Android: what is root access and how to get it. Working with root rights: obtaining and deleting

Some smartphone owners want to get the most out of their device. In this case, it is impossible to do without obtaining root rights. After all, only they will allow you to use all sorts of tweaks, activate additional functions and even block the one displayed in free apps advertising.

The Android operating system is famous for its openness. But in fact, some of its components are still blocked for the average user. You can download an ad banner blocker to your smartphone, but it will not work. The fact is that the advertising part of the OS is closed to other applications - it is impossible to change the corresponding files. However, if you get root rights on Android, then everything changes. After this, all hidden sections become available. But you need to be careful - these sections also contain those files, the deletion or modification of which will destroy the operating system, and therefore the device itself.

In general, root access provides the user with the following benefits:

  • Ability to install unofficial firmware and mods;
  • Ability to change system files;
  • Easy removal of system (pre-installed) applications;
  • Gaining access to additional functions of the operating system;
  • Installing tweaks and other programs to increase productivity;
  • Installation of special applications for which root rights are required.

But, as mentioned above, root rights also bring with them several unpleasant moments:

  • They will often void your warranty;
  • The procedure for obtaining root rights may result in the failure of the gadget;
  • In the future, you will no longer receive OS updates over the air.

Obtaining superuser rights without a computer

If you don't have the best new smartphone or a tablet, that is, there is a high probability that you can open root access on it using the Framaroot application. To do this, you don’t even need to connect the device to the computer, and therefore the process proceeds quickly and without any difficulties. You will be required to do the following:

Step 1. Download latest version Framaroot programs.

Step 2. Install this APK file on your gadget. If necessary, check the box next to “ Allow installation of applications from unknown sources«.

Step 3. Launch the program. If your smartphone or tablet is supported by it, you will see a menu that contains options for further actions.

Step 4. Choose one of the methods for obtaining root rights. Soon a hint will appear telling you about the results of the program. If the method does not work, then try the second and third.

Step 5. If the application crashes, restart it.

Step 6. If you are informed that you managed to get a root on Android, then reboot your device and start using its advanced features.

Unfortunately, the list of supported devices is this application strictly limited. If the program did not cope with its task, but you still want to use user rights, then you can try installing the following applications:

  • 360 Root;
  • PingPong Root;
  • KingRoot;
  • Root Master.

The latest program will provide root rights even to the owner of a very old device running under Android control 1.5. Other applications, on the contrary, try to hack the latest devices, including those made in South Korea (they support KNOX technology, which significantly complicates the task).

Obtaining root rights through a computer

It is quite possible that you are still thinking about how to get root rights to Android using a computer. You may think that this is very easy to do. But practice shows that a PC is almost no help in this matter. The fact is that almost every smartphone requires special algorithms, the execution of which grants superuser rights. In this regard, there is no universal way to obtain such rights. But you can try using the following programs:

  • ROOT Wizard;
  • VRoot;
  • Root Zhushou;
  • Unlockroot.

However, remember that no one guarantees the successful completion of the process - it all depends on the specific device and the version of the operating system installed on it.

Types of root rights

In the menu of some programs you may find that they are able to provide different root rights.

  • Shell Root- full root, but the user is not given access to the hidden System section.
  • Full Root- full root, the owner of the device is provided with all the hidden functionality of the operating system.
  • Temporary Root- this root will disappear after the first reboot of the gadget.

What is Root? Root (from the English root - root; read “root”), or superuser, is a special account in UNIX-like systems, the owner of which has the right to perform all operations without exception.
What do Root rights give?
Having access to account chief administrator, you automatically gain not only full control over the operating system with the ability to customize your device according to your preferences, but also possible access for uninvited guests.

Types of Root rights

  • Full Root - permanent rights, removing the established restrictions. It is not recommended to update the operating system.
  • Shell Root is similar to Full Root, but without access to the system folder.
  • Temporary Root – temporary Root access. After rebooting the device it disappears.

How to get Root rights?

There are many universal ways and methods for obtaining Root rights on devices running Android. Most of them involve the use of special programs and a PC. Several popular programs for obtaining root rights:

  • UniversalAndRoot
  • z4root

And many more that promise to get what you want in “a couple of clicks.” Unfortunately, not all of them are able to cope with the task regarding your mobile device. It is worth noting that such software may be detected as a virus because it makes changes to the kernel of the Android OS. These programs are indeed viral exploits that penetrate the system kernel and when downloading or installing them, it is recommended to disable security software.

Another way to obtain Root rights is to install modified firmware on your smartphone. In this case, all the work has already been done for you by specialists, and all you have to do is choose the firmware that is suitable specifically for your device. By the way, there you will also find various decorations and additions for your smartphone model.

