Astral (emotional) human body. What is the astral body? Viruses of consciousness or how malicious programs are formed in the human mind at the level of the astral and mental body

What does it mean and what is it for? What does it look like, how to clean it, keep it clean and develop it? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

What is the human astral body

First of all, it is necessary that the reader has a clear idea of ​​what the astral level or astral world is. - this is a certain part of the universe that exists parallel to the physical world, surrounding and partially penetrating the physical world, but not visible and not perceived by physical vision, since it consists of matter of a different order. This is the world of feelings, sensations and desires.

or emotional body responsible for feelings, emotions, passions, drives, desires, aspirations and urges. It is given to us that we could gain a foothold and act at this level of the universe. astral body stores information about all feelings, emotions, human desires, about negative ones such as: fears, anger, feelings, discontent, etc. And positive ones: joy, serenity, love, etc. They are, as it were, recorded in the cells of the astral body in the form of energetically colored flashes.

The astral body permeates the physical and etheric bodies, spreading further in all directions from it, like a colored cloud. His color and shape depends on the inner nature of a person- from those feelings, desires and aspirations with which a person fills himself every day.

The internal process (thoughts, feelings, desires, aspirations) has a powerful influence on the body itself, shaping it from what a person fills himself with. The more often a person is in a particular state (feelings, desires, aspirations), the deeper it penetrates into him and becomes part of him. In fact, we build our astral body from what we feel and what emotional states we are in!

The astral is divided into two levels, lower and higher. The lower astral is the center of low, negative, animal emotions, feelings and desires, the highest abode of elevated feelings, desires and aspirations.

What it consists of attracts materials similar to the body from outside, like attracts like. If the body is accustomed by its owner to pure and sublime feelings and thoughts, then from its environment it will attract to itself, like a magnet, materials of the same kind and of the same matter as itself.

The astral body of a spiritually undeveloped person is characterized by smaller auric dimensions, has insufficient light saturation, and the centers of higher consciousness are practically invisible. As one progresses spiritually, the astral body is purified, the chakras first become visible and then turn into rotation. During sleep, the astral body can move about in the astral world, receiving the impressions of this plane and recording them as prophetic dreams or visions.

The astral body is the carrier of the kamic consciousness of a person, the receptacle of all passions and desires, the center of feelings, in which, as already mentioned, all sensations arise. Being created from astral matter, it readily responds to the impact of thought, reacting to it with vibrations, regardless of whether this thought comes from outside (from the mind of another person) or from within (from the mind of the owner of the body itself). Accordingly, he responds to his thoughts more readily, and with certain training and installation, he can be protected from extraneous influence. The pumped astral body does not respond to the negative, because it is completely built from the matter of the higher astral!

What does the astral body look like?

Describe a fully formed human astral body- not difficult; imagine that a person leaves his physical body and only a more transparent, luminous copy of the body, with a glow on the sides in the form of a cocoon, clearly visible to the clairvoyant, but inaccessible to ordinary vision.

An insufficiently highly developed person resembles an embryo in his astral body. Its contours have not yet been determined and are not precise; the material from which it is made is dull and loose; and if you separate it from the physical body, then it will appear in the form of a shapeless cloud that changes its shape, clearly unsuitable for the role of an independent carrier; in fact, it is rather a clot of astral matter than a formed astral body.

P a fully formed astral body indicates that a person has reached a certain level of intellectual culture and spiritual development. The appearance of the astral body is an indicator of the level of progress achieved by its owner; by the completeness of its contours, the brightness of the materials of which it is composed, and the perfection of its organization, one can judge at what stage of evolution the Ego using it is.

The astral body of a person whose thoughts are low and animal in nature looks coarse, dense, opaque and dark in color, sometimes so dark that it almost hides the contours of the physical body behind it. In a highly developed person, the astral body - pure, transparent, brilliant and light, has a wider glow - is a truly beautiful sight. In this case, low passions are transformed into more elevated ones, and the purposeful activity of the mind purifies astral matter.

It is mobile and able to change its color and shape. Both depend on the emotional state of the person. Primitive and coarse vibrations make it indefinite in shape and dull in color. Vibrations of malice, aggression, anger make it red-black and thorns seem to erupt from it and spots appear, if a person loses his temper, it becomes covered with scarlet spots. Higher vibrations of joy, love make it brighter, wider and purer, having a bright glow around it. When a person is in love, pink-red waves pass over him in iridescence.

If the thoughts and feelings of a person are sublime and noble, then they correspond to a more subtle and pure astral matter, and then the astral body begins to lose the coarsest and most dense particles of its astral matter of all sublevels, replacing them with particles more subtle, perfect and beautiful.

