Technician food service technologist training. Public catering: rules, gost. catering services. catering technology. organization of a public catering enterprise

At any enterprise Catering there is a person who is responsible for absolutely all processes occurring in production. There is a big burden on his shoulders, but he fulfills his duties with honor.

The profession of a technologist implies not only hard work, but also unlimited opportunities for introducing new ideas and undertakings, a flight of creative imagination, as well as huge prospects for career growth.

Professional responsibilities

The description of the duties of a technologist will take a lot of lines, since every year more and more new ones are added to them. Previously, there were fewer requirements for catering establishments than today. Therefore, the presence of a technologist on each of them was optional. Recipes have not changed over the years, the introduction of new dishes was practically not carried out. The chefs simply prepared according to the established schemes, and the head of production was engaged in paperwork.

AT modern world in conditions of fierce competition, one cannot do without a technologist, since it depends on him how popular a cafe, canteen, restaurant will become popular among consumers, and what income they will bring.

The main responsibilities of a technologist or catering engineer include:

  • development of new dishes and preparation of technological cards for them;
  • scheduling the work of all workshops in production;
  • product quality control;
  • study of the market of public catering services;
  • distribution of responsibilities among staff;
  • study and implementation of new technologies;
  • control of the serviceability of equipment and the availability of the necessary inventory;
  • organizing the supply of raw materials for production;
  • working with documents;
  • control of observance of norms of sanitation and hygiene;
  • organization of banquets and presentations;
  • development of a plan for the reconstruction of production shops.


You can study to be a technologist at a college or technical school. The process can take three to five years. At the same time, initially you need to get the specialty of a cook and pastry chef, and only then you can become a technologist. Without knowledge of recipes, the principle of cooking, training in this profession will be inappropriate. At the end of a special educational institution, the fifth category is assigned. After that, it will be possible to work as a technologist or manager. production in any catering establishment (restaurant, cafe, canteen), as well as in meat processing plants, canning factories, fish processing plants, dairies, shops for the production of semi-finished products.

In addition to the peculiarities of cooking, future technologists and catering engineers study such subjects as:

  • nutritional physiology;
  • microbiology;
  • sanitation and hygiene;
  • overseas service;
  • chemistry (organic, inorganic, analytical and physical colloid);
  • biochemistry;
  • organization of enterprises;
  • processes and devices;
  • equipment;
  • commodity science;
  • management;
  • marketing;
  • fundamentals of economics;
  • standardization and metrology;
  • psychology of business relations.

Become a process engineer after graduating from higher education educational institution. The amount of knowledge gained in this case will be much larger, but it will also take 5-6 years to master the profession. After graduating from a university, process engineers can not only work in their specialty, but also engage in teaching activities. In addition, they will be glad to see them in laboratories at large plants and factories as research workers.

The curriculum, in addition to the above subjects, includes such disciplines as engineering graphics, heat engineering, electrical engineering, theoretical mechanics. At the end of the educational process, the process engineer receives the title of sixth category cook.

Work and career

Without experience, it will be quite difficult to organize the work of a public catering enterprise. Therefore, even with an education, in a small cafe or restaurant, a specialist first has to show his professional skills by working as a cook. Having shown sufficient initiative and zeal in work in a relatively short time, you can become a chef and technologist in one person. Over time, such a specialist can grow to the manager or director of a company operating in the field of catering.

In large enterprises, a novice process engineer will first have to be an assistant to a more experienced colleague. Then after he proceeds to the independent performance of his immediate duties. Climbing the career ladder, you can become a chief technologist, production manager, deputy director or director of an enterprise.

The main advantage of the work of a technologist is the opportunity to do what you love, while receiving a decent salary. Important fact: you have to deal with learning and improving skills all your life, discovering new horizons and introducing innovative ideas.

Another positive aspect is the high demand for technicians and process engineers due to the opening of a large number of cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, meat, poultry, and fish processing shops.

Personal qualities

To work in any catering establishment, you must have certain personal qualities. A process engineer must have an excellent memory, pronounced creative abilities, and excellent aesthetic taste. Sociability and the ability to find reasonable compromises are needed to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the team. Nevertheless, the technologist and engineer must be as demanding as possible to subordinates. The ability to think quickly and creatively will come in handy in case of force majeure.

An engineer or technologist must have a highly developed sensitivity to the subtlest shades of smell and taste. The ability to visually determine how much a product weighs is highly valued. The presence of organizational skills will allow you to easily establish the flawless work of all shops of a public catering enterprise.

Another main criterion for the professionalism of a process engineer is excellent physical endurance, since in order to achieve good results, he often has to work overtime, stay on his feet or in a sitting position for a long time, stay in rooms with high or low temperatures, as well as in places with high humidity. Therefore, people with cardiovascular diseases, digestive system, musculoskeletal system and respiratory system, it is recommended to opt for another specialty. Persons who have a source of chronic infection in the body are strictly prohibited from working at a public catering establishment.

In order to become a true professional in your field, you should give yourself completely to work. You need to exchange experience with colleagues, read articles, follow the latest in the cooking and confectionery industry on the Internet, subscribe to specialized publications, attend exhibitions and professional competitions - then the result will not be long in coming!

Field Practice Report

according to the professional module PM 07. "Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees"

(by profession 16675 Cook)

Specialty: 260807 Technology of catering products

Explanatory note.

