Social problems of families with children. Social problems of certain categories of families. Ways to solve the problems of families with children with disabilities

Social problems of families with disabled children. Ettyanova N.G., Makarova A.P., North-Eastern Federal University. M.K. Ammosova, Yakutsk, Russia.

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that a family with a disabled child is a family with a special status. The status of a family is determined not only by the personal characteristics of its members and the nature of the relationship between them, but by greater employment in solving the problems of a disabled child, the closeness of the family to the outside world, lack of communication, frequent lack of work for the mother, but most importantly, the specific situation in the family of a disabled child, which is due to his illness.

Currently, the total number of children with disabilities in Yakutia, according to the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), is 6227. In recent years, there has been a tendency to increase the number of children with disabilities. The level of disability among children is an indicator of the health status of the child population and is directly related to the economic and social well-being of the region. Diseases that cause childhood disability in the region are diseases of the nervous system, congenital anomalies (malformations), mental and behavioral disorders, ear diseases, eye diseases, respiratory diseases, etc.

According to the Federal Law “On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation”, a disabled person is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions due to diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects, leading to a limitation of life and causing the need for his social protection. The category "disabled child" is established for a citizen under the age of 18, depending on the degree of disability caused by a persistent disorder of body functions resulting from diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects. The main causes of childhood disability are: environmental degradation; children's traumatism; poor health of parents; lack of a healthy lifestyle culture; insufficient development of the network of rehabilitation institutions; alcoholism of parents; economic indicators, etc. .

The paper attempts to identify the social problems of families with disabled children living in Yakutsk.

A total of 50 families took part in the survey. Social passport of families:

Age of parents: from 30-39 years. (40%), from 40-49 liters. (36%), from 50-59 liters. (15%) and from 60 liters. and more (9%);

The level of education of parents: the majority have higher education (50%), secondary special education (38%), secondary education (12%). American researcher J. Mercer notes that the lower the level of education, the later the child's illness is diagnosed.

According to social status, 6% of families classify their family as families with a working profession, 31% - as employees, 21% - as intellectuals, 4% - entrepreneurs, 4% indicated that their family belongs to the category of "unemployed families", 15% - pensioners, 15% are single mothers and 4% of respondents did not indicate the social affiliation of their family.

43% of families with a disabled child are single-parent families, 31% are complete families and 26% of families are from the category of large families.

As the main problems, most families named the need for psychological assistance. But only 12% of the families surveyed turned to the psychological service, 21% of the families indicated that even if they need it, they themselves try to solve their problems. The benefits provided by the state and families are assessed as insufficient. Most families want to improve the provision of medicines, receive vouchers for sanatorium treatment, and undergo rehabilitation in specialized institutions. One of the main problems of families with a disabled child is the lack of funds. Most families indicated that their income is below the subsistence level in the city (37%).

The questionnaire included the question: “Have you encountered a violation of the legal rights of a disabled child?”. Only 40% of families answered that they had not encountered it, while the majority (60%) noted that they very often encounter violations of the rights of a disabled child. Parents note that they face violations of the rights of the child in medical institutions, when providing medical care (56%), when they are placed in rehabilitation centers (28%) and in a secondary school (9%).

Thus, the main problems of families with a disabled child are psychological, material problems, as well as violation of the legal rights of the child, namely by medical and educational institutions. Among families with a disabled child, there are many more incomplete families, mostly single mothers. The family, having found themselves in a difficult life situation, perhaps due to their lack of awareness or “closedness”, tries to solve their psychological problems on their own, practically without resorting to the help of a specialist - a psychologist, a social worker.

Based on the data obtained, the following recommendations can be made:

– provide psychological support to parents and relatives caring for children with disabilities, which will help resolve emerging problems of family interaction and the upbringing of children with disabilities;

- organize assistance to low-income families in the form of raising funds through charitable organizations, aid funds, provide information and consulting support for obtaining subsidies, benefits provided by the state, territorial or district centers of social services or social protection of the population;

- to provide information about rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents with disabilities, whose task is to provide medical, social and psychological and pedagogical assistance to children and their families;

– conduct individual and group psychosocial work with families, conduct educational lectures and trainings for parents;

- to carry out activities aimed at uniting families with children with disabilities in the form of group meetings, round tables, etc.;

- it is necessary to regularly monitor the needs of families raising children with disabilities in the provision of services in the field of social protection, health care, education, employment;

– to strengthen the work of social workers with families with disabled children, to develop an individual program to support families.


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2. Nestereva G.F. Technology and methods of social work. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2011.

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Social problems of families with disabled children

The main difficulties of the family and its need for professional help are due to its type.

Cause of social problems in incomplete families is primarily low income, since the family has only one labor income (sometimes there is no labor income at all, and the family is forced to live on unemployment benefits or child benefits). The income of a woman, as a rule, is significantly lower than that of a man, due to her lagging behind in the social ladder, caused by her childcare responsibilities. Child support income, if the children are entitled to them and receive them as; as a rule, covers no more than half of the cost of their maintenance. Socio-economic problems are not inherent in all incomplete families; in any case, they are easier to resolve than the socio-psychological problems present in the intrapersonal sphere and interpersonal relations of members of single-parent families, primarily children.

This is, firstly, resentment, depression and a sense of inferiority that children may experience after the divorce of their parents. Often children blame themselves for the breakup of the family. Secondly, a sense of guilt towards children, which is not uncommon among women (since in most cases single-parent families are a mother who brings up children alone), which is the reason for their overprotection. In an effort to prevent a decrease in the living standards of her children compared to children from well-to-do families, the mother takes on an excessive workload, but due to over-employment, in turn, she cannot devote enough time and attention to them. It is also not uncommon for a woman to take out a grudge against her ex-husband, who is responsible for the breakup of the family, on her children, showing cruelty. In any case, there is no favorable psychological climate in the family. The biggest difficulty is the difficulty in the correct sex-role identification and orientation of children. The child forms stereotypes of his perception and behavior, guided by the model that adults, primarily parents, are for him.

Although the gender-role behavior of people in different cultures is far from being fully studied, it manifests itself most clearly in family relationships. The socio-psychological stereotype prescribes to the social role of a man such features and characteristics that are not inherent in the social role of a woman. In itself, the rigidity of these roles can have an adverse effect if a person is weak, and the stereotype requires him to dominate, strength, masculinity, or vice versa. But in an incomplete family (especially if it became such in the early stages of the child’s socialization or was initially incomplete), the child is deprived of a model of how men and women should behave in various role situations, therefore, in the future, in to his own family, a person will not always be able to demonstrate adequate gender-role behavior; this leads to dysfunction and conflict, and possibly also to the breakup of the family. The main reason for the statistically significant connection between the troubles of a disintegrating young family and the troubles of the family of the parents of one of the young spouses (or both spouses) is their inadequate sex-role socialization.

Although there are far fewer single-parent families in which the father alone brings up children than single-parent families in which children are brought up by one mother, they have the same problems of gender-role orientation. In addition, a father with a child is more likely to create a new family than a mother with a child. Therefore, one of the problems of such a family will be the formation of relations between the child (children) and the father's new wife (possibly with her children).

Recently, a new category of incomplete families has become widespread - incomplete extended families, which are formed, as a rule, as a result of some kind of social catastrophe: the death of parents of young children, the parents being in prison, the deprivation of their parental rights, drunkenness - - most often this is what forces the generation of grandparents to take their grandchildren for maintenance and upbringing. Such families, of course, have a low level of income; a number of difficulties are caused by the poor health of older people, their weaker adaptive abilities, inability to adapt to the realities of our time; unfortunately, sometimes they cannot use their authority, the ability to control the situation, so children often demonstrate deviant forms of behavior.

Large families , the most common in Russia in former times (at the beginning of the 20th century in the European part of the country, each family had an average of 8 children), now steadily make up a very small proportion of the total number of families. Moreover, often having many children is not planned, but accidental (the birth of twins or the birth of a child as a result of the ineffectiveness of contraception or the impossibility, due to the state of the woman’s health, to resort to termination of pregnancy).

