five years ago the announcer gave us dry numbers without any explanation. Currently, these data are given special attention.

So, the ideal level of humidity in the room should be between 40% and 60%. Fortunately, our body is able to adapt to climatic conditions and we do not need to maintain humidity at an extremely accurate level. It is important to avoid extremes when creating a microclimate in artificial conditions. If the humidity is too low or too high, in the short term you will not feel the negative effects, but in the long run the consequences can be very unpleasant. That is why Sharp has developed a climate complex capable of using highly sensitive sensors to determine the state of the atmosphere in the room and humidify the air within the specified limits depending on temperature and purify it. The climate complex Sharp completely repeats the natural natural process air ionization, due to which its purification and humidification of the air is as gentle as possible for a person. This is the main difference between Sharp and conventional humidifiers, most of which are not able to analyze the humidity and temperature in the room. Naturally, a regular budget humidifier can oversaturate the air with moisture. Excess moisture also leads to adverse effects. To avoid this, you will have to independently monitor its operation and periodically turn it off. Agree, in our time of fast-paced life, this is extremely inconvenient, since we cannot always remember about it in time.

To prevent the development of serious respiratory diseases, allergies and control the appearance of harmful microorganisms in the house, it is necessary to maintain a stable level of relative humidity within the limits recommended by leading experts. In addition, as mentioned above, it is important to purify the air from pathogenic bacteria. Sharp solved both problems by developing a whole , which are able to automatically control the level of relative humidity in the room depending on the temperature and maintain it within the optimal limits for human health. The unique Plasmacluster technology and the four-stage purification system used in Sharp climate systems provide reliable protection against the spread of pathogens, effectively purifying and ionizing the air. Thus, the room is filled with air, identical in its performance to the mountain air or the air near the waterfall.

Each area has its own climate. We are so accustomed to the climatic conditions of living in our region and rarely think about the harm or benefit they have on health. We propose to deal with this issue in this article.

So what is climate? This cumulative concept includes a list of natural factors, such as air temperature and humidity, altitude, wind strength, sunlight, and others specific to a particular area. Under the weather understand the state of the lower atmospheric layer in a particular area in a particular period of time. The weather is set under the influence climatic factors, which, in turn, affect a person’s well-being on health in different ways: they can strengthen immunity, or they can cause diseases, but the key word here is influence!

In the course of its existence, the organism adapts to changing environmental conditions due to adaptive reactions, and 2-3 weeks are enough to adapt to a new climate without stress. Moreover, a person is able to adapt to the most extreme conditions ( a prime example- ice age), but this takes time, much more than a couple of weeks. And when this time is not available, adaptive reactions become destructive, for example, when a person goes on vacation to the tropics in winter: in addition to a sharp change in climate, biological rhythms fail (desynchronosis), and one exacerbates the other.

Dependence on weather factors exists, and in some people it is very strong. The strength of an organism's response to a change in environmental factors is called a "meteotropic response". All people with increased sensitivity to climatic factors are divided into 2 categories:

  1. Weather dependent. They feel bad when the weather changes, atmospheric pressure changes, sudden changes in temperature, etc. The condition will return to normal when the weather normalizes.
  2. People who do not tolerate a certain climate or a factor characteristic of a climatic zone: high humidity, strong wind, low temperature, etc. These factors cause a number of diseases. The condition improves only when the climate changes.

Increase weather dependence:

  • chronic diseases;
  • dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels;
  • stress;
  • hypodynamia;
  • children's and senile age;
  • features of the individual.

Weather and climate have an impact even on those whose body does not respond to weather changes. Some "general" diseases are exacerbated in a certain period of the year: colds, viral diseases and inflammatory processes of the respiratory organs most often occur in winter and in the off-season, and the height of intestinal infections occurs in the summer.

It is a well-known fact that with a number of diseases it becomes much easier for a person after recovery in the recommended climatic conditions. Many methods of balneological treatment are based on this: health resorts and sanatoriums located in a certain area invite a narrow category of patients for recovery.

