Unlucky and lucky days of the zodiac signs. What are the most favorable days according to the signs of the zodiac

Each horoscope sign has special days weeks - auspicious days according to the signs of the zodiac. On such days, everything succeeds, no matter what a person undertakes, the energy is on high level, the person is active, full of energy, problems are solved easily, things are done quickly.

The most favorable days according to the signs of the zodiac - your luck according to the horoscope

You have probably noticed that there are days when you are lucky, and all undertakings are crowned with success. Auspicious days of the week for each zodiac sign are determined based on the ratio. So what days of the week are lucky for you according to your zodiac horoscope?

Zodiac signs by days of the week - auspicious days by zodiac signs

  • Representatives of the Libra zodiac sign are recommended to be active on Friday and Saturday. These days are made for Libra! It is at this time that you need to make plans, solve the most important tasks. But on Tuesday and Sunday, people of this aesthetic sign most often fail.
  • The best day in all respects for the zodiac sign Scorpio is Tuesday. Vital energy is at its height, at this time Scorpio is at the peak of its activity. On Monday and Friday, people of this sign should be extremely careful.
  • Lucky day for the Sagittarius zodiac sign is Thursday. Any business, business and personal trips are successful, Sagittarius can safely take active steps - happiness is on their side. Unfavorable day - Wednesday. On these days, new things should not be started.
  • Auspicious days according to the zodiac sign Capricorn are Saturday and Tuesday. These days, the cold Capricorn seems to open up to life, his thoughts clear up, his feelings awaken. Decisions and actions are right, and luck accompanies Capricorn.
  • by the most auspicious days Weeks for the zodiac sign Aquarius are Wednesday and Saturday. These days, Aquarius succeeds in everything, in all areas of life he is lucky. On Sunday, you need to be careful, and start implementing plans another day.
  • Auspicious times for the zodiac sign Pisces are Monday, Thursday and Friday. Having done what they love, representatives of this sign will achieve high results. On Wednesday it fades, and this day is better to devote to rest.

Astrologers say that each sign of the Zodiac according to the horoscope has its own favorable days of the week. In these very days, everything succeeds: a person is cheerful and active, any problems are solved easily and quickly, all undertakings are successful. Lucky days of the week for each constellation are determined based on the ratio of patron planets. So what days of the week are lucky for you according to the horoscope?

For Aries happy days are Tuesday and Sunday. It is on these days that representatives of this sign are encouraged to resolve important issues and make business meetings. Tuesday and Sunday are also suitable for personal life: family conflicts are easily resolved and new acquaintances are made. bad days are Friday and Saturday. Do not plan important things for these days.

For Taurus good days Monday and Friday count. If Monday is more favorable for work, then Friday is the most successful for love. Unlucky day - Thursday. Astrologers recommend Taurus not to make any serious decisions on this day.

For Gemini The lucky days of the week will be three days at once: Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. More than other signs of the zodiac, Gemini receives the patronage of the stars on Sunday. This weekend, they succeed in something that eluded them in the previous days of the week.

For Cancers favorable days are Monday and Thursday. These days, Cancers are lucky, it is easier for them to find mutual language with people, and all decisions will be correct. Tuesday and Saturday - dangerous days for representatives of this sign. Cancers are advised to be extremely careful in their statements and actions.

For Lions Sunday is considered a lucky day. The mood of the people of this constellation is on the rise on this day of the week, everything succeeds in work and personal life, and all troubles bypass them. An unfavorable day for Leo is Saturday. Astrologers advise to spend this day at home or with loved ones.

For Devs Wednesday is the lucky day. The middle of the week is the time for representatives of this zodiac sign to start implementing their plans, do household chores, make purchases and resolve business issues. Do not be active on Thursday and Friday. These days it is difficult for Virgos to make decisions and implement their ideas.

For Libra According to the horoscope, Friday and Saturday are favorable. These days are created in order to resolve all problems, solve important issues, and make plans for the future. In addition, on Friday and Saturday, it is easier for Libra to get his own way from the people around him. The failures of the people of this constellation most often comprehend on Tuesday and Sunday.

For Scorpions Tuesday is considered a favorable day in all respects. This is the day when the representatives of this sign are on the rise of their strength. On Tuesday, all problems are for nothing, and life becomes more beautiful. Scorpios should be careful on Monday and Friday. These days it is not recommended to make important meetings and make serious decisions.

For Sagittarius Thursday is considered a lucky day. On this day, any trips and activities will be successful. And on Wednesday, an unfavorable time comes for Sagittarius when they should not start anything new.

