A story on the theme of winter is the time of fairy tales. Short stories about winter. Farewell to summer

Winter- a magical and fabulous time of the year, the whole natural world froze in a deep sleep. The cold forest sleeps, covered with a white fur coat, you can’t hear the animals, they hide in their minks, they wait out the long winter, only a few go out to hunt. Only wind and snowstorm, eternal companions of winter.

Listening to fairy tales and stories about nature in winter, children learn about the life of the world around them in a difficult winter season, how trees survive the winter, animals, how birds hibernate, learn about natural phenomena in winter.


K.V. Lukashevich

She appeared muffled, white, cold.
- Who are you? the children asked.
- I - the season - winter. I brought snow with me and will soon throw it on the ground. He will cover everything with a white fluffy blanket. Then my brother will come - Santa Claus and freeze the fields, meadows and rivers. And if the guys start acting naughty, they will freeze their hands, feet, cheeks and noses.
- Oh oh oh! What a bad winter! What a terrible Santa Claus! the children said.
- Wait, children ... But then I will give you skiing from the mountains, skates and sledges. And then your favorite Christmas will come with a cheerful Christmas tree and Santa Claus with gifts. Don't you love winters?

kind girl

K.V. Lukashevich

It was a harsh winter. Everything was covered with snow. Sparrows had a hard time from this. The poor things could not find food anywhere. Sparrows flew around the house and chirped plaintively.
The kind girl Masha took pity on the sparrows. She began to collect bread crumbs, and every day poured them at her porch. The sparrows flew in to feed and soon ceased to be afraid of Masha. So the kind girl fed the poor birds until spring.


Frost bound the earth. Rivers and lakes are frozen. Everywhere lies white fluffy snow. Children are happy with winter. It's nice to ski on fresh snow. Seryozha and Zhenya are playing snowballs. Lisa and Zoya are making a snowman.
Only animals have a hard time in the winter cold. Birds fly closer to housing.
Guys, help our little friends in winter. Make bird feeders.

There was Volodya on the Christmas tree

Daniil Kharms, 1930

There was Volodya on the Christmas tree. All the children danced, and Volodya was so small that he could not even walk.
They put Volodya in an armchair.
Here Volodya saw a gun: "Give it! Give it!" - screams. And he can’t say what “give”, because he is so small that he still doesn’t know how to speak. But Volodya wants everything: he wants an airplane, he wants a car, he wants a green crocodile. Want everything!
"Give! Give!" - shouts Volodya.
They gave Volodya a rattle. Volodya took the rattle and calmed down. All the children are dancing around the Christmas tree, and Volodya is sitting in an armchair and ringing with a rattle. Volodya liked the rattle very much!

Last year I was at the Christmas tree with my friends and girlfriends

Vanya Mokhov

Last year I was at the Christmas tree with my friends and girlfriends. It was a lot of fun. On the Christmas tree at Yashka - he played tag, on the Christmas tree at Shurka - he played blind man's buff, on the Christmas tree at Ninka - he looked at pictures, on the Christmas tree at Volodya - he danced in a round dance, on the Christmas tree at Lizaveta - he ate chocolates, on the Christmas tree at Pavlusha - he ate apples and pears.
And this year I will go to the Christmas tree to school - it will be even more fun there.


There lived a snowman. He lived on the edge of the forest. It was covered by children who came running here to play and sled. They made three lumps of snow, put them on top of each other. Instead of eyes, two coals were inserted into the snowman, and a carrot was inserted instead of a nose. A bucket was put on the snowman's head, and his hands were made from old brooms. One boy liked the snowman so much that he gave him a scarf.

The children were called home, and the snowman was left alone, standing in the cold winter wind. Suddenly he saw that two birds flew to the tree under which he was standing. One big one with a long nose began to peck a tree, and the other began to look at the snowman. The snowman was scared: "What do you want to do with me?" And the bullfinch, and it was him, replies: “I don’t want to do anything to you, I’ll just eat a carrot now.” “Oh, oh, don’t eat carrots, that’s my nose. Look, there is a feeder hanging on that tree, the children left a lot of food there.” The bullfinch thanked the snowman. Since then, they have become friends.

