Nervous unbalanced with self-respect. Mentally unbalanced person. Causes of mental disorders

Greetings, my dear readers! We all, one way or another, face tantrums and scandals in our lives. Sometimes even we ourselves are the initiators of such scenes. But everything is fine when a person can quickly calm down and recover. But there is also another case. Who is a mentally unbalanced person, signs, his behavior, how to interact with him? Let's talk about how you can quickly figure out such comrades, what tactics of behavior with them to choose and what definitely cannot be done.

How to calculate it?

A mentally unbalanced person can look different. Some until the last seem calm, quiet, adequate people. It is not always easy to distinguish an unbalanced person from a calm one.

There are several signs: an unrealistically tense face, like a doll, a frozen look; behavior does not include spontaneous actions, as if he is trying to keep himself under control, there is no easy and laid-back naturalness; fingers are constantly fiddling with something.

You can also meet another option, when you almost immediately understand who is in front of you: outwardly tense and nervous, high notes often slip in your voice or a constantly raised tone, irritability for any situation.

In my practice, there were examples of both the first and second. With the latter, it is easier, because you immediately have the opportunity to notice an unbalanced person, but with the former you will have to talk longer to find out the truth.

What is the peculiarity of the behavior of such people? They do not keep promises, quickly and abruptly change their mind or decision. It is hard to rely on them, because today he says one thing, and tomorrow he may do something completely different.

Even in behavior or conversations, one can trace how a person steps beyond the boundaries of the norm. There are extremes in the conversation, you can see that it is impossible to convince such a person, as if the whole world is spinning around his idea and sees some specific, hidden intent in everything.

The problem in communication arises from the fact that we cannot predict what he will do next. With the average person, we can somehow guess the reaction and the subsequent action. And in unbalanced people, mood changes quickly, often without even an apparent reason.

We all lose our temper sometimes. There is nothing terrible or criminal in this. A normal person manages to pull himself together and quickly come into balance and a calm state.

The difference between unbalanced people is that they cannot quickly return to a calm state. More often it even happens that the hysteria increases, the degree of aggression increases.


It is worth noting a separate case. There are people who have pronounced qualities such as heartlessness, lack of empathy, self-obsession and deceit, only superficial emotional reactions.

Agree, in modern cinema and literature, the image of a sociopathic, uncommunicative, self-centered hero is sung. Millions want to imitate them, they take everything from them as a blueprint, without thinking about the deeper meaning of the character. And forget that it's just a character.

Such people begin to behave with people deliberately rude and unfriendly, considering this an interesting feature of their character. They spit on social norms and morality. They do not put the desires of other people into anything, only wanting to fulfill their dreams.

Sometimes such behavior is born in childhood, for some the first signs appear already at a conscious age. Some have individual qualities.

your behavior

When we understand how to identify such a person, the question remains - how to behave with him?

Remember the basic principle of communication with such comrades - do not get involved in a conflict.

If you remember this rule and follow it, it will become much easier for you to be around unbalanced people. Better yet, try to avoid contact with them.

It is necessary to communicate with them extremely politely, calmly, showing that everything is fine. Some unbalanced people have deeply hidden reasons for this behavior. They want to keep everything under control, break down, start to hysteria.

Therefore, your task is to show that everything is fine, everything is under control, try to calm him down.

Do not shout, do not swear, do not enter into a verbal altercation, do not try to give advice or moralizing. You may have a righteous motive and the right desire, but it can only lead to a worsening of the situation, because the reaction of such people is unpredictable.

Don't argue or argue. It would be best to avoid conflict altogether. To leave, not to take part and not to get involved in the situation on an emotional level.

What to do if the tantrum is gaining momentum, do you understand that a person can harm himself or others? Feel free to seek professional medical help.

Don't try to cope on your own.

If, for example, your boss is clearly an unbalanced type and you have to communicate with him, then try to be calm, polite, do not provoke a conflict. Save your nerves.

Are there similar personalities among your acquaintances? How do you deal with their tantrums and scandals?

Calmness and a polite smile are your best weapon!

