Retrograde Mars: turn on the power saving mode! Retrograde planets in the natal chart

e. In general, retrograde is introversion. When a person directs his anger, anger, energy inward. As far as I know such people, they are absolutely not conflict. On the contrary, these people are very peaceful creatures. They do not like quarrels, scandals, screams. Such a child cannot be brought up with a belt, screams, because he will become very closed in himself. After all, he directs everything inward.

In astrology, retrograde is definitely the defeat of the planet. In, in transits, this is also a bad sign. In a horary chart, this may indicate a long search if the question was asked about a thing. And in transits, a retrograde planet forces us to dive deep into the retro planet. But in the course of my study of natal astrology, I realized that retro-phase damage is an interesting feature. I will tell about her.

Retrograde is somewhat similar to the action of the planet of the framework - Saturn. But, if, with a tense person, a person tries to do something and everything goes through one place, then with retro it is different. A person can be so pinched in himself that he does not even try to do something.

He can do something, but it will never be for show. In my experience, these people doubt themselves.

I have a friend who works in the police. Her parents did not know anything about her decision, they only knew that their daughter went in for sports. And now she works as a policeman, often goes to arrests, and if necessary, uses weapons.

Retrograde Mars in a woman

And this is an interesting feature of such Mars. A person with a retrograde fiery planet can choose a profession that is associated with physical activity. If Mars is at the same time in, then the profession may have a bright masculine flavor. For a long time I had a consultation with a woman who worked in a plumbing store. And they weren't accessories.

It is clear that not always the profession will be with physical activity. In the profession, many different factors must be assessed. Many people with this condition suffer greatly during childhood, especially boys. Because such a kid will not fight. He is afraid that he will not win, to show aggression. Often these problems "climb" into adulthood. But there is one good thing here for, as they like to say, study. This is a sport. Especially if Mars is also.

If a person has a problem with the expression of aggression, then physical activity will help here. And it is interesting that a person with such Mars in may well succeed precisely as an athlete. Such a person will have enough patience, he will be able to train and follow the regime. If only he gets to it.

Retrograde Mars in a man is more painful than in a woman. After all, Mars is a planet of male nature. It is difficult for such a person to care for a woman, to show his charisma. Therefore, they have to work on self-confidence. The good news is that, as a rule, they succeed.

Periods of Mars in retrograde motion.

Mars can go retro once every two years.

  • in 2016 - April 24 - June 27.
  • in 2017 - no

Mars retrograde in transits and solarium

Why do I say get there? For the owner of retrograde Mars in the solar chart may come up with the idea that this is all meaningless. By the way, in a solarium, Mars retrograde indicates a similar mood throughout the year. This year it is contraindicated to open your own business, your own business, to create something new.

The same influence is characteristic when we have a retrograde Mars in transit. Often on retrograde Mars, car breakdowns occur, large machines. My father, for example, constantly breaks down his car on retro-Mars. By the way, I also noticed important feature, which is inherent in many personal retrograde planets in transit. We want to do things for which the planet in retrograde is responsible. For example, amazing ideas come into our heads. It is unfortunate that to embody them in this period of time will not work out the way you want.

You can find out the features of your personal horoscope

Astrologer Polina Sergeevna

A person who has retrograde Mars in the horoscope will face the problem of the correct distribution of those insignificant forces that are given with such an arrangement throughout his life. A retrograde planet indicates that in the past incarnation, her energy was spent too wastefully and often thoughtlessly.

Retrograde Mars in the horoscope

One can imagine a warrior who left all his forces on the battlefield, destroying enemies, or a magician who used the same forces to prove and demonstrate his power, to achieve superiority over the world. It could also be a desperate duelist, looking for adventure and not always wisely spending his energy. Knowing how to influence those around him through a vividly manifested activity, demonstrating himself and putting his Ego forward, he did not think about the consequences and hoped for success, believing that the most important thing in life is strength.

In any case, such actions violated the natural balance of forces in the system of energy connections - the system of subtle bodies - and created tension both in the internal space of the subject and at the external level.

Possessing a huge amount of energy, constantly feeling an excess of power in himself, a person, apparently, often used it without thinking about the consequences. He was never worried about the meaning and quality of any of his active manifestations. The most important thing was the process of action itself, allowing you to vividly express yourself. At the same time, a person did not always clearly realize what destruction his activity could lead to, he lived according to the principle: action for the sake of action itself.

In this incarnation, retrograde Mars indicates a weak energy of all bodies, a distorted perception of one's own states, a person's inability to correctly assess their capabilities and reasonably use what the planet offers.

The influence of retrograde Mars in the horoscope

Any retrograde planet, as mentioned earlier, is a kind of force conductor that works actively in only one direction - from outer space to the center, i.e. to the subjective realm. Accordingly, when it comes to Mars - the planet that controls, first of all, any manifested action, then this action in its retrograde position will always be clearly indicated only in the inner reality of a person and perceived correctly only by himself, but not outside world.

We must remember that every action we take is a natural reaction to the changes taking place around us. Moreover, such a reaction is always formed with the help of Mars and looks like some kind of manifested activity. At the same time, the first moment of our inclusion in the action is very important, the very impulse that prompts us to open manifestation, born inside and carried out outside with the help of this planet.

With a retrograde Mars, it will always seem to a person that he is active, but the outer space will not perceive such activity due to the fact that the impulse, as already mentioned, is very weak and the flow of force carrying it is turned inward. This is main feature such a position that does not allow one to correctly correlate the internal state, one's own forces with the requirements of objective reality, and a person often simply does not understand and does not accept the manifestations of the external world in relation to himself.

The state of his ego is such that it needs constant active expression of itself, but since not much energy is given for this, then distortions arise in the perception of it by the world, and sometimes irritation coming from outside.

Very often, a retrograde planet does not create sufficient internal tension and a person does not feel the need to actively act at a time when, according to the situation, it is simply necessary to do so. Sometimes there is not enough strength even to feel and respond in time to the first impulse. The reaction occurs, as a rule, when the action as such is no longer required.

As a result, a discrepancy is formed between the internal state of a person and the state of the world around him. Trying to smooth out this discrepancy, a person takes on a lot of things, trying to do everything very carefully and forcing himself to act actively. At the same time, it seems to him that he fills all space with himself, but this is just an illusion of possessing the power that is often created by retrograde Mars.

In fact, a person simultaneously spends all his strength, which creates the effect of filling the inner sphere with energy flows. Thus, he tries to prove to himself and the world that he is capable of much.

It is difficult for him to understand that the retrograde position of the planet obliges him, first of all, to use his own forces wisely and does not allow him to start work that requires the expenditure of a large number of them without first understanding the cause of the problem and a clear distribution of those.

With direct Mars, this distribution occurs automatically, with retrograde, you need to pay special attention and time to this. Moreover, if all these conditions are not accepted, then soon there will be dissatisfaction and fatigue after the work done.

As mentioned above, this is due to the fact that there are not enough internal forces to implement the plan and, as a rule, they are not correctly distributed, and it is very difficult, almost impossible, to admit this to oneself. The wounded Ego does not accept its own qualities, its weakness and the conditions set by external space. In addition, the moment when the forces begin to dry up is often not tracked.

Retrograde Mars in the horoscope and activity

Further, it must be said that Mars governs not only open activity or action. To a large extent, it affects the quality of manifestation of the main ego programs. Therefore, when we talk about this planet, we must remember that all our problems related to the need to correctly derive our inner qualities and demonstrate them to the world are solved mainly with its help. Since in this incarnation the planet carries some distortions, then a person will also demonstrate the qualities of his Ego with distortions.

It looks like this. By engaging in the process of active action and maintaining it for some time at the same energy level, a person tries to artificially suggest to himself and others that he is strong and can do anything.

It is difficult for him to admit his imperfection and weakness, and he tries to prove, first of all, to himself that he has many strengths and opportunities for realization. In fact, he can do very little and he almost always needs help and support, both physical and moral.

Moreover, the feeling of fatigue, lethargy is perceived and brought to consciousness as a state of fatigue or overwork even when almost all the forces have been spent. In this case, the desire of the Ego to declare itself as a high-energy entity closes the true state of things and does not allow the subject to correctly assess his capabilities.

In this variant, natural protection does not work well, which looks like control over the distribution of energy during any action, which leads to an energy imbalance of all plans and, above all, affects health.

Not accepting and sometimes long time not agreeing with the requirements of retrograde Mars, constantly overexpending his strength, trying to actively express himself, the owner of such a planet not only gets tired quickly, but often gets sick for a long time. This happens because his physical body and subtle bodies are very vulnerable and cannot cope with the load that a person determines for himself, based on his subjective sensations.

With a weak Mars, chronic diseases can develop, as opposed to a strong one, when all diseases are acute and fast. The recovery process is very slow.

Prolonged illnesses, periodically repeating at the most inopportune times, exhaust the body and make it even more vulnerable to external influences and dependent on the internal state of the soul. But, if a person can trace the moment of their occurrence, he will very soon realize that an aggravation always occurs after a strong overstrain and exhausting work.