Hello winter!

So, she came, the long-awaited winter! It's good to run through the frost on the first winter morning! The streets, yesterday still dull in autumn, are completely covered with white snow, and the sun shimmers in it with a blinding brilliance. A bizarre pattern of frost lay on shop windows and tightly closed windows of houses, hoarfrost covered the branches of poplars. If you look along the street, which stretches out like an even ribbon, if you look close around you, everything is the same everywhere: snow, snow, snow. Occasionally a rising breeze tingles the face and ears, but how beautiful everything is around! What gentle, soft snowflakes smoothly swirl in the air. No matter how prickly frost, it is also pleasant. Isn't it because we all love winter, that, just like spring, it fills the chest with an exciting feeling. Everything is alive, everything is bright in the transformed nature, everything is full of invigorating freshness. It is so easy to breathe and so good in the soul that you involuntarily smile and want to say in a friendly way to this wonderful winter morning: “Hello, winter!”

“Hello, long-awaited, vigorous winter!”

The day was soft and misty. The reddish sun hung low over long, snowfield-like stratus clouds. Frost-covered pink trees stood in the garden. The vague shadows on the snow were drenched in the same warm light.


(From the story "Nikita's Childhood")

The wide yard was all covered with shining, white soft snow. Blue in it are deep human and frequent dog tracks. The air, frosty and thin, pinched in my nose, pricked my cheeks with needles. The carriage house, sheds and barnyards stood squat, covered with white caps, as if rooted in the snow. Like glass, traces of runners ran from the house across the entire yard.
Nikita ran down the crunchy steps from the porch. Below was a brand new pine bench with a bast twisted rope. Nikita examined it - it was made firmly, tried it - it glided well, put the bench on his shoulder, grabbed a shovel, thinking that he would need it, and ran along the road along the garden to the dam. There stood huge, almost to the sky, wide willows, covered with hoarfrost - each branch was like snow.
Nikita turned to the right, towards the river, and tried to follow the road, following in the footsteps of others...
On the steep banks of the Chagra River these days large fluffy snowdrifts have piled up. In other places they hung like capes over the river. Just stand on such a cape - and he will hoot, sit down, and a mountain of snow will roll down in a cloud of snow dust.
To the right the river wound like a bluish shadow between the white and fluffy fields. To the left, above the very steep, blackened huts, sticking out the cranes of the village of Sosnovki. High blue haze rose from the rooftops and melted away. On the snowy cliff, where stains and streaks from the ashes that had been raked out of the stoves turned yellow today, small figures moved. These were Nikita's friends - boys from "our end" of the village. And further, where the river was bent, you could hardly see other boys, "Kon-chan", very dangerous.
Nikita threw down the shovel, lowered the bench into the snow, sat astride it, firmly grasped the rope, kicked off with his feet twice, and the bench itself went down the mountain. The wind whistled in my ears, snow dust rose from both sides. Down, all down like an arrow. And suddenly, where the snow broke off over the steep, the bench swept through the air and slid onto the ice. She went quieter, quieter and became.
Nikita laughed, climbed down from the bench and dragged it up the hill, bogging down to the knee. When he climbed ashore, not far away, on a snowy field, he saw a black, taller than human figure, as it seemed, the figure of Arkady Ivanovich. Nikita grabbed a shovel, threw himself on a bench, flew down and ran across the ice to the place where the snowdrifts hung like a cape over the river.
Climbing under the very cape, Nikita began to dig a cave. The work was easy - the snow was cut with a shovel. Having dug out the little cave, Nikita climbed into it, dragged the bench in and began to fill up with clods from the inside. When the wall was laid, a blue half-light spilled into the cave - it was cozy and pleasant. Nikita sat and thought that none of the boys had such a wonderful bench ...
- Nikita! Where did you fail? he heard the voice of Arkady Ivanovich.
Nikita... looked into the gap between the clods. Below, on the ice, Arkady Ivanovich stood with his head thrown back.
- Where are you, robber?
Arkady Ivanovich adjusted his spectacles and climbed to the cave, but immediately got stuck up to the waist;
Get out, I'll get you out of there anyway. Nikita was silent. Arkady Ivanovich tried to climb
higher, but bogged down again, put his hands in his pockets and said:
- You don't want to, you don't have to. Stay. The fact is that my mother received a letter from Samara ... However, goodbye, I'm leaving ...
- Which letter? asked Nikita.
- Yeah! So you are still here.
- Tell me, from whom is the letter?
- A letter about the arrival of some people for the holidays.
Snow clods immediately flew from above. Nikita's head popped out of the cave. Arkady Ivanovich laughed merrily.

