Happy birthday ideas for girlfriend. How to wish your best friend a happy birthday. Ditties from a girlfriend

Each person celebrates his birthday only once a year. Getting older and more mature, each of us eventually begins to appreciate not the cost and “usefulness” of a gift, but how warmly and soulfully it was presented, how much effort and time was spent on searching for it or decorating it. It would seem that in adulthood you can already afford everything yourself, but you can’t buy feelings and emotions, sincerity and care for money. That is why sometimes even the simplest homemade postcard can suddenly move you to tears.

What to think of a birthday greeting

The best friend is the one who went through with you not only life's trials and the test of time and distance, but also "fire, and water, and copper pipes." The one that won't be surprised if you unexpectedly arrive at her place in the middle of the night with a cake, or even something stronger, and stay the night.

And a gift for such a unique, irreplaceable person in your life should reflect all your love and affection.

Who, if not you, knows what kind of person your friend is: a gentle, romantic young lady who dreams of a prince on a white horse, or an urban Amazon, for whom the best gift would be a flight in a wind tunnel. Based on this, approach the choice of congratulations, using our ideas, or combining them and coming up with something of your own. Just do not forget that the preparation for the event must be held in strict secrecy so that the hero of the occasion does not suspect anything.

Anniversary congratulations

If people celebrate their birthday every year, then the anniversary occurs every 5 or even 10 years. Therefore, the celebration of such a day must be approached even more thoroughly than usual. Of course, a lot depends on what kind of ten your friend has experienced: only the second or already the fourth or fifth. Not every forty-year-old birthday girl will be interested in a day spent in an amusement park, and not every twenty-year-old girlfriend can afford to give fireworks at the end of a festive evening. Therefore, when preparing a surprise, do not forget not only about the interests of your friend, but also about your budget.

For an anniversary greeting, you can even use the ideas described above, but let a symbolic date slip everywhere: the number of balloons or flowers equal to the number of years, balloons in the form of numbers, etc.

Throw your friend a party like she never had, invite all her good friends, film everything that happens throughout the evening, mount a movie and give it to her as a keepsake.

Congratulations to tears

A cheerful congratulation will leave a lot of impressions and emotions for a friend, but if you want your congratulation to move her to tears, then you need to come up with something very soulful, literally “grabbing the soul”, touching her most delicate strings.

Now it has become very fashionable to invite artists with a light show: you yourself can come up with a story, for example, about how you met and what you went through during the years of your friendship. Then, in complete darkness, to the music, the master will draw your story with a light laser.

If your budget cannot afford such a gift, then shoot a video of the congratulation and show it on the big screen during the celebration.

Congratulations in verse

Prepare a small scene with your friends in poetic form with congratulations, dress up in suitable costumes and arrange a funny surprise for your friend by “unexpectedly” meeting her from work or waking her up with a morning visit.

Musical congratulations

If you know how to sing at least a little, then record a congratulation song in a recording studio, composing it yourself, ordering a text in the same studio, or simply remaking a famous hit.

And if your friends play instruments, then you can prepare a whole number with congratulations!

Unexpected ideas for congratulating your best friend

Dear friend! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! May this day once again remind you of your incredible beauty and elegance. Let your eyes shine with diamonds, and a light burn in your heart. So that everything in life happens the way you want and all desires come true!

My friend, I wish you a wonderful birthday! Let this wonderful holiday give you something that pleases and makes you happier, from which you sincerely smile, and life as a gift will present an awesome mix of happiness and good luck, and the carousel of joyful events will spin you around!

My dear friend, happy birthday! I wish you to be the most desirable and wealthy, sexy and successful, insanely happy and infinitely loved, beautiful and flawless, admirable and envious, healthy and gentle, elegant and stylish, wise and fashionable, charming and generous. You're the best.

Beloved friend, I congratulate you on your birthday! You are an incredible person, next to whom everyone becomes kinder. May your beauty bloom every year, and let your vital energy be in full swing. I wish you to have a reliable rear that will support you in difficult times. Burn brighter than the stars in the sky!

