Gaft brothers. People's Artist of Russia Valentin Gaft. Youth. Subjugated strength. Evgeny Krasnitsky

Valentin Gaft is a talented, bright and charismatic actor who has undeniable merits to Soviet cinema. The actor is no longer young, but, nevertheless, he continues to delight his audience with the fact that films with his participation can be reviewed again and again. Acting abilities helped him conquer the cinema, become popular, and arouse the sympathy of the audience. But where did it all start? How, in general, was this person able to start acting in films, what roads did he have to go through? Did he succeed through connections or did he achieve everything on his own? Let's look at all this carefully, starting with his childhood time.

Height, weight, age. How old is Valentin Gaft

As mentioned above, Valentin Gaft is no longer young. But this does not mean that he has lost his natural charm and acting talent. To date, this good actor is already 81 years old, his height is 187 centimeters, and his weight is 75 kilograms. That is, despite his age, the man looks very dignified. The actor himself said that, despite the fact that he is already aged, you still need to continue to take care of yourself, do everything possible to look good. And he does it very well, and it’s not even that he really takes care of himself, but also that he always tried to smile and be in a good mood. The man tried to always be positive, realizing that by his example he charges the audience with positive emotions. Therefore, answering the questions height, weight, age. How old is Valentin Gaft, we can say that he is all right with this. True, in his old age he fell ill with a very unpleasant disease, but we will talk about this later.

Biography and personal life of Valentin Gaft. Actor's illness

The biography and personal life of Valentin Gaft, the illness of the actor, all this deserves special attention, because in his fate there were many twists and turns, tragedies and everything else that could only temper the actor, make him stronger, learn to withstand life's hardships. And all this allowed him not only to be strong in life, but also to conquer the cinema. What other people failed, this strong man did. Although at this point there is information that Valentin Gaft is ill with Parkinson's disease, he is still not going to give up and live on. In fact, his love for the theater manifested itself in the fourth grade, when he took part in school plays.

After school, the actor managed to enter the theater, after which he very successfully began to go on stage. But he wanted to play in the cinema too, therefore, without hesitation, he began to storm the cinema, go to auditions. His first role was in a wordless version in the film "Murder on Dante Street". After that, he managed to light up other films, and in each role he managed to excel, to show himself from the best side. And although, initially, the young man did not have significant roles, then the situation improved, because the directors saw the potential of a talented guy, as a result, he began to work with Ryazanov himself. As for the actor's personal life, there were problems, ups and downs. Rumors about the actor's illness can hardly be called true, but maybe they have a place to be.

Family and children Valentina Gaft

I must say that the family has always played a huge role in Gaft's life. At one time he was married to Inna Eliseeva, they had a common daughter. For some reason, the couple went their separate ways, and this led to a huge tragedy. The fact is that his daughter Olga eventually committed suicide, in a note blaming her mother for this. After that, Inna also did not live long, a few months later she died of stomach cancer. To date, the actor lives with a woman, Olga Ostroumova, and son Misha, a boy whom he adopted. Only these people helped the actor to come to his senses after he closed himself off for a whole year from the grief that overtook him. The family and children of Valentin Gaft are the most precious thing he has.

Son of Valentin Gaft - Mikhail

The son of Valentin Gaft, Mikhail, in fact, is not his biological son. The fact is that in the life of an actor, the boy appeared after Gaft got along with Olga Ostroumova, for him it turned out to be his second marriage. After a terrible tragedy happened in Gaft's life, Olga and Mikhail did everything possible to support him. As a result, Valentin was able to come to his senses again, return to work and a normal life. Today, Mikhail is already an adult, but it’s hard to say exactly what he does. The actor himself says that it is very important for him that next to him are people close to him.

Daughter Valentina Gaft - Olga

The daughter of Valentin Gaft Olga was born from her first marriage with Inna Eliseeva. But this story is very sad, because it entailed a strong tragedy. The fact is that after the parents decided to divorce, for the girl it was a huge blow. True, it cannot be said that it was the divorce of the parents that caused the girl's suicide, but she blamed the mother for everything, writing about it in a note. After the death of his daughter, as well as after the death of his first wife, the actor for a long time did not want to communicate with anyone at all, did not want to give interviews. Only after a long time, thanks to his current family, he was able to return to life again.

Wives of Valentin Gaft - Inna Eliseeva, Olga Ostroumova

The wives of Valentin Gaft, Inna Eliseeva, Olga Ostroumova, were his chosen ones, who played a rather large role in the life of the actor. His first marriage was very unhappy, because first of all, they divorced, then, she committed suicide. The first wife survived her daughter for a short time and after a few months she died of stomach cancer. Because of this tragedy, the actor could not recover for a long time, and only thanks to the presence of his second wife Olga and her son Misha, they helped the actor return to a full life again. Today, the actor is happy with his family, trying to enjoy every day he lives. And although there are rumors that Valentin Gaft and Olga Ostroumova broke up, there is no reliable information about this.