The astral body of a person with a very low, wildlife will consist of the densest and coarsest astral matter, which will keep him within the lowest level of Kamaloka; and until this shell is sufficiently thoroughly destroyed, a person will have to remain a prisoner of this part of the astral world and endure all the inconveniences connected with this far from enviable position.

Strong experiences and feelings can leave a deep mark on our Emotional body. Rough feelings of anger, fear, irritability, etc. can form clots (blocks) like splinters stuck in the emotional body. Such clots can interfere with the free flow of energy, and over time, if they are not cured, they lead to physical. diseases.

In a person living in constant experiences, stress, anger, constantly arguing, this body can not only be polluted, but it can be full of holes or torn like torn clothes on the body. This may be due to a targeted flow of negativity towards a person. In a developed, healthy and pure-souled person, the shell of the astral body is protected, it starts to miss a “hit” when it is unbalanced and fear, anger, aggression, self-doubt and other coarse vibrations arise inside a person.

Healing and cleansing comes when we stop saturating the astral body with heavy and negative feelings and get rid of them, and begin to nourish ourselves with more elevated and pure materials. Thus, with their with noble feelings and thoughts we transform and purify our own astral body without any special measures.

Purification of the astral body. How to cleanse, restore and heal the astral body.

As well as physical the astral body requires care, attention, love and periodic cleansing. It is necessary to maintain purity and a calm, natural and harmonious flow of energy. Periodically check yourself for the presence of various kinds of blocks and clamps, stuck deep emotions, feelings (experiences, discontent, aggression, fear, etc.) and try to clear them.

As a rule, with astral-mental accumulation overflows with age, and if it is not unloaded, then over time it becomes difficult to fully live and change your life, thinking, behavior, navigate in new information, for example, to change a profession, look, opinions, get rid of dependencies and influences of other people, forces, various sources.

The overcrowding of the astral-mental layer can be different: both energetic and informational. Bodies lose their saturation, the ability to emit energy, visually become darker, inside, as a rule, some clots of information or energy are formed that look like dark spots, different shapes and density. If you approach compaction on a subtle level, then you can read information (emotion, sensation, memory), understand what is at stake and what has accumulated in a particular place.

Because information is distributed around the entire perimeter of the body, then physiology and psychosomatics are added to this, the location of information affects the organs and systems around, creating certain bindings.

Negative and coarse feelings, emotions, desires adversely affect on us and on our . Stuck feelings of anger and aggression, old unforgiven grievances, anger, fear, depression all unbalance, create blocks and pollute our Astral body and disrupt the natural flow of energy.

Pollutes and weakens our astral body:

  • Negative emotions: aggression, anger, aggression, anger, envy.Discontent, dissatisfaction, resentment.
  • Emotional clamps and trauma. Internal conflicts.
  • Fear, self-doubt.Depression, gloom, pessimism.
  • Too many wishes.Lustful and conflicting desires, lust.
  • Excessive tension and fussiness.
  • Excessive relaxation and "unreasonableness".
  • Pride and Selfishness.
  • Pollution of the physical body, mind.
  • Communication with negative people. Negative emotions of other people directed at the person.
  • not healthy sleeping at the wrong time, such as during the day, getting up late and going to bed late.
  • Spraying on superficial emotions.

With noble feelings and thoughts we transform, purify own astral body. Awareness, sublime, pure and wonderful feelings of Love, Joy, Happiness, Friendliness, Inner Peace heal us.

Promotes healing and strengthens the astral body:

  • Sublime feelings and emotions: Unconditional Love.Feelings of Joy, Happiness, Mercy, etc.
  • The ability to maintain an elevated mood and positive thinking almost constantly, regardless of the circumstances and events occurring in life.
  • Overcoming the tendency to negative emotions and feelings.
  • Meditations. Spiritual practices.
  • Mind cleansing.
  • Elaboration of emotional clamps, traumas and fears.
  • healthy about rest. Healthy sleep and maintaining the correct "daily routine".
  • Emotional openness and positive interaction with people and the world.
  • Communication with harmonious and pleasant people. If possible, stop communicating with negative people.
  • Moderate physical. loads.Physical cleansing. body, post, hardening.
  • Be in good shape.
  • Nice and harmonious music.
  • Reading pleasant books.
  • visit beautiful places. Stay in nature.

All this can nourish us with pleasant feelings and contribute to the healing of both the astral body and our entire system as a whole!

How to cleanse the astral body

First of all, these are fears, these are the deepest pollutions, but it is not so easy to get to them. And so you first you need to clean the upper layers, remove all, without exception, thoughts that carry negativity: condemnation, rejection, hatred, separation, anger, irritation, envy and so on. All this, on the one hand, is the work of malware and viruses, but all this is like accumulated experience and information is recorded in your body. And you can remove this, because you have such feelings associated either with a certain person or with a certain event.

