How to teach a child to read: the right and quick ways. How much do you read? Put new knowledge into practice

The amount of information in modern world is actually growing exponentially. That is why, five to seven years after graduation from the university, all specialists in almost without fail they are sent to advanced training courses, where teachers will transfer new knowledge to them for a limited time. Note that participation in the courses is necessary for the student only in order to keep up with current trends. At the same time, those specialists who independently educate themselves traditionally belong to the category of the best, having higher incomes than their colleagues. The quality of their self-education depends primarily on the ability to read quickly and correctly.

How to learn to read correctly and quickly? Considering that almost all adults can read, this question may seem rather strange. But this is just at first glance. The researchers found that the redundancy of ordinary printed text is about 70 percent. In the scientific literature, this percentage is smaller, but a lot of unnecessary words are still present. How much is this offer worth?

"A representative of the order of artiodactyls satisfies the body's need for obtaining moisture necessary for life by absorbing it from a vessel whose diameter exceeds the size of its head." As you might guess, we can talk about a horse that drinks water from a bucket.

In accordance with this, one of the most useful skills for the correct and fast reading is to highlight the real meaning of the text. In order to learn this, the reading process must be interrupted after reading each semantic block. Let me remind you that in this material considered reading for information, because reading fiction can be a kind of gourmandism associated with getting pleasure from storyline, heroes or any descriptions. And pleasure, as you know, does not need speed and is a value in itself.

So, after reading part of the test, you need to stop reading and do a little mental work, the main objective which consists in recoding (translating) the text into one's own thoughts. This method is called the method of phased comprehension of the text. It is based on the intuitive selection in the course of the text of the main semantic fragments that form the meaning of the text. Those. as a result, the reader can tell about the meaning of the text in one sentence. This will allow you not to get bogged down in details and descriptions, and also to really get the information for which the reading is started. For better memorization, the highlighted information is associated with the already existing knowledge on the topic read. This simple technique allows you to quickly and easily remember the material, which means it will allow you to read more correctly.

To read quickly, you should learn to read without regressions - automatic eye movements towards the already read material. Regressions arise from insufficient attention and, as a result, poor concentration on the text and its misunderstanding. Those. in fact, the brain perceives the same printed characters several times, and its analytic function starts to fall apart because of it. In addition, the eye muscles quickly get tired.
To overcome regressive eye movements, the text can be read aloud. In addition, it is worth training to expand the field of view, so that in the future

How to teach a child to read quickly? Speed ​​reading technique.

Reading skills are the basis of all learning, one of the main conditions for a child's success in school. The process of reading for children is quite complex, because memory, imagination, sound and auditory catalysts are simultaneously involved in it. Meanwhile, the speed of reading should be as close as possible to the speed of speech. But how do you learn to read fast? You are offered a speed reading technique that will help your little child prodigy significantly raise own level, and increase your reading speed.

At school, a child who has low speed reading will be harder to digest new material. During the time that he will spend on reading the conditions of a problem or exercise, a fast reading child will have time to copy everything in a notebook and begin to complete the task. Reading speed is the most important factor in academic achievement, so learning to read quickly is very important. There is such a thing as "optimal reading", it involves reading 120-150 words per minute. This figure appeared for a reason - it is believed that it is when reading at this pace that the best assimilation of the material by the student is achieved.

Why is speed reading not for everyone?

Some of the main causes of slow reading in children are the following:

Reason #1. Low level memory and attention (when reading the fourth word, the child no longer remembers the first, and, therefore, cannot understand the meaning of what he read). Attention is the main engine of the reading process. Brain processes in themselves are very fast, and therefore a slowly reading child switches his attention to some extraneous thoughts, as a result, interest in what is being read disappears, reading becomes mechanical, and meaning does not reach consciousness. That's why main advice in this case, it is imperative to systematically work with the child at home to develop memory.

Reason number 2. Decrease in the volume of the operational field of view. That is, the child's gaze does not cover the whole word or even several words, but only two or three letters.

Reason #3: Low lexicon.

Reason number 4. Regression - the so-called recurrent eye movements. Many children, without noticing it themselves, reread the word twice, automatically, as if for complete confidence in the correct reading.

Reason number 5. Not developed articulatory apparatus.

Reason number 6. Works selected not by age.

Speed ​​reading technique: how to learn to read quickly?

Exists special education speed reading, a special method of fast reading developed by specialists. The following exercises will help ensure that your child has a speed reading technique, moreover, conscious and expressive: .

Speed ​​Reading: Step One.

Involve your child in active reading from an early age.

Read to him yourself more often, and while reading, stop at the most interesting moments and, referring to fatigue, ask the child to read a piece of the work. Pretend that you are distracted and listened, be sure to ask again what he just read, ask what words were repeated several times? Explain the words the child does not understand. Discuss what you read.

Speed ​​reading training: step two.

Do a reading necessary condition for everyday life.

