The main directions of development of a harmonious personality. Characteristics of a harmonious personality. Not afraid of change

The concept of the harmonious development of personality

Definition 1

Harmonious and versatile development of a personality is the process of formation of various interests and abilities that correspond to various spheres of human life, with the allocation of the most significant personal spheres of life.

At the same time, a harmoniously developed personality is characterized by a high level of development of any special skills and abilities against the background of a high general level of development.

A harmoniously developed personality is impossible without properly built relationships between the personality and the surrounding world.

The process of forming a harmoniously developed personality

The formation of a harmoniously developed personality is closely connected with the process of formation of a hierarchical structure of motives and values. This structure is characterized by the dominance of higher levels over the lower ones.

The existence of such a hierarchy in the structure of the personality does not violate the existing harmony at all, due to the fact that the complexity and plurality of the interests of the individual, in the presence of a solid moral core, provide a variety of connections with the world and the overall stability of the individual.

A characteristic feature of a harmoniously developed personality is the balance between various personality neoplasms, such as:

  • needs;
  • motives;
  • value orientations;
  • self-esteem;
  • image of I.

Harmony in the development of personality directly depends on the conditions of dominance of the highest level over the lower levels, their relationship with each other.

The correct and complete formation of a person's personality depends on what needs will become the driving forces of development. The main role of education also depends on this - the formation of the skills of self-regulation of the main personal processes in the individual.

Personal harmony arises as a result of the most complete development of a person's abilities, which create the correct orientation of the personality and give meaning to all his life activity.

The harmony of the personality is achieved precisely in the case when its conscious aspiration is in full accordance with immediate desires.

The motivational force of these desires and aspirations is very high, and in conditions of conflict with the conscious aspirations and requirements of society, it can lead to distortion and deformation of the individual. Affective experiences that arise in the course of a conflict situation can become sources of the formation and development of a disharmonious personality.

Features of a disharmonic personality

Characterizing the features of a disharmonious personality, it is important to note the following features:

  • various kinds of violations of the emotional sphere;
  • behavior disorder;
  • unmotivated aggressiveness;
  • fears and doubts, suspiciousness;
  • isolation, etc.

All of the above violations lead to the emergence of hypercompensation, inadequate self-esteem and the level of claims of the individual.

Psychocorrectional and therapeutic work with a person in this case should include the following areas:

  • involvement of a disharmonious personality in activities that have an externally regulated level of task difficulty and pronounced results;
  • using highly empathic relationships;
  • application of methods of intensive social approval.

People with a disharmonic personality organization are characterized not only by a narrow focus on themselves and their inner world, but a conflict with themselves. A person is not just closed and lives his life inside himself, not transmitting feelings to the outside world, he is in constant contradiction with himself. In such people, the conscious mental life and the life of unconscious affects constantly oppose and interfere with the development of the personality and life in general.

The predominance of motivations during a given internal conflict can be completely different at the conscious and unconscious levels of human consciousness. As a result, there is a constant internal conflict and the impossibility of making decisions adequate to the situation, difficulties in resolving sometimes elementary life situations. Conflicts of this kind can arise only under certain conditions, which can be external and internal.

The external conditions of the conflict are characterized by the fact that the process of satisfying any deeply significant, active motives and attitudes of the individual is either under threat or completely impossible. There is a contradiction between "I want" and "I can do", between various motives and attitudes of the individual, or between the real possibilities and aspirations of the individual. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the existing internal conditions of a psychological conflict in a person rarely arise spontaneously. They directly depend on the external situation in which the person is, the history of the formation of the personality, its psychophysiological characteristics.

The second condition for the emergence of a psychological conflict of a person can be subjective, independent of the individual, insolubility and complexity of the situation that has arisen. Conflict arises when it seems to a person that he is not able to change the objective conditions that gave rise to the conflict. The resolution of a psychological conflict is possible only if a person changes his attitude to the situation and new motives for activity are formed.

Despite all the difficulties and problems described above in the development of an internal conflict of a personality, it should be noted that it is the conflict that is a powerful impetus to the development of self-awareness and the harmonious development of the personality. The main thing here is to be able to recognize the essence of the conflict and find constructive ways to resolve it.

The very fact of the possibility of such conflicts at all stages of human life is an indispensable element of its functioning, which allows us to speak of harmony as a dynamic state of being of a person.

