Lunar calendar for january month of the year. The magic of numbers. Growing moon, which days are the best for seasonal planting

One of the most ancient inventions - the calendar - has long and tightly entered our lives. We determine the days of the week, count the time and do not think about how else we can use this familiar table with numbers and days of the week. Our ancestors lived according to a different calendar - the lunar one, based on which they determined successful days for marriage, public affairs and sowing work. Today, few people take into account the movement of the Moon across the sky, and meanwhile, the analysis of this information could become your personal clue in any business. The lunar calendar for January 2017 is the perfect glider for a businessman, housewife or student. Use his advice, and you will see how quickly things get better for you.

Lunar calendar for January 2017

As already written on the website, each phase of the moon has its own influence on the processes taking place on Earth. Science associates this with the degree of angle at which the Sun, Moon and Earth are located to each other at this time. Mystics say that this is how the deity moves and shows its different sides. And yet, the fact remains unchanged - the lunar phase is the starting point in calculating the influence of the moon on all life on our planet:

  • The New Moon (January 28 at 03:05) is the time to plan, contemplate and reflect. No clear plans or ideas, only images, sketches and approximate scenarios. Consider that this time you are giving an "order" to the Universe, but not yet too precise.
  • The first quarter (from January 5 at 22:47) is the moment when you should think about drawing up a detailed plan to achieve the goal. If on the new moon you managed to decide what exactly you want, now it's time to determine how you will go towards this.
  • The second quarter is the most favorable period for action: good luck and all the forces of the universe will be on your side. Circumstances will add up as convenient and favorable as possible for you. Don't miss the moment.
  • Full Moon (January 12 at 12:32 pm) - the period for which you should lie low and adjust your plan. No direct action, active discussion or negotiation is recommended during this time. It is better to analyze past events, you may have deviated from the plan. Or maybe you need to change your plan altogether.
  • The third quarter is the time to move on to the final stage of your plan. Try to draw the line of your actions, hurry those on whom your results depend, work more actively yourself. But remember that now you have to work twice as hard, the moon has waned.
  • The last quarter (from January 20 at 01:13) is the very moment when you need to sum up your actions during the month and analyze everything done, said, written, etc. If you haven't completed a task and it rolls over to the next month, try to draw the line to start from scratch.

Researchers say that the plan will be most successful and the goal achieved will be the one that took you no more than one lunar month to complete. If this time is not enough for you, the case runs the risk of dragging on for a long time. But there is a little trick. Break the road to your goal into several shorter segments and select a lunar month for each. Then you will move at the “correct” speed and will not stray from the right direction. You can learn more about lunar phases and days from the article.

Lunar calendar january 2017: auspicious days

The lunar calendar is actually significantly different from what we are used to. This is due to the fact that the duration of the lunar cycle is not equivalent to the duration of the calendar month. Scientists say that there are usually 28.5 days in a lunar month, but there are nuances here too: a lunar day can last from several hours to one and a half Earth days. All these difficulties and cause difficult orientation for the average user. But, modern calendars compiled by astronomers and astrologers allow anyone who wants to take advice from the stars.

But it should be remembered that the lunar calendar January 2017 will not fully correspond to the usual calendar: the month will not begin from the first lunar day, so try to adjust your affairs not to the solar calendar that we are used to, but to the lunar one. This means that you may have less time to achieve your goals, but if you start on time and listen to the recommendations from the stars, success is almost guaranteed.

The lunar calendar for January 2017, the table of which is presented below, will tell you which days you should take the initiative, and which days are better to remain in the shadows, when to make deals, and when to take care of your health.

Day of the week Lunar day lunar phase Zodiac sign
1st of January


3 lunar days (until 11:27)

4 lunar days

First quarter Aquarius
Description of the day: It is better to devote the beginning of the year to planning. Despite the fact that the new moon has already passed, it is still too early for you to start active actions. Visualize, plan and create algorithms. Thanks to the influence of Aquarius, your ideas will be creative and interesting. If you still have to make decisions, be guided by intuition, not common sense.


4 lunar days (until 11:54)

5 lunar days

First quarter Aquarius
Description of the day: Today it is useful to start wellness activities and procedures: massage sessions, therapy and sports. You will easily and quickly enter the rhythm and feel a surge of strength. Starting on this day, you will continue training without interruption. It is also good to repay debts today: having paid off on this day, you will forget about extraneous loans for a long time.
5 lunar days (until 12:18)

6 lunar days

First quarter Fish
Description of the day: One of the most difficult days of the month. And, although the influence of Pisces softens it somewhat, you need to redirect all your efforts to contain emotions. There is a great risk of quarreling with management or colleagues. Do not make important decisions, do not make promises and do not believe what is given to you - what was promised on this day will not be fulfilled.
6 lunar days (until 12:41)

7 lunar day

First quarter Fish
Description of the day: On this day, you can assign business trips, trips, trips - the road will be successful, and the result will be as good as possible. If you go on vacation, you will have a great rest, gain strength and impressions. And work matters will be resolved quickly and with good benefits for you. Also, if you are creative, you will be inspired for a big new project. Start it today so as not to lose your muse.
7 lunar day (until 13:03)

8 lunar day

First quarter Aries
Characteristics of the day: Plan your day, and you will have time for everything. The more specific your goal is, the more likely you are to achieve it. Look for a non-standard solution, approach the routine business creatively and creatively, and you will win allies and admirers for yourself. True, you can also make enemies, but this will be a great incentive in the future. Success can be achieved through negotiations. In general, talk more on this day.
8 lunar day (until 13:26)

9 lunar day

Second quarter Aries
Characteristic of the day: Do not start anything new on this day. Firstly, it's the end of the week and you will still be forced to take a break. Secondly, you will need twice as much effort to complete simple tasks. Try to focus on the routine things that you do every day, this will distract you from sudden impulses and outbursts of emotions.
9 lunar day (until 13:52)

10 lunar days

Second quarter Aries
Feature of the day: Set aside all the important things for today. And even with money it is better not to deal with, except perhaps cash. Do not carry out financial transactions, or signing of contracts, in general, any agreements on this day will be reached “with a scratch” and in the future will give more than one crack. Try to relax and unwind.


