Alexey Mordashov General Director of Severstal Group, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Power Machines, Arcelor's largest shareholder, member of the Bureau of Law. The Mordashovs continue to tell the public about their personal lives Mordashov severstal personal life

Shopping center "June" on Godovikov street in Cherepovets was built in 2010 by the Moscow JSC "Regions-Finance". As previously reported, the "anchor" federal network "June" "Lenta", now owned by Alexei Mordashov, owed the owners of the center more than 700 million rubles for renting retail space.

A lawsuit in the amount of 747.2 million rubles was filed by the owners of the shopping center against Lenta in November 2019. The justification included a debt for rent of about 250 million rubles, another half a billion was a penalty.

The Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region accepted this case for proceedings on January 13, 2020 and scheduled a hearing for February, however, as Cherepovetskaya Truth learned, on January 20, the owners of the June shopping center abandoned their claims and entered into an amicable agreement. Under what conditions the two companies managed to agree is still unknown, but the lawsuit has already been withdrawn from the court.

Ksenia Vereshchagina

For reference:

The founder of the SEC "June" in Cherepovets is directly JSC "Regions-Finance", which in turn is part of JSC "GK Regions". The REGIONS Group owns and operates the JUNE chain of shopping and entertainment centers in three cities of Russia, the Sibirsky Gorodok chain of shopping centers and, according to INFOLine Developers Russia TOP-100, ranks fifth among the largest owners of real estate in Russia. By the way, through one of the founders, she also owns the Ferris wheel at VDNKh.





Area of ​​interest

Personal life


Parents: Father, Alexander Mordashov, graduated from the Gorky Polytechnic Institute with a degree in electrical engineering and moved to Cherepovets in the early 1960s. There, at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, he met Mordashov's mother, who worked in the equipment department.

Alexey Mordashov graduated with honors from the Leningrad Engineering and Economics Institute. Tolyatti.

In Leningrad, he met Anatoly Chubais, who taught at this institute. After the first course, Alexei Mordashov came to Chubais as an assistant to the department.

About Chubais, Mordashov says that he gave him a lot of knowledge, rare for those times, about the economic mechanism, for the first time he introduced him to the works of Yegor Gaidar.

Mordashov was a member of scientific societies, in the second half of the 1980s he attended meetings of the Perestroika club.

Since 1988 Alexey Mordashov works at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant: Senior Economist, Head of the Bureau of Economics and Labor Organization of the Mechanical Repair Shop No. 1, Deputy Head of the Planning Department of the Plant. In 1990. trained in Austria.

In 1992 at the very beginning of the privatization period, Mordashov became director of economics and finance at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, in 1993. transformed into OAO Severstal. Yuri Lipukhin, the then general director of the plant, entrusted 27-year-old Alexei Mordashov with the privatization of the metallurgical giant. Alexey Mordashov created a subsidiary of Severstal-invest (24% of which belonged to Severstal, and 76% to Mordashov personally) and then bought up Severstal shares.

And as a result, 16% of the shares turned out to be his personal property and another 80% under his complete control, as Mordashov himself repeatedly stated in an interview. Lipukhin was forced to leave the main office of the enterprise, and thus Mordashov became the director and absolute owner of OAO Severstal.

From an interview with Itogi magazine: “Is it unfair? Yes, admits Mordashov. - The plant was built by the whole country, but it went to a narrow group of people. But it is expedient, because the combine received an honest owner. I am obliged to make sure that I cannot be reproached for “grabbing”. I want to prove that I didn't do it in vain. The EBRD carefully checks Russian enterprises applying for loans; the bank did not find any offshore accounts or tax fraud with Severstal.

Since 1996 CEO of OAO Severstal.

Since 2001 - Head of the RSPP working group on Russia's accession to the WTO and customs policy.

In 2002 the meeting of shareholders of OAO Severstal decided to establish the management company CJSC Severstal-group, of which Alexey Mordashov became the general director, leaving the post of general director of Severstal. Alexey Mordashov was awarded medals of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st and 2nd degree. Laureate of the All-Russian competitions "Career-96" and "Director of the Year-97". At the end of 1998 was awarded the "CEO" ("Chief Executive Officer" - the best manager) award according to the results of a competition held by the magazine "Russia Review". He took the 1st line in the rating of young Russian entrepreneurs-2000, compiled by the magazine Profile. Career".