A person who is quite well adapted to specific living conditions, including society, and also does not have strongly pronounced chronic internal conflicts. In other words, a harmoniously developed personality is a personality with a minimum of contradictions.

The concept of "harmoniously developed personality" was quite common in the psychological and pedagogical literature of the second half of the 20th century. It was even actively used in the normative documents regulating educational activities. Now it is not used so often, which is mainly due to its low specificity. It can also be stated that different authors put quite different meanings into it.

The problem lies in the fact that it is quite easy to make a psychological diagnosis of "disharmoniously developed personality" - if you identify strong contradictions in your mental life. However, the reverse diagnosis of “harmoniously developed personality” is much more difficult to make, because the fact that a contradiction has not been identified does not mean that they do not exist at all (it is difficult to exclude all possible problems).

Internal conflicts usually concern three areas:

- orientations (interests and inclinations),

- capabilities,

- character.

Contradictions can be both between these spheres and within them. Therefore, somewhat simplified concept of "harmoniously developed personality" can be represented as follows:

In this case, the green color in the figure means that there are no contradictions between certain spheres, as well as within these spheres themselves.

Examples of a disharmoniously developed personality

Description of the problem Major controversies
A person leads an openly delinquent lifestyle: steals, hooligans, etc. Contradiction between personality and society
A person has too many conflicts at work. He is very sociable, but communication too often results in open confrontation: with scandal, intrigue and so on. The contradiction between orientation and character: the tendency to communicate and work like "Man-Man" is superimposed on a bad, misanthropic character (negative attitude towards others).
Everyone tells a person that he has outstanding abilities, he will go far, etc. However, everything he undertakes ends in nothing. Fluctuations in self-esteem, broken promises, etc. The contradiction between abilities and character: high abilities are not realized due to the fact that a person has a negative attitude towards any work - work seems to him an unworthy occupation.
A person really likes to communicate, but he does not know how: he constantly gets into a mess, makes himself look stupid, reveals other people's secrets, etc. Contradiction between orientation (like communication) and abilities (low communicative competence).
A person who has been practicing medicine for a year (and quite willingly), but his qualifications are very low, often make fatal mistakes. Contradiction within the orientation: inclinations towards medicine are not supported by interests in it.
A person has problems with communication: he loves to “cut the truth in the eyes of others”. Each time, he is very worried about this. A contradiction within the character: a person both loves the truth and is afraid to injure others.
A person is very worried because he cannot realize his technical abilities due to poor health. Contradiction within abilities.

Harmoniously developed personality in the narrow sense

Perhaps the most productive today is to use this concept in relation to the emotional orientation of the individual. Each person, by virtue of his life experience and personal characteristics, tends to one or another source of pleasure, determined by instincts. If a person, as they say, is fixated on one source of pleasure, this is a disharmoniously developed personality.

In other words, a harmoniously developed personality is a personality in which not a single addiction is expressed, and if it is expressed, it is very weak, so that it practically does not affect the adaptive abilities of the personality.

Before revealing the content of the concept of "personality" let's turn to the concept of "individual". According to A. N. Leontiev, one speaks of an individual when one considers a person as a representative of hominis sapientis. The concept has at least two main features:

  • - indivisibility, or the integrity of the subject;
  • - the presence of special - individual - properties that distinguish it from other representatives of the same species. Man (and animal) is born as an individual. It has its own genotype. Individual genotypic properties in the course of life develop and transform, become phenotypic. As individuals, people differ from each other not only in morphophysiological features, but also in psychological properties - abilities, temperament, emotionality.

In domestic psychology, the most common characteristics of an individual are distinguished:

  • - the integrity of the psychophysiological organization; this sign indicates the systemic nature of the links between the diverse functions and mechanisms that implement the life relations of the individual;
  • - stability in interaction with the outside world; determines the preservation of the basic relations of the individual to reality, assuming, however, the existence of moments of plasticity, flexibility, variability;
  • - activity - providing the ability of the individual to self-change, dialectically combines dependence on the situation with overcoming its direct influences. Personality is the basic category and the subject of study of personality psychology. Personality is a set of developed habits and preferences, mental attitude and tone.
  • - sociocultural experience and acquired knowledge, a set of psychophysical traits and characteristics of a person, his archetype, which determine everyday behavior and connection with society and nature. Personality is also observed as manifestations of "behavioral masks" developed for different situations and social interaction groups.

