Tarot Waite wands 9. Nine wands, features and characteristics of the card. Questions to Ask Yourself When Drawing the Nine of Wands

In the center of the map of 9 wands of the main plan, you can see a man leaning on a staff. The person looks wary, his look and composure tells that enemies may soon appear.

The bandage on the head informs that one of the battles is already over the line, and the wary behavior is justified. In the background are eight staves driven into the soil, they serve as rear defense.

The lasso contains the energy and power of the direct position, and the hopelessness and fear of the inverted position. The energy of the card helps to survive even in the most difficult situations. Get ready for difficulties.

Direct position interpretation

Keys: strength, both physical and spiritual. Perseverance, determination, purposefulness. Ability to struggle and overcome difficulties. Confrontation. You need to defend your interests. Delay in the situation will be beneficial. If there is no solution, it is worth waiting. Rest is imaginary and temporary. Success through struggle. It's time to take stock. Difficult fight. Fatigue. Active defense position. Self defense. Margin of safety. Treatment. Defense. Self control. Gaining experience or a lesson from a situation.

When the nine of wands appear, it can be concluded that a person has such internal characteristics as: strength of mind, self-control, masculinity, experience, the ability to calculate one's steps, and confront difficulties.

Trials and difficulties may await you, but you should not retreat, you will be able to overcome all difficulties with dignity and emerge victorious from any situation. To find out more precisely in which area difficulties await you, pay attention to the adjacent cards, and the prediction method itself will also help to understand the situation.

In the present, the lasso recommends abandoning the passive position. No need to relax and wait. Keep the situation under control and be aware of what is happening. This will allow you to be ready at any time. You may need to stand up for yourself and your views and interests.

Advice. Now is the time to cast aside the shadow of doubt and do something that previously did not have the courage or time. Keep working hard and doing your thing. Only in this case, you can achieve results. Remember that the outcome of the case is already near. Do not give in to illusions, keep yourself in control and do not show even a moment of weakness. Your skills, discipline, life and professional experience are strengths and positive qualities. Persistence and hard work will bear fruit.

Personality characteristic. Those who know how to protect themselves and loved ones. People who are ready to defend their rights and positions.

Interpretation of the inverted position

Keys: attack, disaster. Conflict situation, danger, obstacles. Hopelessness. Inability to communicate. Lack of initiative.

You are in a dangerous situation, difficulty or failure awaits you around the corner. But it doesn't end there, once one difficult situation is resolved, the next one may follow. You shouldn't relax. Confusion. Apathy, depression. Lack of action. Vulnerability. Lack of protection. Cowardice. Weakening position. Not a practical solution. Regression. Retreat to the origins. Narrow view of things. Tension. Suspicion.

Keep in mind that the difficulties that arise do not depend on you, and you cannot influence them. The only right decision is to resolve the situation and find the best solution for your own benefit.

Look at yourself from the outside and if you check at least one of the following points:

  • Stubbornness.
  • Too much cruelty.
  • Unwillingness to put up with what is happening.
  • Unwillingness to seek a compromise solution.

Then you should reflect on your behavior and recognize that failures can come from you and through your fault. Your negative traits affect your relationship with others.

Tip: learn, communication flexibility, try to compromise.

Warning: you imagine too much about yourself and wishful thinking. You overestimate life's difficulties and overestimate your strengths.

Personality characteristic: people who do not know how to calculate their strength constantly lose or remain in reserve. An inferiority complex and various phobias are the main pursuers of such people. A person who prefers to run away from his past, rather than solve problems and fight fears. Such a person will always have some kind of secret, upon opening of which many nuances can emerge that affect the present situation.

Nine of Wands in Health

Direct position: weakened immunity and undermined health. The reasons lie in overload, lack of rest, lack of sleep and the crazy rhythm of life.

Tip: take care of your physical condition, but do not forget about the emotional background.

Reversed: Injuries, problems with the immune system. Excessive fatigue, fatigue, depletion of vitality and energy.

Nine of Wands in relationships

Direct position: harmony, understanding, respect reign in relationships. Partners are overwhelmed with bright emotions and there is a shift in the relationship for the better. Relationships will not stagnate, and will bring joy every day. This can be both a way out of a difficult situation or conflict, or a transition to a new level of relationship. Relationships are safe, peace and reciprocity reign. Enjoy and enjoy life.

Reversed: Problems in relationships, quarrels, misunderstandings, conflicts - these are all temporary difficulties that must be passed through. Don't put aside issues that arise. It should be borne in mind that one of the partners is not ready for compromises and does not want to be active and take the initiative in their own hands.

Disagreements in a couple come from the complexity of the characters of each partner, which can be characterized as not agreeing in character, quarrelsomeness.

Tip: be more attentive to people, do not trust everyone indiscriminately. Learn to understand people.

Nine of Wands in action

Professions of the Nine of Wands:

  • security activity.
  • troop worker, border guard, customs worker.
  • investigator, fireman, dispatcher, emergency service worker.
  • foreman.
  • security officer in any field.