Currently, he is a co-chairman from the Russian side of the section "Metallurgy, steel industry, construction and building materials" of the Round Table of Industrialists of the Russian Federation and the EU, a member of the public council for the reform of enterprises under the government of the Russian Federation.

Since 2000 Alexey Mordashov is a member of the Joint Russian-German Intergovernmental Working Group on Strategic Cooperation in Economics and Finance.


Alexey Mordashov heads and controls the Severstal Group holding, which consists of four divisions: the metallurgical division: OAO Severstal, the Cherepovets Steel Rolling Plant, a 50% stake in the Allianz 1420 large-diameter pipe enterprise; the raw material division Severstal Resource : Kovdorsky GOK, Karelsky Okatysh, Kuzbassrazrezugol, Vorkutaugol, Olkon, Northern Niobium and Stalmag; automobile division Severstal-auto: Ulyanovsk Automobile and Zavolzhsky Motor Plants; transport division Severstal- trans: port Vostochny (Far East, 60% of shares), ports in Tuapse (more than 25%), in Taganrog (10%), a port in St. Riga Carriage Works. The total amount of controlled funds (according to the Kommersant newspaper for 2001) is more than $1.8 billion. estimated the fortune of Alexei Mordashov at $ 1.2 billion.

Alexey Mordashov maintains relations with many of those in the highest echelons of Russian power who are commonly called "Moscow Petersburgers." He has known some of them since the beginning of the 1990s, when he was a member of the "circle" of young economists, created by a group of graduates of the LIEI. This association included: the brothers Anatoly and Igor Chubais, the current Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation Alexei Kudrin, Chubais's employees - Petr Mostovoy, Alexander Kazakov, the current president of the Saint Petersburg Banking House Vladimir Kogan and some others. Kudrin's classmates were close to this group: the current Minister for Antimonopoly Policy Ilya Yuzhanov and the chairman of the board of OJSC MDM Bank Saint Petersburg Olga Kazanskaya, as well as the one who was killed in 1997. Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Mikhail Manevich.


Vladimir Kogan, President of the Saint Petersburg Banking House. Severstal owns a 9.81% stake in OAO Industrial and Construction Bank (St. Petersburg). United Metallurgical Company.

In June 2001 United Metallurgical Company and Severstal announced the creation of an enterprise for the production of large-diameter pipes CJSC Alliance 1420 to fulfill Gazprom's orders. According to OMK and Severstal, they "are strategic partners, relations between which do not affect ownership issues." Oleg Deripaska, CEO of Basic Element.

According to numerous publications in the media, Alexei Mordashov and Oleg Deripaska are irreconcilable opponents, but this does not prevent them from joining forces in the field of common interests. So, for example, Alexei Mordashov and Oleg Deripaska in 2001. together lobbied for prohibitive import duties on foreign cars over seven years old and higher duties on newer cars after three years.


Vladimir Lisin, owner of Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works OJSC. Mordashov and Lisin could not agree on the terms of joint work in one of the largest coal companies in Russia, Kuzbassugol.

Iskander Makhmudov, head of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company. Mordashov has suggestions that Makhmudov was involved in the scandal with his ex-wife. The right to suspect a competitor is given to him by the fact that prosecutor Vladimir Podverezhsky is dealing with the "alimony case", with the help of which the director of the Kachkanar GOK and a former friend of Makhmudov, Jolal Khaydarov, who stood in the way of the "copper king" and was then accused of drug possession, was removed from his post .Makhmudov himself also commented on the situation: “I have absolutely nothing to do with this story. I don't know what grounds Mordashov has to talk about my involvement in the case. You have to ask him yourself. True, I am closely watching history, and if Ms. Mordashova manages to sue something, I will offer to buy something from her.

Oleg Deripaska, head of Basic Element. Severstal bought a controlling stake in the Zavolzhsky Motor Plant, the main supplier of components for GAZ, which is in the sphere of interests of Oleg Deripaska. That caused a negative reaction of the latter.