Wikipedia Valentina Gaft

Wikipedia Valentin Gaft will help viewers and fans get better acquainted with the life of an actor. If you want to know more about him, go to his personal Wikipedia page (,_Valentin_Iosifovich), which contains general facts about his childhood, personal life, and creative career. In addition to the Wikipedia page, you can use various sites, but this particular source is the most popular and will always be at hand. Valentin Gaft is a man who lived a long life, in which there was a lot of good and bad, but he always tried to cope with everything that happened to him. Go to the Internet, choose the information that will be of interest to you.

Valentin Gaft - a bright and extraordinary actor, a talented poet, was born in Moscow on 09/02/1935.


He was lucky to be born into a wealthy family. His father worked as a prosecutor, his mother was a housewife. She did not have a good education, but she was a fairly erudite woman, she read a lot, was very fond of the theater, and could keep up a conversation on almost any topic.

Housekeeping in the Gaft family was handled by a visiting housekeeper. The mother could concentrate all her attention on her son and husband. She considered herself a completely happy woman, because, having grown up in a large rural family, she had her own house, lived in comfort and prosperity.

But her mother was not ashamed of her roots. Moreover, he and little Valya often went to visit the village, where his grandfather worked as a cab driver. The boy liked it there. It was like a trip to another world, where the smell of mowed grass and hay, and the animals trustingly turned their backs and licked his hands.

In childhood

But then the war began, and a good fairy tale was replaced by a terrible one. Father and cousin, who was already 19 years old, went to the front from the very first days. And she and her mother remained in Moscow. For the rest of his life, Valentine remembered the damp smell of a bomb shelter and the all-consuming fear from night raids.

In 1944, his father, all wounded, again ended up in Moscow, to the great joy of his wife and son. He lay in the hospital for a long time, slowly recovering from his wounds. The war rolled back further and further. And finally, the voice of Levitan announced that everything was over, and peacetime had come again.

Life gradually improved. Valentin went to the cinema, listened to gramophone records with friends and played football in the yard in the summer. He was easily carried away, but cooled down just as quickly. As a teenager, he suddenly wanted to become a pianist. But while he and his mother were choosing the right tool, Roller managed to burn out with this idea.

He also had little interest in studies. And since the parents raised their only son without much strictness, in high school he picked up so many bad grades that one could not even dream of entering a prestigious university. It was then that Gaft had the first idea to become an artist.

Being a fan of cinema and very far from the theatrical world, he imagined the work of an actor to be the easiest that could be. He went on stage, said a few phrases - and that's it. But, having heard from his friends that theater competitions can reach up to 30 people per place, he decided to play it safe and enrolled in amateur school activities.

It should be noted that in those years boys and girls were taught separately. So the performances sometimes looked very funny, because the guys had to play the female roles too. For example, Gaft himself somehow got the role of the bride in the production of "Proposal" according to Chekhov.


Sighing with great relief that the long-awaited certificate was finally in his hands, Gaft immediately took the documents to the Moscow Art Theater School. Without realizing how, he won the first round of the competition. But the fact that he would have to read a fable in their faces, Gaft thought simply with horror. He recalls how he plucked up courage and asked Sergei Stolyarov, who he met in the corridors of the school, for help. And he refused to help him. So Gaft still became a student.

From the very first days, he became friends with senior students Mikhail Kozakov and Igor Kvasha, who were great at helping with advice at first. But some internal complexes for a long time prevented him from fully opening up. He was terribly shy when he saw living idols next to him. And, when he first got on the set, he was so confused that he could not say the right words.

At first, Gaft's theatrical career was very difficult. Having been assigned to the theater of the Moscow City Council, he very quickly flew out of there, not liking the leadership. Then there was an attempt to debut on the stage of the Theater of Satire. But it also turned out to be a complete failure. He mixed up the actresses, ruined the scenery and was one big misunderstanding.

Having replaced three more troupes in a few years, Gaft, by the will of fate, ended up in the Lenin Komsomol Theater, where he was personally received by the great director Anatoly Efros. It was he who saw the huge potential of the young actor and helped him to fully reveal his talent and get rid of complexes.

And in 1969, he, already a brilliant and sought-after actor, was lured to Sovremennik by Oleg Efremov. Not the last role in this transition was played by the fact that his fellow students Igor Kvasha and who had become a director by that time had already worked there for a long time. She gave Gaft interesting and vivid roles, further revealing his talent.