All large families can be divided into three categories:

Families in which large families are planned (for example, in connection with national traditions, religious prescriptions, cultural and ideological positions, family traditions). Such families experience many difficulties due to low income, cramped housing, the workload of parents (especially mothers), their state of health, but parents have a motivation to raise children;

Families formed as a result of the second and subsequent marriages of the mother (less often - the father), in which new children are born. Studies show that such families can be quite prosperous, but their members have a feeling of an incomplete family;

Dysfunctional large families, formed as a result of irresponsible behavior of parents, sometimes against the background of intellectual and mental decline, alcoholism, anti-social lifestyle. Children from such large families especially often need help, rehabilitation, suffer from illnesses and underdevelopment. In the event of the loss of parental care, their fate is especially difficult to arrange, because family law prevents the separation of children from one family, and it is far from always possible to adopt 3-7 children of different ages and varying degrees of social maladaptation.

Large families of all types have a common social problem that is specifically related to having many children: children from such families, compared with their peers from the predominant small families, often demonstrate low self-esteem, they have inadequate ideas about their own importance, which can adversely affect their entire life. subsequent fate. In addition, small intervals in the birth of children, characteristic of families with many children, lead to the constant presence of a large number of young brothers and sisters, which entails a decrease in the social age of older siblings. This is an objective pattern traced in various types of large families, independent of the property and educational status of the parents.

Families of the disabled are forced to overcome economic difficulties caused by the collapse of the production and rehabilitation system, which was previously based on the work of the disabled, limited working capacity and adaptive capacity. Disabled people are generally very limited in their life activities. The implementation of programs aimed at adapting society to the needs and abilities of people with disabilities is hampered by a lack of funds and organizational difficulties.

Realization of the right of disabled people to work, self-sufficiency is one of the main problems of their social rehabilitation. This is not only a way to improve their financial situation, but also the most important factor in self-affirmation and internal development. Studies show that all disabled people can be divided into four categories: those who do not work, but want to work; those who do not want to work, but are forced to work (both of these categories experience dissatisfaction); those who do not work and do not want to work; those who have a job and want to work (these two categories experience greater satisfaction). Thus, the issue of labor rehabilitation of disabled people as part of their social rehabilitation includes a socio-psychological factor: the presence or absence of motivation to work.

Families raising children with disabilities are forced to solve all problems related to disability (poor income, disability, etc.), but often express their voluntary consent to deal with these problems, refusing to place a disabled child with an incorrigible congenital pathology in a specialized boarding school. Such a decision, of course, deserves approval, but the difficulties associated with the upbringing of such a child are extremely great: there are still very few institutions that assist parents in such activities; caring for a child who has been disabled since childhood is often incompatible with other activities, so the mother, as a rule, is forced to leave her job or move to another job that has a freer schedule, located closer to home, but lower paid. The number of divorces in such families is much higher - fathers are more often unable to withstand constant difficulties and leave the family. Disabled children, deprived of qualified rehabilitative and developmental assistance, sometimes lead an almost biological existence, not receiving those skills and abilities that will help them at least in self-service, if not in self-sufficiency.

Grachev L.K. The author of the "Program of Social Work with Families with Disabled Children" noted that in families in which disabled children receive even elementary assistance from social rehabilitation specialists, the divorce rate is below the average for this category of families, because such assistance makes the situation is not so hopeless. Grachev L.K. The program of social work with families with disabled children.-M., 1992.-P.10.

Complete small family , who is in a state of social or family trouble, is not officially classified as a risk group, but may also need help. Non-payment of wages, bankruptcy of enterprises, unemployment affect both the financial situation and the socio-psychological well-being of working family members. The destruction of the stability of social status, the loss of confidence in the security and inviolability of the family world has a negative effect on adults and children and can sometimes lead to antisocial reactions. Relatively little assistance provided at such a moment to a family that does not have formal signs of social risk can help it to maintain stability - otherwise, the family may move into the category of dysfunctional ones.

Military families. Military families experience all the problems that are typical for any family, but they also have their own difficulties. Thus, the family of a military serviceman is deprived of his earnings - often the main source of income, which, in the presence of a child, puts the family in a difficult financial situation; the allowance paid in this case does not cover the needs of the child. The resources of the family of a contract serviceman are involved in maintaining the defense capability along with the personal resources of the serviceman himself, ensuring to a large extent his health and performance. However, the family does not receive adequate compensation for these resources. The family follows the servicemen to their destination, where housing difficulties are very common, there is no employment opportunity for the wife, and the climate is often unfavorable for children. Repeated relocations of the family of a serviceman to a new place of his service force children to adapt each time to a new school and a new team. Existence in the conditions of a military camp, fenced off from the outside world, can give rise to a syndrome of socio-psychological deprivation of military personnel and their families. Another problem for the family of a serviceman is low income, since his salary lags behind the growth in the cost of living, especially from the specific needs of subsistence in military service, and additional earnings are prohibited by law. Military wives, even despite having a higher education, as already mentioned, often cannot get a job due to the limited number of jobs, and unemployment benefits are paid only to a small part of them. All this often leads to the fact that the families of servicemen find themselves in a situation of social disaster.

Family problems (dysfunctionality of family ties, pathologisation of relations between spouses, between parents and children) do not depend on the social status of the family and can be inherent in both a wealthy, intelligent, and low-income or poorly educated family. Currently, social workers can provide assistance to such a family mainly at the stage of its crisis, at the time of conflict or collapse, but most social institutions are not yet able to prevent family dysfunctions and establish family communications in a pre-crisis state. Meanwhile, this is one of the most important tasks of social work in a stable society. As the social situation in Russia improves, when the tasks of ensuring survival recede into the background, the problems of family therapy, the improvement and stabilization of family relations will take first place.

Among them is the problem family (domestic) cruelty , which is only partly connected with external social difficulties, aggravated under the influence of the general psychopathologization of the socio-psychological situation in the country. Family cruelty serves as a means of releasing the aggressiveness accumulated under the influence of psycho-traumatic conditions of existence onto the weakest and most defenseless (in the family these are women and children). It is also explained by the traditions that existed earlier, low competence in regulating their psychological states, and the lack of alternative skills for removing negative emotions. However, there is also some personal predisposition to domestic violence and to being a victim of violence: it has been observed that women who are beaten by their husbands in their first marriage are often abused in their second marriage. Using technologies for stabilizing family relations, a social worker must take into account personal risk factors, as well as options in which social therapy will be ineffective.

Maria Kenich
Socio-pedagogical problems of the family and family education

Socio-pedagogical problems of the family and family education

Problems of the modern family

All the many problems associated with the modern family can be divided into the following groups: socio-economic; social and household; socio-psychological; problems of fertility and family planning; problems of family stability; problems of family education; specific problems of families of the "risk group" and other problems.

Socio-economic problems

This group includes problems related to the standard of living of a family, its budget (including the consumer budget of an average family, the share in the structure of society of low-income families and families living below the poverty line, with specific needs and requirements of large and young families, state system of material assistance, employment.

Social problems

This group includes problems related to providing families with housing, living conditions

Socio-psychological problems

This group includes the widest range of problems: they are associated with acquaintance, the choice of a marriage partner, and further - marriage and family adaptation, coordination of family and intra-family roles, personal autonomy and self-affirmation in the family. In addition, it also includes the problems of marital compatibility, family conflicts, family cohesion as a small group, domestic violence, non-constructive parent-child relationships, adultery, women's involvement in work.

Pedagogical problems

Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture and competence of parents, the formation of their active pedagogical consciousness;

- education of parents in matters of spiritual and moral foundations of family education;

– assistance to parents in studying and understanding the characteristics of their child and their family;

– assistance to parents in mastering the practical skills of positive interaction with children in various activities;

- assistance in mastering the skills of cohabitation with children of family events: everyday, festive and mutual and self-help skills in difficult life situations.

Socio-medical and demographic problems

An increase in the number of childless families and families with one child, social orphanhood, abortion, underage motherhood, infertility, disability of one of the family members, poor heredity, mental disorders of a family member, socially significant diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.

