Positive thinking - you'll be surprised how easy it is to develop! Book Review: Louise L. Hay “Positive Thinking How to Be Happy Every Day”

Valeria S. | 08/21/2015 | 1555

Valeria S. 21.08.2015 1555

A sincere smile can brighten a gloomy day, and positive thinking can completely change your life for the better.

To feel the full power of positive thinking, it is enough to follow these rules.

The Story of a Pessimist

I used to be an avid pessimist: I focused exclusively on failures, constantly expected a “knife in the back” from people, took on new things with the confidence that nothing would work out for me, went to school and work blacker than clouds and wore exclusively black things.

So I would have lived, immersed in a "pessimistic swamp", if I had not met my future husband, a psychologist, in time. He started working with me, talking a lot about the importance of positive thinking, about how you can control your thoughts and eventually achieve everything that I want.

It took me about 5 years to eradicate pessimistic moods and radiate optimism in any life situation.

Now I have happy family, small business and own house. I am sure that it was positive thinking that helped me achieve all this.

A positive attitude will help you gain good health, make new friends, be in a good mood and cope with difficulties more easily, attract more into your life. good events and good luck, get tremendous pleasure from every minute of life.

Surround yourself with optimists

If you want to learn how to think positively, it is important that you have a reliable support group. Communicate more with people who radiate positive energy and those who strive for self-development.

Use Positive Affirmations

It is very important to inspire positive thoughts through affirmations- short phrases, with the help of which it is possible to fix in the subconscious mind some important setting for a person.

You can use positive affirmations in different areas life. Let me give you an example: I really wanted to get my license faster. Therefore, she stubbornly repeated both at home and on the way to work: “I am a good driver, I will pass the exam the first time.” And so it happened. I am the only one from our group who did not make a single mistake on the road.

These short phrases able to work miracles, but it is important to make them correctly.

  1. When formulating a statement, avoid negative words and the negative particle “not”.
  2. You should not write an "essay" on a given topic - the affirmation should be concise and specific.
  3. The statement must be formulated only for you. Do not ask on behalf of children, husband, friends.
  4. After saying the affirmation, be sure to say something like: “I get a lot more out of life than I ask for.”

It is important to sincerely believe that everything will come true and not doubt the positive outcome of the case for a second. The mechanical repetition of phrases (just to say) is excluded - without the investment of the soul and faith, affirmations will not work.

Don't give up visualizing your desires

Strengthen the effect of positive statements will help visualization - the creation of images that simulate the desired situation. Dreaming of a car? Imagine yourself driving a particular brand of car. Do you want to live in big house? Draw more details in your head, from the bedroom to the shape of the vase in the kitchen.

Follow the Good News Diet

Often my optimistic mood was spoiled when I turned on the TV or opened a fresh newspaper - there was so much sad news there. Fuel was added to the fire by some experts who said that life would only get worse in the future. After that, my mood deteriorated, and negative thoughts entered my head.

So that they do not prevent you from tuning in to positive, limit your “communication” with various means mass media. Do not include criminal reviews and refuse to read the "Incidents" section.

love people

We are surrounded by many people - both good and bad. With advantages and disadvantages that can annoy us, resent and even anger us. To develop positive thinking, try not to think badly about people, and even more so to speak in a negative way. Empty chatter, discussion and condemnation of people, disputes and quarrels - all this does not allow you to achieve success in life.

positive thinking can work wonders - you will feel it very soon. The main thing is to develop optimism and faith in yourself. And you will succeed!

Positive thinking is also inseparable from humor, like good mood and well-being, like wit and observation, etc. Positive thinking can be safely called that personality trait, thanks to which a person becomes a real magnet for others and a generator of positive energy, fun and positive. Without a positive mindset, not only is it very difficult to learn how to joke, but it is also much more difficult to learn to accept failure constructively. difficult moments in life, criticism, etc. Among other things, positive people quickly and easily find mutual language with others, achieve great success, get more joy from every day that goes by.