A career in cinema, which began with a complete failure, was also quite difficult. Although, starting in 1965, he was regularly invited to appear, the roles he usually got were quite insignificant, so that the audience for a long time could not even remember him by sight.

The first bright appearance on the screen was the comedic role of the butler in the brilliant film "Hello, I'm your aunt!". In the same year, he made his debut in the main, playing Lopatin in the production-themed film "From Lopatin's Notes". After that, the directors began to treat the artist differently, and the genius of Soviet comedy Eldar Ryazanov even drew attention to him.

It was Ryazanov who appreciated the versatility and subtle sense of humor of Gaft. Their first collaboration was the film Garage, where Valentin played the chairman of a garage cooperative. A skillfully selected galaxy of star actors made the film with a rather mediocre script a classic of Soviet cinema. And Gaft was finally recognized and loved by the audience.

In 1980, Gaft received a new offer from Ryazanov, which he accepted with great pleasure. He gets the role of the commander of the hussar regiment in the musical comedy "Shut up a word about the poor hussar." Thus, the actor is gradually moving into the category of recognizable and in demand.

The success was consolidated by another musical film "Magicians", based on the novel by the Strugatsky brothers, where Gaft gets one of the main roles - deputy director Sataneev. In total, in the filmography of the artist today there are already about a hundred large and small works.

Personal life

The first love of the future artist, in which he did not admit then, was the neighbor's girl Dina. Even then, in his youth, he realized that the state of being in love inspires, inspires, gives rise to a desire to be the best and perform feats. Perhaps that is why it was difficult for him to stay with one woman for a long time.

But the first serious relationship was an affair with fashion model Alena Izorgina, who soon became his wife. Living conditions were just awful. They lived with Alena's mother in a cramped, semi-dark apartment on the first floor. Alena was madly in love with animals and constantly dragged them into the house. Therefore, Gaft's flatmates were also cats, dogs, pigeons, and, of course, bedbugs and cockroaches.

At the same time, Alena regularly traveled abroad, and Gaft spent more and more time in the theater and on the set. Both of them periodically had hobbies on the side. The marriage lasted exactly until Alena met her new love - the famous film critic Dal Orlov. She asked for a divorce and Gaft did not interfere with her happiness.

The second wife of Gaft was a very beautiful and wealthy woman Inna Eliseeva, the daughter of a Stalinist laureate. She could afford to live quite luxuriously on her father's money, without working anywhere, and rolled around Moscow in her own Zhiguli. But the father-in-law from the very beginning took Valentine with hostility, and even when the couple had a daughter, his attitude did not change. He considered Gaft an idler who could not feed his family. One day he got tired of it, and he left forever.

Gaft continued to maintain a relationship with his daughter, but she committed suicide in 2002, while still very young. The death of the girl was preceded by an unsuccessful admission to the theater. She also dreamed of becoming an actress, but did not have enough talent for this. Even the fact that her father and his new wife worked with her did not help. The last straw was unhappy love and constant criticism from the mother.

Valentin Gaft found family happiness only in adulthood, when Olga Ostroumova became his third wife. For the first time, fate brought them together on the set of Ryazanov's comedy "Garage", but then the artist only noted for himself her sophisticated beauty and femininity. Olga was married, and Gaft himself is also not free.

With wife Olga

But many years later, while watching one of the TV shows, he realized that Olga was left alone. Since then, he began to seek meetings with her and even organized one of them himself. But, being both disappointed by the previous relationship, they were wary of the new one. Therefore, they signed only a few years after the start of their romance.

They have no joint children, but Olga has a son and a daughter, to whom Valentin is very warm. Under the influence of Olga, he was baptized and even began to periodically go to church. Today, the artist says that he is perfectly happy. He took place in the profession, he has a beloved wife, wonderful children and grandchildren. In his spare time he writes poetry and epigrams.

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Valentin Iosifovich Gaft. Born September 2, 1935 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984).

Valentin Gaft was born on September 2, 1935 in Moscow, into a Jewish family of immigrants from the Poltava province (Priluki).

Father - Iosif Ruvimovich Gaft (1907-1969), a participant in the Great Patriotic War, worked as a lawyer in the Legal Advice on Leningradsky Prospekt.

Mother - Gita Davydovna Gaft (1908-1993), was a housewife.

Even at school, Valentin began to participate in amateur performances, played in school plays. I decided to enter the theater school secretly and applied immediately to the Shchukin school and the Moscow Art Theater School. By chance, two days before the exams, Gaft met the famous actor Sergei Stolyarov on the street and asked to "listen" to him. Stolyarov, although surprised, did not refuse and even helped with advice.