Please note that some phones have protection supplied by the manufacturer - NAND lock. Most often, HTC was guilty of this, so the owners of such devices were out of luck - NAND lock prohibits making any changes to the /system partition (it will not allow anything to be written/deleted to/from the /system partition, even if it is remounted for writing), which is why It is impossible to install the Superuser program in the /system folder. It is still possible to Root phones with NAND lock, but it will not be fully functional (you can only get Shell root or Temporary Root).

For obtaining administrator or user rights with root rights(superuser) on Android you can use the SuperOneClick program. First, enable USB Debugging mode on your Android smartphone. This can be done through the menu “Settings - Applications - Development”. Connect the communicator to the PC and, if necessary, wait until the driver installation is completed. Launch SuperOneClick. To gain access with superuser rights, click on “Root”. Confirm the installation of BusyBox, wait until the archive integrity check is completed and reboot the device - rooting is complete. To disable root rights, run the “Unroot” command.

Obtaining Root access using the program Universal AndRoot 1.6.2, which is installed directly on the smartphone. To get root rights, you can also use applications Unlock Root, z4root, Revolutionary.

How to check that root rights have been obtained?

  • It is possible (but not necessary) for an application called Superuser or SuperSU to appear in the list of programs.
  • When running programs that require root privileges, a corresponding prompt will pop up
  • Programs that previously did not work, citing lack of rights, are now fully functional
  • In a terminal emulator, when you enter the su command, a hash prompt appears: #. This verification method depends on the method of obtaining root rights (for example, when using Universal Androot, this verification method is unacceptable). In a terminal emulator, type the command “/system/bin/id”. If you get “uid=0(root) gid=0(root)” in response, then you have achieved what you wanted.

Not everyone understands why this is necessary, but today we will figure it out. Ways to access operating system files on mobile device a lot. It’s unlikely that we’ll be able to review everything, but we’ll try to provide an overview of the most popular ones.

What are Root rights and what are they for?

As a rule, it already has a certain filling. Manufacturers often add pre-installed programs and applications to the gadget that are not needed by the owner and only interfere with the operation of the gadget. An ordinary user will not be able to remove such advertising products, since he does not have access to the system. In order to obtain superuser rights, you must obtain the same root rights.

After gaining access to the system, the user will be able to completely customize the smartphone for themselves. It becomes possible:

  • work with system and pre-installed applications;
  • the ability to allow access to the system to the desired application;
  • working with the interface (selecting a theme, changing icons, system sounds, greetings and animations);
  • ability to reflash the phone;
  • installing applications on a memory card;
  • backup of the entire system in case a rollback is necessary;
  • using a file manager that allows you to work with all applications and files.

You should not treat rooting recklessly and before looking for an answer to the questionhow to get Root rights on Android,It’s better to think about whether this is really necessary. After this, you completely lose the warranty on the phone. Part official applications do not work on such devices. An inexperienced user may damage the operating system and be unable to restore it. In addition, carefully monitor where the rooting tool is installed from. Questionable sources can not only cause irreparable harm to the device, but also steal the owner’s confidential data, including card and account information, as well as passwords for various services.

Preparation for the process

In order to solve this issue, there are two ways: using PC applications that allow you to control the smartphone system and installing similar products on the smartphone itself. Before using any of the above options, the user must be able to connect the smartphone to the PC in USB debugging mode and allow the device to install programs from unknown sources.

USB debugging is configured as follows.

  • Open the gadget settings and find the “Accessibility” section.
  • Open Developer Options and enable USB debugging.
  • Confirm your intentions.

If everything went well, then when the gadget is connected to the computer via USB, the user will see a notification in the status bar that debugging is enabled.

To allow installation from unknown sources, just open the security section in the settings and find the corresponding menu item. Set the switch to the “allowed” position.

On this preparatory stage completed. You can proceed to the review of tools for obtaining Root.

How to get root rights on Android:available programs

As mentioned above, tools are divided into those that work with a smartphone via a PC and those that require installation on the device itself.

PC programs

So, in order to use such a program and gain access to the system files of an Android device, the user must enable USB debugging and install the necessary tool on the PC. Review of available products.

Kingo Android Root

A simple and intuitive program for hacking the phone system and gaining access to system files. Before you start the process you need to install software development on PC and launch it.

  1. Connect the fully prepared phone to USB and connect it to the PC (the program is already open at this moment).
  2. Wait until the system detects the smartphone and installs all the necessary drivers.
  3. Click Root and start the process.

The hacking process will begin, and in the application window the user will see progress as a percentage. Once rooting is complete, reboot your gadget.

VROOT program

Despite the fact that the shells are often completely similar, they themselves OS have different developers with their own nuances. And often it is not possible to obtain Root rights for a specific program. For owners of a smartphone with Chinese firmware, the current hacking tool is suitable.