Direct position: career growth and professional development. Everything is in your hands, you can decide and choose what you are interested in and need. You are confident in yourself and your abilities, take a responsible approach to resolving issues, and perform your job duties with high quality. You know how to take risks, and most often this risk is justified.

The time has come for the implementation of pending projects, the development of plans for the fulfillment of dreams. Complete projects and make new plans for the future.

If you are thinking about looking for a new job or a change of place, then now is the most favorable time, and you will find a place that will satisfy you in all respects.

Reversed: Irresponsibility, conservatism, lack of initiative, unwillingness to do anything to me during my life and not only. You are moving on the wrong path, which will lead you either to collapse or to a dead end. You will not get proper development and will stagnate in one place. Perhaps you are not doing what you love or have chosen the wrong profession, reconsider your values, maybe you want to do something else. Don't be afraid of change and innovation.

Nine of Wands about the current situation

Upright position: you are given a huge number of favorable opportunities. You can achieve more than you expect. Stay inspired and keep moving forward.

Do not doubt yourself and your abilities, discard all uncertainty and act as your intuition tells you. You should not go into the shadows and shy away from solving the problem in anticipation of a more favorable period. Start acting now and you will see that the problems are not as complicated as you initially thought. You can resolve the situation in your favor.

Situations and problems that arise are subject to you, you yourself set the deadlines for the solution and decide for yourself what benefit to get from it. When solving a problem, use your potential and reserve forces.

Tip: properly dispose of the energy sent to you and apply it in the right direction. Remember, everything will work out if you stand firmly on your feet and go forward. You should not allow strangers into your world and surroundings, and also do not show excessive interest and participation in other people's affairs.

Develop all your doubts, pick up worthy arguments. If you are not confident in your abilities, try to make commitments to your abilities, to do this, analyze the situation and gather your resources together.

Reversed: You are at a disadvantage, you may have been taken by surprise. You were not prepared for the attack. Inability to cope with the situation due to lack of control over the situation, miscalculation of forces and resources, underestimation of one's opponents.

The situation turned out to be more complicated than you initially thought.

It is worth paying attention to whether you put everything in order and whether all projects are completed. Keep in mind that after one battle, the next may come and you need to prepare for everything.

Tip: do not waste your strength and respond to attacks that can undermine your position. Look for a way out of the situation, gather your strength and throw everything to minimize losses.

Ideas for understanding the Nine of Wands:

  • You feel the danger even after the confrontation is over and the result is obtained.
  • You must be prepared to defend yourself and your position.
  • Not all changes are favorable, analyze what you need and what you can live without.
  • You are held hostage by your past.

Questions to analyze the situation after the appearance of the nine of wands in the layout:

  1. Who are you trying to protect yourself from?
  2. Is the danger that needs to be protected from real?
  3. What applies to your business?
  4. Do your loved ones need your protection?

Nine of Wands combined with the Major Arcana

With a joke Errors due to negligence and negligence.

With a magician All in your hands.

With the high priestess. Your secrets are your enemies.

With the empress. Education, acquisition of skills and life experience.

with the emperor. Protecting your position.

with the hierophant. You have doubts about someone.

With lovers. Suspicion, jealousy. Desire to protect yourself from external factors.

With a chariot. It's time to use knowledge and life experience.

With strength. Analyze the current situation and compare with your strengths.

With a hermit. You fight alone, no one supports you.

With the wheel of fortune. Change, what are you waiting for.

With justice. The decision is not in your favor.

From the hanged man. Betrayal, deceit.

With death. Accumulation of life experience.

With moderation. You doubt and feel insecure in your abilities.

With the devil Fear, anxiety.

With a tower of lightning. You are a pessimist.

With a star Initiative.

With the moon Be attentive and careful.

With the sun You complicate things, look at things from the other side.

With court. Analyze your past, learn lessons.

Peace. Striving for harmony.

Nine of Wands combined with the Suit of Wands

With an ace. Believe in yourself and everything will work out.

With a deuce. Changes in established rules.

With a trio. Be careful, you need to quickly respond to what is happening.

With four. You are passing the tests provided by fate.

With five. You are too suspicious.

With six. They will help you.

With seven. Analyze what is happening.

With eight. There is progress, but it is slow.

With ten. Irresponsibility will lead to failure.

With a page. Painstaking.

With a knight Control over the situation is lost. You've reached a dead end.

With the queen. Closeness, unwillingness to solve the problem.

With the king. You are overcome by negative emotions.

Combination with cups

With an ace. Love temptations.

With a deuce. distrust of your partner.

With a trio. You are not satisfied with your relationships with various people.

With four. Negative experience. negative interventions.

With five. Gap.

With six. Gaining life experience.

With seven. Clarity is missing.

With eight. Revise your plans and principles.

With nine. Joy, surprise.

With ten. Life changes.

With a page. Suspicion, prudence.

With a knight The appearance of new acquaintances.

With the queen. You doubt the relationship.

With the king. You are in control of your emotions. Shut yourself off from those around you.

Nine of Wands combined with the suit of swords

With an ace. You doubt your path.