A positive person is always able to overcome destructive emotions and transform them into positive thoughts, despite difficulties and defeats. The attractiveness of such people is beyond doubt, because they defuse the situation and give good mood, skillfully joke and in most cases are the soul of the company.

It may seem to someone that it is very difficult to "acquire" positive thinking, that it is a privilege of some special - "other" people. However, in fact, anyone can, as they say, make himself. The only question is how to tune in to the positive and make it prevail in your thoughts. In the second lesson, we will talk about this, but first, let's say a few more words about positive thinking as such.

The essence of positive thinking

Positive thinking is comparable to a certain stage in the development of the thought process, which is based on what a person perceives. surrounding world in the way that suits him best. Entering this stage allows a person to experiment more (in the global sense of the word), discover new facets of being, find opportunities for personal growth, stay ahead even in moments of failure, find a way out where it would seem impossible to find it.

And, of course, without positive thinking there can be no sensible humor, because negative thinking, like positive thinking, is an indicator of the level of brain potential, but in this case it is low. People who think negatively accumulate negative emotions, bring gloomy colors into their lives, perceive only those who are disgusted. gray days focus on the negative.

Negative thinking person

  • Looking for everything negative sides
  • Reluctant to accept change
  • Unwilling to acquire new knowledge and learn
  • Often falls into depressive states and succumbs to nostalgic moods
  • Living in anticipation of hard times
  • Does not want to do anything, at the same time, wanting to have everything you want
  • Negative attitude towards others
  • Can't think positively

Imagine a person with the above qualities. Do you think it's easy for him to joke? How developed is his sense of humor? What is it like to be in the company of such a person? The answer, it seems to us, is obvious.

No, of course, such a person can joke, and tell something funny, and be perky. But by and large, all this will be rather an exception to the rule, because it is extremely difficult to apply a sense of humor with negative thinking. That is why, speaking about the development of a sense of humor, first of all, you need to pay attention to the way you think, your inclinations in thinking, its direction. And if there is evidence that you are driven by negative thinking, you need to work on this issue as soon as possible. So let's not put things off the shelf and move on to the practice of developing positive thinking (by the way, useful information on this topic you can find and).

Developing Positive Thinking: Techniques

The development of positive thinking is a full-fledged work on oneself, and the work is very painstaking, but very interesting. You can develop this quality in yourself through banal communication with positive-minded people, but there are several efficient technician. The only condition for each of them is the regularity of implementation - doing it daily, very soon (perhaps even in a couple of weeks) you will begin to notice changes in yourself and your thoughts.


It is far from always possible to be positive, especially when life throws its knees out and a person faces obstacles on the way. The difference between people in such situations lies in the fact that some people know how to adjust to the positive, while others do not know how to do it, or simply do not want to do it.

In any situation when it is required to overcome some kind of barrier at the mental level, it is initially necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence and the time during which it haunts. It is also recommended (not necessary, but not superfluous) to understand how other people react to such circumstances: whether, in their opinion, the problem is capable of being resolved, what is suitable for solving it, whether it will arise again, etc.

Once this kind of preparation is carried out, you can proceed to the technique itself:

  • Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes
  • Imagine that you are looking at a fire that gives off pleasant warmth.
  • Imagine that your problems are caught in a flame and melted in it.
  • Think about how everything bad that is now in your life suddenly becomes good and useful.
  • Imagine that the fire changes: the color of the fire changes from orange to blue, and the flame itself begins to pass through the spine and spread through the body, covering all vital areas and organs

Do the exercise for at least 5-10 minutes. After its implementation, you will notice that the attitude to the problems has changed - it has become more “light”, and the mood has become better.


A technique borrowed from a book by Christopher Hansard, a Tibetan medical doctor and author of several bestselling books on spirituality. It is designed to reconfigure the positive. Oddly enough, it is recommended to start doing it early morning on Thursday, because it is this time, according to spiritual rules, that is considered the best for removing obstacles. The same technique is performed within 24 minutes.

