Climatic zones of China. Natural and climatic conditions of ancient China. What have we learned

In the minds of most people, China is seen as a hot country. However, this statement is not true, since the climate of the country is very diverse due to its huge size.

Weather in China now:

The country has an unofficial name "Middle Empire", which fully reflects its essence. Here you can find literally all types of climate available on the planet. It is almost impossible to choose a season in which good weather conditions will accompany throughout China. To some extent, certain periods of spring and autumn meet these conditions, but it is worth noting that at this time it is easy to run into a raging typhoon. In addition to unusual weather, China is a very interesting and diverse country in terms of color. The Chinese pay tribute to traditions and know how to honor the memory of their ancestors. The inhabitants of the country know how to work and relax, which makes the country a very attractive place to get acquainted with the ancient traditions of the East.

Climate of China by months:


If you decide to visit this country, then the best option would be a spring trip. In March, nature begins to massively come to life and everything around blooms. However, we must not forget about the size of the country, which causes some difference in temperatures. In April it becomes even warmer, and May brings not just warm, but even hot weather.

The Chinese spring is full of holidays, just like the domestic one. However, there they have a slightly different meaning. For example, March 8 is not massively celebrated, but on May 1 they walk for almost a week. Yes, and the national flavor makes itself felt. In China, such holidays as the Kite Festival and the Feast of the Heavenly Empress Matsu are very cheerful and colorful.


Summer brings warm, and in some regions even hot weather. June and July are somewhat stuffy, especially in urban areas, but August is a little cooler. The downside of this time of year is frequent hurricanes, as well as the calmness of sea waters.

Summer in the country is full of celebrations. Summer begins traditionally with Children's Day, but then there are holidays that are completely unusual for us. This is the Dragon Boat Festival, which is one of the main festive days in the country and Father's Day. And in August, the Chinese celebrate Valentine's Day.


In autumn it is noticeably cooler than in summer, but still quite warm. The air temperature ranges from 13 to 25 degrees, depending on the region. But with the onset of November, it becomes cooler, and frosts occur in winter.

The galaxy of autumn holidays begins with Teacher's Day, which takes place on September 10th. It is worth noting that the people of China honor not only educators, but also their main teacher - Confucius. The birthday of the great philosopher is September 28th. And the most important holiday of the country is celebrated on October 1 - the Day of the Republic of China.


In the north of the country, the winter is quite severe. Winter here lasts from December to March and is very cold. The air temperature can drop below forty degrees, revealing an interesting sight - sand dunes under a layer of snow. In the center of China, winters are shorter but also quite cold. But in the south it is much warmer and winter lasts no more than 2 months.

The Chinese officially switched to the usual chronology, but continue to honor and largely follow the lunar calendar. In this regard, the usual New Year (January 1) is not celebrated on a large scale, but the Chinese New Year (February 10) causes a storm of mass celebrations. In the same month (February 24) the Lantern Festival is celebrated, the celebration of which is an incredibly beautiful sight.

Huge occupying an advantageous geographical position - China. It is located in East Asia. Its relief is very diverse. China has mountains, hills, plains, highlands, river valleys, deserts. This But the vast areas of China are deserted. After all, most of the population is concentrated on the plains.

Geographical position

China on the world map occupies a position on the western coast of the Pacific Ocean. Its area is almost equal to the area of ​​the whole of Europe. China covers an area of ​​9.6 million square kilometers. In terms of area, this country is overtaken only by Russia and Canada.

The territory of China stretches for 5.2 thousand kilometers from east to west and for 5.5 thousand kilometers from south to north. The easternmost point of the country is located at the confluence of the Ussuri and Amur rivers, the westernmost - in the southernmost - among the northernmost - on the Amur River in Mohe County.

China on the world map from the east is washed by several seas that are part of the Pacific Ocean. The coastline of the country stretches for 18,000 km. The sea in China creates a border with five countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Brunei and the Philippines.

