Any message about the city in the golden ring. Journey along the golden ring of Russia. What is the Golden Ring

Russia is extremely rich in sights. Centuries-old history, powerful culture and original cities make up the true glory of the country. To get a general idea of ​​the specifics of Russian culture, it is worth seeing at least the Small Golden Ring of Russia. The list of cities included in the route may vary in different agencies, but traditionally it includes eight of the greatest Russian settlements.

What is the Golden Ring

The Big and Small Golden Ring of Russia are tourist routes through the ancient Russian cities. appeared in the 60s of the 20th century, when mass tourism of Soviet citizens across the expanses of the motherland began. The author of the name was the journalist Yuri Bychkov, who in 1967 published a series of literary and artistic essays about the cities of Ancient Russia in the newspaper Sovetskaya Kultura. Later this name was officially assigned to the route through the famous cities.

Route Features

The specificity of the route lies in the fact that there is no single list of cities included in it, and the exact sequence of their inspection. The differences start from the starting point. Where does the Small Golden Ring of Russia route begin? St. Petersburg or Moscow are the starting points for the Big Ring. Small usually begins in Sergiev Posad or Vladimir. A feature of the route is not only the ability to make a circular motion from city to city, but also radial exits from large cities. For example, you can stop in Suzdal and from there go to Kideksha and Yuryev-Polsky. Almost all famous cities participating in the Golden Ring have such outstanding satellites.

List of cities

The Small Golden Ring of Russia route, the list of cities of which differs slightly in each agency, traditionally includes eight main ancient Russian capitals. These are Vladimir, Rostov the Great, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Suzdal, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl, Sergiev Posad.

However, the route may additionally include small towns such as Alexandrov, Bogolyubovo, Ples, Uglich. Some agencies refuse to visit Ivanovo, whose historical and cultural significance is much lower than other capital cities of the Russian principalities. Sometimes routes are built around two or three nearby cities and their environs. For example, in the vicinity of Vladimir there are 23 more cities of significant interest to tourists.


The route Small Golden Ring of Russia, whose cities are the pearls of Russian culture, often starts from Vladimir. It was founded by the Grand Duke in 990. The development of the city is associated with the names of Vladimir Monomakh and Andrey Bogolyubsky. The main sights that should not be missed are the Golden Gate and the Assumption Cathedral - an outstanding monument of ancient Russian architecture. Several frescoes by Andrei Rublev have been preserved in the church.

In total, 10 monasteries and churches from different historical periods have been preserved in the city, which are the pride of Russian culture. These are the Dmitrievsky Cathedral and the Nativity Monastery, the Trinity Old Believer Church and other buildings. Vladimir is interesting because there are more than 200 cultural monuments of various significance on its territory, some of them are included in the UNESCO list. There are many legends about the city, they tell how the Golden Gate was created, that a ghost lives in the governor's house, and that not a single successful escape was made from the Vladimir Central. The city captivates with its architecture of different periods and a special atmosphere.


This ancient Russian city is included in the Small Golden Ring of Russia route thanks to its ancient monasteries. There are 6 of them in the city, 4 of them are active. The monastic complexes are magnificent examples of ancient Russian temple architecture; they can be used to study the history of Russian architecture. The city is located on the coast, which itself is a tourist attraction. It is about 30 thousand years old, its depth is 25 meters, and its area is 50 square meters. km. Not far from the city lies the Blue Stone, this boulder weighing 12 tons reflects the sky and is shrouded in a whole range of secrets and myths. It is interesting that the stone is not covered with snow, next to it is a Tree that fulfills wishes. Legends say that the stone moves in some special direction. The city fascinates with its measured and traditional life, here the features of the Russian character are revealed in the best possible way.


Another outstanding city included in the route of the Small Golden Ring of Russia is Suzdal. This quietest city has preserved the spirit of Ancient Russia, there are no high-rise buildings and noisy highways, you can endlessly wander through the narrow streets, breathing in the "air of ancient times". The Spaso-Efimiev Monastery is over 600 years old. On its territory you can see 30 cathedrals from different historical periods.

In total, there are 5 monasteries in Suzdal, an interesting museum of wooden architecture, where you can see the buildings of ancient masters, created without a single nail. Suzdal, which is already almost 1000 years old, keeps many architectural monuments of the 12th-19th centuries. Every July, a unique and very cheerful Cucumber Festival takes place here. And the city is also a recognized center for the production of mead, here there is a factory that produced this drink for the royal table.


A tour of the Small Golden Ring of Russia would not be complete without a visit to Kostroma. This ancient city on the Volga is considered the birthplace of Ivan Susanin and is proud of its history. Kostroma was founded in 1152 by Yuri Dolgoruky. The city gained particular fame during the Time of Troubles, when the heir to the throne, Mikhail Romanov, was saved from the Poles by Ivan Susanin and hidden in the Ipatiev Monastery. In subsequent years, Kostroma enjoyed the special favor of the royal family. The city has preserved two outstanding monastic complexes: Ipatiev and Bogoyavlensky. Kostroma is considered here even to have its tower, which is visited by children and adults with pleasure. Unhurried walks along the Volga give a special charm to Kostroma; magnificent views of this ancient city open from the ship.


The route of the Golden Ring of Russia (Big and Small) necessarily runs through the ancient city of Yaroslavl. The settlement in this place existed in the Neolithic era. But the formation of the city is associated with the name of Yaroslav the Wise. There is a legend about the appearance of the city - here Prince Yaroslav allegedly defeated a bear, in honor of this event, the emblem of the city is decorated with a bear with an ax. Historians doubt this version and say that the city was founded by a completely different prince with the same name. The oldest landmark of the city is the Transfiguration Cathedral in the Spassky Monastery, which dates back to the beginning of the 16th century. The churches of Elijah the Prophet and John the Baptist are the pride of the city, they are outstanding examples of the famous Yaroslavl architectural school. The unique Tolga Monastery has been operating in the city since the 14th century and is one of the oldest in Russia. Ancient churches and buildings in Yaroslavl are at every step, the city retains the atmosphere of antiquity, many historical films were filmed on its streets.

Sergiev Posad

The route of the Small Golden Ring of Russia often starts from the city of Sergiev Posad, which is located on a convenient route from Moscow. The main attraction of the city is the Trinity-Sergius Lavra - one of the oldest stauropegial monasteries in Russia. It was founded in 1337, Ivan the Terrible was baptized here, and the history of the monastery is closely connected with Russian history.

The city is also proud of the magnificent old Ilyinsky Church, which stands on the banks of the Kelar pond. Pilgrims are attracted by the miraculous, which is not only a masterpiece of ancient Russian architecture, but also a place of prayer and fulfillment of requests for healing. A miracle of nature is the Key in the suburbs of Sergiev Posad. The city is considered the heart of Russian Orthodoxy, and a special spirit of faith and grace is felt here.

Rostov the Great

Rostov the Great is a real gem of the Small Golden Ring of Russia route. Reviews of tourists about visiting this city are filled with enthusiasm and vivid emotions. Indeed, the city has something to show.

