Feng Shui of the workplace in the office. feng shui desktop

Articles "Money, cards and feng shui" and "Making dreams come true: a treasure map". But since there are some differences, we will dwell on this topic in more detail. It must be warned that the following tips are classified as "" and cannot guarantee an increase in income when they are followed. However, there is a chance that the following will still work - so why not give it a try? 🙂

The first thing to pay attention to is how and where you sit at your desk. So, for example, any person who wants to harm you knows the easiest way to do it: he will sneak up on you from behind when you are busy and strike from behind. Thus, it is reasonable that Feng Shui constantly warns: watch what's behind you. It is best if you do not "float" in the middle of the office, but behind your back is a solid, reliable wall. Sitting with your back to the door is incredibly bad. But the window right behind you also does not bode well. Cover such windows with curtains or blinds and place symbols of support for career success behind you.

Further, when analyzing how you sit at your workplace, consider the following. Placing a desktop directly against a wall can interfere promotion, because it symbolizes constant obstacles. If you can't move the table, hang a picture of an open field, which symbolizes your personal "light hall". Or hang a picture of birds on the wall in front of you, which will symbolize a meeting with great opportunities. It will help you resist negative influences, and will bring to life such energies that will allow you to change your desktop to another, but with the best Feng Shui.

Then, when analyzing your own worker, you need to consider that not recommended to sit face to face with someone. If you work with someone in the same office, arrange your desk so that you do not sit face to face with your colleagues. It is best that your colleague sits behind your back to the side, otherwise it will constantly provoke quarrels and squabbles between you and that person. Even if you can't change the layout of your entire office, at least try to get your desk in the right place.

Another thing that relates to the location of the employee in the workplace is door distance. Positioning near a door, especially near the main door of an open-plan office, is a vulnerable and unprotected location. If the layout of the office is such that someone has to be closer to the door than others, and if that someone is you, then try to sit so that you do not have your back turned to it. Make sure you can see the door at all times, so that all people entering are within your field of vision. If you get the chance to move the table, be sure to do so!

And the last thing to consider when assessing the location of the workplace is sharp corners. Make sure there are no sharp corners pointing straight at you when you are sitting at the table. Sharp corners are poison arrows", sending harmful energy at you or, as feng shui says, "deadly breath." The deadly energy sent in your direction will not only interfere with your successful career; it will also provoke

  • diseases,
  • deception
  • or accusations against you.

That is why forget about cacti on your table! Someone spread the nonsense that cacti draw "bad energy" from the computer and protect your biofield. No no. Instead, their needles send thousands of small "poison arrows" at you. If you want to plant a plant, do so, but avoid those with thorns.

Next, the chair you sit in the office has a lot to do with how you work. Since you have to sit in it long time buy this a chair that is properly designed and will prevent back and neck tension and allow you to sit for a long time without feeling tired or uncomfortable. On the other hand, chairs intended for visitors should not be too comfortable, otherwise they would not abuse your hospitality! When choosing a sofa and small sofas designed for the "meeting area with visitors", be guided by a little comfort for the same reasons. Rigid sofas also create a dynamic CHI energy more suitable for the workplace.

Next, go to the workplace as a desktop surface. Desktop clutter is a sure way to blunt your effectiveness. Start spending 10 minutes every morning tidying up your desk. Don't let newspapers, books and stationery clutter up your desk space.

When tidying up your desk, it's very easy to just shove unwanted documents and papers into a drawer or closet where they won't be seen. Although this will improve appearance your desk, but after a while will weaken the energy, which will hurt your success at work. Do not neglect drawers and cabinets. Start now and in the future organize things in drawers. Throw away what you definitely don't need anymore.

And finally, an excellent piece of advice, which, if it doesn’t help in business, will save your mind for sure: work in good light. A well-designed office is one with well-organized lighting. Natural light is best, so as many windows as possible are essential. However, small windows are better than windows in full height in areas where desktops are located. Full height windows bring in too much yang energy, making it hard to concentrate and stimulating feelings of vulnerability. Basement offices with few or no windows are very rarely auspicious. And one more important point- choice between white and yellow light. White light is better suited for offices, because the overly cozy atmosphere created by yellow light will reduce the productivity of employees.