Retrograde Mars in the horoscope and health

Therefore, the owner of retrograde Mars should be very careful to monitor his internal state and how much he spends his energy on solving certain problems. In other words, he must constantly control all his actions, correlate them with his well-being and, which is very important, be sure to focus on the reaction of others.

If this reaction is negative or aggressive, then this may indicate that the actions of the subject are low-energy and most likely no one needs them. In this case, it is necessary to stop vigorous activity and demonstration of one's capabilities. It is best to switch to a quieter job, or try to complete some long-forgotten or abandoned task.

To increase your efficiency a little, you can go in for some kind of sport, but at the same time without overstraining and in no case striving for records. Having retrograde Mars in the chart, it is best to refuse this, but to improve health and increase vitality, sports and, in general, any dosed physical activity are necessary.

If for many years the requirements of the planet are ignored, then in addition to the emergence chronic diseases, various complexes can develop, generated by impotence, the cause of which is realized with difficulty.

This is, first of all, hidden very deeply, internal aggression towards everything that fails in life, or superficial activity that appears at a moment of extreme fatigue, which does not allow one to concentrate on the main thing and is perceived by others as some kind of fuss.

How to live with Mars retrograde in your horoscope

Retrograde Mars, as well as retrograde Mercury, often projects this quality outward, creating certain distortions in the perception of human actions by the outside world. But, if the Mercury fuss is manifested mainly in the search for action, in a misunderstanding of the meaning of such and the inability to focus on one thing, then the fuss provoked by Mars is expressed in the desire to do everything as quickly as possible.

In addition, there is a need to load every minute of time with the maximum number of cases. Most often, fuss arises at the moment when a person’s strength is already running out.

Nevertheless, realizing that he does not have time to do something very important by a certain time, the owner of retrograde Mars begins to rush even more, investing, as it seems to him, all of himself, all his energy into the action and attracting a lot of minor ones from the outside world. problems, the number of which replaces the quality of the main action.

After that, he gets tired very quickly and cannot complete any work he has started on time, and the result is almost never accepted by others, as it may turn out to be fragmented and not always clear to them.

Another variant of the manifestation of a retrograde planet looks like a reluctance to do anything at all due to the fact that the internal impulse can be so weak in this case that it is not perceived as a signal for action.

All this comes from the fact that a person does not agree with the basic conditions set before him. retrograde planet: the need to develop the ability to distribute the load during work, not to wait for quick results and not be afraid to admit one's weakness in some manifestations.

In this position, he feels a great desire to express himself as actively as possible, and the manifestation of this desire in itself, as some kind of action stretched out in time, is very weak. It takes a lot of strength and quickly depletes the body.

With retrograde Mars, problems are worked out well and brought to an end, which do not require much time for their solution. This situation can be figuratively called "short-distance running", where the runner - the owner of retrograde Mars - does not have time to spend all his strength and is able to achieve good results on a short "path".

At long distances, a person quickly gets tired and is poorly aware of this fatigue, since the goal set by him calls him to himself and makes him strive forward in any case, not taking into account the peculiarities of the retrograde planet. Therefore, as soon as a situation arises that needs to be worked on for a long time and actively, there is a danger of overstrain and, as a result of this, the impossibility of completing it qualitatively and on time.

In this case, you need to turn on all your attention, track the “signs”, try to properly distribute the load and organize your time. A person, on the other hand, is most often irritated, shows impatience, displeasure at every insignificant occasion and tries to arouse self-pity. All this happens because he does not feel the energy of the situation well and cannot always accurately determine whether he has enough strength to work.

Moreover, he is not able to trace the very beginning of the emergence of a particular problem, and since Mars always includes the first impulse to action, in general to any manifestation and, accordingly, to the formation of a problem, it is not always possible to realize the quality and strength of this impulse with such position. It can be very weak and not up to the task. From this, many distortions arise during work and an incorrect result is created, often leading to depression.

Sometimes it seems to a person that the situation is developing as circumstances require, that enough forces have been spent and the action is done correctly, but he does not take into account the fact that this is just his subjective feeling and it often does not coincide with the requirements of objective reality and therefore is not accepted by external the world.

In fact, such an action may turn out to be of no use to anyone, since it is low-energy. Moreover, the final result will not be perceived correctly by others, since there is also often not enough energy to demonstrate it. In this situation, the outside world, as a rule, simply does not understand the actions of a person and, therefore, even if the matter is brought to an end, it may not make sense by this moment and will be of interest only to the owner of retrograde Mars.

In connection with the foregoing, the reason for the inability of a person to complete many begun cases becomes clear. It lies, firstly, in the inability to distribute one’s forces and in inattention to one’s internal states, and secondly, in that deep inner dissatisfaction that gradually grows towards the end of the work and which is caused by impotence and lack of encouragement from others in the form of approval and consent. with the actions of the subject. In this version, the imperfection of some very deep ego programs is clearly manifested.

Problems of retrograde Mars in the horoscope

Thus, having retrograde Mars in the chart, a person accumulates many unresolved problems, starting with the simplest, everyday ones and ending with serious ones that require a quick solution and which, nevertheless, are constantly put off “for later” due to lack of strength.

For the same reason, minor problems are very often confused with the most important, urgent ones. (Effort for minor matters is always less than energy for solving major problems. Such cases are more attractive and are solved much easier and faster.) In addition, as mentioned earlier, it is very difficult to keep a serious situation in a so-called working condition for a long time. Therefore, as soon as the forces run out, the work stops. From the outside, it looks like it has not been completed or just abandoned.

In fact, a person needs time to recuperate, and sometimes not a little. Then work can resume and it will be possible to get good result. If during this period he begins to solve another problem, and this happens most often, then the forces necessary to solve a specific problem will be directed to new job. The former will remain unfinished.

The owner of retrograde Mars should always remember that the restoration of strength is slower than he would like, which can cause him deep inner irritation. This is one of the main conditions of the planet and it must be accepted and used to realize one's mistakes, to understand and identify the causes of problems. You need to try to internally tune in for a short rest, after which you can continue working, trying to bring it to the end.

Only then can you move on to the next task. Thus, the forces will be preserved and constantly restored, and the person will not have a feeling of hopelessness due to the inability to resolve many accumulated problems and the inability to actively demonstrate the result of their work.

Evil and good retrograde Mars in the horoscope

Sometimes aggressiveness destroys the person himself, since the entire flow of the planet's force rushes inward and in this version demonstrates to the person his own qualities. After that, protracted inflammatory processes begin, headaches, which can be very disturbing, but do not always make you think about the cause of their occurrence.

Speaking about the various features of the planet, we can identify several main, key points, which, in fact, determine some basic principles for the manifestation of retrograde Mars.

First of all, it is the inability to feel inner fatigue in time and suspend any action, the inability to work without rest for a long time, the overestimation of one's strength. This is a poorly realized desire to control the world, situations, people. The need to prove in any way their superiority over a partner, relatives or friends.

All of the above applies to both a harmonious retrograde planet and one that has tense aspects. However, a harmonious Mars will still not be overly aggressive. Most likely, he will simply create a distorted perception of some of his states for a person, which will force him to an incorrect reaction and may look like apathy and unwillingness to act at the moment when the situation requires maximum activity.

Sometimes such a situation will manifest itself in the form of inconsistency in actions, or in low mobility. This is a kind of passivity and the inability to feel the tension that would help a person get involved in work on time.

Tense aspects provoke harsh reactions, sharpness in the manifestation of some ego programs. Often a person feels the need for active action, but cannot carry it out because of weakness and self-doubt. This creates the strongest internal discomfort and causes aggression that cannot be controlled.

Sometimes aggressiveness destroys the person himself, since the entire flow of the planet's force rushes inward and in this version demonstrates to the person his own qualities. After that, protracted inflammatory processes begin, headaches, which can be very disturbing, but do not always make you think about the cause of their occurrence.

Principles of the manifestation of retrograde Mars in the horoscope

Speaking about the various features of the planet, we can identify several main, key points, which, in fact, determine some basic principles for the manifestation of retrograde Mars. First of all, it is the inability to feel inner fatigue in time and suspend any action, the inability to work without rest for a long time, the overestimation of one's strength.

This is a poorly realized desire to control the world, situations, people. The need to prove in any way their superiority over a partner, relatives or friends. Be aware of both your shortcomings and your capabilities and usually correct mistakes.

In this case, we can talk about strengthening positive qualities Mars and the correct further use of some of them already in this incarnation. Moreover, this is done quite consciously with a full understanding of all responsibility to oneself and the world.

Retrograde Mars and the Sun in the horoscope

The constantly on the Sun, partially taking on the problems of a weak Mars, sometimes forces a person to be too active. First of all, this is expressed in excessive pressure on any object of the material world, and this, in turn, greatly deforms the entire structure of subtle bodies. Moreover, the more pressure is exerted on the outside world, the faster the space around a person is destroyed.

Moreover, any partner (unless he himself has retrograde Mars) will very quickly leave such pressure, and the situation will develop as required by objective circumstances, in addition to the desire and will of the owner of such a position. He will feel offended, offended, misunderstood. His Ego will be wounded and a lot of strength will be spent on experiences.

We must remember that the Sun always provides us with a stable stream life force, allows us to demonstrate many of our qualities, helps to express ourselves openly, but it does not form the first impulse for such a manifestation. This is the mission of Mars.

