Marilyn Kerro VK official group. Marilyn Kerro is pregnant: from whom the star of the battle of psychics is expecting a baby. Marilyn Kerro's relationship with the opposite sex

Marilyn Kerro- finalist.

Received white envelopes: , .

Beautiful, mysterious, as a girl should be, and self-confident, which is typical real witch, Marilyn Kerro in an instant attracted the attention of viewers of the television program "The Battle of Psychics". The fourteenth season of this show has collected a large number of really strong clairvoyants. So Mrs. Kerro from the first tests has already established herself as an exceptionally strong magician.

Biography of Marilyn Kerro

However, Marilyn is successful not only in the field of magic. Estonian witch co-owns a small establishment with her sister Catering. The clairvoyant is also a very popular fashion model.

The image of a witch, which Marilyn Kerro tried on, looks very original and impressive from television screens. According to the girl, she practices voodoo magic. This could be seen during the test with the search for a person in the trunk of a car, when the witch sacrificed the heart of an animal. However, observant viewers noticed Kerro's paraphernalia, which confirms the witch's use of practices other than Voodoo. For example, the long rosary that the clairvoyant puts on for tests has at least a hundred divisions, which evokes thoughts about the Buddhist knowledge of a witch. Also, the wall of the girl in one of the social networks is replete with quotes from the world-famous spiritual mentor Osho.

Such a versatile development of the Estonian witch in matters of magic and esotericism attracts even greater interest in her person. Fans of the show "The Battle of Psychics" are looking forward to when the sorceress again proves herself in new trials. On the this moment she serves as the leader in the fourteenth season. Not without reason, from the first episodes of the new battle, Marilyn's photograph has already appeared several times in a white envelope. Thus, the witch convinced both skeptics and ordinary viewers of her paranormal abilities.

Photo Marilyn Kerro

Today we will tell you about how a simple girl from a poor family became a hereditary witch, what obstacles she had to go through in order to succeed and reach the finals of the famous reality show "The Battle of Psychics". So, today we will talk about a girl named Marilyn Kerro, and you will also find out if there is a real Marilyn in social network In contact with.


  • Marilyn was born in autumn 1988 in Estonia. She has gone through many trials in her life.
  • When Marilyn was little, her mother was involved in her upbringing, and her father suffered from alcoholism. The family lived in poverty, but, despite this, the girl studied at school with excellent marks.
  • Since the family was experiencing financial difficulties, the girl immediately after school got a job as a seller. But after some time it was reduced. After that, she worked as a packer.
A little later, you will find out if there is Marilyn Kerro VK, and now we will tell you how the girl became a hereditary witch.

Modeling career and a sharp turn in life

  • Marilyn successfully completes modeling courses. Model removed for magazines.
  • A little later, the girl quits her modeling career, as she finds old books that previously belonged to her witch great-grandmother. Marilyn's great-grandmother practiced voodoo magic.
  • The girl began to study books and began to conduct experiments in the field of magic.
  • During one of their séances, Marilyn saw her great-grandmother, who told the girl that she should become a real witch!

"The fight of extrasensories"

  • Marilyn decided to take part in the famous "Battle of Psychics" program, where the most powerful magicians, sorcerers, psychics and witches compete with each other and test their magical abilities.
  • This decision came to the girl after prophetic dream, in which Marilyn makes it to the finals of the reality show.

Is she registered with VK?

And now you will find out if there is a page of the participant of the “Battle of Psychics” on VKontakte. We want to please you: Marilyn is a user of our favorite social network. Her real page You can find at this address:

Marilyn Kerro has only about 90 friends and more than 62 thousand subscribers. You can add a girl as a friend, but you will not be able to write her a private message if she does not confirm your application on VKontakte. Even added as a friend to Marilyn Kerro.

Marilyn Kerro published 20 videos on her page. Here you can watch a video with a star, an excerpt from the "Battle of Psychics" with Alexander and Marilyn, a video " New Battle Psychics - Victim to Spirits ”and other interesting moments from the reality show. Marilyn has not published a single photo album on her page. But you can see photos of the girl on the avatar.


Marilyn Kerro in VKontakte is one of the leaders of the official community, which is called: “Marilyn Kerro | Official group". You can find this group here: The community has over 43 thousand members. The community is dedicated to the magical activities of Marilyn.