With a deuce. You do not trust your loved ones.

With a trio. You only want to know the truth.

With four. Irresponsibility. Reluctance to accept new things.

With five. Competition. Desire to know other people's secrets.

With six. Doubtful new features.

With seven. Difficult situation, gossip, hidden enemy.

With eight. You are afraid to trust people.

With nine. Fear, anxiety, restlessness.

With ten. You are haunted by memories.

With a page. You risk your reputation.

With a knight Courage and bravery.

With the queen. Overcoming difficulties.

With the king. self-confidence.

The interpretation of the lasso in combination with the suit of pentacles

With an ace. You can improve your financial situation.

With a deuce. You are distracted and anxious.

With a trio. It is necessary to convince the interlocutor that you are right.

With four. The situation is not stable. Financial threat.

With five. It is necessary to solve problems and open up new opportunities.

With six. Pay attention to the little things.

With seven. Put in the effort. Everything will work out through perseverance.

With eight. Attentiveness and scrupulousness. It became possible to improve the situation.

With nine. Vigilance is needed.

With ten. Stability is broken.

With a page. Getting new skills.

With a knight Leader, leading position.

With the queen. Economy and prudence.

With the king. conservative position.

When 9 Tarot Wands fall out - the meaning makes the questioner forget about his fears. Perhaps you are in vain taking a defensive position, or perhaps you are still waiting for the last stage of the battle for the result of the case.

In the article:

9 of Wands Tarot - the meaning of the card in layouts

The meaning of the 9 of Wands Tarot says that you jealously guard what is yours or the current state of affairs. Most likely, luck will accompany you, but you cannot do without a struggle. You must continue to bend your line, while avoiding excessive stubbornness and shortsightedness. There is a high probability of the need to defend their rights or protect their reputation.

In addition, the 9 of Wands of the Tarot may report on the experience you experienced in the last battle. You are still in a state of struggle and are looking for the eyes of enemies that have long been defeated. Chances are your fight is over, but you're not used to seeing anything other than him. There is no threat in reality, but you have taken a defensive position and expect trouble. The reason for this is the memory of past difficulties. There is no need to resist a certain event or change, it is not as scary as you think.

You can foresee that the upcoming changes will be useful for you, but you are trying with all your might to avoid them. But sometimes this card has the opposite meaning - the fortuneteller decisively took a step forward and burned all the bridges leading to the retreat. In this case, it has a positive meaning, but it reminds you that you have fled from your past. The fortuneteller must stop being a hostage to his past mistakes. Learn from the past experience and let it go.

Concerning health, the direct position of the card indicates excellent immunity and good resistance to disease. You recover quickly and have a healthy physique. If the 9 of Wands is in an inverted position, this indicates illness, weakness of the immune system, reduced resistance to infections.

Meaning of 9 Tarot Staves if the card is upside down, speaks of the unpreparedness of the fortuneteller for the event in question. You are vulnerable and weak in the face of danger. You lack the initiative and energy to move forward. You refuse to engage in a business that cannot be abandoned, but there is no other way out - you do not have the strength to win.

The Meaning of the 9 Wands of Tarot at the Level of Consciousness

The Nine of Tarot Wands reminds the fortuneteller that all old grievances can still be useful to him. Past emotional struggles, encounters with enemies, and harsh criticism - all of which can draw strength now. You should learn to deal with problems that used to scare you.

Strengthen your character, work on yourself and look for reliable sources of vital energy. All this will help you better cope with difficulties and solve complex issues.

In addition, it's time to get rid of beliefs that have become obsolete. You've walled yourself up inside outdated beliefs and the belief that it's better to be overdone than underdone. Get rid of stagnation and fear of life, stop being defensive in front of everything new and obscure. Caution is good, but only when you really need it.

Nine of Wands Tarot - meaning in the layout for work and affairs

The meaning of the Nine of Wands of Tarot in says that you are strongly resisting some changes, innovations, innovations. Any change causes you fear, which you need to get rid of.

In addition, the card shows that you are threatened by a team or boss. In general, the workflow now only causes you concern. It is likely that the troubles and defeats that have been in the past have affected you too much. You bring the negative past into the situation from the present, but at the moment you have everything to cope with the difficulty better than last time.

The Nine of Wands offers the fortuneteller not only to get rid of the fear and tension that are now available. She says that you can deal with all the fears associated with the situation. The period is extremely favorable for this, and in order to overcome fear, you need to overcome the obstacle that has arisen in front of you or go towards change.

9 of Wands Tarot - meaning in relationships

The meaning in the relationship of the 9 Wands of Tarot is the influence of past grievances on what is happening in the present. Perhaps the questioner has taken offense from his past, and still cannot forget about them. There is a possibility that these grievances come from childhood. There is such a proverb - "he who has been burned in milk blows on water." You are wise and experienced enough to deal with these problems.

The 9 of Wands testifies that you are afraid of the recurrence of your old wounds. You are afraid that another person has the opportunity to offend you. Probably, there are fears that the situation from the past will repeat itself again. It is after her that you wear the shell. It protects against such situations, but closes access to the positive aspects of the relationship.