Story about trees in winter.

Trees, having gathered strength over the summer, stop feeding, grow, and fall into a deep sleep by winter.
Trees throw them off themselves, refuse them in order to keep the warmth necessary for life. And the leaves dropped from the branches, rotting on the ground, give warmth and protect the roots of the trees from freezing.
Moreover, each tree has a shell that protects plants from frost.
This is the bark. The bark does not let water or air through. The older the tree, the thicker its bark. This is why old trees are more cold tolerant than young ones.
But the best protection from frost is a snow cover. In snowy winters, snow, like a duvet, covers the forest, and even then the forest is not afraid of any cold.


A snowy white cloud, huge as the sky, covered the entire horizon, and the last light of the red, burnt evening dawn was quickly covered with a thick veil. Suddenly night fell... the storm came with all its fury, with all its horrors. The desert wind blew up in the open air, blew up the snowy steppes like swan fluff, threw them up to the sky ... Everything was dressed in white darkness, impenetrable, like the darkness of the darkest autumn night!

Everything merged, everything mixed up: the earth, the air, the sky turned into an abyss of boiling snowy dust, which blinded the eyes, occupied the breath, roared, whistled, howled, moaned, beat, ruffled, twirled from all sides, twisted around like a kite from above and below, and strangled everything he came across.

The heart drops in the most intimidating person, the blood freezes, stops from fear, and not from cold, because the cold during snowstorms is significantly reduced. So terrible is the sight of the indignation of northern winter nature...

The storm raged from hour to hour. It raged all night and all the next day, so there was no ride. Deep ravines became high mounds...

Finally, the excitement of the snowy ocean began to subside little by little, which continues even then, when the sky is already shining with a cloudless blue.

Another night passed. The violent wind died down, the snows subsided. The steppes presented the appearance of a stormy sea, suddenly frozen over ... The sun rolled out into a clear sky; its rays played on the wavy snows...


The real winter has come. The ground was covered with a snow-white carpet. Not a single dark spot remained. Even bare birches, alders and mountain ash were covered with hoarfrost, like silvery fluff. They stood, covered with snow, as if they had put on an expensive warm coat ...

It was the first snow

It was about eleven o'clock in the evening, the first snow had recently fallen, and everything in nature was under the rule of this young snow. The air smelled of snow, and the snow crunched softly underfoot. The earth, the roofs, the trees, the benches on the boulevards - everything was soft, white, young, and this house looked different from yesterday. The lanterns burned brighter, the air was clearer...