10 lunar day (until 14:21)

11 lunar days

Second quarter Taurus
Description of the day: If you have planned a cleaning or a large-scale celebration, postpone it. You will get tired and may even get sick from overwork. Lounge on the couch, meet up with friends in a light casual setting (rather than cook a feast for the whole world), watch a movie or read a book. All important decisions will have to wait.


11 lunar days (until 14:58)

12 lunar day

Second quarter Taurus
Feature of the day: Protect yourself from negativity. The energy of this day is already quite heavy, and the additional load on your psyche will make it even worse. You may feel unwell or your physical condition worsens. Make time for the usual chores, if possible, at home. After work, do not take on everything at once, ask for help, even if it seems that you can handle it yourself.
12 lunar day (until 15:44)

13 lunar day

Second quarter Twins
Description of the day: It's time for action. Remember that you need to follow your plan and therefore strictly follow its theses. It will be difficult for you not to be distracted by extraneous things, but try to overpower yourself, you will be very pleased with yourself and the result. Travel and travel will be successful.
13 lunar day (until 16:40)

14 lunar days

Second quarter Twins
Description of the day: Try to be as positive as possible on this day. The more you give - but only on the condition that voluntarily and with a light heart - the more you will receive in return. The day is good for doing charity work. It is also good to start a diet and exercise in the sports section (hall). If you are asked for help, do not refuse.
14 lunar day (until 17:48)

15 lunar day

Full moon at 12:32 Cancer
Description of the day: Postpone for a while all your affairs. Analyze the path already traveled, see what you did right, and where you could have made a mistake. You have the opportunity to adjust your plan. Meditate, reflect and make further plans. This day is better to devote to something that does not require a lot of effort from you. If things do not wait, please be patient.
15 lunar day (until 19:01)

16 lunar days

third quarter Cancer
Description of the day: Try not to move beyond what is necessary, as there is a high risk of getting into an accident or getting stuck somewhere on the road for a long time. In general, the stars advise you to spend this day calm - in solving routine tasks. If you need to urgently do something, take your assistants, it will take more strength than you expect.
16 lunar day (until 20:17)

17 lunar days

third quarter a lion
Description of the day: Be silent more and do more today. Your actions will be much more eloquent than words. From the very morning you will have a good mood, try to keep it until the evening, when your whole family will gather in the house. Make time for children, parents, neighbors, all those who will need your help.


17 lunar day (until 21:33)

18 lunar days

third quarter a lion
Description of the day: A lot today will not depend on you. Try not to get too annoyed by this. Excessive emotionality will not speed things up, but you will ruin your whole day, and besides, others will shun you. Patience and understanding should become your faithful companions for this day.


18 lunar day (until 22:46)

19 lunar days

third quarter Virgo
Description of the day: It's time for you to move on to the final stage of your plan. The day is suitable for signing important agreements, but only if there are no more controversial points left in them. It is better not to have a discussion today, reschedule for a couple of days. Keep yourself in hand, if something does not go according to plan, you can not control everything.
19 lunar day (until 23:58)

20 lunar day

third quarter Virgo
Description of the day: A dangerous time is coming - another phase change is coming and therefore the tension will be quite large. This will manifest itself everywhere: in work, relationships with colleagues and in the family, health. If you have a chronic disease, expect an exacerbation. Get your medication ready, or stay at home for the day.
20 lunar day (all day) third quarter Scales
Description of the day: A day when it is better to stand aside. Do not interfere in other people's conflicts, you will become their culprit in the end. It will be difficult for you to find a common language with everyone around, so it is better to work in solitude. At home, also avoid conflicts and disputes, what was said in the heat of the moment will be remembered for a long time.
20 lunar day (until 01:07)

21 lunar days

third quarter Scales
Description of the day: One of the most dangerous days in the lunar calendar. Anything can happen, which means that you need to be prepared for any trouble. Do not plan anything important: negotiations, meetings, calls - all this can wait. Your emotional state will also be unstable: with explosions of anger, you risk ruining relationships with colleagues.
21 lunar days (until 02:14)

22 lunar day

third quarter Scales
Description of the day: It's time to give yourself an emotional rest. Spend the day in solitude and contemplation. You need to get rid of extraneous emotions, people and other distractions. Look inside, calm yourself and breathe deeply. Good yoga classes, walks in the park, solitude with a book. You need to prepare yourself for the last push this month.
22 lunar days (until 03:21)

23 lunar days

Last quarter Scorpion
Description of the day: Most of the plans for this day will be implemented quickly and easily, but only if you do not plan to fly into space for one day. Any task easier will be crowned with success. Do not try to rush somewhere or speed up the pace of events. Everything will happen in the sequence and at the speed with which it should. Humble yourself and use it to your advantage.


23 lunar days (until 04:25)

24 lunar days

Last quarter Scorpion
Description of the day: The day of the struggle with their vices. Don't give in to your habitual demons: don't swear, don't be sarcastic, don't be rude, don't smoke, and don't make dirty jokes if it's not pleasant in your company. Today is the day when you can become better and the stars will help you with this. As for the cases, it is better to carry them out slowly and with some laziness, all the same, you will not have time to do everything that was planned.


24 lunar days (until 05:28)

25 lunar day

Last quarter Sagittarius
Characteristics of the day: Since the Moon is already in the last quarter, the stars recommend that you take stock. New beginnings will fail or take too long. It is better to postpone it for a week and think about the project properly. People around you will annoy you with their low activity and phlegm, so it’s better to take on the work that is important to you.
25 lunar day (until 06:28)

26 lunar day

Last quarter Sagittarius
Description of the day: Day of spontaneous actions and decisions. No, this does not mean that you need to immediately go to the mountains if you really want to, but allowing yourself something that you have long wanted is simply necessary. Be friendly and calm, smile at people. Energy will be in full swing, the main thing is to direct it in the right direction.
26 lunar day (until 07:23)

27 lunar day

Last quarter Sagittarius
Description of the day: If you need help, now is the time to ask for it: friends, colleagues or official authorities. You will be heard - this is at least, get what you want - as a maximum. Everything will depend on the degree of your readiness to answer questions and give clarifications.
27 lunar day (until 08:11)

