Processing technology. How to effectively dispose of old household appliances. Samara region Recycling of office equipment

Environmental problems are associated with the development of various waste products by mankind, which worsen the ecological situation. IN various countries around the world deal with this problem in different ways. According to statistics for 2011, for example, only 2% of waste was recycled in the Russian Federation, and 98% of waste was disposed of.

For comparison, in the US, 59% of waste was landfilled, in the EU - 39%, and in Sweden - no more than 2%. 25% of waste was recycled in the US, 22% in the EU and 32% in Sweden. The rest of the waste foreign countries composted and used to generate electricity.

As a result, the Russian Federation has big losses associated with the low use of waste as secondary resources, and the accumulation of this unused waste continues.

One of the components of waste is faulty and obsolete machinery and equipment.

During operation, wear and tear of machines occurs. Broken machines often occupy areas where new equipment could be installed. Just taking the machines to a landfill is not allowed by the legislation of the country, besides, idle equipment will worsen the environment.

Therefore, after removing the machines from the balance, it is most correct to hand them over to specialized organizations involved in the disposal of equipment. In such organizations, precious and non-ferrous metals are separated from the design of machine tools. Then all attached parts are removed and sorted, the body is crushed and pressed. The scrap is then melted down.

At present, institutions, companies and ordinary citizens have accumulated a large amount of unnecessary computer equipment. This is due to the fact that computer technology is developing at a tremendous pace and becomes obsolete literally in a year. In addition, the repair of broken equipment often does not justify itself from an economic point of view. It is often cheaper to buy new equipment than to repair the old one. Therefore, often old computers, as well as various outdated peripherals, take up extra space. To avoid this, it is necessary to carry out the correct and notebooks.

The laws of the Russian Federation do not allow simply taking this equipment to a landfill, since individual components, parts and microcircuits contain precious metals, which by law must be extracted for reuse. Equipment also often contains hazardous metals such as arsenic or lead, which must be separated from general secondary raw materials.

Therefore, specialized companies are engaged in the recycling of computer and office equipment.

Recycling of every kind household appliances has its own characteristics. For example, when it is necessary to pump out freon gas, which causes great damage to our atmosphere. One kilogram of freon affects the atmosphere in the same way as 10 tons carbon dioxide.

Non-ferrous metals and electronics are removed from large-sized equipment, and metal boxes of refrigerators, stoves or microwave ovens are compressed in a special press. In the future, the metal is sent to the metallurgical plant.

The Russian car park is quite old. Thus, in 2012, there were more than 50% of cars over 10 years old, and more than 65% of trucks.

It is expected that 3 million cars will be scrapped in the Russian Federation in the near future.

At the end of 2014, the capacity of all points in the country for acceptance for recycling of passenger cars amounted to more than 200 thousand cars, and trucks - more than 30 thousand cars a year.

After working out their resource, cars become unusable. As a result, they litter the territory of the auto enterprise, and you also have to pay tax for them.

In 2012, a recycling fee was introduced. Since the beginning of 2014, under pressure from the WTO, this fee has been taken from all car manufacturers and importers.

In addition, a document is being developed that takes into account the issues of safe disposal, for which the use of safe materials that do not contain harmful components is regulated in the development of cars.

IN agriculture more than 650,000 tractors, combines and other technological machines are currently in use. At the same time, in accordance with the State Development Program APC their number continues to increase. According to world statistics, every year almost 4% of agricultural machines break down and require disposal.

Problems of utilization of agricultural machinery are part of the program for the use of secondary resources. As statistics show, the fleet of agricultural equipment is rapidly aging. The right activities can help upgrade this park and get additional a large number of raw materials.

Specialists propose to create special technological sites for the disposal of equipment at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, which will make it possible to obtain a large amount of secondary resources.

For example, the estimate of ferrous metals obtained by recycling can reach 370,000 tons, non-ferrous metals - 9320 tons, plastics - 7630 tons, and so on.


  1. Earth ecology problems require right attitude to the processing of waste management of mankind, including the disposal of machinery and equipment.
  2. Disposal various items technique requires special equipment and financial costs.
  3. For certain industries, such as the automotive industry or the production of agricultural machinery, Government program recycling.

