How to make an amulet by weight at home. What items can be considered money talismans to attract financial luck. Special magic cord

The names mentioned in the title are often used without much distinction, so you first need to understand what a particular magical artifact is. First of all, talismans and amulets should be distinguished. Amulets in practice are no different from amulets - in fact, they are one and the same. Differences may relate only to areas of use, but such a difference is not fundamental. Thus, below we will talk about the differences between talismans and amulets and the practice of their creation.

The main difference between talismans and amulets is the form in which they store the information component embedded in them. Talismans keep it in their very structure, while amulets are a kind of vessel for it. The power of talismans is preserved for centuries, the power of amulets is lost after a few months, so they require periodic recharging.

Material for manufacturing

Talismans are most often made from metal, information is embedded in their crystal structure. It is best to use metals such as gold or silver. Must be built into the talisman precious or semi-precious stone selected for specific tasks. For example, a stone can give stamina, strength, attractiveness, etc. Look for information about magical properties stones and use the stone that suits you.

You can use not only gold and silver, but also cheaper metals - for example, pure tin. Lead is undesirable due to its toxicity. Do not use soldering irons, they also contain lead. Try to choose the metal that you like. Silver is considered one of the best for making talismans - this is precious metal while being relatively cheap.

How to make an amulet

To create a talisman metal needs to be melted and pour into the prepared mold. For example, it may be round, in the shape of a medal. Most important point- Entering information. It is applied immediately after the metal is poured into the mold until it crystallizes. The necessary phrases that reflect the essence of the talisman should be said aloud, mentally while directing all his energy to the talisman.

Amulets are made of porous materials, suitable wood, bone, porous stones, cardboard, paper. Remember that the time spent on making an amulet is not wasted - you are putting your power into the artifact. Therefore, amulets are usually made slowly, very carefully following the details. For example, you can carve it from wood, write something on it etc. When the amulet is ready, the most crucial moment comes - its charging with information.

Hang the amulet on a string. Place your hands on either side of him without touching him. After that, start pumping it with energy through your hands, while visibly presenting the result you want to get. The charging time of the amulet is approximately 5-10 minutes. Once every few months, charging should be repeated.

Material well-being, of course, is an important component of life. And undoubtedly an effective symbol of prosperity is one that is made with one's own hands. The simplest is the pot of wealth. Watch the Feng Shui master class Ace!

Throughout the long history of human development, people have tried to find and found magical things, which include amulets and talismans, they are able to bring a person good luck and happiness. Some people were looking for the philosopher's stone, others tried to find the sacred emeralds of the gods or the feather of the bird of happiness.

Sorcerers and shamans came into contact with the mysterious other world and were able to make with your own hands, charms and amulets. The direct purpose of the talismans was to protect their owner from dangers and help in solving problematic tasks. Both talismans and amulets are designed to fulfill the same role, but, however, there is a slight difference between them. The talisman can get to its owner already in finished form (a gift, drawings of magical symbols, and so on), and the amulet is made by human hands, it also protects its owner from illness and misfortune, but it must be worn in the form of a bracelet or pendant. Also, the talisman can be very easily turned into an amulet by making a reliable mount for a pendant or keychain in the finished product. Therefore, the line between the talisman and the amulet is very transparent and imperceptible.

Every person wants to have mascot helping him in everything, which will become for him a reliable little island for him in the modern turbulent world. But sometimes there is a completely justified fear of contacting someone in this magical field of activity. After all, no one is immune from mistakes, it suddenly turns out that and an amulet will be manufactured by an incorrect method, which may result in very serious consequences. Since we are all a little sorcerers at heart, why not make ourselves a talisman and an amulet with our own hands.

Since a person constantly carries a talisman with him, therefore, he must have a flat shape and be small in size. Talisman and amulet are required to call only positive bursts emotions and pleasant thoughts and memories.

Talismans usually come in several forms:

Material for manufacturing talisman and amulet can be chosen by the most various. In this regard, your flight of fancy can be limitless. The most basic thing will be that such an amulet is pleasant to make and comfortable to wear.

Craft handmade talismans and amulets every person can, since it does not require high professionalism and some supernatural abilities. However, you still need some knowledge about the properties of materials, it is also worth familiarizing yourself with the impact of talismans and amulets on a person and their historical past.