28 lunar days

Last quarter Capricorn
Feature of the day: You need to pull yourself together and take a deep breath. It will seem to you that there is not enough time for anything, and therefore you will be taken on several things at once, and in the end you will not succeed in any of them. Be kind to yourself and those around you. Stop often to catch your breath. Choose a major task and dedicate the whole day to it.
28 lunar day (until 08:53)

29 lunar day (until 16:38)

30 lunar day

Last quarter Capricorn
Description of the day: A very difficult day emotionally. You will feel empty, angry, joyful and dissatisfied at the same time. Or these states will replace one another throughout the day. You need to calm down and take stock of the lunar month. Draw a dotted line for further actions and not be too active. You risk breaking wood.
30 lunar day (until 03:05)

1 lunar day (until 09:28)

2 lunar days

New Moon at 03:05 Aquarius
Characteristics of the day: On the new moon, the moon is not visible, but its influence is still felt. You need to take the time to plan, meditate, and visualize. No action or activities. Any undertakings on this day are doomed to failure. The maximum that you can do is to complete very urgent matters. Postpone everything until tomorrow.


2 lunar days (until 09:58)

3 lunar days

First quarter Aquarius
Feature of the day: Now is the time to give your visualizations a more concrete shape. If you're continuing with last month's plan, make adjustments and get on with it. Only gradually, and not too actively. You are still advised to analyze the actions before you start to repeat them. You may need to completely change your algorithm or plan.


3 lunar days (until 10:54)

4 lunar days

First quarter Fish
Description of the day: Wellness procedures started on this day will be very effective. Massage, exercise therapy, Pilates, yoga, cycling, morning jogging - do not start with a heavy load, but do it regularly. The habit will develop faster. It is also good to engage in self-education: courses, webinars and educational articles - any information will be easy to digest on this day.
4 lunar days (until 10:48)

5 lunar days

First quarter Fish
Characteristics of the day: Go to active actions if before that you were still indulging in contemplation. A good time for a good and fruitful start. You will be very successful in your affairs, and if you help a colleague. Show yourself and the authorities will notice you, pamper your family and they will be grateful to you, take care of yourself and you will be satisfied with the result.

Lunar energy can both give hope and good luck, and take it away from us. In January, most of the days will be either neutral or positive, so we will be able to relax and work without any problems.

Usually people perceive January as a time for rest. So it is, because almost everyone rests until the 9-10th. In terms of energy, January 2017 will not be entirely suitable for idleness and relaxation. The fact is that the year of the Fire Rooster begins. This time, according to the eastern and lunar calendars, is especially dynamic. Astrologers say that this January it is better to allocate as little time as possible for relaxation, and more to engage in spiritual searches for yourself, develop your personality, and solve new problems.

January 1, 2: 2017 will begin with a waxing Moon in Aquarius. There should be no problems with the imagination in these two days, so you can do things that require a creative solution. Energetically, these two days will be very powerful, and also quite stable, therefore very favorable. Try not to lie in bed all day on January 1, thinking about the essence of being. Act, for Aquarius and the Moon will help you.

January 3, 4: Aquarius will be replaced by Pisces, which the waxing Moon will help show us the right path. These days will give incredible intuition and luck in love, so devote them to finding your soulmate or your family. This is a very joyful time that can become a source of inspiration for you. Be careful only with negative emotions.

January 5, 6: two very dangerous days that will provoke us to negative emotions. Energy will be in full swing, but not everyone will be able to direct it. It's all Aries' fault. He doesn't care about justice or the balance of negative and positive. Be careful with sharp objects and fire on January 5 and 6, 2017. Danger can be waiting for you everywhere, so don't risk your health and money.

January 7, 8: the growing moon will greatly weaken on the 7th, so you will need to rest properly on Saturday and abstract from all the problems in life. Sunday 8 January is a very positive day in every sense of the word. You need to spend it the way Taurus wants - that is, with the maximum benefit for yourself. Selfishness is best avoided, but on the last day of the week, situations are possible when he can save you.

January 9, 10: as usual, Taurus will be replaced by Gemini. The full moon is approaching, but the moon continues to rise. 11 and 12 lunar days are best spent at work and deeds. Good luck will await everyone who knows how to work in a team. Astrologers warn all people, advising not to risk anything these days. Any gambling will bring maximum income, but not to the players. Additional income will help to receive cash signs.

January 11, 12: January 11 is the last day before the Full Moon. In terms of energy, it will be quite pleasant, although not without some limitations. Try to avoid inactivity on this difficult day. If you are haunted by failures, then remember that in the future they will turn into something opposite. Everything that happens on this day will be very important. The 12th will be the Full Moon. Take care of your direct responsibilities at this time so as not to overload yourself with work. Only in this way can this day become at least somewhere positive and pleasant.

January 13, 14: the energy peak will pass, but the time to relax will not come in these two days. The 13th and 14th can be very dangerous due to the influence of the ambiguous and dynamic Leo. If you lose control of the situation, then the outcome of any business or activity can be sad. In these two days it is better not to relax.

January 15, 16, 17: waning moon and Virgo is the best union for anyone who likes to work and spend the day as productively as possible. Astrologers note that these three days will be very good for financial matters - for purchases, money loans, debt payments, and so on.

January 18, 19: Libra, which will replace Virgo, will help the waning moon to make Wednesday and Thursday as favorable as possible. The lunar calendar recommends that you change your appearance and create a new image these days, as well as change yourself internally - work on your worldview and attitude to everything that happens. Introspection should not be too deep these days.

January 20, 21, 22: the marathon of auspicious days will continue for another three days. It is better to devote the 21st to rest and “doing nothing”. January 20 and 22 can be the most productive days for creative individuals and those who earn with their heads, thoughts, and intellect. Scorpio is highly spiritual, so it will require attention in the love sphere.

January 23, 24: two days under the auspices of Sagittarius will also be very favorable, but, again, not for rest, but for work. Try to change the working environment, add new emotions to rekindle a new interest in familiar and everyday activities. The most important thing is not to lose heart this Monday and Tuesday.