The Sun, rather, makes it possible to actively use this impulse and everything that is in us, but at the same time it does not require each time to strengthen the first moment of the withdrawal of one or another ego program. The luminary does this constantly, using the energy that is given to him in this incarnation and does not resort to the help of other planets.

When the weak Mars begins to "borrow" the power from the Sun, the latter, not being able to direct it to the formation of only the first impulse, begins to activate the entire process of manifestation and demonstration of oneself, and sometimes a person simply cannot withstand his own activity, which is supported by the Sun for a long time.

Here you can observe the distorted help coming from the luminary, which leads to the rearrangement of the principles of the manifestation of Mars and the Sun. It looks like an active demonstration of ego programs without their subsequent development and improvement, and since there is no bright reaction from the outside world in this version, as a result of all this, a lock on oneself occurs.

In this case, it is often said: "the subject actively expresses himself." After that, a person gets tired so much that he is unable not only to do anything, but also to understand anything. This is the very moment when depression is formed very deeply in the subjective sphere.

Retrograde Mars and Saturn in the horoscope

So, in this incarnation, retrograde Mars offers a person very hard work, which can be brought to an end only with the help of Saturn. This planet always works without fuss, showing problems very precisely, forcing you to focus on them and give up the excessive activity that is so characteristic of Mars retrograde.

Moreover, Saturn forces you to work slowly so that a person can better control his internal state. This is necessary to enhance such qualities as attention, clarity and certainty of each action, accuracy, slowness, which can be strengthened only with conscious acceptance of the conditions of this planet.

Saturn limits in many ways and, from the point of view of an unprepared person, selects too much, and sometimes all the most expensive. It can be partial or complete deprivation of mobility, all kinds of diseases. This is a dismissal from a job that is so desirable for the owner of retrograde Mars and absolutely meaningless from the point of view of the Lords of karma.

In fact, Saturn, limiting a person, takes away only what he is not able to complete and create a quality result. All this is done so that he does not make even bigger mistakes and does not waste his energy thoughtlessly. Thus, the planet exercises a kind of control over the work of all plans and helps Mars to strengthen some of its qualities.

Difficulties for people with retrograde Mars in the horoscope

When we talk about retrograde Mars, we must always remember the following: offering wonderful ideas, a person cannot demand obedience to them, since he himself does not have enough energy to convey these ideas without distortion. Therefore, any pressure, manifestation of activity, any attempt to implement your idea at all costs will be perceived by others incorrectly and often with aggression.

In this case, a person is clearly shown that he cannot fully control the situation, but if he wishes, he can accept it, developing patience, the right attitude to what is happening and agreement with objective conditions.

The planet forces a person to exist on low energy, not allowing thoughtlessly to spend those insignificant forces that are given to him in this life. If he is attentive, he will soon realize that fate gives exactly as much energy as is necessary to do quality work and get a good result.

If he is enslaved by his desires, the need to express himself in any way and thereby attract the attention of others, then in the end he will face defeat and disappointment in life.

When evaluating any of his actions, he will always have to focus on the reaction of others, and if for some reason they do not accept these actions, this will indicate that the work being done is low-energy, and the result is of no interest to anyone, no one needs it, since it is completely possibly destroys the person himself and the space around him.

We must remember that the world is always more objective and reacts very accurately to all our manifestations. Therefore, when we offer him something, we always bear a huge responsibility for any action taken and for the quality of the result that we transfer to space.

And, if such an action encounters misunderstanding on the part of others, then it is quite possible that it does not make sense and we need to think about the need to continue working. Most likely, this is a sign that it is necessary to change the direction of activity, attitude towards it, or even stop it for a while.

If the action is not rejected, this indicates its good energy and that the result obtained is ready for further transformation. Only such work will be correctly perceived, and only in this case a person can count on approval, recognition, support and a significant increase in all his strength.

All of the above may give the impression of some hopelessness of such a position in the map. But it is not so. Any retrograde position is always given to us as a reminder of past shortcomings that we can correct by accepting the conditions of our retrograde planets. Their position in the house, sign, their aspects will clarify everything that needs to be done in this incarnation.

If it concerns the retrograde Mars, then with the right work and awareness of one's capabilities, one can achieve excellent results. At the same time, the ability to constantly control any of one's actions and correlate it with one's internal state is developed, which, in fact, was not done in the past and what needs to be done in this incarnation.

And this is already a very high level of communication with the planet, which is actually necessary for any Mars, both direct and retrograde. But with direct, most often such work is ignored. With Mars retrograde, a person eventually comes to the basic conditions set by the planet and as a result can greatly enhance the basic properties of Mars.

He, as it were, organizes his Mars, making it as “reasonable” as possible and gradually learns to control himself, his internal impulses that encourage active action. Thus, the owner of retrograde Mars acquires power over himself, his desires and begins to understand that the true power is not the one that must necessarily be manifested outside, but the one that is inside us and which helps us manage, first of all, ourselves.

Retrograde movement or movement back is the path of the planet visible from the Earth. The retrograde effect occurs as a result of the difference in the speeds of the Earth and the planet relative to the Sun. In retrograde motion, the planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac, which it has already passed in its direct motion. From an esoteric point of view, this is a return to the past, turning inward, rethinking the experience gained, slowing down in business.

The retrograde phase of Mars will begin on January 23 and will last until April 14, 2012. However, the effects of his retrograde period will be felt until June 19, when he breaks out of the loop, i.e. until it returns to 23°06" Virgo, from which it began its retrograde journey.

Entering the retrograde phase, the planet will slow down to stationarity (stop - SR), and slowly turn around, return along the recently passed segment of the sign (R), so that at the end of the retrograde period, stop again (SD) and turn to direct (D) movement . The diagram shows the triple passage of Mars in its retro phase from entering the loop at 03°41" Virgo to exiting the loop at 23°06" Virgo.

Mars retrograde in Virgo in 2012

Making its way through one sector of the Zodiac three times, the planet poses a problem - during the first passage (1), calls to look for ways to solve it - during retrograde passage (2) and gives a way out of the situation and a solution in a new way - during the third, direct passage through that same plot (3).

retrograde movement Mars

Psychological features of the retro period of Mars

Already on November 18, 2011, Mars began to slow down, focusing our attention on the concerns and problems associated with the topics of the natal planets that it aspects. We are waiting for 80 difficult days, during which Mars will be retrograde. Those who have planets and angles in mutable signs - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces - will feel this period especially sharply.

Mars goes retrograde once every two years and two months, which makes its retrograde quite an important event, because Mars goes retrograde less often than other planets. At this time, Mars is closest to the Earth and farthest from the Sun. This weakens the effect sun rays to the planet.Backtracking, Mars finds itself in a dimly lit space and moves in the direction reverse movement Sun. Thus, he is closed from external influences; turned not outside, but into oneself, not into society, but into the inner world. At this time, the principle of Mars begins to master new levels of past experience, not dependent on any outside interference.

In a psychological sense, this means that we get the opportunity to free ourselves from the flow of social influences and stereotypes, from the habitual reactions that govern our lives, and to reconsider the principles of our activity and methods of action.At this time, our approach to conflict resolution, our hostility, anger, self-confidence, risk-taking, ways of showing will and physical activity require rethinking and new approaches. In sports and military affairs, defensive tactics bring success.

During the retrograde period, Mars enters into opposition with the Sun - this is the phase of the symbolic full moon in the Sun-Mars cycle, the exact aspect will be on March 3, 2012. The Sun - "consciousness, individuality" and Mars - "activity, dynamics", at this time are separated by poles in our consciousness. This enables us to become aware of which of our habitual responses and modes of personal fulfillment must be revised in order to remain adequate and effective.

The situations that arise during this period reveal unresolved conflicts, unconstructive reactions, accumulated irritation and dead-end approaches in our desire to succeed or, on the contrary, in our inability to do something. This is especially pronounced in cases where the transit of retro-Mars makes a connection or opposition to our natal planet.When analyzing thistransit through natal chart the planetary status of the planets should also be taken into account. fast planets are subordinate to the slow ones. The realization of the energies of retro-Mars in a constructive way can give a period of more intensive practical activity aimed at solving the problems posed by the current transits of slow planets.

What to expect from retro Mars in Virgo?

Retro-Mars in Virgo creates a picky, demanding attitude, inclines to an obsession with trifles; during this period, major quarrels can arise over trifling matters. At the same time, at this time we get the opportunity to penetrate into the essence of unconscious reactions and hidden motives that make us act without thinking. This helps us reconsider our views on life and our personal approaches to business and cooperation.

The topics of health, education, caring for sick relatives, nutrition and hygiene, work matters and daily responsibilities can cause anxiety and cause problems. Relationships with employees can become strained, and superiors will complain about our performance of our duties. Disorganization and slovenliness will be severely punished. Our efforts to improve skills at work and desire to increase the level of return will be opposed by the imperfection of reality. We must develop tolerance in such situations and be prepared for the fact that not all of our efforts will be productive, and, at times, there will be a feeling that we are working in idle mode. At this time, previous cases may come up in which our small but key mistakes have led to serious problems at the present time.

