Bonsai tree meaning. Bonsai tree: where is it better to put in Feng Shui. The meaning of bonsai according to feng shui

Feng Shui is replete with symbols, signs, talismans that bring good luck. They can be anything - from ancient pagan gods to toads. Some of the most famous feng shui symbols are: the arowana dragon fish, the bonsai tree and 2 Indian gods: Ganesh and Hotei.

Let's dwell on them in more detail and talk about how they can affect you.

The first in line is the dragon fish Arovana - a symbol of wealth.

Arowana feng shui is a very rare fish in nature. She received the nickname "dragon" because of her huge size and scales, which are similar to those that are dressed in mythical dragons. One copy can cost $100,000 or more. Followed by Feng Shui, they dream that such a fish would be in their aquarium. Being a "magnet" for money, many rich people acquire arowana to show their status and well-being.

The next element in this quartet is the Japanese Feng Shui Bonsai tree, which means "landscape in pots."

A feature of this plant is that with a small growth (up to 1 meter), in structure it repeats an adult tree.

There are many types of bonsai: hardwood (willow, cherry), coniferous and others.

According to Feng Shui, bonsai, like other plants, is a generator of active energy. The type of bonsai depends on what its positive energy affects. For example, lemon bonsai symbolizes longevity and love, acacia - protection and foresight, pine - spiritual development and prosperity, and juniper bonsai - protects from the evil eye.

The third on the stage is Ganesh, the Indian god of abundance. He is usually depicted with the head of an elephant. He is the patron of business, helps to avoid obstacles for those who strive for success. There is an opinion that the larger the Ganesh Feng Shui figurine in your home, the more wealth it will bring.

The figurine of Ganesh is made from various materials: wood, bronze, copper and more. The most important thing is respect for this symbol. Then wealth will come to your house. Also, its location depends on the material of manufacture, otherwise the effect of this talisman will be weak.

The last Feng Shui mascot is another Indian god - this is Hotei - the god of wealth, fun and prosperity. It is also called Happy Buddha.

It is believed that a large bag behind Hotei feng shui symbolizes a huge amount of gold and money. Others think that his big belly is a symbol of wealth.

When purchasing a Hotei figurine, you need to remember that the material from which it is made should not violate your inner harmony. Usually such figures are made in white or golden color from copper or bronze.

Hotei appears before his admirers in different poses and each of them affects different aspects of your life.

Hotei stands with a staff, and on the staff is a pumpkin, or a bunch of 6 ancient Chinese coins, then this position will bring you a happy and long life and financial well-being.

If he stands with a fan, then all your obstacles to the goal will be swept away.

All these 4 symbols will bring wealth, happiness and prosperity to your home if your intentions are pure and you respect your symbols of good luck.

There are two radically opposite opinions about the Bonsai tree and its influence on Feng Shui.
One of the opinions speaks of the negative impact of Bonsai, the other is vice versa - Bonsai and Feng Shui perfectly compatible. Often, disputes between supporters of different opinions come down to a categorical rejection of each other's position. Let's try to figure out for ourselves the arguments regarding the correctness or incorrectness of opposing opinions about Bonsai.

First, let's formulate opposing opinions.

The first opinion symbolizes the inhibition of natural natural growth, which is done artificially. This slowdown is projected onto the flow of Qi in the house, it is believed that it is able to form energy stagnation, thereby destroying the harmony of Feng Shui.

Second opinion - Feng Shui and Bonsai are harmoniously combined. It is believed that Bonsai hides the negative of sharp corners in the house, attracts Qi to dead ends, activates the flow of energy and slows down its leakage from the house.

Both opinions are valid. The negative attitude towards Bonsai in Europe is associated with medieval traditions in Europe itself and ancient China. Bonsai came to Europe in the 19th century. 20th century, during this period of time, Europe is quite civilized. Bonsai cultivation and care (constant pruning and formation of the desired growth direction) was perceived as a mockery of the plant, especially since in ancient China, as well as in medieval Europe, deliberate mutilation of children for entertainment was popular. Cutting a plant, restraining its growth, leads to the infringement of natural energy, inhibition of the processes around.