You should be prepared for the fact that the application has a Chinese interface, you need to be careful and act strictly according to the instructions, fortunately, the most important points written in English:

  • Download and install the program. On last stage To install the application, be sure to check the box to launch Launch iRoot.
  • Prepare your gadget.
  • Connect your smartphone to your PC via USB and wait until the device is detected.
  • Click Root and wait for the process to complete.

Restart your smartphone.

These are two main programs that allow you to solve the issueHow to get root rights on Android.If you are unable to open access to one, then the second will definitely cope with the task. There are many more similar developments, but they all have a similar principle of operation and are not always as effective as the examples given.

Android Applications

To gain access to the system and hack the device, it is not necessary to resort to using a PC; you can limit yourself to a smartphone application. The result will be the same.

Root access with KINGROOT

This program is one of the most popular, mainly because it allows you to obtain superuser rights quickly and without unnecessary difficulties. You can download the product on the developer’s website, in this case, permission to install applications from unknown sources will come in handy. Click on the "free download" link and confirm to receive and save the files. Wait until the download completes. You will have to install the program from the downloaded files, simply click on the downloaded file and click “Install”.

After successful installation, the application shortcut will appear on the device desktop. Launch the application. It will determine the smartphone model and the presence of root rights. If access to system files is not detected, then the user must click Try To Root and wait for the device to reboot (this will happen without user intervention).

OneClickRoot program

You can download the installation distribution on the website The advantages of the development are that after installing and scanning the device, it immediately tells the user whether it can open access to the system or not. In case of refusal, you can not torment the gadget and simply delete the application. If after scanning you click the Notify My button, the program will prompt youhow to get root rights on Androidcurrent version.

New Android OS releases with big amount additional programs. Many of them are not needed by the user, and they can be deleted without harm to the system, thereby freeing up disk space on the tablet/smartphone. But for this you need to install root rights on Android. Having received extended rights, you can not only get rid of unnecessary programs that come with the assembly, but also change the OS settings to suit you. Owners of mobile devices establish root rights in many ways, but not all of them are easy and safe. Are there any surefire ways to install root rights?

Methods for installing root rights for Android users

Root rights for Android can be installed in two safe ways.
  1. Using the .apk application on a mobile device.
  2. Using a computer program (you will need to connect to a personal computer).

Both the first and second methods of rooting Android tablets and smartphones are reliable, but for some users only one may be suitable, so it’s worth considering both.

How to get root rights for Android using a PC program

Multifunctional program Kingo Root for OS Windows in Lately increasingly used to obtain root rights. Users value it for its effectiveness, safety and versatility.
The program installation file can be found at . Click " download for Windows" and wait for the automatic download.

Immediately after the installation is complete, you can start rooting Android. To do this, you need to launch the program and connect it ( this is done via a USB cable).

The next step is to connect your smartphone to your computer. You must enable this on your smartphone. USB debugging. Check the menu, and if it doesn’t appear, configure USB connections.

The next step is installing drivers and rooting. You only need to click “Root”, the program will do the rest itself.

It is important! You cannot stop the program, restart your computer, or turn off your smartphone, even if you do not see the installation process. Rooting Android on computers of different capacities may not be the same, and sometimes the installation process can take quite a long time. Don't do anything, just wait for the rooting to finish.

Obtaining root rights using a program installed on the device

Not every user can probably use the first method of obtaining root rights for a smartphone, for example, if there is no computer at hand. In this case, there is a second way: the application can be installed not on a computer, but on the smartphone itself. An updated and improved version of the application for root rights for Android devices without a PC can be downloaded from.

If you use Chrome browser, do not be alarmed by the pop-up warning that framaroot is unsafe. The downloaded file will not have the extension .exe, as for a computer, but .apk. Move it to the memory of your smartphone or tablet.

This program will not install as it should, because it was not downloaded from the Play Market. Android devices do not allow the use of other applications for security reasons. Therefore, you should allow the installation of the program by changing the settings of your smartphone.

After the changes have been made, the application can be installed. Find it in File Explorer and open it. Activation will take some time.

In the activated application, select one of two programs (a magical hero is also included).

If you see an emoticon, rooting is completed successfully.

But it also happens differently. In this case, the second method did not suit you. But don't despair, there are many ways to root, and it makes sense to try several.

What you should know when rooting Android

Rooting makes it possible to control your tablet/phone in advanced mode. You get the rights to change settings and remove unnecessary applications. All additional programs that came with the package can be removed.

Important note! When deleting programs, do not overdo it. If you do not know their purpose, it is better to leave them unchanged to avoid incorrect operation of the OS. And if you accidentally remove, for example, the camera or keyboard, it will cause related applications to not work properly. But deleting system files is fraught with dire consequences.