Farewell to summer


One night I woke up with a strange sensation. I thought I went deaf in my sleep. I lay with my eyes open, listened for a long time, and finally realized that I had not gone deaf, but simply that an extraordinary silence had fallen outside the walls of the house. This silence is called "dead". The rain died, the wind died, the noisy, restless garden died. All you could hear was the cat snoring in his sleep.
I opened my eyes. White and even light filled the room. I got up and went to the window - behind the panes everything was snowy and silent. In the foggy sky, a lone moon stood at a dizzying height, and a yellowish circle shimmered around it.
When did the first snow fall? I approached the walkers. It was so bright that the arrows were clearly black. They showed two hours. I fell asleep at midnight. This means that in two hours the earth has changed so unusually, in two short hours the fields, forests and gardens have been fascinated by the cold.
Through the window, I saw a large gray bird perch on a maple branch in the garden. The branch swayed, snow fell from it. The bird slowly got up and flew away, and the snow continued to fall like glass rain falling from a Christmas tree. Then everything was quiet again.
Reuben woke up. He looked out the window for a long time, sighed and said:
- The first snow is very befitting the earth.
The earth was ornate, like a shy bride.
And in the morning everything crunched around: frozen roads, leaves on the porch, black nettle stalks sticking out from under the snow.
Grandfather Mitriy came to tea and congratulated me on the first trip.
- So the earth was washed, - he said, - with snow water from a silver trough.
- Where did you get, Mitrich, such words? Reuben asked.
- Is there something wrong? grandfather chuckled. - My mother, the deceased, said that in ancient times, beauties washed themselves with the first snow from a silver jug ​​and therefore their beauty never sluggish.
It was hard to stay at home on the first winter day. We went to the forest lakes. Grandfather walked us to the edge. He also wanted to visit the lakes, but "did not let the ache in his bones."
It was solemn, light and quiet in the forests.
The day seemed to be dozing. Lonely snowflakes occasionally fell from the cloudy high sky. We carefully breathed on them, and they turned into pure drops of water, then became cloudy, froze and rolled to the ground like beads.
We wandered through the forests until dusk, walked around familiar places. Flocks of bullfinches were sitting, ruffled, on rowan trees covered with snow ... In some places in the clearings, birds flew and squeaked plaintively. The sky overhead was very bright, white, and towards the horizon it thickened, and its color resembled lead. From there were slow snow clouds.
It grew darker and quieter in the forests, and finally a thick snow began to fall. He melted in the black water of the lake, tickled his face, powdered the forest with gray smoke. Winter has taken over the land...

Winter night

Night has come in the forest.

Frost taps on the trunks and branches of thick trees, light silver hoarfrost falls in flakes. In the dark high sky, bright winter stars visibly scattered...

But even in the frosty winter night, the hidden life in the forest continues. Here the frozen branch crunched and broke. It ran under the trees, bouncing softly, a white hare. Then something hooted and suddenly terribly laughed: an owl screamed somewhere, caresses howled and fell silent, ferrets hunt mice, owls silently fly over snowdrifts. Like a fabulous sentry, a big-headed gray owlet sat on a bare bough. In the darkness of the night, he alone hears and sees life hidden from people walking in the winter forest.


Beautiful aspen forest in winter. Against the background of dark firs, a thin lace of bare aspen branches intertwines.

Night and diurnal birds nest in the hollows of old thick aspens, naughty squirrels lay down their stocks for the winter. From thick logs, people hollowed out light shuttle boats, made troughs. White hares feed on the bark of young aspens in winter. The bitter bark of aspens is gnawed by moose.

You used to walk through the forest, and suddenly, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, with a noise, a heavy black grouse will fly off and fly. A white hare will jump out from under your feet and run.

Silver flashes

Short, gloomy December day. Snowy twilight flush with the windows, muddy dawn at ten o'clock in the morning. During the day, he chirps, drowning in snowdrifts, a flock of kids returning from school, creaks a cart with firewood or hay - and evening! In the frosty sky outside the village, silver flashes begin to dance and shimmer - the northern lights.

On sparrow's gallop

A little - just a day after the New Year was added to the sparrow lope. And the sun had not yet warmed - like a bear, on all fours, crawling along the spruce tops beyond the river.

snow words

We love winter, we love snow. It changes, it is different, and to tell about it, different words are needed.

And the snow falls from the sky in different ways. Throw up your head - and it seems that from the clouds, like from the branches of a Christmas tree, pieces of cotton wool are torn off. They are called flakes - these are snowflakes stuck together on the fly. And there is snow that you can’t expose your face to: hard white balls hurt your forehead. They have another name - krupka.

Pure snow that has just covered the ground is called powder. There is no better hunting than by powder! All tracks are fresh in fresh snow!

And snow lies on the ground in different ways. If he lay down, this does not mean that he calmed down until spring. The wind blew and the snow came to life.

You walk down the street, and at your feet there are white flashes: the snow, swept out by the janitor-wind, streams, flows along the ground. This is a blowing blizzard - a blowing snow.

If the wind is spinning, snow is blowing in the air - this is a blizzard. Well, and in the steppe, where there is no holding back the wind, a snow storm can break out - a snowstorm. If you shout, you won't hear a voice, you can't see anything within three steps.