A positive attitude is motivated by the fact that only very old trees grown by someone can carry a negative. A young tree grown by you is compared with raising a small child who is given a lot of time, invested soul, pampered.

In support of this opinion, one can cite the translation of the word itself. Bonsai- “tree on the palm”, “tree in a tray”, “landscape in pots”. In ancient China, they believed that by growing Bonsai, we enclose in it the strength and energy of a large tree. The art of growing is like meditation, and as you know, during meditation, a person himself generates Qi energy.

Chinese monks involved in the treatment, with the help of Bonsai, solved the problem of transporting and storing always fresh medicinal leaves. Miniature trees are comfortable to wear, and if the patient needs a potion, then the leaves are simply plucked.

The argument about the negative impact of Bonsai is also discarded if we compare an ordinary garden plant or even an indoor flower with Bonsai, in both cases the plant is cared for, pruned, sometimes even very cardinal. The proverb is more appropriate than ever - “What you sow, you will reap”, a lot depends on your efforts, what the tree will be like and what energy will be in it. It is recommended to have a live and healthy Bonsai in the health sector.

Very often you can find recommendations on the use of Bonsai as a Feng Shui talisman, the places for its location are indicated. I would like to remind you that everything is very individual, if you grow a tree on your own, then there can be no question of any specific place, you grow a living plant that needs reverent care, especially since it can take more than a dozen years to grow a beautiful Bonsai.

For a deeper understanding of the philosophy of Bonsai, you need to spend more than one month studying it. Currently, a lot of literature is available, practical trainings are available. Whether or not to use Bonsai in your home to improve Feng Shui is up to you.

Feng Shui Bonsai

Bonsai is translated into Russian as “a tree in a bowl or on a tray” or “landscape in pots”. This plant is from 50 cm, but not higher than 1 m, repeating the structure of an adult tree. The bonsai created by the artist is a work of art in which he has invested his knowledge and his attitude.

Bonsai is part of Japanese cultural traditions. Japanese dwarf trees are shown in many countries of the world at major exhibitions, giving pleasure to visitors.

Bonsai types

There is a bonsai of deciduous trees: willow, birch, hornbeam, alder, oak, cherry. These are deciduous trees that look good in bonsai even without leaves in the winter. Coniferous bonsai is grown from juniper, pine, larch and will delight the eye with greenery all year round.

Bonsai and Feng Shui

Bonsai and feng shui go great together!

Such different bonsai

Feng Shui is a magical teaching designed to provide a favorable environment for creating an even and smooth flow of energy that can provide a person with equal physical and mental health. If there are harmonized energy flows in the house, then the well-being of the people in it will be much better, such an atmosphere in the house stimulates a good mood, gives energy and optimism.

If the flow of energy in the house is slow or completely absent, this is a bad sign, it is very difficult to live in such a house, a person begins to have a variety of problems, ranging from personal life and health to the implementation of plans for the future.

Any living plants are a generator of active energy. Tall bonsai trees (up to 1 m) should not be placed in the living room, the best place for them is a closed insulated balcony with heating, a large winter garden or outdoor garden, if the climatic conditions allow keeping the plant year-round.

The bonsai trees of the Zheyang School do not always have a curved trunk, because it is believed that the vertical trunk symbolizes strength, dignity, majesty and beauty, and this will bring you self-confidence.

A small tree in the house can, if properly placed, greatly affect the flow of energy, and if you follow the rules of feng shui, you can direct the energy in the direction you need.

Feng Shui bonsai composition can:

  • mask the sharp corners of your furniture and walls
  • draw energy into the dark corners of rooms
  • harmonize the energies of Fire and Water in the kitchen.
  • slow down the flow of energy from the house.
  • remove excess water energy from the bathroom.
  • bring new energy into all the rooms in the house.
  • stimulate the eastern and southeastern parts of the dwelling.