The priority role of the family in the upbringing of children

The family, kindred feelings that unite its members, do not lose their great importance throughout a person's life. Love and support are especially needed for children, as they give them a sense of confidence, security, which is necessary for their harmonious development. The family has a decisive influence on the formation of personality in the preschool and early school years of a child's life. It is fair to say that during this period the role of the family in the full development of children is irreplaceable.

The main mistakes of parents in raising children

Child-rearing mistakes made in childhood sometimes lead to nervousness in the child, which can interfere with its further normal development. A child's mental health problems can manifest themselves in his excessive activity, restlessness, too easy vulnerability or in increased irritability, anxiety, impressionability, as well as in the appearance of fears.

Mistake 1: Unlimited love

Mistake 2: Cold attitude

Mistake 3: Physical abuse

Mistake 5: Cultivating Certain Qualities

Mistake 6: Inconsistency

Mistake 7: Parental Inconsistency

Mistake 8: Not wanting to "share" a child

Mistake 9: Money Education

family education

The family is the main institution of human education.

Family upbringing of children -

it is a system of upbringing and educational processes, regulated by certain traditions and norms adopted in the conditions of a single family, and implemented by all family members

Factors of family education

Socio-cultural factor

Home education is largely determined by how parents relate to this activity: indifferent, responsible, frivolous. The most favorable conditions for upbringing are related to the civic position of parents: to what extent they are aware of the responsibility for raising children as the most important social duty of a member of society.

Technical and hygienic factor

It means that the educational potential of the family depends on the place and living conditions, the equipment of the dwelling, and the peculiarities of the family's lifestyle.

Socio-economic factor

It is determined by the property characteristics of the family and the employment of parents at work. The upbringing of modern children requires serious material costs for their maintenance, satisfaction of cultural and other needs, and payment for additional educational services. The possibilities of a family to support children financially and ensure their full development are largely associated with the socio-political and socio-economic situation in the country.

Demographic factor

Shows that the structure and composition of the family (full, incomplete, maternal, complex, simple, one-child, large, etc.) dictate their own characteristics of raising children.

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In the past few years, there has been a tendency in our country to draw the attention of society and state-power structures to the problems of disabled people. Today, the first steps are being taken to improve the system of social and medical rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, contributing to their more fulfilling life and adaptation in society. However, it is still too early to talk about any significant progress in this area, since the range of problems faced by people with disabilities in Russia is very wide and includes many aspects. In this regard, the issue of childhood disability becomes especially relevant, since the problems of children with disabilities, in addition to the main ones (medical, domestic), also entail the whole range of difficulties that their families (parents, brothers, sisters and other close relatives) face.

According to M.D. Ogarkova, a family with a disabled child is a family with a special status, the features and problems of which are determined not only by the personal characteristics of all its members and the relationship between them, but also by greater employment in solving the problems of the child, the closeness of the family to the outside world, lack of communication, frequent absence work with the mother, but most importantly - the specific situation in the family of a disabled child, which is due to his illness. Also, a situation where there is a child with a disability in the family may have an impact on the creation of a tougher environment that family members need to perform their functions. Moreover, it is likely that the presence of a child with developmental disabilities, together with other factors, may reduce the family's opportunities for income, recreation and social activity.

Thus, from the foregoing it follows that the complex of problems of families with disabled children is quite wide, affects almost all spheres of life, being an obstacle to their normal functioning and requires the search for effective solutions.

1. Definition and causes of childhood disability

Disability in children, according to the definition given in the Russian Encyclopedia of Social Work, is a significant limitation of life activity, leading to social maladaptation due to impaired development and growth of the child, loss of control over their behavior, as well as the ability to self-service, movement, orientation, learning, communication , labor activity in the future .

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 1991 No. 117 “On the procedure for issuing a medical certificate for disabled children”, children with disabilities include children with “significant limitations in life, leading to social maladaptation, due to a violation of the development and growth of the child, his ability to self-service, movement, orientation, control over his behavior, learning, communication, play and work activities in the future. It should be noted that life restriction is considered to be a deviation from the age norm of a child’s life activity, which occurs as a result of a health disorder, which is characterized by a limitation in the ability to carry out self-service, movement, orientation, communication, control over one’s behavior, learning, playing, working and other activities.

Child disability is one of the most acute medical and social problems of modern society. According to the data published in the methodological manual "The Practice of Comprehensive Rehabilitation of the Disabled", the number of children under the age of 16 with limited life and social functions is about 10% of the world's population, i.e. more than 120 million Judging by the above figures, we can conclude that the problem of childhood disability today has managed to acquire a global character and is widespread in many countries of the world.

The problem of child disability began to take shape as an independent and multifaceted only in recent years, although the status of a child with a disability was first introduced in the USSR in 1979.

Among the main classes of causes of childhood disability, L. Ya. Oliferenko considers mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the eye and congenital anomalies, since in the structure of causes these four classes of pathologies account for more than 70% of cases of childhood disability. Dynamics of general disability of children due to mental disorders for the period 1996-2007. had a gradual growth. As a result, during the study period, this mental disorder moved in the structure from 2nd to 1st place among the causes of childhood disability. In 2007, the level of general disability of children aged 0-15 due to diseases of the nervous system was 42.26 per 10,000 children. Cerebral palsy in the structure of diseases of the nervous system amounted to 59.6%. This allows us to conclude that diseases of the nervous system, congenital anomalies and mental disorders continue to occupy leading positions in the structure of the causes of disability in the child population.

Until 2004 inclusive, according to the materials of the scientific and practical conference "Problems of the Family and Childhood in Modern Russia", there was an increase in childhood disability due to leukemia, congenital anomalies, diseases of the genitourinary system, cystic fibrosis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, diabetes mellitus, mental disorders, neoplasms, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, nervous system, bronchial asthma. In the age structure of disability by 2006, more than 75% were children from 7 to 18 years old, which is associated with an increase in chronic diseases during school years. In 2006, the increase in children with disabilities due to tuberculosis and deafness was determined. In 2007, in comparison with previous years, the number of disabled children with hearing impairment, tuberculosis, diseases of the digestive system (mainly peptic ulcer), and congenital anomalies (with a significant proportion of congenital heart defects) increased. The proportion of children with leukemia, diabetes mellitus, cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis, diseases of the circulatory system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the structure of childhood disability in 2007 is lower than in 2005, but slightly higher than the previous year. Analyzing the above data, it is necessary to conclude that over the past few years in Russia, the first places in the disability of children belonged to diseases of the nervous system and sensory organs, mental disorders and congenital anomalies of development.

In the USA, according to data provided by L.Ya. Oliferenko, the most common causes of disability are mental disorders (including mental retardation) and the nervous system, bronchial asthma, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and hearing and vision disorders. A number of researchers also note an increase in the share of chronic somatic pathology in the structure of childhood disability.

Diseases of the circulatory system, notes V.A. Gorelov, are the main pathology leading to disability in young people of working age. In the Russian Federation, the prevalence rates of diseases of the circulatory system and the musculoskeletal system have increased compared to 2000 by 18% and 12%, respectively. The number of disabled children with hearing impairment is also increasing annually. The author also writes that childhood disabilities in the Russian Federation account for more than 12% of the total number of all disabled people first registered with social protection authorities, among disabled people under 39 years old - 55.6%.

Summarizing the above, the most significant points should be emphasized once again: childhood disability is one of the most urgent medical and social problems of modern society, containing many different aspects and becoming increasingly widespread; In the structure of disability among children, both in Russia and in most countries, diseases of the nervous system, congenital anomalies and mental disorders continue to prevail.

2. Main problems of children with disabilities and their families

The family, the immediate environment of a child with disabilities is the main link in the system of his upbringing, socialization, satisfaction of needs, training, career guidance.