In the Shchukin School, Valentin Gaft passed the first round, but did not pass the second. However, he entered the Moscow Art Theater School on the first attempt, passing the exam with excellent marks.

In 1957 he graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School, workshop of V. O. Toporkov. He made his debut on the stage of the Mossovet Theatre, having received recommendations from D.N. Zhuravlev, among his works: The Second Detective (introduction) - “Lizzy McKay” based on the play by J.-P. Sartre "The Virtuous Whore"; "King Lear" by William Shakespeare; Son - "Cornelia" based on the play by M. Chorcholini; Bunny - "Favorable Groom" based on the play by the Tur brothers.

In 1958 he played on the stage of the Theater of Satire: Scientist - "Shadow" based on the play of the same name by E. Schwartz.

Then he served in the Moscow Drama Theater, played in performances: "Love's Labour's Lost"; "Third Head" based on the play by Marcel Aimé; Tom - "Barba" based on the play by Y. Masevich; Goga - "Argonauts" based on the play by Y. Edlis; “A man is alive” by V. E. Maksimov; "Visit of a Lady" by F. Dürrenmatt.

In 1965-1966 - actor of the Theater. Lenin Komsomol: Evdokimov (input) - “104 pages about love” based on the play by E. Radzinsky; Marquis d'Orsigny - "Molière" based on the play by M. Bulgakov.

After some time, he moved to the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, among his works: Salty Vasily Vasilyevich, staff captain - “Three Sisters” based on the play by A.P. Chekhov; Kolobashkin - "The Seducer Kolobashkin" based on the play by E. Radzinsky.

Since 1969 - actor of the Sovremennik Theater.

Works by Valentin Gaft at the Sovremennik Theater:

1970 - Aduev Sr. (introduction to the role of M. Kozakov) - “An Ordinary Story”, staged by V. Rozov based on the novel by I. A. Goncharov, director Galina Volchek;
1970 - Steklov-Nakhamkes (introduction to the role of M. Kozakov) - "Bolsheviks", based on the play by M. Shatrov, directors Oleg Efremov, Galina Volchek;
1971 - Martin - "Own Island", based on the play by R. Kaugver, director Galina Volchek;
1971 - Gusev - "Valentin and Valentina", based on the play by M. Roshchin, director Valery Fokin;
1973 - Glumov - "Balalaikin and Co.", a play by S. V. Mikhalkov based on the novel by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "Modern Idyll", director Georgy Tovstonogov;
1973 - Zhgenti - "Weather for tomorrow", based on the play by M. Shatrov, directors Galina Volchek, I. Reichelgauz, Valery Fokin;
1974 - Lopatin - "From Lopatin's Notes", based on the play by K. Simonov, director I. Reichelgauz (there is a TV version of the play);
1976 - Firs - "The Cherry Orchard", based on the play of the same name by A.P. Chekhov, director Galina Volchek;
1977 - Kukharenko - "Feedback", based on the play by A. Gelman, directors Galina Volchek, M. Ali-Hussein;
1978 - Henry IV - "Henry IV", based on the play by L. Pirandello, director Lilia Tolmacheva;
1980 - Gorelov - "Hurry to do good", based on the play by M. Roshchin, director Galina Volchek;
1981 - Louis XIV - "The Cabal of the Saints", based on the play by M. Bulgakov, director Igor Kvasha;
1982 - Vershinin - "Three Sisters", based on the play by A.P. Chekhov, director Galina Volchek;
1983 - Governor - "The Government Inspector", based on the play by N. V. Gogol, director Valery Fokin;
1984 - George - "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?", Based on the play by E. Albee, director Valery Fokin (there is a TV version of the 1992 play);
1986 - "Amateurs" - author's evening of theater artists;
1988 - Boston - "The Block", based on the novel by Ch. Aitmatov, director Galina Volchek;
1989 - Rakhlin - "A domestic cat of medium fluffiness", based on the play by V. Voinovich and G. Gorin, director Igor Kvasha;
1992 - Leyser - "Difficult people", based on the play by J. Bar-Yosef, director Galina Volchek;
1992 - Miranda - "Death and the Maiden", based on the play by A. Dorfman, director Galina Volchek;
1994 - Higgins - "Pygmalion", based on the play by B. Shaw, director Galina Volchek;
1998 - Kukin - "Accompanist", based on the play by A. Galin, director Alexander Galin;
2000 - Valentin - "Go away, go away", based on the play by N. Kolyada, director Nikolai Kolyada;
2001 - Glumov - "Balalaikin and Co.", a play by S. V. Mikhalkov based on the novel by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "Modern Idyll" (2nd edition), directors V. Gaft, Igor Kvasha, Alexander Nazarov;
2007 - He - "Hare love story", based on the play by N. Kolyada, director Galina Volchek;
2009 - Stalin - "Gaft's Dream, retold by Viktyuk", based on the play by V. Gaft, director Roman Viktyuk;
2013 - Weller Martin - "The Gin Game", based on the play by Donald L. Coburn, director Galina Volchek.