Therefore, you need to consistently remember all these events and remember these people, what exactly and when caused you these feelings, just observe without clinging and condemnation. You need to clear your perception, remove all the accumulated negativity yourself, accept, understand, forgive and let go. And after the work done, you yourself will feel relief in every sense. And therefore, every person, every event that brought you negative emotions, you also need to thank and forgive, precisely in order to close this energy interaction and repay debts. And then, if you thanked from the Soul, even if you were still able to send love to this person, then your debt will be closed to him, and you will not have to return again to unleash energy debts, which are called karma. And in this way you will also partially purify your Causal body, and increase the degree of your energy level and freedom.

Further, when you begin to clear away the blockages of negative information accumulated in your astral bodies, you will get to the deep programs - to your fears that have been cultivated in you for millennia and which will not be so easy to part with. There are fears that sit in you with very strong programs. For example, the fear of losing the physical body or the survival instinct. Such fears are instincts. And it is more difficult to work with such fears. They are destroyed in a complex and gradually.

This means that in order to remove the fear of death, you need to go through the experience of death consciously, which is what esoteric sacred schools do - they offer their students to go through the experience of death through various stressful situations or complete withdrawal from the world. There are also practices of burying in graves, walling up in crypts, jumping into ponds with crocodiles, and many others. But these practices, with rare exceptions, in most cases only increase your fears.

Therefore, you just need to consciously go through all your deaths, remember them all, remember what happened at these moments, and realize that death is just a change in the form of manifestation of consciousness. But do not just believe this fact, BUT RE-EXPERIENCE IT IN A CONSCIOUS STATE and return to physical incarnation with a consciousness cleared of this program. The same applies to all other instinctive fears, that is, to those fears that are recorded in the cellular memory of each of your bodies, including the physical one.

Serious practices should be done under supervision or after consultation with a competent person!

The astral body is also partly dependent on the physical body., and therefore it is also affected by the purity (or, on the contrary, impurity) of this body. Her nature, in turn, is reflected in the nature of her astral shells.

If, showing negligence in relation to our physical body, we allow impure particles of dense matter to penetrate into it, then we will thereby attract to our astral body the same impure particles of matter, which we would call dense astral.

And, on the contrary, if we build our dense body from pure particles of dense physical matter, then the same pure astral particles will be attracted to our astral bodies. By purifying our physical body, supplying it with clean food and drink, and refusing to include in our diet impure products such as animal blood (always present in meat), alcohol and the like, which pollute and coarsen our bodies, we not only improve the quality of the physical carrier of our consciousness, but we also purify our astral body to some extent.

The positive results of this process are important not only for the current earthly life, but also affect the posthumous state and the quality of the body that a person will acquire in his next earthly life. The astral body is given to us not only for one earthly life, it also forms the type of astral body that will be given to us in the next birth.

How to develop the astral body. Training and development of the astral body.

We train and develop our astral body when we take control of our feelings, emotions and desires. Stop wasting your energy on momentary excessive emotions and empty momentary desires and passions. By transforming superficial momentary emotions into deep, elevated feelings, we save and prevent the waste of energy.

Being aware and filled with pure elevated feelings such as unconditional deep and true love, Joy, inner peace we increase our energy and pump the astral body.

To start you need to learn to be aware, to monitor your feelings, emotions and desires. Track them when they occur, what causes them, and whether you like them. Unnecessary and rough (low vibrations) push away, but do not block and internally do not fight with them, just leave them unattended. Pleasant and appropriate (higher vibrational) keep paying attention to them, but don't get too attached to them, track them. Concentrate on elevated feelings such as unconditional love and consciously immerse yourself in them.

Helps develop the astral body:

  • Awareness, control of feelings, emotions and desires. Keep track of your sensory-emotional states! Remove the negative, cultivate the positive!
  • Deep and sincere sublime feelings of love, joy, mercy, etc.
  • Meditations.
  • The development and purification of the mind.
  • Physical activity, sports.
  • Willpower, courage, responsibility, self-discipline.
  • Fasting, cleansing physical. body.
  • Friendly communication and discussions with people.
  • Transformation of superficial emotions, staying in deep feelings.

Filling your astral body with good quality energy (love, joy, mercy, inner peace, etc.), you improve not only your well-being and appearance and mood, you improve the events of your life! Because like attracts like.

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03.01.2013 /

How many people on Earth, and not only on Earth, so many unique astral bodies. Certainly, astral body develops as a person improves spiritually, gradually becoming more refined, protected from negative influences other energies that come from others. Depends on his condition, what will be the next exit to Astral. How to improve your subtle body, cleanse and what is needed for its development?