At the disposal of mankind there are philosophical worldviews striking in their harmony, enchanting light of magic and religious beliefs various currents. Since ancient times, people have believed in miraculous properties various items, which are in the sphere of influence of man, nature and the creation of the gods. All kinds of amulets, amulets, talismans of the people of that ancient time became their integral part of life. All objects that possessed magical properties were kept near them. And if something bad happened and luck and luck left person, then this tied up with the loss of properties of amulets and mascots.

Whole the process of making talismans is simple, but such a process requires a special approach and a high measure of responsibility.

First of all, you need to decide what you need an amulet or talisman for.

Can't craft a talisman general action, i.e " for everything”, including such concepts as love, wealth, success, well-being and others. The talisman, first of all, should be tuned to one aspect of your life that is important for you. You can expect success from the talisman and achieve dreams, wealth, seed happiness and beauty. As soon as you decide on your choice What you would like to receive specifically, you need to write down your request on a piece of paper and leave this sheet in a conspicuous place for one week. While this request is kept in your mind, you will ponder, weigh the correctness of your choice. After seven days, when you have already decided exactly on your desires and requests from or an amulet, you need to decide what type of material your talisman or amulet will be made of.

Many cannot immediately make such a choice, and for good reason, since the choice of materials is actually very large.

Talisman and amulet can be made from anything your heart desires.

Usually, for the manufacture of talismans, such types of materials as resin, sealing wax, metals, beeswax are used. But for creation the best talisman or amulet the following materials will serve: tin, cadmium, lead. These materials melt easily over a fire or in a spoon that you hold over gas stove at home. And for other materials, a jewelry burner or a melting furnace is required.

It should be remembered that when choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account that cadmium, silver, tin and lead contain yin energy, a copper, bronze, brass, gold contain yang energy. From this we can conclude that the material from which the talisman containing Yin energy will be made will enhance feminine qualities, and from Yang metals, on the contrary, masculine qualities.

But the most important thing will be what will be embedded in the talisman. Talismans made of sealing wax tend to poorly remember the information embedded in them. At the same time, sealing wax is a rather fragile material, but it does not soften when worn. In the case when the material is made of wax, it needs to be melted, and only then poured into a wooden mold.

AT old times making talismans and amulets sorcerers and magicians were engaged, it was only their duties, amulets and they also needed them during the performance of mysterious magical rituals. However, sometimes to attract of money people made their own talismans and amulets. At present, these same traditions could not lose their relevance.

Now most people have some magic items that bring them good luck and take away all the blows of fate from them.

Even Photo their loved ones that we used to carry with us, also are peculiar amulets and amulets for each of us. Talismans, which are created specifically for a particular situation, are endowed with great power. But even an object randomly chosen by a person, which will serve as a talisman, is able to accumulate power, absorb and store cosmic energy.

Talismans, amulets, made by hand, will never bring harm, since they do not contain other people's programs, and they contain the pure energy of their owner.

Exist different kinds such things, it can be pendants, dolls, baubles, beautiful boxes. In the manufacture personal talismans and amulets required take into account the purpose their creations, material, symbolism and Colour. With the seeming complexity of the process of making amulets and talismans, you will soon be able to make sure that everything is actually not so confusing and complicated. Amulets, amulets and talismans made of clay are in great demand, as they are able to absorb the symbolic signs depicted on them, and when fired, their solar energy is also enhanced. You can make talismans and amulets from paper, wood, metal - everything will depend on your desires and goals. At the same time, you will give him your positive energy, your flight of fancy will be limitless.

In the form of round talismans coins are used small sizes that you brought from any trip. To do this, a small hole should be drilled in the coin and made from a coin keychain or pendant. Some types of coins (Spanish and Chinese coins) have their own hole. For fans of needlework, you can weave a small ball of beads.

It has long been determined that the most powerful types of amulets and talismans are made of wood.

To do this, you need to go to a forest plantation and find a withered thin tree, make several cuts so that the result is sections with annual rings. Of course, this will require some skill and skill, but it will inspire you for new ideas in creating talismans. saw cut tree should decorate certain symbol and cover with a layer of varnish. Or you can leave everything in its natural form and from time to time run your fingers along the rough wooden surface of the cut. You can also sew a medallion from natural fabric, inside which you can put a piece of wool of your favorite pet, decorating such a talisman with embroidery or multi-colored beads on top. Since the needle has always been considered main weapon against evil witchcraft spells, then embroidered things constantly protect their owner from damage and the evil eye.

square can serve as a talisman ordinary dice , which has brought you victory more than once, a small photograph of a loved one placed in one of the sections of the wallet, any decoration that you have made of plastic, felted wool or clay.