In 2001, Gaft made his directorial debut on the stage of Sovremennik. Together with I. Kvasha and A. Nazarov, he resumed the play "Balalaykin and Co", based on the novel by M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, where again, like a quarter of a century ago, he acted as Glumov.

He made his film debut in 1956 in the film Murder on Dante Street (as one of the episodic killers).

Success came to Valentin Gaft through collaboration with the director. The actor was called one of Ryazanov's favorite artists. In 1979, the comedy "Garage" was released, in which Gaft played the chairman of the garage-building cooperative Sidorkin, and the phrases of his hero went to the people.

Valentin Gaft in the film "Garage"

In 1980, the Ryazan vaudeville “Say a Word About the Poor Hussar” was released, where Valentin Iosifovich played Colonel Pokrovsky.

Valentin Gaft in the film "Say a Word About the Poor Hussar"

In 1987, the wonderful melodrama-comedy "Forgotten Melody for the Flute" appeared, where Gaft brilliantly portrayed the official Odinkov. In the early 1990s, viewers saw Valentin Iosifovich as the president of homeless intellectuals in the film-parable "Promised Heaven". In the late 1990s, the actor played a general in Ryazanov's tragicomedy The Old Horses.

Valentin Gaft in the film "Promised Heaven"

Among other notable works are Brasset's rolelake in Titov's comedy "Hello, I'm your aunt!", Apollon Mitrofanovich Sataneev in the comedy "Magicians", in the New Year's fairy tale "Orphan of Kazan" by Vladimir Mashkov, in Pyotr Todorovsky's film "Anchor, more anchor!", where he played Colonel Vinogradov.

Valentin Gaft in the film "Anchor, more anchor!"

Valentin Gaft is a master of the epigram.

Gaft's auto epigram:

Gaft blew a lot of people
And in epigrams he ate it alive.
He filled his hand in this matter,
And we'll take the rest.

Epigrams about Valentin Gaft:

Gaft has no mind a single gram,
He's all gone to the epigrams. ( Mikhail Roshchin)

Gaft is not a device and not a figure,
Not a town in the remote taiga.
Gaft is an abbreviation for:
In short, something that is on Ge ... ( Mikhail Roshchin)

On Gaft? epigram?
Well, I do not!
After all, you can’t hide from him anywhere.
And Gaft, even though he is an actor, not a poet,
It will seal so much that you won’t wash off ... ( Alexander Ivanov)

Socio-political position of Valentin Gaft

In January 2010, Valentin Gaft joined a group of well-known Russian cultural figures, among whom were also Elena Kamburova, Sergey Yursky, Inna Churikova and Andrei Makarevich, who turned to the authorities with a proposal to introduce the post of Commissioner for Animal Rights.

In 2015, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine included Gaft in the so-called "white list" of artists who "support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country." The actor associated this fact with the publication on the network on his behalf of poems critical of the Russian authorities, the authorship of which he denied. Later, in an interview, Valentin Gaft called himself a "Putinist." He stated that he trusts Russian television and the state, considers the transfer of Crimea to Ukraine unfair and lays responsibility for the war in Donbass on Kyiv. After that, the artist was included in the list of persons posing a threat to the national security of Ukraine.

“It’s just insulting and disgusting, because this is not the way to fight. Ukraine needs to be smarter, not to ban paintings, no matter who makes them. They found something there that they are ashamed of, some truth about themselves, ”Gaft said in response.

Valentin Gaft in the program "Temporarily available"

Height of Valentin Gaft: 187 centimeters.

Personal life of Valentin Gaft:

Was married three times.

The first wife is a fashion model and artist Elena Izorgina. The marriage quickly broke up - Izorgina fell in love with film critic Dal Orlov.

The second wife is the ballerina Inna Eliseeva. According to the artist, married to him, Inna was a housewife, her parents belonged to the party elite. Gaft divorced Eliseeva in the early 1980s. They had his only daughter Olga - she committed suicide in 2002, which was a huge shock for the actor.

The third wife is an actress. We met on the set of the Ryazan comedy "Garage", but the relationship began much later. Married since 1996. Valentin Gaft from the age of 10 raised the son of an actress from a previous marriage, Mikhail. Under the influence of his wife, he was baptized into Orthodoxy.

