Military business in Russia. Warfare in Russia Conquest of Siberia. Wars and campaigns of the late 16th - early 18th centuries

Battle on the Kalka River

The process of feudal fragmentation since the middle of the 11th century Kiev state and the resumption of new raids by the nomads became the historical background against which Russian military art developed. These factors, along with the development of the feudal way of life in society and the improvement of military equipment, determined the nature of Russian military art and its features in Russia.

As for the recruitment of troops, its composition was different, everything depended on the nature and goals of the war. In each case, the boyars took part in these wars with their detachments and, of course, the personal squad of the prince, as well as volunteers - the so-called "hunters" from among the population of cities. It should be said that these forces were often supplemented by urban militias and rarely by rural ones.

The squad and the militia were assembled by the prince himself and the commanders - thousands after a specific decision was made, for example, about a campaign or attack on the enemy. The collection process lasted approximately one week. And in large principalities, such as Vladimir-Suzdal or Novgorod, it takes just over a week. For example: an army to confront the Mongols on the Kalka River in 1223 gathered for more than one month. There were no big changes in the organization of the squad: as before, it was divided into senior and junior. But some changes were caused by the ongoing internecine struggle. Each of the princes, in contrast to the boyar opposition, sought to strengthen the younger squad at the expense of numbers. As part of the younger squad, over time, such a category of warriors as "merciful" appeared. They received armor, including a horse, from the prince. Over time, the service acquired a hereditary character. It should be noted that from the middle of the 12th century, another category of warriors appeared in Ancient Russia - “saddlers”. Most likely, these people belonged to the settlers who were dependent on the prince. They fought as part of the light cavalry. The inhabitants of the steppe borderlands of Russia, who inhabited the fortresses of the southern borders, were part of the princely squad. But over time, especially with the aggravation of internecine contradictions, they became independent and combined ordinary life with guard service.

In terms of organization, the army of Russia at that time consisted of infantry and cavalry. The infantry was made up of militias from the poor part of the population. Over time, the role this kind troops gradually changed. The infantry could independently be used as a landing force or during the siege, assault and defense of fortresses. But the importance of cavalry in the army of Ancient Russia increased more and more. The cavalry was divided into heavy and light. It should be said that at that time only “armourers”, that is, heavy cavalry, were considered full-fledged warriors. They had complete both defensive and offensive weapons. A long lance and a sword served as their weapons.


The tribal groups of nomads (Torks, Berendeys, Kovui), as well as warriors from the junior squad and militia, served and formed its basis in the light cavalry. It should be noted that the allocation of light cavalry in the cavalry in Russia occurred earlier than in Western countries. This indicates that a great step forward has been made in the development of military art.

As for military navigation in Russia, it developed only in Novgorod. The campaign of the Novgorodians together with the Korels in 1188 against the capital of Sweden, the city of Sigtuna, can serve as confirmation. At the same time, in each principality of Ancient Russia there was a flotilla of river (ship's army) warships - nasads.

Keep up with the development and military equipment. In the middle of the XII century, throwing machines appeared, as well as hand crossbows (crossbows). They have gained their distribution primarily in Western Russian lands.

The Russian army during this period was divided into regiments, they were formed at the expense of the militia major cities. The order of battle was a regimental row. The regiments were divided into banners - detachments of large feudal lords, city militias. Banners, in turn, were divided into tactical units - "spears". The number of copies was approximately 15-20 people. But the number of banners in the regiment, as well as copies, respectively, in the banner often changed. Signals to the Russian army were given in the infantry with the help of a tambourine, and in the cavalry - pipes.

The issues of training and education of warriors had a traditional character in Kievan Rus. The basis of military training was daily exercises in horseback riding, fencing, archery, etc. There are cases (from Western sources) of the participation of Russian soldiers in knightly tournaments at European courts. Animal hunting continued to play a large role in military training, it developed individual skills in weapons and riding, but was mainly psychological training.

Changes public relations contributed to the formation of the corresponding moral values ​​of the soldiers. Unlike other countries, already in the 13th century in Russia, love for the motherland was closely connected with the honor and valor of a warrior brought up on ideals. Orthodox faith. The folk epic played a special role in the formation of the moral and psychological qualities of Russian soldiers. All this influenced the education of soldiers and the development of military traditions.

Here is an example of the level of morality of Russian soldiers of that period: “ the best men"The troops of Igor Novgorod-Seversky considered it a sin to abandon their "simple" brother-soldiers and break out of the encirclement themselves, so they preferred death or captivity to life gained at the cost of betrayal. Gabriel Tsobechia

From ancient times of the earth Eastern Slavs were subjected to raids by nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes - the Khazars, Pechenegs, Polovtsians. The nomads mercilessly killed everyone who resisted, took young men and women into captivity, burned buildings, and took away everything that was of value. Later, German knights began to threaten military campaigns from the West. Therefore, in those days, every adult man from the Slavic lands was a warrior. Unwillingness to fight meant death or slavery. The ancient Slavs were brave people. To protect themselves from the enemy, they used a variety of edged weapons.