The very first talisman for a reasonable person was a knot.

Such knots were able to reliably protect their owners from evil spirits and prophecies, then it all turned into a knot letter. With their help, they caused a wind on the sea surface, pacified gusts of wind and a storm, facilitated the process of birth little man. And currently from knots you can create and amulets various shapes and size, and for all this you need to master a few simple techniques for weaving macrame.

have a very strong symbolic meaning talismans and amulets made in the form of a cross. These types of talismans have the most varied form and content. They can be the keys to old chests that have passed to you by inheritance, an ordinary openwork key. Such an amulet will help you understand your purpose and indicate the right path in life.

There are certain conditions, correctly fulfilling which, you will definitely get a talisman or amulet:

The manufacture of a talisman or amulet should take place during the growing moon.

Amulets (talismans, amulets) - should be present in the life of any person, the main thing is to choose the most suitable one for yourself. They can be bought, inherited, the strongest will be those that are made by hand.

Before you start creating such items, you need to understand the difference between them.

  • amulet - protects its owner, home from evil, disease, envy.
  • the amulet has a dual purpose: it brings protection, brings good luck.
  • talisman - promotes happiness and success.

Their creation is a big responsibility, therefore, compliance with the rules is mandatory:

  • You can make it for yourself, and for another person. An important condition is that this be done voluntarily, without coercion.
  • when starting work, think about the future owner. Thoughts should be only positive and bright, the object will absorb a good message and begin to act.
  • the growing moon, the most successful period of all undertakings.
  • work should be done in a favorable environment, exclude distractions (TV, loud music)
  • if the talisman is made for yourself, place it under your head with positive thoughts at night to establish an energy connection.
  • keep away from prying eyes.

There are features of creating your own personal amulet. Important to choose suitable material. Take a few pieces from which you plan to make an item. Circle the mirror clockwise with a lit wax candle (paraffin is not suitable). With your eyes closed, place one object at a time on the surface of the mirror for ten seconds. Then you take it in your hands, you also “blindly” feel each one. Listen to the inner voice, it will surely respond. A feeling of warmth will come from the object, you will feel inner sympathy for it. Ready amulet needs to be charged. Look in the mirror, remember positive features character, good deeds, give an installation from what needs to be protected. The best way when the amulet is made for you by a close relative.

What materials are used?

Protective materials

There are many protective materials, the main thing is to choose the right one that will match your energy. The purpose of creation matters: protection from evil influences, for good luck. For crafts, it is used: fabric, wood, stone, yarn, leather, metal, fur. In any case, the material should please visually and to the touch.

Strong protective thread amulet

Strong protective amulet from threads

Woolen is used as an amulet, which is worn on the wrist. This custom came to us from the esoteric Jewish teachings of Kabbalah. It is worth paying attention to the threads used by our ancestors. They will be the strongest, as they are associated with reinforced conspiracies. Easy and simple to make a charm with your own hands. There is an opinion that they protect even from a tumor. Braided bracelets were more commonly used. Threads chose different color, because they had different magical meanings:

  • red thread - gives powerful protection from the evil eye, being a sign fire element, promotes resourcefulness, brings good luck in love, attracts money.
  • white - the color of spiritual unity, prevents the emergence of unkind thoughts, protects from evil coming from enemies.
  • blue thread - recommended to wear creative people, helps to master new ideas, protects from crises, gives inspiration and success.
  • yellow - from diseases, brings peace and harmony.
  • orange - helps to gain self-confidence, to achieve success.
  • pink - contributes to the establishment of easy relations between lovers, without jealousy and strife.
  • brown - the color of diligence, helps to achieve goals, success.
  • black - has the ability to restrain outbursts of anger.

One thread can be used in the bracelet. Seven knots are tied, a conspiracy is pronounced for each, determining what it should protect from. If there are several threads in the bracelet, the weaving technique will do. It is advisable to choose shades of the same spectrum, then the colors will not oppose. The Slavs gave babies bracelets woven from red and blue threads pulled out of their parents' clothes, such a charm carried the energy of the father and mother and reliably protected the baby from the evil eye. If the bracelet is torn or untied - this is a sign that he averted trouble from you, it should be burned with words of gratitude. It should be recalled that it is not advisable to make a talisman for yourself, let a blood relative make it.