You give people so much positive and smiles, let the ocean of positive emotions return to you! I wish you independence and courage in any endeavors, be sure of my support, my friend. I wish you good hopes that come true in the best way, be loved and happy. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday my friend! May your guiding star bring you to the person who will become the center of your universe, may your dreams become plans, and plans become reality. Grandiose events and an ocean of unforgettable unique moments. Always remain the same amazingly beautiful girl and incredibly bright personality.

Dear friend! I love you very much and wish you happiness! Rejoice in the clear sun, may your life be delightful, easy, full of pure and bright beauty! Always remain beautiful, sexy, gentle, funny, interesting, understanding and the most wonderful friend in the world!

Happy Birthday! I wish you only happiness, so that you always remain attractive, full of strength and energy. Successful career, full self-realization in life! And also meet crazy love and live a long, happy life full of passion and good luck!

I would like to wish you a happy birthday, because you are growing up, dear, that's right. You grow and change, so far for the better. Therefore, I would like your wishes to match you. So I wish you many travels, whether in foreign cities, whether through pleasant memories or through unpredictable reality. May you enjoy these adventures. And don't travel alone. Warm company, health and free time, take care of yourself.

Dear, good, sincere my girlfriend, your birthday is the most joyful and bright holiday in the calendar. Let the clouds not overshadow it, and let the sunshine maintain a charming blush on your face. Let your beauty captivate all men, but the heart will be given to only one, the most worthy. Let your health cause envy and only get stronger over the years. Let your actions be regarded correctly by others and bring only joy for you and for your loved ones.

A universal selection of gift ideas for every occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Hi friends! Today's next post is about how to wish your best friend a happy birthday. Moreover, we will do this in our own words, and not in a hurry with poems torn off the Internet.

I also have friends whom I periodically want to congratulate on some date (well, happy birthday, for sure).

And recently I thought: how to bring a little originality to this process? So as not to read endless dry lines rhymed not by me again. Or get off with the standard "happiness, health."

In general, as a result of these thoughts, today's article was born. By the way, at the end of the article you will find a mega-formula of ideal congratulations

Original congratulations - plus in karma

Your best friend will never judge you for a somewhat banal congratulation (if she really is the best). But still, by “wrapping” your words in a bright package, you will get a much more advanced result.

I thought, thought, and decided to compile a list of universal tips that will help present wishes on a new level (they will be a little later).

The essence of this small section is that it is unusual to congratulate a girlfriend not only desirable, but almost mandatory. This becomes especially necessary with age, when there are not so many bright emotions in life.

Masterpiece in your own words

But how to be original? Now I will give the promised tips that will definitely help you out)

  1. The first advice is somewhat hackneyed, but nowhere without it: do not try to get into someone else's shoes, using not your own thoughts, formulations. Let not your own very beautiful, than someone else's mega chic.
  2. Do not compose congratulatory sheets. Believe me, even your best friend will send you to hell in the 20th minute)) Ideally, keep within 1-2 minutes.
  3. Do not use incomprehensible words to anyone (that is, they are clear to you, but make allowances for others).
  4. Think of all the things you like about your friend. Everything. And choose the right adjectives to describe.
  5. You can also do this: remember everything that does not suit you, and turn it into cute features for which you love your girlfriend even more. For example, she is not punctual. And you say this: “I appreciate you because you can be 15 minutes late, but you don’t forget about our friendship for a second.” Or something like that)

In VKontakte: we start amateur performance

Up to this point, we've talked about how to express your appreciation in person. And if fate decreed that you cannot see each other that day?

Then congratulations on the VKontakte network would be an excellent option (by the way, you can attach it to your personal one).

Options can be very different:

  1. We make the most of available applications. This includes sending greeting cards, and all kinds of stickers, and gifts that are purchased for the so-called votes (you can pay with a card, and with a mobile, and with an electronic wallet).
  2. If possible, send not just a postcard from VK, but find a picture (or several) in the spirit of the congratulatory one, and attach it to the message that you send to the wall. You can also accompany your favorite song of the birthday girl. Believe me, this is much cooler than ordinary postcards)
  3. The words can be used the same as for personal congratulations. But in VK you can also provide them with a bunch of emoticons.