February is the month of snowstorms, the month of running and flying snows. In March, the snow becomes lazy. It no longer scatters from the hand, like swan fluff, it has become motionless and solid: you step on it and your foot will not fall through.

It was over him that the sun and frost conjured. During the day everything melted in the sun, at night it froze, and the snow turned into an ice crust, hardened. For such stale snow, we have our own hard word - present.

Thousands of human eyes watch the snow in winter. Let your inquisitive eyes be among them.

(I. Nadezhdina)

First frost

The night passed under a large clear moon, and by morning the first frost had fallen. Everything was gray, but the puddles did not freeze. When the sun came up and warmed up, the trees and grasses were covered with such strong dew, the branches of fir trees looked out from the dark forest with such luminous patterns that the diamonds of all our land would not be enough for this decoration.

The pine queen, sparkling from top to bottom, was especially beautiful.

(M. Prishvin)

quiet snow

They say about silence: "Quieter than water, lower than grass." But what could be quieter than falling snow! It snowed all day yesterday, and as if it brought silence from heaven. And every sound only intensified it: the rooster bellowed, the crow called, the woodpecker drummed, the jay sang with all its voices, but the silence grew from all this...

(M. Prishvin)

Winter has come

The hot summer flew by, the golden autumn passed, snow fell - winter came.

Cold winds blew. Trees stood naked in the forest - waiting for winter clothes. Spruces and pines have become even greener.

Many times snow began to fall in large flakes, and, waking up, people rejoiced at the winter: such a pure winter light shone through the window.

At the first powder, the hunters went hunting. And all day long the barking of dogs could be heard through the forest.

Stretched across the road and disappeared into the spruce forest accelerating hare trail. A fox trail, paw by paw, winds along the road. The squirrel ran across the road and, waving its fluffy tail, jumped onto the Christmas tree.

On the tops of the trees are dark purple cones. Crossbills jump on cones.

Below, on the mountain ash, busty red-throated bullfinches scattered.

The couch potato bear is the best in the forest. Since autumn, the thrifty Mishka has prepared a lair. He broke soft spruce twigs-paws, kicked the odorous resinous bark.

Warm and cozy in a bear forest apartment. Bear lies, from side to side

flips over. He does not hear how a cautious hunter approached the lair.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Winter is blizzard

Frost walks on the streets at night.

Frost walks around the yard, taps, rumbles. The night is starry, the windows are blue, Frost painted ice flowers on the windows - no one can draw such flowers.

- Oh yes Frost!

Frost walks: either he will knock on the wall, then he will click on the gate, then he will shake off the frost from the birch and scare the dormant jackdaws. Frost is bored. Out of boredom, he will go to the river, hit the ice, begin to count the stars, and the stars are radiant, golden.

In the morning the stoves would be fired up, and Frost was right there—the blue smoke against the gilded sky became frozen pillars above the village.

- Oh yes Frost! ..

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)


The earth is covered with a clean white tablecloth and is resting. Deep drifts rise. The forest covered itself with heavy white caps and fell silent.

On the snow tablecloth hunters see beautiful patterns of animal and bird tracks.

Here at the gnawed aspens, a hare hare set up at night; raising the black tip of its tail, hunting for birds and mice, an ermine ran. A beautiful chain winds along the forest edge the trace of an old fox. On the very edge of the field, trail after trail, the robber wolves passed. And across the wide planted road, blasting the snow with their hooves, the moose crossed...

Many large and small animals and birds live and feed in the snow-covered, hushed winter forest.

(K. Ushinsky)

At the edge

Quiet early morning in the winter forest. The dawn is calm.

Along the edge of the forest, at the edge of a snowy glade, an old red fox makes his way from a night hunt.

Softly crunches, snow crumbles under the fox's feet. Paw after paw traces follow the fox. He listens and looks at the foxes, whether a mouse squeaks under a tussock in a winter nest, whether a long-eared careless hare jumps out of a bush.

Here she stirred in the knots and, seeing the fox, then-oh-only - a peak! peak! squeaked the little titmouse. Here, whistling and fluttering, a flock of spruce crossbills flew over the edge, hastily scattered over the top of a spruce decorated with cones.