In the future, the individual develops and forms personality . According to A. N. Leontiev, personality is a phenomenon of social development, a concrete living person with consciousness and self-awareness. The structure of personality is a holistic systemic formation, a set of socially significant mental properties, relationships and actions of an individual that have developed in the process of ontogenesis and determine his behavior as the behavior of a conscious subject of activity and communication. He also believes that a personality is a self-regulating dynamic functional system of properties, relationships and actions continuously interacting with each other, which are formed in the process of human ontogenesis. The core formation of the personality is self-esteem, which is based on the assessment of the individual by other people and his assessment of these others. In a broad, traditional sense, a person is an individual as a subject of social relations and conscious activity. The structure of the personality includes all the psychological characteristics of a person, and all the morphophysiological features of his body - up to the characteristics of metabolism. The popularity and persistence of this extended understanding in the literature seems to be due to its resemblance to the ordinary meaning of the word. In a narrow sense, it is the systemic quality of an individual determined by involvement in social relations, formed in joint activities and communication.

According to A. N. Leontiev, "Personality is a qualitatively new formation. It is formed through life in society." Therefore, only a person can be a person, and then only after reaching a certain age. In the course of activity, a person enters into relations with other people - into social relations, and these relations become personally forming.

From the side of the person himself, his formation and life as a person act, first of all, as development, transformation, subordination and resubordination of his motives. This representation is quite complicated and needs some explanation. It does not coincide with the traditional interpretation - in a broad sense. The narrowed concept allows us to isolate a very important aspect of human existence, associated with the social nature of his life. Man as a social being acquires new qualities, which are absent if he is considered as an isolated, non-social being. And each person from a certain time begins to make a certain contribution to the life of society and individuals. That is why, next to the concepts of personality and personal, the concept of socially significant appears. Although this significant may be socially unacceptable: a crime is as much a personal act as a feat. For the psychological concretization of the concept of personality, it is necessary to answer at least questions about what the neoplasm called personality consists of, how personality is formed, how the growth and functioning of his personality appears from the standpoint of the subject himself. E. E. Sokolova defines the following criteria for a formed personality:

  • - the presence in the motives of the hierarchy in a certain sense - as the ability to overcome one's own immediate impulses for the sake of something else - the ability to mediate behavior. At the same time, it is assumed that the motives, due to which immediate urges are overcome, are social in origin and meaning (simply mediated behavior can be based on a spontaneously formed hierarchy of motives, and even "spontaneous morality": the subject may not be aware of what exactly makes him act in a certain way" but act quite morally);
  • - the ability to consciously manage one's own behavior;

this leadership is conducted on the basis of conscious motives-goals and principles (in contrast to the first criterion, it is assumed here that conscious subordination of motives is conscious mediation of behavior, which implies the presence of self-consciousness as a special instance of the individual). In didactic terms, all the properties, relationships and actions of a person can be conditionally combined into four closely related functional substructures, each of which is a complex formation that plays a certain role in life:

  • - regulation system;
  • - stimulation system;
  • - stabilization system;
  • - indication system.

In the course of human social development, the systems of regulation and stimulation constantly interact, and on their basis more and more complex mental properties, relationships and actions arise that direct the individual to solve life problems. The unity of the individual throughout the life path is ensured by the memory-continuity of goals, actions, relationships, claims, beliefs, ideals, etc. Western psychology considers the individual as "an entirely psychic being." In hormic psychology and in psychoanalysis, personality was interpreted as an ensemble of irrational unconscious drives. The concepts of K. Levin, A. Maslow, G. Allport, K. Rogers, which are very productive in terms of specific methodological solutions, also show certain limitations. But in the field of personality psychotherapy, communication training and other things, the successes of Western empirical psychology are very noticeable. In domestic psychology, the personality is considered in unity (but not identity) and the sensual essence of its bearer - the individual and the conditions of the social environment. The natural properties and characteristics of the individual appear in the personality as its socially determined elements. Personality is a mediating link through which external influence is connected with its effect in the psyche of the individual.