Burlap Talisman

Burlap Talisman

At the present time, amulets have become popular - Brownies. They bring prosperity and wealth. The basis is burlap - a symbol of abundance. It is easy to make a charm with your own hands:

  • Take a rectangular piece of fabric. Choose the size, depending on the desired size of the craft. We sew the fabric in the form of a bag, turn it on the front side. The basis of the torso has turned out.
  • For handles, we use ropes that we weave and fasten the end. In the place where we place the handles, carefully make holes, pull through and fix the pigtail.
  • We fill the bag with herbs, wool, tow. It is desirable that the stuffing be natural. Tie the top tightly with string.
  • Let's start making hair. Take the twine or disassemble the bast brush. We fix the hairstyle on the top of the head with a thermal gun.
  • On the bottom of the bag we glue sawed off small logs.
  • Do not forget to attach the eyes and nose, you can paint with polyacrylic paints. The beard and mustache are of the same material as the hair.
  • Dress up: sew a shirt, give a hat.
  • Before decorating the craft, think about what will be in the pens:
  • A bag filled with cereals and grain brings an increase in well-being, good harvests.
  • - protection from external negativity, cleansing the home from quarrels and strife.
  • Spoon - the constant availability of food in the family.
  • Artificial flowers, fake fruits, ladybugs- symbolize abundance.

Settle the Brownie in the living room, hallway, kitchen, depending on its purpose.

Magic crafts from dough with salt

Magic crafts from dough with salt

Use is an old tradition. The Slavs associated their strength with three main components: water, salt, flour. Everyone can make a charm:

  1. Take products in a 2:1 ratio, add a couple of tablespoons of water and knead a stiff dough.
  2. Let it stand for a while and you can start the sculpting process.
  3. Dry the finished crafts in the oven at 70-80 degrees or leave for 2-3 days warm in the open air.
  4. Paint with acrylics.

What to sculpt, choose for yourself. Popular are:

  • Figurine of a bird (turkey) - symbolizes prosperity in the house, rich harvests. Painted with bright colors.
  • Nurse with a child - helps the baby and mother, contributes to a successful birth.
  • Wolf and bear depicted on their hind legs. Symbol of protecting the house from enemies.
  • Loaf is the personification of good relationships in the family.
  • Bell - protects from the evil eye and damage.
  • Spikelets are a symbol of fertility.

A beautiful dough charm can be made with children, it will become reliable protection the whole family and home. You should know - if the figurine is broken, you need to get rid of it - bury it.

Talismans made of wood

Wooden amulets

Wood is a unique resource. Absorbed the juices of the earth, filled with the power of the wind and the energy of space. You need to know which tree to choose:

  • Birch was revered by the Slavs, it has great healing power. Not only wood was used, but branches, leaves, buds. From the bark (birch bark) they made for kids, crafts similar to a rattle.
  • Oak has a strong energy. Crafts from this tree were placed in the crib for boys, which will help them gain strength, health, and power. Wanderers need such a talisman, then only decent people will meet him.
  • Alder - a companion of good thoughts, will save spouses from treason.
  • Hazel is a symbol of abundance and prosperity. A staff was made from hazel, possessing such a cane, it is impossible to deceive. Protect your home from theft.
  • - magic tree, protects from spirits.
  • Aspen - protects from evil spirits.
  • Cherry is a symbol of youth.

How to make your own hands:

  • Before breaking off a branch or taking a piece of wood, ask the tree for permission and put a coin, bread, grain in that place.
  • Leave in the house for a few days, you need to natural material got used to your home, absorbed the energy of the house.
  • Saw off the circle, sand and cut out the desired symbol.
  • Make a hole, hang on a strong thread, lace.
  • Let's varnish it.

In this way, you can make a simple amulet of wood. Experienced people can make beads, a bracelet, a jewelry box. If the product is cracked, it means that it has lost its strength to protect you. Thank him and bury in the forest.

Fur Talismans

Fur Talismans

Since ancient times, animal skin, teeth, and fur have been used to create talismans. Let's make the now popular amulet - Brownie:

  • We take a small piece of fur, cut out a circle with a diameter of 15-20 cm.
  • Inside we put wool rolled into a ball, cotton wool, synthetic winterizer.
  • We collect the edges of the pattern and sew.
  • Eyes can be made drawn on cardboard or bought. We attach with glue.
  • We take a bead as a spout, cut a tongue out of felt.
  • We make legs from the same fur. We cut out two pieces of 2x3 cm, take a lace desired length and put all its ends into the foot, fasten and sew
  • Attach a loop on top.