January 25, 26: Capricorn and the waning moon are also good. These are some of the very last positive days in the January positive chain that will bring a lot of positive emotions to all of us. The spiritual side of any person can open like a rose in these two days. Capricorn will help you find the way to inner happiness without ignoring material values. Get ready for the fact that Wednesday and Thursday will not be the easiest, but very exciting.

January 27, 28, 29: Good things always come to an end, just like bad things. Auspicious days in January will have to end. This will happen around the 28th, when the Moon will be "helped" by Aquarius. They will enter into a serious dissonance that will destroy the idyll. There will be a New Moon on January 28, so a few hours in the middle of the day will be very pleasant, for we will not depend so much on the stars and the Moon.

January 30, 31: completes the first month of 2017 the union of the growing moon and the constellation Pisces. This union is not the most successful, so many of us will have the feeling that everything is falling out of our hands, luck has turned its back on us, and people are constantly striving to spoil the mood. Don't get depressed prematurely. Rest more and do not overload yourself with work in vain.

So, January will turn out to be a little nervous, but we will be able to see and feel with every cell of our body all the positive that awaits us in 2017. Indeed, most famous astrologers are preparing us for major changes - both internal and external. All life must be transformed. Not only the lunar calendar, but the Universe itself tells us that it's time to change something. You should start with yourself. Follow the Laws of the Universe so as not to get lost in the dynamic development of events and the change of scenery. Good luck in January and don't forget to press the buttons and

Since ancient times, it has been noticed that everything in our life is interconnected. People throughout history have tried to trace these connections in order to predict natural phenomena and their impact on the life of everything around them.

Since ancient times, mankind has been interested in the dependence of lunar activity on the processes occurring on Earth. Mankind has long noticed the repetition of the same events when the phases of the moon change. The satellite affects the well-being of a person, the condition of animals and plants, and natural phenomena in general. To trace this dependence, a lunar calendar was created. Consider the influence of the Moon in the growing phase. What date it will be in January 2017, can be seen from the table:

Day of the month: Day of the week: Lunar day: Constellation:
1.01 Sunday Fourth C 19-53 Aquarius
2.01 Monday Fifth From 12-52 Pisces
3.01 Tuesday Sixth From 22-20 Pisces
4.01 Wednesday Seventh From 19-20 Aries
5.01 Thursday Eighth 00-00 Aries
6.01 Friday Ninth 23-18 Taurus
7.01 Saturday Tenth Taurus
8.01 Sunday Eleventh Taurus
9.01 Monday Twelfth From 01-07 Gemini
10.01 Tuesday Thirteenth Twins
11.01 Wednesday Fourteenth C 01-49 Cancer
28.01 Saturday First second Aquarius
29.01 Sunday The third From 19-11 Pisces
30.01 Monday Fourth Fish
31.01 Tuesday Fifth Fish

The influence of the moon on the fulfillment of desires

The influence of the Earth's satellite on the fate of people has long been known. Astrologers have even determined the days when this dependence is maximum. Using this knowledge, a whole technology has been developed to change life by materializing desires. It has been proven that the first, seventh and eleventh lunar days are the most energetically strong for the fulfillment of desires. These days thoughts can be materialized.

During the first day, a program for the whole month is formed. If you devote the first minutes to making wishes and say them out loud, they will surely come true. The energy of this day must be used to the maximum, especially to fulfill the most secret dream. It is recommended to take a real step towards the realization of thoughts. Thus, a mechanism is set up for the fulfillment of desires. The seventh day is notable for the fact that the words are embodied in reality. On this day, one must be very careful, because even thoughts have power and can come true. This is the most suitable day for a wish card. This is the day when communication with space is maximum, so you should definitely make wishes.

  • Meditate.
  • Tune in to the positive.
  • Do visualization.

It is required that on this day the energy of your desire be the greatest.

For the fulfillment of desires, various fortune-telling is performed. They start on the nascent moon. Here are some of them:

  1. Take a needle, insert a thread of arbitrary length into it. Stitches are made on a personal item for forty days. While making a wish. If the thread is enough for the entire period of the ritual, then the wish comes true. It is forbidden to extend the thread.
  2. Another way to guess whether such a dream will come true or not. A piece of paper is taken on which the desire is written. Then this note is placed in a flower pot, filled with earth and a sprout is placed in it. If the plant is accepted, the dream will come true.
  3. The next ritual is this. They take plasticine, on which they write a desire with a needle, after which they give it various forms. At the end, the plasticine is rolled into a ball and placed in a dark place. Everything is done with the growing moon.
  4. It is also possible to carry out such actions. Write a note with a desire and put it in a blue bag along with bread. After that, the bag should be thrown into the fire and burned. Thus, a sacrifice is made to fire, the patron of which is considered the Moon. What date the wish will come true, only this luminary knows.

How hair growth depends on the moon

Scientists have noticed that the Earth's satellite not only affects a person's well-being, but also affects his susceptibility. The phases of the moon depend on:

  • Hair Growth;
  • the effect of cosmetic procedures;
  • haircut.

It has long been noticed that hair that is cut during the waning moon or on the full moon then grows poorly.

The growing moon is the most suitable period for cutting and hair growth. It is better to grow hair by trimming the ends and continue this process for each growing moon.

Haircut is best done on the third or fourth lunar days. This improves the condition of the hair and keeps the hairstyle for a long time. Hair coloring, strengthening procedures are also best done in the first week before the full moon.

Growing moon, which days are the best for seasonal planting

Developing agriculture, our ancestors always tried to increase the yield. And again, addiction came to the rescue - the influence of the moon on plant growth. From the folklore of many ancient peoples it can be seen that they have long tried to increase crop yields by turning to the Earth's satellite. As early as 23 AD, the historian Pliny in his writings gave recommendations for planting plants depending on the cycles of the moon. So the sowing calendar was created.