If we give in to emotions during this period, we will easily lose the ability to objectively assess the situation and will not be able to see the forest for the trees. This will lead to losses through unwise speculations and ventures in business, or disappointments in love if the theme of personal life is played at this time. During this period, there is also a danger of accident or violence, usually due to carelessness, stupidity or uncontrolled aggressiveness.

During this period, anxiety and anxieties may arise around the topics of healthcare, pharmaceuticals, chemistry and medicine. Nervousness and bowel problems can be caused by overeating. You need to stay cool and sane to be ready for any surprises at this time.

As a rule, the problems and conflicts that we face during the retrograde period of Mars got their start during the last conjunction of the Sun and Mars, i.e. during the symbolic new moon in the Sun-Mars cycle. This means that what we are dealing with outside and in ourselves today has a direct or indirect connection with what happened in our lives in late January and early February 2011.

I invite readers to make a retrospective analysis of the events of that time in order to better understand the origins of their reactions and problems today. Moreover, you can mentally return to the previous period of retro-Mars, analyze what aspects he did to the natal chart and what events and emotions were relevant for you at that time. On the diagram you will find the dates and degrees of the current, previous and next R-period of Mars

Retrograde Mars 2012

Transition toR

Transition toD

Loop exit

Previous Mars retrograde 2010

Mars Retrograde Next Period 2014

Features of activity during the retro-Mars period or what not to do

The retrograde of Mars is associated with an aggravation of internal tension, on the one hand, and a decrease in our energy, on the other. The natural flow of energy at this time is directed to revision and rethinking, to internal activity, and not to external goals and results.Trying to make a breakthrough in business at this time or to implement some kind of blitz projects means to swim against the current on a poorly controlled ship. That is why the new projects launched during this period, designed for the future, will not bring the expected result. At this time, things require additional efforts in order to simply maintain the status quo, and there is simply not enough strength for new enterprises and the struggle for a place in the sun. Things slow down at this time, the implementation of new ideas leads to difficulties in execution and disruption of plans. Now skill to slow down and refine what has already been started will bring b about more return than the desire to press on"gas" and act ahead.

! Particular attention should be paid to the time period from March 12 to April 4, 2012, when, against the background of Mars retrograde, it will become retrograde and Mercury. During this period, you can not take important decisions, borrow or lend, make large purchases, make planned transactions, launch new projects and take any action aimed at the future.

Mars (R)
After all, it is not only our personal approaches and reactions that are being changed and revised, but similar processes are taking place in parallel in the economy, in legislation, and in public priorities. The overall entrepreneurial activity is declining as a result of objective prerequisites and unstable conditions. Starting a new business at this time is building a castle in the sand.

This is a period of obstacles and restrictions in free initiative, new business, personal growth, clamps and restrictions of the will. Do not swim against the current, move by inertia, do not show initiative - there will be opposition to any action, so do not get ahead of events, do not break the law, avoid conflicts, especially litigation, control emotions. Energy should be directed not outward, but inward! The period has a bad effect on sports and military affairs. Conflicts with the security forces are dangerous for the side that initiated this conflict.

At this time, it is not recommended to start any important adventure, buy a car, go to dangerous journey or make major life changes. It is not a good time to buy equipment, but you can sell used equipment, get rid of the "legacy of the past". It is better to deal with already working projects, and with the start of new ones, wait until Mars turns to direct movement.. It is better to start new business only a few days after the end of this period.

Since Mars symbolizes active young people, strength, aggression and brutality, during the retrograde period of this planet, accidents, fires, power conflicts, fights and provocations. Martian energy can get an unconstructive output. Increased irritability and conflict. At this time, you need to beware of hot spots, nightclubs, try not to succumb to aggressive provocations from the outside.

On a retrograde Mars, you can do what you expect a return effect. An example from practice, a fictitious divorce on retro-Mars, was really fictitious and when the need arose, the marriage was registered again. Below is a short list of recommendations.

What not to do:

  1. Start a new business project, or any campaign that requires action and pressure.
  2. Register a company.
  3. Make scheduled operations.
  4. Buy mechanisms: cars, means of production, household appliances, tools, etc.
  5. Start building or renovating.
  6. Organize sports competitions or corporate sports championships.
  7. File a lawsuit, initiate a confrontation.
  8. Initiate disputes, discussions, debates.
  9. Give the car for repair or maintenance without a good reason.
  10. Change job.
  11. Go on long business trips.
  12. Use firearms and melee weapons.
  13. Start grooming.
  14. Engage in first sexual intercourse.

What can you do:

  1. Put things in order in old cases, finish and tighten the "tails"
  2. Resume previously abandoned sports: wushu, qigong (for the soul).
  3. Do yoga, meditation.
  4. Rest more, take breaks more often.

02.12.2010 | Visitors: 109440

Article by Lynn Koiner. Retrogrades in the Natal Horoscope.

All planets, with the exception of the Sun and Moon, have a period of retrograde. Retrograde motion is when the planet moves in the opposite direction, when viewed from the earth. When you see Venus/Mercury rising before the Sun, they are moving in retrograde(s). Mercury begins its retrograde phase when it overtakes the Sun by about 14 degrees and Venus by about 30 degrees. Mercury is retrograde for 3 weeks 3 times a year, and Venus for 19 months. Other planets only go retrograde when they are in opposition to the Sun. In the natal chart, any planet in opposition to the Sun will always be retrograde. The Sun can also form trines to retrograde planets.

* Mars is in retrograde for a little less than 2.5 months over a period of two years;

* Jupiter and Pluto are retrograde every year;

* Jupiter is retrograde for 4 months;

* Saturn and Pluto are retrograde for 5 months;

When a planet is retrograde, it acts differently. Often, this is the time when you need to change something, or initiate an internal, psychological work, in order to express it externally in the future (results of this work).

Mercury retrograde

When Mercury is retrograde, thought processes are more introverted, deep. Before realizing personal affairs outside, they must be well thought out. This means that if you want to discuss anything (of a personal nature) with a person who has such a signature in his natal chart, then you must first warn him about it. If you want an immediate response from this person, then you will not get an honest answer, he needs time to think everything over carefully.

They need a lot of time in order to correctly understand the issue and formulate their thoughts (consistently, so that there are no pitfalls), they are afraid not to take into account anything, to make a mistake if they were not prepared in advance.

They prefer not to jump to conclusions.

They can easily discuss topics that do not affect their (themselves) inner state. Since this has already been understood/considered before...

When they are asked personal questions, they feel: “Wait a minute, here you need to think, look from different angles.”

They have good perception because they know how to deeply feel things. Their perceptions (perceptions) are very individual.

They prefer to analyze by thinking (“what if?”, “if so?”, “and if this is not true, then maybe ...”). In really difficult questions, they are rarely superficial, they tend to analyze, double-check, and do until they feel inner satisfaction.

They strive for absolute knowledge to be sure of words like "always" or "never".

Many feel that they have never spoken like a child, that is, thoughtlessly.

Their mental activity tends to be clearer, deeper and highly subjective. They may be prone to "day-dream" (during the day, the consciousness is directed inward, it may seem that they are scattered and do not care what is happening in the outside world). This is especially true if Mercury is in cadent houses (3, 6, 9, 12), this is even more pronounced if there is an aspect with Neptune, he goes into his own world.

Position in 3-6-12 houses can lead to dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, cognitive disorders. One child was deaf in one ear, and he tried to compensate by eavesdropping frequently (to make sure his hearing wouldn't leave until they were listening).

This is the signature of a scientific thinker. Many astronauts have had Mercury retrograde.

Mercury speed

The speed of Mercury indicates at what speed a person will qualitatively process (understand) information. A friend of mine had Mercury very fast (moving at a speed of 2 degrees per day), he thought very quickly and clearly. She had the rare gift of being able to think quickly with less time for reflection.

Those born with Mercury retrograde take longer to process information, but their problem solving is more insightful and wiser.

ANSWER: “I learned this, when something is presented quickly, I say: “I need time to think.”

Mercury in the 2nd house can be a speculator or a shopaholic.

Mercury in 3rd/4th house

Needs calmness in order to think correctly. This often applies to Venus R in these houses. They have a problem with concentration when they are distracted by something at home (“when is she coming? I’m worried”, “what’s wrong with her? 0_o suddenly she: (! but I need to finish my diploma today, I can’t! her").

Mercury in 3rd house

Propensity to explore, but they can only do this when they are calm. They can be slow as they need to have all the facts to get started (i.e. understand the basics).

Mercury in 5th house

They can think more than create, but this is a matter of time. Often they are good teachers. They excel at games that require tremendous concentration.

Mercury in 6th house

Here we meet someone who is highly skilled in their work, it may take them a long time to collect all the facts, otherwise they do not feel solid ground under their feet.

Mercury in 7th house

Experiencing difficulties in forming their opinion about marriage, they can marry at lightning speed and then change their minds. Often they have trouble understanding with their partner.

Mercury in 8th house

Ideal for exploring 8th house topics.

Mercury in 9th house

This can be an ardent information collector, they are constantly worried that they cannot collect all the necessary information to form a coherent image. Any planet in the 9th house can serve as an indicator that there is interference with learning, there is always something that interferes, distracts. Often, breaks in study.