The card warns that such behavior can cause loneliness, isolation and bitterness. In fact, you lack the kind of relationship that yours could have been if it were not for the protective shell. At the same time, the 9 of Wands convinces the fortuneteller that there are no dangers for him now and he can open up.

What kind of people does the Nine of Wands Tarot represent?

Often, Tarot cards represent more than just situations or the emotions of the questioner. They may point to individuals from his environment. With this part of the meaning, you can ask the cards for details about a secret enemy or find out who to ask for help.

Nine of Wands upright indicates a protector or a person who is well protected by himself. With a high probability we are talking about the military. Perhaps this is a person who actively defends his rights and point of view.

inverted The Nine of Wands indicates that you are dealing with someone who is in the minority. He constantly loses, has low self-esteem, many complexes and has poor immunity. With a high probability, this person takes the position of a spare.

9 Staves Tarot - meaning in combination with other cards

The combination of 9 Staffs with the King of Staves speaks of jealousy. It was with her that the situation in the past was connected, which you transfer to the present. The combination with the Two of Cups or Swords also speaks of distrust of the partner, but not only in terms of fidelity, but also in other moments. The combination with the Ten of Cups indicates the experience of family life, most likely negative.


Saturn/Venus as protectors and patrons.

Direct position:

The Nine of Staffs at a high level means penetration into the higher levels of consciousness, getting an idea of ​​oneself; at the social level, it is choosing for oneself a false system of values. It means upcoming difficulties, changes, enmity, destruction.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: narrowness of views, loss of touch with reality, obstacles, problems, poor health.

Nine of Wands

Card Name: Lord of Great Power.

Correspondence - fire (without additions from the letters of the name); Sephirah - Form.

Explanation (general meaning): tense expectation of hardship and change. Vigilance, awareness, vigilance. A vigilant mind that makes sure that the will does not weaken (Security)

Event: Hold the line. Rekindling old bad relationships. (The need to keep the defense)

1. The emergence of old problems. Resistance to change, excessive fear. (Separate business; conservative, without development. No strength and confidence in the need to change something)

2. Hidden forces of the body that can be activated in stressful situations. (fixation on disease)

3. A wall of distrust and misunderstanding, the cause of which may lie in past negative experiences. Physical remoteness or inaccessibility of a partner (they are separated by barriers or distance) (Alienation. Negative experience of past relationships)

4. Anticipation of danger from the outside world. Constant self-control or the construction of such forms of protection due to which the connection with reality is lost (Self-sufficient, detached, alert; introvert)

5. Tip: Watch but don't interfere. Accumulate inner strength. (to protect yourself from possible troubles)

Warning: fatigue, isolation, closeness. Excessive anxiety and suspicion. (don't get defensive)

6. The answer is no. The problem is not yet solved, we must not lose vigilance.(you will build "walls")

Extras: The world feels like a hostile space, you need to keep the situation under control at all times.


Explanation (general meaning): fatigue, loss of vigilance (the need to go beyond the "fence")

Event: inattentive attitude to what is happening, carelessness. (disclosure of circumstances. Circumstances force something to be done.)

1. Release from old problems and obligations, but there is no new movement yet. (Attempts to expand. Circumstances force something to be done)

2. Stupor in stressful situations, lethargy, distraction. (first steps after recovery)

3. An attempt to make contact, establish a relationship. Difficult meeting after a long separation (stiffness, tension, awkwardness). (shy step towards each other)

4. Liberation from stereotypes of thinking or psychological problems, but so far there is no new value system. Weakness and inability to stand up for your rights (no inner core) (a person carefully trying himself in a new field)

5. Tip: try to overcome yourself, overcome the “wall” (you need to take new steps; overcome boundaries, complexes)

A word of caution: the old has been dealt with, but the new is not yet available (“the Jews were beaten, Russia was not saved” (c) Kotelnikova). (you don't know what to expect)

6. You are one step closer to victory, but there are still a lot of problems ahead.(circumstances will force you to lower your defenses)

Additionally: the wall drops a little, but not because the problem is solved, but because there is no more strength to hold it.

General meaning:

The Nine of Wands means stubbornness, resistance to any situation or event, from which we expect only trouble. At the same time, she says that in fact there is no threat, but there are only our memories of past troubles, from where our current “defensive” state comes from. She personifies the state of mind, which in fairy tales is called "cold heart". Translated into everyday language, this means that we bristle with all the needles and resist any changes, although we guess that they can be very important for our further development. Although sometimes it can also mean something directly opposite - if, for example, we have taken a decisive step and closed all the doors behind us that could lead to a retreat. In this case, this card has a positive meaning, but it also indicates one mistake we made: we shamefully fled from responsibility for our past for fear that it might overtake us. In order to get rid of it, you need to finally let go of your past, turn it into the foundation of our further transformations, instead of feeling like a hostage to it.