A similar product is placed in the car.

Charms made of genuine leather

Amulets made of genuine leather

Leather is used everywhere in the manufacture of amulets. Most often they make pendants, pendants, bracelets, scabbards. The symbolism is applied by embossing, the edges are processed. Slavic leather amulets had the shape of a circle, wore solar symbols.

Porcupine quills in magic

It is considered a reliable protector from the evil eye, has a great ability to accumulate energy. It can be used "in its pure form", you just need to wrap it in a cloth and carry it with you all the time. Porcupine quills are used to make earrings, pendants, necklaces, and are used in dream catchers. With such an attribute, a person confidently overcomes failures, remaining cheerful.

Charm from the ring

Ring - vintage magical attribute from all misfortunes. Circle - , a symbol of infinity. You will draw energy from an inexhaustible source, your amulet will not lose strength. The closed form is designed to ward off evil spirits. The ring can be very simple. An inscription is applied to the inner surface. In the old days, children were given two names. The second, with which they baptized, was secret, and they wrote it on reverse side rings. With this attribute devilry will not touch its owner. The ring may be new or inherited. In any case, you need to clean it by placing it in salt or silver-charged water for a day. It is recommended to wear it all the time, sometimes remove and warm the ring with your breath to adjust to your biorhythm.

Protect from death, drunkenness, prison and on the road with your own hands

Protect from death, drunkenness, prison

In an unforeseen situation, a person especially needs protection. Created amulets with their own hands to loved ones carry great magical energy. For male warriors, the most faithful is Ratiborets. It works only on people with pure thoughts. This sign was embroidered on underwear, uniforms, painted on weapons. It was believed that he averted death, gives courage, is able to blind enemies.

To protect from drunkenness, a sign is used that includes several sacred signs: Orelius, Bright Traveler, Healer. The fusion of the power of these signs contributes to the acquisition spiritual harmony, helps to see clearly, to recover from the disease. The easiest way to make it yourself is to embroider on clothes. (linen, belt, scarf).

If a person is often on the road, you should have a traveler amulet. He will take away from troubles, help to avoid meeting with dashing people, give clarity of thought. Usually they are made of wood, metal with printed symbols. A bag filled with Thursday salt and St. John's wort was considered strong for wanderers. After making, the bag was left overnight in front of the icon. Mother of God. In the morning they read "Our Father", pronounced the desired conspiracy and passed it on to the owner.

For protection from prison there is magic sign, it can be applied to leather, stone, metal. has more powerful energy.

Creation of amulets of different nations

Talismans of different nations

Each nation has its own talismans, depending on faith and traditions.

  1. Ukrainian - include the symbolism of the four elements. The main manufacturing technique is embroidery, each pattern has its own meaning. also widely used as a talisman.
  2. Udmurt amulets are distinguished by the applied pattern and ornament. It is used in national clothes, this tradition has been preserved to this day. Suitable: metal, bronze, wood, copper.
  3. Cossacks most often used amulets that protect against enemies and damage. Traditionally they were made by healers. Before handing it over to the owner, they performed special ceremonies.
  4. The people of Khanty used rag dolls, which were spoken to bring good luck. Amulets made of fur and leather were popular. Embroidered embroidery included signs associated with animals (a fox's paw, a bear's footprint, and a hare's ears).
  5. In Japanese culture, various figurines serve as mascots. At first glance, this is an ordinary toy or home decoration. In fact, the figurines have magic power: bring well-being, protect children, improve health.

For happiness with your own hands

Protect for happiness with your own hands

Popular is a bag with different fillers. You can make it yourself: sew it from burlap, fill it with herbs (oregano, St. John's wort, wormwood, mountain ash), tie tightly with a natural thread. You can decorate the bag with seeds, plants braided into a braid, coins. Used by the Slavs in pre-Christian times. Later, the bags had a different content: icons, prayer texts, particles of holy relics. They were called. The symbol of family well-being is the bird of happiness. It is made from jute and woolen threads.

How to clean and charge

How to clean and charge the amulet

In order for magic items to start “working”, a prerequisite is to conduct a purification ceremony using the power of 4 elements.