Mercury in 12th house

Performs well in psychological research. My friend works as a therapist in prison. She says that she has a lot of irrational thoughts, which she raises with great difficulty to awareness, chaos is constant in her thoughts. She does not show others how bad she is. They (in general) may have trouble sleeping.

Retrograde Venus

do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.

The innate feeling of not being able to love that was brought from past life(and what was not brought from the past? :D). Sometimes, they feel that in childhood there were no manifestations of love for them (manifestations of love could be for them, they probably just did not understand). This is a real karmic pattern brought from the past. They have a feeling that they are: unattractive, unworthy, they learn to appreciate things that are often overlooked by others. This may spur them into philanthropic action, or they may only attract people they (with R Venus) think are better than they are.

They have great potential to manifest selfless goals.

A few years ago, I watched the horoscopes of the great saviors who participated in the Second World War. Many of them feel that others, much more valuable than themselves, that is, others much more important than me (R Venus), risked their lives to help Jews flee the Nazis.

My neighbor has Venus retrograde in the 9th house and has never been interested in having a lot of money. In his life, he often associated with spiritual teachers. Currently he has gone to China and teaches English there. I see a pattern that people with such a signature go to less developed countries to educate the population English language. They do not earn much money from their work, because they, above all, feel that the main thing is to help others, not themselves.

Emotional freezing due to fear of rejection is possible.

Often they are very worried about the fact that they do not succeed like everyone else, they do not like what the majority loves and appreciates, because of this they are often not understood, and they are forced to spend their lives alone.

To give an example: One woman was plump but very attractive, her mother knew that she would never become a beauty queen. She always felt that she was not loved because her appearance was not what her mother would have liked. The rest, spoke of her as a very beautiful and attractive woman. When her Venus became directive in progression, she accepted herself for who she is and began to appreciate beauty based on her opinion.

Sometimes they feel that they are not worthy of attention.

They can be antisocial, they feel more comfortable in face-to-face communication, they do not need the public to look at them and admire them. They don't like superficial relationships with people. They are "not social guys".

Response to comment: “I have always had problems with my peers. I grew up early, early in life, after my mother died.” She says that she has learned compassion and understanding of other people. However, I noticed that she let the men take advantage of her. She is afraid to say no to people because she is afraid of offending them. Now she lives alone. These people have a deep resentment towards impudent people.

CHANGING MOVEMENT R TO D: Sandra Leigh-Serio gave a lecture on this subject. She noticed when Venus changes its type of movement (this a rare thing), it has a huge impact on the feeling of intimacy in general.

Venus in 2nd

Domestic insecurity can make these people yearn for financial security. They may marry for money, but it is only to avoid this feeling.

EXAMPLE: One woman with Venus retrograde in Aquarius in the 2nd house was a prostitute who fell in love with her clients and served them for free. She complained that she had little money. But still, she wanted to have some money and a little property, in order not to feel like a nobody.

Another man with Venus retrograde in the 2nd house in Aquarius was very fond of giving gifts to other people so that they appreciated him ... he was a very loving person.

Venus in 3rd/4th house

They need peace and tranquility in their environment. They do not want to quarrel, argue, establish themselves in their environment.

Venus in 6th house

May underestimate themselves and their work. Some, when doing their job, may be very worried about the results, because. they didn't do it exactly the way they wanted it to. Often, they do not take money for their work.

Venus in 7th house

Suggests you like reserved/reticent/humble/"those you'd like to reveal". They will not demand anything from their partner, and are ready to accept him for who he is.

Venus in 9th house

Often they are married to someone who is socially marginalized in some way. This can give them a sense of superiority. Delays in education - they may let others go ahead of themselves, they may be afraid to express their opinion, they may get carried away with helping their friends / acquaintances, which will completely forget about their tasks.

Venus in 10th house

Their timidity is noticeable to everyone. They allow the boss to dominate, they are afraid to contradict.

Venus in 11th house

They can easily make sacrifices for the sake of the group.

Venus in 12th

Contains meaning Venus retrograde generally. She has a lot of emotional experiences, she can sacrifice everything for the sake of others, because she does not love herself, underestimates herself. They can help poor people. Their values ​​are different from the generally accepted ones. Happiness comes with when they realize why they chose this path, when they realize it. They feel they don't deserve to ask anyone for help.

Retrograde Mars

Mars governs our undertakings, shows how we take the initiative, as well as how we express anger.

When I see Mars retrograde in the natal chart, it often means that the person comes from a family where no one knew how to express and manage anger.

The reactions, the aggressive actions of Mars retrograde are manifested internally in some way. At first glance, everything seems calm, but inside, a volcano can rage. In other cases, anger is expressed absolutely inadequately, a person may shake, etc. And, perhaps, he will constantly look askance, in a passive-aggressive state.

These people do not know how to express their indignation.

The house where Mars is retrograde is where you gurgle (keep your anger in) and BOOM! - there is a sharp release. They keep their anger inside serious problems pouring it out.

They are uncomfortable in competitions where there is competition, they prefer to work alone or on the sidelines (this can manifest itself through the encouragement and support of others ... for example, as a coach).

EXAMPLE: A client with Mars retrograde in Libra has difficulty firing employees. Like an owner successful business, she hired an aggressive woman who likes to fire ... that's her job.

Internal anger can lead to psycho-somatic disorders, such as depression. These people are often prone to minor troubles, which is called "33 misfortunes" or "someone who gets into all sorts of accidents more often than others."


* in those situations where there is aggression, I keep my mouth shut and say to myself "I am calm";

* as a rule, drunks rarely show their anger. When the drunkard stops drinking, their real anger becomes manifest;

* self-destruction, as well as a huge severity to yourself;

* they often complain, but are not often in a hurry to solve these problems;

* they suppress their anger until it becomes invisible externally (if only others do not see it);

* her father was an alcoholic and rude, but she learned to talk to him in such a way as not to pour coal into the stove;

* these people suppress their anger well, but with it their ambitions. One woman said “we have been fighting this all our lives”;

MARS TRANSITION FROM R TO D: My husband has a retrograde Mars in his natal chart, and five other retrograde planets. As his Mars progressed in direct motion, he stopped drinking, became involved in a 12-step recovery, got divorced, and began learning Poekelan (an Indonesian martial art).

Mars in 2nd house

There is sabotage (deliberately disrupting an event) - an angry pattern - he can work hard, save money, and one day get angry with his wife, collect all his money and buy a Porsche ... after that, he will calm down again and begin to save money .

Mars in 3rd/4th house

Tries to get along with his family, and then, BOOM! He doesn't talk to them for two years. In the 3rd house, a person's behavior at school can change dramatically from a good boy to a bandit.

Mars in 5th house

Great for motivating other people to be creative. Dancing or drumming...he helps them realize the energies.

Mars in 12th house

Frequent frustrations, passive-aggressive behavior that others notice but not them. A very good position to help the disadvantaged.

Retrograde Jupiter

Some manifestations of retrograde planets are quite good, retrograde Jupiter is a good confirmation of this. When Jupiter is direct, there is harmony with the outside world. The energy of its manifestation is the one that is acceptable to the majority.

When Jupiter is retrograde, if you have materialistic goals, then you will find that when you achieve them, you do not feel satisfied, and the more you achieve outside, the more you will feel dissatisfied.

They may search for a long time, but as long as they look inward, they realize that there is nothing here to help them calm down.

There are always doubts inside. They are always looking to give their lives a spiritual, philosophical meaning.

I have a direct Jupiter in my natal chart, I always collect knowledge and information. But if my Jupiter was retrograde, then I needed something that would enrich me internally, give me a true understanding of life.

Retrograde Jupiter looks inward, he looks beyond the outer manifestations. I often tell students: “where a retrograde Jupiter is present in a person’s natal chart, there a person can revive something that previously seemed dead or forgotten (by everyone, including)”.

Jupiter plays a big role in acceptance/gaining approval. Jupiter retrograde is very selective in these matters. One person with Jupiter retrograde said, “Everyone in my family was happy that I looked good on the outside (socially), but I was always dissatisfied.” He believes that this is a deception, happiness, especially inside.

Retrograde Jupiter in 2-6-8 houses

Has a natural healing ability, but they don't always work in places where they heal physically. earth signs and scorpio have natural healing abilities. Their ability to heal includes: animals, nature, and other (renovation and repair, antiques, especially if Jupiter is placed in the 2nd or 4th house). They have the natural ability to bring things back to life.

Retrograde Jupiter in 1st house

Very strong in conversation on spiritual, philosophical and psychological topics. They do not strive for financial stability, a career, they do not want to be in the spotlight. They may actually neglect physical existence as they are receptive to higher vibrations. They must avoid intellectual speculation (get off the ground). Rob Hand has a retrofaced Jupiter in Cancer in his natal chart and is a lover of the oldest philosophical systems, even though they may be impractical.

One of my acquaintances with retrograde Jupiter in the first house in Sagittarius says: “Sometimes I feel like a broken trough, because, in family life, we do not see the higher meaning (spiritual) in everyday worries.”

Retrograde Jupiter in 3rd/4th houses

They have the ability and willingness to build relationships between people. EXAMPLE One person made friends with all the neighbors and introduced them to each other, now they live together.