It was noticed that different lunar phases do not affect the growth of plants in the same way, because they are the same terrestrial organism, like all life on this planet, containing water. It is not recommended to plant and transplant plants during the full moon and new moon. In the first case, plant juices are at the top, in the other, vice versa. With the growth of the moon, the juices move from the bottom up and the growth of plants begins. Seeds that fell into the ground at this time are programmed for the development of the upper part of the plants. The growing moon is also a good time for transplanting indoor plants, especially those with a highly developed upper part. For planting plants in spring and summer, giving abundant greenery, the first quarter of the moon is recommended. These include:

  • asparagus;
  • salads;
  • parsley;
  • celery;
  • cabbage.

Flowers should also be planted during this period. They grow well, smell stronger and reproduce profusely. In the growing moon, it is also recommended to feed the plants.

The second quarter is suitable for planting plants that produce fleshy fruits with seeds:

  • cucumbers;
  • beans;
  • zucchini;
  • melons;
  • watermelons;
  • pumpkin:
  • tomatoes;
  • pepper.
  • all cereals.

In addition to the phases for planting plants, it is necessary to take into account the position of our satellite in the constellation. For landing, the best are:

  • For fruits and herbs- Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.
  • For underground fruits- Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

Also, note of information. The first quarter after the new moon lasts seven lunar days. The second phase lasts a little over seven days and ends with a full moon.

The first two phases of the moon are also suitable for planting plants such as:

  • shrubs;
  • trees;
  • weaving and creeping plants.

This period is also set aside for harvesting cuttings and grafting plants.

Best Time to Transplant Houseplants

Many are interested in what date in January 2017 is better to transplant their favorite plants. This is best done within fourteen lunar days after the new moon. At this time, the upper part of the indoor "flowers" is most vulnerable. So that they are injured in the least possible way, it is better to transplant when the Moon is in the constellation Virgo. The days when our satellite is in the signs of Capricorn and Taurus are also suitable. Transplantation during the dominance of the signs of the earth element guarantees the safety of the root system. The days of the new moon and the days of the passage of the constellation of Aquarius by the satellite are not suitable for transplanting indoor plants.

To better understand what date to transplant your pets, it is not necessary to look at the calendar, just look out the window at the sky. The best time for this is during the period when there is no moon in the sky or it grows from a small crescent to a full moon, that is, during the first two phases.

Grafting of indoor plants can be done during the passage of the Moon of such constellations as:

  • Taurus.
  • Fish.
  • Capricorn.
  • Virgin.
  • Scorpion.

It is better to germinate cuttings during the passage of constellations by the luminary:

  • Capricorn.
  • Fish.

Helpful Hints

An important event this month will be the exit of Mercury from the retrograde movement. January 8, 2017. That is why it is better not to plan many things related to papers. for the first week of the month, as there may be confusion in the documents, inaccuracies, miscalculations, errors.

The moon will rise from 1 to 11 and from 28 to 31 January 2017. At this time, it is good to start some new projects and things that require development. The peak in the rise in energy will take place January 12 when the full moon occurs. This is a rather busy and difficult day, the Moon will not make favorable aspects, so the full moon will still be felt strong. This is especially true for people with unbalanced nervous system. Many things on this day will not work properly.

From 12 to 27 January 2017- the time of the waning moon. On the waning moon, you can also start new things, but which are associated with getting rid of something. For example, it's good to start repair work, which involve first getting rid of the old and obsolete, and only then replacing it with a new one.

MAGICAL TIME: January 28 from03:07 to 08:28. The magical 1st lunar day this month will last only 5 hours and 21 minutes, which means that this watch will carry a very strong energy that each of you can use for yourself. Therefore, on this day, we advise you to get up early and think about your dreams and desires. You have a chance to get closer to what you want faster.

At the end of the article, look at the convenient , which lists various cases and better days for them in January 2017.

Other useful articles under the heading Lunar calendar for January 2017:

Symbols of the day : leopard, paradise tree. Today is a rather positive and joyful day, a time to rest and relax, because this is how it usually goes. first day of the year, and the Moon this time will not interfere with a good mood. In addition, on this day there will be several pleasant surprises and surprises. Invite guests to your house or visit yourself, spend this day in a pleasant and good company, and if you have to work on this day, do not lose your sense of humor, keep a good mood!

What not to do : You should not take everything that happens to you too seriously. Observe the measure in everything. Do not overburden yourself with chores and try not to think about problems.

2 JANUARY, Monday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 10:54.AQUARIUS , FISH from 12:58

Moon without a course from 10:58 to 12:57

Symbols of the day : tree of paradise, unicorn. Under Lukna without a course, we do not recommend starting new business. If the result of the case is important to you. For example, if you want to promote a new innovative idea should contact the relevant authorities. until 11:00, until the moon went into "idle". Today it is also good to engage in education and self-education. If you are on vacation, read more, watch educational programs, etc.

What not to do : do not change jobs, move to a new position, look for a new job. Also, we do not recommend contacting your superiors for a promotion.

3 JANUARY, Tuesday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:18.FISH

Symbols of the day : unicorn, bird. This day is full of negative aspects that can interfere with routine affairs, as well as interfere with the implementation of the plan. "The holidays are over, weekdays have come again,"- it is with such thoughts that you can wake up today and feel sadness and loneliness, because the holiday is over, your friends have parted ways, and it’s hard for you to get back into the routine. It’s good to do something creative on this day, something interesting and new for yourself.

What not to do : Try not to be sad on this day, not to think about the bad, not to feel lonely. You can not quarrel, express aggression, sort things out with lovers.

4 JANUARY, Wednesday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 11:41.FISH , ARIES from 19:21

Moon without a course from 19:14 to 19:20

Symbols of the day : bird, wind rose. A good day for creativity, for new beginnings, interesting intellectual activity. However, be more careful with papers today: there is a risk of mistakes and revision of decisions. You can solve various family problems peacefully, without nerves and showdown. To do this, use your intuition to find the right one. approach to partner or children the right time to speak or act. Remember that your loved ones on this day will need increased attention and care from you.

What not to do : if possible, do not sign important documents today, as there is a high risk that you may regret it. It is better not to compile and submit important reports, give lectures, write important business letters.

5 JANUARY, Thursday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 12:03.ARIES

The second phase of the moon from 22:48

Symbols of the day : wind rose, fire. Difficult day: change of the lunar phase. In addition, the approach of the negative aspects of the Moon can lead to a tense situation in the family and any groups. We do not recommend this day. sit back but don't overwork yourself. Be strict but fair today.