This card means that we subconsciously resist innovations, changes or other movements that are brewing in our work. It can show that we feel threatened by superiors, colleagues or business partners, and this is also due to the fact that our work causes us fear. We are too disturbed by the memories of past defeats and troubles, we transfer them to our present situation, although in fact we have enough strength to overcome them. Thus, this card invites us to overcome fear and not only overcome the obstacles that arise in front of us, but also free ourselves from old fears.


At the level of consciousness, the Nine of Wands shows that we are completely in vain taking a defensive position in relation to things that are new and unexpected for us. This is an image of a person who sometimes does not admit that he can be wrong, always striving to “improve” what he has just, it would seem, brought to the end, confident that it is always better to overdo it than not do it, and thereby only immure himself within the stone walls of their own, long obsolete beliefs. The old proverb about a person who did not learn from his mistakes and therefore will suffer doubly, of course, is true, but only until this person turns it into the law of his own life, the inevitable consequence of which is stagnation and fear of life itself. This is reminiscent of Fritz Riemann's joke about a man who believed that heaven had two doors, one of which was written: "Entrance to Paradise", on the other - "Entrance to the conference room on the issue of paradise" and unconditionally chose the latter.

Personal relationships:

"Child burnt with milk" Here, this card shows that we are afraid that we will be hurt, or that old wounds will be touched. We, as it were, wear a shell that protects our inner “I” from blows from the outside - and we pay for this by the fact that those impulses that could be useful to us do not reach us. The Nine of Wands warns that this can lead to complete self-isolation, anger and bitterness, because our "I" rots without communication. But at the same time, she also pleases us, informing us that the outside world, which we are so afraid of, no longer holds any dangers for us.

Nine of Wands combined with other Tarot cards

With the card "Jester" - admit doubts.

With the card "Mage" - confuse the enemy.

With the card "High Priestess" - to guard secrets.

With the card "Empress" - the fruits of enlightenment.

With the card "Emperor" - to protect the honor of the uniform.

With the Hierophant card - doubt the teacher.

With the card "Lovers" - doubt the relationship; suspect something is wrong in the relationship.

With the card "Chariot" - apply the accumulated experience.

With the card "Strength" - evaluate the strength of the enemy.

With the "Hermit" card - prevent encroachments on your personality.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - belated changes.

With the card "Justice" - waiting for a court decision; mistrust.

With the Hanged Man card - protect your "skeleton in the closet."

With the card "Death" - distrust of change.

With the card "Moderation" - doubt.

With the card "Devil" - obsessive suspicion.

With the Tower card, the worst fears come true.

With the Star card - doubt the forecasts.

With the card "Moon" - fear of infection.

With the card "Sun" - do not trust the truth.

With the Judgment card - learn from past mistakes.

With the card "Mir" - on guard of the world.


With the card "Ace of Wands" - despite the difficulties, remain enthusiastic.

With the card "Two of Wands" - a delay; difficulties; adjustment of plans.

With the card "Three of Wands" - do not pass the test.

With the Four of Wands card - pass a serious exam.

With the Five of Wands card - distrust leading to conflict.

With the Six of Wands card - experience leading to the goal.

With the card "Seven of Wands" - claims.

With the card "Eight of Wands" - overcoming an obstacle.

With the card "Ten of Wands" - an ambush.

With the Page of Wands card, an inspiring experience.

With the card "Knight of Wands" - life teaches nothing.

With the Queen of Wands card - distrust.

With the "King of Wands" card - check.

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Fortune telling on tarot cards is a proven way to know the future. There are many layouts, each of which is done for a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. You can ask the cards questions and get answers, but you need to carefully read Arcana values to correctly interpret what they want to tell you.

Remember that fortune telling requires special preparation - you need to focus, relax and concentrate on the process. Before asking a question, enter a meditative state. Tune in to the energy of the cards, hold them in your hands, look at the images. And then start laying them out, but don't get hung up on the issues that worry you.

If in the scenario you have dropped out Nine of Wands, carefully study its meaning and think about what exactly the higher powers wanted to tell you through the cards.

Symbol of the 9 of Wands

On the map pictured man who has just overcome his opponents and withstood the battle with honor, he has built a wall that will protect him from enemies, and looks at the work of his hands with satisfaction. He is tired and leans on a staff. While he was working, he discovered many qualities in himself: discipline, ability to organize and plan, courage.

But even now he cannot relax - a person has learned from bitter experience and is always ready, in case people or circumstances are against him.

The main meaning of this card is the desire to defend, it says that the questioner is able to cope with troubles. But self-defence can take on more than just a positive meaning. The meaning of the card can be associated with gaining inner strength and passing the tests of fate, or with the manifestation of courage in the very fire of battle.

She can warn of an impending danger, which, however, you will not be afraid of, and will be able to withstand life's circumstances. If a maps around have a negative meaning, you should prepare for trouble.

ancient meaning 9 of Wands- victory. She speaks of your inner strength and stamina, she symbolizes that you will overcome all dangers and cope with the blows of fate. You can withstand a lot and have enough qualities to win. Surrounded by the Major Arcana, the card may indicate a struggle with some powerful forces.