Purpose of the field trip– consolidation of theoretical knowledge gained in the process of training in professional module 07.

Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees (by profession 16675 Cook); mastering production skills at a public catering enterprise

The main tasks of the practice:
- get acquainted with the production processes at the public catering enterprise as a whole and at individual production sites;
- master the technology of production of semi-finished products of various degrees of readiness, various dishes, drinks, culinary products;
- familiarize yourself with the rules of safety, sanitation and personal hygiene of employees of a public catering enterprise

1. general characteristics catering establishments……………………
2. Organization of warehouse operations at the enterprise…………………….
3. Production of semi-finished products and finished products……………………………
3.1. Technological process of production of semi-finished products and organization of work of blank sections……………………………………………………….
3.2. Organization of the technological process and cooking in the pre-cooking area…………………………………………………………………
4. Organization of customer service……………………………………………







Field Practice Report

according to the professional module PM 07. "Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees"

(by profession 16675 Cook)

Specialty: 260807 Technology of catering products

Completed by: student of the TOP-31 group,

Checked by: N.R. Ulanova



General characteristics of a public catering enterprise……………………

Organization of warehouse work at the enterprise…………………….

Production of semi-finished and finished products……………………………

Technological process of production of semi-finished products and organization of work of blank sections……………………………………………………….

Organization of the technological process and cooking in the pre-cooking area…………………………………………………………………

Organization of customer service…………………………………………



A cafe is a public catering enterprise intended for organizing the recreation of consumers. The range of products sold is limited compared to the restaurant. It sells branded, custom-made dishes, flour confectionery, drinks, purchased goods. Dishes are mostly simple cooking, an extended range of hot drinks (tea, coffee, milk, chocolate, etc.).

In accordance with GOST R 50762 - 2007 “Catering services. Classification of public catering establishments "cafe distinguish:

by the range of products sold - cafe - ice cream, cafe - confectionery, cafe - dairy;

according to the contingent of consumers - youth cafe, children's cafe;

according to the method of service - self-service, service by waiters.

Cafes are not divided into classes, so the range of dishes depends on the specialization of the cafe.

Most cafes are public enterprises of the second category and operate on a self-service basis. Their trading floors are equipped with two- and four-place tables, at which they take food while sitting; or high round, triangular tables, at which they take food while standing.

The waiter service cafe has signature, custom-made dishes on its menu, but mostly fast food.

In cafes of the highest and first category, as well as in evening and youth cafes, visitors are served by waiters. Appropriate alcoholic drinks are sold here.

Creating a menu for a cafe starts with hot drinks, then cold drinks, flour confectionery, hot dishes, cold dishes.

The cafe is designed for visitors to relax, so the design of the trading floor with decorative elements, lighting, and color scheme is of great importance. The furniture is standard lightweight construction, the tables must have a polyester coating. From tableware, metal stainless steel, porcelain, faience, glass are used.

This paper discusses the organization of the technological process of preparing culinary products and serving visitors in the Vitamin Café.

The purpose of the internship is to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained in the process of training in the professional module 07. Performing work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees (by profession 16675 Cook); mastering production skills at the catering enterprise cafe "Vitamin".

The main tasks of the practice:

To get acquainted with the production processes at the enterprise cafe "Vitamin" as a whole and at individual production sites;

To master the technology of production of semi-finished products of various degrees of readiness, various dishes, drinks, culinary products in the Vitamin Café;

To study technological equipment, inventory and tools at a public catering enterprise;

Familiarize yourself with the rules of safety, sanitation and personal hygiene of employees of a public catering enterprise;

To develop proposals aimed at improving the technological process, improving the quality of culinary products, expanding the assortment in the Vitamin Café.


Type of business: open type cafe.

By the nature of the organization of production: the enterprise cafe "Vitamin" refers to enterprises with a complete technological process of processing products, starting with the receipt and storage of raw materials and ending with the sale of finished products.

Enterprise address: Yuzhnouralsk, Energetikov, 29. This enterprise has a sign indicating its type, name, purpose, information about the mode of operation, and more.

Affiliation to department: public catering.

Feeding contingent: residents of the city.

Working hours: daily from 9:00 to 18:00, in summer time from 9:00 to 21:00

Number of seats in the sales area: 60 seats.

Average number of visitors per day: about 40 people.

VITAMIN company, full name: "VITAMIN", LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, was registered on March 31, 1992. Cafe "Vitamin" was founded in 2009. The cafe is registered as a small business for an individual entrepreneur Sotnikova T.V.

Cafe services: organization of consumption and sale of ordered dishes of simple preparation, as well as a variety of hot (coffee, tea, cocoa) and cold (juices, water) drinks, flour culinary products, sweet dishes; weddings, anniversaries, family dinners, memorial dinners.

Planning basis: rational placement of all premises in accordance with building codes and cafe design rules; the premises for visitors include a trading floor, a lobby; the hall meets the requirements of modern design, its arrangement is designed to provide visitors with maximum comfort. In building good impression about this institution play lighting, color. In the decoration of the interior of the hall, plastic materials in pastel colors were used.