What not to do : you can not be nervous, show aggression, give in to emotions too much. This day is not suitable for starting repair work, for borrowing money, obtaining loans. It is also better not to contact your superiors or high authorities, as there is little chance of getting a positive answer.

6 JANUARY, Friday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 12:26.ARIES , TAURUS from 23:19

Moon without a course from 21:41 to 23:18

Symbols of the day : fire, bat. The day is quite good for starting new things, especially those that require quick completion. It is especially good to get down to business after 9:00. You can bring new ideas to life make important decisions, to take responsibility. Also today it is good to play sports and any physical labor.

You can go on a tourist trip.

What not to do : it is better not to invest on this day, not to carry out any explosive work, not to marry.

7 JANUARY, Saturday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:52.TAURUS

Symbols of the day : bat, fountain. This holiday promises to be quite positive. It's good to decide today different questions associated with money, real estate and property. However, any business documents should be signed with caution, as this is the time of static Mercury. It's good to keep the house in order.

What not to do : you can not quarrel and sort things out.

8 JANUARY, Sunday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:22.TAURUS

Moon off course from 05:23

Symbols of the day : fountain, crown. The moon will be idle all day, so this day is not suitable for starting new important things. Today you can continue or complete different things. Can clean up or go shopping.

What not to do : start new important things, the result of which is of great importance to you. Do not make large purchases: money can be wasted.

9 JANUARY, Monday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 13:58.TWINS from 01:07

Moon off course until 01:06

Symbols of the day : crown, heart. Today, the need for contacts is increasing, because the Moon will be in the air sign of Gemini. You can engage in various short-term and not too serious chores, start studying something, attend lectures. Be careful in any undertakings, in trade transactions, if possible, avoid very serious matters today. You can make purchases, but small and insignificant ones are better (in the afternoon).

What not to do : In the morning, it is better not to engage in serious matters related to money or partnership agreements. You can not sort things out, as you can lead the situation even further. There is little chance of solving problems in relations with partners and close relatives.

10 JANUARY, Tuesday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 14:44.TWINS

Symbols of the day : heart, ring. Today is not the most auspicious day due to the negative aspect between Moon and Saturn. At least, until 13:30 it is better to refrain from starting new important matters related to papers or business agreements: there can be many obstacles. Ventilate the premises well today, you can do wet cleaning of the premises.

What not to do : do not start important long-term business, buy things that should last a long time (furniture, cars, etc.)

11 JANUARY, Wednesday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 15:41.CANCER from 01:50

Moon without course from 00:38 to 01:49

Symbols of the day : ring, pipe. An active day filled with many events. With the Moon in Cancer, we want to be closer to the family and solve various problems related to next of kin. Intuition on this day will work quite well. A good day to trade, especially the first half of it.

What not to do : you should not risk your health, look for new acquaintances, arrange wedding celebrations.

Favorable days of the lunar calendar


12 JANUARY, Thursday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 16:47.CANCER

FULL MOON at 14:35

Moon off course from 14:36

Symbols of the day : trumpet, kite. A Full Moon in Cancer can aggravate issues related to family, home, lands. Today is a rather difficult and ambiguous day when many things can work out. not at all as you wish. The negative aspects of the Moon can bring many surprises, which will lead to quarrels and conflicts with loved ones. Today I want to embrace the immensity, to have time to do a lot of things. There is a risk of wishful thinking, believing empty promises.

What not to do : we do not recommend this day to sort things out with family members. It is better not to sign important documents and not go to court. You can not overspend, conclude financial transactions.

13 JANUARY, Friday. 15th, 16th lunar day from 18:01.A LION from 03:09

Moon off course until 03:08

Symbols of the day : kite, dove. Today is a neutral day: the Moon will not have aspects, which means that the day promises to be even, without any important events, especially unfavorable ones. If you would like to get involved creative activity, especially with the participation of children, this day will do just fine. You can engage in social activities or any legal affairs. If you have any requests to the authorities, you would like to change something in your usual environment, it is quite possible to apply today. Today is also a good day for marriage.

What not to do : it is better to postpone the start of new cases related to cooperation and joint activities. Leo prefers to act alone, so it will be difficult to agree: each of the partners will pull the blanket over himself.

14 JANUARY, Saturday. 16th, 17th lunar day from 19:17.A LION

Moon without a course from 18:17

Symbols of the day : dove, bunch of grapes. A positive day, especially for creative people: inspiration awaits you, new interesting ideas will come, you can learn something new. Use this day also for communication with children spend time with them. Go to the cinema, theater, visit any cultural events, cafes and restaurants. You can make new acquaintances, including with foreigners. Good day for banquets.

What not to do : This day is not suitable for solving serious matters, at least in an official setting.

15 JANUARY, Sunday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 20:32.VIRGO from 06:53

Moon off course until 06:52

Symbols of the day : a bunch of grapes, a mirror. This day is no longer as auspicious as the previous one. Better not do it today nothing important, but to do routine daily chores at home: clean up, revise old things, sort out books, organize and sort out little things.

What not to do : today you should not start doing things that require inspiration and emotional upsurge. It is better to postpone important decisions and postpone important negotiations to another day, as there is a risk that you will be dissatisfied with the results.

16 JANUARY, Monday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 21:46.VIRGO

Symbols of the day : mirror, spider. Difficult day, it will be difficult to get the desired result from new important things. There is a risk of drowning in trifles, becoming irritable, spoil relations with people from the immediate environment, superiors or clients. This is especially true for those who can hardly control their aggression. This day, like yesterday, is better to devote to routine and not too important things: parsing papers, putting things in order at home or at the workplace.

What not to do : Do not rush too much, make important decisions: they may turn out to be wrong.

17 JANUARY, Tuesday. 19th, 20th lunar day from 22:57.VIRGO ,SCALES from 14:17

Moon without a course from 09:09 to 14:16

Symbols of the day : spider, eagle. This day is more fortunate than the previous one, however, the time of the Moon without a course can interfere with important matters. In the afternoon, you can review the arrangement of things in your house and, if necessary, shift them to new places. Can move furniture, rearrange boxes and drawers, shift things in the closet and dry them. As you know, things often get an unpleasant smell if they lie idle for a long time in a folded state.