Now you know how to find Marilyn Kerro in the social network Contact . You can subscribe to her page or join the official group dedicated to her activities. Good luck!

If you watch the TV show "The Battle of Psychics", then you probably remember the bright participant of the 14th and 16th seasons with the name Marilyn Kerro. This heroine, originally from Estonia, went through several circles of earthly hell before appearing on the television screen.

Marilyn Kerro was born in a difficult time - September 18, 1988. Poor family, stepfather with a violent temper and heavy fists, working with early years at the vegetable store. Deciding to turn the tide, Kerro goes to modeling school and begins modeling career, however, and this bread is not so easy. And only then the girl remembers that in her family she had a real witch for a reason ...

According to Marilyn Kerro, the spirit of the great-grandmother did not take long and appeared at one of the first seances. Then the girl was convinced: magic is for her! The magic methods were not the most pleasant, and the ingredients were sometimes very unappetizing. But who said it would be easy? But looking at Marilyn's "work" on the show turned out to be insanely interesting, so, having missed the 15th season, she returned to the 16th.

The audience remembers how the magician made Linda cry, how she talked about the detention of Victor Cohen, how her magic turned out to be stronger than that of other participants in the show. They say she even managed to bewitch another psychic - Alexander Sheps!

Marilyn's Instagram is for crazy people only

If you consider yourself a little “out of this world”, if you are inclined to explore new esoteric spaces and are able to discover new layers of reality, if you are visited by unknown images, and you understand non-existent languages, then Marilyn Kerro is on Instagram. This is not just a photo album of a popular psychic girl. This is an assembly place for extraordinary, not mundane people. As of March 2016, more than 350 thousand people subscribed to Marilyn Kerro's Instagram.

The page is located at the predictable address marilyn_kerro - you don't need paranormal powers to find it. However, the content of the blog is as extraordinary as Marilyn Kerro herself. She shares on Instagram not only fragments of a TV show, but also her products - for example, unusual and probably "charged" earrings, bracelets, and other accessories.

They say all witches love vice. Kerro likes to pose in bold poses, apparently remembering her modeling past. And she also loves cats: it’s not just that these cute animals are “sewn” with all sorts of mysticism! So even non-fans of Psychics make sense to go to Marilyn's Instagram.

Marilyn Kerro became widely known after participating in the 14th season of the TV show on the TNT channel "The Battle of Psychics". She quickly became one of the most beloved members of the audience. In addition, another participant in the Battle, a practicing psychic, medium Alexander Sheps, began to look after her on the project, who, by the way, won that season. Marilyn and Alexander then diverged, then converged again. But in the end, in June last year, Kerro made an official statement, announced that she now had only friendly relations with Sheps. In an interview with StarHit Estonian witch admitted that in spite of everything, Alexander will forever remain a close person for her. "We live separately. When people do not live together, this is no longer a relationship, ”said Kerro.

After a high-profile romance with a medium, Kerro, who does not like publicity, stopped commenting and demonstrating her personal life. Most she spends years at home, in Estonia with her family, but often visits Moscow, where she recently opened a magic center.

It was in the capital that Kerro was photographed with Mark Alexander Hansen. Marilyn spends a lot of time with this European, as evidenced by photos on the Web. True, the star of the mystical show herself does not comment on rumors about the novel.

However, he does not refute what the fans conclude from - he is silent, does not delete the photo from official page Vkontakte means it's true.

Therefore, fans are now sure that Marilyn is expecting a baby.

An intriguing photo appeared on one of the pages on Instagram under the name Kerro, and then on the official VKontakte page. Fans are happy for their favorite. They not only congratulated Marilyn, but also asked many questions.

"This is wonderful! Probably, the little one is already pushing. I knew Mary would be great! The reward for all good things will not keep you waiting! “It's still an interesting photo... I've always liked to watch animals interact with children and pregnant women. It's interesting, animals always feel everything very subtly. But some pregnant dogs are not allowed near them, especially big ones... They are afraid”; “Did you expect to be pregnant or were you shocked?” - wrote fans in the comments.