Today there is a separate direction in medicine - climatotherapy, rooted in history. The influence of weather and climatic factors on health began to be studied in the 18th century. Even then, many climatic resorts appeared, where people with tuberculosis and nervous diseases were treated.

Before the active development of synthetic pharmacology, the therapy of many diseases was carried out in health resorts, which have now transformed from places of treatment into places of rest. However, the importance of climatotherapy is increasing every year, especially since many people are switching to natural, natural methods of treatment, thereby reducing the drug load on the body.

  • Mountain (not high-altitude!) climate has a positive effect on the state of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and is recommended for patients with bronchitis, chronic inflammatory processes in the lungs, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia, as well as children and adults with reduced immunity. It has a positive effect on the treatment of diseases of the nervous system and is especially recommended for asthenics.
  • The sea climate improves immunity and improves the adaptive capacity of the body. Recommended for patients suffering from diseases of the respiratory system, metabolism, nervous system, thyroid dysfunction and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (in autumn and spring, when the air t is not yet high).
  • Forest-steppe climate with its characteristic moderate humidity and a slight temperature difference, it is most favorable for patients with vascular and heart diseases.
  • The desert climate is characterized by dry air and high air temperature. Causes intense sweating, and salts come out with sweat, which has a positive effect on the standing of people with certain kidney diseases.
  • forest climate middle lane with a predominance of coniferous forests, it is optimal for the treatment of respiratory diseases (including bronchial asthma) and the nervous system, hypertension, coronary artery disease. A bunch of essential oils heal the respiratory tract, improve blood circulation and positively affect the immune system.

The most popular sanatoriums are located in places where several resort areas intersect, which greatly increases the effectiveness of treating a wide range of diseases. The combination of mountain and sea climate has a particularly positive effect on health ( Black Sea coast Caucasus, Abkhazia, southern coast of Crimea).

People with increased weather sensitivity should not live and work in the conditions of the Far North and the equatorial climate - the body will experience tremendous stress! It is recommended to undergo preventive treatment in health resorts located in climate zone residence.

Consider the influence of individual climatic factors on health.

The influence of temperature factors on the body

The intensity of thermoregulation and metabolism directly depends on the air temperature. For example, when T is below 18 degrees, our energy goes to heat the body, and the metabolic rate increases compensatory. At elevated temperatures, metabolism is slowed down, superficial vessels are dilated for better heat transfer, water evaporation increases both from the pulmonary alveoli and from the skin surface: all these mechanisms help to avoid overheating. The optimal, physiological level for the body is considered to be 18-20 C.

The temperature depends on the height above sea level, geographic latitude, seasons, so it is never constant, and the human body constantly adapts to its change, reacting to changes purely individually.

Consider the positive and negative effects of different temperatures on health

positive negative How to avoid negative influence

High temperatures

  • blood circulation improves due to the penetration of heat into the body to a depth of up to 5 cm and the expansion of blood vessels;
  • improves metabolism and tissue nutrition. Increased vascular permeability determines easier penetration of nutrients into tissues and removal of metabolic products from the intercellular space;
  • the analgesic effect is realized by reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings located in the superficial areas of the muscle tissue and in the skin.
  • overheating reduces immunity. Prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures reduces the activity of lymphocytes. That is why in the hot summer months there is a high incidence of SARS;
  • getting worse general state. The central nervous system reacts to high temperatures (above 28 C) with weakness, drowsiness and loss of strength;
  • skin inflammatory reactions develop due to the expansion of pores and increased secretion of fat and sweat, i.e. created optimal conditions for bacteria to enter the skin.
  • avoid overheating, especially for children and the elderly;
  • wear natural clothes, protect your head from the sun. Optimum is linen clothing, which, as you know, cools when worn;
  • observe the drinking regimen: constantly drink clean drinking water, but in small portions.