Rostov was founded in 862 and has always played a prominent role in the life of the Russian state. The city has preserved more than 300 historical monuments of different eras. Tourists are especially interested in visiting the ancient white-stone Rostov Kremlin. Also, several of the oldest Russian monasteries continue to operate in the city. Unusual views can be photographed on the shores of Lake Nero, which is over 500 thousand years old. From the interesting: in Rostov there is an unusual Museum of Jam and the Museum of the Frog Princess.

The Golden Ring of Russia is the most popular tourist route that residents of Moscow and the Moscow region enjoy exploring on weekends. And residents of other regions of Russia travel many kilometers to visit ancient Russian cities and villages. The term "Golden Ring" was coined in the 20th century by the writer Yuri Bychkov in the process of creating essays published in the newspaper "Soviet Culture". It is interesting that the cities of the popular route really form a kind of ring on the map northeast of Moscow. The route passes through ancient cities and villages, where the most ancient monuments of architecture, art and culture have been preserved. A tour of the Golden Ring involves not only visiting ancient Russian monasteries, museums, churches, but also a complete immersion in the atmosphere of Ancient Russia. To make a trip along the Golden Ring means to get to know great Russia more deeply.

The Golden Ring includes eight main cities:

2. Sergiev Posad

7. Ivanovo

Interest in the Golden Ring is so great that cities such as Rybinsk, Gus-Khrustalnye, Kalyazin , Murom, Myshkin, Ples, Uglich, Alexandrov and others. In my opinion, these cities are no less interesting to visit, but today we will focus on the Big Eight.

Each of the cities included in the Golden Ring of Russia is unique and does not look like a neighbor. Each of them has preserved valuable monuments of ancient Russia, so I suggest you read more about each city.

This city with a thousand-year history is the center of art, culture of ancient Russia, formed on the banks of the Pizherma River. The first mention of the city flowing into Lake Nero appeared in the records for 862. Rostov began to be called Great in 1137, and in the second half of the 11th century it became the center of the Rostov-Suzdal Principality. For many years it has not lost its significance as a religious center.

The main attractions that amaze the imagination are located on the territory of the Kremlin (the former residence of the Metropolitan), here is the famous Assumption Cathedral. In addition, going to the city-museum, where the precious treasures of Russian culture are located, you should visit the stone buildings of the 18th-20th centuries. Here, each building is imbued with the spirit of antiquity ... You probably saw this white-stone Kremlin in the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession", when the guards ran after the main characters. If you want to visit the most ancient monastery of North-Eastern Russia, then go to the Avraamiev Epiphany Monastery, founded by Saint Abraham in the 16th century, the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery deserves no less attention - they set the tone for the architectural appearance of Great Rostov! Pseudo-Gothic completions of the towers, picturesque combinations of different styles give the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery a special charm, turning it into a fabulous place that fits perfectly into the lakeside landscape. Rostov chimes are a heritage of world culture! Listening to the 13 bells of the belfry, you seem to be transported back many centuries. It is interesting that each bell sounds in a special way!

Review of the excursion to Rostov the Great

How to get to Rostov the Great

Rostov the Great is located about 220 km from Moscow. If you go by car, then you need to move along the Yaroslavl highway, the travel time without traffic jams is about 3.5 hours.

You can get to Rostov Veliky on your own from the Yaroslavsky railway station by train that goes to Yaroslavl (just make sure there is a stop in Rostov). There is no direct train from Moscow, you will have to go with a transfer at Alexandrov 1 station (travel time is about 4.5 hours).

Sergiev Posad

This is a city that gradually formed around the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. According to legend, Sergius of Radonezh, together with his brother Stefan, was looking for a place where they could pray to God and live as hermits. Finally, such a place was found - here they cut down a cell, a hut, a church. Bartholomew (Sergius of Radonezh), unlike his brother, stayed here forever, taking tonsure and christening himself Sergius. Gradually, a monastery was formed, over time it gained fame throughout Russia.

The significance of the city grew along with the enlargement of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery: in 1744 it received the title of Lavra, and in 1782 the settlements began to be officially called the city of Sergiev Posad. The Trinity-Sergius Lavra is a unique architectural ensemble created by the best architects of the 15th-19th centuries. It includes more than 50 unique buildings. The earliest building is the cross-domed Trinity Cathedral made of white stone - many tourists dream of seeing this miraculously preserved example of Moscow white stone architecture of the XIV-XV centuries. Surprisingly, it is a fact that famous icon painters Andrei Rublev and Daniil Cherny worked on the iconostasis of the cathedral. The Trinity-Sergius Lavra is not just a monastery, because we are talking about the largest spiritual and religious center! Do you know that the Trinity Cathedral is a place of pilgrimage for the Orthodox who venerate St. Sergius of Radonezh? It was he who became his tomb, in addition, this is the first stone building in the ensemble of the monastery. Nikonovskaya Church adjoins the Trinity Cathedral from the south, at the western half of the southern wall of the cathedral there is the Serapionovskaya tent (over the relics of Archbishop Serapion, moreover, Dionysius of Radonezh is buried here). The Spiritual Temple is an equally significant place that attracts thousands of tourists. This is a classic of Pskov architecture. Pay attention to the Assumption Cathedral, however, since this is the largest building of the monastery, you are unlikely to leave it unnoticed. Directly adjacent to it is the grave of Boris Godunov and his family. Undoubtedly, while in Sergiev Posad, you should also visit the Church of the Presentation of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, along with the Church of the Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, because we are talking about the oldest churches in the city. Do not forget about the Ilyinsky, Ascension churches, located behind the monastery. The no less popular toy museum will amaze your imagination, which presents the most extensive collection of toys of all times and peoples. Buying crafts near the walls of the Lavra means doing a charitable deed, since St. Sergius himself cut the toys.

Review of the trip to the Trinity-Sergeev Lavra

How to get to Sergeeva Pasada

Sergiev Pasad is located about 55 km from Moscow along the Yaroslavl highway. You can get there on your own by train from the Yaroslavl railway station, the journey time is about 1 hour 30 minutes.

Founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, the city is located on the banks of the picturesque Lake Pleshcheyevo. Pereslavl-Zalessky is rightly called one of the most protected cities. For a long time it was the capital of the Russian principalities, since the residence of the son of Alexander Nevsky - Dmitry Pereslavsky was located here, he was also the Grand Duke of Vladimir. Today the city is the largest center of Orthodoxy; here you can visit many architectural complexes of monasteries and churches. Fans of antiquity will appreciate the numerous monuments of Russian architecture, including the archaeological site "Kleshchinsky Complex". The city is also rich in museums - on its territory there are original thematic museums of masks, teapots and steam locomotives. Being in the Pereslavl region, pay attention to the "Botik Peter" - a memorial complex located in the suburban village of Veskovo. This is one of the first provincial museums in Russia, it will introduce you to the history of the Russian fleet from Peter the Great to the present day! Everyone who has visited this city never ceases to admire the beauty of the Transfiguration Cathedral - this is the only white-stone temple of North-Eastern Russia that has come down to us in complete safety. It was here that Pereslavl princes were baptized, including Alexander Nevsky. Do you know that the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior also served as the tomb of the Pereslavl specific princes?! Of course, no less attention should be paid to such sights of the Pereslavl Territory as Lake Pleshcheyevo, where Peter I built the “amusing flotilla” that laid the foundation for the Russian fleet. On its shore, near the ancient settlement of Kleshchin, there is another amazing place! We are talking about the famous "Blue Stone" weighing 4 tons, half grown into the ground. It is an unchanging object of pagan worship. At the end of the excursions, it remains only for the last time to feel the calmness and comfort of the narrow streets, forever leaving a piece of this amazing city in your heart ...