For Capricorns Good days are Saturday and Tuesday. It is on these days that the creative potential of the representatives of this sign is revealed, their mind clears up, and everything around is subject to their decisions and actions. bad days- Monday and Thursday. Astrologers recommend that Capricorns spend these days in a calm atmosphere and in no case not make serious decisions.

For Aquarius lucky days are Wednesday and Saturday. These days of the week are favorable for all areas of life. Aquarians should be active these days and not be afraid to make decisions. Everything started on Wednesday or Saturday will be crowned with success. Sunday is a bad day. Aquarians on this day will not be able to properly concentrate on an important matter, so it is better to postpone all plans.

For Pisces better days are Monday, Thursday and Friday. Astrologers advise people of this constellation these days to do what they are really interested in or important to. this moment. Unlucky day of the week - Wednesday. The energy of Pisces is running out, there is no creative fuse, and everything around seems complicated and incomprehensible.

According to the horoscope according to the signs of the zodiac, a representative of each constellation can attract good luck and avoid trouble if he simply looks at the calendar and plans all the important things for auspicious days. And so that luck is always there, press the buttons and

08.01.2014 13:27

The influence of the planets has given each sign of the zodiac happy Days in which good spirits and activity do not ...

most powerful day lunar month. A day of strong, decisive action, today you can dramatically influence events. It is today that you can take a step that will decide the outcome of all projects that have been started earlier. The most important thing is to focus on the main thing, not spraying on the little things. On the 14th lunar day, many things succeed. On this day, you need to listen to advice, even outsiders - they can be very useful. The period of building castles in the air. It is better to refrain from any promises, you can overestimate your strength .. The 14th lunar day is not suitable for fortune telling. Today it is necessary not to make plans, but to implement them. Only one thing should be asked from Heaven - as much strength as possible. To activate your energy, use a red candle. And to speed up the thought process, fumigate your office or the room where you have the most books with Eucalyptus incense. Jewelry is better to prefer with hyacinth.

An unfavorable day when it is better to indulge in passive rest. The day is critical, when a person succumbs to internal temptations. On the 15th lunar day, it is necessary to practice asceticism, to tame the flesh and spirit. Pride and arrogance are contraindicated. The day is dangerous due to energy overspending, exhaustion, and half as much work will be done as in any other period. Lunar day completely unsuitable for intimate contact - physical proximity, at first it can elevate to the heights of pleasure, and then turn into a bitter disappointment .. Day of asceticism, you should not ask for anything today. Thank you higher power for what you already have. And also, it is good to protect your energy. Fumigation with Myrrh or Frankincense incense, best method work on the subtle plane today. It is also good to study your horoscope in order to see the vestments of your shadow sides.

Waxing Moon in Libra

What to wear?

It is good if white, pink and gray color combinations are present in your clothes, additions to it and in makeup.

Aroma of the day- the floral scent of the perfume will be the best addition.

Talismans- amethyst and hessonite. Metal - copper.

What are we eating?

A little pork with olives or lamb pilaf won't hurt you. The less you eat today, the better. You can choose any of the wellness mono-diets. For example - all day there is only oatmeal, boiled in water, or zucchini and apples. It is important not to starve or overeat. Very good - exclude spicy, salty, hot and cold. Excellent - refrain from taking alcohol, tobacco and tranquilizers.

Tea with the addition of melissa flowers is very suitable for any menu.

beauty and health

Today are good cosmetical tools flower-based, aimed at nourishing the skin. For example, the petals of a white lily, aged in vaseline.

Recipe: Flowers medicinal plants, for example, rosehip petals, you can pour vodka for lotion, pour a small part with warm petroleum jelly or warm olive oil and leave it in the sun for 10 days, then put it in the refrigerator. The same can be done with white lily petals.

Smooth physical exercise on the fresh air- main action today for health. These are the best days to clean digestive system including the liver and pancreas. Any methods are good, unless you have serious diseases.

intimate scenario

The moon in the sign of Libra provokes gentle sex. But this is on condition that the beloved generally persuades you to intimate exploits. Everything will depend on the mood. In any case, you will not be too passionate and sensual, but make up for it with tenderness and artistry. Muted music, flowers and other attributes of romance will intoxicate and set you up for carnal pleasures more than ever.

What to do at home?

Be sure to ventilate the room. Do not water houseplants but loosen the soil. Feel free to plant and transplant any plants, even adults.

It is more accurate to call such days harmonizing with the sign of the Zodiac and not harmonizing. After all, every day is ruled by a planet, and the planets rule the signs. A day ruled by a planet that rules your sign at the same time is considered lucky for you, and a day ruled by a planet that rules the opposite sign is conditionally considered unlucky, because the energy of this planet is not in harmony with your sign.