The land border runs from the south, north and west. Its length is 22117 km. By land, China has a border with Russia, North Korea, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan, India, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar.

The geographical position of China is quite favorable for its economic development.


The relief of the country is very diverse. China, whose geography is wide, has a stepped landscape. It consists of three levels, decreasing from west to east.

The Himalayas are also located in the southwest of the state. They are the highest rung in the landscape of a country like China. Geography and relief mostly consist of uplands, plateaus and mountains. The lowest level, consisting of plains, is near the coast.

Southwest China

Part of the world's highest mountain system is located in the southwest of the country. In addition to China, the Himalayas are spread over the territories of India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bhutan. On the border of the state in question there are 9 of the 14 highest mountains of the globe - Everest, Chogori, Lhotse, Makalu, Cho-Oyu, Shishabangma, Chogori, several peaks from the Gasherbrum massif.

The Tibetan Plateau is located north of the Himalayas. It is the largest in area and the highest plateau in the world. It is surrounded by ridges on all sides. In addition to the Himalayas, the neighbors of the Tibetan Plateau are Kunlun, Qilianshan, Karakorum, and the Sino-Tibetan Mountains. The last of them and the adjacent Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau are a remote area. It is cut by the deep Salween and the Mekong.

Thus, the characteristic of the geographical position of China in the southwest is distinguished by the presence of mountainous regions.

Northwest China

In the north-west of the country, near the Tibetan Plateau, there are the Tarim Basin, the Takla-Makan Desert and the Turfan Depression. The last object is the deepest in East Asia. Further north is the Dzungarian Plain.

To the east of the Tarim Basin, the geographical position contrasts even more. China in these places is changing the landscape to steppes and deserts. This is an autonomous region. It is located on a high plateau. Most of it is occupied by the Gobi and Alashan deserts. The Lessovoye Plateau adjoins them from the south. very fertile and rich in forests.

Northeast China

The northeastern part of the country is quite flat. There are no high mountain ranges here. The Songliao Plain is located in this part of China. It is surrounded by small mountain ranges - Big and Small Khingan, Changbaishan.

Northern China

The main agricultural zones are concentrated in the north of China. This part of the country consists of vast plains. They feed well on the rivers and are very fertile. These are such plains as Liaohe and North China.

Southeast China

The southeastern part of the country stretches from the Huaiyanshan Range to the Qinling Mountains. It also includes the island of Taiwan. The local landscape consists mainly of mountains interspersed with river valleys.

South China

In the south of the country are the regions of Guangxi, Guangdong, and partly Yunnan. This also includes a year-round resort, Hainan Island. The local relief is made up of hills and small mountains.

Climate and weather

The climate of the country is not uniform. It is affected by geographic location. China is located in three climatic zones. Therefore, the weather in different parts of the country is different.

Northern and western China are located in the temperate continental climate zone. The average temperature here in winter is -7°C, although it sometimes drops to -20°C. In summer, the temperature is at the level of +22°C. Strong dry winds are typical for winter and autumn.

Central China lies in the subtropical climate zone. In winter, the air temperature ranges from 0 to -5°C. In summer it stays at +20°C.

Southern China and the islands have a tropical monsoonal climate. There, the temperature in winter ranges from +6 to +15°C, and in summer it rises above +25°C. This part of the country is characterized by powerful typhoons. They occur in winter and autumn.

Annual precipitation decreases from south and east to north and west - from about 2000 mm to 50 mm.


According to 2014 data, 1.36 billion people live in the state. The large country of China is home to 20% of the world's inhabitants.

The state is on the verge of a demographic resettlement crisis. Therefore, the government is struggling with a high birth rate. His goal is one child per family. But the demographic policy is conducted flexibly. Thus, it is allowed to give birth to a second child to ethnic minorities, as well as to families living in rural areas, if the first child is a girl or has physical disabilities.