But what about the surprise?

Of course, without an accompanying gift, you can also present it in a very unusual way.

Let's say, break the present into several parts (not in the literal sense, of course) and give them during the evening. You can give something small at the beginning, and then according to the degree of increase in the value of the items.

For example: candle → box of chocolates → decoration. Stretch the pleasure

Also don't forget about fun things like sky lanterns, crackers and confetti. The atmosphere of the holiday has not been canceled)

By the way, the gift itself can also be chosen very unusual. Recently, I again stumbled upon the long-forgotten idea of ​​a wolf cap. How I would rejoice in this! Maybe it’s not worth giving it to an aunt over 30 already. Although... If she has a good sense of humor - why not?)

In this case, you can give advice to choose something related to a hobby, but ... Sometimes a birthday girl accumulates SO many such things that it’s already worth considering the appropriateness of the advice) (Although it will never seem to be enough for me, as a needlewoman))
Get around this problem by using things around hobbies. For example: for a collector of teddy bears, a storage container or an exclusive book related to teddy bears will be quite on topic.

And finally, the promised formula

Dignity (vice versa) in the form of an adjective + cute (funny, unusual) noun + wish = great congratulations

You can use it in almost any order. For example: "Smart star, the happiest days to you." Much better than the classic "happiness", right?)

This concludes, see you soon!

P.S. Do not forget to subscribe, share your impressions with me and with friends using reposts

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

How to congratulate a friend in an original way? What surprise to prepare for a friend on her birthday?

Or maybe it will be a handmade birthday surprise for a friend or a themed surprise for her?

Surprise - donated emotions, which are much more valuable than material gifts. A good, kind birthday surprise for a girlfriend should cause a storm of positive emotions, be remembered for a long time, which you would like to tell friends and family about.

It is necessary to know well its tastes and preferences, character and disposition, values ​​and desires. And even better - the limits of permissibility, otherwise a public, noisy, sometimes frank surprise may not come in place. The person will be uncomfortable!

The financial preparation of friends plays an important role. As a rule, a company of friends / girlfriends prepares a surprise - it's cheaper, and the choice is wider. Moreover, the approach to choosing the theme of a surprise for a friend’s birthday should be chosen based on the proverb: “One head is good, but two, three, etc. - it is better!".

On the other hand, the attention of loved ones and a charge of bright emotions for a birthday require a minimum of financial investment, but great physical costs from friends.

From our review, you will learn about possible surprises for a girlfriend for her birthday, about their diversity: by type of gift / surprise, by financial opportunities, we will talk about classics for special girlfriends, and about creativity, originality.

Birthday gift/surprise ideas for a friend

creative ideas

Rain of balloons

Original, beautiful, spectacular for a girl. Inflate a lot of balloons (preferably with gas), hide behind the door, fix with a film or attach to the floor so that they do not fall out. In the morning, a beloved friend will open the door - they will soar up (gas balloons) or fly from the ceiling (ordinary inflatables) at her.

Quest Wishes of friends

You can approach the celebration of the birthday of your beloved friend in a creative, fun, student-like way. Prepare wish sheets in advance, paste them in a certain way, according to wish sheets, a friend will reach a certain point where the gift is located and receive her gift, vivid emotions or wishes, a guide to action, an invitation to a mini-party, etc.

Song from friends

A close friend, the soul of the company, will be surprised if a group of friends write the words and music for the song just for her. You can write your own words, suitable for your company, and music can be used as a backing track of a famous hit;

Sweet present

Creatively designed sweets, for example, in the form of a huge bouquet, will please a friend on her birthday. The fantasy of friends is the most important thing. You can arrange both independently and with the help of a specialist.

The bouquet can be filled not only with sweets, but also with notes with wishes, money in candy wrappers, comic poems or prose;

Theme evening\meeting\birthday

For example, you can organize an evening in the style of the Red Carpet and give your friend an Oscar statuette. It is necessary to beat this presentation very eloquently, brightly, unusually - this requires well-coordinated preparation from friends and a great desire to make a creative birthday surprise for your beloved girlfriend.