Should not be given of great importance division of days into happy and unlucky. The only thing that can be noticed in reality is a greater capacity for work on "happy" days. While on “unlucky” days, a person tends to be more often distracted by things that are more pleasant for him than work.


Lucky days for Aries are Tuesday, Sunday and Thursday. These days, especially on Tuesday, Aries is ready to move mountains. Sunday is especially favorable for creative work and Thursday is for planning.

Friday and Saturday are considered unlucky days for Aries. On Friday, he tends to have a good time, and on Saturday - to recuperate.


For Taurus, Monday and Friday are considered lucky days; on these days, he is more calm, because no one rushes him and he can work calmly.

Astrologers call Tuesday an unlucky day for Taurus, on this day most people develop indefatigable activity, and Taurus is annoyed and he wants to quit everything and relax, relax.


Gemini's lucky day is Wednesday, on this day they are active and smarter.

Thursday is considered an unlucky day for Gemini, it is difficult for them to think about momentary affairs on this day.


Monday and Thursday are considered lucky days for Cancer, these days they are comfortable, and therefore their work is often productive.

Unlucky days for Cancer are Tuesday and Saturday. On Tuesday, Cancers are often irritable or too busy with their personal lives. And on Saturday they feel depressed, this day seems sad to them.


Sunday is considered Leo's lucky day, only, unfortunately, he is not a worker, otherwise Leo would show what he is capable of. This is a great day for arts and entertainment workers.

Saturday is considered an unlucky day for Leo, as a rule, this day is also not a working day, and Leo can rest with a clear conscience.


Wednesday is considered a happy day for Virgo, on this day she is extremely attentive, incredibly inventive and active.

Unlucky days for Virgo are Thursday and Friday, her attention to detail and diligence decreases or begins to annoy others.


Friday and Saturday are considered lucky days for Libra, these days Libra is more collected and balanced, all their affairs are obtained without undue stress.

Unlucky days for Libra are Tuesday and Sunday. Especially Tuesday, this aggressive day is an ordeal for the peace-loving Libra. And on Sunday, they prefer to meet with friends and loved ones, rather than think about business.


Tuesday is considered a lucky day for Scorpio, and although Scorpio is often angry on this day, he manages to do a lot of work.

Monday and Friday are considered not the most successful days for Scorpio, although he himself most often does not think so, unless he is. no hard and boring work ahead. He likes to spend these days for his own pleasure.


The happiest day of Sagittarius is Thursday. This is a great day to turn around and attract allies and supporters.

But Wednesday is an unlucky day for Sagittarius, when everyone fusses and does not pay attention to him and his brilliant ideas or criticize, find fault with all sorts of little things.


For Capricorn, Saturday and Tuesday are considered lucky days, these days he is energetic and does everything easily and correctly.

Monday and Thursday are considered unlucky days for Capricorn, Capricorn feels a lack of energy, he is relaxed, inattentive, distracted by foreign objects.


Astrologers call Wednesday and Saturday the lucky days of Aquarius. These days, representatives of this zodiac sign businesslike attitude and no desire to be distracted by trifles.

Sunday is considered an unlucky day for Aquarius, although Aquarius himself may not have anything against this day, he just tends to relax and have fun on Sunday, and not work hard.


Lucky days for Pisces are Monday, Thursday and Friday. Pisces are lucky with the number of days when they feel in their element and can do things without coercion and undue effort.

Wednesday is considered an unlucky day for Pisces, when there is too much fuss and petty criticism, Pisces do not like this.

All days are managed differently celestial bodies, which simultaneously affect astrological signs. Moreover, the hours when your planet dominates are considered the most favorable, and the time under the leadership of the cosmic object of the zodiac symbol opposite to you can be called unsuccessful. But it’s not a fact that troubles will begin to fall on your head: in fact, on “happy” days you will be more efficient, and on “unlucky” days you will be distracted from business by something else. Here are all the signs of the zodiac, lucky days and unsuccessful ones.

Aries Lucky Days

Numbers that suit you

Transfer everything if possible. significant events on the 28th, 19th and 10th days of each month - so more likely in a good outcome.

Tuesday. At this time, you are able to move mountains, therefore, try to give your best.

Thursday. Favorable days for making plans for the future.

Friday. It knocks you out of your working mood, inclines you to pleasant leisure. Do not put off the decision of responsible issues until the end of the week.

Saturday. Another "lazy" day in which Aries prefer to recuperate.

Sunday. Get creative, because you have a lot of energy.