Part of the population opposes such a policy. She is especially dissatisfied in rural areas. After all, there is a higher need for the birth of a large number of boys as a future labor force.

But population growth is projected to rise despite this. It is estimated that 1.5 billion people will live in China by 2030.

Population density

The population is distributed very unevenly throughout the country. This is due to the difference in geographical conditions. The average population density is 138 people per square kilometer. This indicator looks quite acceptable. He's not talking about overpopulation. After all, the same figure is typical for some European countries.

But the average figure does not reflect the real situation. There are areas in the country where almost no one lives, and Macau has 21,000 people per square kilometer.

Half of the country is practically uninhabited. The Chinese live in river basins, on fertile plains. And in the highlands of Tibet, in the deserts of the Gobi and Takla Makan, there are almost no settlements.

National composition and language of the population

The country is inhabited by different ethnic groups. Most of the population consider themselves Han Chinese. But besides them, 55 nationalities are distinguished in China. The largest nations are the Zhuangs, Manchus, Tibetans, the smallest are the Loba.

Dialects in different parts of the country are also different. The difference between them is so great that the inhabitant of the south of China will not understand the inhabitant of the north. But the country has a national language, Putunha. Residents of China moving from region to region are required to own it in order to avoid problems in communication.

Also in the country is widespread Mandarin, or Beijing, dialect. It can be considered an alternative to putunkhe. After all, 70% of the population speaks Mandarin.

Religion and beliefs of the population

Since the middle of the 20th century in China, as in a communist state, adherence to religious beliefs and beliefs was not welcomed. Atheism was the official ideology.

But since 1982 there has been a change in this matter. The right to freedom of religion was included in the constitution. The most common religions here are Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. But Christianity, Islam, Judaism are also popular.

Largest cities

There are not many big cities in China. The population of this country is not urbanized. But where the construction of the city begins, it grows to the size of a huge metropolis, uniting a large number of residential, business, commercial, industrial and agricultural zones. For example, Chongqing. It is the largest representative of such megacities. According to information for 2014, 29 million people live in it. Its area is almost equal to the area of ​​Austria and is 82,400 square kilometers.

Other major cities in the country are Shanghai, Tianjin, Harbin, Guangzhou and of course Beijing, the capital of China.


The Chinese call Beijing Beijing. It means Northern Capital. The urban layout is characterized by strict geometry. Streets are oriented to parts of the world.

Beijing is the capital of China and one of the most interesting cities in the country. Its heart is Tiananmen Square. Translated, this word means "gate of heavenly tranquility." The main building on the square is the mausoleum of Mao Zedong.

An important sight of the city is the Forbidden City. They call him Gugong. It is a beautiful and ancient palace ensemble.

No less interesting are Yiheyuan and Yuanminyuan. These are garden and palace complexes. They surprisingly combine miniature rivers, graceful bridges, waterfalls, residential buildings. There is a wonderful harmony and a feeling of unity between man and nature.

There are many temples of such religious trends as Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism in the capital. One of them is the most interesting. This is Tian Tan Temple of Heaven. It is the only round-shaped religious building in the city. It has a unique wall. If you utter a word near it, even in the quietest whisper, it will spread along its entire length.

Yonghegun Temple of Eternal Peace is also notable. This is a lamaist religious building. It houses a Buddha statue carved from a single trunk of sandalwood. Its length is 23 meters.

There are many museums in Beijing. Of particular note is the National Art Gallery. It houses a large collection of Chinese paintings. No less interesting is the Museum of National History, where you can trace the entire path of China's development.

The attraction is Wangfujing Street. This is a favorite place for walking, both among tourists and the local population. The history of the street began over 700 years ago. Now it has been reconstructed. The street is located in the area of ​​the shopping center. It harmoniously combines ancient and modern cultures.

Not far from Beijing begins the Great Wall of China. Most people associate the country with it. This is a grand building. It stretches for 67,000 km. The construction of the wall lasted over 2000 years.