Raw materials entering the enterprise are sent to warehouses, where they are stored for a short time. One part of the warehouse consists of refrigerated chambers for perishable products(meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, fats, etc.); the other - from unrefrigerated pantries for dry products (flour, cereals, sugar, etc.); the third - from special rooms for storing potatoes and other vegetables; There is also a warehouse for storing containers and inventory. Products in warehouses are stored in containers on pallets and racks within the permissible time limits in accordance with sanitary rules.

When storing products, the commodity neighborhood is strictly observed. The release of products from warehouses to production is carried out in accordance with the established schedule, on the basis of invoice requirements. All incoming products have certificates and certificates of quality.

Since the Vitamin Cafe is a small catering establishment, it is allowed to store perishable products in a common chamber, but the storage areas for meat, fish and dairy products are demarcated with special racks, shelves that can be easily washed and processed. All products in the common refrigerating chamber are stored in closed containers.

A chest is used to store potatoes and vegetables. Meat and meat products are stored in a refrigerator.

Frozen and chilled poultry is stored in the container in which it came from suppliers. The shelf life is the same as for meat.

Chilled offal can be stored for no more than 12 hours, frozen - 24 hours. Smoked meats are stored in refrigerated chambers for up to 20 days.

The shelf life of boiled sausages and with the addition of offal is no more than 48 hours. For meat sausages, the shelf life in the presence of cold is no more than 48 hours (in the absence of refrigeration chambers, storage and sale are not allowed).

Chilled large fish is stored in refrigerators for up to 2 days, frozen fish - in the container in which it was received (in baskets, barrels or boxes). The shelf life of frozen fish in refrigerated chambers with temperatures up to 2 ° C is up to 3 days.

Dairy products are stored at temperatures from 0 to 8 °C and relative humidity air from 80 to 85%. Butter is stored in containers or bars wrapped in parchment and placed on clean shelves (separately from cheese and other pungent products). Shelf life in refrigerated chambers - up to 10 days, in glaciers - up to 5 days.

Eggs are stored in containers or on trays at a temperature of 2 °C.



On the this enterprise with an average capacity of the trading floor, the processing of meat, poultry and offal and fish is concentrated in one workshop, as well as the processing of all vegetables. The enterprise has a non-workshop structure: separate workplaces for the preparation of semi-finished products are allocated in the kitchen.

This cafe works on semi-finished products, is supplied with natural, breaded and minced meat semi-finished products.

For the preparation of natural semi-finished products, the meat is cut into portions without any additional processing. Breaded semi-finished products, unlike natural ones, are lightly beaten after cutting into portions to loosen the meat and breaded in breadcrumbs. For the preparation of chopped semi-finished products, minced meat is used, to which spices and bread are added. The enterprise is supplied with semi-finished products from the store "Vitamin", "Ariant", "Ravis". Production tables are also used for cutting portioned and small-sized semi-finished products. Cutting, beating and breading portioned semi-finished products are performed on production tables, where cutting boards, baking sheets and trays are placed, and on the table there is a small box for spices and dial scales.

Hanging on the wall in front of the table technological maps, norms of meat waste and output of semi-finished products. Prepared semi-finished products are placed in the refrigerator using trays.

For the preparation of semi-finished products from minced meat is equipped workplace chefs, taking into account the operations for preparing minced meat, dosing, shaping semi-finished products: install trays with cutlet mass and breading, containers for soaking bread, a meat grinder.

A separate technological section is also provided for the processing of vegetables. This cafe has several technological processes are performed in parallel. Separate workplaces were organized for processing potatoes, as well as root crops, cabbage, herbs, and onions.

In the organization of jobs in this area, the sequence of all operations of the technological process is ensured. So, a worker engaged in the processing of potatoes first rinses the potatoes, then subjectes them to mechanical cleaning and then additional cleaning. To sort (calibrate) tubers by quality and size, sizing machines are used, which reduces waste during machine cleaning of potatoes and root crops.

The sorting and cleaning of vegetables is carried out on production tables. With white cabbage remove the top sheet, which, together with the stumps and other waste, is poured into a container intended for this purpose. At the workplace, to the left of the worker, there are vegetables intended for processing and cleaning, to the right - containers for peeled vegetables. If the vegetables need to be washed after cleaning, then for this purpose they use baths with inserted mesh, large colanders and other equipment. When cleaning onion the blade of a knife for peeling and chopping onions is moistened with a stream of running water. Peeled and washed vegetables are cut into strips, sticks, cubes in vegetable cutters or manually. Vegetables are also processed by hand in cases where it is necessary to cut them into the shape of barrels, pears, etc.; use the medium and small knives of the chef's troika. To obtain balls and nuts from peeled potatoes and root crops, special recesses are used.

Washed and cleaned greens are processed at a special workplace - a table, to the left of which there is a tray with greens.

For the preparation of cold dishes and snacks, sandwiches, sweet dishes, cold soups organized special line. Cold dishes, snacks, salads are prepared immediately before being released to consumers. At the same time, the demand for finished products is strictly taken into account. Technological conditions of production require equipping this area with a refrigerated cabinet.

The design of cold dishes and snacks, giving them an attractive appearance depend on the combination of colors of the products, their skillful cutting, and the location of the components of the dish.