Area of ​​interest

St. Petersburg sea port. The export flow of Severstal goes through it. The company already controls CJSC Neva-Metall, which operates on the territory adjacent to berths No. 71-73 of the Port's Lesnaya Harbor. Severstal continues to expand its presence and, according to media reports, is buying up firms, the largest of which, First Container Terminal, will soon become the property of Severstal. The company "Severstal-trans" has already bought a stake that belonged to JSC "Sea Port of St. Petersburg" (19%), and the issue of acquiring up to 50% of the shares of the "First Container Terminal" should be decided. According to Igor Rusu, General Director of the Sea Port, the new acquisition will allow Severstal-Trans to organize a transport chain between Southeast Asia and Europe, through the Trans-Siberian Railway and the port of St. Petersburg.

Timber industry complex

Severstal Group owns a 50% stake in the Sveza company, which controls two plywood mills - Ust-Izhora and the Fanplit mill. They are currently undergoing reconstruction. “As world experience shows, it is very effective when there is complex processing. But we only have plywood production. In addition, globalization and mergers are taking place in the forest industry, so we are working on cooperation with Finnforest and many others” (from an interview with Alexei Mordashov to the Vedomosti newspaper). November 2002 Sveza has declared its intention to buy a state-owned stake in Veliky Ustyug plywood mill Novator. And at the end of 2002. it became known that Sveza gained control over the plant.

Production of large diameter pipes for OAO Gazprom.

At one time, the tender for the production of these pipes was won by EvrazHolding, whose interests, according to Mordashov, were lobbied by the former Minister of Economy Shapovalyants. But Mordashov entered into a partnership agreement with OMK, which owns the necessary equipment for welding steel sheets into pipes of the required size, and agreed with Gazprom. The presentation of this joint project with OMK, called "Alliance 1420" (according to the diameter of future pipes), took place on June 28, 2001.

Coal cuts

Severstal has plans to acquire Vorkutaugol as one of the suppliers of raw materials for metallurgy. Information appeared in the press that Alexey Mordashov intends to compete for coal mines in the Kemerovo region, which is the fiefdom of the head of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, Iskander Makhmudov. Severstal also owns a controlling stake in Kuzbasugol.


In 1999 Severstal acquired a large stake in OAO Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant at an open auction. In 2001 Severstal bought a 26% stake in the Zavolzhsky Motor-Building Plant, the main supplier of GAZ (BasEl). Severstal also owns 51% of the Kolomna Diesel Locomotive Plant and 50% of the Riga Carriage Plant.

Russia's accession to the WTO

Aleksey Mordashov is the head of the RSPP working group on WTO accession. Retail network development Severstal acted as a creditor to Novy Impulse in setting up the Utkonos retail network. According to Alexei Mordashov, Severstal may soon become a partner in this project.

Personal life

Married a second time. From the first marriage, the son Ilya (born 1985), from the second - Kirill (born 1999) and Nikita (born 2000). In 2001 Elena Mordashova, the first wife of the owner of Severstal, initiated a lawsuit on the payment of alimony and the division of property. In June 2001 she filed a statement with the Nikulinsky interdistrict prosecutor's office in Moscow, in which she demanded that the agreement on the payment of alimony be invalidated and that 563 million rubles be recovered from her ex-husband. (about $ 20 million) - the difference between actually paid alimony and 25% of $ 80 million (declared by Mordashov's income in 2001). As an interim measure, the prosecutor's office demanded that a 32.5% stake in Severstal be seized. By the time of the trial, only 16% of the shares owned personally by Mordashov remained under arrest. At the insistence of Aleksey Mordashov's lawyers, the lawsuit was divided into two parts - the alimony case and the property case. The consideration of the latter was transferred to Cherepovets. Elena Mordashova lost the first trial. The plaintiffs failed to confirm Mordashov's high income, and the defendants showed the court Mordashov's income declarations for 1996 and 2001, from which it followed that at the time of the conclusion of the agreement on the payment of alimony, the total amount of these alimony exceeded 25% of the income of Alexei Mordashov, and the current income of the businessman many times lower named by the plaintiffs. The date of the second trial is not yet known. According to numerous publications in the media, Iskander Makhmudov is behind the "case" of Elena Mordashova.

