How can you feed tulips? How to fertilize tulips in spring? Spring feeding of tulips

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Be sure to prepare this cherry plum jam, the most delicious recipe today is here and now. Cherry plum is not a berry for everyone, as it is quite sour. But what kind of sauces and preserves are made from it - “you can eat your mind”, just like the famous Tkemali. But today we will talk about jam. Many people make cherry plum jam directly with the pits, and my opinion differs from such housewives; I consider jam with pits inappropriate. Since cherry plum is difficult to peel from seeds, first we steam it, then grind it through a sieve. For this recipe, I added silent orange juice to the cherry plum - it turned out very tasty. The result will be a jam with the consistency of clear jam. You can also cook it very tasty.

- cherry plum – 500 gr.;
- sugar – 700 gr.;
- water – 50 ml;
- orange – ¼ part.

Recipe with photos step by step:

First of all, sort out and wash all the cherry plums, tear off the tails.

Transfer the cherry plum into a thick-walled pan, literally pour a glass into the bottom clean water, cover the pan with a lid and place over medium heat. Steam the cherry plum for 10 minutes. To soften the berries, the skin bursts.

Now grind the cherry plum through a sieve, the seeds and cake can be used for cooking compote, or you can simply throw it away.

Transfer the pureed mixture into a saucepan. Add the whole portion granulated sugar. During the cooking process, be sure to take a sample and add more sugar if necessary.

Squeeze the juice of a quarter of an orange into it. If you wish, you can add a little vanilla sugar to the pan.

Cook the jam on the stove for about an hour over low heat, stirring occasionally. Check with a spoon when the jam slowly flows down the spoon - you can put it in the jars. You can also prepare something so delicious.

Wash and sterilize the jars; do the same with the lids. Place the cherry plum jam into jars, roll up and cool under a blanket. Then transfer it to the pantry for storage. That's all, delicious and simple jam is ready.

Enjoy your meal!

Cherry plum is the closest relative of plum. It differs only in its smaller size and more sour taste. The skin of the cherry plum is very delicate and easily wounded. The main task during cooking is to preserve the fruit in its entirety. For this purpose, cooking is carried out in several stages, allowing the fruits to gradually soak in the syrup. Do not immerse tender fruits directly into boiling syrup. This can cause the skin to instantly burst and curl. Let it cool to at least a temperature of 75–80 °C. Never heat fruit syrup over high fire. This also damages the skin. Small-fruited cherry plum is usually boiled with its seeds. It is known that all canned food with seeds can be stored for no more than a year, since substances undesirable for our body can be released from the seeds. The storage conditions for canned food must also be observed. The room in which canned food is stored should be cool (up to 15 ° C), preferably dark and dry. Exposure to light can destroy the coloring substances in fruits and syrup. In a damp room, the lids may rust. If necessary, be sure to prepare this jam for your loved ones, and they will thank you for such a beautiful and tasty delicacy. There is no shame in serving it for tea for friends. We also recommend preparing it for the winter.

Recipe with photos of cherry plum jam with seeds for the winter

Small apricot cherry plum – 1 kg

Granulated sugar – 1.2 kg

Water – 2 glasses

Output – 3 cans with a capacity of 0.5 l

To make jam, you need to take ripe but still quite hard cherry plum, granulated sugar and water.

Bring the water to a boil, pour sugar into it, stir, bring to a boil again and boil for 2-3 minutes. During the cooking process, be sure to remove the foam. Cool the syrup to a temperature of 80 °C.

Place thoroughly washed cherry plums in sugar syrup and shake the container slightly so that all the berries are moistened with syrup. It is not advisable to stir with a spoon so as not to damage the fruit.

Cover the dish with a lid and soak the fruits in syrup for 8–10 hours.

Place the cooking container back on the stove, bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 30–40 minutes, stirring gently occasionally. The jam will be considered ready if foam no longer appears and the fruits are evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of syrup.

Place the finished cherry plum jam into sterilized jars, seal with boiled canning lids, turn upside down and leave in this position until completely cooled. Store canned food in a cool and dark place.

It's hard to resist such a delicacy. In addition, making jam does not require much time and effort, and cherry plum is widespread in our country and bears fruit abundantly.

For cherry plum jam, it is better to take only ripe fruits without defects. Unripe cherry plum is very sour and its jam will not turn out aromatic. Pere ripe berries Only suitable for making jam.