What not to do : Today it is better not to hold important meetings and negotiations, as it will be difficult to come to mutually beneficial agreements. There may be misunderstandings, misunderstandings.

18 JANUARY, Wednesday. 20th lunar day.SCALES

Symbols of the day : eagle. This day can be quite busy, especially the second half of it due to the negative aspects of the Moon with the higher planets. You may encounter misunderstanding on the part of partners, strong emotions, tension and bad mood can affect business. If you are confident in your abilities, balanced and know how to relieve stress in healthy ways, the negative of these aspects of the Moon will not affect you. Be attentive to your partners today, consult with them if you want to make any decision.

What not to do : do not argue, sort things out, there is a risk of falling under bad influence. Today it is extremely undesirable to conduct any experiments, to test new technology. We also do not recommend buying stocks: your money may be lost.

19 JANUARY, Thursday. 21st lunar day from 00:06.SCALES

Moon off course from 11:55

Symbols of the day : horse. The approach of the change of the lunar phase will also make this day not very successful for starting new business. However, you can keep everything under control and find a common language with opponents if you want. Be attentive to every detail, do not go to extremes. Mood swings and irritability can prevent you from making important decisions. You can change your mind, change your views on the problems and situations that may appear in your life on this day.

What not to do : Postpone the start of any important business that has to do with the partnership. For example, on this day it is undesirable to schedule a wedding or sign important documents with partners. You should not start a complex course of treatment, seek help from high authorities.

20 JANUARY, Friday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:14.SCORPION from 01:10

Moon without course until 01:09

The fourth phase of the moon from 01:15

Symbols of the day : elephant. Great day for a big wash. In addition, the laundry will dry fairly quickly and will be easier to iron afterwards. As for serious business matters, this day is suitable for scientific and research work. You can experiment, test new equipment. It is quite possible to make important decisions today. Especially if they concern large purchases, the beginning of repairs, confidential transactions and any clandestine activity.

What not to do : we do not recommend hiring new employees, as well as looking for a job and entering a new position. It is also an unfavorable day for litigation.

21 JANUARY, Saturday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:20.SCORPION

Symbols of the day : crocodile. The day is suitable for working together and resolving confusing situations. You can build relationships with partners if you show tact and trust your intuition. good to look for missing things. You can start repair work.

What not to do : you can not take loans or loans, sue. It is also not a good day to move to a new place of residence.

22 JANUARY, Sunday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:25.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 13:46

Moon without a course from 04:24 to 13:45

Symbols of the day : bear. The moon out of course can prevent you from getting a good result if you start things at this time. If you are planning some important business, for example, contacting state institutions or to the authorities, plan it after 14:00 otherwise you won't get the result. Also after lunch you can go on a long journey.

What not to do : it is better not to start business related to construction, land plots today.

23 JANUARY, Monday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:27.SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : turtle. Today beware of exaggerating your abilities and capabilities. Today, some surprises are possible, mostly good news, including from people from abroad. Today is also a good day to go on overseas trips. You can move to a new job, ask for a raise, deal with legal issues and documentation.

What not to do : do not make vain promises, as this can lead to serious conflicts.

24 JANUARY, Tuesday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 05:27.SAGITTARIUS

Moon off course from 20:33

Symbols of the day : turtle, toad. Quite a difficult and stressful day, a lot of negative aspects of the moon. Try to save energy today. Appeal to superiors or higher authorities may be unsuccessful. There can be obstacles and difficulties while traveling. Especially if you are heading to the mountains.

What not to do : It is better to refrain from hard mental work today, as there is too little energy now and the information will be remembered pretty slow and hard. Do not enter into any conflicts, as this may turn against you.

25 JANUARY, Wednesday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 06:22.CAPRICORN from 01:44

Moon off course until 01:43

Symbols of the day : toad, trident. A good day to solve various production problems and business issues. For example, it's good to sign today various serious documents, plan future affairs and far-reaching perspective. You can start repair work, contact your superiors or higher authorities with various questions. Many complex cases that require patience can be resolved today.

What not to do : today you should not move to a new job or start a new position. It is better to postpone it for the days of the growing moon. Also, you can’t change your place of residence: moving can be very exhausting and costly.

26 JANUARY, Thursday. 27th, 28th lunar day from 07:10.CAPRICORN

Symbols of the day : trident, lotus. At the end of the lunar month, it will be difficult to focus on important issues, especially on this day when the Moon will be affected by malefic planets. However, it is today that you can fall on challenging tasks, you may be required to comply with the plan or repay the debt. Be calm and try to treat all surprises with a calm heart.

What not to do : do not enter into conflicts with superiors - this may end badly for you. It is better to discuss everything in a peaceful atmosphere.

27 JANUARY, Friday. 28th, 29th lunar day from 07:52.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 11:38

Moon without a course from 10:18 to 11:37

Symbols of the day : lotus, octopus. Negative, difficult day. One of the most negative days of the month, when all the negative energy comes out. From here there can be all sorts of quarrels, scandals, conflicts. The body wants release accumulated stress release stress in a variety of ways. Choose healthy methods for this, for example, you can visit the sauna, go for a swim in the pool, meet nice people, like-minded people and friends.

What not to do : Try not to quarrel and sort things out, and if something bothers you, speak calmly, share your problems and try to find ways out of difficult situations with your partners. You can not start new business and projects.


28 JANUARY, Saturday. 29th, 1st lunar day from 03:07, 2nd lunar day from 08:28.AQUARIUS

NEW MOON at 03:07

Symbols of the day : octopus, lamp, cornucopia. On this first lunar day of the month, it is good to make plans and make a wish However, it is too early to start new business and projects, as there is still too little energy. With 03:07 to 08:28- magic hours when you can bring the fulfillment of your desires closer. During these hours, think about how you would like to see yourself in the future, when your cherished dreams come true. It is good to relax in good company or go on vacation abroad.