For the ritual with fire, buy a white candle and carry an item over the lit flame. If the future amulet is made of a combustible element, leave it open sunbeams for a while. The ritual of cleansing the earth can be performed by burying the amulet for the night. The element of air is applied as follows. On a cloudless day, go outside, turn to the east, raise your hands high with the amulet, stand for about a minute. Then do the same, turning to all sides of the world. To water, you need to rinse it in running water or spray it. Things that cannot be wetted are cleansed with incense, fumigating them with smoke. It is easy to create a charm with your own hands - the main thing is to believe, to make it from the heart, with positive thoughts.

Today I am a magician Sergey Artgrom will talk about ways to make a charm yourself, as well as about the sacred meaning of the symbolism of success and happiness. Yes, Slavic amulets and amulets were an integral part of the culture and life of the Russian people. And today they are part of our life. People are often in a hurry to buy or make their own talisman for good luck, because luck is just what every person needs, but they don’t fully understand which artifact will suit them. And just this topic is quite extensive, and very difficult.

Important, I'll remind you the magician Sergey Artgrom! Do not buy amulets and amulets made of synthetic materials. Natural: bone, wood, leather, stone, metal - these are the materials for your personal assistant.

Protect from damage - is it worth doing protection for yourself

The Slavs have amulets for a long time. This is an integral part of Slavic culture. The history of some magical items goes back many millennia. Closely associated with war, protection and everyday life, ancient amulets are very strong in themselves, and, tuned to the person wearing them, they increase their influence, directing it to specific areas of the life of their wearer.

Making amulets from the evil eye with your own hands should be considered as an opportunity to get a magical artifact that you configured and activated will be already in the process of creating it.

Our Slavic ancestors attached great importance to the possibilities of magical objects. Personal amulets different categories- both natural and created by the wearer on their own, and those that were made by experienced sorcerers with knowledge and strength - were the keepers and sources of special magical energies. Those energies that the world is full of, and which, skillfully directed, are able to make changes to the plan of Reveal. That's why making Slavic amulets for the protection of man was considered a matter of special importance.

Without a clear understanding hidden meaning and the meanings of the signs of amulets and talismans, they didn’t get down to business, because it’s impossible to get energy and strength without realizing who you ask from. Sacred symbols donated to humanity Slavic Gods, Higher Powers. And each symbol contains knowledge about the laws of the universe and about the processes taking place in the Universe. The sacred meaning of ancient Slavic amulets is the concentration special knowledge and magical potential.

The meaning of the symbols of ancient Slavic amulets

The world of magical amulets is vast and varied, they can be objective, including images of various objects and images. It was customary to make with your own hands amulets from damage and black negativity, which, one way or another, could touch a person. It was also widely practiced to make magical amulets hands knowledgeable people- magicians and sorcerers. The Slavs have protective conspiracies that carry magical energy and represent a serious force through which not every enemy will break through.

Each of Slavic amulets, so often used in Everyday life, had and still has a very specific purpose. And to make sure that the amulet protects from evil, the amulet attracts good luck and wealth, and the magical talisman bestows happiness and glory on its wearer, you can understand the witchcraft rite itself. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will talk about this later.

Attention! Never give your magical talismans to anyone. This wastes their energy, deprives them of magical power.

  • horseshoe, horns down - to protect the house and its inhabitants
  • horseshoe with horns up - for success and material wealth
  • key is strong magical protection and an amulet to attract wealth
  • scallop - the keeper of health and emotional balance
  • spoon - for satiety and material wealth, protects the hearth from devastation and poverty
  • moon - strong amulet from the dark forces
  • the sun is a very strong amulet, it combines the properties of all solar symbols
  • horse - male talisman, the keeper of strength, the giver of courage and courage
  • cereals - for a good harvest and prosperity
  • rhombus - for female fertility, so that the family grows with children
  • bird - maintaining health, femininity and attractiveness

Ordinary home amulets were often additionally supplied with sacred symbols, and then the meaning of Russian talismans and them changed. So, a childless woman could embroider a rhombus on her home charm doll in the hope of soon motherhood. And if a brownie doll is given a spoon, then it will not only guard peace and tranquility in the house, but will also attract material wealth.

In other words, options and combinations of self-made protective magical symbols of amulets:
  • for good luck and prosperity,
  • for the protection and preservation of health,
  • harmony and peace, very much.