Schizophrenia is one of the most "famous" mental illnesses. Unfortunately, this disease is incurable and any person who encounters it must understand how to behave with the patient. There are only five problems, but each requires special attention. This:


Aggressive behavior can be observed in the patient both during the period of exacerbation and during remission. What to do? First of all, never argue. This is inefficient and also unsafe. It is necessary to try to verbally calm the patient, go to another room, give him the opportunity to recover. Be sure to seek help from a doctor, do not postpone hospitalization out of pity.

In what situations can aggressive behavior be observed? For example, if you interfere with the patient doing what he loves. No matter how strange this hobby may seem to you, it can be of great importance to your loved one. And any interference will be regarded as an encroachment on his personal space. You need to learn to control your negative emotions. In response to your dissatisfaction on the part of the patient, an aggressive response may follow.

Refusal to take drugs

In schizophrenia, in addition to thinking and the emotional sphere, the critical attitude of the patient towards himself also suffers. Often patients ask the doctor to reduce the doses of drugs, and often they themselves “quietly” cancel the drugs. They motivate this with the words "I feel better." It is not possible to influence the decision of the patient by persuasion. The result of refusing to take medication is admission to a hospital. After discharge, the scenario is repeated. What can you offer relatives? In modern psychiatry, there are prolong drugs - drugs that are prescribed as injections once or twice a month. In terms of effectiveness, they are not inferior to tablets, but it is more convenient to take.

Energy in a peaceful direction

A patient with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, a young beautiful woman, after discharge, canceled the medication on her own. Within a month, there was a sharp deterioration in his condition: delusions of religious content, aggression towards relatives and, as a result, forced hospitalization. This was repeated until a certain point, until something changed her attitude towards treatment. Perhaps it was the reluctance to be in the hospital again. Maybe it was the endless conversations with the doctor. But the following happened: she began to take drugs regularly and visit the attending physician. The woman directed her indefatigable energy to help homeless people. She picked them up on the street, gave them food and shelter for a while in her house, then accompanied them to a shelter for the needy. She enthusiastically talked about her charitable work. This patient was never admitted to the hospital again.


Suicidal behavior is another problem that relatives of patients with a psychiatric diagnosis may face. And the most unpleasant thing about this behavior is the fact that a suicide attempt is difficult to predict. A person can carefully hide his intentions if he has made a final decision. Sometimes the patient manipulates in order to attract attention or obtain some kind of benefit. However, it can be difficult, and sometimes impossible, to distinguish between a demonstrative patient and a patient who has decided to commit suicide. The most dangerous is the so-called extended suicide, when the patient decides to "save the suffering" of other people, such as members of his family. And first he kills his relatives, and then himself.


Hallucinations are the perception of non-existent images. There are several main types of hallucinations: auditory (voices), visual, tactile and gustatory. The patient believes in their reality, it is useless to dissuade him. Hallucinations are a sign of an exacerbation of the disease and require prompt medical attention. There are such types of the course of schizophrenia, when hallucinations take a chronic form and cannot be treated. As a rule, the patient in this case retains a critical attitude towards them, he understands that they are a product of his disease and do not affect his behavior.

Personality change

The two most embarrassing facts about schizophrenia are that the disease is incurable and it irreversibly changes a person's personality. You can experience a variety of feelings about this: fear, resentment, anger, disappointment, but this will not affect the situation in any way. In the emotional sphere of the "mentally ill" there is a kind of bifurcation (splitting). On the one hand, coldness and even cruelty to others, including relatives, on the other hand, vulnerability and hypersensitivity. Psychiatrists on this occasion use the expression "wood and glass." What used to bring pleasure and delight the patient no longer arouses any interest in him.

Gradually, he is more and more immersed in his autistic fantasy world. Personality changes also affect the appearance: such patients neglect the elementary rules of hygiene. Relatives need a lot of effort to get the patient to wash or brush their teeth. The disease slowly but steadily isolates a person from society.

Legal grounds

Law No. 3185-I. Article 29

A person suffering from a mental disorder may be hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital without his consent or without the consent of his legal representative before the decision of the judge, if his examination or treatment is possible only in hospital conditions, and the mental disorder is severe and causes: but) his immediate danger to himself or others, or b) his helplessness, that is, his inability to satisfy the basic needs of life on his own, or in) significant harm to his health due to the deterioration of his mental state, if the person is left without psychiatric assistance.