Sometimes Nine of Wands says about an unfinished situation, about developmental delays and about stubbornness in resisting something. It can also be understood as follows: you do not need your defensive position now, there is no real threat, there are only wounds of the past that do not allow you to relax.


The value of any card differs depending on what position it takes. It can be:

  • direct;
  • inverted.

Upright 9 of Wands says about the breathtaking possibilities that will soon appear before the questioner. He realizes that he is capable of much and he can conquer peaks that he had never dreamed of before. New achievements will become available to him, he will be able to achieve what he has long wanted, but he could not dare and start acting for this.

Especially when combined with Arcane Mage this card speaks of great achievements awaiting the questioner. If the scenario is about moral state, then a person will be cured of mental trauma, learn to trust people again - this value strengthens Hierophant, appeared in the schedule.

If the 9 of Wands is rolled along with Justice, then you should expect a well-deserved victory and excellent results of your efforts. You will become more responsible and confident.

Upside down The Nine of Wands indicates that problems will appear in the life of the questioner, and, most likely, he will create them for himself. This will happen due to the inability to adapt, words spoken at the wrong time, or from the fact that the questioner did not want to analyze the events happening to him.

Sometimes the card indicates hiding important information. Perhaps they are hiding them from you, or you yourself do not tell someone the truth. This is especially true if the layout dropped the Priestess card. It won't work for you.

If the inverted 9 of Wands is next to the Sun card, this indicates that you do not understand where the truth is and where the lie is. And if the Devil fell out, then you are too suspicious, and this will not help you in life.

Personal value

If this card points to a person, it denotes a persistent person who honorably endures the blows of fate. It could be military. Such a person can rush into battle with any circumstances in order to protect what has already been won.

This card means strength, it symbolizes courage, courage, stubbornness in achieving goals. The person she points to, even having done everything he could, does not give up, he strives to become stronger and stronger, does not allow himself to relax and wins, accomplishes feats.

She can talk about excessive suspicion and the inability to relax, about life in constant expectation of problems. But this card can also mean wisdom, the ability to think strategically. Such a person knows how to defend himself, respects himself and knows how to fight for his interests and the interests of his loved ones.

The person described Nine of Wands, can easily burn bridges, but he usually guards the bridge leading to the past so that nothing will pass in his real life. He has broken with the past, but he has not freed himself from it, he cannot freely and easily step into the future. He needs to let go of everything that happened to him, leave the defensive barricades and lay down his arms.

If 9 of Wands surrounded by negative cards, this speaks of depression and blues, even just to live, you need to make every effort.

Meaning in relationships

If in the layout of the relationship you fell Nine of Wands, this indicates that you are able to fight and fight back. But to whom? A rival who encroaches on a relationship or your own partner? The rest of the dropped Arcana will tell about it.

The 9 of Wands can speak like struggle for relationships as well as the battle for freedom within them. Perhaps the card indicates the moral strength of a lonely person, and his battle - he defends himself from everyone who wants to get closer to him.

Maybe his past is to blame for this, once he was hurt, and now he actively does not let anyone into life so that the pain does not happen again. It costs in a protective pose waiting to be attacked. The barricades depicted on the map symbolize a person's isolation from the outside world, the desire to win back loneliness and protect themselves from blows.

If the card describes a partner, then he does not trust you, prepare to defend himself from what you can do to him, in his opinion. He has a strong character, but is too suspicious.

In relationship this Arcana speaks of alienation and fatigue from each other. You are missing the emotional aspect. This card speaks of inner cold, of excessive self-defense, even from a loved one. This is resistance to change, stagnation, or, conversely, active resistance to going back.

In love

Upright This card in the layout of love speaks of the stability of the relationship. they are full of harmony and mutual respect, there is no stagnation and a feeling of monotony in them. The Nine of Wands is a constant change of impressions, vivid feelings, communication with interesting people. This meaning is especially pronounced when the Arcana World falls from the 9 of Wands.

But in some cases The Nine of Wands can talk about loneliness, which, however, does not bring suffering, but is tolerated normally and even with joy.

This often happens after a crisis, for example, after a difficult breakup or deceit. This is a period of rest and rest from what was in the past. This value is especially accurate if the Two of Swords fell in the layout.

AT upside down the card symbolizes a bad character and lack of initiative, which negatively affect romantic relationships. The card describes a misunderstanding of people, the possibility of arising or having a relationship with a bad person who pulls down and has unworthy goals.

In some cases, this card may say that a person is hiding something terrible, something that could push everyone away from him. This is the most likely value if the Moon card fell out in the layout.

If you were wondering about love, but next to the Nine of Wands the Jester fell out, then get ready that you have a life ahead of you, like on a volcano, if you decide to start a relationship with the one you are guessing at. He will do something unexpected all the time and you will never be sure.

If you got Court map, this means that you have not learned to draw the right conclusions and not repeat mistakes.


If the Nine of Wands indicates illness, it may indicate head injury. This is a concussion, lack of attention, constant fatigue, melancholy.