Low temperatures

  • hardening of the body occurs. A short exposure to cold has a stimulating effect on the immune system and reduces the risk of developing respiratory pathologies. Stress that develops in the body due to low temperatures, leads to the release of cortisol, which increases metabolism and increases the activity of the immune system;
  • decreased sensitivity to cold. Under conditions of low temperatures, the skin vessels constrict compensatory, reducing heat loss;
  • the processes of cellular aging are slowed down and the production of collagen is accelerated;
  • stops the growth of pathogenic flora. Microbes that live in soil, food and water stop multiplying at temperatures below 0 C;
  • body weight decreases. In the cold, metabolism is activated and the breakdown of fats is accelerated.
  • the body's defenses decrease with prolonged hypothermia. On cold-sensitive areas (bronchial mucosa, throat and nose), vasospasm occurs, and this leads to the development of an inflammatory reaction;
  • a cold allergy of the type of urticaria may develop. This is due to the deposition of insoluble proteins in the skin, which are formed against the background of low temperatures. It is typical for people with helminthic invasion, systemic lupus erythematosus, pathologies of the liver and biliary tract.
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • prepare with hardening procedures gradually: take a contrast shower, use douche, contrast wiping, lowering the water temperature gradually.

Lately, nature loves to "joke", so snow in May or warm January already taken lightly. But the body is not used to such jumps. The abnormal warming that occurs in winter develops due to the invasion of warm air masses: Atmospheric pressure decreases, humidity increases, oxygen levels in the air decrease. Therefore, even healthy people during this period feel overwhelmed and drowsy, and some have exacerbated chronic diseases. During this period, it is recommended to rest more, avoid stress, refuse heavy food.

The effect of humidity on health and immunity

Air humidity is formed due to microscopic particles of water dissolved in environment. Humidity directly depends on air temperature: the higher it is, the more moisture is in suspension. Normal indicators are 60-80%. Low humidity less than 55% adversely affects the mucous membranes and skin, which dry out and lose their protective properties. High humidity, on the other hand, prevents the normal evaporation of sweat, which is why a person does not tolerate heat well and increases the risk of heat stroke. In addition, at high humidity, sub-zero temperatures are also poorly tolerated.

The positive effect of normal humidity

  • Normal humidity supports local immunity of the respiratory tract, which means it protects against the penetration of pathogens into the respiratory system.
  • Improves the synthesis of bronchopulmonary secretion. The cilia of the ciliated epithelium bring the mucus out, along with it - bacteria, allergens and dust.

Negative impact

High humidity:

  • sharply increases the risk of overheating and hypothermia: frostbite of the legs, hands, face and other parts of the body can already be at a temperature of -5-10 C;
  • increases the risk of colds, as it weakens the immune system. In addition, excessively humid air is always characterized by a high content of viruses, bacteria and fungal spores;
  • leads to a deterioration in the condition of people with diseases of the bones and joints, lungs;
  • coupled with high temperature causes fatigue, irritability and discomfort.

Low Humidity:

  • leads to drying of the mucous membranes, which is manifested by pain in the eyes, nosebleeds, nasal congestion, frequent colds;
  • increases the risk of respiratory diseases: mucus, thickening and stagnating in the nose and bronchi, becomes a good environment for the reproduction of viruses, bacteria and the accumulation of allergens;
  • leads to a violation of ionic balance, and positively charged ions become predominant in the body;
  • worsens the condition of allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

To prevent the negative impact of this factor on health, you should:

  • maintain normal humidity in the room. To track indicators, there are special devices- hygrometers. In dry air, it must be moistened by ventilation or using a special humidifier, and in case of excessive humidity, it must be slightly dried;
  • regularly ventilate the premises - this contributes to the formation of a healthy environment.

The effect of atmospheric pressure on immunity

The unit of atmospheric pressure is a conditional indicator, which indicates the air pressure per unit area. Normal indicators - 760-770 mm Hg. When the weather changes, most often there are slight fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, which are balanced by internal pressure. Air moves from a high pressure zone to a low pressure zone in order to balance the difference, and as a result, anticyclones, cyclones, fogs, etc.

Significant jumps that occur during atmospheric fronts when air flows with different temperatures collide can cause dizziness attacks, migraines and blood pressure jumps. These negative manifestations associated with a slowdown in blood flow, which is compensated by the release of adrenaline and increased blood pressure. In weather-dependent people, the release of adrenaline causes discomfort. Thus, neither high nor low atmospheric pressure has a positive effect.