Review of the trip to Pereslavl-Zalessky

Museums of Pereslavl-Zalessky

How to get to Pereslavl Zalessky

Pereslavl Zalessky is located about 150 km from Moscow along the Yaroslavl highway. On your own, you can take a bus from the Shchelkovsky bus station in about 3.5 hours.

Founded in 1010, the city of Yaroslavl is rich in architectural and cultural monuments. It is noteworthy that this is the only city that has such an impressive number of beautiful works of medieval murals. After joining the Moscow principality in 1463, it became a major trading center in Russia. In 1820-1830. completed the reconstruction of the historical center of Yaroslavl, which formed its current appearance. The history of the city is inextricably linked with such great names as Prince Pozharsky, poet Nekrasov, singer Sobinov, etc.

This most ancient city, located on the Volga, is also the most beautiful in the Volga region. There are 140 architectural monuments on its territory. Today the city is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The pearl of ancient Russian architecture is the Church of Elijah the Prophet - this is the earliest of the Yaroslavl churches of the 17th century. The solemn temple with five domes is also famous for its rich interior decoration. The outstanding architectural ensemble of Yaroslavl in the Korovnitskaya Sloboda, formed in the second half of the 17th century on the right bank of the Volga, evokes a lot of emotions among tourists who never cease to admire its beauty. We are talking about buildings merging together (the warm church of the Vladimir Mother of God and the cold church of St. John Chrysostom, the bell tower). No less popular among tourists is the Church of John the Baptist - this is the pinnacle of Yaroslavl architecture of the 17th century, moreover, it is recommended by UNESCO for showing to tourists! Grandiose in size, it dazzles with the luxury of patterns and paintings. This is a whole encyclopedia of biblical stories, which have no equal in world art! The unique Ensemble of the Tolga Monastery, the Church of the Savior, the Art Museum - all these unique sights, of course, also deserve your close attention!

Review of the trip to Yaroslavl

How to get to Yaroslavl

Yaroslavl is located 265 km from Moscow. By car, the road will take about 4.5 hours along the Yaroslavl highway. On your own, it is most convenient to get to Yaroslavl by express train, which takes only 4 hours. In addition, it is convenient to get to Yaroslavl by train, you can buy a ticket for a night train.

This major tourist center with a rich cultural and historical heritage began with the construction by Prince Vladimir Monomakh of a stronghold for the protection of the Rostov-Suzdal Principality in 1108. Officially, the city of Vladimir was founded in this year. Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky contributed to the growth of Vladimir, it was he who moved the capital of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality here. The rapid development of the city was interrupted in 1238 during the invasion of the Tatars.

Today, in this city of memories and shrines, there are 239 buildings of the XVIII-XIX centuries, protected by the state. Here, every centimeter is saturated with the spirit of antiquity! Numerous architectural monuments of the Vladimir-Suzdal school are concentrated in Vladimir. First of all, we are talking about the fortress Golden Gate, which was rebuilt in the XVII-XVIII centuries. This white stone triumphal arch with a semicircular vault is the most valuable monument of defensive architecture.

Be sure to visit the famous white-stone cathedrals of Vladimir: Uspensky and Dmitrievsky. The Assumption Cathedral, rebuilt in 1189, is a 6-pillar temple of incredible beauty! Its interior is richly decorated with fragments of frescoes of the 12th-13th centuries, as well as frescoes made by Rublev and Cherny. The cathedral was ruined many times, burned down, but in 1888-1891 after the restoration it was restored. The 4-pillared Dmitrievsky Cathedral, built in 1194-1197, is distinguished by rich decorative carvings on the facades. This is a unique monument of Vladimir-Suzdal white-stone architecture, built by Prince Vsevolod Yuryevich Big Nest in the name of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica. Also, the attention of tourists is attracted by the numerous churches of the city of the XVII-XVIII centuries: the Assumption of the Virgin, Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Nikita, etc. Vladimir is a city that amazes tourists not only with its impressive size, but also with the beauty and grandeur of golden-domed temples and peaked towers. Connoisseurs of antiquity, wandering through the streets, enjoy the atmosphere of antiquity, which this amazing city keeps in itself ...

Review of the trip to Vladimir

How to get to Vladimir

Vladimir is located about 235 km from Moscow along the Gorky Highway. On your own, the fastest way to get there is by Sapsan, longer, but cheaper, by a simple train.

The city, founded in 1152, was at that time an outpost of the northeastern borders of Russia. During the Tatar-Mongol invasion, it was devastated and burned. However, Kostroma managed to recover very quickly, a certain merit in this belongs to the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. It is interesting that this city is called nothing more than the “younger sister” of Moscow, which is not surprising, because Kostroma was founded at about the same time as Moscow. Today Kostroma is an ancient city with a long history, which has undergone many riots and devastation. It pleases tourists with numerous attractions. Among the most significant monuments are, first of all, the Ipatiev Monastery, as well as the Epiphany-Anastasinsky Monastery, along with the Market Rows. The Ipatiev Monastery was first mentioned in chronicles in 1432. Do you know that it was here that sixteen-year-old Mikhail Romanov was called to the kingdom?! The territory of the monastery is divided into Old and New Towns. As for its compositional center, we are talking about the monumental five-domed Trinity Cathedral and the belfry. The Bishops' Corps (XVIII century), the Romanov Chambers (XVI century), the Fraternal Corps (XVIII century) - these buildings are unique historical monuments! Former shopping malls are no less significant sights of the city. Their construction was carried out in the center of Kostroma in 1775. In addition, the attention of tourists from all over the world is attracted by the Epiphany-Anastasia Monastery, founded in the middle of the 15th century by Elder Nikita (a relative, student of St. Sergius of Radonezh). It is here that the Kostroma miraculous icon of the Mother of God Feodorovskaya is located - this is the main shrine of the entire Kostroma region!

Review of the trip to Kostroma

Restaurants and cafes in Kostroma

Museums in Kostroma

How to get to Kostroma

Kostroma is located 350 km from Moscow along the Yaroslavl Highway. It is most convenient to get on your own by fast train (about 6 hours on the road).


Located on the Uvod River, the "city of brides" Ivanovo was formed in 1871 by merging the old flax processing center (the village of Ivanovo) and the industrial Voznesensky Posad. This city is interesting, first of all, because it is the only one represented by relatively young architecture of the 19th-early 20th centuries. The first textile manufactories appeared here already in the 17th century; linen fabrics were in demand not only in Russia, but abroad! In architectural terms, the city is distinguished by historical monuments dating back to the era of constructivism, we are talking about a house-ship, a house-horseshoe, etc. During the construction, the best materials were used: rare woods, marble, bronze. These buildings give Ivanovo a certain flavor. The attention of tourists, in addition, is attracted by the historical center of Ivanovo, consisting of former merchant houses of the 19th century, as well as the industrial architecture of the 19th century. A tour of Ivanovo would not be complete without a visit to the Shchudrovsky tent, built in the 17th century, this ancient civil brick building got its name from the merchant Osip Shchudrov. Also be sure to visit the legendary Burylin's mansion, built in 1904 for the manufacturer, creator of the Museum of Industry and Art D.G. Burylin. Now here is the Museum of Ivanovo chintz. The laying of the foundation stone of the Holy Vvedensky Church, the funds for the construction of which were collected from private donations, is also impressive. The author of the project is the famous architect P.G. Begen.