In domestic psychology, personality is characterized by:

  • - activity - the desire of the subject to go beyond his own limits, expand the scope of activity, act beyond the boundaries of the requirements of the situation and role prescriptions;
  • - orientation - a stable dominant system of motives - interests, beliefs, ideals, tastes and other things in which human needs manifest themselves;
  • - deep semantic structures (semantic dynamic systems, according to L. S. Vygotsky), which determine her consciousness and behavior; they are relatively resistant to verbal influences and are transformed into activities of joint groups and collectives (the principle of activity mediation);
  • - the degree of awareness of their relationship to reality: attitudes, attitudes, dispositions, etc. A developed personality has a developed self-awareness, which does not exclude the unconscious mental regulation of some important aspects of its activity. Subjectively for the individual, the personality acts as his Self, as a system of self-image, constructed by the individual in the processes of activity and communication, which ensures the unity and identity of his personality and reveals himself in self-assessments, in a sense of self-esteem, the level of claims, etc. The image of the Self represents how the individual sees himself in the present, in the future, how he would like to be if he could, etc. Correlation of the image of the Self with the real circumstances of the individual's life allows the individual to change behavior and realize the goals of self-education. Appeal to self-esteem and self-respect is an important factor in the directed influence on the personality during education.

Personality as a subject of interpersonal relations reveals itself in three representations that form a unity:

  • - personality as a relatively stable set of its intra-individual qualities: symptomatic complexes of mental properties that form its individuality, motives, personality orientations: personality character structure, temperament, abilities;
  • - personality as the inclusion of an individual in the space of inter-individual relations, where relationships and interactions that arise in a group can be interpreted as carriers of the personalities of their participants; in this way, for example, a false alternative in understanding relationships is overcome

interpersonal either as group phenomena or as personality phenomena: the personal acts as a group, the group - as a personal one;

Personality as an "ideal representation" of an individual in the life of other people, including outside of their actual interaction; as a result of the semantic transformations of the spheres of intellectual and affective needs of other personalities actively implemented by a person. An individual in his development experiences a socially determined need to be a person - to posit himself in the life of other people, continuing his existence in them, and discovers the ability to be a person, realized in a socially significant activity. The development of personality occurs in the conditions of socialization of the individual and his upbringing.

The works of many scientists often talk about personality, but they understand it very broadly, or by personality they mean the individuality of a person. Even S. L. Rubinshtein argued that "the individual properties of a person are not the same thing as the personal properties of an individual, that is, the properties that characterize him as a person" . How is personality different from individuality? A person, living in a society, is so subordinate to culture, customs, traditions, so socialized, sometimes his behavior becomes so thoughtless that, being a person, he often loses his human appearance - loses his individuality. Individuality and personality are not the same thing - they are two sides of a person.

In the Dictionary of Fine Arts, harmony (Greek harmonia - "conformity, agreement, unanimity, connection, proportionality"; from harmogo - "to fit, combine"; harmoge - "connection, bundle, transition"; lat. transitus - compare plastic) - aesthetic category, meaning integrity, harmony, unity, consistency, natural connection of all parts and elements of the form. Harmony, according to Plotinus, is a property of the ideal world, immediately preceding beauty in the sensual world. Goodness is laid down by the Creator in the nature of the harmonic. This is consonance (consent). Evil, on the contrary, is a dissonance (lat. dissonatia - "discordantly sounding") of the harmonious elements themselves, since evil is contrary to the Divine nature. Consequently, beauty is harmony, manifesting its higher, spiritual nature in the world of base material forms. The manifestation of harmony in life causes two states of the soul: sympathy (Greek sympathia - "sympathy, empathy") and antipathy (Greek antipathia - "repulsion, rejection"). The art of ancient classics managed to combine both in a quality that the Hellenes themselves called eurythmia (Greek eurhythmia - "corhythmicity, harmony, tact"). In artistic practice, the word "harmony" is used in a narrower sense. So, in the ancient theory of painting, the Greek word harmoge ("junction, connection, binding") meant a technique for eliminating too sharp differences, contrast of tones, smoothness, softness of tonal transitions. In sculpture - plasticity, connectivity of individual parts of the form (later Latin transitus). The doctrine of harmony in architecture developed similarly.

Psychological harmony is a complex characteristic of a person, manifested both in personality (motivation and emotional sphere), and in mental processes, and in behavior. Includes three groups of features:

  • - consent with oneself - the optimal balance of various motivations with each other, with mental and physical capabilities, desires and behavior (inner harmony); agreement with people, with animate and inanimate nature - optimal, mostly positive relations with them;
  • - the presence of health - mental, personal, spiritual-personal, social, physical;
  • - the optimal balance of the personality with its surrounding environments - mental, bodily, social and natural.