A sick child is a difficult test for a family. M.A. Galaguzova writes that about half of the families with disabled children are incomplete. Every fourth mother with a disabled child does not work. About 40% of these families have two children. The number of families with two disabled children is constantly growing. Large families with a disabled child account for approximately 10%. Analyzing such data, it is worth emphasizing once again that among families with children with disabilities, the largest percentage is made up of single-parent families. A third of parents divorced due to the birth of a disabled child, the mother has no prospect of remarriage and is forced to raise the child alone all her life (sometimes with the help of close relatives - sisters, grandparents, etc.). Therefore, the problems of an incomplete family are added to the problems of the family of a disabled child.

According to the compilers of the collection of methodological recommendations "Socio-Pedagogical Rehabilitation of Disabled Children", there is an acute problem of preparing parents for affordable rehabilitation activities at home, providing them with psychological and legal assistance, providing the necessary information about the rights and benefits, about the rehabilitation institutions available in the city and provided rehabilitation services. In every twelfth family with a disabled child, a parent is disabled or acquires a disability. Thus, the problem of social protection and assistance to families with disabled children is acute.

An effective way out of this situation, according to the author, will be the creation of social counseling services for parents, the development of a system of additional patronage for children with disabilities, the expansion of forms of family recreation, the creation of a network of rehabilitation institutions, the provision of targeted material assistance will create a system of more effective assistance families with disabled children.

In order to have the most complete picture of the range of problems (material, housing, everyday, psychological, pedagogical, social, medical) faced by families with disabled children, it is necessary to consider each of its directions separately.

Material and housing problems. Material, financial, housing problems of the family increase with the advent of a child with disabilities. Yu.V. Vasilkova writes that housing is usually not adapted for a disabled child, every 3rd family has about 6 m2 of usable space per family member, rarely a separate room or special accommodations for a child. In such families, there are problems associated with the purchase of food, clothes and shoes, the simplest furniture, household appliances: a refrigerator, a TV. Families do not have the essentials for caring for a child: transport, summer cottages, garden plots, telephone. All this makes up a significant part of the domestic difficulties that such families face in their daily life.

A.I. Antonov emphasizes the fact that services for a child with disabilities in such families are mostly paid (treatment, expensive medicines, medical procedures, massage, sanatorium-type vouchers, necessary devices and equipment, training, surgical interventions, orthopedic shoes, glasses, hearing aids, wheelchairs, beds, etc.) . From the foregoing, it is easy to conclude that obtaining all of the listed services requires a lot of money, and the income in these families consists, as a rule, of the earnings of one parent (most often, the mother) and disability benefits for the child.

Psychological problems. The psychological climate in the family depends on interpersonal relationships, the moral and psychological resources of parents and relatives, as well as on the material and housing conditions of the family, which determines the conditions for education, training and medical and social rehabilitation.

S.P. Chizhov, based on data from psychological studies conducted in families with disabled children, distinguishes 3 types of families according to the reaction of parents to the appearance of a disabled child: with a passive reaction associated with a misunderstanding of the existing problem; with a hyperactive reaction, when parents treat intensively, find "light doctors", expensive medicines, leading clinics, etc.; with an average rational position: consistent implementation of all instructions, advice from doctors, psychologists. It is logical to assume that the third approach is the most optimal of the existing options, therefore, in order to achieve the desired result in his work, the social worker must rely on the position of the third type of family.

M.A. Galaguzova notes that the father in a family with a sick child, as a rule, is the only earner. Having a specialty, education, because of the need for more money, he becomes a worker, looking for secondary earnings and practically does not have time to take care of a child. Therefore, the care of the child falls on the mother. As a rule, she loses her job or is forced to work at night (usually this is home work). Caring for a child takes up all her time, her social circle is sharply narrowed. If treatment and rehabilitation are unpromising, then constant anxiety, psycho-emotional stress can lead the mother to irritation, a state of depression. Often older children help the mother in care, rarely grandmothers, other relatives. The situation is more difficult if there are two disabled children in the family. As a result of the current situation - a frequent weakening of family relations, constant, continuous anxiety for a sick child, a feeling of confusion, depression. All this can ultimately lead to the breakup of the family, and only in a small percentage of cases does the family unite.

The presence of a disabled child, from the point of view of F.I. Kevlya negatively affects other children in the family. Less attention is paid to them, opportunities for cultural leisure are reduced, they study worse, get sick more often due to oversight of their parents. Psychological tension in such families is supported by the psychological oppression of children due to the negative attitude of others towards their family; they rarely communicate with children from other families. This state of affairs seems to be quite natural, since not all children, due to their age, are able to correctly assess and understand the attention of parents to a sick child, their constant fatigue in an environment of oppressed, constantly disturbing family climate.

V.A. Gorelov emphasizes that such a family often experiences a negative attitude from others, especially neighbors, who are annoyed by uncomfortable living conditions nearby (violation of peace, silence, especially if a disabled child with mental retardation or his behavior negatively affects the health of the children's environment). People around often shy away from communication, and disabled children practically do not have the possibility of full-fledged social contacts, a sufficient circle of communication, especially with healthy peers. The existing social derivation can lead to personality disorders (for example, the emotional-volitional sphere, etc.), to a delay in intelligence, especially if the child is poorly adapted to life's difficulties, social maladaptation, even greater isolation, developmental deficiencies, including communication disorders. opportunities, which forms an inadequate idea of ​​the world around. This is especially hard on children with disabilities who are brought up in children's boarding schools. Continuing the author's thought, it must be said that society does not always correctly understand the problems of such families, and only a small percentage of them feel the support of others. In this regard, parents do not take children with disabilities to the theater, cinema, entertainment events, etc., thereby dooming them from birth to complete isolation from society. However, recently a new practice has begun to appear, following which parents with similar problems began to establish contacts with each other, thereby expanding their social circle and partially compensating for the social isolation in which they were before.

Medical and social problems. It is well known that the medical and social rehabilitation of children with disabilities should be early, staged, long-term, comprehensive, include medical, psychological and pedagogical, professional, social, legal and other programs, taking into account an individual approach to each child. The main thing is to teach the child motor and social skills so that later he can get an education and work independently.

The authors of the collection of methodological recommendations "Practice of Comprehensive Rehabilitation of the Disabled" believe that today there is no reliable special registration of children with disabilities either in state social security agencies or in the disabled society. There is no coordination in the activities of various organizations related to the medical and social security of such families. Insufficient information work to promote the goals, objectives, benefits, legislation relating to medical and social rehabilitation. Continuing this idea, we note that the entire modern practice of rehabilitation, as well as social work as a whole, is focused on the child to a greater extent and almost does not take into account the characteristics of families, while the participation of the family in medical and social work is decisive along with specialized treatment.

Sometimes treatment, social assistance are carried out late due to untimely diagnosis. V.G. Sukhikh writes that most often the diagnosis is established at 1 or 2 - 3 years of age; only in 9.3%, the diagnosis was made immediately after birth, at the age of 7 days (severe CNS lesions and congenital malformations). Outpatient medical care is especially low. It turns out mainly in acute diseases and unsatisfactory profile on the occasion of disability. At a low level is the examination of children by narrow specialists, massage, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy, a nutritionist does not solve nutrition issues in severe forms of diabetes, kidney diseases. Insufficient provision of medicines, exercise equipment, wheelchairs, hearing aids, prostheses, orthopedic shoes.

Analyzing the above, it is necessary to emphasize once again that many socio-medical, psychological and pedagogical problems still remain unresolved, including the unsatisfactory equipping of medical institutions with modern diagnostic equipment, an underdeveloped network of rehabilitation treatment institutions, and “weak” medical and psychological and social work services. and medical and social expertise of disabled children; there are difficulties in obtaining a profession and employment of children with disabilities; a significant problem is the lack of mass production of technical means for education, movement, household self-service in children's boarding schools and at home.

3. Ways to solve the problems of families with disabled children

The state measures of demographic policy and assistance to families with children, including those with children with disabilities, carried out in Russia, until recently, were fragmented, ineffective and did not take into account families as a whole.