Feng Shui Bonsai Tree Species Meanings

Bonsai tree shape magic

Heavily tilted bonsai pines can be placed both in the living room and in the office, as their slight curve resembles a greeting gesture. Such a composition is even called "welcome".

It is important to remember that only healthy bonsai plants emit active energy. If you want to achieve a work-enhancing environment, place small plants in the dining room, living room, and office.

Acacia bonsai symbolizes protection and foresight, gives vigor.

Bonsai lemon represents longevity, health and love.

Juniper bonsai has an antimicrobial effect, it is also used as a protection against the evil eye, as it energetically harmonizes space.

Bonsai with a living pine tree, symbolizing spiritual development and prosperity, located in the east, will bring health and longevity.

Where to place feng shui bonsai

Protrusions and ribs

It is useful to use bonsai in order to soften the protruding edges of the design of your home. It is believed that sharp elements create great discomfort and worsen the energy balance of the room. Soften such protrusions with a bonsai in the form of a falling plant.

dark corners

In the corners of almost any room, a large amount of energy can accumulate and eventually stagnate. There are such dark corners in any house, bonsai in the form of a coniferous tree allows you to get rid of stagnant energy, whose needles absorb all the energy stagnant in the house and neutralize its negative impact.

Sloped walls and ceilings

They also practice the use of bonsai in rooms with sloping walls and ceilings. Since disharmonious rooms greatly affect a person’s personal energy, impairing his creative abilities, bonsai in such a room is simply necessary.


Depending on the placement of the doors, the speed and direction of energy flows in your house will change. Two doors located opposite each other greatly accelerate the flow of energy, which can adversely affect its balance in the house. In this case, it is recommended to place bonsai between the doors in order to slow down the flow of energy. The asymmetrical arrangement of doors in the house threatens its owner with energy turbulence, which can lead to the appearance of inharmonious energy places in the house. To smooth out energy turbulence, you should place bonsai in round pots or buckets near each door.

Bonsai styles

Bonsai styles

Japanese masters distinguish 15 styles of bonsai, which are followed by various schools. They differ in the location of tree trunks, the methods of crown formation, the difference in materials used in landscape bonsai. These are tortoise stone, corals, pumice, sandstone.

Artists of different schools often work with one bonsai plant, which can be used to determine belonging to a particular school.

But all schools are similar in one thing: a tree must have a trunk of a certain shape and branches that must neither intersect with each other nor grow from the same place. Bonsai leaves, according to the rules, are small, have a green, juicy color, create a beautiful crown with their abundance. Bonsai roots, especially those that protrude above the ground, must also have a certain location.

Bonsai in feng shui is not necessarily one plant in a bowl, you can create a mix bonsai: in one pot there are several trees, a shrub and a herbaceous plant. But this is an even more difficult task.

Dwarf bonsai can be surrounded by a tiny landscape: rocks, grottoes, indistinguishable from real ones - and look like a miniature natural oasis. Such a composition gives great aesthetic pleasure. Grow, try your hand. This is the only way you can find your style.

For some, a houseplant is a blooming violet or ficus with dark, shiny leaves. And someone wants to grow a real forest in a small handful of land.

Many lovers of indoor plants have heard the mysterious word "bonsai". But what is bonsai and how to form a miniature miracle, they simply do not understand. And meanwhile to understand it is quite real.

History of bonsai

The fashion for miniature trees spread around the world from Japan. But the Japanese are not the founders of a new art form. The idea of ​​bonsai came to them from China. But it was the Japanese who brought it to perfection.

The first mention of the cultivation of miniature trees fell into the hands of historians in 1972. In the mausoleum of Prince Zang Hui, images were found detailing the technology of growing small trees. Judging by how carefully the drawings were preserved for posterity, the technique was considered a particularly valuable knowledge. The drawings belonged to the time of the Chinese Tang Dynasty, which corresponds to 600 BC. e.