This is exactly what I want to talk to you about today.

Lesson 2: “Astral body. How to train him for frequent trips to the Astral?

If you don’t remember or forgot something from lesson 1, .

Methods for cleaning the astral body:

1. Love your physical body and yourself as a whole, without dividing which body is more necessary or more interesting for knowledge.

2. Saturate mental images only with positive, vivid emotions. Helps me a lot good book and audio recordings of children's laughter, from which I myself involuntarily begin to laugh and rejoice. For example, I am currently reading a book by Bernard Werber called Empire of Angels. I advise! You can download the book "Empire of Angels" by Bernard Werber right now. At the expense of children's laughter, I will definitely post at the bottom of the post.

Please note: after creating a mental image in your head, you should feel inspiration, lightness in your body, joy and a sense of carelessness.

3. The life-giving energies flowing through this subtle body should ideally constantly circulate and enter other human bodies as well. Reinforce them with images of how you inhale prana into yourself. Imagine a cloud of golden energy above you and breathe it in with your whole body.

It is enough to perform the exercise at night for 5-7 minutes. This helps to free yourself from "heavy" energy and replace it with "light".

development of the astral body A few more exercises help:

Exercise 1

Before going to bed, imagine how you turn into the Sun or are right in its center. You feel the warmth emanating from the energy. Now you can return to the physical body again, and imagine, and then see with your inner vision how it glows. After that, the astral body begins to sway, as if lulling you to sleep.

Exercise 2

Deliberately create the feeling of freefall...into an abyss, and remember it. Do this exercise for 5-6 minutes 2-3 times a day.

Exercise 3

Lie down on your bed (can be done in the morning or afternoon), relax and close your eyes. Try to imagine how your astral body separates. It begins to walk around the room and examine objects. At first, I worked out every day.

Learn to remember details and "see" astral eyes. True, then I immediately wanted to try it, but what if I jumped from a 16-story building (keep in mind, I'm talking about the astral subtle body), swim in the river and walk along the street. Interesting sensations.

All this greatly increased my confidence that I can still control the subtle body and strengthen it more and more.

Exit to the Astral will definitely happen if you start to follow my recommendations, tested on yourself! By the way, meditation on, which I painted as accurately as possible for you, helps a lot. She used to help me a lot. Sorry, but I just remembered about it :)

One more moment...

Determine the exact date when the astral body will consciously leave the physical. Write down the reminder on a piece of paper and hang it somewhere where you can see it. Record how many days, and later hours, are left before the “great event”.
I heard that it works and even very well.

P.S. A person with a weak will and poor concentration of attention goes into the Astral less often than a practitioner with strong will. It is a fact!

Till tomorrow! What about tomorrow? Lesson 3 on entering the Astral!

Write in the comments, What's not clear. It is also interesting to know your opinion about the practices that you used to develop the astral body.


The astral body of a person - what is hidden under the definition and what is the significance of the subtle plane. Let us consider what the astral body is, what it looks like, what a person is like on the subtle plane, how to develop and cleanse the astral part.

In the article:

What is the human astral body

Man has seven bodies, like chakras. The astral body is the second in a row among the subtle components - after the etheric. Each is controlled by one of the .

Externally, the energy body looks like something like a shell of the physical body. The thickness can be from 20 to 40 cm, sometimes more. The thickness of the astral body depends on the degree of development. There are various holes and damage after energy or magical attacks.

The astral body is controlled by Manipura, the solar plexus chakra. Manipura is responsible for energy strength and protection. The astral component performs similar functions: with its help, rituals are performed and conspiracies are read. Personal energy, which magicians turn to as a source of effective spell power, is the reserves of the astral nature. Prerequisites for events physical world laid down on the astral plane.

The energy body does protective functions. If a person, for example, ever imagined a mirror between himself and , a barrier appeared on the astral plane. Natural protection is enhanced by special rituals or talismans, you can use special methods for the development of the astral body.

The astral essence is involved in any energy and magical confrontations. The astral body provides the necessary level of protection against alien attacks, provides resources for attacks on enemies. In the normal state, when energy protection is not required, it manifests itself in the form of feelings and emotions.

In the worst case, the subtle body looks like an old, even rag, hanging on a person. People cannot stand up for themselves either physically or energetically. A person with a harmoniously developed astral body is strong physically, spiritually and energetically, is not used to indulging weaknesses, is endowed with a strong will and a bright temperament.

What is the subtle plan of man

Subtle plane - subtle bodies. Their combination forms , which is visible if you develop or . There are seven bodies in total, and each corresponds to one of the chakras.