However, in recent years, special attention has been paid to social services for disabled children and the development of social rehabilitation services. By the beginning of 2004, according to the data given in the article by A.I. Antonov, there were 305 specialized rehabilitation centers and 680 rehabilitation departments in the system of social protection bodies of the Russian Federation as structural units in institutions of social services for families. Within the framework of the federal target program "Children with Disabilities" in 2001, over 60 centers for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities received the necessary rehabilitation equipment and vehicles. But all this, according to the author, has little effect on solving the internal psychological problems of the parents of a disabled child, especially the mother. A child with a disability should feel that close people love and understand him, not counting worse than other children, they are always ready to help. However, as mentioned above, a family raising a child with a disability is in a rather vulnerable socio-psychological position.

The birth of a child with a pathology is a huge stress for family members. Often the family cannot cope with the emotional load, the consequences are very diverse - violations of marital, parent-child relationships, often the family system, unable to withstand the stress, breaks up. In families with disabled children, there is a huge percentage of divorces, incomplete families, in which the entire burden, both social and emotional, falls on the mother, who is not able to fully contribute to the socialization of the child. In this case, there is an even greater increase in anxiety, the family becomes vulnerable and little functional.

All this creates the need for activities aimed at providing socio-psychological support to such families. A.I. Sidorenko highlights the following among them:

· provision of medical and psychological support for families with disabled children - consultations of specialists of doctors and psychologists, individual and group psychological work with children, family counseling, educational lectures and trainings for parents;

· holding events aimed at uniting families with children with disabilities in joint activities - holding meetings, round tables, theme evenings.

All of the above measures, according to the author, should be carried out in cooperation with social protection institutions, social service centers, as well as with specialized institutions for social assistance to families and children, public associations that support and help families of disabled children.

D.M. Pavlenok believes that the most important direction in the development of work on the provision of psychological and social assistance to children with disabilities is the conduct of information work. As a rule, the information available in medical institutions is of a medical nature and does not affect the socio-psychological aspects of the lives of these children. Having disabilities associated with the current disease, these children under modern conditions can adapt to the social environment, study using distance education systems, and also be professionally in demand. Agreeing with the above opinion, it is worth noting another important area, such as the development of assistance to families of children with disabilities, the creation of a friendly environment, psychological support for parents, individual support for families in difficult life situations, the involvement of families of children with disabilities in collective forms of interaction: joint creative activities , experience exchange, moral support.

Thus, all the above areas of work play a huge role in solving a wide range of problems faced by children with disabilities and their immediate environment. Therefore, further development of psycho-correctional work, improvement of the legislative framework, expansion of the range of services provided to families of disabled children by social services, an increase in the number of specialized rehabilitation institutions and qualified specialists working in this area will effectively solve all the problems considered in this work and create a favorable environment, enabling people with disabilities to live fully in our society.


In this paper, the main problems faced by families with children with disabilities were considered, the concept and structure of childhood disability were revealed. In the course of the work, it was found that the complex of problems of families with disabled children is quite wide, affects almost all spheres of life, being an obstacle to their normal functioning, and requires the search for effective solutions.

In recent years, there has been a trend towards improving social support for families with children with physical and mental disabilities. This was facilitated by a number of circumstances, in particular, the strengthening and expansion of the legislative and regulatory framework for social support for families with disabled children (primarily at the regional level), a certain transformation of the mass consciousness of Russians, who until recently represented disability only in a medical aspect, a dynamic increase in the number rehabilitation centers for children with disabilities.

Particular attention is paid to social services for disabled children, the development of social rehabilitation services. Within the framework of the federal target program "Children with Disabilities" in 2001, over 60 centers for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities received the necessary rehabilitation equipment and vehicles. But all this has little effect on the solution of the internal psychological problems of the parents of a disabled child, especially the mother. A child with a disability should feel that close people love and understand him, not counting worse than other children, they are always ready to help.

The problem of childhood disability is relevant all over the world. The family, the immediate environment of a child with disabilities is the main link in the system of his upbringing, socialization, satisfaction of needs, education, etc. That is why the socialization and further adaptation of disabled children to a full-fledged life in society depends on how quickly, efficiently and effectively the system of social rehabilitation will solve the problems that arise in such families.


1. Antonov, A.I. Family - what is it and where is it moving / A.I. Antonov // Family in Russia. - 2005.- No. 1-2.- S. 30-53.

2. Vasilkova Yu.V. Social pedagogy / Yu.V. Vasilkova, T.A. Vasilkov. - M.: Book, 2000. - 297 p.

3. Galaguzova, M.A. Methods and technologies of work of a social teacher / M. A. Galaguzova, L. V. Mardakhaev. - M.: INFRA-M, 2002. - 165 p.

4. Kevlya, F.I. Family and personality development of a child / F.I. Kevlya // Family in Russia. - 1997. - No. 2. - S. 78 - 90.

5. On the procedure for issuing a medical certificate for disabled children: order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 4.07. 1991 No. 117 // Vedomosti of the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. - 1991. - No. 12. - Art. 35.

6. Ogarkov, M.D. Disabled children: problems and solutions / M.D. Ogarkov // Domestic Journal of Social Work. - 2001.- No. 11. - P.15-17.

7. Oliferenko, L.Ya. Socio-pedagogical support for children at risk / L.Ya. Oliferenko, T.I. Shulga. - M.: Book, 2002. - 186 p.

8. Pavlenok, D.M. Theory and methodology of social work / D.M. Peacock. - M.: Infra-M, 1994. - 418 p.

9. The practice of complex rehabilitation of disabled people: a manual for managers and specialists in the field of rehabilitation of disabled people / Ed. V.G. Sukhikh. - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk writer, 2010. - 108 p.

10. Problems of family and childhood in modern Russia: materials of the scientific-practical conference. - Ulyanovsk: Practice. - 2008., Part 2. - 41 p.

11. Russian encyclopedia of social work / Ed. THEM. Pavlova. - M.: Nauka, 2006. - T. 2. - 329 p.

12. Family in the new socio-economic conditions: materials of scientific and practical conference. - Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing house "City", 2003. - 53 p.

13. Sidorenko, A.I. Fundamentals of social work / A.I. Sidorenko. - M.: Intel - Synthesis, 1998. - 495 p.

14. Dictionary-reference book on social work / Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M.: Press, 1997. - 261 p.

15. Social work in healthcare institutions / Ed. V.A. Gorelov. - M.: Infra - M, 2001. - 186 p.

Pavlenok, D.M. Theory and methodology of social work / D.M. Peacock. - M.: Infra-M, 1994. - S. 392.

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The family is a complex multifaceted system of human social functioning. The state of the family institution is determined by many factors, including the capabilities of the state. Changes in the social status of the family are impossible without the support of the state. Social protection is the key to the successful functioning of any social group.

According to Art. 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation is a social state. The welfare state is designed to help the weak, to influence the distribution of economic benefits on the principle of justice, in order to provide everyone with a decent human existence.

The most characteristic features of the welfare state are expressed in its social policy, which is carried out not at the federal, regional and local levels.

The main task of social policy is to achieve the well-being of man and society, to ensure equal and fair opportunities.

Currently, social security in the Russian Federation is constantly developing. This is evidenced by a large number of adopted legislative acts regulating legal relations in the field of social security, including at the municipal level. However, most laws affecting family matters are ineffective or do not work at all. All this requires the adoption of urgent measures to strengthen and develop the social institution of the family.

Citizens who are primarily entitled to receive state support are low-income families and low-income citizens living alone.

The relevance of the study is due the fact that social policy is the sphere of implementation of the most important functions of state authorities to create conditions that ensure the realization of the needs of vulnerable segments of the population. At present, one can observe a growing interest in the implementation of this policy, in the implementation of various social programs, both from public opinion and from the authorities.

Object of study is social policy at the municipal level.

Subject of research mechanisms for the implementation of social policy in the city of Kostroma at the municipal level.

The aim of the research The project is to study the social protection of the population and develop proposals for improving the mechanisms for implementing social policy at the level of the municipality.

To achieve this goal, the project decides following tasks:

To explore the content and structure of the management of the social sphere at the level of the municipality of the city of Kostroma;

To reveal the content of social problems of families at the municipal level;

To analyze the role of municipal administrative bodies in the social well-being of the family and the activities carried out by the Administration of the city of Kostroma to improve the social well-being of families;

Give proposals for improving the social protection of families at the expense of the budget of the city of Kostroma.