The technology algorithm is as follows:

  • Get in a comfortable position
  • Imagine that you are “diving” into a problem or a difficult situation.
  • Imagine that the moment your body comes into contact with the problem, it evaporates, burns, or crumbles.
  • If negative thoughts arise, don't hold them back. On the contrary, continue to think in this way, but at the same time, think that all negative energy goes outside, where it is instantly neutralized.

As soon as the exercise is completed, you should relax for a few minutes. Remember that the duration of the technique directly affects the intensity of the subsequent positive attitude.


This practice helps not only to tune in to the positive, but also to attract positive events and people, success, luck and well-being into your life. But before doing it, you must honestly answer yourself the question: will you use positive thinking only for your own benefit, or will you apply it to those around you as well. Really positive thinking people are more selfless, and their positive energy extends to everything with which or with whom they have to interact.

The essence of the technique is this:

  • Get in a comfortable position and take a deep breath
  • Think about the person you would like to help
  • Mentally send positive thoughts to this person.
  • Imagine how the situation of this person is resolved in a safe way.

After completing the exercise, make 7 loud hand claps to stimulate the active points on the hands, and also as a sign that you have finished the exercise.

The power of thought

Surely you have read or heard more than once that a person’s thoughts form his personal reality. In other words, what a person thinks most time, has a huge chance of accomplishment. Moreover, it does not play a big role here, whether a person tries to avoid something or, on the contrary, seeks to attract something. The mental charge itself is of primary importance.

Take this idea and do the following:

  • Try to make your thoughts and speech contain mostly affirmative words and expressions, for example: “I have”, “I have”, “victory”, “I win”, etc. Try to use the "not" particle as little as possible.
  • Cultivate faith in success, thinking about the successful outcome of any undertaking. Thanks to this attitude, sometimes what was originally doomed to failure is realized.
  • Accept change openly. A huge number of people are afraid of changes in life, changes in work, life, personal sphere. Sometimes this fear becomes the cause. Staying positive in such situations is quite problematic. Avoid focusing on incomprehensible, inexplicable, uncontrollable and out of nowhere fears. If change is on the horizon, focus on new opportunities, expanding boundaries, and other positive elements of change.
  • Make it a habit to smile as soon as you open your eyes in the morning after waking up, enjoy contemplation morning light and enjoy upcoming events.

As a result of this practice, a positive attitude and good mood will accompany you every day from morning until evening, and the world around you will begin to change, acquiring bright and beautiful colors.


Self-irony is one of the foundations of positive thinking, as well as the most important indicator mature personality. You can successfully laugh at other people and life situations, but if a person is not able to laugh at himself, there can be no question of full-fledged positive thinking, as well as a sense of humor.

Any positive-minded person and any comedian will tell you that you should not take yourself too seriously - this makes the human psyche inflexible and unyielding, prevents you from seeing what is happening in a positive light and causes uncomfortable situations and unnecessary excitement. It is best to learn to laugh at yourself, both in difficult life situations and in awkward moments of everyday life.

Learning to laugh at yourself can happen in a variety of ways:

  • If you find yourself in a tricky situation (for example, you stood in a long line at the store, and right in front of you the cashier left for lunch, or you began to forcefully open the automatic door in the minibus, and everyone began to look at you, etc.), look at yourself from the outside or imagine another person in your place.
  • Being in an uncomfortable position (for example, you slipped or stumbled out of the blue, hiccupped loudly when everyone was silent, crashed into clear glass store door without noticing him, etc.), try to imagine your facial expression, voice, or behavior.
  • If there was some serious event that did not please you, look in it positive sides(best if they are funny). For example, a girl or a guy left you - think like this: “Did I ever have a girlfriend / boyfriend ?!”, “Lord, how good it felt in my soul”, “Finally I can watch my favorite football / series without gundezh”, “It’s good that the wife/husband doesn’t know”, etc. In each negative situation, give yourself the mindset to look for at least 10 positive aspects in it. By the way, there is an excellent video on this topic from the famous Russian humorist Pavel Volya (you can watch it on this link).