Jellies, mousses, compotes, canned and fresh fruits, ice cream with fruit and jam, whipped cream, as well as milkshakes, etc. are sold in the cafe from sweet dishes. For their manufacture, tools and devices are used: juicers, trays, molds, knife blades , devices for laying out dishes, tongs. At the workplace of a cook preparing sweet dishes, there is a production table, scales, various utensils, a device for rubbing fruits, berries, whipping mousses, creams, sambuca.

There is a clear distinction between the production of raw and boiled vegetables as well as meat and fish. This applies, first of all, to such processes as cutting raw and boiled vegetables; combination of components of salads, vinaigrettes; whipping mousse, sambuca, sour cream; portioning of cold dishes and snacks, cold soups, sweet dishes and cold drinks.

For cutting bread, butter and gastronomic products into portions, a machine for cutting cheese, sausage, ham is used. Sliced ​​products are stored in refrigerators.

Mechanical culinary processing of raw materials and preparation of semi-finished products

Primary processing of vegetables

The processing of potatoes and root crops consists of the following operations: sorting - washing - cleaning - additional cleaning (tubers) - cutting. Cabbage processing: sorting - removing - washing from caterpillars - let the water drain - cutting.

In onions, the bottom, neck are removed, dry scales are removed, washed cold water. Sliced ​​onion: rings, half rings, slice, crumb.

Cabbage processing:

white-headed - remove the upper and contaminated leaves. If there are caterpillars, then the cabbage is kept in cold, salty, acidified water, then allowed to drain.

colored - processed as well as white and separated into inflorescences.

Greenery processing: rotten and dried leaves are removed, washed, dried.

Salted, pickled mushrooms are drained of brine, sorted by size, if salted ones are washed with warm water, sour ones with cold.

Table 1

Assortment of produced vegetable semi-finished products

Type of raw material


Special purpose


Raw peeled potatoes

Soups, salads, side dishes.

Raw peeled carrots

Soups, salads.


Peeled onion

Soups, salads.

Fresh white cabbage peeled

Soups, salads.

Beet peeled

Soups, salads.

Fresh peeled cucumbers

Bulgarian pepper)

Fresh peeled pepper

Primary processing of fish

Processing of fish with a bone skeleton consists of: cleaning from scales - removing the head - removing fins - gutting - washing - preparing semi-finished products.

Cutting a whole fish with a head: thawing, removing scales, removing fins, removing entrails.

Cutting of layered fish: thawing, removal of scales, removal of fins, tail, removal of the head, gutting, flattening.

Cutting fish into fillets with skin without bones: thawing, removal of scales, removal of fins, tail, removal of the head, gutting, plastination, removal of the spine, preparation of a semi-finished product.

Cutting fish into clean fillets: thawing, removing scales, removing fins, tail, removing the head, gutting, plaiting, removing the backbone, removing the skin, preparing a semi-finished product.

Primary processing of meat, poultry

Mechanical processing of meat: defrosting, cleaning from dirt and marks, washing with warm water, washing with cold water, drying, cutting carcasses into parts, deboning, trimming, cleaning large-sized semi-finished products, preparing semi-finished products for heat treatment (portioned, small-sized, chopped).

Preparation of chopped natural mass from meat: meat, bacon, onion, passed through a meat grinder, salt, pepper, egg are added, mixed, beaten, semi-finished products are made. Beefsteaks, schnitzels, meatballs, kebabs are prepared from natural chopped mass.

Poultry processing: defrosting, singeing, removing the head, neck, legs, wings, gutting, washing, drying.

Preparing carcasses for heat treatment: dressings:

- “into the pocket” - skin incisions are made on the abdomen of the carcass and the legs are inserted into them, covering the cervical opening with the skin from the neck.

- “in the muff” - an incision is made on the skin between the pulp and tendons and the leg is inserted into the leg.

table 2

Assortment of processed semi-finished products from fish, meat, poultry

Type of raw material

Semi-finished products

Special purpose

Meat beef, pork

Large-sized, portioned, small-sized semi-finished products, natural chopped mass, cutlet mass.

Cutlets, chops, natural chopped steak,

roast, beef stroganoff, goulash, soup.

Fresh frozen fish

Fish fillet with skin and bones, with skin without bones, clean fillet

Fish meatballs, fish in batter, baked fish

Chickens, chilled hams

Chicken fillet

Fried poultry, soup, chicken cutlets.

Frozen liver

Liver processed

Pancakes from the liver.


The kitchen also carry out heat treatment products and semi-finished products, boil broths, prepare soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses, bake flour culinary products - pies, pies, etc., used as a side dish for first courses, and also perform heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. Cooked semi-finished products in the areas of processing vegetables, meat, poultry, fish are subjected to heat treatment.

Main types of equipment: stove, oven cabinet, fryer, refrigerated cabinets, as well as production tables and racks.

Separately allocated area for the production of flour products. For the preparation of dough products, a production table is installed. At the workplace there are wooden rolling pins, as well as various devices that facilitate rolling out the dough.

Vegetables for the preparation of dressing soups are sautéed in saucepans, and in small quantities.

The sequence of operations when cooking soups is as follows: preparing broths (on the stove), straining them, cooking meat and poultry, preparing food components of dishes, stewing beets (for borscht), sautéing vegetables and tomato puree in saucepans. Stewed beets and browned vegetables are stored in refrigerators and used as orders are received from visitors.

The temperature of the first courses sold to consumers must be at least 75˚С.