Negative influence

Low atmospheric pressure (less than 750 mm Hg) that occurs during a cyclone High atmospheric pressure (above 780 mm Hg), which develops during an anticyclone
General weakness, drowsiness, loss of strength, migraine, shortness of breath, digestive dysfunction (diarrhea and abdominal pain) are common manifestations that develop in people with low blood pressure, pathologies of the lungs and bronchi. Deterioration of the well-being of allergy sufferers, asthmatics, hypertensive patients due to high air pollution and a large amount of impurities in it, which are manifested by heart, headaches, general weakness.
An additional burden on the heart, blood vessels and brain due to the fact that the level of dissolved gases increases in the blood and tissues. Persistent vasospasm (often in combination with high blood pressure and low temperatures), leading to a jump in blood pressure in hypertensive patients. And coupled with blood clots, this carries a direct risk of stroke and heart attack, large quantity cases of which is just recorded at high atmospheric pressure.
Decrease in the strength of heart contractions, which leads to the development of tachycardia. Reduced resistance to infections, which develops against the background of a decrease in leukocytes in the blood.

For meteorologically sensitive people, it is not so important what pressure has been established, but the very fact of a change in this weather factor (differences of 10-20 hP during the day are considered strong). To avoid changes in your condition during jumps in atmospheric pressure, especially for people with increased weather sensitivity, you should:

  • sleep well and avoid overwork;
  • do light exercises in the morning to improve blood circulation;
  • take a contrast shower, which improves the condition of blood vessels;
  • follow a light, low-calorie diet and saturate the diet with potassium-containing foods: spinach, nuts, mushrooms, dried fruits;
  • For patients with chronic pathologies, it is very important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and not to skip the medication.

Effect of wind speed on health

The wind we are accustomed to is the movement of air masses, during which the upper and lower layers of air are mixed, which reduces gas pollution and makes breathing easier. The optimal indicator is 1-4 m/s: with such a wind, heat exchange and thermoregulation occur at the physiological level.

Positive influence

  • Wind within 1-4 m/s reduces dust and air pollution in megacities, reduces the concentration of harmful chemicals and smog.
  • Together with warm weather(20-22 C) improves the evaporation of moisture from the skin, has a tonic effect on the body, activates internal reserves;
  • At a wind speed of 4-8 m / s, the functioning of the nervous, immune and endocrine systems improves, the body's resistance to infections improves;
  • Reduces the risk of overheating in hot weather.

Negative impact

  • Wind more than 20 m/s causes difficulty in breathing: it acts on the mechanoreceptors of the respiratory mucosa and causes reflex constriction of the vocal cords and bronchi. Increases heat transfer, so the cold is more noticeable in windy weather;
  • Causes anxiety and restlessness;
  • Increases the risk of colds. Wind, and especially drafts, cause muscle and vascular spasm in a local area of ​​the body, after which inflammation and pain develop, and optimal conditions are created for the reproduction of bacteria. It is in this scenario that often develop neuralgia, runny nose, mild colds, exacerbation of chronic rheumatism, sciatica;
  • It dries out the mucous membranes and skin, which worsen their protective properties. The skin begins to peel off, dries up, cracks, and the pathogenic flora easily penetrates into microdamages.

  • avoid drafts;
  • dress for the weather.

The effect of air pollution on the immune system

Residents of megacities breathe air polluted with exhaust gas particles, emissions from factories and enterprises, coal combustion products, and dust. Together, these substances create a dangerous aerosol in the air, which increases the risk of developing coronary artery disease, thrombosis, bronchial asthma and other allergic diseases, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and cancer. A particular health hazard is smog - a fog of harmful chemical particles that "hangs" over major cities in windless weather.

The air we breathe contains positively and negatively charged ions, the percentage of which depends on the season, the purity of the atmosphere, atmospheric pressure and other factors. Positively charged particles negatively affect a person, cause headaches, fatigue, general malaise and increase the risk of a heart attack. Negatively charged ions accelerate wound healing, improve mood and well-being.

positive impact

Air with impurities formed naturally has a positive effect on health.