  1. Sitting at your desk, you should see the front door.
  2. Make sure there are no aisles behind your chair.
  3. Position your desk so that it is not directly opposite the entrance to the room.
  4. All aisles that you can see from your workplace should be well lit.
  5. Direct light should be directed to your non-working hand.
  6. Place the materials you use most often within reach of the swivel chair.
  7. Adjust the height of your chair so that your work is at a comfortable eye level.
  8. press down on the handset, not from your dominant hand.
  9. Protect your workplace from the eyes of other people.
  10. Make sure that the area where your desktop is located can be turned into a convenient place for communication if necessary.
  11. Surround yourself with objects whose color you like.
  12. Keep your work area clean.
  13. Put a potted plant in your office and take care of it.
  14. Use plants that clean the air well.
  15. Position electrical outlets so that you do not have to bend down to reach them.
  16. Put your personal touch on the piece of office equipment that you use the most.
  17. Clean your work area at the end of each day and keep furniture and equipment free of dust.

So, perhaps, feng shui in the workplace and mysticism, but still there is probably a rational grain in the above tips.

Based on materials from http://www.planetafengshui.ru/index.php?area=1&p=static&page=newst26072011

The article focuses on the issues of designing a place to work according to Feng Shui in such a way as to attract wealth and achieve success in any endeavors.

Feng Shui workplace in the office, in the office to attract money and talismans

The location of the workplace should be such that you can feel the rear behind your back. It can be a wall, a closet or a chair with a high back. It would be nice to hang pictures of banks or other pictures behind your back, which will symbolize financial well-being and stability.

Mountains and everything connected with them symbolizes determination. Images associated with water, whether it is a waterfall or the sea, are best avoided so as not to “wash away” strength and success. Nature, calm tones will create a good atmosphere, favorable for a working mood.

The energy of places next to the stairs, and even more so under them, is not favorable for financial growth. Cabinets and shelves should stand on the sides, symbolizing your protection. Feng Shui watches are an unfavorable symbol.

Talismans should be chosen from those that symbolize wealth and good luck. A frog on coins, a crystal pyramid will help to grow up.

Feng Shui office furniture arrangement according to the cardinal points

You can not sit in front of the door and with your back to the window and the door. You can sit facing the door diagonally to it. The table cannot be placed in a corner. It turns out that the ideal place will be if the table is placed between the window and the door.

It is worth paying attention to such details as paintings, they should not have anything related to water, so as not to “wash away” your efforts and success. Symbols of wealth and success can be placed in different places, on shelves or on a table. Northeast is a great choice for a workplace.

Fee shui workplace painting behind and space for a painting

The best choice for a picture behind your back would be images of money, banks. Everything related to finances will bring success to the owner of the cabinet. The water element should be abandoned so as not to be left with nothing.

The picture can hang anywhere, but most the best place it will be behind her back. It is there that she, as it were, helps, instructs on the right path, helps to achieve success in material terms.

Feng Shui workplace by date of birth

The Gua number is easy to calculate, you just have to be careful about it. It is required to take the date of birth and add the last two digits. For example, 1987 8+7= 15 1+5=6

For a woman, add 5 to the resulting number 5+6=11 1+1=2

With the help of these figures, you can find out from a special table the ideal place not only for the office, but also for the main housing.

Feng Shui workplace at home Natalya Pravdina

Great importance should be given to the chair, not only should it be comfortable and comfortable so as not to distract attention to the stiff back. So still the best choice will be the one that has a high back. Thus, he will protect his master.

Feng Shui of the workplace if the door is behind and opposite the door of the rule, the direction of the table

In no case should you sit with your back to the door, thereby you can get a "knife in the back." Opposite the door is also not the best the best way, the ideal would be to sit diagonally from the door.