The Chinese called the unusual hobby "pensay". The Japanese read the Chinese character in their own way, and the word "bonsai" came out, meaning "grown in a tray."

By the way, archaeologists claim that even the ancient Egyptians knew what bonsai was. They grew small plants in special vessels, but called them differently. Unfortunately, the Egyptian version of the name has not been preserved.

What's the point of this

The Japanese brought the art of growing dwarf plants to perfection. Each tree requires many years of work, attention and patience from the master. This is the only way to get a green masterpiece that will live longer than its creator. A beautiful plant will go to grateful students who understand well what bonsai is and how much effort the master has invested in this beauty.

The art of bonsai is a certain philosophy that allows you to accept life and enjoy the beauty of its course. Each tree in the hands of the master goes through three stages, like all life on the planet. First, it lives through youth, shining with freshness and vigor, then it enters maturity, reaching the perfection of forms and beauty, and the last stage is old age, embodying all the wisdom of the world. And, besides, bonsai is a symbol because the youngest in the family needs to learn from experience and be able to preserve what the elders have created.

What trees can be grown

Most often, evergreen species are used for growing in containers. It can be Japanese cypress, cryptomeria, five-leaf, black or red Bonsai of these tree species looks very impressive, but some prefer to grow deciduous trees, finding a special charm in the change of seasons. In this case, apple trees of different varieties, cherries, some rhododendrons, wild azalea, various varieties of pears, persimmons, wild grapes, willow and others are suitable.

Bonsai pine looks very beautiful and unusual, as can be seen in the photo below, so these miniature coniferous trees are most often found.

Bonsai styles: Tekkan and Moyogi

Even the most experienced master will never get two absolutely identical plants. But all compositions are usually clearly divided into styles. It was the Japanese who brought this tradition to the art of bonsai. They gave a designation to a number of features by which trees are divided into styles. There are more than 30 of them, but we will consider the most common ones.

If you see a bonsai plant with a straight stem flaring towards the base, then this is the formal vertical style - Tekkan. Another important characteristic of it is that the plant should narrow towards the top. Any type of tree can be grown in this style. The symbolism of Tekkan is proud loneliness and unbending character.

If the plant is elongated vertically, but its branches do not have a clear structure, but are arranged arbitrarily, then this is the Moyogi style. can be curved, but the top is necessarily drawn in line with the base, forming a perpendicular to the ground. Moyogi symbolizes simplicity and freedom, and also the desire to go beyond, resisting circumstances.

Fukinagashi and Shakan

These are bonsai styles, the photos of which seem to be taken in a strong gusty wind. The Syakan (oblique style) is characterized by a slope at an angle to the ground, but the tree stretches upwards. Fukinagashi (wind-bent) can have both a straight and sloping trunk, but its branches are directed in one direction (in the direction of the slope), as if the tree has grown in a strong wind. The symbolism of these styles is resistance to the forces of nature and the struggle for life.

Sokan style

Sokan translates as "forked trunk". This style was suggested to bonsai lovers by nature itself, since very often two trunks rise from one root, one of which is stronger and higher. The tree can be flat or sloping, it is not very important, the main thing is that it should form a common crown. You can create a similar bonsai at home by giving the appearance of a second trunk to the lowest branch. The symbolism of this style is the continuity of generations and the veneration of traditions. Sokan is sometimes referred to as "twins" or "father and son".

Kengai and Khan-kengai

It is a bit similar in cascading and semi-cascading style. Kengai is like a tree growing on a steep cliff. To survive, he had to adapt to difficult circumstances. The symbol of style is plasticity in any conditions.

Khan-kengai is distinguished by a more horizontal direction of trunk growth. Trees seem to grow on the shore of a reservoir, trying to reach the water with their crowns. Hen-kengai is a bonsai, the photo of which clearly shows that the branches do not fall below the middle part of the pot, and the top of the plant is always above ground level.