Harmony of a personality is a characteristic of a personality, which is determined by the degree of optimality of the ratio of the strength of multidirectional and polar motivations with each other, with psychological executive capabilities and with behavioral manifestations ("agreement with oneself"), the level of constructiveness of relations with people and with the surrounding nature, the nature of the prevailing emotional tones, etc.

A harmonious state of personality also implies the presence of a certain level of inconsistency that stimulates self-development and a taste for life. The process of self-testing has no boundaries. If a person is involved in it, then in his basic state there will always be a certain, but not very large, fraction of problems arising from the incomplete fulfillment of the tasks set for him, especially if these tasks are practically endless.

The presence of a certain, optimal share of the inconsistency of the personality, the incompleteness of its consistency with itself and with the World, its incomplete self-satisfaction with the process of self-testing and self-development is an essential sign of a harmonious personality and harmonious human life. It is important to note that these are contradictions and problems that are actually resolved by the person himself through trial and error, attempts at a special (under the problem) self-organization of his life. That is, life is an experiment with oneself and with the world. Each step of such, if possible, intelligently organized experiment represents, albeit a small, but forward movement.

An important element of work on the harmonization of personal development is moral and aesthetic education. "Moral education" is a purposeful and systematic impact on the consciousness, feelings and behavior of pupils in order to form their moral qualities that meet the requirements of public morality.

Moral education is effectively carried out only as an integral process of pedagogical, corresponding to the norms of universal morality, organization of the entire life of younger adolescents: activities, relationships, communication, taking into account their age and individual characteristics. The result of a holistic process is the formation of a morally whole person, in the unity of his consciousness, moral feelings, conscience, moral will, skills, habits, socially valuable behavior.

"Moral education of the individual" is a complex and multifaceted process, including pedagogical and social phenomena. However, the process of moral education is autonomous to a certain extent. This specificity was once pointed out by A.S. Makarenko. The main tasks of moral education: the formation of moral consciousness; education and development of moral feelings; development of skills and habits of moral behavior.

Moral education, according to E. Fromm, includes: the formation of consciousness of connection with society, dependence on it, the need to coordinate one's behavior with the interests of society; familiarization with moral ideals, the requirements of society, proof of their legitimacy and reasonableness; the transformation of moral knowledge into moral convictions, the creation of a system of these convictions; the formation of stable moral feelings, a high culture of behavior as one of the main manifestations of a person's respect for people; the formation of moral habits.

Moral education is imbued with the ideas of friendship, peace and cooperation between adolescents, fraternal solidarity and mutual respect, and humanity. An important principle of moral education is the education of children in a team. The team is an effective means of instilling in the child a sense of camaraderie, respect for others, humanity and mutual assistance, that is, the basic principles of relationships between people. The collective is a school for the formation of the social orientation of the child's personality. In a team, the child gets the opportunity to show his knowledge, attitude towards others, to activities: the desire to help, achieve results, take care of peers, show kindness, diligence. Collectivism is a moral quality manifested in a sense of camaraderie, belonging to a team, duty to it, the ability, if necessary, to subordinate personal interests in communicating with other people, accumulates experience of cooperation, empathy.

Aesthetic education appears as a purposeful process of formation of a certain aesthetic attitude of a person to reality. In the process of aesthetic education, orientations of the individual in the world of aesthetic values ​​are developed in accordance with the ideas about their character that have developed in this particular society, as well as familiarization with these values. At the same time, in the course of aesthetic education, a person’s ability for aesthetic perception and experience, his aesthetic taste and ideal, his ability to be creative according to the laws of beauty, to create aesthetic values ​​in art and outside it, is formed and developed.

The main provisions of the definition of the process of aesthetic education: firstly, it is a process of targeted influence, secondly, it is the formation of the ability to perceive and see beauty in art and life, evaluate it, thirdly, the task of aesthetic education is the formation of aesthetic tastes and ideals of the individual and, finally, it is the development of the ability for independent creativity and the creation of beauty.

Thus, a person is a person who is morally connected with society, and is separated from it by an individual mentality, character, mind; this is a progressive person who knows how to use freedom of choice, achieving a goal. In turn, the harmonious state of the individual is, on the whole, a self-governing state and a self-governing process, which at the same time is distinguished by a certain degree of problematic, fundamental incompleteness. Based on the meaning of the concept of harmonization, according to the dictionary of T. F. Efremova, this is bringing internal and external manifestations in a person into a state of harmony. Accordingly, the harmonization of personality is the balance of the internal and external manifested state in a person, which includes mental, physical, moral, aesthetic and labor aspects.