The ways and methods of writing this work are: the use of federal, regional and municipal legislative acts, scientific literature.

Scientific novelty The project is due to the formulation of the problem and an attempt to objectively and comprehensively analyze the mechanisms for implementing social policy at the municipal level in order to make proposals and practical recommendations aimed at improving them.

Practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the conclusions and proposals obtained as a result of the study can be taken into account in the development of legal acts at the municipal level.

1. Social problems of families and ways to solve them

at the municipal level

1.1. The role of municipal administrative bodies in the social well-being of the family

The family, being the most universal, comprehensive social institution, reflects almost all the social problems that exist in modern society: low security, social maladjustment, difficulties of large families and the disabled, the specific situation of refugees, violence against children and women, young motherhood and much more. other.

Most of the families are in difficult financial conditions; finally, in 2015 in the city of Kostroma, about 2.7 thousand families needed to improve their social situation.

Local self-government bodies play a huge role in providing measures of social support for families at the municipal level.

The activities of local governments that implement the social well-being of families at the local level are due to the fact that they are able to more fully take into account the features of the economic and social development of the local community, are flexible, and respond to local needs.

It is the local governments that carry out the development of social programs aimed at solving a particular social problem, improving the quality of life and the well-being of families. Social programs are approved by local representative authorities and financed from the budget of the city of Kostroma.

It should be noted that all aspects and elements of the activities of local governments in the social sphere together create not just a set of different directions and individual results, but some kind of integrated integrity - a certain quality of life. Improving this quality is the main goal of the activities of local governments.

1.2. Activities carried out by the Administration of the city of Kostroma to improve the social well-being of families

At the municipal level, solid foundations are being created for raising the standard of living of the population, supporting the poor, opening new jobs, reducing social tension and antisocial manifestations.

For this, the Administration of the city of Kostroma has developed many programs and activities to stabilize and improve the social situation of the inhabitants of our city:

1. The municipal program of the city of Kostroma "Procedure for the provision of subsidies from the budget of the city of Kostroma in 2016 to non-profit organizations in order to reimburse the costs associated with the repair of residential premises of veterans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, located on the territory of the city of Kostroma";

2. Municipal program for the "Development of the education system in the city of Kostroma for 2014-2016".

3. Organized sanitary clean-up days for the improvement of our city;

4. Measures to ensure safety at children's playgrounds and sports grounds at the place of residence, in places of mass recreation, on the territory of educational institutions of the city of Kostroma;

5. The administration also takes measures to provide housing to citizens in need of better housing conditions.

6. On holding the mass event "Family Weekend in Victory Park" in the park area along Profsoyuznaya Street in the city of Kostroma.

The main municipal program today is the program of the city of Kostroma "Development of the education system in the city of Kostroma for 2014-2016".

The purpose of the program is to create conditions for obtaining a quality education and successful socialization of 100% of children living in the city of Kostroma, for whom these conditions are in demand, it is not only education, but also a huge contribution as social assistance to families in need of this program.

Now in our time, education plays no small role, both preschool education and secondary vocational education and higher education.

The objectives of this program are as follows:

1) ensuring state guarantees of the rights of citizens of the city of Kostroma to the general availability of preschool education;

2) provision in the municipal educational organizations of the city of Kostroma of conditions for the qualitative conduct of the educational process that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards and the level of modern development of education and science;

3) formation of a health-saving educational environment that ensures the preservation of the health of participants in the educational process;

4) creation of equal opportunities for all categories of children, including children with disabilities, to receive a quality education;

5) creation of conditions for the development of research creativity of students, including new educational forms and technologies for working with gifted children;

6) providing municipal educational organizations with highly qualified teaching staff, including teachers of preschool educational organizations and primary school teachers, who are fluent in innovative educational technologies.

7) creation of a transparent, open system for informing citizens about educational services, ensuring the completeness, accessibility, timely updating and reliability of information;

8) introduction of various mechanisms for the participation of consumers of educational services and public institutions in monitoring and assessing the quality of education.

Target indicators and indicators of the program:

1) the number of additional places for preschool children in municipal preschool educational organizations of the city of Kostroma;

2) the share of the number of pupils of municipal preschool educational organizations of the city of Kostroma, enrolled in preschool education programs that meet the requirements of the standards of preschool education, in the total number of pupils of municipal preschool educational organizations of the city of Kostroma;

3) the ratio of the average score of the unified state exam (per 1 subject) in 10% of the municipal educational institutions of the city of Kostroma with the best results of the unified state exam to the average score of the unified state exam (per 1 subject) in 10% of the municipal educational organizations of the city of Kostroma with the worst results of the unified state exam;

4) coverage of children aged 5 to 18 years with additional education programs (share of the number of children receiving additional education services in the total number of children aged 5 to 18 years);

5) the share of the number of students in general education programs participating in olympiads and competitions at various levels in the total number of students in general education programs;

6) the number of underage students who are on various types of records;

7) the number of municipal educational organizations of the city of Kostroma, leading innovative activities;

8) the share of municipal educational organizations of the city of Kostroma that have modern learning conditions;

9) creation of additional jobs in municipal preschool educational organizations of the city of Kostroma;

10) the proportion of the number of teaching staff under the age of 30 in the total number of teaching staff of municipal educational organizations of the city of Kostroma;

11) the proportion of the number of teachers of municipal preschool educational organizations of the city of Kostroma, who have a pedagogical education, in the total number of teachers of municipal preschool educational organizations of the city of Kostroma;

12) the number of heads of municipal educational organizations of the city of Kostroma who have completed advanced training in the direction of "Management in education";

13) the proportion of the number of teachers of municipal preschool educational organizations of the city of Kostroma who have undergone advanced training in the total number of teachers of municipal preschool educational organizations of the city of Kostroma;

14) the number of governing and trustee councils in the municipal educational organizations of the city of Kostroma.

No less important is the program of the city of Kostroma is the "Procedure for the provision of subsidies from the budget of the city of Kostroma in 2016 to non-profit organizations in order to reimburse the costs associated with the repair of residential premises of veterans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, located on the territory of the city of Kostroma" .

The purpose of granting a subsidy is to ensure an increase in the degree of improvement of the living quarters of veterans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 living in the city of Kostroma.

The administration of the city of Kostroma has also developed a program for the improvement of our city. The main goal of the program is to create an environment in residential areas that is favorable for the population to live.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

To carry out work on the improvement of the territories adjacent to multi-apartment residential buildings, intra-quarter public areas, including public areas in areas of private households, providing them by performing all types of work necessary to bring a particular area into a standard state;

Create a functionally, ecologically and aesthetically organized urban environment;

Ensure the architectural and planning organization of courtyard areas, taking into account all applicable norms and regulations.

Landscaping of yard areas will provide:

Healthy and comfortable living conditions for the population;

Pedestrian traffic safety, exclusion of human injuries, unimpeded passage of special equipment, ambulance, etc.;

Prevention of atmospheric precipitation ingress into basements, wetting of the soles of foundations and thereby maintaining the bearing capacity of foundations and residential buildings.

Based on the specifics of the problem, the goals and objectives set, it seems most appropriate to implement the program during 2011-2016.

The city of Kostroma also provides housing for the municipal housing stock for the poor and those in need of housing, as well as other categories of citizens established by law residing in the city of Kostroma.

In order to keep records of citizens as those in need of residential premises provided under social rental agreements, the Administration:

a) accept applications from citizens for registration of citizens as those in need of residential premises;

b) ensures that the head of the Administration takes decisions on the registration (deregistration) of citizens as those in need of residential premises;

c) maintains a register of citizens in need of residential premises;

d) in the cases provided for in Article 54 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, prepares a draft letter from the Administration refusing to accept the applicant for registration as in need of housing, issues or sends to citizens who have submitted an application for registration, documents confirming the adoption of such decisions ;

e) ensures the adoption by the head of the Administration of decisions on the recognition of citizens as poor;

f) prepares a draft decision of the Duma of the city of Kostroma on establishing threshold values ​​for the size attributable to each family member and the value of property owned by family members and subject to taxation, in order to recognize citizens as poor and provide them with social rental agreements for residential premises of the municipal housing stock ;

g) in the cases provided for in Article 11.1 of the Law of the Kostroma Region "On the procedure for recognizing citizens as poor for the purpose of registering as those in need of housing and providing them with housing of the municipal housing stock under social rental agreements in the Kostroma Region", prepares a draft letter from the Administration on the refusal to recognize citizens as poor, issues or sends to citizens who have submitted an application for recognition as poor, documents confirming the adoption of such decisions;

h) carries out a reassessment of the amount of income and the value of property of citizens in order to confirm their status as poor every 3 years.