Sugar is added to cherry plum in a 1:1 ratio. Sometimes a little more, because even ripe cherry plum berries are sour, which means the finished jam will not be cloying.

Traditional cherry plum jam can be varied with the help of spices. Cloves, cardamom, cinnamon and vanilla are great.
However, you shouldn’t add all the spices at once; it’s better to choose just one, otherwise you’ll end up with an extremely tasteless product. Also note the first unusual recipe- This is a clear example of improved taste.

When making jam, you should avoid aluminum utensils. It would be correct to choose a brass or copper basin, as well as stainless steel utensils.

Please also pay attention to our. This is a related culture, so the methods of making jam have something in common and are interchangeable.

How much sugar to add: 1:1 for ripe cherry plum.

How long to cook: on average 30 minutes, but depends on the recipe.


Jam with liqueur - the most delicious recipe

Recipes from cherry plum are very popular in the Caucasus. This berry is pickled and added to meat dishes and of course they make jam.

I suggest you prepare an unusual jam from yellow cherry plum with added liqueur.

Choose ripe berries for this recipe, without damage or dents. You can use any liqueur - berry. A raspberry, cherry or strawberry drink will do..

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine:Caucasian
  • Type of dish: jam
  • Cooking method: boiling
  • Servings:10
  • 45 min


  • liqueur – 10 ml
  • sugar – 0.5 kg
  • cherry plum (net weight) – 0.6 kg.

Cooking method

Rinse and dry the cherry plum. Remove the seeds and place the raw materials in a saucepan for cooking.

Sprinkle the mixture with sugar and leave for 12 hours.

Heat the mixture over low heat until foam appears. Cool.

Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Cool.

Beat the mixture with a blender until smooth.

Cook over a fire with a divider until the foam disappears.

Cool the jam to a temperature of 50 degrees. Pour in the liquor. Mix.

Pour the jam to the top into a sterilized jar.

Close the jar with a scalded lid and check for leaks.

The dessert is thick, balanced in sweetness and acidity with the aroma of liqueur. Store the jam in a dry place for up to three years.

This dish is suitable for intimate gatherings during adult company. Serve the jam at the end of dinner with a glass of liqueur and your guests will be delighted.

On a note

For an everyday menu, pour cherry plum jam over crispy waffles or add to sweet porridge.

Jam with seeds - a very simple recipe

It is better to make jam with seeds from small varieties of cherry plum.

This will save a lot of time, because The seeds of the fruit are usually tightly attached to the pulp and are difficult to remove.

This jam is in no way inferior in taste, and due to the fact that the fruits remain intact, it looks very beautiful.


  • cherry plum -1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 3 tbsp.

How to cook

  1. Wash the cherry plum well and place in a colander to drain.
  2. For the syrup, bring water to a boil, add sugar and boil, stirring well, for a couple of minutes, the syrup should thicken.
  3. Heat water in a large saucepan. It is important not to bring it to a boil! Optimal temperature- 80 degrees. Place a colander with cherry plums into the water and let sit for 5 minutes.
  4. Prick each berry in several places with a toothpick. This way the fruits will not boil over and will better absorb the syrup.
  5. Pour boiling syrup over the cherry plum and leave for 3-4 hours.
  6. Cook the jam over low heat, stirring occasionally, for about 30 minutes, skimming off the foam at the beginning.
  7. Pour the finished jam into jars and seal tightly.

Seedless jam slices

Sliced ​​cherry plum jam is an ideal treat for tea.

It looks beautiful, smells aromatic, tastes not cloying, with a slight sourness.

So that the slices remain intact, The jam should not be boiled for a long time or stirred too vigorously.


  • cherry plum - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 glass.

How to cook

  1. Wash the cherry plum, cut it into halves with a sharp knife and remove the pit. If the fruits are large, each half can be cut again.
  2. Prepare sugar syrup. To do this, pour water into a saucepan with a thick bottom, bring to a boil and slowly pour in the sugar, stirring.
  3. Boil for a few minutes until a thick syrup forms.
  4. Pour the hot syrup over the cherry plum and leave until it cools completely.
  5. Bring the container with cherry plum and syrup to a boil over low heat, turn off the gas and cool completely.
  6. Bring to a boil a second time and simmer for 5 minutes.
  7. Place the hot jam into prepared jars and roll up.