Jupiter retrograde is always trying to go back and reconnect (some kind of re-ligio).

They have the ability to renew, restore homes and buildings - they have a natural need to breathe life into the forgotten/broken/dead.

Jupiter in 5th house

I saw their great perseverance in their desire to understand children and help them. AT love relationships they have a stash, they keep in shape for a long time.

Jupiter in 7th house

A person needs a partner of a philosophical, spiritual warehouse. When relationships seem to be falling apart, they can restore them to a state that is better than it was before the relationship went wrong. They have the ability to combine the performance of marital duties in marriage, as well as the constant feeding of the energy of marriage so that it does not become a burden. They also have the ability to resurrect broken hearts.

GEISLER: For example, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer ruling the 7th house - spouses can have their own views on many things, and yet they do not need to show them to others. There may be problems with the house, perhaps the spouses will feel like strangers in the country in which they live. They may move frequently. The spouse may be on business trips in distant countries (for example, in India).

Jupiter in 9th house

People do not know what to believe in, they are always in search. They may get carried away by religions, philosophies, and then realize that it cannot provide all the answers to their questions. There are many doubts about their worldview, religion, they feel the precariousness of the foundation, especially when a black streak begins in their life. Often such people find salvation in true inward turning...holotropic breathing, yoga, autogenic training, self-hypnosis, astrology...

They often (constantly) correct their worldview to a higher, more moral one. One person failed to finish high school.

Jupiter in 10th house

Often means that a person will receive more than one higher education.

Retrograde Saturn

Saturn symbolizes the rules and regulations that you have dealt with in early age. The sign shows the quality of the cultural influence on the individual.

FOR EXAMPLE: D / R Saturn in Sagittarius may mean that in childhood you were not answered adequately (so that you really understand) to your answers, but they offered faith, and they themselves believed not to understand what! Not knowing why.

When Saturn is retrograde, you don't exactly (completely) understand what these rules are for, why they are the way they are, and how responsible you must be. Often such people are very responsible, for example, one of my friends, when he performs rectification, he writes his thoughts in such detail that even a person who is superficially familiar with it can understand his thoughts correctly.

As part of the responsibility, you can be prone to extremes: either everything to the centimeter, or absolutely sloppy. Often you are dissatisfied with yourself, believing that you are resting more than others, while others are constantly improving at this time.

Often they do not know what they can and cannot do.

Where you find Saturn retrograde, it is difficult for a person to say “NO”, to define limits, boundaries. They do not understand boundaries (where are these boundaries?!), they have difficulty setting boundaries for the relationship of others to them, as well as the relationship of self to others. (can I ask him to do this?! And if he says: “rolled his lip?” But, I always help him! Although, it’s always like that with me).

Retrograde Saturn knows no boundaries (should be understood in a general and abstract way).

Sometimes they tend to limit themselves, and sometimes they tend to forget about boundaries...and do what they want! They have no boundaries (transcendence) - this is a real problem (?) when Neptune or the Pisces channel is strong. One person confessed that he does not always pay for the rent of his apartment, taxes, he would not like to work, wash .... for what?! He is looking for a woman to take care of him.

When we find Saturn retrograde in the natal chart, it means that these people have to learn to limit themselves, to say “NO” to themselves, they have to learn their limits of what they can and cannot do. Must learn to understand what others expect of them. They create an invisible barrier for themselves (perhaps something like: “I will never be able to…”, “I will never be able to…”).

Often they are fixated on the idea that others are better than them.

One can compare the manifestation of Saturn retrograde with people who have had a near-death experience (clinical death, etc.).

They may worry a lot about responsibility if they are offered something that they have already dealt with (they immediately paint pictures of all the possible failures that can happen to them). It is very difficult for them to take the first step. They are afraid that their duties will bring them to such a state that they will not be able to give up all this at some point when plans change. They must gain confidence in themselves, and for this you need to be more aware of yourself, more aware of yourself.

Retrograde Saturn in 1st house

Typical position for Saturn. Often this situation happens to those who were conceived by accident, that is, they did not prepare for this, or they wanted a girl, but a boy was born. He feels responsible for others, he can be very worried about others before himself. Directive Saturn can isolate itself from the undesirable (foreign) for its own safety. With Saturn retrograde, people take responsibility for others because they don't know how to refuse help. They can imagine that if someone makes a mistake, he can say to him “why didn’t you warn me that it would turn out this way?”.

ANSWER: 1) One woman said to me: "I always feel like a guest in my house when others come to me." She works on the phone in the office, and feels that she cannot go on a break for food, or something , because someone will call at that time, and she will not be able to help that person. 2) "I care about everyone!" 3) Another woman is very afraid of being restricted or falling into some kind of trap (for example, the Greeks will steal, and you will chop nuts from them there, from morning to morning).

They have a problem (again? This is a problem until it is realized, and as long as a person associates himself with the opinion of society) that they consider themselves indebted to everything, especially when Saturn is in 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 houses.

Saturn in 2nd house

He believes that he will receive only as much as he worked, and he will pay others for the work only as much as they deserve. Often these are from families where parents had to work hard for money in order to provide for the family. Therefore, they believe that they must work for seven in order to feel safe. When Saturn is retrograde, he feels financially responsible for everything: "my mother provides for our entire family." One person said that his father could not save money, he did not see the border, he ended up going bankrupt, and now she is very economical with money, because she is afraid of repeating a story like the one that happened to her father.

Saturn in 3rd/4th houses

He cannot say "NO" to family members. In the 3rd, there may be problems at school, because he does not know what the volume of tasks will be, and what their complexity is, and how well they need to be performed. They may have hearing problems, due to which they may misunderstand the material. They are very concerned with getting things right, without any cognitive distortions. When they are preoccupied with something, they feel suspended - they cannot do anything until they decide what they care about. One person with Saturn retrograde in the 3rd house says that he had to deal with different cultural norms in communication, it gave him constant anxiety.

Saturn in 5th house

It is difficult for them to say “NO” to the child, especially the first-born! Usually she can say NO to the second child or other children, but not to the first! One woman said that she was overly responsible, she even helped the nanny who looked after the child. Others say that the child taught them to focus their powers and organize their lives more correctly.

Saturn in 6th/10th house

These are perfectionists at work, because they do not know (do not set) boundaries. It is difficult for him to slow down his pace of work, he does not want others to overtake him in skill. Bosses and employees can take advantage of the kindness of these people. If such a person is the boss, it will be very difficult for him to dictate his conditions to others; rather, he will be soft and pliable to their requests.

Saturn in 7th house

Attract adult (very strict) partners, or completely irresponsible ... their relationship can be built on the principle of parent-child. They may feel that they never satisfy a partner (with their services, or something else).

Saturn in 9th house

Particularly retrograde, feeling that religion doesn't inspire them (at least the one that is mass religion) and how confusing it is. Several students noticed that the parents of these individuals often belong to different cultures/nationalities. This is often the case when Saturn retrograde is in the 3rd house. Often they are constantly in the process of learning. There may be breaks in education. One person changed several universities because of his doubts about the correctness of the choice. As a rule, they do not like the philosophical views of their parents, they are disgusted with the church. If they accept the faith without a doubt, they feel guilty and ashamed, and if they show it in public, then the rest will tell them “you don’t believe in GOD!”, although the point is that others simply don’t want to think about absurdities in religion.

Saturn in 11th house

Among friends, older people are chosen, because they are bored with their peers. When Saturn is direct, they feel like a functional part of the group, and unity. When Saturn is retrograde, they are afraid of groups (as friends they can have people who are much older than them, it is just as difficult for them with peers as it is for directive Saturn). Directive Saturn easily accepts responsibility in a group, but retrograde Saturn often says "he can't, and that's his principle."

Saturn in 12th house

Has a fear of getting involved with management, and is very afraid of not being accepted by anyone. They often isolate themselves from society, voluntarily.

This small fragment, before Uranus retrograde, was helped by @ruby_trump

* One student remarked/commented that she was not allowed to do anything for herself - starting with ordinary things like laundry, cooking and cleaning, so as an adult she doesn't know how to take responsibility for herself.

* In the words of Pat Geisler: While a retrograde (retrograde) Saturn may indeed imply the loss of a father, retrograde rather indicates a lack of authoritative direction from the father. The father may be present, but not involved in the development of the child. Work can usurp (take away) all his time. It may not be able to give such instructions due to the lack of its own structure. Or he may be despotic or subject to anachronism. The situation is indeed one of Saturn's dysfunctions where the actual father is present or not.

There are conditions that require modification of this guide (direction). A retrograde Saturn in the 10th in Capricorn is unlikely to signify a lack of authority. In addition, in the absence of a father in reality, there are compensatory configurations, like lunar nodes and their aspects. These configurations suggest the maternal presence that guidance provides. Both mothers and fathers are lonely.

And then, there is time. The answer given by an adolescent may change completely as the adolescent grows. An idyllic childhood can actually be seen as a terrible one, as age implies self-development and responsibility. A client who swears that a parent was "present" may not have a clear understanding of the importance of parental absence until much later in life. Or them life situation does not require a high degree of leadership to function normally.