There is a bar in the cafe on the trading floor, where the sale of purchased goods and wine and vodka products is carried out, provided by qualified service personnel in conditions advanced level comfort combined with leisure activities.

The speed, clarity, culture of service in a restaurant largely depends on the proper organization of work, the mode of work of waiters.

The company uses an individual method of service, in which all functions from taking an order to paying with a visitor are performed by one waiter serving 3-4 tables at the same time. The waiter begins the working day with the arrangement and setting of tables in the trading floor.

The completion of preparation for service is the preliminary table setting, which creates an atmosphere of hospitality, complements the interior of the cafe and contributes to faster service to visitors.

When serving tables, it is observed next sequence: first, plates are placed on the tables, then they put cutlery, arrange glassware. Finish serving by setting napkins and arranging cutlery for spices and ashtrays.

Preliminary serving includes only the items necessary in all cases: a pie plate, a snack plate, cutlery or snack utensils, a napkin, a spice device, a glass. After placing on all tables, they begin to lay out the devices, laying them on a tray covered with a napkin.

basis labor activity waiter is communicating with visitors.

Orders should be taken as soon as visitors make a choice. The waiter must be on the alert and not miss the signs indicating the readiness of visitors to make an order. You can't make them wait. They begin to take an order from a guest sitting on right hand from the owner of the feast, and go from guest to guest counterclockwise. Last of all, they take an order from the owner of the table. After accepting the order, repeat it to the guests to make sure it is recorded correctly.

To fulfill the orders of visitors as quickly and accurately as possible, as well as to avoid confusion in the ordered dishes, the waiter needs to record information. After taking the order, the waiter must inform the kitchen what dishes should be prepared (taking into account special requests, if any), then follow which of the guests to serve what according to their order, and draw up an invoice in such a way that it is clearly visible what is ordered and how much does it cost.

Table setting adjustments. This means supplementing the pre-serving according to the guest's order. This procedure is carried out after the order is accepted and sent to the kitchen. Table setting is complemented with cutlery and utensils up to the main course.

First, the waiter prepares cutlery for each dish for each guest up to the main course. Then he begins to lay out the cutlery from the guest sitting to the right of the owner, and goes around the table counterclockwise. If you need to replace an unnecessary device, then first remove it from the table, and then put the necessary device in its place.

If a visitor orders an additional salad or one is served automatically as a side dish to any dish, it should be placed on the table so that the guest is comfortable and the table is not overloaded. Such a salad should be prepared from small pieces that do not need to be cut. Only a salad fork is served with it.

The salad fork is placed to the left of the main fork, parallel to it. Usually, additional salads are placed on the table just before the main course is served.

Dessert cutlery is usually placed on the table after the main course is removed. If the dessert set was placed on the table as part of the executive serving, then before serving the dessert, the waiter must move it, placing it in front of the visitor.

Using a serving plate. A serving plate is a dinner plate covered with a folded napkin. It is used to transfer all small items to or from the table when serving visitors - appliances, salt shakers, etc.

Serving plates should always be at hand. In no case is it unacceptable for a waiter to carry cutlery in his hands.

The calculation of the cost of purchased products is carried out through the cash register.


During the internship, I achieved its main goal and implemented the following tasks:

practical skills and abilities were formed in the conditions of production on the basis of the theoretical knowledge gained in PM 07. Performing work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees (by profession 16675 Cook) and on the basis of performing various duties inherent in my future professional activity;

got acquainted with the production processes at the enterprise as a whole and in individual production areas;

acquired practical skills in preparing various dishes, planning production, efficient use technological equipment;

studied the rules of personal hygiene and sanitation at the enterprise;

reviewed the structure of the enterprise, production processes and carried out the collection of data for the preparation of a report on production practices.

Suggestions for improving the work of the enterprise cafe "Vitamin":

During the internship, a shortage of personnel was revealed.

In my opinion, it is necessary to raise wages in order to facilitate the search for qualified catering workers.

Organize an incentive program to encourage employees of the enterprise.

One of major areas development of public catering is to improve the quality of products and the level of customer service.

Cafe Vitamin is a public catering establishment that provides visitors with a wide range of dishes, takeaway products, as well as wine and vodka, juices, mineral water, chocolate and other purchased goods. A high level of service is combined with the organization of visitors' recreation (music, video, TV programs). The products of the cafe "Vitamin" are distinguished by the high quality of cooking, the modern direction of decorating dishes and the use of new types of raw materials, friendly service, which is confirmed by a large number of positive feedback in the suggestion book.

The cafe organizes receptions, family celebrations, banquets, themed evenings, memorial dinners. The largest number visitors observed during the summer and public holidays.

Visitors are served by a waiter, meals and drinks are prepared by highly qualified chefs.

The cafe has a convenient road access.


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Complete food provides a person with normal development, growth, full-fledged activity, helps to adapt to changing conditions and the influence of the external environment, fight infections, and ensures active longevity. That is why the development of the scientific foundations of nutrition, the expansion of the range of food products and the improvement of their quality is very relevant.

The subject of the course "Technology of public catering products" are the technologies of semi-finished products and finished culinary products at public catering establishments; physical, chemical and biochemical processes that occur in products during their cooking; ways to control technological processes in order to obtain high quality culinary products.