By learning to laugh at yourself and relate with humor to what is happening to you, you will experience the real magic of positive thinking, and favorable changes in life will not take long to wait.

Almost all of the techniques for developing positive thinking that we have presented may seem somewhat unusual and have nothing to do with a sense of humor, because. they are about the power of thought, energy and other similar things. But it is in their uniqueness that their strength lies. They showed their effectiveness in the practice of a huge number of people, and they themselves were taken from those who know firsthand about the power of positive thoughts, and who are confident that reality is formed under the influence of mental energy.

Now we want to bring to your attention a number of tips and recommendations for the development of positive thinking. They are not as unusual as the techniques we have named, but this does not detract from their significance. In fact, they should become the rules for every day - the foundation of a life based on positive thoughts and optimism.

Positive thinking, whether it is related to the development of a sense of humor or not, must be cultivated through the observance of a number of tips and recommendations. In total, we will consider ten of them.

A healthy attitude towards problems

Many people, seeing some problem, trouble or difficulty, instantly turn this little fly into a huge elephant, which not only does not allow them to think constructively, but also makes it much more difficult to get out of the situation. And there is nothing to talk about jokes and fun here. If you want to be positive thinking person Don't let adversity make your life hell. Problems require solutions, not suffering.

Proper use of experience

What is done is done. But many continue to worry, feel guilty and reproach themselves for something done in the past. In addition, there are those who cling to their past with a stranglehold and do not want to let it go - someone clings to the good, and someone to the bad. The past certainly manifests in the present, but it just needs to be accepted and let go in order to live in the now. Instead of painful experiences, it is better to evaluate the experience gained, perhaps even laugh at the reality, learn from it, and boldly continue the path forward. This will be excellent ground for development.

Physical exercise

The connection between positive thinking and physical activity not so obvious, but it's there. Another worldly wisdom works here: a healthy mind in a healthy body. Just remember that physical activity keeps the body and intellect in good shape, relieves depression and bad mood, allows you to switch from bad to good, makes a person more confident in himself and his abilities.


Look at the children: how they have fun, laugh, enjoy what is happening around. And the reason is not only that they are just starting life, but also that they know how and love to fantasize, dream, imagine something. Growing up, people become important-and-serious persons, and gradually the habit of fantasizing leaves them. But limiting the creative and creative energy that lies in dreaming and fantasizing is a serious barrier to success, personal growth, developing a sense of humor and positive thinking. So at least sometimes allow yourself to be children - to indulge in dreams and fantasies.

Openness to new

People with predominantly negative thinking are distrustful and wary of innovations, whatever they may concern; they are very afraid to take risks. And positive-minded people try not to jump to conclusions, because they always remember that the darkest hour is before dawn, and what seems terrible today may be the beginning of a new life tomorrow. Blindly taking risks, of course, is not worth it, but you should try to look at changes with enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

Rejection of negativity

In order for positive thinking to form quickly, and for it to begin to form in general, you need to try to throw out as much negativity as possible from your life. So, you can start by stopping watching numbing and useless TV shows and giving up (or at least some of them). Then it would be a good idea to conduct an audit of the house to find everything old, worn out and unnecessary and get rid of it. After that, it is worth analyzing your relationship: if some relationship has become obsolete, brings pain and negative emotions, it is likely that they should be broken. And, finally, the most important thing is to get rid of the garbage in your own head - from negative thoughts; learn to control the direction of your thinking. This can be done with the help of affirmations, visualization and some other practices.

Meaning of life

Life just seems long. In fact, it is short. And to live it is meaningless - just stupid. It is worth appreciating every day, every moment; live with the understanding that nothing will happen again. Time is fleeting and you can't afford to waste it. Think about what you want to dedicate your life to, what you want to achieve, what to create, what kind of memory you want to leave for your descendants. What do you believe? What do you enjoy doing? What benefits you, the people around you, and the world? The answers to these questions will help you, and life will become much more pleasant and joyful.