How can a family help their sick relative and themselves?

Confidential contact with the doctor

"Insane" patients are very sensitive to the criticism and encouragement of the attending physician. Ask the doctor questions that bother you, because for many, schizophrenia is an obscure condition. However, there is a small "but" here. If the mental state of the patient does not fall under Article 29, then information about his health, even to close relatives, can only be disclosed with his consent.


If the doctor insists on hospitalization, this means that the mental state of the patient cannot be corrected in the dispensary. What is the advantage of such treatment? Firstly, in a hospital, it is easier and faster to choose an adequate therapy, since the patient is under medical supervision around the clock. Secondly, all medicines that will be prescribed to your relative, he will receive free of charge. And thirdly, in the hospital, the patient is guaranteed to take medication. Many people are frightened by the forced placement of a loved one in a hospital. Relatives feel guilty before the patient. But in fact, involuntary hospitalization is like an operation to open an abscess: an incision is necessary in order for the abscess to heal.

Risks are close

At the end of 2015, at a specialized conference on the dangerous behavior of people with mental illness, disappointing numbers were announced. Now in Russia 50,000 patients who are under constant dispensary supervision, and coercive measures in connection with aggressive and unsafe behavior towards others were applied by court decision to more than 26,000 living in families. It should be noted that we are talking only about people with official diagnoses, meanwhile, some experts believe that at the moment there is an order in the country 40% of people suffer from mental disorders which have not yet developed into serious illnesses.

How to live nearby?

There is a temptation to completely control your sick relative. However, by hyper-custody you deprive him of the healthy part of his personality (and it certainly exists) of the right to at least some kind of autonomy. It is necessary to learn to separate the person and his disease. When the patient behaves aggressively or inappropriately, understand: now this is not your beloved son, grandson or husband. This is the disease in him. Later, when you “come to your senses,” your loved one will calm down and be able to interact with you in a different way. In our society, the mentally ill are extremely wary. And that is why it is especially important for your relative to feel your support and love, to understand that you accept him as he is. And the last thing: do not try to punish yourself, take responsibility for what happened. You are not to blame for what happened. No matter what, life goes on.

Calling as salvation

John Forbes Nash- American mathematician, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics. The scientist suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. Nash fell ill at age 30. Initially, his wife made attempts to hide the terrible disease from colleagues and friends. But a few months later he had to be forcibly placed in a psychiatric hospital. The scientist's illness progressed. He spoke of himself in the third person, was afraid of something, wrote meaningless letters. Nash's colleagues gave him a job and found a good psychiatrist who prescribed strong drugs. In 1980, the disease, much to the surprise of psychiatrists, began to recede. Perhaps this happened because the scientist again took up his favorite mathematics. In 2015, John Nash received the highest honor in mathematics, the Abel Prize.

It is customary to associate mental imbalance with mental illness. In essence, mental imbalance is inherent in almost every person to varying degrees. Unbalance can be episodic, or it can become something like a lifestyle, when a person for many years gives the impression of being mentally unstable and in need of outside help.

Signs of a mentally unbalanced person

It is important to know and be able to identify the signs of mental imbalance. This will help to see them in yourself or loved ones and avoid serious consequences.


People exposed to even minor stress, able to burst into a storm of emotions. During this, huge reserves of energy are wasted, which could be directed to creation. At the same time, in five minutes of frantic screams, swearing and worries, a person is able to get tired as if he had been doing physical labor all day.

The constant feeling of the presence of imminent danger can drive you crazy. An unbalanced person starts see a threat to one's own life and safety almost everywhere and loses the ability to soberly assess the environment. A constant stay in a restless, anxious state leads to serious health problems - the nervous system is loosened, the risk of heart attack and stroke increases. Constant panic attacks can lead to agoraphobia and a reclusive lifestyle.

Fussiness and arrogance

Another sign of imbalance is constant haste, inability to stop for a few minutes and relax. Constant tension, the need to occupy oneself with something are caused by an overabundance of thoughts chaotically rushing through the head. The line between reality and one's own illusory world is blurred. Naturally, this leads to a decrease in productivity and a waste of energy.