In 2015-2017, the implementation of the municipal program "Improvement of courtyard areas for 2011-2017" is planned in 3 areas:

Asphalting and repair of courtyard areas of multi-apartment residential buildings through the Committee of Municipal Economy of the Administration of the city of Kostroma;

Installation of children's play equipment and work on the improvement of territories through the MKU Service of the municipal order for housing and communal services;

Installation of children's play equipment on the formed land plots of multi-apartment residential buildings by the managing organizations in the framework of obtaining subsidies in order to reimburse the costs associated with the implementation of improvement works.

At present, the specialists of the City Economy Committee have carried out:

Inspection of courtyard areas of multi-apartment residential buildings;

A planning material was prepared indicating information on the location of existing children's play equipment and equipment planned for installation, as well as the estimated cost of installing play equipment, - the preliminary installation site of play equipment was agreed with the seniors of apartment buildings;

March 4, 2016 a working meeting was held with representatives of the management companies to clarify the procedure for carrying out the work, draft minutes of the general meeting of owners of premises in the MKD were issued, meetings by the management companies will be held until March 20.

The administration of the city of Kostroma from January 1, 2016 switches to the program budget, i.e. the formation of the city's expenditure obligations, including in social areas, and will be implemented solely on the basis of developed and approved programs.

2. Analysis of the activities of administrative bodies of social support for families in the city of Kostroma

2.1. Proposals for improving the social protection of families at the expense of the budget of the city of Kostroma

In the course of the study of the socio-economic situation of families in the city of Kostroma, a wide range of problems was identified.

The main and most common problem among these families is the lack of decent housing, the second most important problem can be called the problem of economic security.

Most of the families are not fully aware of their rights, that is, they are not legally savvy people (although this can be said about the majority of the population of our country as a whole). And this is also a very significant problem.

There was also considerable dissatisfaction with the activities of the social protection authorities of the city of Kostroma.

All these problems are more or less similar to the problems of families not only in Kostroma, but throughout Russia.

The main reason, in our opinion, for the insolvability of problems in the area under study is the lack of a clear and well-thought-out system of family support both at the federal, regional and municipal levels.

In this regard, it is proposed for implementation of the Municipal Target Program , which received such a name as "Targeted assistance and public events to improve the social status of families in the municipality" for 2016-2021. (Appendix 1)

Currently, in the city of Kostroma, a trend has been established to develop a system of targeted social assistance for certain categories of citizens, aimed at mitigating social tension, solving the most acute problems of socially unprotected categories of the population: the older generation (citizens who have reached retirement age), low-income families with children and large families , citizens with disabilities and families with a disabled child, citizens released from places of deprivation of liberty.

One of the strategic goals of social policy is to strengthen the targeting of social assistance.

The administration of the city of Kostroma is trying to cover all spheres of life of the inhabitants of the city, allocating funds from the municipal budget for these purposes. (Annex 2)

2.2. Substantiation of the social significance of the implementation of the developed measures

The drawing up and development of social programs presupposes a mandatory procedure for their evaluation to ensure high-quality control and fixation of the results achieved. These results are taken into account and further adopted in the development of additional blocks and sections (if necessary), in the process of compiling new programs. Evaluation of results is important in reporting to the relevant authorities, regulatory developers and programmers. Thus, the local self-government bodies of the city of Kostroma quarterly report to the Administration of the city of Kostroma on the progress of the implementation of social programs according to the agreed indicators.

Monitoring the program at all stages of the cycle is an important condition for the success of the program, which is a kind of accompanying evaluation.

An approximate list of criteria-indicators for evaluating social programs:

1. Decreased incidence.

2. Reducing the number and composition of risk groups.

3. Expansion of the scope of activities of persons with disabilities.

4. Improving the quality of the natural environment.

In order to provide the regulatory body with the necessary reporting, the local authorities of the city of Kostroma control the program according to the relevant indicators:

1. Share of national interest in the total project volume.

2. The share of objects in a satisfactory condition in the total number of objects of federal significance.

3. Percentage of interest represented in the total.

4. Average.

5. Increase in interest compared to the previous year.

6. The share of interest in the total volume.

7. Increase in interest (in terms of 1000 people) compared to the previous year.

8. The share of new interest in the total.

9. Increase in interest compared to the previous year.

10. Increase (in terms of 1000 people).

Thus, the analysis shows that at the moment a kind of general model (template) of the process of evaluation and control of social programs has been formed.

On the basis of this general model, various private technologies for evaluating programs are being developed, depending on the specific goals and objectives that are being addressed at the level of a particular municipality.

An analysis of the available data shows that over the past fifteen years, the committee of urban economy of the administration of Kostroma has accumulated experience and positive results in the preparation and development of social programs.

The results were summarized: there is evidence that in 2015, due to the operation of all social programs, the total savings of money for the population of the city of Kostroma in 2015 amounted to more than 50 million rubles.


The sphere of social protection of families and low-income citizens (pensioners, disabled people, children, single mothers, etc.) in non-stationary forms is developing in difficult conditions. First of all, due to its insufficient funding. The situation is aggravated by a significant number of low-income citizens who require social support, as well as by the fact that social protection agencies and local governments are more forced to take on functions that are unusual for them, in particular, medical, consumer and commercial services to citizens.

However, despite all the difficulties, in the whole city of Kostroma, it was possible not only to maintain the network of institutions, but also to expand it to a certain extent.

Having considered the work of social protection bodies of the population and local governments of the city of Kostroma, we can draw the following conclusions: the main areas of work correspond to the directions of state policy.

An unconditional priority in the field of social policy is investment in people. Reliance on the education of society, on the quality of human capital will allow Russia to maintain its place among the states capable of influencing world processes.

Despite the provision of material and other assistance to vulnerable categories of the population, the need for assistance remains not just in demand, but necessary. Most need targeted assistance and are waiting for it.

To improve the social protection of the population, it is proposed to develop and implement a municipal target program: “Targeted assistance and public events to improve the social status of families in the municipality” for 2016-2021. The program should be calculated for every citizen who needs social assistance and support.

This municipal program includes socially significant information about a person that determines his social, property and legal status. The creation of a municipal program will effectively solve the problems of targeted interaction with the main categories of socially unprotected citizens.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to improve measures to support the studied category of families.

In the course of the work, the goal was achieved: the activities of local governments to support families were studied, the current situation in this area was analyzed, and, based on the collected material, a program of measures was developed in the field of social support for families in the municipality of the city of Kostroma.

In addition, the following tasks were completed:

The content and structure of the management of the social sphere at the level of the municipality of the city of Kostroma;

The content of social problems of families at the municipal level is revealed;

The role of municipal administrative bodies in the social well-being of the family and the activities carried out by the Administration of the city of Kostroma to improve the social well-being of families are analyzed;

Proposals are given to improve the social protection of families at the expense of the budget of the city of Kostroma.

As a result of the work, it should be noted that the introduction of the municipal program and the practical implementation of these proposals will make it possible to change the technology of social security for the better.

In addition, this will increase the level of social security, which will affect those categories of citizens who receive social payments and services through the social security system.

The provision of social security is a mechanism aimed at maintaining a decent standard of living for the families of the city of Kostroma, this is what is laid down in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to improve the technology of social security and adapt foreign experience to Russian reality, primarily in order to increase the level of welfare of citizens, and as a result, stability in society will increase.