You can independently create for yourself a magical amulet to protect and preserve something, or make a Slavic talisman of good luck with your own hands, choosing symbols in such a way that they support and enhance each other's influence.

Thus, using the magic of Slavic amulets or talismans for luck made with your own hands, you can intensively influence this or that problem in your life.

The sacred meaning and significance of Slavic talismans in people's lives

All known talismans of the Slavs can be divided into the following categories:

  • magic items - handmade, bought or donated by someone
  • symbolic amulets - images and sacred drawings that carry magical energy
  • non-material, verbal talismans, i.e. those that at certain moments of life need to be spoken - spells, conspiracies, prayers

Attention, I want to remind you of the magician Sergey Artgrom! It is necessary to understand and remember that every prayer and every defensive plot on the different people affect differently.

How to choose a magical artifact for yourself and about the manufacture of Slavic amulets

As I, the magician Sergey Artgrom has already said, before buying or creating a magical protector and assistant for yourself, you need to study the meaning of the symbolism of amulets. It is necessary to realize to the subtleties what kind of protective force or help you want to receive. may I help:

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

  • resolve a problem situation
  • maintain and improve health
  • hide from the machinations of ill-wishers and outright enemies
  • protect from harmful sorcery
  • attract good luck
  • make the wearer successful and happy in love
  • clear financial channels and attract money
  • preserve peace, harmony, mutual understanding in the family, etc.

This applies to amulets of all categories - subject, symbolic and verbal (conspiracies, spells, prayers).

So, decide on your goals. If you are in poor health, use healing amulets. If you are unlucky in love, you can buy or make a talisman for luck and success in matters of love and relationships with your own hands. And if you want to reach material well-being, choose for yourself a magical artifact of this category.
You can also make a money talisman yourself and use it with success. If you are unlucky at work or in business and need magical support, buy a charm that will remove competitors from you, protect you from scammers or evil bosses.

You can independently make a talisman for success in business, and attract good luck, with which things will quickly go smoothly.

We live in a human world. And people are different. They often require protection. And you will not always hide behind a fence from people. The evil word of other comrades kills no worse than a pistol. There are many amulets that protect a person from the evil eye. Making amulets from the evil eye with your own hands is welcome. Among them, the most famous are:

  • red thread made from natural fibers
  • charmed pin
  • mirror
  • natural gems selected by zodiac sign
  • salt spelled for magical protection
  • coin
  • a cross made of needles is a good amulet for the home
  • egregor amulet, for example, any church items and symbols of faith for believing Christians
  • any item made of silver
  • bright clothes; this is especially true for babies: put a red cap on your baby's head, and this bright aggressive color will take away the energy of the evil eye
  • a bag of magical herbs (witch's bag)
  • runic amulets, etc.

If you have enemies who resort to black witchcraft, regularly doing damage to you of a different nature. And you need help and protection from the induced dark magic, such a situation should be considered as severe. And therefore, if you yourself are not a magician, then I would not advise you to make amulets from damage on your own, the magician Sergey Artgrom.

In this case, real magical help experienced sorcerer. First you need strong purges, removal of the induced negative, after which the magician will make a charm so that the kind and black negative. However, the matter is not limited to one magical artifact. Need a few Power items for intense, active protection in various situations.

How to make a charm from the evil eye with your own hands - a magic coin

A good amulet against the forces of evil can rightfully be called an ordinary coin, with which you need to do simple rituals, after which it will cease to be ordinary and acquire one of the meanings of Russian amulets. This coin should always be carried with you.

The Slavic rite is old, proven and effective. During the ceremony, a person pays off from the unclean. And here is the ritual of how to make a charm of such a plan yourself. To use the experience of ancient Slavic ancestors for yourself, you need to do this. Take a coin and throw it over your left shoulder with your left hand. Behind the left shoulder, everyone has a devil. Then you need to pick up a coin and throw it into a hot pan. Yes, hold it so that the metal is calcined.

Thus, the coin will become a reliable barrier to the evil eye, slander, whispers and evil witchcraft. In addition, such a magical item has the ability to attract good luck. So, perhaps, defending yourself from the devil, you will simultaneously do it with your own hands and a talisman for good luck.