The objective of the course is to systematically familiarize future process engineers with all the stages, methods and methods of processing products and the physical and chemical changes that occur in them, as a result of which they acquire new organoleptic properties inherent in finished culinary products.

Interdisciplinary connections with other disciplines. The basis for studying the discipline is the knowledge acquired by students in the study of general education and a number of related general technical and special disciplines.

During the processing of products and the production of finished products, a number of chemical processes occur: hydrolysis of disaccharides, caramelization of sugars, oxidation of fats, etc. Most culinary processes are colloidal: coagulation of proteins (when meat, fish, eggs are heated), obtaining stable emulsions (many sauces) , getting foam (whipping cream, proteins, etc.), aging jellies (staling baked goods, cereals, separating liquids from kissels, jelly), adsorption (clarification of broths). Knowledge of chemistry is necessary to manage numerous processes in food preparation and to control the quality of raw materials and finished products.

Composition data and consumer properties products that the student receives when studying the course of commodity science of food products, allow the technologist to correctly solve the problem rational use raw materials and serve as important criteria for the justification and organization of technological processes.

Nutritional physiology recommendations are essential for organizing rational nutrition. They take into account the needs for irreplaceable nutritional factors of various contingents of the population, and make it possible to use products in a differentiated way. Academician I. P. Pavlov said that physiological data put forward a new point of view regarding the comparative value of nutrients. It is not enough to know how many proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other substances are contained in food. Of practical importance is the comparison various forms cooking the same food (boiled and fried meat, hard-boiled and soft-boiled eggs, etc.).

The most important indicator of food quality is its safety for the consumer. Knowledge and observance of the rules of food hygiene and sanitation ensure the manufacture of sanitary-safe products and allow the establishment of a strict sanitary regime at catering establishments.

The processing of raw materials, the preparation of culinary products are associated with the operation of complex mechanical, thermal and refrigeration equipment, which requires the knowledge of the technologist obtained in the cycle of technical disciplines.

The discipline "Technology of catering products" is directly related to such disciplines as the economics of catering and the organization of production and service. The study of these disciplines is an indispensable condition for the proper organization of production and increasing its economic efficiency, rational use of the material and technical base and labor resources, and reducing the cost of production. Catering specialists constantly communicate with consumers, and the organization of service depends on their general culture, knowledge of psychology, and ethics.

Catering enterprises receive from enterprises Food Industry not only raw materials, but also semi-finished products of varying degrees of readiness. Food industry enterprises have workshops for the production of culinary products suitable for direct consumption: chips, ready-made sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.), soup concentrates, meat, fish, vegetable culinary products, frozen dishes, etc. Acquaintance with technologies used in the food industry, with special types of equipment will improve technological processes at catering establishments.

Cooking technology is based on the achievements of the science of nutrition, on the traditions of folk cuisine, the experience of professional chefs

Currently, the importance of public catering enterprises is increasing. This is due to changes in the methods of processing raw materials, the development of communications, the intensification of many production processes, and the improvement of delivery methods. Let's take a look at what food service is today.

general characteristics

The main issues that relate to the area under consideration are clarified in various normative acts of international and domestic type. Standards and requirements for this sector are established by GOST. Public catering can be characterized different ways. Thus, it is understood as the methods of preparing food in large quantities implemented without prior agreement with consumers. Any type of food organized outside the home is also called public.

General classification

Catering establishments may be in the private or public sector. The latter includes institutions for schoolchildren and preschoolers, convicted persons, military personnel, as well as people employed in the civil service and undergoing treatment in hospitals. The private sector may include many of the catering establishments listed above. It also includes restaurants and other types of outlets that generate income. The private sector includes organizations that produce prepared food sold through any of the channels listed above.

The value of the sphere

The development of society contributed to the formation of a socially organized nature of nutrition. Economic importance in this area is to create conditions for increasing productivity and improving the quality of labor activity. This is achieved by providing adequate nutrition at the place of study and work of citizens. The most important tasks of the sphere under consideration also include saving labor and money, creating prerequisites for increasing the free time of people, especially women. Public catering is a type of activity related to the production, processing, marketing and consumption of relevant products, as well as the provision of services to citizens.


The sphere of public catering includes all organizational forms in which mass consumption is expressed (in children's institutions, hospitals, etc.), whose tasks include restoring and maintaining the health of the population at the required level. Services within the industry under consideration are provided in exchange for citizens' money. One of the main features of the sector is the commonality of trade and technological, material and technical, administrative and economic structures.

Industry functions

Within the framework of the sector under consideration, the production and marketing of products, as well as the organization of public catering, are carried out. The first function is considered the main and initial. In the production of food, labor costs account for about 70-90% of all industry costs. This process involves the creation of a new product. Own catering products are sold with additional cost and new consumer qualities. In terms of the complex of their functions, organizations in the industry under consideration differ from companies involved in other industries. For example, enterprises operating in the food industry produce products that can usually be consumed after additional processing. As for the goods produced in the sector under consideration, they are not subject to long-term storage and transportation. This, in turn, requires the organization of consumption of products on the spot. However, it should be noted that the situation has changed somewhat in recent years. In particular, enterprises engaged in public catering are organizing the production of confectionery and culinary products, semi-finished products and other goods, as well as their sale to the retail network through wholesale distribution.