Trying to show your importance, unlike others, attributing exorbitant merit to oneself is also a sign of mental instability. Arrogant people become tough, it is difficult for them to notice their shortcomings and learn from their own mistakes. Often such people lack a sense of humor, they take life too seriously and are easily pissed off.

Other symptoms

As a rule, the above signs are easy to detect. often they are not a temporary phenomenon, but become something like character traits. In addition, there are other obvious symptoms of a mental disorder:

  • trouble concentrating while working or socializing;
  • laughter for no reason;
  • alienation and hostility towards loved ones;
  • auditory or visual hallucinations - from the outside it looks like a conversation with oneself, answers to the questions of an invisible interlocutor;
  • inconsistent speech, difficult to understand, containing absurd or delusional phrases.

Also, mental imbalance can be accompanied by insomnia and headaches, eating disorders, problems in intimate life, alcohol abuse and neglect of appearance.

How to deal with a mentally unstable person

When in contact with a mentally unbalanced person care must be taken so as not to provoke a conflict with their phrases and actions. The best thing you can do is to distance yourself as much as possible, control your emotions, and remain calm and polite.

Do not allow yourself to argue, swear, raise your voice- let the unbalanced riot, and you just silently listen to him. Remember that more often than not, unbalanced people behave this way because deep down they feel extremely insecure, confused and scared. A breakdown should be perceived as an attempt to make up for the lack of attention from others. Therefore, you should treat such a person kindly, demonstrate to him that everything is fine, the situation is under control.

Help him feel special

Mentally unbalanced people are often helpless and suffer from it. In order to convince them otherwise, you need a few simple tricks:

  • Emphasize that you care about this person. After all, if he notices that communication with him is unpleasant for you, this can further reduce his self-esteem;
  • Appreciate his views and respect his opinion. When talking, do not be distracted by other things, pay attention to him. Praise for the thoughts expressed, even if you do not agree with his point of view;
  • Take care of comfort and pay attention to the needs of the person. Even a simple offer of a glass of water or a warm blanket can greatly improve his well-being and attitude towards you.

Show that you trust him

People with psychological problems lose confidence not only in others, but in themselves, their own considerations. That's why it is important to demonstrate your faith in such a person in order for him to regain his sense of dignity and worth. For this try asking him for advice or consultation on a subject that he really understands. Even a simple request for help will divert his attention from his own problems and help him perceive the world around him more adequately.

Help him be independent

Sometimes trying to help a mentally unstable person can make them feel helpless and worthless. Therefore, it is important to give him a certain freedom of action. Let him be responsible for himself - you should not stop any stressful situation in the bud, give him the opportunity to learn to deal with stress factors on his own. Sometimes ask him to complete some task and give him complete freedom of action from beginning to end.

However, one should not allow an unbalanced person to do whatever he wants. Freedom of action is good in moderation, for this should establish certain rules and frameworks. Otherwise, you run the risk of being in the position of a punching bag or they will simply start to wipe their feet on you. Therefore, as soon as you notice that your friend begins to take liberties towards you - gently but persistently put him in his place. Keep your composure and learn to stand up for yourself when necessary.

One of the main mistakes of people with mental problems

This mistake is to try to completely eliminate stress from your life. Sometimes people with an unstable psyche move away from the world around them - they quit their jobs, limit their social circle, and rarely leave their homes. But such a distance from reality makes the psyche even more unstable, a person cut off from life begins to see the world only in black and white colors, thinking loses its flexibility and, as a result, protracted depression and loss of desire to live sets in. If you begin to notice such behavior in yourself or loved ones, you should immediately begin to act in order to prevent sad consequences.

Such a serious disease as schizophrenia, unfortunately, can occur in any person, regardless of education, wealth, age and gender. Therefore, no one can guarantee that this will never happen to one of our loved ones. Naturally, one does not want to think about the bad, nevertheless it is absolutely necessary to know that in such a situation a sick person needs an exceptionally special attitude towards him from his relatives and friends.