In 1024, Suzdal was first mentioned in chronicles as an existing city. In the 11th century, Suzdal became the capital of the Rostov-Suzdal Principality. However, during the invasion of the Crimean Tatars, the six-month siege of the Polish-Lithuanian interventionists, the city was badly damaged. Instead of the affected churches, white-stone churches and monasteries were later built. In accordance with the decision of the government of 1967, Suzdal subsequently became a museum city. By the 16th century, there were already eleven monasteries here. Today, Suzdal is rightfully considered a symbol of Russian antiquity, moreover, it is the most visited city of the Golden Ring, which is not surprising, since over 200 historical monuments of Russian culture are concentrated in it. Your trip to Suzdal will not be complete without a visit to the oldest part of the city - the Suzdal Kremlin, located in the bend of the Kamenka River. Here, the moats of the fortress have been preserved along with the ensemble of the Bishop's Court with the ancient Nativity Cathedral, Bishops' Chambers, St. Nicholas Church. We recommend visiting the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin, which was built of tuff-like limestone, previously in its place was a plinth church from the time of Vladimir Monomakh. The facades are decorated with figures of lions and intricate ornaments. The Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery also attracts the attention of tourists from all over the world. We are talking about a male monastery founded by Prince Boris Konstantinovich in the 13th century.

Review of the trip to Suzdal

How to get to Suzdal

Suzdal is located 220 km from Moscow along the Gorky Highway. On your own, without transfers, you can get by bus from the Shchelkovsky bus station. By rail, you can get to Vladimir, and then transfer to a bus to Suzdal.

Of course, in order to travel around all the sights of the cities of the Golden Ring, it takes a lot of time, it takes several days to get to know each of them. Only in this case you will be able to enjoy all the splendor of the cities of the Golden Ring, to know the great and mighty Russia...

Golden Ring of Russia cities, sights, history, photos

The Golden Ring of Russia is a famous tourist route that includes 8 ancient Russian cities. These are Vladimir, Rostov the Great, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, Suzdal, Sergiev Posad and Pereslavl-Zalessky.

Such ancient cities as Moscow, Murom, Aleksandrov, Gus-Khrustalny and others are also attributed to the Golden Ring, but their involvement in the route is controversial, therefore only 8 of the above cities are traditionally considered “golden” cities.

The Golden Ring of Russia is the unofficial name of the famous route. It first appeared in 1967, when journalist Yuri Bychkov wrote a series of essays on Russia's oldest cities and combined them into one common name, which has since become popular among tourists. The author of the sensational term is no longer alive, and his “brainchild” still attracts millions of tourists every year.

Trips along the Golden Ring of Russia for travelers are an exclusive opportunity to see several magnificent pearls of our country at once. Moreover, bus tours along the Golden Ring of Russia are in the greatest demand. Such tours allow you to see not only the sights of amazing Russian cities nearby, but also use the services of a guide.

Excursions along the Golden Ring help to better understand the history of such a great power as Russia, to feel it from the moment it turned from a pagan country into a Christian one. A few centuries later, the era of feudal fragmentation led to the Mongol-Tatar invasion, and centuries later, the unification of Russian lands contributed to the overthrow of the yoke and the liberation of the country. The princely title changed to royal, royal to imperial. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge over the past millennium, but the sights of the golden eight cities easily restore the chain of events of rich Russian history.

That is why tours along the Golden Ring will be an amazing revelation for tourists, helping them to fall in love with and know all the power and beauty of a country that has gained fame as an invincible power and which neither Napoleon nor Hitler could break.

1. Vladimir

Majestic Vladimir was built at the beginning of the 12th century on the initiative of Vladimir Monomakh, who decided that he could not find a better place than on the banks of the Klyazma River to build a defensive fortress. However, Monomakh did not have time to complete the construction of the fortress, so after his death, his grandson Andrei Bogolyubsky continued the work. Thanks to the efforts of Bogolyubsky, the famous city became not only a defensive fortress, but also the capital of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality. It was the time of growth and flourishing of Vladimir as a major trade and craft city.

During the years of the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the city was burned almost to the ground and rebuilt stone by stone by the Russians. This did not prevent Vladimir from becoming a city with a unique cultural heritage in the form of ancient architectural monuments and ancient Russian architecture, which are very popular among Russian and European tourists visiting Vladimir.

The famous Golden Gate

At the beginning of the last millennium, these gates served as a triumphal arch, served as the main front entrance to the Russian city, and were also part of a defensive fortress that protected the city from enemies. Now they are painted white, but at the time of Andrei Bogolyubsky, who built them, they were golden and shone dazzlingly in the sun.

White stone Assumption Cathedral

Andrei Bogolyubsky also had a hand in the construction of the cathedral. For a long time, the temple served as a place where Russian princes were married for the reign. The Assumption Cathedral was built in record time - literally in three years, but after a fire that occurred a quarter of a century after its construction, it was subjected to a thorough reconstruction. After the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the temple was again reconstructed. In the 15th century, the frescoes in it were restored by Andrey Rublev himself. However, the restoration of the Assumption Cathedral did not end there either: the cathedral was repeatedly repaired and today it is not only the cathedral of the Vladimir Metropolis, but also a museum of ancient Russian architecture.

Demetrius Cathedral

The ancient Dmitrievsky Cathedral was built at the end of the 12th century by Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest. The cathedral is popular for its white-stone carvings, which have been preserved almost in their original form. The frescoes of the Last Judgment, painted under Vsevolod, have also survived to this day.

2. Rostov the Great

The first mention of Rostov dates back to the 9th century, when it was recorded in chronicles. Historians tend to believe that the city was named Rostov in honor of a prince named Rost, but this is just an assumption. Glory came to Rostov in the X century, when Yaroslav the Wise began to reign in the city. It was from the time of his reign that the prosperity and development of the city began. In many ways, the flourishing was facilitated by active trade between merchants.

In the XIII century, Rostov became one of the first cities in which stone buildings began to be erected. But, like other cities of the golden eight, it suffered greatly as a result of the Mongol-Tatar invasion, and only after the overthrow of the yoke again turned into a rich and prosperous city.

Rostov Kremlin - the brightest sight of Rostov

In the 17th century, during the years of its construction, the Rostov Kremlin served as the metropolitan court, but already in the 18th century it lost its functions after the metropolitan court moved to Yaroslavl and was almost demolished. The cult building (better known to us from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession") was saved by a miracle.

The Kremlin was restored and turned into a museum in the 19th century. Today, the Rostov Kremlin consists of 11 towers and architectural structures adjacent to it, among which are the Assumption Cathedral, the Church of the Savior on Senya and other monuments.