Important! A gift of this kind is presented with a certain eyeliner: music, words, poems, a legend, etc., a spectacular presentation of a surprise - 50 percent of success from the surprise itself!

High-quality surprise preparation - 90% success if you want to congratulate in an original way. In addition, all these events bring friends together, save money for already poor students / friends, make the surprise unusual and thoughtful from all sides. Group creativity is a mass of positive emotions, a firework of feelings and sensations.

Do not discount the ideas of cooking and hand-made. Cookies, muffins decorated with mastic and cream inscriptions, intricate mastic figures, gingerbread and cap-cakes, etc.

Rollerdrome, karting, skating, etc.

With a noisy company, you can go rollerblading / skating, and then sit in a cozy cafe with your favorite company;

BOX with a surprise

Ideal for students, teenagers who decide to congratulate their girlfriend in an original way. You can fill the box with anything: bright butterflies, balloons with wishes, purchased or wild flowers (bright dandelions are also suitable).

Ideas backed by a good amount

Important! you can prepare something more grandiose, if, of course, there is enough money for what was planned!

! Ride in a luxury limousine- super surprise. Such an offer will excite a girlfriend, and give a lot of emotions for her birthday, and will definitely be appreciated.

! Gift Certificate in SPA services- an appropriate surprise for those who care for themselves and improve their beauty. A visit to the SPA is a holiday for any friend or group of friends. Gathered together, you can feel like queens;

! Free strip dance class introduction to sports involving the use of a pylon. Classes will be interesting for an active girlfriend, they will leave a lot of impressions and amazing inspiration for new achievements;

! "Hobby class". The surprise of such a plan is based on the interest of a beloved friend. It can be anything, needlework, animals, books, scrapbooking, decoupage, quilling, embroidery with ribbons, beads, etc.;

When everything is OK with money from friends! A creative approach is what you need!

Friendly Flashmob for a beloved friend. A flash mob is an action when a large\small group of people\friends in a public place performs a predetermined action\scenario. Recently, this is a very fashionable, highly emotional form of attracting attention, congratulations, and conveying emotions.

Important! To organize a flash mob, a leader is required who has the skill of an initiator. He must be able to organize the clarity of the actions of a group of people, think over the plot / scenario and bring it to life.

An unusual congratulation in the form of a flash mob surprise will be appreciated by any girlfriend of any age. It is better to record everything on video, and then watch the video with the whole friendly company - this is a firework of emotions and laughter.

Extreme - a surprise for a friend

If your girlfriend is a fan of active sports: she constantly attends fitness, runs in the morning, skiing, skating, rollerblading like a professional, then a trip to an interesting sporting event will be an excellent surprise for her birthday:

From such surprises, a friend will be guaranteed to be overwhelmed with emotions.

Important! When choosing a creative surprise birthday greeting for a friend, it is important to give a lot of impressions to a loved one, to give attention and understanding to the desire to show the existing potential. Only in this case the surprise will bring real joy.

Attention! You should not prepare trite and hackneyed surprises, for example, buying a huge soft toy. This is a one-time experience that will only collect dust.

Actual "Classic"

If there are no ideas on how to congratulate a girlfriend or you don’t want to take risks, but you really want to please a person, then you should consider the classic options for birthday surprises for girlfriends. Ideas for universal surprises:

Festive enchanting atmosphere and surprises- secrets. A table in a bar - restaurant or cafe, decorated in advance according to the theme of the event, is a great surprise for your beloved girlfriend on her birthday. It is worth taking care of the “secrets” of mini-surprises in advance, which will “accidentally” open throughout the party.

What could it be? These can be congratulations in balloons, a small box with a surprise inside a birthday cake, a courier with flowers, a visit by an animator with a song from friends, etc. The scope of surprises for a friend depends on the wild imagination of friends and their financial capabilities.

Collective photo session with a pro- a great surprise option for a friend of any age. A very fashionable surprise today and almost a win-win, because every woman loves to be photographed. A certificate for a classic or creative themed photo shoot with make-up and change of outfits will delight any girl and woman.