  • Sea salts. The air on the coast of the sea is characterized by high humidity and a special composition: it is saturated with salts and minerals from sea ​​water. Such an air environment favorably affects the bronchi and lungs, reduces the likelihood of croup and exacerbation of bronchial asthma.
  • Some phytoncides that stand out coniferous trees(young pines, spruces, thuja, fir), as well as poplar and birch, have a detrimental effect on bacteria and fungi and stop their growth.
  • negatively charged ions. There are especially many of them in the air after a thunderstorm, as well as near mountain waterfalls, on the banks of reservoirs. Ions with a negative charge accelerate the recovery of the body after infections and injuries, normalize the condition of the mucous membranes lining the respiratory tract, and have a positive effect on the central nervous system.

Negative influence

  • Carbon monoxide and nitrogen causes oxygen starvation, leading to malaise and headache. The main contribution to the formation of these compounds is made by vehicles and emissions from industrial enterprises.
  • Sulfur dioxide is a compound that irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes and reduces their protective properties. Causes conjunctivitis, bronchitis, heart disease and blood vessels. It is actively formed during the combustion of coal at thermal power plants and enters the air with industrial emissions.
  • Soot is a carcinogen. Its particles less than 5 microns settle in the alveoli and are no longer removed from there, causing lung diseases. It is formed during the combustion of rubber, plastics, hydrocarbons.

How to avoid negative influence:

  • use high-quality, certified cleaners and indoor air ionizers, not forgetting to change filters in a timely manner;
  • carry out scheduled replacement of filters in air conditioners;
  • if possible, walk more often in parks remote from the tracks, or outside the city;
  • undergo speleotherapy sessions with a course of 10 procedures 2 times a year, especially for people suffering from allergic diseases, nervous and respiratory systems;
  • regularly ventilate living quarters.

The effect of solar radiation on immunity

The totality of all the energy coming from the sun is called solar radiation. The most important for the body is ultraviolet radiation, which, depending on the spectrum, penetrates to different depths in the tissues, having different effects on the body. In more detail about the influence of ultraviolet radiation is described in our separate article, we will dwell on the main points that relate to immunity.

Positive influence

  • Sunlight is necessary for normal human life - an insufficient amount sunny days leads to a deficiency of serotonin and endorphins and depression, which adversely affects the immune system. Sufficient quantity sunlight improves mood and stimulates brain activity.
  • It activates the work of all organs and systems, accelerates blood circulation and metabolism.
  • It activates the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin, which is involved in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium, and a number of other processes.
  • Accelerates the treatment of skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, acne.
  • It has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The heat of the sun warms and relaxes the muscles, relieves soreness.
  • Visible sun rays are directly involved in the work of the visual analyzer, provide color vision- are reflected from various items, fall on the retina and turn into nerve impulses that are already analyzed by the brain.
  • Synchronize biorhythms, providing alternation of sleep and wakefulness.

Negative impact

Negative influence is associated with excessive action solar radiation per person.

  • Can lead to sunstroke, a dangerous condition that can be fatal.
  • Causes an exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Depresses immunity.
  • calls sunburn and photodermatitis.
  • Reduces visual acuity.
  • Accelerates skin aging and dehydrates it.
  • Increases the risk of developing skin cancer and accelerates the progression of an existing cancer.

How to avoid negative influence:

  • exclude exposure to the open sun from 11 am to 4 pm;
  • observe the drinking regimen: at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water during the day;
  • use products with UV protection for the skin both during tanning and during daily activities, protect the head, body and eyes from direct sun rays: wear wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, natural clothes in light colors;
  • follow the rules of a healthy tan.

The influence of the composition of water and soil on immunity

A person receives various minerals, macro- and microelements with water and food, the composition of which largely depends on the types of soil: water passes through its layers and is saturated with elements, plants grow on the ground and also receive various components from it. Composition and quantity chemical elements often changes in a negative direction due to economic activity person.

positive impact

  • Iodine ensures the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, in particular, the production of iodine-containing hormones that regulate metabolic processes in the body. With iodine deficiency in the body, endemic goiter develops.
  • Fluorine increases the density of bone tissue and teeth, and the lack of the element is the cause of caries.
  • Cobalt is involved in the synthesis and absorption of vitamin B12, while its deficiency leads to a deficiency of this vitamin.