Alexei Mordashov/Alexei Mordashov

Source of wealth: ferrous metallurgy

Place of residence: Moscow

Family status: divorced, three children

  • Early 1990s In 1992, he was appointed director of finance and economics at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant (ChMK). He entered into the first contracts with traders who sold metal to the West. Having bought a controlling stake in ChMK, he removed director Yuri Lipukhin from managing the enterprise.
  • Capital Severstal (79%), Nord Gold (85%), Power Machines (70%).
  • Event In 2012, Severstal completed the spin-off of its gold mining business into an independent company, Nord Gold, and listed the company's GDRs on the London Stock Exchange. The capitalization of Nord Gold at the beginning of April 2013 approached $1.5 billion.
  • Brand Owns the Utkonos online grocery store, which, with revenues of more than $300 million in 2012, ranked third in the March Forbes rating of Russian Internet companies after Yandex and
  • Detail Owns 25% of TUI - one of the largest travel concerns in Europe.

Right hand:

Mikhail Noskov
non-executive director? OAO Severstal

He has been with the company since 1997: he started as head of the corporate finance department and rose to the position of deputy general director of the Severstal group for finance and economics.

General Director of Severstal Group, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Severstal. One of the Russian oligarchs of the "new generation". In 2006, he unsuccessfully tried to enter the world market by merging Severstal with the Arcelor concern based in Luxembourg. In the same year, according to Forbes magazine, with a fortune of $ 7.6 billion, he took 64th place in the list of the richest people on the planet.

Laureate of the All-Russian competitions "Career-96" and "Director of the Year-97". According to the results of 1998, he was awarded the "CEO" (best executive) award according to the results of a competition held by the Russia Review magazine. Took 1st place in the rating of young Russian entrepreneurs-2000, compiled by the magazine Profile. Career". In the same year, A.A. Mordashov entered the list of 100 most influential entrepreneurs in Russia. Sociological research was carried out by the magazine "Expert".

OAO Severstal has become one of the few Russian metallurgical enterprises that have been able to survive the anti-dumping proceedings between Russia and the United States on the export of Russian steel and the reduction in sales of their products to this country without much loss. Severstal's sales portfolio today is evenly distributed between Central and South America, North America, Europe, the Middle East, as well as Africa and Southeast Asia.

A former economist at Cherepovets Severstal, he became the company's CEO in 1996. The Severstal-invest company owned by him accumulated a controlling stake in the enterprise. By the end of the 1990s, this stake was increased to 80%, and Severstal became the country's largest producer of steel and rolled products.

Aleksey Mordashov burst into the ranks of the “newest oligarchs” at great speed, pushing out such bison as Abramovich and Potanin. Thanks to his stranglehold in his Vologda region, he earned the nickname "Iron Boy", and Mordashov himself says about himself like this: "Tanks are not afraid of dirt."

The considerable income of Mordashov is evidenced by the pleasure boat recently acquired for more than a million dollars, as well as the Izhora Pipe Plant, Karelsky Okatysh OJSC, Olenegorsky GOK, a part of the shares of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant and much more bought by Mordashov.

Alexey Mordashov loves President Putin very much. Moreover, Mordashov is sure that he can easily organize the visit of the President of Russia to any region, and for frankly pre-election purposes. So says Mr. Mordashov himself. Mordashov's attempts to get into the circle of the country's supreme power are not limited to attempts to influence Putin. So, many media vied with each other that Deputy Prime Minister Valentina Matvienko, after a visit to Severstal, said that she knew an excellent candidate for government membership - this is Alexei Mordashov. Aleksey Alexandrovich himself is actively lobbying himself for the position of Deputy Prime Minister, but this is for today. In fact, no one at Severstal hides the fact that Alexei Mordashov plans to run for office in the next presidential election.

Alexey Mordashov and his strategy

Alexey Mordashov was born on September 26, 1965 in the city of Cherepovets, Vologda Region. Graduated with honors from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute. Parents - the first builders of the plant. When little Alyosha was taken to be photographed and seated in front of the lens, the photographer, looking at the child, said: “He is sitting, just like a director.” He decided to become an economist back in the 6th grade, while his mother saw Alexei as a doctor.