3. Kostroma

The Golden Ring of Russia also includes the city of Kostroma. Kostroma was founded in the middle of the XII century and its formation as a city is associated with the reign of Yuri Dolgoruky. At first, Dolgoruky ordered the construction of a defensive fortress on the Kostroma River, but later a whole city arose near the fortress, in which trade began to be actively conducted. Kostroma was built entirely of wood and therefore burned more than once. The fires stopped when the Russians learned to build houses out of stone.

Kostroma became a haven for the future Tsar of Russia. In the Ipatiev Monastery, young Mikhail Romanov, who became the founder of the Romanov dynasty, was hiding from boyar disgrace, which existed until 1917. It was there that the boyars bowed their heads before him and urged him to put an end to the Troubles, forgive them and return to Moscow in the position of the anointed of God - the king.

Holy Trinity Ipatiev Monastery

The monastery, which became a temporary home for Mikhail and his mother, was built in the 14th century by the Tatar Murza Chet, who, having escaped from the Mongol-Tatars, asked for shelter from the Russian prince and was baptized under the name Zacharias. Zakhary was seriously ill, but he was healed after he saw a prophetic dream in which the Mother of God herself appeared before him. In gratitude, the man built the Ipatiev Monastery.

The monastery was rebuilt during the time of Boris Godunov, it became stone and acquired a modern look. Boris Godunov personally donated villages to the monastery and allocated funds for restoration.

Monument to Ivan Susanin

In the 19th century, a monument was built in Kostroma to Tsar Mikhail and the national hero Ivan Susanin, who gave his life to save Tsar Mikhail during the Time of Troubles. During the disgrace, Mikhail and his mother hid in Domnino. They were searched for by the Polish-Lithuanian detachment. The young heir to the throne was ordered to be taken prisoner. However, the Poles did not know the exact location of the future king and asked the peasant for directions. Ivan Susanin did not lose his head and led the detachment away from Mikhail's refuge, having managed to warn his relative about the danger impending on the king. A relative of Susanin conveyed this message to the tsar. Mikhail and his mother managed to escape and hide in the Ipatiev Monastery. As for Susanin, when the Poles and Lithuanians realized that an ordinary peasant had circled them around the nose, they began to cruelly torture and torture him. Susanin was adamant and did not give out the whereabouts of the royal persons, for which he paid with his life.

After the overthrow of the Romanov dynasty, the monument was completely destroyed by the revolutionaries, but half a century later it was rebuilt. This time the sculptors erected a monument to only one Ivan Susanin. This monument is the national pride of Kostroma.

4. Yaroslavl

The ancient city was founded in 1010 by Yaroslav the Wise and, of course, was named after this Grand Duke. In the same year, Yaroslav died, but the Yaroslavl Kremlin, laid at the intersection of the Kotorosl and Volga rivers, became the beginning of a grandiose construction. During the years of the Mongol-Tatar invasion, Yaroslavl, unlike other cities that are part of the Golden Ring of Russia, did not suffer. This is due to the fact that at the beginning of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, one of the relatives of the Khan of the Golden Horde began to rule Yaroslavl, and the city began to flourish and develop.

Yaroslavl and the Troubles were transferred - the troops of False Dmitry II, who decided to seize power in the country, stopped in it, and later the people's troops of the second militia of Pozharsky and Minin, who defeated the Polish interventionists, were located in the city. After the Troubles, Yaroslavl began to develop intensively, various crafts were especially developed.

But during the years of Soviet power, the city suffered a lot: during the civil war, many houses burned down, a large number of people were killed and many historical monuments were destroyed.

The grand restoration of the city and the economy began after the Great Patriotic War, during which there were also casualties and destruction.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery

One of the oldest monasteries built in Yaroslavl was Spaso-Preobrazhensky. It was founded in the 12th century and for a long time remained the main spiritual abode of Orthodox Russians. In the XIII century, the Transfiguration Cathedral was built, then the Holy Gates, the Church of the Nativity of Christ, the belfry and other buildings and churches were built. In the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, the people's militias received a blessing when they went to save the country from the Polish-Lithuanian intervention. In the same monastery, young Mikhail Romanov signed his first letter of consent to become Russian Tsar.

Now the monastery is a state museum-reserve.

In addition to the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery and the Yaroslavl Kremlin, “cold churches” built in the 17th century are very popular with tourists - these are the churches of Elijah the Prophet, John Chrysostom, John the Baptist and others. And, in principle, the whole city consists of one sights - there are over 700 of them in the city, so one day is not enough for tourists to see all the treasures of ancient Yaroslavl.

5. Ivanovo

The young city, famous for its beautiful brides and a rich variety of textiles, first made itself known in 1608, when an entry was made about it in the annals. At that time, it was still only a fragile village, but it had already managed to find itself in the thick of things during the Time of Troubles. In Ivanovo there was a camp of Polish interventionists. During the revolutionary years (at the beginning of the 20th century), a camp of revolutionaries was formed here. But it was not the rich history that became the decoration of the city, but the machine-building enterprises and textile factories that made the city a Russian celebrity.

Shudrovskaya tent

The Shchudrovskaya tent is one of the oldest monuments preserved in Ivanovo. Appearing in the 17th century as a command tent, today the building is a local history museum. It is an excellent example of stone construction of the 17th century.

Revolutionary monuments

The monument to the fighters of the 1905 revolution and the Krasnaya Talka memorial are the main sights of the city. Despite their "youth", the monuments have become a vivid reminder of the feat of the working youth, who decided to overthrow the tsarist government and give the country liberation.

6. Suzdal

The founding of Suzdal is associated with the name of Prince Vladimir Monomakh. It was Vladimir who began the construction of a defensive fortress on the Kamenka River, which became the beginning of the construction of a beautiful and amazing city, which received official status only in the 18th century under Catherine II. Vladimir Monomakh fell in love with Suzdal and put his soul into the majestic Suzdal Kremlin he created. He also built the Assumption Cathedral, which, although repeatedly restored, preserved ancient frescoes from the time of the Mongol-Tatar invasion and the Time of Troubles.

Yuri Dolgoruky continued the work begun by his father. Under him, Suzdal acquired the status of the spiritual center of Orthodox Christians. During the years of the Mongol-Tatar yoke and the Time of Troubles, the city was badly destroyed, but quickly recovered from losses and became a city-reserve.

Suzdal Kremlin

The Kremlin is crowned with the Nativity Cathedral, Nikolskaya Church and Bishops' Chambers. As already noted, the Suzdal Kremlin was founded by Vladimir Monomakh. At first it was a log fortress with towers, surrounded by ditches and earthen ramparts, later the construction of the main architectural structures of the Kremlin began. The stone Suzdal Kremlin and churches left from ancient times, earthen ramparts and ditches have survived to this day.

Excursion with a visit to the Shchurovo settlement is very popular. In many ways, this popularity is due to the release of Pavel Lungin's historical film "Tsar", which attracted the attention of viewers to the settlement of the ancient Slavs due to the wooden scenery installed by the film crew during the filming process.

An equally amazing place is the Intercession Convent, which has become a haven for many famous historical figures sent to prison for political reasons. Among the most famous are the wives of Vasily III and Ivan the Terrible, who fell into disgrace through the fault of their crowned spouses.