Yes, patients with schizophrenia have a rather specific perception of the world around them, but this does not mean that these people do not need human warmth, love and care from others. The main task of relatives of a patient with schizophrenia is to help him adapt in society.

What is the right way to deal with someone with schizophrenia?

People with schizophrenia are easily influenced by the environment and for this reason it is extremely important to communicate effectively with them, when you realize how, at what time and what to talk about. If you are angry or upset, you should postpone discussing important issues with the sick person. In such unstable states, it is not easy to think clearly, listen carefully and make constructive decisions.

Any person is sad, angry and upset when others push him away, not to mention people with mental disorders. The behavior of others often in itself pushes patients with schizophrenia to impulsive and unforeseen actions. A person who lives with a patient suffering from schizophrenia should try to respond adequately, calmly and with understanding to his actions, provide assistance in every possible way, take care, support, protect him. Relatives and friends should learn tolerance. Warm and “healthy” relationships in the family are the basis for the onset of high-quality and long-term remission, partial or complete social adaptation, as well as recovery!

If you notice unusual behavior, “strange”, inappropriate statements and beliefs in one of your loved ones, be sure to do everything to show him to a psychiatrist. This is not so easy, because people with schizophrenia do not consider themselves ill. Therefore, you can find an indirect reason for going to the doctor: poor sleep, deterioration of mutual understanding with others, getting rid of increased anxiety and fear, etc.

Unfortunately, the so-called “stigmatization” of mental illness is widespread in our society, which is why people often think that going to a psychiatrist is something shameful, a “stigma”, but this is not at all the case! The modern possibilities of psychiatry, in particular the latest psychotropic drugs, have given schizophrenia patients a chance to overcome the disease, become fully socially adapted, and not be or feel crazy.

You need to know that the active course of the disease, when delusions and hallucinations persist, eventually leads to the formation of a specific schizophrenic defect that changes the personality and prevents it from adapting to society. Therefore, if you turn to a specialist for help in time, you can give your loved ones not only the opportunity to get rid of the painful manifestations of schizophrenia that change a person, his views and behavior, but also the opportunity to become socially adapted and function at a pre-morbid level.

Do you know what the least beautiful man in our time? No, not lack of money, work and ambition. This is a matter of time and a matter of time. The same can't be said for behavior that defies rational analysis. Surely you have met such people - they constantly complain, break into a cry, when there is not even any conflict, gossip and, in general, make the worst impression. This is the same imbalance that irritates any normal person. And if you notice the sins described below, then it's time to think about the development of your personality. Perhaps you should change yourself today.

Swamp of empathy

One of the signs of intelligence is empathy, the meaning of which is sympathy for a loved one. Empathy makes us human, it is. However, there is also the opposite, painful, side of this phenomenon. Perhaps you observed it or became its source. And this is how it looks from the outside: a tragedy happens to your loved one, grief that you experience as if it happened to you; you focus on this person's problems, forgetting about your own; in the future, you continue to follow this model - you forget about your own problems and poke your nose into other people's lives, living them with all your guts.

But emotionally stable people don't do that. They can certainly be supportive and caring about the feelings of loved ones, but they don't let other people's lives influence their personality.

Whining and grumbling means two things - one says that we are victims, the other that we do not know the solution to our problems. A reasonable person rarely feels like a victim, even less often does he feel that the solution to the problem is out of reach. Instead of looking for someone to blame, smart people immediately start thinking about how to constructively solve the problem. They also understand that their complaints affect the emotional reactions of others, and instead of looking for solutions, complaints make the problem even more serious. So, stop crying to yourself and others. Whining won't do you any good, only disappointment.

Stop saying yes

A sign of emotional stability is self-control. This very clearly demonstrates the attitude towards drinking. If you have problems in your head, then you cannot adequately assess the amount of alcohol you drink, you will not be able to foresee the disgustingness of the next morning, which will respond with a terrible headache. Balanced people not only know how to say “no” to others, they also do it without regretting anything. For example, if you have to get up early tomorrow morning to get to an important meeting, then it is wiser to refuse an invitation to a party. Common sense, nothing more. And if you doubt, you are afraid to refuse people, then, in addition to losing a lot of time, you also gain disturbing thoughts, which, in the future, may become.