Self love

Most blame their losses, failures and problems on anyone but themselves. Meanwhile, there is really no one to blame, because everything that a person has is the work of his own hands. It is very important to acknowledge this, but at the same time, you do not need to reproach yourself for anything and engage in self-flagellation. You are a person, like all of us, and everyone has the right to make mistakes and take the wrong steps. Ideal people does not happen, and therefore you need to accept yourself with all the pluses and minuses, advantages and disadvantages. Love yourself, remember that love is a great force, which is subject to any changes, including changes in yourself and your thinking.

Joy in the little things

Start every day with the joy of some little thing. So you woke up, and a ray of sunshine rushed into your eyes - rejoice at this. You went to wash - enjoy the fact that you can feel the warmth of the water and the taste of toothpaste. Wish have a good day your family or call someone with a similar request. Outside, inhale the aroma fresh air and thank the world for being alive. Speak kind words to the people with whom you have to interact during the day, smile, show sincere concern for them. It seems that all these are trifles, but they make up one big whole - cheerfulness, positive thinking, a healthy attitude towards everything that is in life.

Continuous development

There is one very deep and meaningful phrase: “a person stops living at the moment when he stops developing”, and this is the real truth. A person who does not develop, lives his life, survives, exists - does anything, but just does not live. It even seems to many that life is boring and monotonous, that there is nothing to do properly in this world, but all such thoughts are due to a stop in development. As soon as you begin to develop in the direction that interests you, you will immediately notice that everyday life has become richer and more interesting, that you can spend hundreds of hours different ways that life is fun, healthy and wonderful. Development is about helping yourself first. It allows you to form a new self, interesting and unusual qualities, get closer to goals, learn a lot of interesting things, reveal hidden potential and talents. Open up, developing, and positive thinking will become your faithful assistant on this path.

And as an addition, we suggest that you make for yourself a few rules of a positive person, which you will always follow from now on. We present our list, but if desired, it can be supplemented or changed.

Rules for positive thinking for every day

Positive thinking is the conscious control of your thoughts, thanks to which happiness, harmony, success and, of course, humor and good mood are attracted to life. To achieve this result as soon as possible, take on full responsibility for your actions, and the following rules will help you stay on track.

For convenience, the rules can be written down to reread them every morning after waking up (like affirmations, they must be composed in a positive way and exclude the particle not):

  • Today I will definitely be happy and glad that I live
  • Today I will positively perceive everything that I have and everything that life offers me.
  • Today I will improve my health: eat less harmful and more healthy, exercise, rest and sleep as much as necessary
  • Today I will definitely develop my intellect: read useful books, learn something new, communicate with positive people
  • From now on, I will become benevolent: I will stop criticizing others, correcting other people's mistakes; I will take care of myself; I will wish people well and praise them
  • FROM today I begin to live in a specific moment - here and now, without clinging to thoughts about the past and dreams about the future
  • Already today I will start following a specific program and I will know exactly what to do at any given time, thereby getting rid of haste and indecision
  • From today I will start spending at least half an hour alone with myself: analyze thoughts, relax, think about life, meditate
  • Today I will stop thinking about the bad, conflicts and troubles and “revel” in negative thoughts
  • From now on, I will stop being afraid of anything, and in particular - to become a happy person.

Positive thinking, of course, does not mean at all that you do not need to pay attention to troubles and troubles, constantly repeating that everything is fine. But it involves looking at difficulties in a positive way, looking for the good in absolutely everything, a constructive attitude to problems, a humorous look at difficulties. Even if negative thoughts slip through your mind, you don’t need to focus on them - becoming more optimistic, you will immediately notice how new opportunities open up before you.