Most modern witchcraft traditions do not divide the aura or subtle plane into components. They work with the aura as a whole: they clean and strengthen, tuning in. The aura performs many different functions, like the seven bodies.

Working on a thin plan separate parts more efficient by focusing on individual problems. Everyone has disturbances in the work of the energy system. Long-term work on oneself can eliminate shortcomings.

How to develop the astral body

The degree of development of the astral body is as useful as the work on strengthening the physical body. It is a part of the body, like an arm or a leg. The subtle plane provides a level of magical power, personal energy protection, the ability to influence people, charisma and the ability to impress. Personality with weak astral constantly suffers from troubles designed to start the development of a subtle plan. Emotions are crude and primitive. People with a weak astral prefer spicy and heavy food.

For life, well-being and character
noticeably affectsstate of the subtle plane and astral essence. Development astral essence strengthens character and will, has a positive effect on the state of health and immunity, communication with people and the growth of authority. If this is a mage, do without a way to increase the supply of energy and magical power impossible.

How to develop the astral body? Strengthening is closely related to development work. Learn information related to the chakra. They develop the qualities necessary for the normal work of the subtle plan: courage, responsibility, self-discipline. Exercises for the development of energy potential, which are aimed at strengthening subtle energies, will come in handy.

The natural training of subtle bodies occurs during fights of any nature. A person must defend his own opinion, learn to convince other people, influence and show strength. Finding an opportunity to enter into a dispute is not difficult - there are a lot of forums on the Web on different topics. You should learn to protect your own ideals. Physical fights are no less useful, as are physical activity. you need to sign up for sports classes or train at home.

Meditations have a positive effect on the layers of the subtle plane. Learning awareness in a dream, entering the astral plane and other techniques develops the astral body. If the astral component is too weak, it is difficult to achieve significant direction. If you take up the study of the astral, you should perceive not only the physical body, but develop holistically so that development becomes complete.

Cleansing the astral body - what is it for and how to do it

The body on the astral plane needs care. It must be nourished, cleansed of impurities, provided with rest. The component is not able to take physical food - positive emotions and impressions are needed. They are obtained from listening pleasant music, watching movies, reading books, visiting various exhibitions and museums, beautiful places in nature. Measures do not allow to be contaminated on the subtle planes, help to heal the damage.

Absorb the energy of the universe through the breaths.

Purification of the astral body is aimed not only at purification, but also at development. The subtle plane is polluted with heavy negative emotions, while staying on lower levels astral, harmful entities, low-spiritual actions and feelings of guilt.

It is desirable to be able to feel pollution so that the question of how to cleanse the astral body is not acute: the solution is clear on an intuitive level. Intuition comes with experience, if you persevere in the exercises. On exhalation, they release negative emotions, experiences, bad thoughts through Manipura, on inhalation they absorb the energy of the Universe through the chakra, which is scattered around, spreading it through the astral body. Repeat the exercise every day for several minutes.

positive thinking does not allow the energy structure to become contaminated. Less attention should be paid to negative thoughts. Thinking in a positive way will affect the quality of life, character, energy level and even magical abilities.

The astral body is one of the seven components of the subtle body or aura. Performs defensive and offensive functions if the conflict comes to energy or magical attacks. This is a natural protection that is given from birth. The astral plane is also responsible for magical abilities, energy levels, health and well-being, willpower and character.

This body carries all our emotions and also contains all the characteristics of our nature. It is directly affected by emotions and itself influences them. When a person is not particularly mature emotionally and spiritually, one can imagine his astral body as a kind of muddy cloud moving in different directions. The more mature a person is in his feelings, thoughts and character traits, the more transparent and more definite in form the astral body will look.

Aura - Astral body

The aura of the astral body has an oval shape and surrounds the body at a distance of 30-40 cm. Any change of emotions, any state of emotional imbalance spreads to the entire aura through the astral body. This process is carried out mainly by the chakras and, to a lesser extent, by the pores of the skin. Outwardly, the emotional state of a person is manifested in the environment, and with the help of our senses it is easy to determine when a person is angry, upset, agitated or discouraged, even if he looks unperturbed on the outside. Receptive people easily recognize the environmental impact of other people's unbalanced emotional projections; some experience anxiety and feel uncomfortable if they are near a person from whom negative emotions come. Particularly sensitive people are able to feel this even when a person is calm and serene, but still carries residual unfavorable emotions from previous events.

The astral aura is in constant motion. Since the main character traits of a person are expressed in the aura with the help of primary colors, the astral aura can change depending on the experiences and emotional status of a person. Negative emotions such as anger, despondency, fear and anxiety are expressed by dark colors and spots on the surface of the aura. On the contrary, when a person is in love, happy, feels joy, is confident in himself and in his environment, feels courage, bright, colorful, “clean”, shining colors appear on his aura.