Catering services today provide:

Snack bars;



Their activities can be carried out through the use of unprocessed raw materials or semi-finished products. They can be part of the system of structural education or be independent. The organization of a public catering enterprise is a process to which rather stringent requirements are imposed. In particular, they relate to the external and internal design of establishments, indoor microclimate, appliances and tableware, furniture, assortment and menu, music service, etc. The rules of public catering provided for in regulatory enactments must be strictly observed by all entities involved in the industry.

Company classification

Public catering enterprises by the nature of production are divided into:

  1. Preparatory.
  2. Handouts.
  3. Blank.

The latter can be separate workshops or their complexes. Each such division may have separate production tasks and functions. The workshops are intended for mechanized centralized production of culinary, bakery and confectionery, as well as for the supply of pre-cooking companies, shops, retail outlets. Such enterprises specialize in the processing of raw materials and the production of semi-finished products of varying degrees of readiness, as well as culinary products from poultry and other animals, fish, and vegetables. Pre-cooking companies carry out direct preparation of dishes with subsequent implementation and formation of a consumption system. Such establishments use various recipes in their work. For catering establishments of a distributing type, the presence of any special production is not typical. Such establishments sell finished products, which, in turn, are received from procurement and other companies. The organization of public catering by such establishments is carried out in special halls. For companies of a mixed type, they carry out the production and trade process in a full cycle.


Depending on it, catering establishments are distinguished universal and specialized. The first carry out the preparation of dishes from different, and the second - from a specific type of raw material. Today, the filling of the service market occurs horizontally. This means that quite a lot of Chinese and Japanese restaurants are opening, and traditionally there are few European ones.

The nature of the service

Catering services can be provided at different levels:

  • First.
  • Higher.
  • Suite.

The class of the institution is called the complex distinguishing features enterprises of a particular type, which characterizes the conditions, level and quality of service. The above categories are assigned to bars and restaurants. Cafes, canteens and snack bars do not have classes. Depending on the contingent, there are public institutions and those located on the territories of educational and medical institutions, industrial structures.

Time and place of operation

Catering establishments can be permanent or seasonal. In the spring and summer, various summer cafes are open. They offer a relatively small assortment of homemade and purchased products. Such establishments are located in buildings of a semi-closed, closed or open type. Catering equipment in such temporary cafes is simple. They do not have exquisite furniture; counters are usually made in the same way as those in pavilions and kiosks. Permanent establishments are fundamentally different from summer cafes. First of all, they are placed in enclosed structures, equipped with equipment for carrying out various operations. Depending on the place of action, institutions can be stationary or mobile.

Functional affiliation

A separate group includes the organization of public catering in aircraft, automobile, sea and railway transport. Hotel services cover different market segments. Off-site provision of products, production of culinary products is also specific. The fast food system includes mobile kiosks and stationary establishments.

Other catering establishments

Establishments such as buffets are considered separately. They are structural divisions that are intended for the sale of culinary products in a limited range. Buffets can work independently or operate at other facilities in which public catering is carried out (restaurants, canteens). In the latter case, the institution must have the same category as the structure to which it belongs.


They are industrial and economic complexes. They include pre-cooking and procurement establishments that use the same technology for preparing products, culinary shops and support services. Usually they act as the head objects of a unitary enterprise in the system of consumer cooperation. The culinary plant is a procurement enterprise. The workshops are intended for the centralized production of bakery, culinary and confectionery products. They also supply pre-cooking enterprises, retail chains, and stores. Culinary factories have their own outlets and cafeterias.

Fast food establishments

Public catering can be carried out in the "fast food" system in stationary or portable facilities. Quick service establishments are designed to produce and sell, as well as ensure consumption on the spot of a constant range of dishes. easy cooking. In their activities, such enterprises use semi-finished products of industrial or domestic production.

Stationary objects

The tent is a public catering facility that sells a small assortment of home-made products and purchased goods. The tent belongs to the stationary network, is located in a light closed building. It provides for two or more jobs, a utility room. There is no trading floor. The pavilion is a public catering facility that sells its own products in a narrow range and purchased goods. It is located in a temporary or permanent building. The pavilion may include a trading floor.

General requirements

The range of standards is established by GOST R 52113. General requirements to the following activities:

  1. social targeting.
  2. functional suitability.
  3. Security.
  4. Ergonomics.
  5. Aesthetics.
  6. Informativeness.
  7. Flexibility.

Social targeting

This catering requirement includes:

  1. Security and accessibility for consumers of different categories.
  2. Compliance of the services provided with the expectations of customers, including regarding the range, form and method of service, professionalism of the staff.
  3. Availability of certain conditions and benefits for vulnerable categories of citizens (children, disabled people, and so on).


This requirement includes:

  1. Timeliness and accuracy of work, including compliance with the regime established at the enterprise, the assortment list of dishes, drinks and products, compliance with the waiting time and order execution, and so on.
  2. Ensuring the choice of services by the consumer.
  3. Compliance of personnel involved in the service, professional purpose, qualifications, competence, and so on.

Other requirements

The ergonomics of services reflects the compliance of the conditions for their provision and the instruments and furniture used in the process of servicing the physiological, anthropometric and hygienic capabilities of customers. Aesthetics characterizes the harmony of design and stylistic unity of the premises. This requirement also applies to appearance employees, table setting, menu design, etc. Informativeness implies timely, reliable and complete receipt by consumers of information in the service hall and outside it regarding services, products and the company itself. The requirement of flexibility characterizes the ability to change. The list of services provided is adjusted in accordance with the needs of the population and living conditions.