7. Sergiev Posad

Sergiev Posad is a city that millions of Orthodox people dream of visiting. It was founded by St. Sergius of Radonezh back in 1337. As a youth, Bartholomew (the future Saint Sergius of Radonezh) and his brother Stefan settled on the banks of the Konchura River, deliberately making this quiet deserted place their refuge. Here they built a church in honor of the Trinity and a monastic cell. The annals say that Dmitry Donskoy himself, going to the famous battle, came to bow and for a blessing to Sergius of Radonezh. The devotees of Radonezh continued his holy work and today this church has become the world-famous Trinity-Sergius Lavra. And a whole city grew up around the church, which officially received the status of a city during the reign of the deeply religious Empress Catherine the Great.

16 years after the death of St. Sergius, the monastery was burned to the ground by the Tatar Khan Edigei and rebuilt under Abbot Nikon of Radonezh. Since then, the monastery flourished. Under Ivan the Terrible, the monastery began to grow and turned into a powerful fortress, and under Catherine it became a Lavra. Now the Lavra consists of 50 different buildings.

As for the city itself, it arose thanks to rumors that spread at the speed of light about healing miracles taking place in the monastery. Elders, pilgrims and just believers began to flock to the walls of the monastery and stay here for permanent residence. The next systematic step was the development of trade and crafts, bringing Sergiev Posad closer to obtaining city status.

The main and most significant asset of Sergiyev Posad, of course, is the Trinity-Sergius Lavra with a rich historical past. It includes more than a dozen churches, among which are the Holy Trinity Cathedral and the Assumption Cathedral, the Church of St. Sergius and other buildings. The future Emperor Peter I hid within the walls of the monastery several times: the first time to escape from the Streltsy rebellion, the second time - from his sister, Princess Sophia.

Remember the famous matryoshka? Sergiev Posad became the birthplace of this wooden doll, which was loved by Soviet children. Meanwhile, although the matryoshka was released only at the beginning of the 20th century, even Sergius of Radonezh cut various wooden toys and distributed them to the kids, thereby blessing the future city for the further production of toys.

8. Pereslavl-Zalessky

A fabulous city arose on the shores of Lake Pleshcheyevo. Its entry into the Golden Ring of Russia is not accidental. Yuri Dolgoruky himself (the founder of the capital of Russia - Moscow) had a hand in the construction of this city in 1152. According to the ideas of Prince Pereslavl-Zalessky was to become the capital of North-Eastern Russia. Already in those days, Pereslavl-Zalessky was a city of impressive size, although it was located on a swampy area.

Alexander Nevsky, the famous commander who repelled the attacks of the Swedes, Lithuanians and Germans, was born and reigned in this amazing city. He also managed to establish peaceful relations with the Golden Horde. The people literally idolized the prince and considered him the defender of Russia. In memory of him, the Church of Alexander Nevsky was erected in Pereslavl-Zalessky.

the Red Square

Since Pereslavl-Zalessky was to become the capital, it could not do without Red Square. There are famous architectural monuments and churches on Red Square - the same Alexander Nevsky Church, the Transfiguration Cathedral and others.

The Transfiguration Cathedral, like the city itself, was founded by Dolgoruky in 1152, now it is a museum-reserve. Its main advantage lies in the fact that it has survived to this day in its original form and this differs from other white-stone churches of Russia. Frescoes dating back to the second half of the 12th century were also found in it, and the icon “Transfiguration”, written in the 15th century by Theophanes the Greek, was found.

The decorations of Red Square are the monument to Alexander Nevsky and a huge boulder, which is 2 billion years old and was found on the banks of the Trubezh River. The boulder is better known as the Blue Stone, which fulfills the most cherished desires and heals from diseases.

All the oldest Russian cities included in the Golden Ring of Russia are united by a unique history, rich cultural heritage, amazing natural beauties and a unique charm that has preserved the remnants of antiquity, grandeur and glory of the Russian state.

Given the scale of the cities located at a distance of several hundred kilometers from each other, it is not at all necessary to try to get to all the cities in one tour. Taking into account the large number of architectural and cultural-historical monuments located in large cities, it is better not to rush here and focus not on quantity, but on quality. After all, a trip should bring joy from a measured rest, and therefore there is no need to rush on excursions.

It will take about 30-40 days to make a full tour, so it is best to travel around the ancient Russian cities in small routes that take 2-3 days, but with a tour of the most significant places. In this case, there is no doubt that the tour will bring a lot of positive emotions and impressions, satisfy the curiosity of the most demanding tourist. They usually start a sightseeing tour from Sergiev Posad, and end with Vladimir, however, as many have already understood, routes can be changed at your discretion.

Traveling by car or bus?

You can travel both by private car and by sightseeing bus, and each mode of transport has its own advantages. If you drive your own car, then along the way you can call in other cities and towns, stop at interesting places, turn off the path at your discretion. This is the advantage of a personal vehicle, however, in order not to go astray, it is best to have a good GPS navigator with you.

If you go by bus, then you don’t have to worry about the route and how to get to certain sights of the golden ring of Russia. Moreover, an experienced guide will tell you about the history of the place, which will broaden the horizons of the tourist, allowing you to better understand the history of the emergence of a particular building.

The company "Family Suitcase" regularly conducts trips on comfortable buses.

Closest to Moscow is the city - a place known to most people, first of all, by the presence of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in it. Here you can appreciate all the skill of Russian architects who worked diligently to build the best church complexes.

The Trinity Cathedral reflects the white-stone Moscow architecture, the Spiritual Temple - the Pskov school of architecture, the Assumption Cathedral with a beautiful belt of columns - the Vladimir-Suzdal architectural school, and the Refectory - the classic Russian pattern. The high bell tower of 88 meters of the Church of John the Baptist, built in the Moscow Baroque style, attracts attention.

In addition to leisurely walks around the Lavra, here you can taste sweet monastery kvass, sweet gingerbread, all kinds of delicious pastries. Being here, you should definitely draw holy water, as well as bow to the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh. It should be added that Sergiev Posad is not only a Lavra, but also a place for the systematic holding of all kinds of festive events. In summer, an aeronautics festival is held here, where balloons and hot air balloons are launched. The kids will surely rejoice at the huge Matryoshka, the size of a 9-storey building, the flying Submarine, the giant Heart and the big Tsar Bell.

In the same city, it is worth visiting the ethnographic museum located on Mount Volokush, where you can buy carved figures of animals, birds and people, matryoshka dolls, and other souvenirs.

The next city to visit is, before entering which you can stop to look at Alexandrov Mountain and Lake Pleshcheyevo, where in ancient times the pagan temple of the god Yarila-Sun was located.

In the city of Pereslavl, first of all, they visit the Transfiguration Cathedral, which was built in the middle of the 12th century.

By the way, this is the only temple in the city that was built before the Tatar-Mongol yoke, which makes it one of the most significant architectural monuments. Not far from it is the prince's board, where Alexander Nevsky was born, who managed to stop the German army. There is also his tomb, which will also be very interesting to visit.

It will also be interesting to see the model of a stylized ship in the city, which is a monument to the shipyards of the Petrovsky Poteshny Fleet, which became the prototype of the real Russian combat fleet. By purchasing a low ticket fee, you can get to the museum-estate "Boat of Peter the Great".

