Purple in psychology meaning. Who suits purple according to the color type of appearance. Data of interest to the enterprise

Purple, undoubtedly - the most mysterious and ambiguous. It has many shades and more more titles. Amethyst, lavender, iris, violet, lilac, fig, prunes. How many things in nature have this wonderful and so many-sided color! In 2018, ultra violet was declared Pantone's color of the year. We did not stand aside and decided to explore the use of purple in the interior. It will be informative and interesting!

reference Information

Purple in the RGB system and in the hands of the artist is obtained by mixing red and blue colors.It corresponds to the shortest wavelength radiation that the human eye can perceive.

The meaning of purple

In the psychology of color, the following properties are attributed to purple: sensuality, mystery, power and depth. Purple is said to be calming and helps to focus. He is preferred creative nature and extraordinary personalities. Purple color evokes associations with the words "mystic", "inspiration" and "unusual". It is also called royal. The thing is that in the days of Byzantium it was very difficult and expensive to obtain purple dye. For thirty grams of paint, it was necessary to get 250 thousand rare mollusks with an ink secret. The paint turned out to be very bright and resistant, but only truly powerful and royal people could afford such a luxury. In the 19th century, with the advent of synthetic dyes, the situation changed, but purple is still called the "color of monarchs."

The most mystical color has great importance and in various religions.

In Hinduism, the seventh chakra, which is responsible for "connection with the cosmos" and "awareness", is attributed to the violet color. According to Feng Shui, it symbolizes spirituality and aristocratic spirit. In early Christianity, purple was the color of sadness and affection. Now - secret knowledge and silence. In Islam, purple is responsible for contemplation and mirage, and in Buddhism it is the color of the spiritual father, mentor.

Interesting facts about the color purple

  • Violet color is usually referred to as "cold".
  • IN medieval Europe when the king or any of the members died royal family, the courtiers wore purple clothes as a sign of mourning.
  • In 2003, at the Argentine Zoo, a doctor gave a polar bear an experimental drug for dermatitis, after which polar bear changed color to purple. As it turned out later - it was an allergic reaction.
  • In the Inca nodular writing, the quipu is purple (also called dark purple) - denoted the chief who would rule over the village, territory, people.

Various shades of purple

Speaking of purple, do not lose sight of its various variations. Take a closer look at the variety of purple colors and determine for yourself those shades that catch you more. It is useful to take with you to the store or to a meeting with the designer examples of your favorite shades. You can download them to your phone or take a thing of your favorite color with you, because our eyes perceive colors differently under different lighting conditions. It will be a shame not to get into tone or color temperature.

What can be combined with purple?

Pro general rules color combinations in the interior can be read.

Since purple is a rather complex color, it will look good on its own without additional accents. Favorable "background" for purple - white or gray.

If you are comfortable in a dark space, a deep, total purple will come to the rescue. Velvet armchairs and heavy curtains will create an enveloping languid mood - you just won't want to go to another room!

It can be light in an interior with purple accents!

For lovers of contrasts, there are complimentary combinations. Violet color favorably emphasize various shades yellow. This color scheme sets in a positive way and charges good mood all day!

The combination of muted purple and azure looks interesting. Reminiscent of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur in France and gives a feeling of lightness and tranquility.

If you are comfortable in a dark space, a deep, total purple will come to the rescue. Velvet armchairs and heavy curtains will create an enveloping languid mood - you just won't want to go to another room! If you like "natural" tones, take a closer look at herbal and muted tones - olive and ocher.

Pure purple does not go well with warm and bright colors - red, orange, blue. Combining purple and gold, you can easily overdo it and get a “vulgar interior” instead of a luxurious palace atmosphere.

Purple color in the interior

purple living room

The purple color in the living room looks representative, if not luxurious. Opt for muted deep tones if you want to create an unusual yet cozy environment.

Bright flashy shades combined with contrasting colors will suit lovers and turn your living room into a real holiday!

Royal bedroom

The aroma of lavender has a relaxing effect on a person, and the lavender color in the bedroom is guaranteed to relax before going to bed.

If you are afraid that purple in the bedroom will quickly get bored, use it in doses, in decor elements.

Lilac kitchen

Purple color + kitchen = Provence style. Living violets or lavender in pots will come in handy. Don't you think it's obvious? Then look below.