It can be said that of all the auras, the astral aura has the most energetic effect on the general worldview of a person, on the reality in which he lives.

The astral body contains all repressed emotions; conscious and unconscious fears and experiences associated with a sense of rejection, loneliness; aggressiveness, lack of self-confidence. This emotional mass transmits its vibrations to the world through the astral body, sending unconscious signals to the universe.

This is very important - those messages that we voluntarily or involuntarily send to the world through the astral body bring a certain reality into our lives. In the end, we get exactly what we send. If we radiate negative emotions, then we attract unpleasant events to ourselves, thereby fulfilling (consciously or unconsciously) the pessimistic prophecies that attract these events in the first place. The energy vibrations we emit attract similar energy vibrations from environment. Consequently, we are repeatedly confronted with situations, events or people that are a mirror image of what we suppress in ourselves, what we fear or want to get rid of.

Meanwhile, the situation of “mirror” meetings with the people around us or with the events taking place in our life performs a certain function. Those emotions that we have not splashed out, and that remain in our astral body, are constantly in a state of desire to disappear. When we often encounter events or people who act as mirrors for us, we get another opportunity to get rid of accumulated emotions. When we consciously seek to deal with these emotions, we again find ourselves in a situation that mirrors our unresolved internal conflicts- however, now we courageously confront the current situation and try to resolve it wisely, so these feelings may well disappear and leave our emotional body.

The mental body and the intelligent thoughts it contains have a certain influence on the astral body, but it is relatively small. Just as the subconscious can create own system laws and rules, the astral and emotional bodies also operate according to their own laws. This can be seen in the example of a person who repeatedly repeats to himself that there is no reason to be afraid of cockroaches that run around on the floor. Only in very rare cases does such repetition have any noticeable effect on the fear experienced by this person.

Reasonable thought has the ability to direct external behavior, but it does not have a noticeable effect on the subconscious, except through the use of various mantras, affirmations, positive thinking, which directly address the subconscious and change the stereotypes established in it before.

In the emotional body, we find all the old beliefs and emotional patterns that we have accumulated between childhood and adulthood. Old childhood grievances live here, as well as emotions associated with a sense of rejection, our own worthlessness, and other unfavorable ideas that we have formed about ourselves. These old clichés clash again and again with the world of our consciousness.

For example, a conflict when a person strives to love and be loved, but cannot understand what prevents this. Why does love not come into his life, or why does it pass him by again? It is very likely that the subconscious belief that he is not worthy of love or incapable of love - and this belief could form in early childhood or even in infancy - took root in his astral body.

However, such a situation does not form and is not resolved only during current life. Unresolved feelings, unresolved emotional conflicts and the imprint they leave on our lives and on our environment (through our worldview and our behavior) pass with us into subsequent incarnations until they are resolved. This is because our emotional body does not decay when the physical body dies, but passes into the next body, into the next incarnation. Moreover, the accumulated unresolved problems can largely determine the form of our subsequent incarnation and the conditions in which our life will proceed.

When we internalize these laws of the universe, we realize that our destiny is really in our own hands. We cannot blame events, and certainly we cannot blame other people, because we ourselves made these events happen to us, thanks to the emotional mass that has accumulated in our emotional body during our current life or inherited from previous incarnations. .

Most of the emotional complexes are concentrated in the area of ​​the solar plexus chakra. Through this chakra, we emotionally respond to what we encounter in life.

If we want to rationally comprehend the emotions that rage within us, we must stimulate the third eye chakra, which characterizes the highest form of manifestation of the astral body, so that we can penetrate the contents of the solar plexus chakra.

However, even after we rationally comprehend the hidden and previously unconscious feelings raging in us, we must open our hearts and change the prevailing stereotypes through conscious behavior. To do this, we need to stimulate and open the heart and crown chakras. When our heart is open and we are guided and guided by the universal mind, we can make significant adjustments in ourselves in this incarnation and greatly influence the astral body. We can begin to notice and understand much of what is happening to us, and learn from it.

When a person's advanced state of awareness and connection with the superego (Higher Self) causes the frequencies of his spiritual body to connect with the frequencies of his astral (emotional) body, the frequencies of his astral body become higher and higher. The more they grow, the more the astral body unravels the “tangles” of unfavorable emotions, unresolved conflicts and negative life experiences.

Thus, we erase unpleasant memories, the source of which is in experienced failures, we experience a feeling of forgiveness and understanding in relation to ourselves and others. How more number Unfavorable experiences can be discarded, the more the frequencies of the astral body increase. It radiates love, compassion, joy, benevolence towards the environment and attracts similar energy vibrations to a person.