The main weapon of a warrior from the princely squad was a sword. Not every hunter or tiller could own this weapon, as it cost a lot of money. Each sword was made individually and was a symbol of the military prowess of the owner. The hilt of the sword was often richly decorated. Initially, it was almost exclusively offensive, the first swords were chopping, later they began to be used as a stabbing weapon.

Since time immemorial, the knife has been used as a household tool or for hunting. It later transformed into a real weapon. A commoner could not afford an expensive sword, but he could well have a half-meter knife. In capable hands, it was a dangerous weapon. They could inflict a mortal wound, hitting an unprotected place or a gap between the armor.

The ax was also originally used for work. Later appeared combat options axes - coinage, axes, beard-shaped axes. Each of these types was used for specific purposes. The coinage was suitable for punching metal shells and was used by horsemen. The ax had long handle and large range. The bearded ax was good in close combat.

The spear was an indispensable weapon for both the foot warrior and the cavalry. It allowed to hit the enemy at a long distance. There were different types of spears, including light throwing ones. This is a fairly simple weapon, any blacksmith could make it. Therefore, spears were widely used by combatants and ordinary people to protect their lands.

The most important defensive weapon was, of course, the shield. Among the Eastern Slavs, they were most often rounded, made of wood, upholstered with iron. Shield withstands blows different types cold weapons. It is assumed that similar weapons was borrowed from the ancient Scandinavians. The shield and sword was a powerful combination of defensive and offensive weapons.

Also, chain mail and a helmet were used to protect the body. Chain mail was a lightweight alternative to heavy knightly armor. She covered the body of a warrior and protected well from cutting blows. Helmets were of different types, but the most commonly used headgear was a conical shape.

On the territory of our country, swords appear in the burials of the ancient Slavs from the end of the 9th century. The first scientifically recorded finds of them were made in the 70s of the XIX century, when archaeologists had already managed to study well the swords discovered in Scandinavia, mainly in Norway. Our swords turned out to be very similar to them both in the characteristic shape of the blade and in the appearance of the hilt. True, it was no secret that the Scandinavians were not the inventors of the heavy chopping sword: according to foreign scientists, the culture that gave birth to them was no more Scandinavian than Slavic. This type of sword was formed by the 8th century in Western and Central Europe: experts managed to trace the previous stages of its development.

Slavic-Goritsa wrestling is a unique phenomenon in our life. It will show the way of the warrior in our life. A warrior by spirit, not by profession. She will give you what you need. One with the help of it will be able to go the way of the ancient Russian hero. Another will go the way sports. The third will choose the path of a professional partisan. The fourth will be attracted by the applied direction.

A warrior who owns the technique and principles of the Slavic-Goritsa struggle is practically invincible.

There cannot be a separate "black" and a separate "white" Perun (just as there cannot be a separate "underwater" and a separate "surface" iceberg; in particular, "Black Perun" is a whole concept that embodies the secrets hidden in the depths of Navi). There is a single Perun the Thunderer, giving masculinity into being. Perun, squeezing the snake's neck with his right hand, and holding a horn with a gift, is the image of Perun, the adviser to the head of the family in his family way of life. Well, what head of the family, husband, father, child, after all, is not the defender of the family hearth, of his homeland? But now we are more interested in another image of this god: Perun - holding a lightning bolt in his right hand, and a horn with smog in a shuitz - as the leader of the army.

In the 6th century, significant changes took place in the history of the structure of tribal associations associated with the transition from a tribal form of a community to a neighboring one. And these events allowed the separation of the military stratum and its transformation into squads, which acquired significant power in the management of tribal principalities, or unions of tribal principalities. The formation of this kind of principalities was, in turn, caused by the migration of Slavic tribes in the 5th-6th centuries.