For example, I have Saturn retrograde in the 9th house. I definitely didn't grow up in a religious family. Anyway, I didn't study any religion or spiritual discipline. Since I was a teenager, I have done a lot of introspection to find out what would make me happy spiritually, and as it turns out, nothing would satisfy my need. Any form of dogmatic spirituality or religion does not satisfy me completely. I think I'm a self-proclaimed atheist. The only time in my life when I wondered if there really was a "God" or "higher source" was when my father eldest daughter died in a car accident when I was 17 – it took me a while to regain my faith. I just don't understand how a loving spirit could take away the only person who I could call a kindred spirit. I was very young and it took some time to stop grieving and move on with life. It may sound scary to some, but in his death, I learned a lot about life, love and faith.

In the initial degrees, children's fears and parental guardianship of the child can be calm and outside the "good boy / good girl" syndrome.

In the middle degrees indicates the difficulties associated with changing circumstances.

Late degrees indicate leadership qualities through an attitude of autonomy and high responsibility.

Saturn at 9

May indicate or reflect an interest in other people's opinions. That is, the opinion of other people is very important to a person, he respects them very much, perhaps more than his own opinion.

Retrograde Saturn in the 12th acts like direct Saturn

He needs external stimuli for self-motivation throughout the entire area of ​​the house with which he is associated.

retrograde uranium

Not a bad position. This person is more revolutionary, sharp, but he does not always notice it. It's like Mars retrograde when you rumble, rumble, and here you go, damn it!! Sharp takeoff.

When Uranus is direct, a person experiences that his intuitions, independence, are so natural, everything happens smoothly as in a stream. But when it's retrograde! Damn! (a person feels that higher vibrations flow into him, it turns him on so much, he cannot sleep! He feels that right now he must show it, tell the world about it), a sharp explosion, A-A-A-A! UNDERSTAND ALL YES?

Their intuition bursts into them suddenly, they catch the flow, a huge number of insights begin to flow into them, on various topics. huh, as a rule, they have sad periods (creativity, even if it doesn’t go), but then an EXPLOSION will definitely follow! x.u

Retrograde makes Uranus more powerful each time it visits the ego. This Uranus expresses a higher vibration than direct Uranus.

With retrograde Uranus, the contrast of extremes becomes very bright, they can make an elephant out of a mouse. They can perceive such extremes as dogma, and not notice it. They can come up with something, believe in it, most likely others will consider them crazy.

The difference between Retrograde and Directive Uranus is that the retrograde does not feel that these explosions are something abnormal, while the directive, sometimes, is afraid, shuns them. It is more difficult for them to control the Uranian energy, they feel how something higher breaks into them, and they do not care about all sorts of prohibitions and beliefs, this should be announced “I told you! I have to tell everyone about this right now! I don't care that it's night!" A friend of mine with an unaspected retrograde Uranus in the 9th house finds it impossible to incorporate his metaphysical knowledge into his own. professional life(she is a psychotherapist).

Students tell me that during these insights, they feel they have to integrate this information into their minds, even though it conflicts with their beliefs.

They have to understand/realize WHY they have to rebel in order to fulfill themselves.

Uranus in 1st house

Independent… but when Uranus is retrograde, the person sometimes doesn't realize that they are actually SUPER INDEPENDENT. This position emphasizes the desire for connections to something revolutionary, perhaps a person wants to get to know people just like him (he is not afraid of this, on the contrary, it turns him on). Their revolutionary nature manifests itself in all areas of life, it can happen in relationships, in a career or even a place of residence (for example, a person can live in a refrigerator box, and he will be happy with it). He's attracted to all kinds of radical/revolutionary ideas...whether it's sun eating or Bungee jumping, he's attracted to things no one is interested in. He can say: “To hell with your karma! I feel like this is all fiction! I came up with all this myself! And you too! You are created by my unconscious self…”

Uranus in 2nd house

If a person works at a regular job, then most likely he will have financial instability. The reason for their financial instability is in themselves.

They can earn a stable income only by doing some kind of non-traditional work. If they work in the government, in any high positions, then they will not feel happy. They would probably get sick or be in a constant state nervous breakdown. It takes a long time for them to realize that they need non-traditional work, and the longer they think about it, the more powerful the change will be.

Uranus in the 3rd house is similar to Mars

There may be problems at school because of their radical beliefs "to be different from others, not to consider like others."

Uranus in 5th house

Society perceives them as abnormal, in ordinary matters they go against the ideas of the majority. They are definitely "wallflowers" (girl/boy without a partner) until they find themselves in an unconventional world.

With retrograde uranium in the 6th house

A person can have a very sensitive physical body. They can work even when their body is exhausted. They like to work alone, because their aura is dissonant with the aura of those around them. They can be intolerant of employees. They make great efforts to innovate in their work. They get bored when, during their work, someone spins around them or just stares at them.

Uranus in 7th house

They prefer sudden love. When a relationship starts to fade, the relationship quickly ends. It seems that everything is fine, and then BAM - a break in relations. They are not strong in confrontation (confrontation, confrontation, clash). I noticed that they prefer a relationship of love, and not serious relationship, they are boring.

Uranus in 8th house

One person told me that such people can successfully change other people's financial habits. Often, very strange events “out of their control” happen to them, which, subsequently, make major changes in their lives.

Uranus in 10th house

Make great efforts in a job where the other has given up. Uranus does not like being compared to others. This situation indicates failure if a person engages in traditional professional activities.

Uranus in 11th house

Gives sudden changes in goals and hopes, and it seems to him that these changes lead him into darkness (into uncertainty).

Uranus in 12th house

Afraid that others will think he's crazy. Perhaps his parents criticized him like this: "you behave in such a way that others perceive you as a psycho." They can connect their lives with new age, which most likely allows them to feel comfortable.

Retrograde Neptune

The house position of direct Neptune is where you seek to fulfill your dreams, where you seek to escape from reality. In a directive state, you can easily understand whether it is an illusion or a reality. Creative potential is realized, as a rule, traditionally (meaning, traditional spheres).

When Neptune is retrograde, it tends to be more vague, less clear, and the person may not know how to express their creativity. If Neptune has become direct in a progression, people begin to understand what they need to do in order to express themselves creatively. It could be something they've been doing all their lives, and here it is! Realized!

Neptune shows where you have the ability to manifest creative imagination, retrograde Neptune does not seem to be aware of this ability. Retrograde Neptune is more sensitive due to its association with "unseen realms" (unseen realms). Often their creative potential is realized through: clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, metaphysical and spiritual activities, which, traditionally, cannot be called creativity (in fact, we are the creators, all our perceptions/perceptions are a creative act).

Due to their hypersensitivity, they need to avoid drugs, alcohol, etc. There is a tendency to develop harmful habits, which negatively affect the astral body, the solar plexus. Their heightened sensitivity can serve as the development of phobias, fears, neuroses, paranoia - this is the result of their connection with the invisible world, they bring out what others do not notice.

Many people with this signature have an inclination and ability to work with the psychic, but often they don't know how. They may be afraid of all this. These people perceive well what is happening on the astral plane, they can take other people's thoughts/feelings as their own. Smoking negatively affects their mental abilities.

EXAMPLE: When I spread and interpret tarot and I am surrounded by cigarette smoke, my psychic abilities decrease and my intuition becomes dull. I know many people who, through smoking, turn off this wide astral channel, which is constantly available to them, it can drain them.

Retrograde Neptune is alien to the material. They can easily develop those abilities that they will never show in reality. They can attract losers. They see potential... that will never actually materialize.

Neptune in 1st house

These people are so receptive to environment that they don't know who they are or how they feel. They must learn to consciously manage their receptivity so as not to mix their moods with the moods of other people.

Neptune in 3rd house

Aliases are often used because it changes their vibration. They study numerology, and indeed, they are good at working with this system. They love to find synchronicities and associate them with numbers. They often get lost...

Neptune in 4th house

Overly sensitive to his family and home, but they don't realize it. They must find a calm, serene environment and living space. Living in the forest, alone with nature, is very useful for them. Chaos and disorder at home annoys them very much.

Neptune in 5th/7th house

Constantly looking for some kind of perfection in relationships. They don't know how idealistic they are! Frequent disappointments. Neptune in these houses is looking for a relationship that would allow him to escape from this world, to avoid pain. When they feel pain, they leave...

Neptune in 6th house

Hypersensitive to the work environment and order in the environment (working). They want the perfect work environment, they are naive. They can often change jobs, being in constant search of an idyll.

Neptune in 9th house

Utopian ideas are vital to him in order to live in this world. As long as they are unfamiliar with them, they experience great sadness. As a result, they can become very cynical. They need a higher meaning, they refuse to believe that everything is as modern (probably before David Wilcock appeared on the world stage) materialistic science describes it.

Neptune in 10th house

They dream of doing something creative in their lives...but have no idea what it could be (of course, for the time being).

EXAMPLE: I taught career courses using astrology. All the students in the group had a strong neptune - he did not know what they wanted to make their profession, they studied what they had no soul for, or what seemed prestigious to them.

Neptune in 11th house

Looking for obscure ideals, and people who would embody them. They don't know exactly what these ideals should look like. Often they run away from fear in their own life, and therefore they are looking for such people. They attract idealists. Often they are not satisfied with any one group, they are in constant search. These people can participate in help groups for alcoholics, drug addicts, mentally deranged people.