In Leningrad, he met 28-year-old Anatoly Chubais, who was a teacher at this institute. After the first course, Alexei Mordashov came to Chubais as an assistant to the department. Mordashov was a member of scientific societies, in the second half of the 80s he attended meetings of the Perestroika club. Then young scientists-economists were looking for a way out of the difficult economic situation in the country, discussing the idea of ​​the market, the reform of the socialist system. About Chubais, Mordashov says that he gave him a lot of knowledge, rare for those times, about the economic mechanism, for the first time he introduced him to the works of Yegor Gaidar. Starting a family early, Mordashov did not stay in graduate school, but returned to Cherepovets (1988) as a senior economist. His first achievement at the plant was the development of a new wage system. He took his first computer and transferred all the calculations to it.

Then there were positions: head of the bureau of economics and organization of labor of the mechanical repair shop No. 1, deputy head of the planning department of the plant. In 1990, he trained in Austria. In 1992 he was appointed director of finance and economics. Since 1996 - General Director.

Under his leadership, six strategic programs for the development of OAO Severstal have been developed and are being successfully implemented: a strategic business plan, a sales program, programs for organizational, economic and organizational and technical measures, a commercial program, and a program for working with personnel.

Mordashov is one of those who study all his life. He studied at the MBA program at the University of New Castle (UK). Mordashov also put employees at a desk, from workers to top managers, with whom he regularly conducts classes

Alexey Mordashov is a Russian billionaire (as of April 18, 2019, his fortune is estimated at $20.5 billion), Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Severstal, President and member of the Supervisory Board of the Russian Steel Consortium non-profit partnership, Deputy Chairman of the World Association of Steel Producers, non-executive director of Nord Gold N.V.


Born on September 26, 1965 in the city of Cherepovets, Vologda Region. His ancestors lived in the Trans-Volga region and for generations were famous for making wooden toys. Alexei himself, not without pride, says that his wooden horses are on display at the Museum of Folk Toys in Sergiev Posad. His grandfather still continued the long tradition of a woodworker, like his uncles, but his father, Alexander, decided to take a different path and entered the Gorky Polytechnic Institute as an “electrical engineer”. Then he moved to Cherepovets and got a job at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, where he met his future wife, Maria, who worked in the equipment department. Shortly after their marriage, their son was born.

Even in the preschool years, a serious injury was discovered in the future metallurgical magnate, so active games and physical activity were forbidden to him. At the same time, he turned out to be calm by nature, at school he was often set as an example and was even nicknamed “Template” for this. The boy was correct and responsible, studied well, so that the whole class unanimously elected him the headman.


I decided to act in Leningrad. In 1988 he graduated with honors from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after Palmiro Togliatti, after which he returned home to Cherepovets.

In 1997 he studied management courses in England, and in the late 1990s he graduated from the Newcastle Business School (NBS) MBA program at Northumbria University (UNN, UK).

Labor activity

Upon his return from the university, he began working at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, alternately holding the positions of senior economist, head of the bureau of economics and organization of labor of the mechanical repair shop, and deputy head of the planning department.

In 1992, Alexey Aleksandrovich took the position of Director for Economics and Finance of the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, which was reorganized in 1993 into OAO Severstal.

In December 1996, he was appointed General Director of Severstal.

From 2002 to 2006 he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of Severstal.

Since 2002 - CEO of CJSC Severstal Group, since December 2006 - CEO of PAO Severstal, since December 2014 - CEO of JSC Severstal Management - the management company of PJSC Severstal.


Since June 2013 he has been chairman of the non-profit partnership Russian Steel, since October 2013 he has been deputy chairman of the board of directors of the World Steel Association.

On May 26, 2015, the main shareholder, he resigned from the post of General Director of Managing Company Severstal. At the same time, he was elected to the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Severstal.

President (since June 2013), Member of the Supervisory Board (since June 2010) of NP Consortium Russian Steel, Chairman (from October 2012 to October 2013), Deputy Chairman (since October 2013) of the World Steel Association Headquartered in Brussels (Belgium), Head of the Committee on Integration, Trade and Customs Policy and the WTO of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

Member of the Council for Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship under the Government of the Russian Federation. Co-Chair of the Trade for Growth Group of the Business Twenty (B20) of the G20 (G20).


Co-Chairman of the Northern Dimension Business Council. Vice President of the Russian-German Chamber of Commerce, member of the Russian-German working group on strategic issues in the field of economics and finance. He is a member of the Business Cooperation Council of Russia and the EU.