He hears and sees foxes, how a squirrel climbed a tree, and a snow cap fell from a thick swaying branch, crumbling into diamond dust.

He sees everything, hears everything, knows everything in the forest, the old, cunning fox.

(K. Ushinsky)

in the lair

In early winter, as soon as the snow falls, bears lie in the den.

Diligently and skillfully in the wilderness they prepare these winter lairs. Soft fragrant needles, bark of young fir trees, dry forest moss line their homes.

Warm and cozy in bear dens.

As soon as frost hits in the forest, bears fall asleep in their dens. And the more severe the frosts, the stronger the wind shakes the trees - the stronger, the more sound they sleep.

In late winter, tiny blind cubs will be born to she-bears.

Warmth for cubs in a snow-covered lair. They smack, suck milk, climb on the back of their mother, a huge, strong she-bear who has made a warm lair for them.

Only in a big thaw, when it starts to drip from the trees and the snow overhang falls from the branches with white caps, the bear wakes up. He wants to know well: has not spring come, has spring begun in the forest?

A bear will stick out of the den, look at the winter forest - and again until spring on the side.

(K. Ushinsky)

What is a natural phenomenon?

Definition. Any change in nature is called a phenomenon of nature: the wind changed direction, the sun rose, hatched, from an egg, a chicken.

Nature is both living and non-living.

Weather phenomena of inanimate nature in winter.

Examples of weather changes: temperature drop, frost, snowfall, blizzard, blizzard, black ice, thaw.

Seasonal phenomena of nature.

All changes in nature associated with the change of seasons - seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter) are called seasonal natural phenomena.

Examples of winter phenomena in inanimate nature.

Example: ice formed on the water, snow covered the ground, the sun does not heat, icicles and ice appeared.

The transformation of water into ice is a seasonal phenomenon in inanimate nature.

Observable natural phenomena in inanimate nature occurring around us:

Frost covers rivers and lakes with ice. Draws funny patterns on the windows. Bites nose and cheeks.

Snowflakes are falling from the sky. Snow covers the ground with a white blanket.

Snowstorms and blizzards cover the roads.

The sun is low above the earth and weakly warms.

It's cold outside, the days are short and the nights are long.

The New Year is coming. The city is dressed in elegant garlands.

In the thaw, the snow melts and freezes, forming ice on the roads.

Large icicles grow on the roofs.

What phenomena of wildlife can be observed in winter

For example: bears hibernate, trees shed their leaves, people dressed in winter clothes, children went outside with sleds.

In winter, trees stand without leaves - this phenomenon is called seasonal.

Examples of changes that occur in winter in wildlife that we observe:

Flora, wildlife, resting in winter.

The bear sleeps in its lair and sucks its paw.

Trees and grasses sleep in the meadows, covered with a warm blanket - snow.

Animals are cold in winter, they wear beautiful and fluffy fur coats.

Hares change clothes - they change their gray coat to white.

People wear warm clothes: hats, fur coats, felt boots and mittens.

Children go sledding, skating, making a snowman and playing snowballs.

On New Year's Eve, children decorate the Christmas tree with toys and have fun.

On the holiday come to us, the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus.

In winter, birds - tits and bullfinches - fly to our feeders from the forest.

Birds and animals, in winter, starve. People feed them.

More winter stories:

Poetic miniatures about winter. Prishvin Mikhail Mikhailovich

Answer left the guest

Fairy tale about the beginning of winter
In the evening the child stood at the window for a long time. Snow was falling in large flakes outside. It circled silently in the yellow light of the lanterns and covered everything around with a thick layer: roads, houses, trees. These are millions of little snowmen cautiously descending from the sky. They were silent and held tightly to the handles: after all, an unknown land was waiting for them ahead, and it was not yet known how things would turn out there. At night they lay quietly, closely clinging to each other: they were a little scared.
Early in the morning, the silence ended: the snowplows roared, the janitors came out with huge brooms. They vigorously cleared roads and paths. Trucks and dump trucks hauled snow out of the city. The snow cubs did not resist, they only sighed sadly: "We are not very hospitably welcomed here. It seems that we interfere with everyone ..."
But the laughing sun came out, gently stroked the snowmen with its rays, and they sparkled, smiled, whispered quietly, almost inaudibly. Maybe it's not so bad after all?
Then they fell silent again and became alert: the children came out into the yard. Are they going to chase them away? But no, they were afraid in vain: the children rejoiced with all their might: "Snow! Snow! Snow!" They ran and wallowed in snowdrifts, they threw snow up and the snow cubs again circled in the air. From such treatment, they again shone and rang: they liked the children.
In the meantime, two kids, already fairly covered in snow, ran up to the entrance, raised their heads and began to shout: "Ma-ma! Ma-ma!" The Snowkit listened inquisitively: "Who is it called so loudly?" On the fifth floor, a window banged, someone's face appeared. The snow cubs, clinging to the window sill, examined him well - the usual round face, nothing special.
- Mother! Bring us the sled!
The face smiled broadly, nodded, and disappeared.
"Mom?" the snow cubs thought anxiously. "Sled?"
Soon a round woman with the same ordinary face came out of the door of the entrance. She was wearing a jacket draped over a colored dressing gown. She brought out the sled and dry mittens, although the children did not shout anything to her about mittens. With a cheerful squeak, the kids grabbed the sled and began to roll each other. The snow cubs deftly creaked under the runners: "San-ki, san-ki" - and it was a lot of fun.
At the other end of the yard, two kids were standing near a snowdrift. One poked in the snow with a shovel, the other looked at him with envy and said: "And my dad will make me a shovel even better!" A kid with a shovel was pouring snow on himself and his friend, and the snowmen diligently rustled: "Dad, shovel."
... The winter day is short. Here the sun has set. The kids are long gone. Turned gray, turned blue, the snow carpet became completely dark. But the lanterns and the windows of the houses were lit, sparks ran across the snow, the snowmen rustled. "Ma-ma, sled. Pa-pa, shovel," they repeated. They understood everything about the sled and the spade, but: "Mom? Dad?" And for some reason, the snowmen were getting sadder.
By the next morning, they were completely upset, and then the sun hid behind gray clouds - there was no one to caress the kids. They began to cry thinly: "Mom! Dad! A-ah-ah!" They cried and cried and soon got wet and heavy.
The children went out for a walk again. Look - and the snow is wet! He molds well! They immediately began rolling snowballs. The snow cubs even forgot to cry: what is this all about? And the children shout, as if in response to them: "We are making a snowman!"
"What-what? What kind of snowman?" - the snowmen got excited. And someone guessed: "They probably misspoke! Well, of course - they are making a snow MOM! Hooray!"
One snowball stacked on top of another, and soon a tall white figure with a round face and a wide smile appeared. "So here she is, our mother!" - the snowmen rejoiced. And next to it, a second snow figure appeared, they gave her a shovel to hold in her hands. "Ah, here comes the snow daddy with the shovel!" - the snowmen froze with happiness. They shone and rang like millions of thin crystals, and the children danced and sang along with them.
Then the guys began to make snowballs, throw them, laugh and squeal. “It turned out well here, on the ground,” the snow cubs thought to themselves, rapidly rushing through the air. “You can also call ours!” And they fervently winked at the snow dad, and sent air kisses to the snow mom.

Winter fairy tale.

Winter came. The trees in the forest were covered with fluffy snow. White-trunked birches hid in the snowy silence of the forest. All the trees have become fluffy from the snow.

Suddenly, the bright rays of the winter sun gently touched the snow-covered earth. And what happened? From their cold touch, fluffy snowflakes suddenly began to play on the snowy whiteness.

I like winter. It's a very beautiful time of the year!

Kuznetsov Andrey, 9 years old

Winter fairy tale.

Winter came. Outside the window, everything was covered with a white fluffy blanket. Somewhere in the forest fluffy spruces fell asleep.

It snowed recently. The snowdrifts became huge. When the breeze blows, shiny snowflakes will dance and rush on a new journey. You can't see the sun behind the big snow-covered trees. You look out the window, and sadness, melancholy takes. But do not despair. After all, soon the winter holidays, joy, fun!

Winter is just a wonderful time of the year.