Mon, 02/03/2014 - 13:42 -- Angela

ASTRAL BODY. Seeing the astral body, if the third eye is not yet open, is more difficult than the etheric, but you can feel it. The fact is that human emotions, especially when their concentration reaches the level of passions, produce concussions in the astral body, it is filled with energy, comes into an active state, and a person, carried away by these states, often acts in such a way that later, having calmed down, he is surprised at himself. . When people really want something - for example, they go to a meeting with a person they fall for - then, together with their thoughts, a part of their astral body jumps to where this person is, and they do not notice anything around. They are told: "Come to your senses", "Don't lose your head", "You are out of your element" - all these are literal expressions, not figurative ones, as the speakers ask that a part of the astral body of a thoughtful person return from a journey to where it is his physical body. If you carefully observe people at moments of intense emotions, when they are mentally arguing with someone, during séances, shamanic journeys, meditations, intensive creative activity composers, it is easy to see or feel that their astral bodies are not at all here, not in this room, but wander around some spaces and communicate with someone. By the way, if a person is an automaton, for example, from some civilization, then his astral body, as it were, is always in the space that is associated with this civilization. This person is constantly enveloped in a field that refracts all the energies directed at him from the physical environment, in such a way that his vision of the world is fixed in a certain position, which is very difficult to loosen or break through. Therefore, they say: "He does not hear me at all; I tell him one thing, but he understands it in his own way, etc."


In people who are intensively engaged in mental activity, a lot of energy is collected in the mental body. Philosophers, thinkers, writers, mathematicians can serve as an example. Their mind intensively ponders and processes many thoughts, ideas, concepts, entire teachings and laws. When talking, they can drop a huge amount of information on your head, moreover, collected in whole systems of views. Digesting all this out of habit can be difficult. People who practice yoga say that whole shafts of thoughts of other people sometimes roll on them - they penetrate into the head, are mistaken for their own, interfere with yoga, meditate, especially if meditation is aimed at pulling out inserts: they cause unexpected reactions, such as irritation, aggression, etc. Interestingly, the mental body must be kept clean, just like the physical and astral. But here fasting and clean eating are replaced by work in the mental. In order to meditate successfully in the morning, it is necessary to clear your thoughts of yesterday's conversations, the remnants of dreams that creep into your head, etc. For this, a special attunement to high spiritual energies is used so that the tangles of everyday and interpersonal thoughts do not drag the consciousness into low planes. Thought clearing is a daily practice for any advancing yogi. Only long-term cleaning of the subconscious from alien inserts, ideas, thoughts, etc. leads to a pure mental body. Thoughts colored at least a little by fear, self-interest, impatience, vanity, pride, vanity, etc. lead to the accumulation of dark heavy clouds in the mental and hinder progress. On the contrary, such rituals and meditations as greeting the Gods, thinking about eternity, Universal love, even about death, if it passes with detachment, and not with fear, fill the human mental body with high and pure energies, which is a good protection and accelerates progress.


It has already been said above that its manifestations can be observed when a person begins to live in love. It should only be noted that we are talking not about emotional sinking, not about passion, although even to true love at ordinary people emotions are usually mixed with the uncleaned subconscious. Sexual love - this is also not true of the soul. The life of the soul is mainly the lot of highly advanced people.


Their manifestations are even rarer in the human world, and yet they occur. These are moments of insight and enlightenment, when a trance state covers a person for a short time, however, the trace left by it often changes the whole direction radically. human life, his whole fate, views on the world, etc. The practice of Zen to achieve enlightenment (satori) is aimed precisely at connecting a person’s consciousness with higher divine bodies, at least for a few moments, after which his life becomes much more spiritual and the emerging attraction to evolution leads him further. Summing up the above, it should be emphasized once again that a person striving for spirituality needs to be very clear, deep and honest with himself, i.e. to draw a picture of what he lives on, but at his current level, what kind of life takes how much time and what it takes most of his energy. Seeing this picture for what it really is, stocking up with great patience to work on long years only the person who has really decided to become spiritual will begin to slowly change this picture in the direction of spiritual evolution.