Gossip is born not only in the minds of women. This is generally a big stereotype. And being in a male company, you immediately understand this, because among ten men there will definitely be one who considers it his life's work to gut someone's secrets of the whole company. And such people should be avoided, because reasonable people do not judge a person by rumors - they are guided by personal acquaintance and what actions say.

Don't count on others

Balanced people are self-sufficient in everything that concerns living their time on planet Earth. They don't bet on other people, only on themselves. And that's why they win. Yes, we really believe that normal people will not shift their problems onto others: the state, the girl, the employer, the economy, religion, etc. If you want to succeed, then, first, take yourself in hand and only then - go to success, whatever it may be.

The past will get you

Have you noticed that crazy people constantly remember the old days, like “everything was fine”? In fact, memory is such a thing that eternally idealizes the past. Such people, who always praise the past, are damned afraid of the present. It terrifies them, because the present requires full dedication - there is no place for nostalgia, there is no place for accusations. Of course, we are sure that it is necessary to remember your past and accept it, but it should not affect your future. Remember, it is important to live right here and now.

There are people who, over trifles, can start hysterical, flare up aggression. Unbalanced people are difficult to communicate people who may not fulfill their obligations, disrupt plans, and this is only a small list of gifts that they can present. The ability to recognize such people and behave correctly with them will help protect yourself from their aggression, defuse the situation if necessary, and maybe help them.

An outwardly unbalanced person may appear reserved, calm, even quiet. But there are signs that can give out his imbalance: a tense face, lack of naturalness in behavior (sometimes it can be exaggerated goodwill), a feeling that a person is trying to control himself all the time. He can constantly fiddle with something with his hands, he may have a habit of swinging his leg. Unbalance can also manifest itself openly: a person looks irritated, sharp notes can break through in his voice every now and then, or he generally constantly speaks in raised tones.

The difficulty in dealing with such a person is that it is almost impossible to predict his behavior. In such people, the mood changes for no apparent reason. The psychological features of relationships with an unbalanced person are that an outburst of anger or conflict can be provoked by a seemingly harmless remark.

Of course, any person can have moments of imbalance. But, as a rule, a person, having left the state of balance, easily calms down. An unbalanced person is like a river overflowing its banks. It is very difficult for him to return to his normal state.

Of course, communication with such a person is usually not particularly pleasant, but such an unbalanced person may be a close relative or a supervisor at work. In general, a person from communication with which it is difficult, and sometimes impossible to avoid. Therefore, in my opinion, it is worth knowing a few rules for communicating with such people.

The basic rule of dealing with an unbalanced person is:

in no case should one conflict with an unbalanced person

Try not to provoke him with criticism, offensive remarks addressed to him, reproaches. His reaction may be inadequate. In response to a remark, you can get a flash of anger.

The best thing to do during a nervous breakdown is to step back as much as possible, be calm and not get drawn into the conflict. Do not argue, do not object, listen to everything he says silently.

Sometimes it seems that a loved one has gone crazy.

Or starts to go. How to determine that "the roof has gone" and it didn't seem to you?

In this article, you will learn about the 10 main symptoms of mental disorders.

There is a joke among the people: "There are no mentally healthy people, there are underexamined." This means that individual signs of mental disorders can be found in the behavior of any person, and the main thing is not to fall into a manic search for the corresponding symptoms in others.

And it's not even that a person can become a danger to society or himself. Some mental disorders occur as a result of organic damage to the brain, which requires immediate treatment. Delay can cost a person not only mental health, but also life.

Some symptoms, on the contrary, are sometimes regarded by others as manifestations of bad character, promiscuity or laziness, while in fact they are manifestations of the disease.

In particular, depression is not considered by many to be a disease requiring serious treatment. "Pull yourself together! Stop whining! You're weak, you should be ashamed! Stop delving into yourself and everything will pass!” - this is how relatives and friends exhort the patient. And he needs the help of a specialist and long-term treatment, otherwise he will not get out.

The onset of senile dementia or early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease can also be mistaken for age-related decline in intelligence or a bad temper, but in fact it's time to start looking for a nurse to look after the sick.