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We probably spend 1/3 of our lives not only in bed, but also at work. And not only our mood, but also the work process itself depends on how well we manage to organize our workplace. In this case, the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui comes to our aid.

General principles of the Feng Shui table.

Your desktop must also have good feng shui. Here are the basic rules to follow for this:
- do not sit in front of the door to the room;
- do not sit with your back to the window;
- make sure that there are never symbols of Water behind you (aquarium, fountain, images of water, etc.);
- Water symbols should be either in front of you or above you.
Now pay attention to the desktop. The bigger it is, the better. Make sure that it always has order: a table littered with papers is bad feng shui.

One of the most important elements that you should first of all pay attention to when designing a workplace is its color scheme. According to feng shui every color is an expression a certain kind energy. Color not only affects our mood, but also affects our health (this is studied by color therapy). From this point of view, the white-black-gray offices that are fashionable today are completely inharmonious, since they contain only three colors, or rather, there are no colors. Grey colour is a kind of black, which, in turn, is not a color at all. We see black when the surface does not reflect anything, but only absorbs light. White, as you know, is a neutral color, and therefore does not carry any energy.

Adversely affects the state of the body and the variety of too bright tones. The motley color scheme attracts attention only at the first moment, but being in such an environment for a long time is quite tiring. When designing a workplace, try to adhere to the principle of the "golden mean" in the literal sense. Golden tones - light orange, yellow, beige, coffee with milk, as well as warm red, the soothing color of young greenery, gentle marsh will create a feeling of security and joy.

It is very important that you sit in one of your auspicious directions in the workplace. Each person has four favorable and four unfavorable directions. Their calculation is separate story so we won't touch on that topic here. Just keep this recommendation in mind for now. It is believed that if you sit in a favorable direction for yourself, then you are guaranteed good luck in all your endeavors.

Whatever workplace you occupy, in a separate office or a common room, you must first determine whether you are under pressure negative energy from the outside. If "arrows" of negative energy are directed at the window from the roof of a neighboring house, put a plant on the window or hang blinds.

Never sit under ceiling beams, bookshelves, or air conditioners. Any overhanging structure can become a source of failure and disease. Remove all telephone wires, computer cables behind panels and racks. According to Feng Shui, everything visible pipes and wires mean an outflow of money.

You can not place your workplace, even if it is oriented in favorable direction, opposite the door (especially if it opens into the room). In this case, you are attacked by a strong flow of energy, which can be bad for your health.

No need to sit with your back to the door, this is a very uncomfortable and disturbing position. It's called a "knife in the back". It is believed that with such an arrangement, you can be betrayed, set up, bypassed during promotion. If there is no other possibility, you need to put a mirror on the table so that you can see everyone entering the door.

No need to sit with your back to the window, you thereby deprive yourself of the support of influential people, your own employees, and all your even the most brilliant projects will be doomed to failure. It is better if there is a wall behind your back. If this is not possible, close the window with thick curtains.

You need to sit facing the door, but not opposite it, but diagonally from the entrance. Your desktop should be clearly visible from front door, it should not be blocked by safes, cabinets, massive chairs. It is believed that if you are not visible from the front door, then luck can bypass you.

It is very important to create a favorable atmosphere in the workplace. A well-equipped workplace is the key to health, emotional and spiritual balance.

Don't cram your desk into the corner of a room, much less between cabinets. Any physical inconvenience will affect the quality of work. You must freely approach your desktop; there should be free space in front of and behind the table, which, according to Feng Shui, symbolizes opportunities and perspective. Otherwise, difficulties await you.

If you are working in a booth or there is a partition directly in front of you, hang a picture of a lake, a flowering valley, that is, visually expand the perspective in front of you.

If indoors works a large number of people or a large number of visitors come to you, you can get tired of the hustle and bustle. Put some bright or favorite subject on your desktop. It can be a beautiful table lamp (not necessarily a purely working design), a photograph of children, a model of your favorite car. Find any way to protect your personal space.