For these plastic styles, plants with bendable trunks are always chosen. Preference is given to pine, cotoneaster, juniper.


This style is considered one of the most difficult to perform. And he is one of the oldest. Otherwise, this style is called "literary". This name is due to the fact that the plants have a schematic form of "Japanese letters". Masters, as if writing calligraphic signs, growing trees with long curved trunks without lower branches. The crown of this type of bonsai is only allowed at the very top. The style symbolizes airiness and sublimity. For cultivation choose coniferous or broad-leaved species.

Charming Yose-ue

Can you imagine the bonsai pots that have grown a small forest? These are Yose-ue style plants. The composition is made up of a large number of trees with different heights of trunks, with different thickness and age of plants. Usually, an odd number of trees are selected, and they are most often of the same species. They are planted without observing symmetry and avoiding the same distances. Thus, the master gets his own park or a small forest, as similar as possible to a corner of the wild.

Sharimika Style

Enlightened Japanese have learned to see beauty in every moment of life. They proved that old age can be beautiful too. The embodiment of this statement is the style of Sharimika, that is, "dead wood". The tree is artificially aged, the bark is partially removed from the trunk, and its wood is bleached, creating a contrast between the dead and the living. Areas with dead wood are subtly curved, but they must be clearly visible. For this species, juniper is most often used.

planting bonsai

Going to grow the described miracle, beginners are wondering how to plant a bonsai. You can do this in several ways:

  1. Misho's way. This is ideal for beginner experimenters. It lies in the sowing of seeds collected in the wild. In this case, you can choose exactly the one you need from the many sprouts and start slowing down growth from the very beginning.
  2. Toriki's way. This is the cultivation of miniature plants from cuttings or layering. To use this method, the bark is cut or cut in the right place on the branch and the opened wood is treated with horse growth stimulants. A piece of wood is wrapped in moss and film and waited for 3 (sometimes more) months. The cut point is not allowed to dry out all this time.
  3. Yamadori method. The approximate meaning of this name is "found and dug up." In the spring, a suitable plant is found in a forest or garden, dug in and left for several months to form surface horses. After that, the powerful roots are slightly shortened, the plant is removed from the soil, and the formation of a bonsai in a pot begins.
  4. Wake's method. With this method, a ready-made young plant is bought in the nursery, then it is cut and planted in a flat pot. Or a young bonsai is bought, and then it is grown, based on their style preferences.

How to form a plant

The main task in growing bonsai is to force the tree to remain small. To do this, you need to slow down growth and give the desired shape. To inhibit growth, roots are often cut and young shoots are removed, poor soils are chosen, fertilizers are used minimally, and special bonsai pots are chosen in which the root system cannot grow much. In addition, be sure to use a system to weaken the flow of juices, applying horizontal cuts to the wood or braiding the trunk with wire.

When the plant is sufficiently rooted, they begin to cut and bend its branches. For this, copper wire is used, which is used to entangle branches and fix them with pegs in a flowerpot. Bends are best started in the summer, when the branches are most elastic. In order not to damage the crown, the bend is wrapped with a soft tourniquet or bast.

Timely pruning of branches helps to awaken the necessary buds to growth. If, to create an ideal shape, it is necessary to direct the branch to the right, then choose a kidney sticking out in the right direction and cut the branch above it, leaving no hemp above.

By the way, if pine bonsai is grown, then pruning must be done with extreme caution. Damaged branches may turn yellow. This also applies to other conifers.

How to care for a plant

The plant requires care throughout its life. To grow a decent bonsai, home care is provided all year round. This includes transplanting, fertilizing, watering.

Transplanting is best done in the spring. It is necessary to ensure that the roots do not grow and do not form a ball. As soon as this has happened, the tree is taken out of the bowl, the roots are cut and the plant is returned to its place, but in fresh soil.