Formation harmoniously developed personality.

In modern conditions, a creative person becomes in demand by society at all stages of its development. The number of changes in life that occur in a short period of time urgently require a person to have qualities that allow him to creatively and productively approach any changes. In order to survive in a situation of constant changes, in order to adequately respond to them, a person must activate his creative potential.

An invariable fact in our changing society is that the musical development of children in the system of additional education is the center, the core of the creation and education of the personality of the future, it has served and will serve to ensure that all the efforts of teachers are directed to the development and education of the personality.

Among the researchers of the phenomenon of creativity, there are two points of view: some believe that it is impossible to teach creativity, others argue that creativity can be learned. Professor VG Maksimov adheres to the view that it is impossible to teach creativity, but this does not mean at all that it is not necessary to promote its formation and development. He argues that without certain inclinations of a teacher, it is impossible to expect a creative approach to the profession from him. Such qualities as love for children and one's work, high moral and aesthetic culture, the art of mastering the word, special sensitivity and attention to the world of children's feelings should be present. These qualities form the core of the personality of a master teacher, which makes a person a personality and a professional.
Modern pedagogy is based on the thesis that the inclinations of creativity are inherent in any person, any normal child. The task of teachers is to reveal these abilities, to develop them. However, "waking up" the child's abilities does not mean opening some kind of valve and giving scope to human nature. Abilities are formed gradually in the process of vigorous activity in the classroom of musical education. In its provision, the importance of a targeted system of pedagogical influences, flexible enough, subtly taking into account the characteristics of children, is of great importance. The creative inclinations of the student are manifested in his initiative, activity and independence.

Creativity implies a persistent cognitive interest in music. It is necessary to develop this quality within the framework of classes, using a system of special tasks, and special attention should be paid to the student's ability to express his point of view, find explanations for the musical works being listened to and thus form a personal attitude to the content of music. Such a process is purely individual, like creativity itself.

The creative process in the broad sense of the word is the creation of new socially significant material and spiritual values.

How to teach a child to think creatively? Let's heed the advice of V.A. Sukhomlinsky. "Do not bring down an avalanche of knowledge on a child, do not try to tell everything that you know about the subject of study in the classroom, inquisitiveness and curiosity can be buried under an avalanche of knowledge. life played in front of the children with all the colors of the rainbow. Leave something unsaid so that the child wants to return to what he has learned again and again. " "... Mental efforts should never be directed only to fixing in memory, to memorization. Comprehension stops, mental work also stops, stupefying cramming begins."

At present, creativity and creative activity determine the value of a person, therefore the formation of a creative personality today acquires not only theoretical, but also practical meaning. In this regard, the role of musical education increases as a condition for the formation of a creative, harmoniously developed personality.

A special role in the formation of the creative personality of the child is assigned to the family. Children and parents are in constant search, the modern family has a huge intellectual potential, and the teacher's task is to attract and skillfully use it when organizing children's free time, filling leisure time with useful things. Whatever side of the development of the child we would not take, the family always plays a decisive role. This is visiting theaters of concerts, collective viewing of musical TV shows, celebrating "Birthdays" and other family holidays where music would be played. This will develop interest in music, its better understanding and perception. Many children experience information insaturation. They want to know a lot, everything is interesting, they want to actively participate in everything. It means they want to prove themselves. This position creates the ability to work. And for this, the teacher and parents should create conditions, state the results, and stimulate participation.

The main thing in the upbringing of a harmoniously developed personality is the creation of conditions for the self-development of a person.

1. Interest in yourself.

The child must learn to ask himself questions and answer them. He must learn to love himself in the good sense of the word: who am I? What am I? What I want? What can I do? What can I do for this? What is needed to achieve this? Educational measures can and should arouse interest in posing these questions to oneself, without experiencing guilt and fear, fear and uncertainty.

2. Self-recognition of oneself as a person.

The task of the teacher is to help the child in the formation of adequate self-esteem, self-respect, self-confidence, and own success. He, like an adult, needs to feel his importance and necessity. This will lead any child to emotional balance and the desire for self-realization.

3. Self-management.

Manage yourself consciously, and not mindlessly obey orders. Self-management is also the ability to independently, without outside help, solve your problems. This contributes to the education of will, character.