Latest news

On April 10, 2018, the RIA Novosti agency reported that in connection with the new US sanctions, the losses of Russian billionaires the day after their introduction exceeded $15 billion (based on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index (BBI)).

Thus, the main owner of Severstal lost 987 million dollars.

Social work

Member of the Boards of Trustees of the Bolshoi Theatre, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum and the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Monastery.

For many years, he has been included in the list of the richest businessmen in Russia and the world according to Forbes magazine. Since 2011 (then his fortune was estimated at $ 18.5 billion and assigned the 2nd line of the rating), he has consistently been in the top 20 richest businessmen in Russia. In 2012, he was in third place with a mark of $ 15.2 billion, in 2013 and 2014 he lost his leading position, taking 11th and 12th positions with a fortune of $ 12.8 and $ 10.5 billion. respectively.

In 2015, he became the fifth ($13 billion), and in 2016 - the sixth ($10.9 billion) among the richest Russians. On March 20, 2017, the American Forbes presented a new annual world ranking, in which the billionaire took 51 lines, increasing his fortune to $ 17.5 billion and rising to 2nd place among Russians for the first time since 2011.

On July 31, 2017, Forbes announced that the owner of Severstal, whose asset value has increased, with a fortune of $16.8 billion, bypassed billionaire Leonid Mikhelson ($16.2 billion) in the Forbes Real Time rating, becoming the richest businessman in Russia.

In March 2018, in the next ranking, he took second place among the richest Russians with a fortune of $ 18.7 billion. In the world ranking, he was assigned 60th place. A month later, in April 2018, due to US sanctions, he lost $987 million in a day.

Awards and titles

Awarded with medals of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st (1999) and 2nd (1995) degrees, orders of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Right-believing Prince Daniel of Moscow, 3rd degree (2003), Honor (2011), Alexander Nevsky (2015), distinction "For Benevolence" (2016). Commander of the Order of Merit for the Italian Republic (2009, Italy), Cross of Recognition III degree (2013, Latvia).

Laureate of the national award of business reputation "Darin" of the Russian Academy of Business and Entrepreneurship (2002), awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, diplomas of the Ministry of Economy and the Governor of the Vologda Region, holds the title of "Honorary Citizen of the City of Cherepovets".

He holds honorary doctorates from St. Petersburg University of Engineering and Economics (2001) and Northumbria University (2003).

In 2001, he was recognized as the most professional manager at the federal level (Expert RA agency), in 2003 he became the winner in the nomination "Public activity in the field of entrepreneurship" (Ernst & Young's "Entrepreneur of the Year" award) and was included in the top 25 outstanding European managers, entrepreneurs, financiers, politicians and innovators of the year in the Best Managers category (BusinessWeek).


Among his hobbies are creative - painting, poetry, as well as sports - winter active sports.

Family status
The first wife's name is Elena, they have a son, Ilya, born in 1985. The second wife of the billionaire is also Elena, they have two sons - Kirill (born in 1999), Nikita (born in December 2000). Information appeared in the media that he married a certain Larisa for the third time, they also write that the businessman has six children in total.

In 1997, he studied at management courses in England (in the late 90s he graduated from the MBA program of the Newcastle Business School (NBS) of Northumbria University (UNN, UK).

From 1988 to 1989, he was a senior economist at the mechanical repair shop No. 1 of the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant (CHMK).

In 1989-1991 - Head of the Bureau of Economics and Labor Organization RMC-1 of the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant.

In 1991-1992 - Deputy head of the planning department of the ChMK.

In 1992-1993 - Deputy Director for Finance and Economics of ChMK.

Since 1993, he has been the financial director of ChMK (now ChMK has been renamed AO Severstal). Simultaneously Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "Severstal-Invest". He was one of the authors of the program for the privatization of the plant and the transition to an active marketing practice in the metal trade. The company "Severstal-invest" was engaged in the sale of rolled metal, vehicles and weapons, breeding, processing and selling fish, real estate and security and detective activities.

Since March 1996 - Chairman of the Board of OOO "Severstal-Holding" (Cherepovets). Since March 1996 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC "Severstal-invest" (Cherepovets).

Best of the day

Since November 1997 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Metkombank (Cherepovets). He was a member of the Council of Metallinvest Bank.