To prepare jam in slices, you need to remove the seeds very carefully, trying not to crush the fruit. It is important that they remain intact. It is better to immediately choose varieties of cherry plum, from the pulp of which the stone is easily separated. Red or pink varieties are ideal.

Five-minute pitted

Most quick way making jam - recipe - five minutes.

It is not difficult to perform and even a novice housewife can handle it.

According to this recipe, the berries do not boil over, retaining their shape, so The jam on the table looks especially attractive.


  • cherry plum -1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml.

Cooking method

  1. Sort through the cherry plums, select the best fruits without defects, remove the seeds.
  2. Place the cherry plum in a saucepan or a special bowl for cooking. Add sugar, pour in water, mix everything well and leave for 30 minutes for the juice to appear.
  3. Place the container with the jam on the lowest heat, stirring, bring to a boil, skim off the foam and cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Place jam into prepared sterilized jars and seal with metal lids.

In a slow cooker

Making jam in a slow cooker is not only faster than on the stove, but it is also much more convenient.

Having loaded all the necessary ingredients, you can go about your business, and the multicooker will do everything itself.

However, due to the small size of the bowl, it will not be possible to prepare a lot of jam at once.

But you can alternate recipes and cook something new every time.


  • cherry plum - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • cloves - 2-3 pcs.


  1. Wash the cherry plum, remove the seeds (if desired, you can cook with them).
  2. Place the fruits in a multicooker bowl, add sugar and leave for a couple of hours until the juice appears.
  3. Add cloves and cook on the “Stew” mode for 60 minutes.
  4. Pour the finished jam into glass jars and seal with lids.

From green or unripe

Green unripe cherry plum contains much more vitamins than ripe berries.

Green fruits are firm and They don’t get soft at all during cooking.

However, such jam will be more sour than from ripe cherry plum and not everyone will like it.


  • cherry plum (green) - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • boiled water - 1 tbsp;
  • juniper berries (optional, 5 pcs).


  1. Washed cherry plum berries, seeds do not need to be removed.
  2. Place the cherry plum in a saucepan, add sugar and place over low heat, stirring constantly so that the sugar melts evenly.
  3. Pour a glass boiled water and bring everything to a boil. Cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Before removing the jam from the heat, add juniper berries.
  5. Place the jam in jars with screw-on lids.
  6. The finished jam must be sterilized directly in the jars. A special air fryer is suitable for this. If this is not the case, then you can use a large saucepan.
  7. You need to lay a cloth on the bottom, place the jars on it and fill it with water. Bring water to a boil and sterilize for 15-20 minutes.
  8. Allow the jam to cool, screw the lids on the jars and store.

During sterilization, the water should reach the jars “up to their shoulders.” You can’t pour more, otherwise it will pour inside when it boils.

From red cherry plum

Red cherry plum has a sweet and sour taste with a light almond aroma.

Unlike yellow, seeds are easily removed from it.

The fruits do not wrinkle and retain their shape while remaining dense.

When cooked, this prevents them from turning into mush.


  • cherry plum (red) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 glass.

How to cook

  1. Sort the cherry plum, remove the stalks, rinse and drain in a colander. After the water has drained, remove the seeds.
  2. Prepare syrup. Boil water in a thick-bottomed saucepan and add sugar. Cook for a few minutes, stirring until the sugar melts and does not burn.
  3. Pour the cherry plum into the syrup and remove from the stove. Leave to infuse for at least 10 hours, preferably overnight.
    After this, bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, remove the foam and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and let cool completely.
  5. Place the finished, cooled jam into small glass jars, previously sterilized.

Depending on the desired thickness, the jam can be boiled several times. Each time it will become thicker.

From cherry plum and apricots

Incredibly aromatic and sweet jam with sourness can be made from cherry plum and apricots.

It turns out thick with a rich amber-honey color.

Those with a sweet tooth will definitely appreciate one of the most delicious treats for tea.


cherry plum - 0.5 kg;

apricots -1 kg;

sugar - 1.5 kg.

How to cook

  1. Wash the fruit. Cut the cherry plum into halves, remove the seeds. Also remove the pits from the apricots and cut them into four pieces.
  2. Place apricot pieces and half the sugar in a container for making jam. Top with cherry plum and remaining sugar. The fruits should release juice; for this they need to stand for a couple of hours.
  3. Over low heat, stirring, bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and cool the jam completely. After this, boil again for 10 minutes.
    Roll the finished jam into sterilized jars.