Often, Arkan indicates a disease that has appeared due to the fact that you have overexerted yourself too much and had little rest, and now you need to urgently deal with it so that everything does not go too far.

If a in health plan there is an inverted Nine of Wands, then health is unreliable, undermined through the fault of the questioner. It can also indicate problems with the immune system, the body cannot overcome the onslaught of infections.


Nine of Wands at work is:

  • good discipline
  • the ability to plan one's affairs,
  • good performance in the fight against difficulties.

The card may indicate well-fulfilled duties, productive work. You are tired, but ready to act more, you will have tests that you need to pass in order to successfully complete the process. The night is known to be darker before dawn, so gather your will into a fist and make the final push.

Sometimes the card speaks of a small respite in a battle that has been going on for a long time. She can predict some attacks from competitors.

The person shown on the card is wearing clothes. simple worker, he is wounded, but ready to endure more than one battle. He has sufficient skill, he has completed some work, he is pleased with it, but he is ready to continue. He defends what he has already won.

This card can point to a student, who has almost graduated from an educational institution, he has not yet completed the stage, but has already gained a lot of experience. He may be very tired, but he does not give up and does what others think is unthinkable. He passes all the tests and is ready to fight for a long time.

Arcane Nine of Wands may indicate police and firefighters, emergency workers, rescuers, dispatchers. These are security guards, rescue workers, lawyers.

Often this card symbolizes a good financial situation, she says that your financial affairs are going well, you are not in debt, you can save. This is the result of hard work, and it is well deserved, but you still have to fight.

Sometimes Arkan says about the fight against creditors, attempts to normalize the situation after the crisis and the battle with extortionists. You need to bite the bullet and win, using moral strength for this.

Well no

If you are guessing at the answer "yes-no", then in a straight position traditionally the Nine of Wands says "Yes", although it indicates some difficulties that will prevent you from achieving your goal. In the inverted position, the card means a negative answer. You'd better forget about this undertaking.

To get a more detailed answer, it is better to make a detailed layout of the situation. Then other Arcana will explain how you should do better and point to the root of the problem.

The Tarot card of the 9 of Wands is the personification of the element of Fire, life-giving energy, strength and power. She seems to be addressing the fortuneteller with a request to stop being afraid. Warns - only your fears can become an obstacle on the way to the cherished goal. Let's analyze the meaning of the card in more detail.

The inverted Nine of Wands seems to be screaming: stop, rest, you have driven yourself. Indeed, it is better to take a breather in an overly active life. Stop worrying and start living.

9 of Wands Tarot: Meaning in Relationships

In the layouts for relationships, the Nine Staffs can have the following meanings:

  1. Nine clearly indicates that your current personal life is strongly influenced by the past. These can be unforgiven grievances, accumulated claims, complexes and fears imposed by society. It is necessary to get rid of such a burden in order to heal the soul from negativity and let happiness into your own life.
  2. But not everything is so bad: the Nine also indicates that the negative experience experienced in the past is useful. Thanks to him, you are a wise person who will not step on the old rake in a new relationship.
  3. The Nine of Staves also indicates that, due to past disappointments, you are holding a lasting fear in your soul. You prefer not to let anyone into your heart, because you are afraid of new pain. Perhaps some negative situation has been repeated in the past more than once.
  4. Because of negative past experiences, you refuse to start a new relationship. But even if you take the risk, they are unlikely to bring you happiness. Because first you need to let go of the past. Forgive and accept that situations that disappointed you happened for your own good.
  5. The 9 of Wands directly warns: do not do away with the past - you will never find happiness in the present. Your protective shell does not allow you to let new love and sincere feelings into your life.

You need to learn how to learn from past experiences. If some unfavorable situation in a relationship is repeated from time to time, from partner to partner, you need to think about it. Something in your behavior or mindset affects this outcome. Understand what your mistake is and stop stepping on the same rake. The cause of problems always lies in you, and not in others.

9 Staves Tarot: meaning in combination with other cards

The meaning of any Tarot card can change dramatically if it falls out with other arcana, wands or cups of the deck in the layout. Let's look at a few examples:

  • The 9 of Wands combined with the King of Wands is the first sign of intense jealousy. This crazy feeling comes up again and again in your life. All relationships in the past ended due to baseless suspicions and jealousy. Negative experience you continue to bear in the present
  • The combination with Twos indicates a serious distrust of a loved one. Either you suspect him of treason, or you are not ready to rely on him. Do not recognize him as a strong man, do not believe that he is capable of much
  • A couple with a Ten talks about the negative experience of family life. If you were previously married, it means that he did not bring you happiness. Or observed in childhood not the most rosy relationship between parents
  • The combination with the Three of Pentacles warns: problems are coming in the business sphere of life. A difficult client will come across or a partner will let you down. Be careful and careful, act as carefully as possible, do not let yourself be fooled
  • Together with the Ten of Coins, 9 of Wands falls to an unstable financial situation. You have crossed the poverty line in the past. And now the time has come to experience it again. But you will be able to get out and climb the crest of success again.
  • The combination with the King of Coins is a warning: you are closed to everything new, conservatism hinders your development. Try to be more loyal to the unknown

Watch the video about the meaning of the Tarot card 9 of Wands:

To summarize: almost always 9 Staffs indicate that the past does not let you go. This applies to both business and personal relationships. If you do not get rid of such a burden, you will never expect positive changes in your life. Let go of old resentments and fears - this will do you good.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "One card" layout

General value

The card indicates that new perspectives await the person, which should not be abandoned. Arkan can also talk about difficulties and tensions.