How to determine whether it is worth worrying about a relative, colleague, friend?

Signs of a mental disorder

This condition can accompany any mental disorder and many of the somatic diseases. Asthenia is expressed in weakness, low efficiency, mood swings, hypersensitivity. A person easily begins to cry, instantly irritated and loses self-control. Often, asthenia is accompanied by sleep disturbances.

obsessive states

A wide range of obsessions includes many manifestations: from constant doubts, fears that a person is not able to cope with, to an irresistible desire for cleanliness or certain actions.

Under the power of an obsessive state, a person can return home several times to check whether he turned off the iron, gas, water, whether he closed the door with a key. An obsessive fear of an accident may force the patient to perform some rituals that, according to the sufferer, can avert trouble. If you notice that your friend or relative washes his hands for hours, has become overly squeamish and is always afraid of getting infected with something - this is also an obsession. The desire not to step on cracks in the pavement, tile joints, avoidance of certain types of transport or people in clothes of a certain color or type is also an obsessive state.

Mood changes

Longing, depression, the desire for self-accusation, talk about one's own worthlessness or sinfulness, about death can also be symptoms of the disease. Pay attention to other manifestations of inadequacy:

  • Unnatural frivolity, carelessness.
  • Folly, not characteristic of age and character.
  • Euphoric state, optimism, which has no basis.
  • Fussiness, talkativeness, inability to concentrate, confused thinking.
  • Heightened self-esteem.
  • Projection.
  • Strengthening of sexuality, extinction of natural modesty, inability to restrain sexual desires.

You have cause for concern if your loved one begins to complain about the appearance of unusual sensations in the body. They can be extremely unpleasant or just annoying. These are sensations of squeezing, burning, stirring “something inside”, “rustling in the head”. Sometimes such sensations can be the result of very real somatic diseases, but often senestopathies indicate the presence of a hypochondriacal syndrome.


It is expressed in a manic concern about the state of one's own health. Examinations and test results may indicate the absence of diseases, but the patient does not believe and requires more and more examinations and serious treatment. A person speaks almost exclusively about his well-being, does not get out of clinics and demands to be treated like a patient. Hypochondria often goes hand in hand with depression.


Do not confuse illusions and hallucinations. Illusions make a person perceive real objects and phenomena in a distorted form, while with hallucinations a person feels something that does not really exist.

Examples of illusions:

  • the pattern on the wallpaper seems to be a plexus of snakes or worms;
  • the dimensions of objects are perceived in a distorted form;
  • the sound of raindrops on the windowsill seems to be the cautious steps of someone terrible;
  • the shadows of the trees turn into terrible creatures crawling up with frightening intentions, etc.

If outsiders may not be aware of the presence of illusions, then the susceptibility to hallucinations may manifest itself more noticeably.

Hallucinations can affect all the senses, that is, be visual and auditory, tactile and gustatory, olfactory and general, and also be combined in any combination. To the patient, everything he sees, hears and feels seems completely real. He may not believe that others do not feel, hear, or see all this. He can perceive their bewilderment as a conspiracy, deceit, mockery, and get annoyed at the fact that they do not understand him.

With auditory hallucinations, a person hears all sorts of noise, snippets of words, or coherent phrases. "Voices" can give commands or comment on every action of the patient, laugh at him or discuss his thoughts.

Taste and olfactory hallucinations often cause a sensation of an unpleasant quality: a disgusting taste or smell.

With tactile hallucinations, it seems to the patient that someone is biting, touching, strangling him, that insects are crawling over him, that certain creatures are being introduced into his body and moving there or eating the body from the inside.

Outwardly, susceptibility to hallucinations is expressed in conversations with an invisible interlocutor, sudden laughter or constant intense listening to something. The patient may shake something off himself all the time, scream, examine himself with a preoccupied look, or ask others if they see something on his body or in the surrounding space.


Delusional states often accompany psychoses. Delusions are based on erroneous judgments, and the patient stubbornly maintains his false conviction, even if there are obvious contradictions with reality. Crazy ideas acquire supervalue, significance that determines all behavior.