  • A. Sviyash “Smile before it's too late! Positive psychology for Everyday life»
  • D. Allen "Thinking Man"
  • D. Von Aiken "Lucky"
  • M. Seligman "The New Positive Psychology"
  • R. Sharma "101 lessons happy life»
  • N. Vincent Peel "The Power of Positive Thinking"
  • K. Salmanson “Instantly happy. Change your mood in 10 seconds
  • D. Murphy "Telepsychic"
  • B Tracey "Change your thinking - and you will change your life"
  • D. Kehoe "The subconscious mind can do everything"
  • E. Matthews "Live easy!"
  • N. Vuychich “Life without borders. The Path to an Amazingly Happy Life"

In these books, you will find many ways to develop positive thinking and achieve happiness. And we continue our course and proceed to the development of material related to humor in the most direct way. In the third lesson, we will introduce you to the main types of comic and give examples of them so that you know how funny it is to joke in different forms, could clearly distinguish one type of comic from another and use them in their personal practice.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically proceeds to next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on passing. Please note that the questions are different each time, and the options are shuffled.

What is positive thinking? This is a special view of the world, the ability to isolate oneself from troubles and not plunge into them when they occur. Positive people always attract the attention of others. It seems that their vital energy overflows, they achieve everything without much effort. In fact, there are enough difficulties for everyone. A positive person simply does not allow himself to become limp, give up. He is completely focused on achieving the goal and does not give himself the right to retreat. The psychology of positive thinking implies that a person works on himself, becomes strong and self-sufficient. A positive person answers only to himself and therefore knows how to concentrate on the main thing. In fact, positive people are worthy of all praise, because they have to overcome themselves a lot, work on their feelings. What are the benefits of a happy life? How to learn to think positively?


A positive person really attracts attention. He begins to live the brightest and useful life. His days are filled with laughter, joy and new experiences. Positive thinking every day brings a person closer to realizing his true destiny, to understanding the essence of his stay on earth. Let's take a closer look at these benefits.

Self confidence

Positive people differ from others in that they are the owners of colossal inner strength. This energy helps them achieve any goals, successfully solve complex problems. It is real to change one's life when a person has such an intention. Positive thoughts materialize, you just need to start developing the habit of thinking positively. A positive person is always confident in his abilities. He is well aware of what significant prospects await him. Self-confidence really makes you believe in yourself, choose an individual path that you want to go, despite the many difficulties.

Changing your thinking to a positive one means gaining additional joy in life. Positive attitudes radically change a person's worldview, his ability to think and make decisions. Along with self-confidence comes a special joy of life, which is in fact incomparable to anything. When a person learns to tune in to positive thinking, his whole life will definitely begin to change. And it will positive changes! From somewhere, a supply of additional strength will be taken, self-confidence, constructive thoughts will come, helping to achieve the goal as soon as possible. Such achievements are worth a lot!

How to learn it

The theory of positive thinking describes the attitude to life, built on a harmonious worldview. The method of causally positive thinking is aimed at revealing the inner potential of the individual. It is difficult for pessimists to understand how it is possible to rejoice and have fun at a time when everything in life is not going well. They are accustomed to withdrawing into themselves from resentment and a sense of oppressive injustice. How to think positively? How to tune in to positive thinking? How can you be ready to accept meaningful changes in your life? Let's try to figure it out!


A very powerful technique that makes external events unfold in such a way that they really bring joy. Visualization is great for developing positive thinking. This technique helps to understand that all thoughts of a person materialize, regardless of whether he believes in them or not. If such an attitude prevails in the mind all the time, there is a possibility of the soonest materialization of all the planned plans and intentions. Being a positive person is great. There is a huge amount of free energy that can be used for the benefit of yourself and those around you.

How to develop positive thinking? A person can experience true spiritual satisfaction in communication with his own kind. Living interaction with a person who really shares the views and aspirations allows you to feel truly happy. Pleasant communication fills with energy, incredibly inspires and inspires new achievements. The method of causal positive thinking allows you to understand how significant specific values ​​and beliefs are for an individual. If a person is able to share his experiences with another person, then there is a chance to gain peace of mind. A sense of inner harmony will come naturally.

