Why are bottles put on the truck. That's why some truckers don't hit the track without empty bottles in their wheels. Plastic bottles on truck wheels

The issue of bottles in trailer wheels appeared on the Internet for a reason. He was voiced by Novosibirsk Vasily Chemenov to connoisseurs on the air of the popular game “What? Where? When?" As a result, even bright minds did not find the right answer. The man received the coveted reward, and viewers were surprised to find out why they still use empty bottles.

There was a clarification in the question that this principle is used by Siberian drivers when traveling. This nuance prompted connoisseurs to think that such a simple technology could save one of the holes from freezing. Although the answer was not recognized as correct, the key word - cold - was nevertheless uttered.

The author of the question explained that under the influence of extremely low temperatures, breakdowns and freezing are not ruled out. For example, the pad may freeze or jam. As a result, driving at high speed, the driver will not be able to fix the malfunction, but after a while the jammed wheel will turn into a tire explosion.

Now it became clear for what purpose empty bottles are installed. Looking at them, the driver can constantly check in the rear-view mirrors whether all the wheels are moving properly. The need for invention is cunning, as you know, and folk know-how can sometimes surpass any industrial inventions.

Wherever plastic containers find secondary use. It is used for growing plants, as a watering can, watering. We want to talk about another way to use this container. You can often see how truckers put bottles on the wheels of a truck. But why do they do it?

Functions of bottles on truck wheels

This is done for various reasons:

  • to see which wheel is jammed;
  • to protect nuts and bolts from freezing;
  • as caps, if the "relatives" are lost;
  • for signaling.

It is not uncommon for criminals to put plastic bottles on the wheels of trucks in order to attract the attention of the driver, distract him and steal the truck.

Consider each method of application in more detail.

Checking the brake system

Plastic containers are installed on the wheels of trailers to see which one is jammed. Due to the large length of the additional loading platform, the driver cannot see the tires in motion and cannot determine if there is a wheel wedge.

Plastic bottles mounted on nuts or studs visually increase the dimensions of the tires; when moving, they fall into the visibility zone of a trucker. This allows you to determine which of the wheels does not rotate, and take timely measures to repair or replace it in order to prevent damage to the rubber or its increased wear.

Frost protection for bolts and nuts

In severe frosts, if the thread of the wheel stud or nut is frozen, it is not possible to remove the tire and replace it. To do this, it is necessary to water the fasteners for a long time with hot water, in general, to lose time.

Plastic bottles contain air, which is an excellent heat insulator, and therefore does not allow bolts and nuts to freeze, which allows them to be unscrewed at any time, quickly and without much effort.

Caps for stud nuts

Caps on nuts and bolts protect their threads from dust accumulation, moisture ingress, which leads to corrosive processes. They cost decent money, but are lost easily and simply. Therefore, truckers have found an inexpensive and practical replacement for them - plastic bottle caps. They do not need to be purchased separately. They are ideal for bolt heads and nut dimensions.


Theft of tires and wheels is not uncommon. Particularly profitable is the theft of tires of heavy vehicles. Even one wheel can be sold for decent money. Therefore, they are often removed from trucks, taking advantage of the fact that the driver either fell asleep or was distracted by something else. But in order to remove the wheel, the attacker needs to unscrew it.

A bottle put on nuts or studs plays the role of a kind of signaling. When trying to access the fasteners, a noise is made that attracts the attention of the driver or owner of the vehicle.

Plastic bottle - a tool for stealing

Drivers are not the only ones who insert bottles into the wheels of trucks. Thieves do it too. For what? To distract the attention of the one who turns the steering wheel.

A plastic bottle is inserted between the front and rear wheel under the body, and when the car starts moving, it makes sounds that are unnatural for normal car operation.

Do they attract the driver and he gets out of the car to see what happened or what is causing the strange sounds?

Often, unaware of something bad, drivers, alarmed by suspicious sounds, leave the car doors open without even turning off the engines. This is what the thief uses. When the trucker leaves, the criminal gets into the truck and simply leaves.

  • turn off the engine and remove the keys;
  • install an alarm not on the car, which will allow you to respond in a timely manner to attempts to take possession of the car by another person.

If you take all of these precautions, the attacker will have almost no chance of stealing a car.

As you can see, an ordinary plastic bottle is a universal remedy that protects car wheels from damage and increased wear, protects fasteners from the influence of adverse environmental factors, and signals illegal actions by intruders.

Of course, this is not a panacea for troubles, but a significant help to the driver, which will cost him very cheaply. After all, plastic bottles (with contents, of course) are sold everywhere, just do not rush to throw them away. They will be useful to you, while you will not litter the natural environment.

Empty bottles will not take up much space in your car and will save you a lot of money.

Detailed information is visible on the video:

I read on the Internet about the riddle, why they say truckers in Novosibirsk insert an empty plastic bottle into the hole of the wheel disk. The answer was immediately written there, but I had some doubts about its correctness.