First of all, in order to understand what the weather conditions in China are for visitors and those who are going to move to this amazing country forever, it is necessary to understand the general climate in China. In terms of its territory, the country is not small, where almost all climatic zones exist.

The country has approximately seven climatic zones, we single out six main ones:

  • Equatorial. For tourists, the most favorable climate zone. Summer is hot almost all year round. The vegetation is stormy, similar to tropical forests, but without prolonged rains.South latitude from 15°.
  • Tropical. For tourists who do not tolerate the heat and do not like the cold. The vegetation is similar to tropical forests where monsoons are observed. For reflection: the coldest month in this belt keeps the temperature above 15 degrees, at this temperature they manage to harvest three crops of rice a year.The latitude of this belt is from 15° to 23°.
  • Subtropical. Favorable for tourists from European countries, Russia, Canada and other countries with a temperate climate. So, the coldest month of the year: temperatures from 0° to 16° Celsius. The vegetation of this belt inspires us with the beauty of evergreen broad-leaved forest types, where they have time to harvest two crops of rice per year.
  • Moderate warm. Can't stand the heat and warm climate? Northerners to you for rest in China exactly here. Where the average temperature of the coldest month of the year varies from -7° and does not exceed 0° Celsius. Autumn inspires artists from all over the world to paint pictures of the deciduous forests of this climate zone. The crop is harvested 1-2 times a year. Latitude 32°-43°.
  • Moderate. For tourists-lovers of snow, skiing, mountains. Who loves the cold and winter sports. For you, this is an ideal climate zone, not too cold and real WINTER. The coldest month of the year: up to -25°С. The vegetation pleases with firs, pines, etc. - mixed coniferous trees. They manage to harvest one crop per year.
  • Moderately cold. This mysterious and alluring taiga. Latitude from 50° and above. The temperature drops below 25°C.. Does it stop you? No, in Chinese stores, you can buy thermal underwear and clothes that can withstand temperatures up to -40 degrees. Around the taiga stormy forests. The climate is not entirely favorable for the harvest, but several varieties of wheat and potatoes are grown.

The weather in China depends directly on the climate zone. The weather can be both severely cold and sultry-hot. Small tips for visiting China for the first time.

Climate of China: when is the best time to go to China and when are the most favorable climatic conditions. Features of China's climate.

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The weather in China can vary from region to region, although the country generally has cool winters and hot, rainy summers. At the same time, a temperate continental climate prevails in the west and north of the country, a subtropical climate in the central regions, and a tropical monsoon climate on the southern coast and islands.

It is quite rainy in the center of the country in summer - the monsoon brings rainfall, "ruling" in the region from April to September. Most of the rains are in June, in the same month the highest air temperature is +31 ... +33 °С during the day. The coldest of all is in June, when the daytime temperature drops to +6...+8 °C, and the night temperature drops to -1...-3 °C.

The best time to visit China is from October to March, as the "rainy season" runs from April to September.

Mild winters and not too hot summers are common in the province of Sichuan, located in the center of the country and protected from the winds by mountains. The temperature in winter there rarely drops to zero, and in summer the constant cloudiness saves from the hot sun. The climate of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau is considered the most favorable, with its mild winters and sunny summers. Thus, the average daytime temperature here is +14 °C in winter, and +17...+23 °C in summer.

It is believed that the best time to visit China is from October to March, since from April to September the country has a “rainy season”. Tropical showers and typhoons are not uncommon during the summer months. Such high humidity, coupled with heat, creates not the most comfortable conditions for traveling around the country. "Golden season" - in October, when the rains end and the heat subsides.

The territory of China is 9,598,962 km2. At the same time, the country ranks 1st in terms of population, since the population of the country as of 2016 is 1,380,083,000 people! That is a little less than 20% of the total population of the planet.