4. Respect for someone else's opinion.

Through educational activities to form a culture of communication, develop communication skills. Learn to form and express your opinion, not being afraid to be alone in your opinion, learn to defend it, admit your wrongness and the fallacy of your judgments. Everyone has the right to make a mistake. Cultivate a tolerant attitude towards different people, things and views. Help children overcome communication difficulties.

5. Emotional stability.

Develop positive emotions and manage negative emotions. Learn to call one and get rid of others.


The ability to forgive;

Do not harbor resentment;

Do not grow in yourself the desire to take revenge, to punish.

An important skill is the ability to manage your fear. Learn to create situations around yourself that contribute to the emergence of certain emotions.

6. Motivation of actions and deeds.

The child's attitude to learning and to any kind of activity depends on the motivation for this activity. The incentive for the manifestation of positive motivation are individual motives:


Far-reaching prospects;

Faith in one's own strengths;

Positive emotions.

Music is an integral part of aesthetic education. Its possibilities lie in the specifics of music, which reflects reality in sound images and embodies the creativity of the composer, listener, performer, and, having exceptional emotional richness, has a strong impact on a person, deeply penetrates into the subtle spiritual layers of his personality. In the process of active, creative development of musical art, the creative potential of the child is revealed. In psychology, two forms of children's creativity are distinguished - reproducing creativity and inventive creativity. It should be noted that such a division is conditional, because creative art is not only composition, but also performance and perception. Therefore, it is important to understand creativity as an integral part of any musical activity of students in the classroom.

For developmentcreativitystudents in the process of musical education and formationharmoniously developed personality,it is necessary to maintain a persistent, cognitive interest in music.

Ecology of life. People: Only a harmonious personality is capable of Love. A person in disharmony does not love, he expects love. If we are in a waiting mode, a deficit, then getting something we are not satisfied with it.

Only a harmonious personality is capable of Love. A person in disharmony does not love, he expects love. If we are in a waiting mode, a deficit, then getting something we are not satisfied with it. All blessings, spiritual and material: health, wealth, relationships, true happiness, absolute knowledge come to a person when he is in harmony. The Vedas say: just become harmonious, and everything will open to you from the inside, enlightenment will come to you by itself.

A harmonious person develops at 4 levels:

The physical level reflects physical and mental health.

Physical health is an important factor for spiritual development. If you do not have health, then you will not be able to enjoy the material world and make progress in the spiritual. The physical layer consists of the following elements:

Body care. Regular cleansing of internal organs (intestines, liver and kidneys).

Proper nutrition. Our physical and mental health depends on nutrition: what we eat, where, how, with whom and, most importantly, when and at what time of day.

Water. Our body and brain must receive clean water regularly. It is water, not tea and various drinks. It is advisable to drink about 2 liters during the day. Yogis who live long and healthy lives drink several sips every 15 minutes.

Spine. The whole body depends on the state of the spine. In Eastern medicine, they say that the flexibility of the spine shows how long a person will live. It also depends on thinking. For example, if you walk straight and smile, your mood involuntarily improves.

Breath. In Eastern culture, there are various breathing techniques that help to form strong immunity, be energetic, and recover quickly in case of a serious illness. For example, in Vedantism it is pranayama, in Chinese culture it is qigong gymnastics, wushu, etc. It is important to have a calm, peaceful breathing. Yogis say: the more often you breathe, the less you live, and, accordingly, vice versa.

Dream. It is important to have proper adequate sleep. You should know that the most useful sleep is from 9 pm to 5 am.

Posts. It is important to fast regularly, consciously refrain from eating. For the body and mind, and for the development of character, it is important to abstain from food.

Sex life. All sexual perversions, and simply indulgence of one's lust, take a lot of subtle energy, worsen the general condition of a person. In our age, everything is aimed at turning a person into a slave of the penis, making him a primitive sexually preoccupied consumer.

Physical exercise. It is very important for both the body and the mind to move a lot. The best is brisk walking, swimming. Dancing and yoga are also helpful.

Nature. You need to be in nature as much as possible. Just being there, especially in the mountains, at the sea, can quickly put your mental state in order, dramatically strengthen your immune system. It is better, of course, to live in nature in general.

Elimination of all bad habits: smoking and alcohol, including beer, kill beauty, youth, and age a lot. Having bad habits, a person cannot be physically and mentally healthy and happy. Regular good rest. Complete withdrawal from all affairs, at least once a week and once every few months for a week or two.

The social level includes the following:

Find your purpose and live according to it. Just as every cell or organ in our body has a purpose, every living being has a purpose in this life. It is very important to understand and follow it.