Other interesting places in the city include the Berendey House, the Museum of Cunning and Ingenuity, the Iron Museum and the arboretum, so, as a rule, it takes the whole day to review local attractions.

The next day of the tour, you can go to - a small town, where today only about 30 thousand people live. In ancient times, it was the capital of the Rostov Principality and was a serious spiritual center of Eastern Russia. This is confirmed by the presence here of a large number of churches and cathedrals, the main of which are the Cathedral of the Assumption and the state museum-reserve "Rostov Kremlin".

Here, tourists can not only see all the bastions, fortifications and loopholes, but also rent medieval clothes and take pictures in it against the background of the fortifications and domes.

Other attractions include the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery, the Church of the Savior on Senyah, the Borisoglebsky and Spaso-Pesotsky monasteries.

The city is very beautiful, there are many places that offer panoramic views of the surrounding area. Having bought a guide, you can find old houses and buildings, feeling the nostalgic and patriarchal atmosphere.

From Rostov to there is an excellent high-speed highway with three lanes in each direction, so getting to a new destination will not be difficult.

After the bridge over the Kotorosl River, a view of the Transfiguration Monastery of the Savior is already opening, which, by the way, is printed on a 1000-ruble banknote.

Other places that are of particular interest to tourists include the Minin and Pozharsky Chapel, the Church of John the Baptist (located in Tolkovaya Sloboda) and the monument to Yaroslav the Wise. Visiting the museum-reserve, guests of the city can see collections of cash treasures, porcelain, clothing items, expositions of other things.

You should definitely visit the wonderful park, which was founded in honor of the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl, so today everyone can walk around the beautiful park with green and beautifully trimmed lawns, trees, flower beds and even light and music fountains. Recently, a museum dedicated to the first female cosmonaut of our country, Valentina Tereshkova, was opened in the city, and on the street. Bogoyavlenskaya erected a monument to the bear.

Many restaurants and cafes allow tourists to taste national Russian dishes, appreciating the culinary skills of local chefs. You can walk around Yaroslavl all day, looking into souvenir shops, taking pictures against the backdrop of historical buildings and ancient monuments. It would be best to go on a city tour accompanied by a guide who can tell a lot of new and interesting things, explaining the name and historical significance of certain places.

Having left on Ivanovskoye highway, by bus or car, you can easily get to the next city of the Golden Ring -. At first, travelers are greeted by sleeping areas, however, after driving across the bridge across the Volga, the famous Trade Rows, ancient Linden trees, as well as the green domes of the Resurrection Church on the Debra immediately appear to the attention of travelers. Very interesting is the layout of the city, which is a kind of fan, so that all the central streets lead to the main square. It is extremely convenient for walking, because it is simply impossible to get lost in Kostroma.

Looking around the city, you involuntarily pay attention to not ancient mansions with wrought iron fences, chimneys made of punched iron, massive oak gates and bizarrely shaped balconies. Here, much has been preserved in its original form, so from time to time it seems that it was in the 19th century. Other sights of the city include the Romanovsky Museum, the Fire Tower, and the Ipatiev Monastery.


From Kostroma it is best to go to, especially since if you go by car, the distance can be easily overcome in just 1.5-2 hours. It is noteworthy that, unlike previous cities, where tourists got acquainted with the monuments of ancient houses and cathedrals of the XII-XVI centuries, buildings of the XX century are of interest in Ivanovo. The monumental architecture of the Soviet style is presented here very brightly, and there are many such projects that a person will not find in any other city. While here, you should definitely look at buildings such as the Horseshoe House and the Bird House, whose outbuildings really look like bird wings. There are also buildings in the form of a ship with a sloping bow, a stern tower and balconies in the form of decks.

By visiting the local Museum of Local Lore, you can get to know the culture better, get to know the history of the city's development, epochal dates. Fans of domestic cars should look into the museum of the Russian automotive industry. After lunch, you can take a stroll through the Park of Culture and Leisure, where vacationers will find amazing forged figures of various animals from fairy tales and cartoons. It will be very interesting to see the city from the height of the attraction "Ferris Wheel".


After admiring the masterpieces of Soviet masters of architectural art, travelers go to the city, which still has many old buildings. It is worth paying attention to the fact that there are practically no houses here, more than 3 floors high, so the city looks quite nice, being actually an open-air museum. To admire the panorama of the city, you should go to the local hills, namely, the Kremlin ramparts and the cliff, which begins immediately after the Spaso-Efimov Monastery.

The highest place in the city is the bell tower of the Monastery of the Robe, which rises to 72 meters.

Surprisingly, despite the small number of Suzdal and its compact overall dimensions (it occupies only 15 km2 in area), there are so many sights here that a tourist will have to spend at least a whole day exploring them. The main sights of the town are the Kazan and Resurrection Churches, Torgovaya Square, the Memorial Stone and the Eternal Flame, the house of the merchant Kashitsin, the St. Vasilevsky Monastery and the Elias Church.

The last city of the Golden Ring is considered to be where there are about 240 protected cultural monuments, which indicates the important historical significance of this place. Walking around the city, you involuntarily pay attention to the fact that historical houses and new buildings blend in well with the surrounding space in an amazing way. Vladimir often hosts various festivals dedicated to theatrical art, folk crafts, songs, dances, Orthodox culture and more.

You should definitely visit the old Assumption Cathedral, built at the beginning of the 14th century, where the miraculous icon is still kept, which, according to legend, was able to stop Tamerlane's army. Here you can also see the restored frescoes by Andrei Rublev. An epic fortification of the 12th century is an earthen rampart adjoining the Golden Gate. The building of the former water tower now houses a museum where you can see not only clothes and kitchen utensils, but also dummies of cabbies and sellers, old and yellowed signs, posters, pre-revolutionary marriage announcements.

To view the panorama of the city, it is worth going up to a specially equipped observation deck, where you can see the Assumption Cathedral, river water meadows, the Klyazma River and other places in full view. On the outskirts of Vladimir there is a monastery built in memory of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who was killed on this site. If you wish, you can visit the church building or admire it from afar, appreciating the lonely romanticism and the fragile beauty of the temple.

Trip Conclusions

The vast majority of travelers who have undertaken such a tour have the warmest memories of the tour, which for a long time please a person and cheer him up. Needless to say, photographs help to preserve the most significant places in memory, capturing themselves against the backdrop of ancient buildings, churches, monuments and sculptures. Traveling along the Golden Ring is a great opportunity to get the best idea of ​​the Native Land, to plunge headlong into the amazing world of antiquity.

All the cities that make up this long tour have their own identity and special national flavor, which emphasizes the richness and diversity of Russian culture. Folk crafts, ancient settlements, ramparts and fortifications, churches and cathedrals, roads and bridges - this and much more, along with the most beautiful Russian nature, gives an understanding of how interesting the history of Russia is. By the way, the Bank of Russia in the period from 2004 to 2008 issued a series of commemorative coins dedicated to the route.

So for those who want to make not a simple, but a really interesting tour with a visit to many Russian cities, we can confidently advise you to go along the Golden Ring route.


Sergiev Posad is a diamond in the Golden Ring of Russia, a city with a surprisingly rich and interesting history, the center of Russian Orthodoxy, located just 50 kilometers from Moscow.