Valentin Gaft and Olga Ostroumova

The actor has an illegitimate son, Vadim. He first saw him on a talk show on Channel One in October 2014. He was born by the Moscow artist Elena Nikitina. They met when he was not yet a superstar at one of the theater evenings. They liked each other and started dating. But when Elena became pregnant, Gaft left and disappeared from her life. And three years later they met by chance on the street. Elena said that she gave birth to a son, whom she named Vadim. Valentin Iosifovich asked for a photo of the boy, hid it in the inner pocket of his jacket ... And a year later, Elena with her little son and mother flew to Brazil, where her sister settled, who married a foreigner.

Vadim, who followed in the footsteps of Gaft and works as an actor in the Brazilian theater. Then Vadim said that Gaft has a grandson Valentin, who was born with him on the same day.

Valentin Gaft now

Filmography of Valentin Gaft:

1956 - Murder on Dante Street - Rouge
1958 - Oleko Dundich - Serbian soldier
1960 - Russian souvenir - Claude Gerard, French composer
1960 - Normandie-Niemen - Millais
1961 - Submarine - Jim Temple
1965 - We, the Russian people - Boer
1966 - Two years over the abyss - an officer in a restaurant
1967 - First courier - gendarmerie officer
1968 - Intervention - Long, French soldier
1968 - New - Konstantin Fedorovich, national team coach
1968 - Caliph-stork - Kashnur, magician
1969 - Wait for me, Anna is a clown
1969 - Family happiness (film almanac, short story "Avenger") - clerk in a weapons store
1970 - Amazing Boy - Dr. Capa
1970 - Road to Ryubetsal - Apanasenko
1970 - About love - Nikolai Nikolaevich, husband of Vera
1971 - Night on the 14th parallel - Dmitry Stepanov
1971 - Let's take off! - Azancheev
1971 - The Man from the Other Side - Andrey Izvolsky
1971 - Conspiracy - Casey
1973 - Seventeen Moments of Spring - Gevernitz, employee of Dulles
1973 - Cement - Dmitry Ivagin
1974 - Tanya - German Nikolayevich Balashov
1974 - Lot - Innokenty Zhiltsov
1974 - Ivan da Marya - treasurer
1974 - Moscow, my love - choreographer
1974 - Miracle with pigtails - interlocutor
1975 - Olga Sergeevna - Troyankin
1975 - Hello, I'm your aunt! - Brasset, butler
1975 - For the rest of his life - Kramin, paralyzed second lieutenant
1975 - From the notes of Lopatin - Lopatin
1976 - Crazy Gold - Horace Logan
1976 - Day train - Igor
1976 - The Tale of an Unknown Actor - Roman Semyonovich Znamensky, director
1977 - Girl, do you want to act in films? - Pavel, director
1977 - Almost a funny story - fellow traveler on the train, supply
1977 - Fight in a snowstorm - recidivist robber Stranger
1978 - Centaurs - Andres, conspirator
1978 - Kings and Cabbage - Frank Goodwin, "Kid"
1978 - Players - Stepan Ivanovich Comforting
1979 - Garage - Valentin Mikhailovich Sidorin, chairman of the board of the garage cooperative, veterinarian
1979 - Men and women - George
1979 - Today and tomorrow - Rassolov
1979 - Morning round - Alik
1979 - Circus - Georges
1980 - Say a word about the poor hussar - Colonel Ivan Antonovich Pokrovsky, commander of the cavalry regiment
1980 - Black chicken, or Underground inhabitants - Deforge, French teacher / King
1980 - Three years - Yartsev
1982 - If the enemy does not surrender ... - Stemmermann, German general
1982 - The Adventures of Count Nevzorov - text from the author behind the scenes
1982 - Saturday and Sunday (c / m) - psychologist
1982 - Customs - Vladimir Nikolaevich Nikitin, head of the inspection group
1982 - - Apollon Mitrofanovich Sataneev, Deputy Director of the NUINU Institute
1983 - Vertical racing - Lyokha Dedushkin, recidivist thief named "Baton"
1984 - Eight days of hope - Igor Artemyevich Belokon, director of the mine
1985 - Contract of the Century - Smith, CIA agent
1985 - About a cat ... - Cannibal
1986 - Year of the calf - Valerian Sergeevich
1986 - My dearly beloved detective - Lester, inspector
1986 - Along the main street with an orchestra - Konstantin Mikhailovich Vinogradov, musical arranger
1986 - Fuete - Poet
1987 - Forgotten melody for flute - Odinokov
1987 - The Journey of Monsieur Perrichon - Major Mathieu
1987 - Visit to the Minotaur - Pavel Petrovich Ikonnikov, employee of the Serpentarium
1987 - Time to fly - Victor
1987 - The life of Klim Samgin - Valery Nikolaevich Trifonov, drunkard officer
1988 - Thieves in law - "authority" Arthur
1988 - Aelita, don't pester men - Vasily Ivanovich Skameykin
1988 - Expensive pleasure - William Ter-Ivanov
1989 - Belshazzar's Feasts, or Night with Stalin - Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria
1989 - The Lady's Visit - Alfred Ill, a bankrupt shopkeeper
1990 - Suicide - entertainer
1990 - Football player - Norov
1991 - Promised Heaven - Dmitry Loginov, leader of the poor homeless, nicknamed "President"
1991 - Lost in Siberia - Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria
1991 - Night fun - Mikhail Fedorovich Ezepov, Anna's lover, Silin's boss
1991 - Terrorist - Victor
1992 - Anchor, more anchor! - Fedor Vasilyevich Vinogradov, Colonel
1993 - I want to go to America - Epstein
1994 - Master and Margarita - Woland
1994 - I'm free, I'm nobody's - Chesnokov
1996 - Arturo Ui's career. New Version - Actor
1997 - Kazan Orphan - Pavel Ottovich Brumel, magician
1999 - Sky in Diamonds - Deputy Minister
2000 - Old nags - Dubovitsky, general
2000 - House for the rich - Roman Petrovich
2000 - Tender Age - Saledon Sr.
2001 - Clock without hands
2002 - On the other side of the wolves - Igor Alekseevich Goloshchekov, doctor
2003 - Angel Days - Viktor Zuev
2003 - Everyone will ascend Calvary - Uncle Sasha
2004 - Snow love, or a Dream on a winter night - Oleg Konstantinovich, vice-grandfather
2004 - Everything starts with love
2005 - Nine unknowns - Viktor Sevidov, billionaire
2005 - Swan Paradise - Grishin
2005 - Master and Margarita - high priest of Kaif; man in jacket
2006 - Carnival Night 2, or 50 years later - Boris Glebovich Perlovsky, political strategist
2007 - 12th - 4th juror
2007 - Leningrad - theater director
2009 - Autumn Flowers - Alfred
2009 - Attraction - Alexander Nikolaevich
2009 - Book of Masters - magic mirror
2010 - Burnt by the Sun 2: Anticipation - Jew, prisoner Pimen
2010 - Family house - Vasily Petrovich Shvets, neighbor of the Sokolovs
2011 - Marines - Lazar Semyonovich Goldman, gynecologist
2011 - The Life and Adventures of Mishka Yaponchik - Mendel Gersh
2013 - Studio 17 - Andrey Ivanovich Dorokhov Soviet director
2013 - Yolki 3 - Nikolai Petrovich, a lonely pensioner
2013 - The path of the leader. Fire river. Iron Mountain - Arkady Iosifovich Preobrazhensky
2014 - The story of an old woman - Gavriil Moiseevich Fishman
2014 - Breaking the vicious circle - Arkady Iosifovich Preobrazhensky, Professor of Karaganda University
2015 - Milky Way