Catering Technology

Without knowledge of this area it is impossible to build production. The technology of catering products includes various ways preparation of dishes, processing of raw materials, standards of components. Specialists involved in this area must know the procedure for dispensing products, the limits of manufacturing costs. One of highlights speaks technical equipment the whole process. Specialists must know the features and be able to rationally use the various devices used in the course of production and sale of products. The technology of catering products also includes a culture of service. Training of specialists is carried out in the relevant specialized institutions. The duties of the employee include:

  1. Development and implementation of optimal production modes.
  2. Usage modern ways cooking.
  3. Development of norms for material and labor costs, work order.
  4. Process optimization and cost reduction.
  5. Monitoring compliance with discipline and proper operation of equipment.
  6. Supervision over the implementation of sanitary and hygienic standards in the production process.

The technology of catering also involves the study and use of the experience of world-class establishments that have proven themselves in the area under consideration.

Catering technologist is a specialist in the development, production and quality control of culinary and confectionery products at catering establishments. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in labor and farming (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Short description

The work of a catering technologist is primary in the process of cooking and determines the quality of food in public catering, its safety and taste qualities. A technologist, knowing the technology of food production, recipes, food preparation, food safety precautions, contributes to the fact that raw materials turn into a high-quality product. The quality of the prepared food, and, accordingly, the prestige of the restaurant or canteen, depends on his conscientiousness in determining the quality of the initial products, observing the full norm of their laying.

The specifics of the profession

The work of a catering technologist is not only about working with products. The activity of a technologist is much broader and more responsible.


  • organizes production (places equipment, teaches the rules of use);
  • composes the menu;
  • distributes duties between cooks and supervises their work;
  • checks the output standards of products;
  • introduces progressive technologies in production;
  • responsible for the serviceability of kitchen equipment and the quality of prepared food;
  • develops new recipes, drawing up the relevant regulatory documents;
  • studies new trends in the catering market and coordinates work in accordance with them;
  • offers a new range of dishes to increase demand;
  • monitors compliance with sanitary standards;
  • draws up technological maps of new dishes (calculation of the number of products, calories, etc.);
  • carries out timely supply of production with raw materials, tools, inventory, etc.;
  • takes part in the retraining and advanced training of production personnel, taking into account the requirements of modernity.

Pros and cons of the profession

  • Constant demand in the labor market, relatively high level salaries, an authoritative position in public catering.
  • High responsibility for the results of the work of other people (cooks, confectioners); responsibility for the results of inspections of supervisory authorities: SES, Vetnadzor, certification bodies, State Trade Inspectorate in terms of technology, etc.

Place of work

  • restaurants
  • cafes, cafeterias
  • canteens
  • meat processing plants
  • fish processing plants (canning)
  • dairy plants
  • bakeries
  • confectionery
  • prefabrication factories.


Salary as of 03/28/2019

Russia 30000—90000 ₽

Moscow 40000—90000 ₽

Personal qualities

  • high sensitivity to shades of smells and tastes
  • correct color discrimination
  • good volumetric and linear eye
  • tactile sensitivity
  • good memory (short-term, long-term, visual)
  • high level of distribution and switching of attention
  • cleanliness
  • emotional stability
  • Creative skills
  • aesthetic taste
  • accuracy
  • exactingness
  • sociability
  • organizational skills
  • responsibility
  • physical endurance
  • honesty, decency


Career opportunities for a food service technologist are not great. With sufficient work experience, career growth to the head of a group of technologists is possible. To obtain the position of production manager or manager of a catering point, a specialized higher education is required.

The salary of a catering technologist depends on the place of work: the level of a budget canteen cannot be compared with an elite restaurant. The average salary of a technologist in Moscow is 50 thousand rubles, in the regions about 30 thousand rubles.

Training for a catering technologist

Courses of technologists-calculators of public catering also give the right to work as a catering technologist and allow you to master the most modern technologies cooking (low-calorie, dietary, cuisines of the peoples of the world, etc.).

Conducts a course: "Technologist-calculator of public catering". Course program: 1. Introduction to the profession (Job Responsibilities technologist-calculator; the concept of technology and technological processes in public catering; sanitary requirements for storage and culinary processing of products; calculation of seasonal waste, types of defrosting; workshops in the Store House program). 2. Working with documents(correct paperwork; write-off certificates; damage certificates; inventory records; practical exercises in the Store House program). 3 Working with the recipe book(technological maps; calculation cards; acts of study; work with tables; calculation of raw materials for semi-finished products and ready meals; heat treatment losses, cost minimization).

  • Trade and Technology College. Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny
  • History of the profession

    The first technologists to control the quality of cooked food can be considered people who tasted royal food. The kings trusted them unconditionally. Currently, the profession of a catering technologist is in demand more than ever in connection with the development and expansion of the network of catering enterprises.

    In Russia, the so-called catering establishments in the form of taverns, taverns arose in late XVIII century along with the emergence of cooking as a science. The owners of the establishments had to control the quality of food prepared by hired people. Thus, the profession of catering technologist was born.

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