The country of China is located in East Asia, in the southeast of the Eurasian continent. It is washed in the west of the country by the South China Sea, the East China Sea, the West Korea Bay and the Yellow Sea, which belong to the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The length of China from west to east is just over 5,000 km, and from north to south, about 4,000 km.

Officially, China is a socialist state. The head of state of China is Xi Jinping. The official language is Chinese, which is called Putonghua in the country. At the same time, in different autonomous regions of the PRC, there are additional official languages. In total, there are 292 languages ​​in China that are used on the territory of this country. The monetary unit is the Chinese yuan. The capital of the People's Republic of China is the city of Beijing, with a population of 21,705,000 as of 2016. This city is one of the twenty most populated cities in the world and covers an area of ​​16,801 km2.

Flag of the People's Republic of China:

The PRC is divided into 22 provinces (Taiwan is the 23rd province of the PRC), 4 municipalities, 5 autonomous regions and 2 special administrative regions.

The People's Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949, and dates back to 2353 BC. e.

The country of China is the world's largest exporter. World leader in the production of most industrial products. It has the largest gold and foreign exchange reserves. Since 2014, it has the first economy in the world in terms of GDP.

The country is also rich in natural resources such as coal, oil, shale gas, precious metals and metal ores. It ranks first in coal mining, and is also the world's largest producer of gold.

Relief of China

The relief of China is quite diverse. Here you can find plains, deserts, depressions, as well as plateaus and high mountain systems.

If you look at the map of China from west to east, you can distinguish three steps. In the southwest is the Tibetan Plateau, whose height is 2000-4000 meters above sea level and above. The second stage is the lower mountains and plains, the height of which is from 1500 to 3000 meters above sea level. And the third step is the lowest - these are plains, depressions and low mountains, the height of which does not exceed 1500 meters above sea level.

Climate of China

Due to the location of China, the size of its territory, as well as the features of the relief, which consists of steps, the climate of this country is very diverse in different regions. The country itself is located in three zones: temperate, subtropical and tropical. The northern and western regions of China are located in a temperate continental climate, which is characterized by hot summers and rather cold winters. The central regions of China are located in the subtropical zone, while the southern part of China and the islands are located in the tropical zone.

The coast of the country is under the influence of the monsoons. China's climate is characterized by humid air in summer and dry air in winter. In winter, completely different temperatures in different regions of the country. From -40 degrees Celsius in the north of the country and up to +20 in the very south of the country. Summer is hot and humid. Also, the temperature ranges from +20 degrees Celsius in the north of the country to +40 degrees in the south. China is prone to typhoons, tropical downpours and storms. The weather can vary greatly in different regions of the country both in terms of precipitation and average annual air temperature.

Inland waters of China

In addition to the fact that the country has access to the seas, it is also rich in inland waters, which are characterized by long river systems and lakes. Some of the largest rivers in the world flow in China - the Huang He, the Yangtze, the Mekong (Lancangjiang), the Amur (Heilongjiang).

In addition to rivers, China is also rich in lakes. Some of the country's major lakes are Poyang, Dongting and Taihu.

Fauna and flora of China

The animal world of China suffers from deforestation, but at the same time it has quite a lot of animal species. The symbol of China is the Lesser Panda and the Giant Panda. Also, the most common representatives of the animal world of China are: wolves, foxes, bears, raccoons, jerboas, hamsters, tigers, leopards, monkeys and many other species of representatives of the animal world.

The flora of China is characterized by deciduous and coniferous forests, coniferous taiga, subtropical and tropical forests. Recently, due to the use of land by man, the vegetation of the country began to suffer very much. The property of China is the plant Bamboo. There are about 35 types of bamboo in China. Its characteristic feature is its rapid growth. Bamboo is used both for food and for the production of furniture, pulp, ropes, pipes and other types of products. The main representatives of the plant world of China are linden, oak, maple and walnut, there are many types of shrubs, and magnolia, orchids, lotuses, tea roses, Chinese camellias, chrysanthemums are common among flowers.

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