Sergiev Posad was named after St. Sergei, known as Sergei of Radonezh, who was born in Radonezh (a city located near Zagorsk).In the 14th century he founded a monastery there, which became one of the largest and most magnificent monasteries in Russia.At present, the monastery is called Lavra (the main and most important monastery) and is considered the "Russian Vatican".

2. Rostov the Great

If you want to feel at least for a moment the atmosphere of ancient Russia with its traditions and customs, unique architecture, old fortresses and white churches, go on an excursion to places that contain the history of the country, hear the chime of ancient bells, their ringing sincere and beautiful melody, then you should visit one of the most ancient cities in Russia - Rostov the Great.

Colored domes in pink sunsets that Rostov the Great has seen for centuries and centuries. The Rostov Kremlin, with its impregnable walls and perfectly proportioned towers, rises majestically above the waters of the vast Lake Nero.Looking at Moscow from the vantage point of its age, Rostov the Great, first described in the annals in 862 and founded much earlier, was the capital of the Kiev princes who moved to the northern lands that later became known as Muscovy and Russia.The architectural harmony of Rostov churches is excellent.

Where to go from Moscow, you ask?Rostov the Great, once a great and important city, is now a rustic green rural town with beautiful white stone churches.The Rostov Kremlin is the main attraction of Rostov, where each of the churches is a perfect example of old and unique Russian architecture. Rostov Veliky, the oldest city of the Golden Ring, probably the quietest city that shows its touristy sincere and rural Russia with fresh air, a beautiful lake and old wooden houses where the local population lives.Whether you are on a multi-day tour of the Golden Ring or planning a day trip, you will love Rostov the Great with its ancient architecture and beautiful nature.

3. Vladimir

For more than 250 years, Vladimir played a very important role in the history of Russia, when he was the capital of the ancient Russian state. The main attractions of Vladimir are - Golden Gate, the only existing monument of military engineering architecture of Ancient Russia.

The gate was built in 1158-64 during the reign of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky.These were the main, most spectacular and impressive gates of the capital of northeastern Russia.Such gates were built in the great cities of Christendom, beginning with the gate in Constantinople, which marked the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem through the Golden Gate of the city.

Another unique attraction of Vladimir is the Assumption Cathedral, built in 1158-1606 by order of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who preserved the world-famous frescoes of Andrei Rublev.It was not only the main church of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, its cultural, political and religious center, but it was to become the main church of all of Russia.In September 1164, the most revered icon of Russia, the Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God, was brought to the cathedral.Since then, the icon has been called the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, sa-may early and one of the most revered miraculous icons of the Russian Church.

During the tour, it is worth visiting the Dmitrievsky Cathedral, built in 1194-1197 during the reign of Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest, who dedicated it to his heavenly patron Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. Previously, it was part of the buildings of the princely court and one of the most beautiful and original cathedrals of Ancient Russia.

4. Suzdal

Suzdal not only retained the spirit of antiquity, but also remained within the boundaries of the city of the 18th century. The first mentions of Suzdal in chronicles date back to the end of the 11th century. In the XII - XIV centuries it was one of the strongest and most powerful cities of ancient Russia. Suzdal is more than 70 masterpieces of ancient Russian architecture, from the middle of the 12th century to the middle of the 18th century, on an area of ​​​​only 9 square kilometers.

The Kremlin of Suzdal is located on the winding bank of the Kamenka River in the heart of the old city.The Kremlin houses some of the most important monuments of old Suzdal: the Kremlin Wall (XI-XII centuries), the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ (XIII-XVI centuries, its frescoes dating back to the XIII, XV, XVII centuries and the iconostasis until the XVII century), the bell tower of the cathedral (1635).

Today the city is an outstanding architectural museum, containing more examples of the architecture of the ancient period of Russia than any other Russian city, and its original architectural topography has been preserved almost intact.

5. Kostroma

Founded in 1152 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, the city of Kostroma is located on the left bank of the Volga. The pride of the city Holy Trinity Ipatiev Monastery, known for the patronage of the Romanov dynasty.Here, in 1613, the young Mikhail Romanov was blessed to reign. In addition to the monastery, the historical sights of the city that are worth visiting during the tour areTrinity Cathedral, with frescoes from the 17th century and Epiphany-Anastasia Monastery with the icon of the Holy Mother of God, which is believed to work miracles.

6. Uglich

Uglich is a historical city in the Yaroslavl region of Russia, located on the Volga. The city was founded in 937 as a border fortress of the Moscow principality. Uglich is one of the most interesting cities of the Golden Ring as it has numerous buildings of ancient architecture.Among them are such as the Kremlin with a chamber, the temple of Demetrius on Blood (1692) and the Transfiguration Cathedral, the ensembles of Alekseevsky, Resurrection and Epiphany monasteries (1680).

Uglich has preserved both historical and cultural traditions of Russia.The magnificent museums of Uglich are examples of cultural heritage and ancient Russian traditions.

7. Ples

The city was founded in 1410 by Vasily I as a frontier post of Muscovy. Plyos is the paradise of the upper reaches of the Volga with a landscape as if created by an artist's brush and taken straight from a fairy tale. For centuries it has been the quintessence of a Russian provincial town, it has inspired artists to create masterpieces of art. The great Russian artist Levitan created his masterpieces here.

Until now, many sights and architectural monuments in the city of Plyos have been preserved.Among them are such famous masterpieces of architecture as the Church of the Resurrection of Christ (1699), the Trinity Church (1808), the Vvedenskaya Church (1828), the Cathedral of the Assumption (1699), the Church of St. Barbara (1821) and the stalls of the 19th century.

In 1982, the state and historical, as well as art museums were built, in which three other museums are combined: the Levitan Museum, the Plyos Historical Museum and the Landscape Museum.

8. Yaroslavl

Founded in 1010 by Yaroslav the Wise (future Grand Duke of Kyiv), is a large, pleasant, quiet old town.

During the times of ancient Russia, Yaroslavl developed rapidly due to its favorable location along the Volga trade route.In 1218 it became the capital of the independent feudal principality of Yaroslavl.In 1463, the Principality merged with Moscow State.

9. Myshkin

The city has a very specific, unusual name. It is unlikely that Myshkin is able to amaze with architectural masterpieces. Among its attractions are St. Nicholas Cathedral of the 18th century - the oldest building in the city, the Assumption Cathedral of the early 19th century, from the bell tower of which a panorama of Myshkin opens, and several merchant mansions.

The most interesting thing in Myshkin is its small museums, there are more than two dozen of them. Leadership belongs to the Mouse Museum - according to the Guinness Book of Records, the only one in the world.

10. Pereslavl-Zalessky

Pereselavsky-Zalessky, located not far from Moscow, almost in the very center of the Golden Ring of Russia, on the shores of Lake Pleshcheyevo, is an old Russian city famous for its six monasteries - beautiful examples of old Russian architecture. The sight of the city and the Golden Ring is aboutone of the oldest Russian churches is the Transfiguration Cathedral, built in the 1150s and preserved in its original form.

Pereslavl-Zalessky , a city of vivid impressions, whose history was created by such historical figures as Yuri Dolgoruky, Ivan the Terrible, Peter I, Alexander Nevsky. Everything here breathes with antiquity, the rampart ring around the historical center has also been preserved.

What else to read