For planting, a mixture of 3/5 humus soil, 1/5 peat and 1/5 sand is made. The soil in the container is carefully compacted so that voids do not form. The height of the soil in the container is about 5-6 cm. As a rule, it is decorated with stones and moss from above.

Top dressing is carried out in spring and summer. The interval is kept for about two weeks. It is most convenient to use a ready-made liquid organic fertilizer with bird droppings, which is applied 2 hours after watering.

What else needs to be done to grow a healthy and beautiful bonsai? Care at home involves abundant and regular watering. Many people place a container with a tree in a flat vessel with water. Its bottom is filled with small stones or a grate is placed. The water level in the tray is maintained at one mark. This allows you to increase the humidity of the air and reduce watering.

Water is necessary for a miniature tree in large quantities. But you need to take into account the type of plant, since different irrigation conditions are created for residents of different climatic zones. So, for example, small-leaved karmona is a bonsai tree, the care of which requires daily abundant watering. But for a fat woman, such watering is fatal, its root system will not cope with the abundance of moisture and will rot.

It is important to understand that a miniature tree needs to be watered more often, even if the species does not like wet soil, when the following factors are present:

  • the foliage on the branches is large and numerous;
  • the plant is planted in a small or flat container, because then there is a large area for evaporation of moisture from the surface of the substrate;
  • the air in the room is dry and too warm.

In addition, regular spraying will not interfere with the plant. However, keep in mind that evergreen species can only be sprayed with distilled water. When using ordinary tap water, an irremovable whitish coating will appear on the leaves.

Now that you understand what bonsai is, you can try to create your own masterpiece. But think and evaluate your strengths. If you are not patient enough, then maybe you should not take on this painstaking work.

It is almost impossible to overestimate the influence and benefits of trees on human energy. Given the rhythm of life, we do not have the opportunity to often contact the trees. But of course there is a way out - to "bring" the energy of the tree to your house! It can be wooden ornaments, wooden furniture, accessories… Or you can choose a live bonsai tree.

Bonsai is a miniature dwarf tree, the size is 50-80 times smaller than grown in nature. The art of growing such trees is also called bonsai.

Evergreen dwarf trees are in the greatest demand, but if you rely on the benefits of trees for your home and for you personally, then it is better to opt for some deciduous bonsai trees. The reason is simple - coniferous bonsai have a complex energy andthey don't reach everyone.

Energy coniferous bonsai

Among coniferous bonsai, juniper, spruce, and larch are the most popular. However, they have a much more concentrated and strong energy than hardwoods, so it is not recommended to enhance their effect. One such bonsai tree is enough for a whole small house or apartment. No need to put these trees in the room where they sleep.

Important: Bonsai trees with heavy energy are not suitable for pregnant women!

juniper bonsai is able to enhance the main energy of the house and those living in it, both bad and good. Therefore, it is important to sensibly evaluate how positive the situation in the house is. If people exuding anger, hatred, envy, juniper bonsai is able to enhance this energy as well.

Tested on myself: my husband and I, in principle, tend to everything that brings positive emotions. Placed in the house bonsai juniper. Already after 3 days there was a feeling that we had a "honeymoon" :-).

The benefits of trees for us: Significantly increased emotional and physical attraction. It became easier to communicate and understand each other. I want to do something nice for each other. But the bonsai tree - spruce, which we had before, obviously did not suit us. A week later, the relationship became not so close, and sometimes tense.