Purple in the nursery

Purple in the nursery - why not? For girls, calmer tones are suitable. For boys - bright accents and "cartoon" decor. In any case, do not forget to consult with the child. Whatever your apartment is, if you really love purple, you should definitely use it in interior design! Don't be afraid to experiment. And if you want interesting things about color, light, zoning, in general, about everything related to design, subscribe to our newsletter, let's be friends.

Purple is on the edge of the color spectrum. It also closes the color circle, pushing together and connecting together red and blue color but. This is where its duality comes from. It absorbs the properties of two opposites, two extremes. Red is an active, passionate color, full of life. It excites, makes you move. Blue, on the contrary, is the color of calmness, tranquility, reflection. He is not in a hurry, he allows you to look inside yourself.

This is where purple comes from. He is strange, mysterious, mystical. At all times, this color and its shades were perceived as a symbol of involvement in something unknown. It is not for nothing that in our culture we dress magicians and wizards in purple clothes. This color is also preferred. creative people who find new ideas within themselves. After all, purple is associated with the subconscious.

The effect of purple on the human body is manifested in its ability to slow down breathing and pulse. It slows down the nervous system, brings calm. This property is used by psychotherapists. With the help of purple, it is easier to put a person into a state of trance or hypnosis.

Purple is also considered the color of spirituality, the knowledge of universal wisdom. Therefore, as a symbol is used in many world religions. In Catholic Christianity, the amethyst shade of purple (transparent) was considered the sign of cardinals. In Islam, purple, along with blue, meant communion with the divine essence and a mirage, that is, an illusion. In Hinduism, the lilac color denotes unity with the Divine Mother.

At times ancient rome to obtain one gram of a violet dye - purple - it was necessary to process 10 tons of mollusks, which were mined in the Mediterranean Sea. Not surprisingly, it was valued on a par with gold. Only very wealthy people and royalty could afford purple fabric.

Therefore, until now, even despite the fact that fabrics are now dyed with relatively cheap chemical dyes, purple remains a symbol of luxury, wealth and high social status.

Shades of purple range carry a creative and mystical message. That is why such clothes are not welcome in conservative business circles, where everything is subject to strict logic.

There are several situations where purple is best avoided. This is an interview business negotiations. On a first date, you should also not dress in a similar color, an exception in this case is possible only, perhaps, for delicate pastel shades.

The impression produced by the purple color directly depends on which color dominates in its composition - red or blue. If there is more red, the resulting shade will be attractive, there will be an association with sensuality and sexuality. If blue dominates, the color will turn out to be calm, solid and serious.

Not the last role is played by the lightness of the shade. So, lavender, amethyst, lilac look sophisticated, gentle and feminine. These colors are often used to create a romantic and mysterious look.

But bright purple tones - plum, prune, eggplant, purple - will create an image that is more catchy and pretentious. The outfit in these shades looks more dramatic and theatrical. Therefore, these colors are used in doses, complementing the main set with purple accessories.

Purple is a complex color. And yet, it can be quite easily combined with other chromatic shades. It is important to remember one property of this color: accessories in this range only enhance their effect. That is, a purple bag or shoes can become the center of the ensemble. They instantly enliven the image in a neutral range. IN Everyday life it should be used carefully.

Purple deservedly acts as a very mysterious and mysterious color. It is around this color that various legends and legends appear, and mystics and sorcerers walk around in purple robes for a reason.

And what is the meaning of the purple color in psychology and in life? Is he really that special? You can read about it in our article today.

The human subconscious perceives the purple hue as something mysterious and otherworldly and associates with mysticism, astrology, esotericism and healing. After all, if you look at a picture depicting a magician or a witch, in most cases you can notice that he or she is dressed in purple clothes.

The violet hue traditionally acts as a symbol of the other world, with which only the elite are allowed to contact. By the way, since ancient times, purple clothing testified to the uniqueness of the person wearing it. For example, the shade of purple, which is constantly mentioned in ancient stories dedicated to kings and priests, is the closest to violet. Ordinary people it was not allowed to use the described shade.

During the Middle Ages, it was the color of mourning, but it was also allowed to be used exclusively by members of the royal family. The association of a lilac hue with noble sorrow has been preserved Orthodox Church. When priests fast, they dress in violet-colored robes.

It is traditionally believed that violet causes inner concentration, detachment from reality, which is necessary if a person wants to be cleansed spiritually. In addition, the shade also means transformation - the change from one state to another. Here you can talk about pregnancy, and about death, and about deep internal changes.

An interesting nuance. If you often see a shade of violet in your night visions, then this portends cardinal changes in your life.