Printing house exclusive. It is quite easy to make an extraordinary gift from a group of friends!

One of the options, for example, is a "special number" of a famous fashionable, glamorous magazine with a photo of a birthday girl on the cover. A surprise for a friend on objects will look spectacular: a mug, a pillow or a bag with an individual motif, etc.

Today, in the age of modern technology, it is quite easy to make any thing in an exclusive and single copy according to an individual sketch. The main thing is to do everything in advance.

Options for the very brave and determined

When choosing alternative surprises for a friend's birthday, you should focus on the interests, health, preferences, phobias of your beloved friend. By themselves, alternative offers are quite attractive!

Variants of today's popular extreme surprises: parachuting, horseback riding, scuba diving or the opportunity to fly in a wind tunnel. But not every such birthday surprise for a friend may like to suit her.

Important! Even the most ordinary photo shoot can turn into a stunning surprise if it is not just a photo shoot, but a thematic shoot. The most daring friends will be happy to be invited to a nude photo session.

Do-it-yourself birthday surprise for a friend

If there is no possibility of big spending on a surprise for your best friend, then you can cook something with your own hands.

Creative - T-shirt. Buy paint for painting on fabric, an ordinary T-shirt, for example, in the oversized style, jeans to make a life-affirming inscription. The inscription can have an original meaning or be read only through a mirror!

The ability to accurately “hit the target” and give what you want is another criterion for a great birthday.

DIY surprise ideas:

  • — Large knit scarf;
  • - Expensive Lip Balm;
  • - Bath bombs
  • — Handmade soap with decorative elements;
  • — Half-sun skirt;
  • - Body Scrub;
  • - Photo frame with a significant photo;
  • - Plaid;
  • - Mittens or a fashionable hat;
  • - Designer kitchen board;
  • — Organizer;
  • — Pillow anti-stress;
  • - Rug;
  • - Lamp;
  • - Soft toy - jewelry.

How to make a friend happy on her birthday?

Give nice things

Find out from the environment what your girlfriend is fond of, how she relates to some things, how she spends her free time. Having collected information, you can choose the right, but not expensive gift / surprise.

Party is a surprise

Find a place for a party, book a table or order food, music, invite other friends and bring a birthday girl there under a fictitious pretext. In the style of American comedies - a friend enters, everyone jumps out and shouts “Surprise!” Together, firecrackers and serpentine are fired;

Early leave

There is no better surprise than an unscheduled vacation or weekend!

Important! it is very important to think ahead of time of all the nuances of the upcoming surprise - vacation. Think over: buying tickets for transport, paying for housing and working out the route. You can buy an all-inclusive package. Aerobatics - work out the issue of leave at work and negotiate with relatives outside a friend.

Surprise for the lady!

If you are at a loss what surprise to make, give your friend your favorite fragrance or a silver pendant in an unusual design.

Gift ideas for ladies:

It is important to get it right

  • Making a gift depends on the preferences of both the giver and the recipient;
  • Bright, flashy colors of paper - for energetic and cheerful people;
  • Pastel and calm shades of packaging - for calm and gentle personalities;
  • Thematic packages - for fans and admirers of a certain direction;
  • Matryoshka packaging - for lovers of puzzles;
  • Discreet packaging - for business and serious people;
  • Creative design - for creative individuals;
  • Design ideas for decoration - for connoisseurs of certain styles.

It is important to present well

  1. In verse, prose or stormy wishes;
  2. Just hand over;
  3. Quest;
  4. Surprise;
  5. By courier;
  6. On the holiday;
  7. Alone;
  8. Company.

Whatever gift/surprise option you choose, be it an expensive certificate or a cake made by yourself, the main thing is the feelings and emotions with which this present was prepared and will be presented.

Friendship gives ample opportunities - friends know a person. Her dreams, passions and interests, desires of a friend or fears / phobias, income and attitude towards gifts - everything you need to make an amazing, extraordinary, unusual birthday surprise for a friend, create the perfect gift or turn an ordinary birthday into a surprise holiday .

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