Military affairs in Russia - in Ancient Russia it armed forces consisted of princes themselves. squads (consisting mainly of the Varangians) and Zemsk. militia. The squads were located in the capital and region. cities and were fully provided for the princes. content. Zemsk, militia in case big war convened and dissolved at the end of it. These and other governors were in command, to whom the thousands, centurions and foremen were subordinate. to Kyiv. book. Svyatoslav Igorevich, the Russians did not have their own cavalry and hired it from the Uers and Pechenegs. Both Svyatoslav and his son Vladimir and campaigns against the Volga, Bulgars and near Korsun (988) transported infantry by water, in boats, and sent the cavalry along the coast; on the Dnieper the rapids of the court were carried on their hands and then again descended into the water. With the advent of Christianity in Russia Varangian. squads were gradually replaced by Russian. army, nobles from youths and swordsmen. Each city also had its military people. Folks, the militia still rallied only in emergencies. Campaigns were made for the most part in winter, so as not to distract the warriors from the village-hoz. classes. The weapon was issued just before the campaign, and after its completion it was selected and kept in the princes. arsenal. The army was divided into spearmen and archers. In the field, they protected themselves with wattle fences and stakes (jail), and in the campaign they moved, having a watchman in front and on the sides. During the siege of cities, they tried to interrupt communication between them, for which they placed their prisons on the roads. The walls of the cities were pierced with vices (rams), the ditches were covered with earth, along which they climbed the walls. Time of Tat.-Mong. The yoke had a very significant effect on the general device of the Rus. troops. In addition to the regiments of rights. and a lion. hands, a large, guard, advanced and ambush regiments appeared. The cavalry began to dominate part of the army, having adopted from the Tatars the mode of action - first to throw a lot of arrows and spears at a gallop. The infantry was intended to capture cities and forts, to contain the onslaught of the enemy. The advent of fire weapons in Russia are attributed to the reign of Dmitry Donskoy. Mentioned for the first time. about guns and cannons in connection with the defense of Moscow from Tokhtamysh (1382). Guns were brought to Russia from Germany through Veliky Novgorod and from Volga-Kama Bulgaria. Under Ivan III Vasilyevich local troops appear in Russia. Completely separate from the atom stood the people on foot and on horseback. Under Ivan the Terrible, up to 80 thousand people were gathered. In his reign, archers and troops were further developed. The third type of troops of that time was represented by the Cossacks - Don, Yaik, Terek. Tax people were supplied to the army by military service, which consisted in the appointment of service people, their weapons, equipment and supply with supplies for allowances and money. From whom to take data people and in what number - determined the discharge order. "City and guard business" was a general obligation. military service, from which no one is exempt. The participation of the population in it was expressed: 1) in the supply of materials for the construction of fortifications; 2) in the attire of workers for earthworks; 3) in the defense of cities and fortified points of their county. He will fulfill everything, orders were made by governors. In addition to 5 regiments, in the XVI century. there was also a walk-city. The nature of the war was for the most part offensive, in order "not to allow the enemy to enter their cities in order to meet him in his land." Under Ivan III, a cannon hut was built in Moscow, which served as an impetus for the rapid development of artillery. Under Ivan the Terrible, the defense of the "towns" was entrusted to Ch. way to artillery. Since 1552, the field army has always maneuvered with artillery. "City and guard business" because of special attention rights-va to the defense of the borders early reached a relatively high degree of development. Contentment of the troops in peacetime and war time provided Ch. way reserves in kind. Because of the randomness and uncertainty of the legislature. On this occasion, a lot of abuses took place, and the army was often left without bread and money.

Used materials from the book: Boguslavsky V.V., Burminov V.V. Rus of the Ruriks. Illustrated historical dictionary.

... Fisticuffs in Russia are such a characteristic and peculiar phenomenon and such an interest in the development of our culture that everything that relates to the history of this folk entertainment, which has grown to grandiose proportions and is widespread throughout Russia, involuntarily attracts attention.

Street fighting
... In all ages and all peoples had a desire for sports. Only the forms of this sport were different, but in each of these forms the desire of a person to compete with his own kind in physical strength, dexterity, and endurance was certainly incorporated.

Chain mail, swords, arrows

A.N. Kirpichnikov. About the beginning of the production of swords in Russia
In early medieval Europe, swords were regarded as a necessary combat and at the same time as a prestigious weapon. Scientists have long been trying to solve the mystery about the places where these swords were made. New searches related to finds in the territory of ancient Russia advance the solution of this complex problem.

K.V. Bazilevich. From the history of sea voyages in the 7th-12th centuries.
... In the defensive armor of an ancient Russian professional warrior great importance had chain mail - combat clothing in the form of a shirt made of small, tightly woven iron rings.

A.H. Kirpichnikov. The Neva battle of 1240 and its tactical features
Based on the description of the battle, Kirpichnikov tried to trace the tactics of the battle.

S. Demidenko. State of the Teutonic Order in the XIII-XV centuries
The history of the Teutonic Order for several hundred years; internal political struggle, external clashes with Russia and Lithuania.

Kradin N.P. Russian wooden defensive architecture
The book is devoted to defense structures (fortified winter huts, prisons and logged cities). It examines the remains of the surviving fortifications - the towers of the Nikolo-Karelsky monastery in the Arkhangelsk region, Belsky, Yakutsky, Yuilsky, Ilimsky and Bratsky prisons in Siberia. The book attempts to recreate some of the fortresses of the 17th century and their individual elements in graphic reconstructions.

Weapons and equipment of the 15th and 16th centuries
A brief review of cold, firearms, hand firearms and armor in the 15th-16th centuries.

Weapons and armor of Russia X - XVI century.
A brief overview of ancient weapons and armor used in Russia.

P.E. Sorokin. About some tactics of fighting on the water in ancient Russia
An article from the collection "Early Medieval Antiquities of Northern Russia and Its Neighbors", ed. E.N. Nosov, St. Petersburg, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1999

A.N. Kirpichnikov, A.F. Medvedev. Armament
Chapter from the book Ancient Russia. City. Castle. Village "M., 1985.

P.A. Rappoport. Ancient Russian fortresses
Publishing house "Science" Moscow - 1965.

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