In order to observe how other people live, it is necessary to realize what arsenal of means you have for obtaining information about another person. In addition to the five sense organs, different people have the ability to feel the energy of others, to see it, the ability to learn something from the forces behind the person, or from their own, intuition, etc. It is necessary for oneself to clearly define what is developed more strongly, and not to forget to put it into practice. In this work, we will focus mainly on the development of feeling. The first essential principle for penetrating the understanding of another being is to "stop yourself." The fact is that a person constantly highlights his thoughts, feelings, his vision of things around him and lives inside this "soup". If you try to feel the "soup" of another through your "soup", then the information you receive will be biased, colored by personal perception. To minimize this effect, you can use the principle of "stopping yourself". For practical training, the following is suggested. Choose a conversation in which you are personally very interested. A conversation in which several people participate - 3-4 in addition to you. This is necessary so that you can afford to take a long enough pause and meditate while others can discuss issues that concern you all. Your silence will be taken as reflection on the issues under discussion, and you will learn at this time to "STOP YOURSELF" INSIDE THE BUBBLING JOINT ENERGY FIELD OF CONVERSATION. It is one thing to stop thoughts and feelings in contemplation in the lotus, it is another thing if you have closed yourself off from people in a conversation, put up a defense and collected your thoughts, but in this case you are again sitting inside your "soup"; and a completely different thing will happen if you, continuing to listen carefully to the conversation, looking at the faces of people, feeling their excited energy, even resonating with it, begin to make a detached contemplation of everything that is happening around and inside you. By the way, to be unemotional, i.e. clean inside, without links, is often replaced by an external program of indifference. This is a very superficial defense, but the level of sophistication of emotions. So, at this amazing moment you will rise above yourself. If this exercise succeeds, then you will get a vivid vision of the conversation from the side, and one of the participants that you will look at from the side or reconcile is yourself. Then begins a very difficult and gambling game with oneself. The fact is that if you really have chosen a conversation that is acutely related to your interests, if its participants are not strangers to you, if you care about their opinion about you, and they are not indifferent to you, then every word, thought of this conversation, every mental image will pull you by the thread. Each opinion will prick you or stroke you, and your subconscious mind will react to each hook with a fountain of thoughts or feelings, if you were able to get to this point, then there are two ways to continue in this meditation: 1) The first way. Do not let your fountains of thoughts and feelings arise and create your inner "soup", as it will cloud the perception and vision of what is happening around. Remain transparent and neutral, fixing your attention on other people and looking from a detached position at their views, postures, gestures, radiations, secret thoughts, sometimes unknown to them, as well as the threads and channels that connect these people and you with them, energy pulsing in these channels, etc. The detached contemplation of such a field of conversation after "stopping yourself" resembles a state, as if you saw rich collection beautiful minerals and look at it in surprise, feeling each pebble and substituting it under the lamp. You will have a clear feeling that you are in a different dimension than the people participating in the conversation, partly in a different time. You will immediately reveal the weak and strong points these people, but you have to be very careful - if you don’t put an artistic mask on your face, then, being carried away by new discoveries, you can be noticed and then expect trouble. 2) The second way. Choose not others, but yourself as the main object of contemplation and study. In this case, the words of people will be the catalysts for your internal reactions, and you should allow your "soup" to boil to the fullest, but not get involved in this boiling with your whole consciousness (as usually happens when we start thinking), but watch from above or from the side - from a detached state at least part of your consciousness behind what is happening inside you. The main thing here is not to identify with your thoughts and feelings and let them flow on their own, and the more actively, the better. This is a subtle game with oneself, familiar to all serious yogis, in which a crystallized piece of detached consciousness observes the flow of muddy waves of the subconscious, the world of instincts, animal and vegetable nature within the person himself. When this phase is mastered, a deep understanding of the non-identity of one's feelings and thoughts with oneself comes. And this is more a keen sensation than an intellectual understanding. The next step may be diving pure consciousness into the muddy waves, and emerging back. From above, not everything is visible through and through, and something can be fished out from the depths. Further, the game can be developed indefinitely. By the way, this meditation is a great weapon against the so-called "attacks". Having mastered it, you will be able to very quickly distinguish whose energy, feelings, thoughts captured you and threw you into anger, irritation, fear for your life, feelings of loneliness, helplessness, etc. If it was you who turned out to be the source, then you need a deep analysis of your subconscious for many hours, and if it turned out that Marya Petrovna, your aunt, buried her grandmother yesterday and now mourns her, then just put a wall where necessary and stop contemplating with Marya Petrovna, even if she won't like it. In addition to the principle of "stop yourself", there are many more ways to know how other people live, and one of them is to "enter the other." This method sometimes reveals to a person a direct total feeling of a world that is completely alien to him or, on the contrary, very close. It is full of unexpected discoveries and sometimes saves a lot of time that is spent on the usual observation of people and the subsequent, often puzzling, mental analysis of their actions. If you learn to "enter the other", you will be able to penetrate much deeper into many plants, animals, works of art, other entities, in particular gods, etc. But this is done very carefully and delicately, otherwise this valuable siddha will bring great trouble, and above all to yourself. Climbing into systems that are too alien is not safe. Some of them may turn out to be predators, others will leave their imprint on your psyche, which will prevent you from living and developing.

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