In October 1998, he signed a letter to the US Vice President A. Gore and the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation E. Primakov, four leaders of the largest Russian metallurgical plants against the application of anti-dumping measures to them. Since April 1999, he has been a member of the Council of Issuers under the Federal Securities Commission (FCSM). On June 14, 2000, he signed a letter of guarantee from 17 major Russian entrepreneurs with a request to change the measure of restraint for the arrested V. Gusinsky. Since June 2000, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of ZAO Izhora Pipe Plant, a joint venture of OAO Izhorskiye Zavody and OAO Severstal. In October 2000, he was elected a member of the Bureau of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP). Since June 2001 - coordinator of the RSPP Working Group. From April 2001 to April 2003 - Member of the Supervisory Board of JSCB Industrial Construction Bank (PSB). In July 2001, reports appeared in the press about the likely appointment of Mordashov to the post of chairman of the Russian government. On July 12, 2001, he denied these reports and said that he would try to refuse if he received such an offer. According to Mordashov, he considers himself an entrepreneur, not a politician. (, July 13, 2001)

For 2000, he declared his income as $ 80 million (Mordashov himself later denied this amount), which his ex-wife took advantage of and sued for alimony and the division of jointly acquired property (he paid his wife $ 650 per month for his son).

In August 2001, the ex-wife applied to the Nikulinsky inter-district prosecutor's office in Moscow with a demand to force her ex-husband to give 25% of his income to raise his son from his first marriage. In his opinion, Mordashov's unpaid alimony amounted to more than half a billion dollars. To secure the lawsuit, the prosecutor's office secured a 32.5% stake in Severstal. Severstal assumed that the metallurgical holding's competitors, the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Combine and Sibal, were behind this lawsuit. (Company, August 27, 2001)

September 5, 2001 Mordashov for the first time openly stated that "Sibal" wants to "drown" his business. In addition, Mordashov made it clear that his competitor is also behind the "family theme" scandal. (Vremya Novostei, September 6, 2001)

Since June 2002 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Severstal.

Since 2002 - General Director of CJSC "Severstal-Group".

Since August 2002 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OOO SSM-Tyazhmash, a subsidiary of OAO Severstal-Group.

On October 29, 2002, a session of the Nikulinskiy District Court of Moscow took place, in which the case on the claim of Elena Mordashova was heard. All of her claims were dismissed.

Since December 2002, he has been a judicial arbitrator at the ethics commission of the RSPP, established to resolve corporate disputes.

In May 2003, he was included in the Council for Entrepreneurship under the Government of the Russian Federation.

In December 2003, Rossiya Bank announced that it would place an additional issue of shares worth 30 million rubles. at face value in favor of Aleksey Mordashov's Severstal Group at a price 20 times higher than the face value. Thus, the holding had to pay 600 million rubles. for 9% of the bank's shares with equity capital of 616 million rubles. Rossiya CEO Viktor Myachin explained the high cost of the stake by the fact that when determining the transaction price, "the entry of an outside investor" into the bank's capital and the dynamics of its development were taken into account (assets and capital tripled over the year). Experts consider such an assessment of a minority stake to be completely inadequate.

At the end of June 2005, Aleksey Mordashov's Severstal Group bought out almost a 70% stake in REN TV from RAO UES, in turn, the German media concern RTL Group acquired another 30% stake, which belonged to the family of the founder and CEO of the channel Irena Lesnevskaya . In October, Severstal sold half of its shares in REN TV to Surgutneftegaz.

Changes in the ownership structure also led to administrative changes: instead of Lesnevskaya, Alexander Ordzhonikidze became the new general director. On November 23, A. Ordzhonikidze ordered that two stories be removed from the air of Olga Romanova's program "24 Hours" - about the termination of the criminal case against the son of Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov (in May, the minister's son killed an elderly woman in a car) and about the construction of a new chapel on Manezhnaya Square designed by Zurab Tsereteli. December 5, 2005 Romanova filed a letter of resignation from the channel.

In 2003, Forbes magazine included Mordashov in the list of the 500 richest people in the world (348th place, fortune - $ 1.2 billion).

In December 2003, he became a confidant of President Putin in the presidential elections on March 14, 2004.

In February 2004, as part of the placement of Eurobonds, OAO Severstal announced that Mordashov controlled 82.75% of Severstal's shares.