Bibliographic list

2. Federal Law No. 165-FZ of June 23, 2014 “On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”.

3. Federal Law No. 91-FZ of June 25, 2012 “On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”.

4. Federal Law No. 247-FZ of July 19, 2011 “On Social Guarantees for Employees of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”.

5. Suleimanova G.V. Social Security Law: Textbook for High Schools Ed. 2nd, revised, add. / G.V. Suleimanov. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2015. - 464 p.

6. Kholostova E.I. Social work with the family / E.I. Kholostov. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2014. - 212 p.

7. Kholostova E.I. Social policy and social work: study guide / E.I. Kholostov. - M.: INFRA-M, 2015.- 216s.


Attachment 1

Municipal target program

Targeted assistance and public events to improve the social status of families in the municipality

for 2016-2021

Name of the municipal program (hereinafter referred to as the program)

Targeted assistance and public events to improve the social status of families in the municipality "City of Kostroma" for 2016-2021

Program Administrator

Administration of the city of Kostroma

Co-executors of the program

Administrative bodies of social support for families in the municipality

Terms of the program implementation

2016 - 2021

Strategic objective the program aims to achieve

Providing targeted social assistance and holding public events to improve the social status of families in the municipality "City of Kostroma"

Program Goals

Providing targeted social assistance to certain categories of citizens;

Providing benefits to Honorary veterans of the city of Kostroma;

Honorary citizens of the city of Kostroma;

Conducting social events for the families of the city of Kostroma.

Program objectives

1. Providing targeted social assistance to certain categories of citizens living in the city of Kostroma:

Citizens of the older generation (citizens who have reached retirement age);

Low-income families with children and large families;

Program-targeted tools for the implementation of the program

Departmental target program "Providing targeted social assistance to certain categories of citizens and holding public events for the population in the municipality "City of Kostroma" for 2016-2021"

Program Targets

The share of citizens of the older generation (citizens who have reached retirement age) who received targeted social assistance, out of the total number of citizens of the older generation (citizens who have reached retirement age) living in the city of Kostroma (%);

The share of low-income families with children and large families who received targeted social assistance out of the total number of low-income families with children and large families living in the city of Kostroma (%);

The share of citizens with disabilities and families with a disabled child who received targeted social assistance out of the total number of citizens with disabilities and families with a disabled child living in the city of Kostroma (%);

The number of public events held for certain categories of citizens living in the city of Kostroma (measures)

Resource support of the program

The total amount of budget allocations for the implementation of the program is 12349.0 thousand rubles, including by years:

2019 - 2113.0 thousand rubles.

Sources of financing:

2014 - 1784.0 thousand rubles,

2015 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2016 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2017 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2018 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2019 - 2113.0 thousand rubles

Expected outcomes of the program implementation

Expected final results of the implementation of the departmental target program:

Achievement of the following indicators by 2021:

The number of citizens released from places of deprivation of liberty who received targeted social assistance (10 people);

The number of honorary veterans of the city of Kostroma, honorary citizens of the city of Kostroma who received benefits (35 people);

The number of public events held for certain categories of citizens living in the city of Kostroma (30 measures)

Annex 2

Social program

"Targeted assistance and public events to improve the social status of families in the municipality for 2016-2021"

Priorities of municipal policy in the sphere

implementation of the municipal program, goals, objectives

and targets of the municipal program

The goals and objectives of the program are set on the basis of the priorities defined by the strategy of socio-economic development of the Municipal Formation "City of Kostroma" for the period up to 2021.

The purpose of the Program is to provide targeted social assistance to certain categories of citizens, provide benefits to Honorary Veterans of the city of Kostroma, Honorary Citizens of the city of Kostroma, and hold public events for the population of the city of Kostroma.

The objectives of the Program are:

1. Providing targeted social assistance to certain categories of citizens living in the city of Kostroma:

Citizens of the older generation (citizens who have reached retirement age);

Low-income families with children and large families;

Citizens with disabilities and families with a disabled child;

Citizens released from places of deprivation of liberty.

2. Providing benefits to Honorary veterans of the city of Kostroma, Honorary citizens of the city of Kostroma.

3. Holding public events for certain categories of citizens living in the city of Kostroma:

Citizens of the older generation (citizens who have reached retirement age);

Low-income families with children and large families;

Citizens with disabilities and families with a disabled child.

The efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of the program measures is planned to be carried out based on the results of monitoring target indicators in the field of social policy, the composition of which is determined on the basis of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of municipal bodies related to the field of social development.

Risk analysis of the implementation of the municipal program

and a description of implementation risk management measures

municipal program.

The program implementation risks that can be managed by the program administrator, reducing the likelihood of their occurrence, include the following:

1) organizational risks associated with the emergence of problems in the implementation of the program as a result of insufficient qualifications and (or) dishonesty of the responsible executor, which can lead to inefficient use of budgetary funds, untimely financing, failure to implement a number of program activities.

The reduction of these risks will be facilitated by improving the qualifications and responsibility of the personnel of the responsible executor for the timely and effective implementation of the planned activities and the establishment of administrative procedures to reduce organizational risks;

2) financial risks associated with incomplete financing of the program at the expense of the city budget. These risks may arise due to the significant duration of the program, as well as the dependence of its successful implementation on effective management in general.

Their reduction will be facilitated by the introduction of program budgeting into practice and timely adjustment of the volume of financing of the main activities of the program;

3) adoption of new (amendments to existing) regulatory legal acts of the municipal level;

4) economic risks are due to the need for long-term development forecasting and financial planning. The consequence of these risks may be a reduction in the resource provision of the program. The guarantee of the implementation of the program is the budgetary security of the main activities of the program. To manage the risk, if necessary, the list and timing of the implementation of program activities will be specified.

Other types of risks are related to the specific goals and objectives of the program, and measures to minimize them will be taken in the course of operational management. Financing of the program activities in the next financial year will be carried out taking into account the results of monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the program implementation in the reporting period.

Resource support of the municipal program

The total amount of budget allocations for the implementation of the subprogram is 12349.0 thousand rubles, including by years:

2016 - 1784.0 thousand rubles,

2017 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2018 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2019 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2020od - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

20212113.0 thousand rubles.

Sources of financing:

city ​​budget funds - 12349.0 thousand rubles, including by years:

2016 - 1784.0 thousand rubles,

2017 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2018 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2019 -2113.0 thousand rubles,

2020 - 2113.0 thousand rubles,

2021 - 2113.0 thousand rubles.

The volumes of financing of the program activities are predictive in nature and can be specified when the budget of the municipal formation "City of Kostroma" is adopted for the next financial year and for the planning period.

Expected end results of implementation

municipal program.

The systematic achievement of the target indicators of the program and the departmental target program will increase the provision of targeted social assistance to certain categories of citizens.

The implementation of the program will allow:

To improve the standard of living of citizens of the older generation (citizens who have reached retirement age) through the implementation of program activities;

Raise the standard of living of low-income families with children and families with many children through the implementation of public events of the program;

To improve the standard of living of citizens with disabilities and families with a disabled child through the implementation of program activities;

To improve the standard of living of citizens released from places of deprivation of liberty through the implementation of program activities;

To increase the number of citizens of certain categories who took part in actions and public events.

As a result of the implementation of the program, by the end of 2021, it is planned to achieve the following indicators:

The share of older citizens (citizens who have reached retirement age) who received targeted social assistance out of the total number of citizens of the older generation (citizens who have reached retirement age) living in the city of Kostroma (5%);

The share of low-income families with children and large families who received targeted social assistance out of the total number of low-income families with children and large families living in the city of Kostroma (30%);

The share of citizens with disabilities and families with a disabled child who received targeted social assistance out of the total number of citizens with disabilities and families with a disabled child living in the city of Kostroma (30%);

The number of citizens released from places of deprivation of liberty who received targeted social assistance (persons);

Number of Honorary veterans of the city of Kostroma, Honorary citizens of the city of Kostroma who received benefits (persons);

The number of public events held for certain categories of citizens living on the territory of the city of Kostroma (measures) improving the social protection of families at the expense of the budget of the city of Kostroma.

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