Who knows the answer to this situation, check if everything is really so ...

As they say, this question was voiced in the game "What? Where? When?" and experts have not given him the correct answer. Its author was Vasily Chemenov from Novosibirsk, who as a result received the coveted reward.
So why do we need bottles?
So, as many have noticed, it's all about low temperatures. But why a bottle? Maybe there is a nipple from the tire? Yes, it seems that nothing should happen to him in any frost ...

The correct answer looks like this: under the influence of extremely low temperatures, it is possible that the brake pad may freeze or jam. As a result, driving at high speed, the driver will not be able to find out about the malfunction in time, and after a while the jammed wheel will turn into a tire explosion.
And supposedly for this, empty bottles are installed, looking at which, the driver can control the rotation of the wheels in the rear-view mirrors. Is everyone moving as they should?
What confuses me.
1. Are these bottles really visible in the rear-view mirrors? All the same, the photo shows that they do not stick out too much for the dimensions, although I haven’t ridden in trucks and I don’t know the review of mirrors there.
2. Is it really possible to determine on the go if there are up to four bottles on each side, is each spinning?
What do you think?

Why do truckers put empty bottles into the wheels of a truck trailer.

A trucker is a difficult profession that dictates its own rules of conduct and does not forgive oversights. Many people think that truck drivers have a lot of empty superstitions, but in fact they know exactly what they are doing and why. For example, it seems pointless to ordinary people to insert empty eggplants into the wheels of a trailer. But this action also has a logical explanation ...

The issue of bottles in trailer wheels appeared on the Internet for a reason. He was voiced by Novosibirsk Vasily Chemenov to connoisseurs on the air of the popular game “What? Where? When?" As a result, even bright minds did not find the right answer. The man received the coveted reward, and viewers were surprised to find out why they still use empty bottles.

There was a clarification in the question that this principle is used by Siberian drivers when traveling. This nuance prompted connoisseurs to think that such a simple technology could save one of the holes from freezing. Although the answer was not recognized as correct, the key word - cold - was nevertheless uttered.

A special technology that is used by truckers in cold regions.

The author of the question explained that under the influence of extremely low temperatures, breakdowns and freezing are not ruled out. For example, the pad may freeze or jam. As a result, driving at high speed, the driver will not be able to fix the malfunction, but after a while the jammed wheel will turn into a tire explosion.

Empty bottles in wheels.

Looking at the bottle, you can see if the wheel is spinning.

Now it became clear for what purpose empty bottles are installed. Looking at them, the driver can constantly check in the rear-view mirrors whether all the wheels are moving properly. The need for invention is cunning, as you know, and folk know-how can sometimes surpass any industrial inventions.

In the fourth game of the spring series “What? Where? When?" the most eminent experts answered the questions of viewers - the team of Viktor Sidnev. The honor of the intellectual club was defended by two masters at once: Alexander Druz And Maxim Potashev. But a task from the Novosibirsk manager Vitaly Chemenev even they were too tough.

In Siberia, in winter, trucks can be found on the highways, in the wheels of trailers of which empty plastic bottles are installed. Why do truck drivers install such bottles? - asked the Novosibirsk.

By the way, Vitaly himself learned the answer to this question a little over a year ago from a friend whose uncle works as a truck driver.

We were driving a car with him and just saw such a truck, - says the Siberian. - A friend and explained the essence of the tricks of truckers. It turns out that when a trailer wheel sticks, the driver may not notice it right away. But due to such a problem, the wheel can burst right while driving. To avoid an emergency, truckers use bottles: if they spin with the wheel, then everything is in order. If not, then you need to find out what happened.

It was then that Vitaly decided to check whether experts could understand the idea of ​​truckers.

I've been watching "What? Where? When? ”, I sent a question once, but they didn’t take it. Therefore, here I didn’t really count on anything, - Vitaly admits.

A year has passed, and the Siberian has already forgotten that he sent a problem for connoisseurs. Until he got a call from the editorial office of the program.

They said that my question was over, you just need to shoot it on video, - the Novosibirsk resident describes further events. - I had to ask a friend for help again: we agreed with his uncle to use a truck for the plot. And my friend filmed everything on camera.

Vitaly didn't know which team would get the question. But he is proud of the fact that his task was on the table of the most famous TV erudites. True, the experts themselves did not appreciate his efforts.

There was no question. There was an interesting fact from which a question could be formulated. But, apparently, no one bothered about this, - Maxim Potashev believes.

But maybe the experts were just upset that they could not figure out this worldly trick. The wrong version of the team was voiced by a TV scholar Leonid Timofeev: they say, the bottle is necessary so that the hole in which it is fixed does not freeze. The score after this question was 4:3 in favor of the viewers, but the team Viktor Sidnev won.

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