And Marilyn answered some subscribers. From the official (but unconfirmed by the representatives of the witch) Kerro page, she thanked for the congratulations and even hinted at the sex of the child: “The dog is part of the family, she feels the baby very well.” And when asked if the pregnancy was unexpected, she said: “Long-awaited!”.

Marilyn Kerro is an Estonian model, psychic, participant in the 14th, 16th and 17th seasons of the Russian “Battle of Psychics”. On this show, she was only one step away from winning. She calls herself a hereditary witch.

Childhood and youth

Marilyn was born in a suburb of the Estonian town of Rakvere. By the way, Marilyn Kerro is a real name, not a beautiful pseudonym.

Parents paid little attention to their daughter: her father drank, and her mother tried to earn money to feed her family. Most of the time, the baby was left to herself, communicating mainly with her aunt Salme, who was engaged in witchcraft and fortune telling. She opened Mary's door to the world of magic.

Instead of playing with her peers, little Marilyn liked to spend séances in an abandoned barn. From her aunt and great-grandmother, who, according to family tradition, was also a witch, she inherited magical books. According to Marilyn, at the age of six she was struck by lightning, after which she began to see the future.

The girl began to bring money to the family from the age of 13. At first she sewed curtains, in the summer she went to Finland to pick strawberries. And at the age of 16, she and her friend fled to Britain, where she got a job as a waitress. She returned to Estonia six months later, realizing that foggy England was not for her. Mary graduated from school with honors, but the lack of money in the family prevented her from continuing her education. Therefore, she had to get a job: first as a seller, then as a packer at a vegetable base. But such a life did not suit the unusual girl, and she went to modeling courses. For this, Mary had all the data: with high growth, she was very thin, since at the age of 16 she had experienced bulimia firsthand. The disease was subsequently defeated, and since then Marilyn has been a vegetarian.

The mother, who in her youth herself dreamed of a podium and photo shoots, was pleased with her daughter's career and hoped that this would distract Marilyn from practicing magic. However, Marilyn herself, having moved to Tallinn and devoted six years modeling business, did not give up spiritualism. As the girl herself said, during one of the sessions, the spirit of her great-grandmother-witch appeared to her and pointed to her true purpose.

Soon after, Marilyn saw her stepfather watching the Russian entertainment show Battle of the Psychics on TV. She began to observe with interest and solved all the tasks for the participants. The girl decided that this was a sign, and decided to participate in the program herself.

Marilyn Kerro at the "Battle of Psychics"

From that moment on, her fate changed dramatically. In 2013, having reached the final of the 14th season of "Battle" and taking second place, Marilyn gained tremendous experience and earned the love of millions of viewers. The victory was won by Alexander Sheps, who was even ready to give her his prize. But Mary said that she herself would return for him next season, and she kept her promise.

In 2015, she took part in the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics. The audience remembered the episode in which the organizers hid the skull in a box, allegedly Bigfoot. Entering the room where the remains lay, Kerro began to tremble and cry. “People are paying for this – one woman has already buried her husband, there will be more deaths.” According to the results of that issue, she was recognized as the best psychic. But again, she was only one step away from victory, which was literally snatched from her hands by the St. Petersburg witch Victoria Rydos.

But this failure did not break the purposeful Estonian. In 2016, she unexpectedly reappeared in the "Battle" for everyone. Her third arrival caused bewilderment and criticism not only among rivals, but also in the ranks of viewers. However, Marilyn did not pay attention to such trifles and stubbornly walked towards her goal. And again the second place - the first went to the mystic Swami Dasha. Fans are left wondering if their favorite will make an appearance in the next season of The Battle or will follow the saying "God loves trinity".

Marilyn Kerro about the finale of the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics

Marilyn Kerro enjoys the fruits of popularity to the fullest. In 2017, she opened a store of magic items "Magic Workshop": first in Tallinn, then similar stores appeared in Samara and Moscow. On the counter are various amulets and talismans, voodoo dolls handmade and other accessories for magical rituals.

Marilyn Kerro's personal life

During the first participation in the Battle of Psychics, Marilyn became close to another participant, the young psychic Alexander Sheps. Despite the fact that the girl then spoke Russian very poorly, this did not prevent the young people from becoming close friends first, and then a romantic couple.

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