Fur tree, pine tree very sociable and energetically generous. These dwarf trees are able to tune in a philosophical way, relieving nervous tension. Such bonsai trees are suitable for those who need to get rid of depression, increase immunity and vitality. The bonsai tree cleans the aura of the owner or his house so much that it can remove the “superficial” negative influence (damage, evil eye, etc.). But not too good for people with heart disease and pressure problems.

fir bonsai more recommended for the home. Despite the fact that it has an energy similar to spruce and pine, the bonsai fir has a more gentle and soft energy radiation. Such a bonsai tree is good for people who often encounter external stimuli. Fir will help restore the breakdown and add inspiration to creativity. Such a bonsai tree is not suitable for the home of people who have problems with the kidneys or stomach.

larch bonsai has no less strong energy than pine or spruce, but despite this it differs in the quality of influence. Useful for people who suffer from causeless doubts and fears. Larch bonsai also relieves severe nervous disorders. There is no need to ask for help and address in some special way, the larch itself knows how to help. This bonsai tree helps mainly strong people, those who believe that there are higher powers.

cedar bonsai suitable for those people who are not afraid to live. This is one of the most powerful conductors of cosmic energy for an exhausted, tired person. He is able to change negative energy, neutralize its influence. It is better to place such a bonsai tree in the house where you want to improve energy. It will certainly take more than one month, but the effect will be beneficial. It is good to place this dwarf bonsai tree in the hallway, in the meditation room.

Which leafy bonsai is best for home

oak bonsai has light and very strong energy. It helps to become a self-sufficient person, gain strength, achieve success and recognition. Oak bonsai is not very good for women and their relationships with men. It is better to put an oak bonsai in a study, a library, a meditation room.

maple bonsai also contributes to the achievement of good luck through sociability. The tree itself is very sociable and it is desirable that it does not grow alone. Maple bonsai is able to take on all the negativity, balancing and restoring strength and peace. It is able to unite people and helps to avoid conflicts in the family. It is better to put such a tree in a room where there are most people. In any case, for this bonsai tree, a room in the house where you practically do not go is not suitable.

birch bonsai has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and is able to alleviate and balance any mental anguish, especially associated with unsuccessful love. You can put this bonsai tree in any room. But the special benefit of these trees is manifested in the relaxation room and bedroom, as it relieves nightmares well.

Linden bonsai gives a feeling of peace and peace of mind. Her energy allows you to do more and relieves fatigue from work. The vivacity bestowed by bonsai linden remains for many years. It is good to place a bonsai linden in the rest room, and in the bedroom the linden will give additional happiness.

cherry bonsai contributes to the development of will, fidelity. This tree is beneficial for relationships and families. If you put a bonsai cherry in the bedroom, then this helps to strengthen marital relations and increase sexuality. Helps sexual liberation.

Some other bonsai trees have an energetic influence similar to cherries: apple, plum, pear.

How to enhance the effect of a bonsai tree

  • You can enhance the effect of a bonsai tree by creating a small garden of trees with similar energy.
  • The quality of energy improves, and the benefits of trees increase if the water for irrigation is filtered or insisted for some time by lowering precious stones there.
  • Bonsai trees have a much stronger influence with a friendly attitude towards them and frequent communication with them.
  • As with any plants (and all living organisms), sounds have a positive effect - classical or any gentle and beautiful music.
  • For those who are familiar with energy management practices, it will not be difficult to purposefully support a bonsai tree with energy, thereby significantly increasing the power of the bonsai energy and establishing contact with it.

Where to place bonsai - a tree in the house

♦ Corners in the house are always a place of stagnation of energy. It is especially good to place coniferous bonsai trees in dark corners, which perfectly absorb all the negativity.

♦ It is useful to place the bonsai tree in a house/room with sloped ceilings and walls. Rooms with such irregularities create an energy imbalance and interfere with the development of creative abilities.

♦ Another suitable place to place bonsai in the house is near the door. In this place, the use of trees allows you to align the movement of energy flows in the house.

With the help of a bonsai tree, you can even out any energy flaws from the design with many sharp corners in the house. Bonsai in the house will always be beneficial if it is properly positioned and selected in accordance with your energy. The benefits of trees are not only aesthetic and energetic: dwarf trees, in addition to their energy impact, are able to convert toxic substances emitted by modern building materials, as well as generally improve the air in the house.

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