Favourite hobby

How many people in the world are really doing what they are meant to be? Unfortunately no. Most live simply with the thought of making money. They don't realize that they've been stealing from themselves for years. When a person's thoughts are subordinated only to external duty, he cannot develop internally. He ceases to rejoice at his own source of inspiration, forgets why he lives. In fact, such a person does everything mechanically, without much enthusiasm and joy. This is sad, especially when there is no strength left for significant changes. After thinking about how to start thinking positively, you should reconsider your attitude to the profession and hobby. You need to find time for something that actually brings joy. It can become an inexhaustible source of inspiration for a person.

spiritual practice

How to learn to think positively? Exist special exercises to form positive thinking. Spiritual practice is really capable of transforming a person from the inside, helping to make his life bright, full and holistic. It includes meditation, yoga, relaxation. Giving preference to one or another method, you should remember that they need to be practiced regularly. Episodic classes will not bring the desired effect, although they will give you the opportunity to feel positive influence. Spiritual practice should become an integral part of the everyday life of a person. Only then will consciousness gradually begin to change, filled with new thoughts.

Rejection of criticism

The method of causal positive thinking implies that you need to try to approve of your own actions and actions. Healthy self-respect and self-love can work wonders. In this case, rainbow thoughts become the natural state of a person. If you try to hold them longer and more, then life will become bright, full and truly positive. Refusal of criticism is a necessary step in order to form a new attitude towards oneself. After all, if a person constantly scolds himself for some mistakes and blunders, this circumstance does not allow him to see at least some significant changes taking place in his real life. It must be understood that criticism does not provide an opportunity for self-improvement, does not allow you to become better, spiritually richer and stronger. A person acquires the real power to change the way of thinking only when he begins to live in accordance with his inner convictions.

Physical exercises

They are an essential component of a happy and self-sufficient life. It is necessary to move as much as possible, ideally to play sports. Then there will be more free energy that can be used for peaceful purposes. Physical exercises help you stay in great shape and maintain good health.

Thus, the question of how to be positive deserves special attention. A person must strive for self-development in order not to lose touch with his inner essence, to realize his true aspirations and intentions.

positive thinking- this is the most main feature self-improvement. It has many benefits if managed properly. For example, if a person intends to seriously work on himself and his personality, then it should always be positive. Despite delusions, his thoughts will be pure, however, a person should not look at all surrounding things through pink glasses and fool yourself when the reality is the other way around.

Positive thinking is more than just optimism. Since a person must always be positive, resourceful, and even at the most difficult time have an iron will, never lose heart.

Positive thinking for every day, benefits

If a person is charged with positive emotions, then he sees all the surrounding things as real, and he is ready to deal with any situations, including the most difficult ones. good mood and confidence in the success of the business. He must be calm and convinced that everything will be resolved well. This is how the main benefits of positive thinking manifest themselves. There are many reasons to take positive thinking seriously and practice it every day.

Positive thinking improves attention

Using positive thinking, you can focus on solving important problems, eliminating any negative emotions that waste your time and energy. So you quickly return to your working state and think in such a way that the state is not exhausted, think and act. Never replay the emotions of anger, regret and irritation in your head, but look for solutions with a creative approach.

Control yourself with positive thinking

Positive thinking will help keep you from reckless actions and wrong decisions, gloomy reasoning and stupid behavior, loss of control and negative emotions. Almost every person reacts this way when he is in a bad mood, or angry at someone. Have you had situations when you got annoyed and responded with negative emotions to a bad incident, in the end everything turned out worse than it was before? Think about how much effort and time you spent because of this. Therefore, do not underestimate the importance of constantly controlling yourself and not doing stupid things anymore. The worst thing you can do is get yourself into deep trouble.

You are a magnet and attract everything you want.

Gives you exactly what your attention and intentions are directed to. For example, if you are always with negative emotions and focused on negative events, you will get only trouble in life. And if you think positively, you will attract only good, positive events to yourself. After all, positive thinking directs your thoughts in better side. Constantly practice positive thinking and get yourself better reality. This pattern is explained by the fact that positive thoughts towards oneself are positive actions. In its turn good deeds lead to the achievement of the goals.