The most unfavorable workplace is the seat at the door. And no matter what position this employee occupies, the attitude of strangers towards him is always less respectful than towards colleagues at the back of the room. He is always more tired of the bustle, as they constantly walk past him and distract him with information questions. If you can't move your workspace from the aisle, also put a bright or large object on the table that will make your place more visible and meaningful.

If the desktop is next to big window, you may unwittingly feel in danger (especially if the office is located on the upper floors of the building). Here you also need to protect yourself by placing a large object near the window, for example, a plant in a tub, floor shelves with books. A large object will protect you, emotionally and physically moving away from danger.

If you work in a room with a lot of shelving and cabinets with working documentation or reference literature, review these deposits and throw out the obsolete and unnecessary, rarely used, put in the back room. Cluttered and clogged cabinets, racks, shelves mean an inability to perceive the new and limit your professional growth.

Successful lighting is a great way to attract positive energy. It is good when there is additional lighting in the form of a table lamp on the desktop. The light source should be directly above your head or on the side of your non-working hand. If the light bulb shines on the working hand, then it will cast a shadow on the surface of the table. If you are working on a computer, the light should be directed directly at the keyboard.

Bright sunlight can interfere with work, so you need to use blinds or curtains, but you should not completely switch to artificial lighting. If you have to work in a windowless room, be sure to hang a photo or print of the natural landscape or use any other nature element ( small aquarium, a vase of flowers, put the plant on the corner of the table).

According to Feng Shui, it is good to place your desktop "behind the back of the boss", but by no means facing him. It does not matter that the boss's office is in another room or even on another floor. The position "behind" means his support, "facing the boss" - confrontation.

If you put a table lamp or a metal object on the far left side of the table, it attracts financial success.

If you put your photo with a speech at some prestigious conference in front of you, you will activate your luck in your career.

The area on the far right side of your desk is responsible for intimate and family relationships, and if there are problems in this area, put the image of a paired figure there.

No matter how you equip offices, offices, common rooms, separate booths, it is important to avoid confusion and clutter. On the territory of the office and in front of it there should be no dirty areas, landfills, withered trees and carelessly trimmed shrubs, peeling walls and creaking doors, clogged pipes, poorly cleaned halls and lobbies. There cannot be good Feng Shui in the room if the air in the room is stale, there are clouds of tobacco smoke, dirty curtains and glass, furniture is disorderly set, and business papers are piled up.

You can not allow disorder on the desktop, always keep your workplace clean and tidy. Where there is disorder, there is no circulation of positive Qi energy, and therefore there will be no luck and health.

Feng shui workplace.

It is best to sit with your back against a wall. Empty space at the back creates unnecessary tension and makes it difficult to concentrate. You can't always change where you sit - but you can change the space around you. No, do not lay out brickwork around the perimeter of your workplace. Just put some behind big flower in a tub. And cheaper, and more beautiful, and the back is covered from unnecessary looks.

Also, don't sit next to the door (which is why security guards often fail in their careers!). If you are not lucky, the same flower shops or architectural delights in the form of office partitions will come to the rescue. If there is a window behind your back, at least close the blinds. And then you yourself will not notice how all the working zeal will disappear into the void.

Feng shui desktop.

“There should always be a prospect right in front of a person,” says Alexander Frolov, Feng Shui consultant at the New Wind Center. rapid development workflow". It is clear that the majority of people have a monitor forever before their eyes. Then create a perspective right on it - for example, with such a picture.
feng shui table- this is a table on which there should always be order. At least relative. Places that have not been needed for a long time are in the trash can. This will help you more effectively deal with pressing problems. All items necessary for work (folders, pens, telephones, glossy magazines, family photos) should be located to the left or right of the seated person. Here, by the way, there is also a gradation. “There should always be more things to the left of a person than to the right,” Alexander told us. “This is due to different types energies from different sides. On the left, the sun rises and all processes begin to develop. Accordingly, this side should always prevail. "But a couple of frames with photographs can be placed on the right - the energy of emotions just dominates there.