Numbers that suit you

Pay attention to the 24th, 15th and 6th - these are the harbingers of good news, all kinds of good luck and increased dedication with a successful result.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Monday. Astrologers have recognized him as lucky for Taurus, so the song about the island of bad luck is clearly not about you.

Tuesday. Today you are wildly annoyed by the activity around you, because you want to drop everything and go on vacation.

Friday. A favorable moment that gives peace of mind and sets you up for productive activity.

Lucky Lengths for Gemini

Numbers that suit you

If you are going to make a serious decision, the stars advise you to think it over on the 25th, 16th or 7th day of the month.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Wednesday. Significant day, because at this time you are distinguished by quick wit and increased activity.

Thursday. The complete opposite of the previous day. It can be called unhappy due to the fact that it prevents Gemini from thinking about pressing matters.

Numbers that suit you

This includes the 26th, 17th and 8th - the best time to find a way out of difficult situations.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Monday. Favorable moment for fruitful work. Do not neglect the chance and have time to do something important.

Tuesday. Not good nice watch in which you are irritable and too busy with yourself to immerse yourself in work.

Thursday. Time of maximum comfort and productive undertakings.

Saturday. You cannot work on this day because it seems sad to you.

Numbers that suit you

27th, 18th, 9th are the most acceptable dates for recovery vitality and receiving gifts from fate.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Saturday. You are not at all willing to work, but since no one is forcing you, then you can rest with a clear conscience.

Sunday. Paradoxically, it makes you cheerful and energized. If these days belonged to weekdays, then you would show all your skills.

Numbers that suit you

Plan something important for the 25th, 16th and 7th days of the month. Or spend them on outdoor activities.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Wednesday. It brings you ingenuity and attentiveness - take advantage of this to the fullest!

Thursday. IN given time Virgo's inherent diligence is significantly reduced, which makes it very difficult to complete the work.

Friday. Not best moment for cooperation with someone: your picky about details starts to annoy others.

Numbers that suit you

This includes the 24th, 15th and 6th - they are in maximum harmony with your biorhythms.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Tuesday. An incredibly aggressive day that can be a difficult test for Libra's peaceful nature. Be careful!

Friday. A chance to complete the work without undue stress, because during this period you are distinguished by poise and composure.

Saturday. Another favorable day, allowing you to complete what you started with resounding success.

Numbers that suit you

The following dates are the best for you: 23, 14 or 5, these are the best days for a scorpion. Then you can count on a good outcome.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Monday. It’s a bad moment to plan classes, because you still want to live for your own pleasure by inertia after the weekend.

Tuesday. Although you are angry at this time, this does not prevent you from doing a huge amount of work, so the day can be called happy.

Friday. You are tired of responsibility and want to relax as soon as possible, you expect the upcoming weekend to arrive as soon as possible.

Numbers that suit you

Pay attention to the 22nd, 13th and 4th if you do not know which day to postpone important events.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Wednesday. Not a very successful day: everyone finds fault with trifles, criticizes your brilliant ideas, does not pay attention to you and for some reason everyone fusses about their own business.

Thursday. It's a great moment to start activities, attract supporters and a whole support group.

Numbers that suit you

The 30th, 21st, 12th and 3rd are the days of the month on which you are guaranteed to be lucky with the consent of the stars.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Monday. It brings apathy, lack of energy, lack of attention, irritability, drowsiness and fatigue.

Tuesday. Good timing: You get it right the first time, without too much difficulty, and are incredibly excited about it.

Thursday. Your relaxation and distraction to extraneous events nullify all attempts to work, even if things are incredibly urgent.

Saturday. Gives a lot of strength for new achievements - do not miss the chance to create something beautiful or deal with the accumulated domestic problems.

Numbers that suit you

The 20th, 11th, 2nd days of the month are super successful. They cause an incredible surge of vivacity, which brings long-awaited results in the most different areas activities.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Wednesday. This is the moment of peak business mood. But keep in mind: you will have to give everything as much as possible, although these days are recognized as happy for Aquarius.

Saturday. 24 hours of full concentration on work issues. You don’t even have the desire to be distracted by your favorite and interesting things - they begin to seem trifles against the backdrop of the labor process.

Sunday. According to astrologers, an unlucky day, because it does not particularly inspire you to work hard. But by coincidence, this is a weekend in which you can have fun and relax, so everything turned out perfectly.

Numbers that suit you

28th, 19th, 10th, 1st are the best days for fish and best time for recuperation, which is particularly productive in any life situations.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Monday. A day conducive to doing business without excessive effort.

Wednesday. Petty nitpicking and fuss drive you crazy.

Thursday. Another happy moment for solving accumulated labor issues.

Friday. She also allows Pisces to feel in her element - in this regard, you are very lucky.

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