IN modern world each large organization has a lot of equipment on its balance sheet. These are both computers and office mobile phones, and copiers, and much more. Electronic devices facilitate the workflow and are an integral part of it. However, the constant development of technology leads to the fact that equipment becomes morally obsolete much earlier than its service life. For example, a personal computer or laptop purchased five years ago is considered obsolete. Just throwing it in a landfill will not work, special measures are needed. Such devices should be disposed of in order to save nature and, if possible, reuse their materials. Therefore, there is a demand for this service, and over time it will only grow: technologies move forward, the life of computers and office equipment is reduced, and the need for recycling will arise more and more often. Is it possible to earn money on this?

Business organization

To become a utilizer, it is necessary to draw up a number of documents. First of all, the disposal procedure is prescribed in the OKPD 38.21 and OKVED codes 38 and 10.37.22 as the processing of materials belonging to hazard classes I-IV. This means that in order to obtain a license, the company must have specialists with access to these types of work. If there are none, you will have to undergo training under the programs " Professional training persons for the right to work with waste I-IV hazard class” and “Ensuring environmental safety by managers and specialists of general business management systems”.

You also need a certificate of registration with the tax authority and a document on registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. By order of the company, a specialist responsible for handling hazardous waste must be appointed. The rest of the documents are contracts for the acceptance of waste and for rent. land plot and passport technological equipment. Due to the fact that many of the devices contain precious metals, a certificate from the Assay Office (the so-called “jewelry license”) has yet to be issued. You won't be able to work without it.

Thus, the minimum starting capital of the "utilizer" includes the following items:

  • State duty - 7.5 thousand rubles.
  • Registration at the Assay Office - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Training of specialists (2 people) - 80 thousand rubles.
  • Legal assistance - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Shredder for the destruction of rubber and plastic waste (used) - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Workshop rental - 50 thousand rubles. per month.
  • The minimum set of tools for dismantling and sorting - from 100 thousand rubles.

With such a budget, your company plays the role of an intermediary and does not carry out the disposal itself. You disassemble the equipment “for spare parts” and sell it to larger processing companies that have their own production facilities. Approximately 95% of recyclable devices go to such processing plants, and 5% that are unsuitable for disposal are thrown into landfills.

They are looking for counterparties, as a rule, on the exchanges of utilizers. Usually, companies work this way, since investments of more than a billion rubles are required to organize their own landfill for the processing of such waste. At the same time, the profitability of such a business, according to the owners, is no more than 10-15%, and the money invested can be returned only after one and a half to two years.

Development prospects

The main direction for the future is the expansion of recyclable products: plastic bottles, aluminum cans, chemical wastes. New licenses and additional courses may be required. Also, along with office equipment, waste paper often accumulates in offices - you can offer services for its removal and further processing. If you have your own plant (for example, rented) - it is worth taking up processing household waste. Possible areas of activity are the production of concrete and bricks.


When considering the features of the organization of such production, it is clear that the business is very specific and with such huge investments to start a full cycle of work is completely unattractive for novice businessmen. Due to the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, the owners of firms worry little about the protection environment and by all means they try to send the used equipment to the landfill at minimal cost.

Probably, the demand for "utilizers" will not disappear, but only because the state "pressures" violating companies with fines. If, after the adoption of another law, the authorities loosen their grip or completely lose interest in the problem of nature conservation, then the need for utilizers will disappear. If you can attract investments and build a plant for processing a wide range of waste, you will be able to find an approach to the market and satisfy its requirements. In the case of an “intermediary-sorter”, you will have to look for a new niche.

According to the UN, 1.6 million tons of electronics and equipment are thrown away in Russia every year. Only 5 percent of this amount is sent for recycling. The Recycle correspondent visited the RETEKO enterprise and saw how office equipment and machinery are processed.

– The company's activity began with the provision of services for the processing of scrap and waste of precious metals. In the future, in order to expand the types of services provided, we began to offer a service for the disposal of computer and office equipment, - tells the director of the enterprise Alexander Suvorov.

The company has been operating in the office equipment recycling market for 10 years. The company is located in the suburbs of Novosibirsk, the city of Ob.

It receives decommissioned office equipment from enterprises of the city and the region, more than 10,000 units per month.