Feng Shui Desktop and Places: Above the table in Feng Shui.

It is best to have a standard smooth ceiling above your head with flat spotlights. Beams, pipes - it's bad. Vertical planes create internal tension - "what if all this falls on my head?" - and interfere with the free flow of energy. As a piece of advice to those who have a "wrong" ceiling, I can suggest wearing a wide-brimmed sombrero at work. Suddenly help.

If an air conditioner or heater is located above your desk, you may experience draft or draft too much. warm air. If you can't change seats, hang up a scarf, umbrella, or any other object that deflects the airflow, or change the direction of the airflow so that the air doesn't come straight at you.

In addition, on the wall in front of you, you need to hang a picture, a calendar, or at least a photograph depicting a natural landscape or a street that creates a sense of depth and visual looseness.

Feng Shui workplace and table: Under the table in Feng Shui.

The side of the arrangement of objects under the table is less important than on it. But still, you should not litter the space under your feet with extra boxes, wires, and four replacement shoes. A feeling of tightness in the lower part of the body leads to it in the head. And then there may not be enough space for the "flight of thought." Again, it is better if the necessary boxes, processors and shoes are predominantly on the left.

Feng Shui of the table: Extras for the workplace.

There should be free space opposite the desktop. If the office is small and cramped, and you "rest your eyes on the wall", then hang the image right in front of you open space, natural landscape stretching to the horizon line. Please note that any image of water on it should be calm. Water should flow into the cabinet. This will give an influx of fresh energy and development prospects.

The passage to the table must be free. It is better to throw away unnecessary things and papers. Put on the table living plant. It is a source of yang energy necessary for fruitful activity.

If your workplaces are located opposite each other, face to face; this can lead to confrontation, tension in relations. It is better to turn both tables slightly towards the center. In extreme cases, the situation can be smoothed out by placing an object or flower between you and your counterpart.

If your desk is in a corner - a source of a powerful flow of energy - this can cause malaise. If it is not possible to move the furniture, then the corner can be curtained with a poster, draped with a cloth, or put a large plant next to it.

Open windows more often and ventilate the room. Although this recommendation is very easy to implement, many modern offices can be found in both unventilated rooms and rooms without windows. There are several ways to solve this problem. You can use full spectrum bulbs: they emit all the colors of the spectrum, and most fully reproduce natural sunlight.

Any symbol of nature saves from the feeling of claustrophobia - a fountain, indoor plant or an aquarium. But, for all positive influence aquarium for business, it is advisable not to sit with your back to it, since the water behind your back in any case symbolizes instability, and in " career attitude' is not favorable.

One of the strongest stress factors is a large number of people working in the same room, especially if it is cramped and dark. The work seems too monotonous, nervous, and many experience tension due to the constant intrusion of outsiders into " intimate area". Feng Shui offers ways of physical and emotional protection. One of the most effective is the creation of a certain focus of attention. Table lamp Brought from home to light up your desk, a soundproof room divider or a vase of flowers can help you overcome stress in a closed workspace.

It is important to delineate the boundaries of your personal space in one way or another. Many office workers set photos of their loved ones on their desktops or put a trinket dear to the heart: all this serves as a “protective screen”.

According to Chinese traditions, a personal space for work affairs can be harmoniously arranged not only in the office itself, but also in the home office.

Desktop feng shui requires special attention among those workers who are unhappy with their salary or slow career advancement.

If you gradually approach the placement of this furniture, as well as its design, you can get rid of most of the problems at work.

Desktop location

The exact and ideal location of the Feng Shui desktop can be determined based on your own date of birth.

Experts advise the fair sex not to take thousands and hundreds from the year of their birth.