Negative impact

  • An excess of fluorine over 1.5 mg/l leads to the development of fluorosis: damage to tooth enamel. This situation is typical for soil with mineral deposits, and also happens during the activities of enterprises producing nitrates, superphosphates, and aluminum.
  • Heavy metal salts such as zinc, lead, cadmium, mercury, which enter the soil and water with smoke and wastewater from industrial enterprises, accumulate in the body and lead to severe poisoning.
  • radioactive elements. Biggest Contribution the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant contributed to the chemical pollution of water and soil. Radon, uranium, thorium, lead, radioactive iodine and other radionuclides emit gamma rays and irradiate humans, and also enter the body with water, food and cause cancer.
  • Soil contamination with bacteria, fungi, worm eggs and protozoa leads to the fact that they enter the body through contact, household, food and air, causing a number of diseases: helminthic invasions, dysentery, viral hepatitis, typhoid fever.

How to avoid negative influence:

  • try to buy organic products;
  • drink purified (filtered) or bottled water, especially while in other countries. If this is not possible, it is allowed to boil tap water (as a temporary solution);
  • wash hands before eating with soap and foods before eating.

The effect of altitude on immunity

As altitude increases, the concentration of oxygen in the air decreases. To restore the level of oxygen saturation in the blood, compensatory mechanisms are triggered: the heart rate and respiratory rate increase, the level of red blood cells in the blood increases.

positive impact

  • Mountain air is considered the cleanest: it is devoid of dangerous impurities, saturated with negatively charged ions. People living in mountainous areas have elevated level red blood cells and a rapid response of the immune system to the introduction of the pathogen: immunoglobulins are synthesized at an increased rate. A priori, highlanders have minimized contact with pathogens and their immunity is not weakened, unlike urban residents.
  • Clean air, non-polluted soil and organic products have a positive effect on overall health.
  • High levels of sunlight activate the synthesis of vitamin D, which, according to recent research, is involved in stimulating the growth of immune cells that destroy cancerous tumors.

Negative impact

  • At an altitude of 4000 thousand meters above sea level and more, all cells of the body suffer from oxygen deficiency - the so-called altitude sickness occurs. Brain cells are most sensitive to hypoxia, so a person feels headache, dizziness, depression of mood. The myocardium suffers from a lack of oxygen - IHD develops.
  • A decrease in atmospheric pressure leads to a jump in blood pressure and increases the risk of a heart attack.
  • Increasing solar radiation levels and weakening magnetic field accelerates cell aging and slows down their regeneration.

How to avoid negative influence:

  • do not climb to a height of more than 4000 above sea level without special training;
  • when hiking in mountainous areas, one should gradually adapt to new conditions, getting used to each new height ( middle period adaptation 3-14 days);
  • you can’t climb mountains with exacerbation of chronic diseases and the presence of serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

The effect of a magnetic field on immunity

A static geomagnetic field is created by our planet and has an impact on health. The body also has its own magnetic field. The balance of magnetic fields leads to balance in the body and the preservation of health. But there are weather-dependent people, and for them, geomagnetic storms, which are caused by solar flares, are dangerous to health.

positive impact

  • The magnetic field is involved in maintaining daily biorhythms.
  • Strengthens the immune system (reducing the magnetic field increases the tendency to frequent diseases).
  • Improves the permeability of the vascular wall, delivery nutrients and oxygen to tissues.
  • Improves the functioning of the central nervous system.
  • Slows down the growth of tumors, in particular, colon cancer.