Item magic is one of the oldest. It originates from the time when people began to notice the property of things to ward off misfortune and attract good luck. An amulet, unlike a talisman, does not have inscriptions of sacred texts or prayers: it can become an ordinary object. Making amulets with your own hands is not difficult - you need to follow a number of rules and follow the procedure.

In order for an item to become a magical artifact, the following rules must be followed:

  • Choose a purpose for the amulet: attracting money or love, good luck in business or recovery.
  • Choose right time for work.
  • Choose a material for crafts with your own hands or a finished product.
  • Clear the artifact blank according to the rules.
  • Fill the artifact with magical power.

The simplest amulet can be a square or circle made of thick cardboard, filled with melted wax. Read more about this further.

The purpose and form of the amulet

In order for an object to become an amulet, it is necessary to designate the function that it will perform. For example, you need luck in passing exams or attracting clients, recovering from an illness, or attracting love.

Important! The amulet can cope with any task, only it should be one.

After choosing the parameters of the amulet, you need to find an object that will personify your intention. If you like some little thing, it is quite possible to make it your amulet. It can be an icon (for the Orthodox) or a gemstone, soft toy small size or a piece of tree bark.

An amulet can be a ring or pendant, pendant or bracelet. Sometimes an amulet is made from woolen thread red, a beaded bauble can become an artifact.

Important! The shape of the amulet must correspond to its purpose. Amulets for love can be made in the shape of a heart, suitable for money banknote or a coin, a small piggy bank or a pouch.

If you want to make a blank for an artifact with your own hands, consider the following recommendations:

  • the square shape is suitable for bringing stability, constancy, prudence and direction into life;
  • the round shape is suitable for bringing love, harmony, perfection into life;
  • triangular shape or pyramid is designed to find contact with otherworldly forces, activation of the subconscious and intuition;
  • the oval will help you find the right way to solve difficult situations.

The material for the manufacture of the amulet must be natural - natural. Synthetic materials do not conduct magical energies well and are considered unsuitable. Although the finished amulet can also be made of synthetic material, if its shape is fully consistent with the intended purpose.

Artifact making process

Magic items aimed at bringing certain situations to life or protection must be made or charged with a target on the growing moon. The growth phase of the lunar body helps to strengthen the magical goal and activate the artifact in the right direction.

The first stage in the manufacture of the amulet will be the purification of the material from unnecessary energies., which create an obstacle in attracting the necessary events to life. There are several ways to clear an item:

  • rinse under running water for at least 30 minutes, thinking about how water carries away information;
  • carry candles over the flame several times, thinking about how unnecessary information burns in the fire;
  • put in salt overnight - salt must be purchased specifically for this purpose, and then washed off in the sink with water.

After cleaning the artifact, you need to start charging it.. Take the object in your hand, press it to your heart and listen to the inner sensations. Each of them can be different - heat will pass through the body, it will become easy on the soul, a state of joy or peace will appear.

Important! You should feel that the object merges with you and you become one. This state of unity will signal that contact has been made with the artifact.

Now you need to imagine that your thoughts flow into the object and fill it. It is very important to convey the main idea of ​​the artifact, one and only. To do this, one should move away from everyday worries and have only the goal in mind - to fill the artifact with a magical program.

When you feel that your thoughts have filled the object, put it under your pillow - it should spend the night with its owner, get used to its energy. For the next few days, touch the amulet from time to time and think about your goal. Then you should always carry it with you until the magical program is completed.

Upon reaching the goal, the amulet must be discharged or destroyed. If this is not done, the program will start running in reverse direction- against you. You can discharge an item under running water, in salt, or simply burn it in a fire with words of gratitude. Can be buried in the ground.

Examples of finished amulets

For the exam, you can make simple clay amulet. To do this, create a circle, make a hole for the cord, squeeze out a triangle shape on it and fill it with a magical purpose. While the clay dries, imagine how you successfully pass the exam, get a good mark and rejoice. Clay will reliably absorb and keep your intention, and during the exam, it will release good luck.

Tusk / tusk of a predatory animal and shark tooth in a silver frame bring courage and good luck to the owner. If you do not have enough determination, get an amulet from body parts of brave (predatory) animals - and luck will always be on your side. These amulets are permanent, that is, they should not be disposed of.

raw counts strong amulet . It is necessary to choose a cylindrical shape of the stone, however, any other will do. Rhinestone helps to achieve the goal. When the wish comes true, the stone is washed under running water to destroy the magical program. After a while, the druse can be charged with another magical target.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

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