  • For example, if a woman was born in 1968, the numbers 68 are important for her. Subtract 4 from the number, and then divide the total by 9. In this case, you need to pay attention to the remainder of the division, which will correspond to the appropriate side of the world and the zone from the Bagua grid .

The Feng Shui of the desktop for men involves finding the ideal location for the circulation of Qi energy in a different way.

  • It is necessary to subtract the number remaining from the date of birth from one hundred. The result obtained is divided by 9 and again only the remainder of the division is taken into account.

When a young man or girl has already figured out the right number, they can turn to a useful reminder:

Numbers 0, 1, 3, 4 and 9 belong to the eastern group, therefore they signal that a person needs a desktop in the east, south, north or southeast of the house and office.

Group 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 is considered western, so people with these numbers should place their desk in the southwest, northwest, west, or northeast.

If the Feng Shui direction of the desktop has already been established, it is necessary to move on to its surroundings. In a home office or a separate room, a person has the ability to take into account even the slightest obstacles in the way of Qi energy, so a desk can really be placed according to an ideal scheme.

The correct location of the desktop according to feng shui

The place to work should be very far from doors and windows, because positive flows and money will flow out of the room. Sitting directly to the openings with your face or back is not worth it, so place the table sideways or diagonally. If you do not have the opportunity to re-equip the office, just close all the openings with curtains or buy blinds.

Feng Shui of the desktop should take into account the space above the head of the worker himself. So, do not put office furniture under air conditioners, ceiling beams, bookshelves and flower pots. All these designs represent negativity and steal success in business. Only vases with fresh flowers help to reduce the negative energy of wall cabinets.

Between the table and the opposite wall should be enough free space. This allows your plans for the future to grow and develop without any problems. In addition, the increased space stimulates career growth.

The feng shui desk should be well lit, so choose a place with a chandelier or lampshade nearby. In addition, try to decorate the office in such a way that the desk is not reflected in the mirror. Otherwise, you risk your efforts at work.

In addition to current tips and studying the feng shui of a desk by date of birth, you also need to consider own aspirations. Let's say family business it is quite possible to conduct in the sector of kinship relations, but creative work requires the table to be placed in a different area of ​​the Bagua grid.

The feng shui desktop for money should be located in the areas of fame, wealth and career. However, do not forget about the process of activating a suitable sector with the help of talismans. Also note that south direction desktop in feng shui is considered the most undesirable, provoking experiences and conflicts. The east side is suitable for aspiring entrepreneurs, the northwest for leaders, and the southeast for creators.

Office desk arrangement

Subordinate table

In an organization where you are not a leader, it is quite difficult to change the arrangement of furniture. However, feng shui on the desktop in the office is possible, moreover, sometimes a person can choose his place on his own. In any case, in the Chinese tradition there are a number of useful advice about where to put your desk at work.

There should be no partitions or huge cabinets between the tables of employees. Therefore, do not choose a place limited from others by furniture. The lack of free space automatically deprives a person of career prospects.

Sitting in front of his colleagues or superiors is also not the best option, as it stimulates rivalry and constant conflicts. If a different arrangement of tables in the office according to Feng Shui is not possible, hang a picture next to you, which will depict an object striving upward: a tree, a flower, a pyramid, a bird.

Try to reduce the number of corners directed towards the table, as they worsen the well-being at work and reduce work efficiency. You can neutralize their influence by arranging opposite houseplants.

If you do not know how to arrange tables according to Feng Shui in accordance with the cardinal points, place them behind the head, even if he works on the floor above. This position represents support and patronage from the authorities.

Chief's Desk

The Feng Shui leader's desk should contribute not only to the development of his personal leadership qualities, but also to the growth of a friendly atmosphere in the team.

It is best to place the boss's desk against a wall for extra support and support. In addition, a blank wall behind the back also symbolizes support from influential people. The effect of the power of the wall can be enhanced with the help of mountain landscapes. If you are afraid that the wall can become an obstacle to free space, hang a picture with open meadows and lakes on it.