There are elements that affect the operation of many important applications. And if you suddenly want to delete the Android gallery because it is not needed, you will not be able to use many useful programs. They either won't start or won't work as they should.

You have done the rooting correctly, now you can control your smartphone by making changes to settings and parameters. But any actions of a user with extended rights must be considered.

The main advantage of the Android platform is open source. Thanks to this, the end user of Android devices can find custom firmware, programs and tweaks online for almost any model of gadget.

In order for these features to become available for the device, you need to obtain ROOT rights.

Gadget manufacturers have excluded "administrator rights" from their Android shells for reasons of "reliability and security." This limitation negates possible damage to the device when deleting or changing system files. If you are a confident Android user, then it’s time to read the information: how to get root rights on Android.

What are ROOT rights?

ROOT rights(super user or administrator rights) - provide the owner of the Android gadget with full control over the system. Thanks to this, you can change, delete, edit system files and folders.

ROOT access is easy to obtain today. Some programs allow you to do this directly on Android device, without the participation of a computer. In this case, the risk of damaging the software is almost minimal.

Yes it is. When installing root rights on Android, there is a risk of harming the system or turning the device into a “brick” (it will not be able to start).

If this is your first time trying to root Android, don't worry, many popular rooting programs do a great job. Therefore, we can say with confidence: “ROOT rights are safe.”

Advantages and disadvantages

By rooting an Android device, it gains many privileges while sacrificing some features. To understand in detail, let’s look at the advantages of rooting point by point:

  1. Changing and removing standard and system applications.
  2. Installing custom firmware and mods.
  3. Installing personal images when loading the device.
  4. Working with applications that require ROOT rights.
  5. Setting up and using additional Android features.
  6. Using programs and tweaks to improve the performance and autonomy of the gadget.
  7. Removing viruses and advertising banners in applications.
  8. Implementation Reserve copy firmware and data.
  9. Adding Linux executables and more.

In exchange for such rich functionality, you will lose some features, namely:

  1. Loss of warranty from the manufacturer (although root rights can be canceled at any time).
  2. Loss of the ability to update Android OS over the air from the manufacturer.
  3. Unstable operation of the device if system files are damaged (but most often the gadget can be revived).

Advice! If you want to root your Android device, read the instructions completely so as not to miss any nuances.

How to get superuser rights?

Before installing ROOT rights in mandatory. When rooting a tablet or smartphone, information from the phone's memory may be deleted. Therefore, protect yourself in advance.

Transfer photos, music, videos, documents and other files to an SD card or save them on your computer.

Attention! Perform all further actions at your own peril and risk! You are the only one responsible for your gadget. If you are not sure about anything, consult a specialist!

Programs for root rights

The fastest, most reliable and optimal way to obtain superuser rights is to use specialized applications.

Android Applications

PC programs


Kingo Root



Universal Androot

Root Genius


King Root

King Root


Advice! King Root allows you to root your devices Samsung, LG, Meizu, Lenovo, HTC, Nexus and many others. In practice, it can be called universal, so we use it as an example.

Installation from Android

The installation process is like this:

  1. Download the installation .apk file into the device memory and enable the " " function.
  2. Install the application, launch it, select parameters and perform rooting.
  3. Wait for the process to complete.
  4. Install the Root Checker application to check whether your device has ROOT rights.

Application usage example King Root v4.9.6:

Obtaining SuperSU rights

Unfortunately, when getting ROOT rights of this program, it puts the superuser KingRoot instead of SuperSU. If KingRoot is present in the system, not all applications and tweaks will work properly; some programs may not even recognize the presence of ROOT rights. Therefore it is necessary to replace KingRoot to stable and familiar SuperSU:

  1. Download and install the Super-Sume app.
  2. Launch, click on the big blue button (first stage).
  3. Launch the second stage - the progress bar freezes on the initial process and the application freezes (for a long time).
  4. Click the cancel button and reboot your device.
  5. Reinstall ROOT rights using King Root.
  6. Launch Super-Sume. It already contains an invitation to the second stage. After launch, nothing freezes, KingRoot is removed, and SuperSU is successfully installed.
  7. Once the operation is complete, remove Super-Sume.

Installation with Windows 10

The installation process is like this:

  1. On Windows computer disable mandatory driver signing.
  2. Install rooting software on your PC.
  3. On an Android device.
  4. Launch the program and connect the device to the computer via USB.
  5. Perform rooting.

There are several ways to disable mandatory driver signature verification in Windows 10:

An example of working with Kingo Root software:

How to delete?

If you want to remove ROOT rights, use the same program you used to obtain them. For example, when Android connection gadget to your PC and turning on the Kingo Root program, you can remove ( RemoveRoot) and reinstall ( Root Again) superuser rights.

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