Often they are in unorganized / illegal associations, where groups of people embody some ideal, for example, the preservation of the ecology of the planet, but no one knows what they really do.

Often their friends are alcoholics or dreamers. They do not seek material gain from their friends. They must avoid the people they like, that is, the people they want to save, there is no savior, there are only two people who play the roles of victims.

Neptune in 12th house

Mediumistic, difficult contact with reality.

retrograde pluto

Pluto is more intense when it is retrograde, this intensity manifests itself in the psyche, they can be very suspicious as they think that others have the same terrible thoughts as they do.

A direct pluto is more interested in: external power, prestigious work, money…

Retrograde Pluto is definitely more psychological: healing, transformation, dream exploration.

They notice things that those who have a direct Pluto do not notice. They see a lot of negativity.

These people have an excellent ability to penetrate the essence of the subconscious. Among them a large number of loners and introverts. They may have trouble relaxing when they are surrounded by people.

There are huge forces for restoration and improvement in the area where Pluto stands.

Pluto in 2nd house

Wants to control all their resources. The directive has the problem of power. Retrograde - afraid of psychological vulnerability.

Pluto in 3rd house

It can control the minds of people, directing them to one thing, to one goal. They can become great teachers, people who can feel the thoughts of many (groups of) people.

Pluto in 6th house

Intense power at work. They don't want to take breaks.

Pluto in 7th house

It is a bit difficult for a person to establish a relationship, because they want their relationship to be very intense, others simply may not have enough energy.

Pluto in 8th house

Often feels that he must manage the finances of the marriage. One woman said that her husband always wanted to pay for everything, but, unfortunately, he could not.

Pluto in 11th house

A person will not be very impressed with the work in a group, but this person can delve into the essence of the activities of the group, and direct them to optimal solutions, ignite their enthusiasm. They have a talent for creating groups (bringing people together) and managing them.

Pluto in 12th house

Can be as intense as possible in research, it can penetrate deep into the essence. Their greatest ability is to help other people understand themselves. They are prone to psychological analysis. They can quickly see other people's weaknesses and strengths. By helping others, you help yourself.

Like direct Pluto, retrograde Pluto shows the area where you will have protection from dangers.


1 teaching and organizing

2 when I was translating this fragment, I myself felt how this energy flows through me

3 solipsism

4 A word about a word, Evgeny Elizarov

5 astral body and Other Astral Phenomena, Powell Arthur E

A complete loop of transit Mars covers the period from October 17, 2009, when it entered the 1st degree of Leo, and ends on May 17, 2010. at the moment of the secondary (already direct) passage through the 20th degree of Leo. The retrograde period itself lasts from December 20 to March 10. From October 17 to December 20, a matrix of topics and problems of the transit planet is laid, and after the reversal on March 10 and until May 17, there will be a good time to receive feedback from the event flow and correction of these topics.

So, what brings us the period of retrograde Mars? First, let's remember what Mars is responsible for in the horoscope of each person.

On the biological level Mars is associated with the head, nose, muscles, penis, blood.

At the event level: action, war, quarrel, accident, operation, fire, attack, murder, invasion, competition.

Roles of Mars: man, husband, adult son, lover, warrior, defender, hunter, competitor, rival, angry, aggressive, a dangerous person, killer, armed man working with metal (blacksmith, metallurgist), strong, determined, athlete, stuntman, fireman, businessman, machinist.

States of Mars: action, aggressiveness, self-giving, conflict, risk, excitement, anger, impudence, courage, rivalry, jealousy, acute illness, physical effort, erection.

Zodiacal Leo sign, along which the planet moves, sets the "field" of the manifestation of transit. Topics will become relevant for us: self-realization, creativity, relationships with children, love, romantic relationships, entertainment and games, risk, etc.

Mars in Leo they speak of a force that manifests itself in action, aimed at self-realization. Such a person "sparkles", he is different high level energy, the need to realize creative abilities, brightness, demonstrativeness, generosity, the need to lead, he needs a public positive evaluation his achievements.

However planet in retrograde motion forced to change the vector of its direction from the outer pole to the inner one. Therefore, in the first phrase of this article it is written that we are going on a journey with a candle, since during this period the bright light turns into a shaky ray of fire, helping to illuminate the corners of our inner world hidden and hidden in darkness. Mars, turned inward, from a decisive and courageous warrior turns into a master of martial arts, subtly owning energy, drawing strength from himself. In any case, this is the best version of the manifestation of the retro-Mars.

We highlight the main possible scenarios for the development of events:

Slowdown of external activity;

Difficulties in advancing their affairs;

Men show passivity in actions and hidden discontent in feelings, sexuality decreases;

Relationships associated with already familiar men, as well as with rivals and competitors;

Conflicts that happen on retro Mars can lead to a complete break in relations;

Things that started on retro Mars drag on for a very long time;

The same applies to breakdowns or, conversely, repairs to the broken; also results for decades;

Increased traumatism, especially of the head, craniocerebral injuries are possible (the most harmless is tooth extraction), we especially pay attention to the fact that they can happen during entertainment and games, including love ones;

Damage to electrical appliances;

We will be glad if you join this thread and add your observations….

Now let's talk about what will (or will not) meet on the path of retrograde Mars and what we can expect from it. Until the end of January, Mars will not form major aspects with other planets (not counting, of course, the fleeting aspects of the Moon, on which, by the way, you can try to give impetus to your activity), that is, in other words, it will be “in the mine”. In astrology, such a planet is characterized as a planet without support, an autonomous, isolated planet. Since Mars is in Leo, there will be a great desire to act, to express oneself, to create, but there will be not enough strength, resources. Leo is a fiery sign, so it is possible that it will seem to others that they are burning from the inside in an impotent thirst for activity. Alternatively, a sharp surge of activity can also be observed, but the activity at this time is ill-conceived, spontaneous, mainly under the influence of an attack of positive mood (for men, the desire to be a patron and benefactor). However, it is difficult to expect permanence during this period. A sharp rise is followed by an equally sharp decline, and so on. etc. In general, everything is like in a movie: “You are a good man, Andrey Yegorych. But not an eagle!

At the end of January retro-Mars will form two significant aspects that are part of the Sun-Mars and Venus-Mars cycles. On January 27, the opposition Venus-retro-Mars will form, and we will “rewind the tape” back and remember the events of June 21, 2009, when a new cycle of these personal planets was laid in the Venus-Mars conjunction. The connection was in the 15th degree of Taurus and concerned the theme of the manifestation and formation of one's values, needs, sympathies, sensuality in life in general and in relations between a man and a woman in particular. The current opposition falls at 11 degrees Aquarius (Venus) and Leo (Mars) and represents the "full moon" of the cycle, on which the topic can be revealed to the maximum in the conflict of these two planets. Of course, we look to see if the connection and / or opposition touches important points in the natal chart. If yes, then we analyze which house and planets are affected and how this can manifest itself in this particular person.

Two days later, on January 29, another opposition will form - the Sun-Mars at 10 degrees Aquarius and Leo, respectively. We need to go back to the day when these planets joined, which was December 5, 2008 (that is, a year ago) at 14 degrees Sagittarius and see if this connection affected significant points in the horoscope. Then it was about new opportunities for self-realization, self-affirmation, expanding the field of activity and actively promoting views on life (for women and about relationships with men, of course). Now, at the opposition of the planets, we can see how the theme unfolded.

Natalya Markina in the manual “Cycles of the planets. Part 2" writes: “The opposition of Mars to the Sun contributes to a clear perception of one’s actions and self-transformation, and if a person approaches their awareness with an open mind to a new experience, he will definitely find an opportunity to correct his shortcomings, get rid of reproaches against those who were the cause of the experience that traumatized him in the past or finally fulfill what was promised to them a long time ago. As well as in all other cases, we analyze how much this transit affects our individual horoscope. It depends on how much and with what colors your event stream will sparkle.

Further, on February 13, on the eve of Valentine's Day, Mercury will quickly make an opposition to retrograde Mars from 5 degrees of Aquarius, sowing confusion and confusion in the topic of friendship and love. At this time, conflicts are possible due to intemperance and harshness in communication, so the “antidote” can be directness, honesty, frankness, combined with a positive attitude. If, well, you really want to find out the relationship, then it is better to remember that the aspect is fleeting and in general .... "this too shall pass". In the end, you can confess your love not only on February 14 ....

On February 15, finally, the sextile of Mars with Saturn (4 degrees of Libra) is calmly and constructively formed. Men will be pleasantly surprised by the manifestation of responsibility and reliability (although they will have to be pushed a little, the sextile is still not a trine). In general, at this time, things related to jurisprudence and professional choice in general will slowly move.

And at the end of Mars retrograde, on March 7th, everything will finally seem to fall into place. On the eve of the holiday, a quite pleasant trine will form between Venus in Aries (1 degree) and Mars in Leo, which may well result in a new outburst of feelings with the former partner and thawing of relationships after ascetic wandering in the labyrinth with a candle in hand.


Markina N.Yu. Interpretation of astrological symbolism

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