When learning how to place a Feng Shui desktop, keep in mind that it must be in harmony with the office. The chief's room should be the furthest on the floor.

The “back to the door” position will lead to discomfort and loss of self-confidence. The proximity of the entrance to the office to the table also reduces the authority of the leader. That's why perfect option for such furniture - the center of the room.

Desktop Zones

Octagonal bagua mesh helps to easily determine the zones of the desktop according to Feng Shui. The correspondence of sectors to cardinal points also implies that each of the areas is responsible for an important life direction. Therefore, on any desk in an apartment or at work there are zones of wealth, love, fame, etc.

For convenience, you need to place the Bagua square obliquely relative to the table, and not directly. Further, the table is conditionally divided into central part, as well as the left and right regions. In this case, the real compass directions do not play a special role: south is meant at the top, and north is at the bottom.

The center of the table is responsible for health. This place should be left uncluttered. Here you can keep materials related to the solution of current work issues. It is allowed to put flowers here.

The basic feng shui of the desk necessarily includes clearing the north side - the career area. It is important that positive energy can circulate as freely as possible in this part of the table. Here you can also put a computer. By the way, Feng Shui pictures for the desktop should reflect the motifs of oceans or waterfalls in this sector.

In the upper right corner of the table, in the southwest, there is a sector of love and relationships. Photos of spouses are appropriate here, as well as red flowers to attract a soulmate and paired mascots with positive stories.

Eastern furniture area is associated with family relations. Here it would be appropriate to have a general family photo, as well as all the items that remind you of your beloved home.

The northeast or lower left corner of the table implies the realm of wisdom and knowledge. Feng shui desktop in the office involves storage in this sector useful books: textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias.

In the west there is a zone of creativity and children. Here you can keep all the papers related to completed cases. It will also be useful to store hobby items, magazines, metal talismans in this area.

The assistant sector is located in the northwest of the desktop. Here you need to keep all your gadgets for communication with colleagues and loved ones.

As practice shows, feng shui of the desktop at work is associated with the activation of the wealth sector in the southeast. In this part of the desk it will be appropriate financial talisman as money tree or three old Chinese coins with a red thread. The presence of a lighting device will also be effective.

The far edge of the table is the southern sector of glory. Such an area should be an ideal place to store all the awards and positive marks from the authorities. It is useful to keep here also photos of people whose deeds inspire you.

If you search the web for a feng shui desktop photo, you will notice main feature the ability to organize space is impeccable order and minimalism. Chinese traditions require a daily revision of all papers, getting rid of garbage and at least minimal cleaning of work surfaces. This will allow you to start a new day with fresh ideas, and not feeling hopeless.

What to put on the table

The activation of each sector on the desk is possible with the help of the corresponding talisman. Figurines, figurines and pictures of Feng Shui on the desktop always have a positive effect, as they enhance the movement of Qi energy and open up new opportunities for a person.

three-toed toad is the oldest expression of well-being and financial independence. Get a similar sculpture with a coin in your mouth and put it in the wealth zone on the table.

according to feng shui pyramid on the desktop - one of the most strong amulets. The purpose of such a figurine is to accumulate positive energy and increase efficiency. A talisman made according to the principle of the golden section is especially effective. The crystal pyramid on the Feng Shui desktop also contributes to professional growth, if you keep it in the center of the surface.

Ganesha This is a figurine of the Indian god-elephant. She represents help. higher powers and leads to increased income. You can safely place such a talisman in the relationship sector. Bronze Ganesha helps to accept correct solution during the transaction. To activate the figurine, you need to stroke the hands and trunk of the deity more often, and also keep a candy near it.

In addition to figurines, it is also useful to place pictures on your desktop. According to Feng Shui, a person’s career will go uphill if he uses the hieroglyphs of Fame and Wealth, and also puts a portrait of his boss in the northwestern sector.