Delusional disorders can be expressed in an erotic form, or in a belief in one's great mission, in descent from a noble family or aliens. It may seem to the patient that someone is trying to kill or poison him, rob him or kidnap him. Sometimes the development of a delusional state is preceded by a feeling of unreality of the surrounding world or one's own personality.

Gathering or excessive generosity

Yes, any collector can be suspect. Especially in those cases when collecting becomes an obsession, subjugates the whole life of a person. This may be expressed in the desire to drag things found in garbage dumps into the house, accumulate food without paying attention to expiration dates, or pick up stray animals in numbers that exceed the ability to provide them with normal care and proper maintenance.

The desire to give away all your property, immoderate squandering can also be regarded as a suspicious symptom. Especially in the case when a person was not previously distinguished by generosity or altruism.

There are people who are unsociable and unsociable due to their nature. This is normal and should not raise suspicions of schizophrenia and other mental disorders. But if a born merry fellow, the soul of the company, a family man and a good friend suddenly begins to destroy social ties, becomes unsociable, shows coldness towards those who were dear to him until recently, this is a reason to worry about his mental health.

A person becomes sloppy, ceases to take care of himself, in society he can begin to behave shockingly - to commit acts that are considered indecent and unacceptable.

What to do?

It is very difficult to make the right decision in the case when there are suspicions of a mental disorder in someone close. Perhaps a person is just having a difficult period in his life, and his behavior has changed for this reason. Things will get better - and everything will return to normal.

But it may turn out that the symptoms you noticed are a manifestation of a serious disease that needs to be treated. In particular, oncological diseases of the brain in most cases lead to one or another mental disorder. Delay in starting treatment can be fatal in this case.

Other diseases need to be treated in time, but the patient himself may not notice the changes taking place with him, and only relatives will be able to influence the state of affairs.

However, there is another option: the tendency to see in everyone around you potential patients of a psychiatric clinic can also turn out to be a mental disorder. Before calling psychiatric emergency for a neighbor or relative, try to analyze your own condition. Suddenly you have to start with yourself? Remember the joke about the under-examined?

"In every joke there is a share of a joke" ©

Mentally unbalanced person

noun, number of synonyms: 2

Psycho (37)

Psychopath (18)

  • - Suffering from a mental illness, congenital or acquired mental disorders ...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Psychiatric Terms

  • - T. v. n. characterized by great strength, mobility and imbalance in the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - a person who has obvious manifestations of mental retardation, accompanied by a violation of his social adaptation ...

    medical terms

  • - ...
  • - adj., number of synonyms: 5

    Synonym dictionary

  • normal, normal, of sound mind, of sound mind, ordinary, of sound mind...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 abnormal ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - psycho/chesky...

    merged. Apart. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

  • - psycho/chesky...

    merged. Apart. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

  • - UNBALANCED, unbalanced, unbalanced; unbalanced, unbalanced, unbalanced. Unstable, out of balance. Unbalanced person. Unbalanced personality...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - unbalanced adj. Lacking mental balance; mentally and emotionally unstable...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - ...
  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary

  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary

  • - unbalanced "eshenny; briefly ...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - Cm....

    Synonym dictionary

"mentally unstable person" in books

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How to cure a mentally ill person

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 18 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

How to cure a mentally ill person With the help of this conspiracy, even insanity can be cured, only the ceremony must be performed immediately as soon as the person falls ill. Go to the cemetery, stand there near the gate and wait for the deceased to be taken past you. How

Natalia Sotnikova: "To be cured mentally and physically"

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Natalia Sotnikova: "Cure Mentally and Physically" Natalia Sotnikova is a psychic, healer and biotherapist. She became famous all over the world as the only healer who really treats oncology. Every month, hundreds of cancer patients from different countries come to her.


From the book The Nuremberg Trials, a collection of materials author Gorshenin Konstantin Petrovich


Was the Fuhrer mentally healthy?

From the book 100 great secrets of the Third Reich author Vedeneev Vasily Vladimirovich

Was the Fuhrer mentally healthy? Usually, in Russian literature, the issue of Adolf Hitler's mental health is resolved unequivocally, and the leader of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany is traditionally considered demon-possessed. Western researchers pay

3. Community care for the mentally ill

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