Negative impact

Geomagnetic storms that occur 2-4 times a month:

  • Violate daily biorhythms, in particular, disrupt the synthesis of hormones that control daily activity and cause insomnia.
  • Change the emotional background - cause bouts of anger, depression up to suicidal thoughts.
  • Slow down the reaction rate and increase the risk of injury. At this time, the number of traffic accidents, accidents and incidents doubles.
  • Violate the work of the heart, causing tachycardia and increasing the risk of myocardial infarction (especially 1 day after the onset of storms). The vascular system is the most vulnerable: receptors in the walls of blood vessels pick up magnetic field vibrations and resonate with them. This leads to a narrowing of the vessels of the brain, a slowdown in blood flow, an increase in blood pressure and blood viscosity, and these are the risks of dangerous acute heart diseases.

Some doctors and scientists believe that fluctuations in the magnetic field have a positive effect on biological processes: For many thousands of years, man's internal clock has coordinated with the rhythms of the sun and stars. Those. fluctuations in the magnetic field and solar flares are a kind of winding up for the body and internal clock and keep the body in good shape. But such a positive influence is realized only if the person is completely healthy, and, alas, there are few of them.

How to avoid the negative impact during geomagnetic storms:

  • take medications for prophylactic purposes;
  • take acetylsalicylic acid preparations to reduce blood clotting;
  • take motherwort or valerian tincture;
  • do not overeat, avoid fatty and hard-to-digest food, drink non-carbonated mineral water, vegetable juices;
  • do not wear clothes made of natural fur or 100% synthetics during this period (they attract electricity);
  • track forecasts of meteorologists: as a rule, they report about the approach of a geomagnetic storm 2 days in advance.

Attention weather-sensitive! There are places where magnetic storms and solar activity are especially strong: the upper layers of the atmosphere at an altitude of 9-11 km above the ground (when flying in an airplane) and in the north (Scandinavian Peninsula).

The impact of climate on children

Everyone knows that adaptive reactions to climate and weather changes (acclimatization) in children are more complicated and take a long period of time. A growing organism is the most vulnerable in this regard. Change geographical latitudes leads to a malfunction in the immune system, and the respiratory system is the first to be hit.

Many children are imperfect defense mechanisms, and the younger the child, the stronger the reaction is the temperature difference, the intensity of solar radiation, changes in humidity, atmospheric pressure and other natural factors. And most often such a “blow” to the body occurs during the long-awaited vacation.

In order not to end up in a hospital room instead of a pleasant rest, you should follow a number of recommendations:

  • Climate. Seaside resorts with low humidity and not over the top temperatures are ideal: the northern shores of the Caspian Sea, Anapa, Gelendzhik, Italy, Greece and France.

These are the mildest conditions for acclimatization.

  • Timezone . The time difference should not exceed 2 hours. It is especially dangerous when the hands of the clock are moved much forward - the excitability of the central nervous system increases and hormonal failure may develop.
  • Trip duration. All pediatricians say that you should not go for less than 3 weeks. This is true - it will take at least 5 days to adapt, even if it goes unnoticed.

How to reduce the negative impact of climatic factors on immunity

The influence of a combination of climatic factors affects the well-being of different people in different ways. In the body of relatively healthy people, when the weather changes, rebuilding physiological processes to changing conditions occurs in a timely manner. In people with chronic diseases, the elderly and weather-sensitive, adaptive reactions are weakened, so the body reacts to climate change. Nevertheless, meteorological dependence, even in the extreme degree of manifestation, is not a disease, but requires increased attention to oneself and one's health.

To reduce weather dependence and improve adaptive reactions to changing weather conditions, it is recommended:

  • exercise regularly, at least 2-3 times a week, while reducing significant physical activity;
  • stay outdoors more in "clean" areas: in the forest, park;
  • harden by choosing the best way in accordance with the state of health;
  • periodically take vitamin and mineral complexes (vitamins A, E, C are especially important) or monitor the vitamin and mineral usefulness of food;
  • get enough sleep, taking at least 7 hours a day to sleep;
  • take a course of general massage 1 time per six months;
  • take soothing herbal remedies to reduce the excitability of the central nervous system (mint, lemon balm) or inhalation with mint and lavender, and in case of loss of strength - tinctures of eleutherococcus, lemongrass or ginseng;
  • give up alcohol and smoking, limit coffee and strong tea, replace them with herbal teas or high-quality green teas with honey;
  • include dishes from seaweed, fish, beans, lentils, beets, cranberries in the menu. 30 minutes before meals, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, clean water with the addition of lemon juice.