Lovers will be misunderstood. They will stop trusting each other. There will be alienation.


The card says that a person is obsessed with diseases. It is recommended to try to stop thinking about them and then recovery will come faster.


The card portends a worsening of business for businessmen. The lasso also indicates a return to old problems.

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✚ For the future

The meaning of the card is easy to predict after looking at the image. This tarot card portends that a moment of struggle may come in your destiny that should change your future. It is important to be in a state of expectation, to be ready to do dangerous things that will significantly affect your future. It is possible to fight a serious illness, so stock up on strength and energy. You can fix a difficult situation if you want it with all your heart and soul.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ Relationships

The Nine of Wands is a symbol of opposition. True, it is difficult to say specifically only on this card with whom or what it will be difficult to fight. It is necessary to independently analyze the situation and understand where the problem lies: in communication with a loved one, that is, a problem in mutual understanding, or there will be a struggle with some third person who interferes in your relationship, in which case the task is to prevent betrayal. You will also have to fight for new relationships and show the strongest qualities in yourself, but it’s not clear with whom to fight - with yourself, with an opponent, or with the object of sighing itself.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

Don't miss out on new opportunities! You have to protect your reputation, fight to achieve success; there are major changes ahead. Financial stability awaits you, success in career advancement due to your high professional skills. The struggle will lie in wait in the aspect of health. You are so accustomed to the struggle that you have already formed some kind of "shell", a protective mechanism has appeared even regarding relationships. You are a responsible person, always ready to confront. However, you are advised not to constantly think about the past and to finally start a new happy life.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

New ways and possibilities found through analysis and precise calculations. Finding the right solutions, trying to foresee the future with the help of logic and knowledge.

Tomorrow you will have a day that requires the activation of all internal resources - knowledge, experience, energy and perseverance. Arkan speaks of a positive answer to your question, but a lot of effort will have to be made. Your striving for the perfect solution tomorrow will be in your favor, because there will be enough inner strength to make everything perfect.

New projects are expected at work, seemingly impossible, but fate says that you have enough strength.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think of me

You got a very difficult person, with a big and serious psychological trauma. You must be sympathetic to his mental problem and help him deal with it. Without your support, he will not be able to return to his state of harmony. He is constantly jealous of you, looking for the possibility and likelihood of your betrayal, so he panics in any situation that causes conflicting feelings. This is due to the betrayal that happened to him in the past. He cannot get rid of the heavy pear of past relationships.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On desire

Now there is a need to defend your opinion. Until you make your desire important enough for yourself and your loved ones, there will be no progress. Do not try to do it in any unusual way - stability in this case is the key to success. As soon as you manage to overcome this obstacle, a few days will remain before the fulfillment of your desire. Therefore, take your will into a fist and do not give up ahead of time.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Serious struggle in the past left an imprint on the present. Delay in the development of the situation. For further events, efforts will have to be made. You are tormented by guilt over past mistakes. Overestimation of the event and high expectations provoke fear.

At the same time, the situation is advantageous. Ahead is the successful completion of the event, but there is a struggle ahead that will take a lot of strength and experience in the process. Major changes are coming in the future. Stop being afraid - only fears stand in the way of your goal!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

Stability, harmony in relationships and burning passions, it would seem, are incompatible concepts, but the Nine of Wands promises all this together. Such relationships will develop rapidly, constantly shifting the upper bar, which many do not reach. If you are already in a couple, then wait for events that will only change them for the better, add emotions. This will make you fall in love with your partner once again, which will be the main reason for marriage.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

A man in confusion, he pays for his mistakes with losses and troubles.

The situation is difficult. You yourself are the cause of all the troubles, you yourself launched the processes that led to such deplorable consequences. Do not shake your fists and ask why you are suffering. You were deprived of something dear not as a punishment, this is a natural course of events.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

Soon there will be new opportunities that should not be missed. But for now, we have to deal with the old problem. You have enough courage and experience to take a defensive position. It may well be that your companion has hurt in the past, and now it's time for you to remind him of this. Tip: boldly defend yourself and the right to choose. If you see remorse and a man’s desire to change your opinion of him for the better, then give it a chance. Perhaps everything will work out.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ Cheating

The card of this lasso indicates that you cannot part with the past in any way. The grievances and claims accumulated for many years are playing a cruel joke with you. Feelings of fear and unforgiveness haunt real relationships and interfere with their harmonious development.

In order to let happiness into your life and establish a good, sincere relationship with your partner, you need to let go of the past. Open up and accept the feelings that a loved one can give.

A full description of the map is available at

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