To take place as a man or a woman. A man should develop masculine qualities. First of all - to be able to take responsibility, to be bold, logical, consistent. If a man is not a monk, he must take responsibility for a woman and children for life, make them happy and secure. For a woman - the development of femininity, the ability to care, an intuitive approach to life, to become a good mother and wife.

Fulfillment of one's duty in the family (husband-wife; parent-child). The universe stops helping a person who does not serve his family. Especially if a person leaves family responsibilities, does not want to start a family and children. The exceptions are those who have completely renounced the world and live very ascetically. But in the family, in the service of society, one can learn the highest wisdom no less.

Improving the fate of one's kind, serve one's kind, honor one's ancestors, whatever they may be.

Ability to earn money. This applies to men. But the right attitude to money is important to everyone. Money should be treated as the energy of God, respectfully, but without greed. In addition, you need to be able to live happily and peacefully, regardless of the amount of money.

Build and maintain relationships with other people. To be able to arrange a happy and harmonious personal life. How we can love is shown in relationships. Everything we put above relationships, we lose.

To bring good to the world with your life, first of all to your loved ones. We must feel and see that we do not live in vain, that thanks to our life, at least someone becomes happier and healthier and, most importantly, loving.

The intellectual level reflects the wisdom and intelligence of a person.

In modern culture, it is customary to consider a person as intellectual, depending on how many books he has read, how many languages ​​​​he knows, how many scientific degrees he has. But that doesn't really apply to the definition of the word. About such a person it is more correct to say that he is smart. A truly intelligent person:

Sets goals (for a day, a week, a year, and several years) and purposefully achieve them. This is especially important for men. For the three main qualities of a harmonious and successful man are purposefulness, fearlessness and generosity.

He knows that the goal of life can only be on a spiritual level - this is Divine Love. And for him this is the main value of the life to which he goes.

Knows that we are a soul, a spirit, and not a physical or mental body.

Distinguishes the temporary from the eternal, choosing the path that is favorable for harmonious development, increasing love in the soul and rejecting everything that is unfavorable for this.

Able to concentrate, achieve peace of mind and control of the five senses.

The ability to change your destiny. Only a person with a strong, spiritualized mind, as well as with great willpower and the ability to achieve his lofty goals, is able to change his fate and go his own way, thanks to the ability to change his character and form the right worldview.

Keeps track of your emotions and thus does not fall under their influence.

Spiritual level is the basis of everything

That is where the true reality is. If the spiritual level is poorly developed, then all levels will collapse and cause suffering. This is inner fullness, spiritual and moral values, knowledge about the Soul.

The most important thing that matter cannot give, and what is the main treasure of the eternal spiritual world, is unconditional love. This world can only endow a person with fears, attachments and addictions, the desire to consume. The soul is unconditional love. Therefore, the main indicator of a person's "spiritual advancement" is how much he lives with unconditional love. True spirituality is love. Take away love, and everything will lose its meaning, it will bring great suffering: food, sex, social life, and intellectual games, etc.

As far as a person can live here and now, that is, in reality, he is so spiritualized. The soul is outside of time and space - for it there is no past and future, but only the present. Only in the here and now is it possible to experience unconditional love. The perfection of life is simply to be a loving presence.

Unselfishness. The soul, our higher self, is love. Getting into this world, a person is covered with a false ego, selfishness, which destroys his life, because the ego wants to consume and live for itself. It is pleasant to be in the spiritual world or in the company of saints, because there everyone serves each other. Love can only be felt when we give, give, care in a humble state of mind without expecting anything in return. Therefore, it can also be said that true spirituality is both selflessness and service, without expectation of reward.

The most important indicator of spirituality is the ability to see the Divine in everything and everyone. After all, there is nothing outside of this. Seeing and feeling the Divine in everything, you feel more and more oneness with everything and everyone. Everything in this world is connected: every event, every living being.

Service. Everything in nature serves, fulfills some role. Man has a choice: serve himself or serve all. A truly spiritual person is selfless and therefore serves more. This includes service to one's family and community.

The absence of condemnation, harsh assessments, as well as fanatical confidence in some philosophical or religious doctrine. In a harmonious person, love is constantly increasing, more and more profound knowledge, understanding and vision of the world are revealed to him. But when a person believes in some kind of frozen concept and believes that it can only be so, he abruptly stops in his development. published

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