However, these measures do not always bring relief, and people have to change their place of residence, move to another climatic zone.

Often the concept of "humidity" is associated with phenomena that have a negative connotation.

In fact, many of our ideas about humidity are erroneous and based on superficial knowledge of what it really is.

The purpose of this article is to review the most common false myths» about humidity, to understand that it is more important (and even more valuable) than we think.

In fact, there is often a need to create and maintain this air parameter with the help of humidifiers.

It's foggy outside

One cubic meter of outdoor air at 0°C and 75% relative humidity contains 2.9 grams of water vapor; the same air heated to 20°C (average house temperature) without the addition of water vapor has a relative humidity of 20%, which is too low to feel good! Actually, the minimum relative humidity required for human comfort and health is about 45%-50%.

Relative humidity depends on temperature: the hotter the air, the lower the relative humidity.

For example, winter outside air at 0°C on a foggy day(100% relative humidity), heated indoors to 22°C, gives a relative humidity of 23%. In places with very dry winters, say, with an outside temperature of 0°C and a relative humidity of up to 30%, when the air is heated to 22°C, the relative humidity drops to 7%.

As a result, even if it is foggy outside (a lot of moisture in the air), this is not a guarantee that the humidity level inside the heated room will be correct.

To achieve the optimum humidity value, the air must be humidified.

Humidity and feeling cold

There is also a physiological effect of humidity that is often overlooked: the effect on the perception of heat or cold. We all know that sweating is an important part of the body's thermoregulation process: the evaporation of sweat removes heat, thereby cooling us.

In summer, when it is hot, increased sweating provides our skin with comfortable temperature. High humidity prevents evaporation (stuffiness), while dry air favors this process.

In winter, dry air promotes evaporation and thus cools the skin. The immediate effect of this phenomenon is that at the same temperature, the drier the air, the colder it seems to us.

Under typical heated room conditions "apparent temperature"(i.e. subjective perception of temperature related to personal comfort) increases by about 2 °C if the relative humidity rises from 25% to 50%. In other words, if the humidity is at the right level, in addition to all the other benefits, we can save on space heating costs.

The effect of dry air on people and objects

Humidity is also very important for human health.

One of the problems caused by low humidity is the sensation of eye irritation., i.e. dryness of the cornea, which is often a serious problem for people who wear contact lenses. The amount of moisture in the air affects our skin,hands and face dry out and chapped at low humidity in the first place, as they are in direct contact with dry air.

Another problem is the dryness of the mucosa in the respiratory tract, which can exacerbate asthma and allergy sufferers, and generally reduces the body's defenses.

Examples of the negative impact of low humidity on objects and things can be given endlessly. “Hygroscopicity” is a term characteristic of materials whose particles absorb moisture, which leads to a change in their size. Such materials include paper, fabrics, some types of plastic, wood, fruits, vegetables and other materials that tend to absorb or release moisture.

Besides, humidity affects the physical characteristics of materials, such as toughness (eg photoresist in microelectronics), mechanical strength/brittleness (textile, tobacco, woodworking) and electrostatic discharge potential (paper, textiles and electronics).

Sources of humidity in our home

We have many sources of moisture in our home, from clothes hung out to dry to boiling water used to make pasta.

Moreover, people enter and leave the house, windows open, walls exude moisture, not to mention the appearance of small cracks and holes. One little-known fact is that a small amount fresh air entering the house when the window is opened has little effect on the room temperature, but causes a strong decrease in relative humidity.

In other words , water vapor "escapes" much faster than heat, due to physical properties gases.

The paradox is that airing the room in winter without additional humidification reduces the quality of the air, making it too dry.

Besides, water containers placed indoors or attached to radiators are useless, because too little water evaporates.

To check this, measure the humidity with a simple wall hygrometer, with and without an additional container of water - the difference will be negligible.

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