Sorokin Alexander, 10 years old

Winter fairy tale.

Here comes the winter season. Birches hid in the silence of the winter forest. Elderly spruces wrap themselves chillily in their winter attire. The old stump is dozing, putting on a new hat. Nothing disturbs the winter silence until the morning. Only a sharp breath of the breeze can disturb the sleep of the forest.

But then the dim rays of the winter sun timidly touched the fluffy snow. And suddenly cold snowflakes began to play from their touch. A fat crow perched on a branch and disturbed the winter sleep. The tree shook its sleeve, and everything was quiet. How I love this time of year!

Munkueva Ekaterina, 10 years old

Winter fairy tale.

Winter came. Winter covered all the trees. The forest turned white, as if someone took a white coat and covered the beautiful forest. For him to fall asleep. It seems that winter has thrown fluffy snowflakes on the ground from above. They silently fell and fell on trees, on bushes, on the ground.

Shushlebin Grigory, 10 years old

Winter fairy tale.

The winter crept up slowly. The trees are wearing white coats. The little stump put on a new cap.

Suddenly a light breeze blew, the trees gently swayed. Snowflakes in elegant white dresses danced in the sky. The squirrel sat on a tree branch and examined the beauty of the winter forest. The sun lightly touched the ground, covered with a white veil.

In winter, the forest dresses up like a carnival. What a beautiful winter forest!

Gufaizen Artyom, 10 years old

Winter fairy tale.

The beautiful winter has arrived. The trees were wrapped in snow-white outfits. Pines and spruces stand like Snow Maidens. The ground was covered with a large white blanket. An old stump sits in a beautiful and elegant fur coat. Snowflakes fly like little sparks.

Suddenly a light breeze blew. The trees waved their delicate sleeves. The sun, tired from the cold weather, came out. It missed its bright and gentle rays through the cold gray snow. And now, after a moment, small icicles hang on the fir trees, like little bats upside down. Birds come hoping to find at least some food on the mighty branches of the cedar. I really like the fairy tale in the winter forest!

Tormozova Alexandra, 10 years old

The school was asked to compose a fairy tale about winter. The main thing is small. This task is quite difficult. First, writing a short story is not easy. We all know that brevity is the sister of talent. And secondly, I love summer, with its sonorous heat and universal freedom. And in winter - you won’t run away, it gets dark early; dusk and cold lock us in our homes. But, once asked, it must be done.

Let's start writing a fairy tale about winter together. So where do we start? And we'll start from the beginning.

“How a girl and grandfather met Zima”
Fairy tale author: Iris Revue

Winter lived. In a good hut, with an icy floor, a frosty patterned ceiling, and painted windows. This hut stood in a dense forest. Somehow it turned out that no one saw either the hut or Winter in the summer. And in frosty time - everything seemed to be in place. Both the house and its mistress.

And then one day, when the hostess Zima was making an air cake out of white snowballs, she saw a girl on the threshold of her house. The girl came to the forest with her grandfather; they chose the most beautiful Christmas tree for the New Year. But grandfather got lost somewhere and the girl got scared.

And it was slowly getting dark outside the window. The girl was saddened, but the hostess Zima started a game with her. It was necessary to name as many winter words as possible. Who knows more words, he won. “Blizzard, frost, hoarfrost, snow, blizzard, blizzard, snowflakes…”, the players said many words. Soon the girl herself did not notice how she fell asleep. And in the morning the hostess Zima brought grandfather into the house. It turns out that he met twelve brothers of months in the forest, and chatted with them.

That was the joy when grandfather and granddaughter met. Mistress Zim gave them her snow sleigh and they set off home.

Thank you, hostess Zima, for your kind disposition and warm heart!

Questions to the fairy tale "How a girl and her granddaughter met Winter"

Where did Winter live?

What did Winter make an air cake from?

Who suddenly appeared on the threshold of Winter's house?

What game did the hostess Zima suggest?

What winter words do you know?

Who contributed to the meeting of the granddaughter and grandfather?

What is this tale about? This is a fairy tale about winter. But not only. This is a story about kindness. That sometimes people need help. About indifference, about the ability to support in difficult times.

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