Sacred characteristic of purple hue

The main meaning inherent in the lilac hue is veil. Combining in itself two strong, but radically different shades in meaning - red and blue, first of all, will tell about suppressed arousal.

Combining two shades - red (symbolizing strength and passion) with blue (a shade of calmness and impassivity), the lilac hue is actually constantly in opposition, and the contrasting values ​​\u200b\u200bof these colors give rise to the mystery of the violet color. Due to this, the lilac shade is often popular with pregnant women (especially in the initial terms of pregnancy), as well as with homosexuals who seek to hide their sexual addictions.

In addition, the duality of the purple hue symbolizes abstinence with willpower. Similar to how blue holds back the power of passionate red, purple is associated with humility, limitations, and the struggle with one's carnal side. That is why the Catholic higher clergy are supposed to wear rings with purple amethysts, symbolizing celibacy.

And also a gentle violet hue evokes associations with the mystical sphere of life and all phenomena that cannot be explained logically. It is also the color of the sixth sense and instinctive desires. And besides this, a purple hue is a color that gives originality, idealism, individuality and reveals the creative potential in a person.

What is the meaning of purple in psychology

The main psychological associations of purple are sensuality and emotionality. But at the same time, the color of violet can also tell about psychological immaturity and instability. nervous system. This explains the love purple things people with unstable mentality and teenagers.

It would be more correct to consider the meaning of the violet color, based on its specific shade:

  • for example, a rich purple tone with a predominance of a blue hue is a symbol of brute strength and authority;
  • lilac shade, in which red dominates - tells about emotional immaturity, impulsiveness and infantilism;
  • but the gentle purple tone has a soft soothing effect and expresses tenderness and delicacy.

In general, it should be noted that psychology classifies the violet color as a rather “heavy” shade. It is for this reason that it should not be worn by babies, otherwise it can reduce their vital activity.

Color therapists use a purple tint when it is necessary to cure headaches, reduce pressure, save a person from eye pathologies, sleep disturbances, and chronic fatigue.

And psychotherapists with the help of this unusual shade treat depressive and neurotic conditions.

Who likes purple clothes

Clothing in a purple palette is liked by individuals who aspire to inner peace. Color allows you to find peace of mind, completely calm down, get rid of the surrounding haste and fuss.

In addition, by dressing in a violet robe, you can reduce your egoism and the desire to deal only with your desires and thoughts. The choice of this shade indicates spiritual openness and the desire to listen to your inner voice. But in everything it is important to observe the measure, because busting with the purple color will provoke a desire for solitude and minimizing contact with other people.

Psychological experts believe that the choice of a purple hue for basic clothing and accessories indicates some infantilism and insufficient control of the conscious realm. Delicate lavender shade creates the illusion of coolness and detachment, it is very attractive to dreamers.

Are you a feminine and dreamy person? Then, without a doubt, buy for yourself clothes, accessories or jewelry in a violet hue - thanks to them, you will increase self-confidence and be filled with strength. To create maximum stylish look combine purple with gray (to get what you want sooner), with brown (to achieve a luxurious life).

What kind of people like purple

With regards to those who choose a purple hue for themselves, for the most part such people are very secretive natures. They are accustomed to very critically evaluate themselves and others, so they often achieve a lot in life.

Often these are real pedants and formalists. They show emotional restraint in society, but in fact, real passions rage inside them. In life, for such individuals, it is much more important than their own feelings with intuition than public opinion. It is excellent intuition that often provokes arrogance and vanity in them, which repels them a little.

Such individuals also like to feel special, they often stand out from the general background due to excellent hobbies and addictions of the bulk. As a rule, they adhere to a secluded lifestyle, have several close people.

"Violet" personalities, like no one else, are capable of creating long-term and deep relationship. With regards to them negative sides character, one can mention passivity with shyness. Many find them to be eccentrics who are completely unadapted to reality. So, for example, such people can perfectly understand philosophy and religion, but they do not know how to cook food and do not clean their homes.

As a rule, the violet hue causes antipathy among the overly mundane and rational personalities, straightforward, who are annoyed by ambiguity and uncertainty. Also, the rejection of a violet hue will tell about the dislike for mysticism. These individuals are not at all interested in religion, omens. They may have good intelligence, but they are completely lacking in creativity.

We can confidently say that purple is the king of all shades. It evokes inspiration due to its sophistication, nobility and mystery. It is not at all surprising that the adherents of symbolism, as well as creative people, like the color. The purple hue represents spiritual wealth and close unity with the universe.