What not to do : start new business, contact the authorities with new offers or requests for a raise.

29 JANUARY, Sunday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 08:58.AQUARIUS , FISH from 19:11

Moon without a course from 08:52 to 19:10

Symbols of the day : cornucopia, leopard. The day of the Moon without a course is unfavorable for all sorts of undertakings. Keep this in mind if, for example, you want to introduce a new idea, start a new position or start a new project. If time is running out, and you definitely need to start something, start early in the morning, while the moon has not yet had time to go to idle.

What not to do : change jobs, look for a new job or new sources of income, repair computers and any modern technology.

30 JANUARY, Monday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 09:24.FISH

Symbols of the day : leopard, paradise tree. Today there is a risk of perceiving reality as something unreal. You will have your head in the clouds, so you can make annoying mistakes. Plan the beginning of important matters, if possible, in the afternoon. After 14:30 You can negotiate and conclude contracts. Also, this day is suitable for marriage.

What not to do : gambling, risking money, making money investments: there is a big risk of losing money. It is better not to go to the mountains and not to engage in mountaineering, but trips to sanatoriums, rest houses, to reservoirs are acceptable.

31 JANUARY, Tuesday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:48.FISH

Symbols of the day : tree of paradise, unicorn. The first half of the day is not very successful, as the moon will damaged by Saturn, so any undertakings and important things may encounter obstacles. After 15:30 there is a good time for the wedding, despite the fact that it is a weekday. The Moon in Pisces promises a strong and loving family, and the Moon in conjunction with Venus will further help strengthen relationships. Today you can also go on vacation to southern reservoirs or in a sanatorium. The day is suitable for signing important documents ( after 15:30 when the Moon leaves the negative aspect with Saturn).

What not to do : today it is not necessary to promise much. Especially if you are not sure that you can keep the promises.

Lunar calendar 2017: favorable days (January 2017)

Cleaning: 8, 15-17, 20-22, 25-27
Wet cleaning: 7-10, 15-17
Wash: 20-22
Washing windows and glass: 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17-19, 22-24, 28, 29
Ironing: 13-24
Dry cleaning: 13-24
Repair start: 20, 21, 25, 26
Start building a house: 13, 14
Moving: 7
Signing important documents: 7, 25, 30, 31
Looking for a new job: 6, 10
Appeal to the authorities: 6, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 26
Transfers and receipts of money, loans, debts: 1, 2, 7, 22, 25
Acquaintances, dates, engagements: 7, 13, 14, 23
Leisure trips to water bodies: 6, 30, 31
Trips to rest houses and sanatoriums: 23, 30, 31
Trips to the mountains: 25, 26
Business trips: 25, 26
Visiting theaters, concerts, cinemas, museums, exhibitions: 7, 8, 13, 14, 17-19
Banquets and celebrations: 7, 13, 14
Weddings: 7, 13, 14, 17, 21, 30, 31
Judicial and Legal Issues: 13, 14, 23
The most successful and auspicious days of the month: 1, 7, 13, 14, 25
Dangerous and unfavorable days of the month: 3, 5, 9, 10, 12, 16, 19, 24, 27
01 January 2017 Sunday
The moon is in the sign of Aquarius.
First Lunar Phase (Growing Moon).
At 11:14 the 4th Lunar day begins.
until 11:14 the 3rd Lunar day continues

The symbol is a leopard or leopard.
From that day on, a crescent moon appears in the sky. This is a period of active struggle, action and aggression. The tasks of the day are to free oneself from one's negative emotions, from disrespect for oneself and other people, but this is also a time of confrontation with one's pride and jealousy. Passivity on this day is contraindicated and even dangerous. All passive people are vulnerable on this day, they can be defeated and even injured - both physical and mental. The internal energy of the body on this day is especially strong, so you have enough strength for self-defense and for starting new things. It is advisable to give yourself a lot of intense physical activity on this day, go to the sauna, otherwise your energy, being unused, will harm you, internal organs may suffer, illnesses begin. On this day, they work with metals, sharpen knives. You can cut your hair (if the Moon is not in Aries). It is bad to pour oil on the third day of the Moon (this means that you slipped, went out of your way).
Divination. Don't guess.
dreams. Dreams on this day rarely come true, but they can become a kind of test of your strength. If you suddenly gave up in a dream, you can wake up and play the dream again in your imagination, so that it has the end you want.
Medically attention should be paid to the neck and ears.
This Lunar day is only good for conceiving a warrior, fighter, revolutionary or bully. Passion and activity will own a person conceived on this day.
Those born on this lunar day, in the absence of strong positive aspects, especially from the side of strong and happy planets, especially Jupiter and Venus, will not live long.
They can become good athletes, military men, as well as succeed in any area where pressure and determination are needed. at 11:14 the 4th Lunar day begins

The symbol is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
This day is good for solitude and passivity. It is good to do quiet household chores and relax quietly with your family. This day is the first of the unfavorable - it is considered the day of the fall of man. All sorts of temptations are possible, you may be asked to choose between good and evil, you may be drawn to do something bad. Therefore, you need to think ten times before making a decision. Prayer will help you make the right decision. Group work is contraindicated, you can not pick flowers, cut down trees. It is good to be in nature on this day, to loosen the threads. You can cut your hair (if the Moon is not in Aries).
Divination. Only yes or no.
dreams. In the dreams of these lunar days, your parents may somehow appear. This is an indication: you need to analyze what problems you have inherited from them, and begin to solve them. If you dream of some kind of danger, this is a warning that you need to be especially careful. If on the night preceding this day, threads are seen, hair gets tangled, you should abandon your plan.
Medically The 4th lunar day is associated with the larynx, and the discharge of negative energy leads to osteochondrosis.
Day of procreation. Perhaps the soul of one of the ancestors will return to your family. A tender child of home and family will be born if he does not become a lazy person. Bathe in each other on this day of Love.
Those born on this lunar day can grow up to be big egoists or even become criminals. Parents will have to apply all their strength and skill to direct them on the right path.
They are carriers of some kind of cosmic secret: from childhood they are not entirely clear to others. As well as to ourselves. But if they manage to solve the inner riddle, they become amazing people.

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