Sounding of cartoons by Valentin Gaft:

1973 - Like a cat with a dog
1977 - Feast of Disobedience
1978 - Postman's Tale
1981 - Dog in boots - Noble
1982 - Birth of Hercules
1987 - Magic Bells - King
1987 - Egret
2008 - New adventures of Grandma Yozhka - Raven
2012 - From the screw - Experienced - Il-2 attack aircraft

Literary creativity of Valentin Gaft:

Verse and epigram (1989)
Valentin Gaft (1996, together with artist N. Safronov)
I gradually learn (1997)
Life is a theater (1998, co-authored with Leonid Filatov)
Garden of Forgotten Memories (1999)
Poems, memories, epigrams (2000)
Shadows on the Water (2001)
Poems. Epigrams (2003)
Red Lanterns (2008)

A song was written to the lyrical verses "Me and You" (music by Brandon Stone), performed by Sati Kazanova


Soviet theater and film actor Valentin Gaft was born on September 2, 1935 in Moscow. His childhood years were spent on Matrosskaya Tishina Street, where institutions of various spirits were located. Opposite the house of the Gaft family there was a psychiatric hospital, a little to the left - a student hostel and a market, to the right - a prison. As Gaft himself said: "The whole world is in miniature." Father Iosif Ruvimovich (1907-1969) was a lawyer at the Legal Advice Office on Leningradsky Prospekt. A participant in the Great Patriotic War, he was a proud and strong-willed person. Mom, Gita Davydovna (1908-1993), was a housewife. It was she who instilled in her son a love of order and organization. The fateful day of June 21, 1941 forever remained in Valya's memory. After all, it was on that day that he and his parents were supposed to go to Ukraine, to the city of Priluki. Obeying a combination of circumstances, the parents changed the tickets for June 22. The next day, little Valya, along with the whole country, heard Molotov's speech on the radio. The Great Patriotic War began. Seeing off his father, and then his cousin, was remembered by Valentin for the rest of his life.