At the end of the topic, it is worth watching an interesting thematic video material:

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

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Every color matters, even if we don't believe it. How many times in history blue canvases calmed people, and red ones gave strength and courage to go into battle. Purple also has its own characteristics and symbolic meanings.

The influence of color energy on human psychology can be different. In studying this issue, scientists and psychologists resort to legends about gods, experiments, and so on. For different groups people purple color has its own meaning:


For the stronger sex, such shades mean awareness of something powerful and special. This is faith in eternal forces, and the desire to comprehend their depths. There is also a strange influence on aesthetic hobbies.


Purple colors and textures are often associated with a woman who is about to become a mother. She experiences interesting feelings - fear of the unknown and confidence in her new strength.

Children (child or teenager)

Since this gamma is responsible for the connection of opposites, for children, color means choice. They constantly study the world and try to understand what is good and what is bad. The presence of purple hues encourages kids and teenagers to think, reflect, look for answers.

Violet color according to Freud, characteristic

Freud, along with a huge amount of research, compiled a list of colors. He studied their features and characteristics, explained their essence. Purple, according to the scientist, is a strong sexual dissatisfaction.

People who often choose this color as their main color suffer from loneliness or intimacy. Therefore, an analysis of the interior or clothing can suggest this personality trait.

What does purple mean?

Now let's move on to the values. Today there are a lot of them: humility, repentance, sadness, mourning, openness, holiness, intelligence. The use of these colors in different areas has its own nuances.

In the interior (hallway, bedroom, kitchen, hall, nursery)

Violet shades are chosen by open people. They are ready to show their insides and trust others. But individual rooms have features. The hallway is a symbol of religious humility or humility. Bedroom opens problems intimate life, chill in a relationship. The kitchen implies a renunciation of big family and service to others. Zala confirms that the owner is not afraid of cold and problems. The nursery testifies to the anxiety of parents for their children.

in clothes

Small inserts speak of openness, lack of selfishness. This good qualities which always adorn personality traits. But a large number of purple color pushes to solitude, detachment from everyone around.

Designers say that you should not use such paints as basic ones. They can serve as an addition.

In any things

Purple jewelry, trinkets and other things are symbols of infantilism. These people have no control over their lives. It's about about pregnant women creative people, those who have a developed imagination and interesting talents.

Cool shades speak of detachment. A person just goes into his dreams and forgets about real world. It may seem rare, but many people do not even notice such a habit. It becomes the cause of their discontent and apathy.

purple eyes

People with bright eyes are perceived as spiritual creatures that are constantly in apathy. They seem to know so much that they are already tired of life and do not want to try to do anything.

This is a very rare aspect. Some people buy special lenses to get closer to their ideal of finesse.

purple hair color

Some girls completely dye their hair, some are content with just strands. Similar hairstyles are associated with mystical or magical creatures, elves and fairies. The reason was different stories, legends and, of course, cinema.

Often such hair makes it possible to stand out from the crowd if loneliness and depression overcome.

According to Feng Shui

Here the meaning is quite different. No religiosity or detachment. According to Feng Shui, it is wealth and power. They try to use it in design solutions costly repairs.

What colors to mix to get purple?

The most common answer is a mixture of red and blue. But this is not an option, as the shade will be dirty.

To use this special color in all its glory, you need to make out several options:

  • the original mixture and white give a delicate shade;
  • regular tint with black or green gives a rich dark tint;
  • muted color give purple, black and white;
  • magenta is a combination of red, blue and yellow.

Purple color combinations with other colors

These paints are very practical, as it is not difficult to choose an outfit. A good combination are beige, lilac, turquoise, blue and white colors. Their shades are also suitable.

It is important that there are not many bright spots. They will knock down general idea. These shades almost always convey tenderness. It is worth diluting them carefully and carefully.

Purple color in English (translation)

On the English language the word turns out to be especially tender and airy - “purple”. By analyzing transcription, one can arrive at correct pronunciation- "ash". "E" should be as soft and stretchy as possible.

Purple magic and mysticism

A feature of the shade in open spirituality. People have developed intuition.

The planet that is responsible for this color is Mercury.

As for the aura, it is the seventh aspect of matter. He is responsible for obtaining higher knowledge and wisdom. Such people become either the highest spiritual ranks in the church, spiritual teachers in esotericism, or higher magicians.

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