Positive thinking improves a person's perception and awareness

If you practice positive thinking, then the simplest things will be revealed to you in a different light, and strangers will become noticeable to you. This pattern is explained by the fact that your focus and mindset are changing. For example, if something terrible happens in your life, then you will see not only one negative, but also reverse side this situation. Perhaps you will benefit from this. By practicing positively, you will begin to pay attention to the positive aspects of what happened, as well as how it all looks in general concept peace.

If a person is used to always being negative, then in all situations he will see only the negative, and all the good will leave him, even if the pluses of the event are obvious. If the worldview has already been built, then it is difficult to understand things that are far beyond its boundaries. And the most important thing is not to eliminate negative prospects, but also to concentrate charity and positive, you should always be in peace of mind, faith and knowledge that all situations that occur in life are a great life experience, even if it is bitter.

I advise you to watch an informative video on how to become successful, happy and how to develop only positive thinking.

And everything that you get in the future after using positive thinking will give a lot of benefits. If you manage to build the right mindset, then you will develop the habit of positive thinking and become simply fearless. You will no longer be afraid that something terrible will happen to you, you will meet any adversity with a positive and good mood. With determination, you will meet life situations without fear, and such a quality today is worth its weight in gold.

If you are familiar with heliotropic plants, then you know that they turn towards the sun in order to receive more energy for photosynthesis. Well-known blogger and writer Stephen Aitchison is sure that this concept is applicable to humans as well. According to him, heliotropic thinking is the ability to focus on positive emotions and beliefs that crowd out negative thinking patterns.

By cultivating this skill in yourself, you will gain control over your emotions, you will be able to quickly enter into desired state and gain the ability to ignore negativity. Stephen suggests developing 7 qualities that form positive thinking.


This emotion is perhaps the most positive. Every person, whether he admits it or not, has a reason to thank fate. For the health of relatives, meetings with interesting people, opportunities and dreams, for every dawn lived.

You can express gratitude in any form. It can be diary entries, words and just thoughts. The main thing is that you begin to see the bright sides of this world, extract a positive mood from it and powerful energy for self-improvement. By cultivating gratitude in yourself, you will forget that the villain-fate once interfered with you, and you will begin to perceive every failure as a useful experience.


Success cannot be achieved without love for one's profession. Despite the fact that this expression has long passed into the category of "bearded", it does not lose its relevance.

To achieve a truly significant result in any business is possible only when working with full dedication. If you put your whole soul into your business, despondency and the burden of everyday worries will disappear from your life, and every mistake will turn into a valuable experience.


Another emotion that fills with positive and pushes to great deeds is self-confidence. How to develop it? Open up to positive thoughts. From time to time it is important to refresh past accomplishments, no matter how large or small they were. Praise yourself. For academic and career achievement, good looks, resourcefulness, sense of humor and kindness.

Each of your successes is another stepping stone to success. Any victory increases your self-confidence, opens the way to new, bigger achievements.


No wonder this feeling is called the strongest. It is able to overcome human soul even the most "cloudy" thoughts and experiences. The advantage of love is that it is not limited to just feeling for one person. This light experience extends to all spheres of our life.


The modern world purposefully dictates to us fear and hatred. Frightening news and events striking injustice seem to deliberately “bombard” us every day, forcing us to fence ourselves off from the rest of the world with a wall of pessimism.

Turn off news that causes aggression and negative feelings. Look at the people around you - each of them deserves attention. In any person you can find a storehouse of positive. Take a closer look at the actions of others, try to find something pleasant, attractive, kind in them.


What gives you strength, forcing you to move forward with leaps and bounds? Close person, cherished dream, sports, favorite music? Find the source of positive energy in yourself. Give in to inspiration, open up to new experiences, people, opportunities, and boldly draw energy.


Dilute the injustice and selfishness of this world with a drop of altruism. Help people without expecting anything in return. Even the simple word “thank you” can force negative moods out of your head.

Open up to a new world filled with positivity, and it will give you gifts that will make you happy every day.

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