The first time Gaft visited the children's theater in the fourth grade. There was a play by Sergei Mikhalkov "Special Task". At first, he thought that everything that happened on the stage was a reality. The desire to try yourself as an actor came a little later. In school amateur performances, he had to play women and girls, because only boys studied at school. Due to the fact that Valentin Gaft became interested in theater while still a schoolboy, after the final exams he went to the Moscow Art Theater School. Sergei Dmitrievich Stolyarov helped him to enter the first time. It happened like this. A few days before the exam, Valentin Iosifovich was heading home through Sokolniki Park. Suddenly, on his way, he saw a sedately pacing man. Gaft immediately recognized him as his favorite actor - Stolyarov. Not daring to miss such a chance, he decided to ask a famous person for advice. Having dared, he approached Stolyarov and said: “Excuse me, please, but I am entering the Moscow Art Theater School and I am very worried. Could you listen to me?" At first, the famous actor was taken aback, but then he pulled himself together and said: “I can listen to you. But not here." “Where is it,” Gaft dared. "In my house. Come to me tomorrow, having previously called, ”and Stolyarov wrote his home phone number on a piece of paper. Sergei Dmitrievich's advice was not in vain. The Moscow Art Theater accepted it on the first try. Oleg Tabakov, Evgeny Urbansky, Igor Kvasha, Maya Menglet, Mikhail Kozakov studied with him on the course. He made his film debut in a silent role in the film Murder on Dante Street. Almost at the same time, Gaft played an episodic role in the romantic drama Poet. The reaction of parents to the artistic activity of their son was peculiar. While studying at the Moscow Art Theater School, his father asked him more than once: “Well, what kind of artist are you? Here, Misha Kozakov, he has a butterfly and a suit, but what about you? This is what an artist should be! The reaction of Gita Davydovna was truly maternal. Seeing him in the play "The Marriage of Figaro", she said: "Valya, how thin you are!"

In 1957, Valentin graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School. He was not hired for a long time. The famous reader Dmitry Zhuravlev could not remain indifferent to the fate of the young artist and helped him get a job at the Mossovet Theater. Gaft worked there for about a year and left due to the fact that he did not like the roles that were offered to play. Some time later, Erast Garin offered a job at the Theater of Satire. And here Valentin Gaft could not hold out for a long time, he was expelled, but the common history of the Theater of Satire and Gaft did not end there. A few years later, he played on this stage one of his best roles - Count Almaviva in the production of Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro. This role was later played by Alexander Shirvindt. Gaft devoted several years to work in the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, then a new round and the transition to A. A. Goncharov in the theater on Spartakovskaya Street. 1964 became a new page in the life of Valentin Gaft. This year he came to the theater named after Lenin Komsomol to Anatoly Vasilyevich Efros. Here the actor truly revealed himself for the first time, interesting creative works appeared, the best performances of this theater became theatrical classics. In 1969, Oleg Efremov invited him to the Sovremennik Theater. It became his home. He owes many roles to the theater director Galina Volchek. Here he played his best roles: Lopatin in From Lopatin's Notes, Glumov from Balalaykin and K, Gorelov from Hurry to Do Good, George from Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Cinema for many years did not accept Gaft, he was offered only episodic or inexpressive roles. Until the end of the 60s, he did not have bright, memorable roles on the silver screen. Valentin Gaft was aware of this and said that the cinema did not spoil him. To a greater extent, he explained this by his non-Russian appearance. At that time, the Soviet movie hero had a slightly different image. Years passed and Valentin Gaft began to appear the first serious roles. In the 70s, it was the role of Stewart in the political drama The Night of April 14th. In 1975, he was noted for the role of Lopatin in the television production of the play "From Lopatin's Notes". Unforgettable role of Brasset in the comedy "Hello, I'm your aunt." Valentin Gaft received real recognition after collaborating with Eldar Ryazanov. All the roles played under the guidance of this famous director were the best in the actor's biography. Chairman of the garage-building cooperative Sidorkin, father-commander, bureaucrat and campaigner from the Ministry of Free Time, the leader of the homeless, nicknamed "President" - all these roles were played by one person - Valentin Iosifovich Gaft.

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