You can add apricot kernels to the jam. To do this, you need to split them and remove the kernels. After the apricots and cherry plums have been boiled for the first time, the kernels are added to them, and the second time the jam is cooked with them. Apricot kernels give the jam a special flavor.

From cherry plum with oranges

Cherry plum goes well with oranges.

These bright fruits complement each other perfectly, giving the finished jam a pleasant citrus taste with sourness and a delicate aroma.

This delicacy can be eaten not only in its pure form, but also used as a filling for pies and rolls.


  • cherry plum - 1 kg;
  • large oranges - 2 pcs;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method

  1. Rinse the cherry plum well, place it on a clean towel and let it dry. Carefully remove the seeds, being careful not to damage the fruit too much. This is convenient to do with a hairpin or pin.
  2. Place the oranges in boiling water for a couple of minutes to get rid of dirt and harmful microorganisms. Cut the fruit into several pieces, remove the seeds and puree in a blender.
  3. Place cherry plum, orange puree and sugar into a saucepan. Mix everything carefully and leave for 30 minutes. This way the sugar will dissolve in the juice and the jam won’t burn.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, skim off the foam, reduce the gas to low and cook for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Pour the hot jam into pre-sterilized jars, roll up and place in warm place, turned upside down.

Cherry plum with lemon

Cherry plum and lemon jam has a special taste and aroma; it will definitely please connoisseurs of sweet and sour shades.

In addition, such a delicacy is incredibly healthy and serves as an excellent means of preventing colds.


cherry plum - 1 kg;

lemon - 1 piece;

water - 250 ml;

sugar - 1 kg.


  1. Sort out the cherry plum, wash it, cut it in half, remove the seeds, and put it in a saucepan. Add half the sugar there. Leave overnight to release juice.
  2. The next day, bring the container with the cherry plum to a boil over low heat and add the remaining sugar.
  3. Scald the lemon with boiling water, cut into rings and remove the seeds. Pour water into an enamel pan, add lemon rings, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes until the lemon becomes soft.
  4. Add lemon to the cherry plum and cook everything together until tender for another 20 minutes. Be sure to stir and skim off the foam.
  5. Wash and sterilize glass jars. Place the finished jam into jars, roll up with iron lids and wrap.

It is better not to cook lemon immediately in sweet syrup. Its peel may become tough and have an unpleasant aftertaste.

Cherry plum jam syrup with lemon is perfect for soaking sponge cakes.

From cherry plum with zucchini

Cherry plum with zucchini is a very original and unusual combination.

If you offer ready-made jam to your friends, they will never guess what it was made from.

And all because zucchini in combination with cherry plum and sugar will change its taste beyond recognition.


  • cherry plum - 0.5 kg;
  • zucchini - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 700 g.

How to cook

  1. Wash the cherry plum fruits and remove the seeds.
  2. Peel the zucchini, cut lengthwise and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into small pieces. It is important that the pieces of zucchini are not larger size cherry plums
  3. Place the cherry plum in a saucepan, add sugar on top and cook over low heat.
  4. When the sugar has melted, add the zucchini to the pan. Mix everything well.
  5. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam and cook for 10 minutes.
  6. Leave the jam to sit overnight, boil again in the morning and put into ready-made dry jars.
  1. To sterilize jars, use simple, modern methods. I suggest trying to do this in a microwave oven. Pour 1cm of water into a clean jar and turn on the microwave at full power for 3 minutes. Use a towel to remove the jar and drain the remaining hot water.
  2. It is recommended to store jars of cherry plum jam in a cool, dark place, for example, in a pantry. The bottom shelf of the refrigerator is also suitable, however, not everyone has enough space there. In this case, there is no need to despair. Cherry plum jam can be stored well in an apartment at room temperature.
  3. Properly cooked and sealed jam will not spoil for several years. But it is better not to store seeds with seeds for more than six months. The reason is hydrocyanic acid, a dangerous poison that the seeds begin to release over time. You shouldn't put your health at risk.
  4. According to any recipe, cherry plum jam turns out tasty and aromatic. This berry goes well with other fruits, adding finished product light sourness. Cherry plum tolerates heat treatment well and does not lose its taste for a long time.

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