Since June 2004 - Member of the Board of Directors of JSB Rossiya (St. Petersburg).

In February 2006, Finance magazine estimated Mordashov's fortune at $6.0 billion (tenth place in Russia).

Maintains partnership relations with the St. Petersburg banker Vladimir Kogan. At the beginning of 2001, he sold a stake in Metcombank to V. Kogan.

He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the NRC "Expert Institute" (Director - Evgeny Yasin) under the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

Member of the Expert Council on Innovation, created by the Ministry of Industry and Science of the Russian Federation.

He was awarded the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" I and II degrees.

Laureate of the All-Russian competition of entrepreneurs "Career-96". In December 2000, he was named Entrepreneur of the Year by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

Speaks English and German.

Second wife Elena. Three sons (one from the first marriage - Ilya, two - from the second: Kirill (born 1999) and Nikita (born 2000).

He is fond of poetry, painting, active winter sports.

September 2006 - Alexei Mordashov, the owner of Severstal, is going to become the company's CEO again by the end of the year. He left this post in 2002, but is now returning to raise the popularity of Severstal shares in the eyes of foreign investors. The exchange placement of at least 10% of Severstal's shares will take place at the end of October 2006. Now the company is managed by ZAO Severstal-group (general director Anatoly Kruchinin), but the contract with it will be terminated ahead of schedule. This is necessary to improve the corporate governance of Severstal, the company representative explained, and if the shareholders vote for this decision on October 27, then from December 16 the management of Severstal will officially pass to the CEO. But, as it became known to Vedomosti, this is not about Anatoly Kruchinin, who performs these duties on behalf of CJSC Severstal Group. The result of the management reform will be the return of Alexei Mordashov to the post of CEO of the company

Last year's example of AFK Sistema showed that the arrival of the company's main owner and well-known businessman as CEO contributes to the success of an IPO. On the eve of the placement of Sistema's shares, its board of directors dismissed the president and appointed the main owner of the company, Vladimir Yevtushenkov, who left the presidency a decade ago, to this post. The owner must bear personal responsibility to investors - this is how Yevtushenkov explained this step. As a result, AFK Sistema and its owner bailed out $1.56 billion for their shares, and this year Yevtushenkov once again ceded the chair of the head of the company to a hired manager. Earlier, Mechel also resorted to such a trick: before the IPO of shares in New York, its co-owner Vladimir Iorikh became the general director of the Mechel group. And the co-owner of Evraz, Alexander Abramov, resigned as president of the company only six months after his company held an IPO.

Although Mordashov will not have time to become the official CEO of Severstal before the share offering, this decision will certainly be indicated in the memorandum for investors and should please them, according to a top manager of the metallurgical group, which is also preparing for a public offering of shares. After all, a wide range of investors do not know anything about Kruchinin, but Mordashov, especially after trying to become the largest owner of Arcelor, is a world celebrity, the management of Severstal is unlikely to change in essence, says Uralsib analyst Kirill Chuiko: Mordashov, as before, will determine the development strategy, and Kruchinin - to carry out the operational management of the steel plant in Cherepovets. But who, instead of Mordashov, will head the board of directors of Severstal, Vedomosti failed to find out. Most likely, one of the independent directors, whom Severstal is now looking for, believes one of Mordashov's acquaintances. ("Vedomosti", 21.09.2006)

On December 18, 2006, the shareholders of Media Holding Ren TV LLC (this structure includes the TV channel and television company of the same name) approved a new board of directors, whose chairman on the same day was elected Lyubov Sovershaeva, who represents the interests of the new shareholder of this company - LLC " IK Abros".

It is still unknown which block of shares went to IK Abros. But if we take into account that L. Sovershayeva headed the board of directors of Media Holding Ren TV LLC, we are talking not only about a large stake, but most likely about a controlling one. ...before this deal, 35% of Ren TV's shares were owned by Severstal and Surgutneftegaz, and 30% of the shares were owned by the German media company RTL Group. Until December 18, 2006, the chairman of the board of directors of Ren TV was Alexei Germanovich, a representative of Severstal. Most likely, the Severstal company retained a small stake in Ren TV, since it also owns an 18% stake in the TRK Petersburg. In addition, Severstal owns a 7% stake in Bank Rossiya, which, in turn, manages the accounts of the metallurgical company.

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