Almost all types of office equipment, from computer mouse to the system unit, are made using precious metals.

According to federal law"On Precious Metals and Precious Stones", organizations are required to keep records of precious metals and precious stones in all types and conditions, including precious metals and gems included in fixed and working capital, purchased components. Violation of this rule leads to fines for entrepreneurs.

In this regard, the disposal of office equipment is carried out only by specialized enterprises registered with the State Assay Office. The processing of office equipment takes place in several stages. First, the batch is evaluated, then manual disassembly begins.

Incoming equipment is disassembled into components: capacitors, connectors, transistors, microcircuits, resistors, switches, relays, etc.

When processing office equipment, they get useful secondary materials, which can be divided into several types of plastic, namely: ABS plastic, PS - polyester, RK - polycarbonate.

Plastic parts are sorted according to the marking and sent to the crusher.

Shredded plastic is valuable secondary raw materials and goes to the Novosibirsk polymer production.

Then aluminum, copper, iron, lead, glass, magnesium, cobalt, nichrome are collected separately.

Payments are also sorted. For example, foreign-made boards are considered to be “poorer” in terms of the content of valuable metals.

All small parts are disassembled manually or mechanically.

Manual disassembly is a painstaking and time-consuming process.

During a shift, workers disassemble about 300-500 kg of various devices.

Now the company employs about 70 employees. says the director.

All component parts of parts and wires are sorted by the type of metal they contain.

Non-ferrous and precious metals are extracted immediately in their pure form, or sent for additional processing.

This is the EUREKA 15 installation, in the photo - the process of pure copper exit through a magnetic separator.

This is what unrefined gold looks like.

The extracted secondary metals are sent to metallurgical plants.

Photo: Vitaliy Kotan, specially for Recycle.

Household appliances recycling business is enough profitable business and has a fast return on investment. The main plus is that you can start it in any city, in any region of the country, because refrigerators, washing machines, plates, etc. are used everywhere.

Any household appliances are metal, both black and non-ferrous. Metal, as you know, is a raw material, and where there is raw material, there is always money!

It doesn't take much to start a business like this. Firstly, you need a car, at least one for the first time, not necessarily a new one (Gazelle, Ford Transit truck or the like), secondly, a room (garage, box), thirdly, a tool (a set of keys, a pair of grinders). In terms of money, it will not come out very expensive, especially now there are different programs business support and young entrepreneurs.

Next, you need to advertise in local newspapers, on bulletin boards on the Internet (for example, “Avito”, if you have funds, you can invest in leaflets. The text of the ad is something like this: “We will take household appliances out of your home for free.” You can write “buy”, give a symbolic amount, and applications will increase, for example, due to people who do not have enough vodka.Everywhere there are shops that give a discount on new technology, instead of the old one, you definitely need to go through them, try to convince them to hand over this technique to you.

When the calls start coming, you need to look for people. To start one, better friend, or a friend with whom you will collect this equipment at the addresses. If there are funds, then you can immediately hire a couple of people. Next, you need to find people who will disassemble and cut. There should be no problems with this either, since a huge number of people are now technically savvy and can distinguish non-ferrous metal from black, and know how to extract the latter.

After you have the metal in its pure form, you need to find a market. Acceptance of black and non-ferrous scrap is everywhere, you just need to find higher prices. It is possible that you will have to transport the metal to different places because: thin iron (tin or 12A) is cheaper than thick iron (3A, 5A, etc.). But these subtleties (types of scrap, prices for them, etc.) will have to be comprehended by yourself.

Another considerable profit will bring you plastic, which you will accumulate in excess. Finding sales for it now is also not difficult, you just need to monitor (study) the market. If it doesn’t work out, then you will have to throw it away, or arrange for acceptances to take equipment from you with plastic, but with a big blockage. In the future, you will need to expand. Take a second car, you can buy a plastic recycling machine, look for large suppliers. There are many options and directions for expansion.

Yes, there are many “pitfalls” here, it will not be easy, especially at the beginning, but there is no such thing in which there are no problems. Iron business for iron people. This must be taken into account, and if there is no desire to go to the end, to overcome difficulties, then you need to choose something else. In any case, good luck to you!

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