Symbols of abundance that are useful for the money sector are expensive writing sets, business card holders, and Hottei figurines- an old man with a bag and coins. It is also useful to keep a dragon on your desktop - a figurine for developing creative skills and concentrating good luck in business. By the way, dragons very effectively protect a person from envious people and competitors.

You need to approach carefully.

  • For career advancement, geranium and azalea are suitable.
  • Cyclamen will give confidence in decisions, and fern will make the atmosphere in the team more friendly.
  • The chrysanthemum will save you from conflicts, and the Chinese rose will add creative energy.
  • Keep in mind that a feng shui cactus on your desktop is a bad sign. A plant with thorns directs negativity towards a person, and in the wealth sector it leads to decline. However, even here there are exceptions: if you do not put the cactus in the relationship zone, as well as directly in front of you, you can clean up great from angry and violent emotions.

It will look good on the southeast side of the table rat with a coin in its paws. This symbol of well-being is especially effective for people born in the year of the Rat. To give wisdom and caution to your decisions, put an owl figurine on the table, and if you need to help the whole company, get a deer figurine in your office.

A fish feng shui desktop great option for the southeast sector. A carp figurine will help you quickly increase capital in this zone. You can also give preference to a figurine in the form of a dragon fish or arowan. A real aquarium will also look good in the office, in which there are 8 goldfish and one black one. Interestingly, the activation of the career zone on the desktop is possible with the help of fish: cut out 2 figures from blue or black cardboard and glue them to inside furniture in the right place.

The feng shui of the desktop is determined not only correct location furniture, color features and observance of the elements with the cardinal points. Also pay attention to the clutter of the main work surface: the entire cabinet at home or in the office must be perfectly clean.

Most likely, we spend a third of our lives not only in bed, but also in the workplace. It is no secret that both our well-being and the effectiveness of our work largely depend on how well it is organized. The science of Feng Shui, which has proven its effectiveness, helps to orient in this matter in many ways. At work, her principles work in the same way as at home, so they can be safely adopted.

A few general principles

Making according to Feng Shui is not so difficult, it is enough to remember and follow the most important recommendations and rules. First of all, let's start with the location of the table. It is not recommended to sit opposite the doors, as well as with your back to the window. Behind the back there should not be any symbols of water (a fountain, an aquarium, a calendar with a waterfall, etc.). These things symbolize wealth and prosperity and therefore should only be in front of or above the workplace. The Feng Shui organization begins with the elimination of all kinds of notes, drafts, pens and paper clips and putting things in Spartan order. This will help keep your work stable. A table buried under a pile of papers is an unsuccessful maintenance (according to Feng Shui) of an office at work.

Color spectrum

The next step is the proper design of the workplace. According to the Chinese science of harmony, color is an expression of a specific type of energy. It can not only raise or lower our mood, but also have a direct impact on our health. The now fashionable white-gray-black coloring of the office is completely inharmonious, since it contains only three colors, of which white is neutral, black only absorbs and does not reflect anything, and gray is a modification of black. Too bright tones also have an unfavorable effect, and therefore the organization of the feng shui workplace involves literally sticking to the "golden mean". Surround yourself with golden tones: light orange, beige, yellow, warm reds, delicate marsh and coffee. They will help create a sense of joy and security.

Table location

Experts studying the science of feng shui design of the workplace have found that the most unfortunate part of the room is near the door. A person sitting in such a place will be more tired than his colleagues, and the attitude towards him will be less respectful than to employees in the far corner of the room. If moving the workplace from the aisle is very difficult, you can put some large or bright object on the table. With it, your place will become more meaningful and visible. In order for the feng shui design of the workplace to be correct, try to place your desktop with the back side to the boss's office. At the same time, it does not have of great importance whether the boss's desk is located in the same room where you work or is located on a different floor. This arrangement of the workplace will contribute to the support of the authorities, and if you sit "facing the boss", then this can lead to confrontation. A metal souvenir or just in the far left corner of the tabletop will attract financial success, and if you put a photo of your speech at a prestigious conference in front of you, then in this way you can activate your luck in your career.

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