Every day, write notes to your child, some postcards, plans, lists of things that you instruct him to do.

Speed ​​reading training: step three.

Make watching filmstrips traditional for a while, like in infancy, reading a fairy tale before bed. The slow change of bright frames, short captions under each, easy to read are excellent conditions for improving the technique of fast reading.

Speed ​​reading training: step four.

Learn parallel reading.

To do this, you need to prepare two identical texts. You will read the text aloud, and the child will follow you, run your finger along the lines. Gradually increase the speed of reading, but make sure that the child has time for you. Read some fragments slowly, and some quickly, for example, thus highlighting the dialogues. Ask if the child noticed a change in speed?

Speed ​​reading training: step five.

Control the speed reading technique, give the child reading tasks for a while.

To do this, select a simple text consisting of words familiar to him, note the time, for example, one minute, and then count how many words he managed to read. Be sure to tell him this number and “spur” his interest, with a question like: “Can you do it faster? Let's check!". Let him read the same text again, there will definitely be more words read. Praise him and check the time again. Do this three times, but no more. This task will demonstrate to the child that he can read much faster and that learning to read quickly is not at all difficult.

Speed ​​reading training: step six.

Practice reading silently, not out loud.

When reading aloud, the following processes occur: 1. the eyes read the text, 2. a signal goes to the brain, 3. the organs of speech are prepared, 4. the text is spoken aloud, 5. the ears perceive, 6. the signal is again sent to the brain to analyze what was heard and compare it with read. With this reading, the loss of speed is obvious, whispering is exactly the same story. When reading happens "to oneself" - a completely different picture. The child's eyes look ahead, and he begins to understand the meaning of the read text, the speed increases accordingly, sometimes at times.

Speed ​​reading training: step seven.

Accent games.

As already explained, understanding the meaning readable text- The main trump card is how to learn to read quickly. And the placement of the correct stress is not the last thing here. When reading a word incorrectly, the child does not catch the meaning, loses the thread of the story he is reading, and accordingly slows down and cannot retell what he has read. How to read quickly if the brain is frantically trying to find meaning, but, in the end, it never finds it. Therefore, learning to read quickly also involves classes with stress. Choose any word and take turns stressing all the syllables in a row, so the child will understand what exactly is being said. Then ask him how to pronounce this word correctly.

Speed ​​reading training: step eight.

Stumbling over consonants.

Children often stumble when reading when they see several consonants in a row: “sister”, “mug”, “construction”. Your task is to write out such words on a piece of paper and let the child read them periodically until the difficulties with such moments disappear. Do not be lazy to enter new words.

Learning to Read Quickly: Step Nine.

Buzzing reading.

The following speed reading technique may seem strange to you, but do not neglect it - it is very useful for learning to read quickly. The child needs to read to himself and at the same time buzz out loud like a bee.

Speed ​​reading training: step ten.

Develop vigilance.

Write five or six vowels in a row, inserting one consonant somewhere in the middle, and ask the child which letter is extra?

Speed ​​reading training: step eleven.

Develop ingenuity.

Write words that differ by only one letter. For example: 1. cat - mouth, 2. cat - whale, 3. forest - weight, 4. forest - bream. Ask what is the difference and what is the similarity of these words.

Learning to Read Quickly: Step Twelve.

Articulation gymnastics as a quick reading technique.

Such exercises improve pronunciation, set the breath, make speech clear. To do this, read more tongue twisters, and doing it in different ways: loudly and confidently, slowly and in a whisper, strictly monitor reading, clearly pronouncing the endings in words. The fast reading technique also includes reading sayings and proverbs.

Speed ​​reading training: step thirteen.

The development of the field of view.

Take a sheet of paper and draw a table, writing one letter or syllable in each cell. The child is required to read them all to himself, pointing to the letter with a pencil, and trying to read quickly. It is important that he tries to remember the location of the following letters or syllables one after another. You can read them from top to bottom, bottom to top, make words, and so on. .

Speed ​​reading training: step fourteen.

Develop anticipation - this is the name of a semantic guess.

While reading the text, the child catches the next word with peripheral vision, can, based on what he read, guess what the next word will be. Speed ​​reading techniques may include next exercise, the purpose of which is the development of anticipation. You need to write sentences in which there are words with missing syllables or letters, let the child fill in the missing letters. Then, complicate the task and just write separate phrases or words for him, with gaps in the middle, at the end, at the beginning of words.

Speed ​​reading training: step fifteen.

Bookmark reading.

When reading the text, the child should move the bookmark not as usual, under the line, but closing it with the word he has already read. This exercise will help you learn to read without repetition and increase the pace.

Learning to Read Quickly: Step Sixteen.


This speed reading technique involves reading words that are written in different scripts. Moreover, such words can go in a row, making up one sentence. It is necessary to ensure that a different font does not confuse the child, is not perceived by him as some kind of obstacle.

Speed ​​reading training: step seventeen.

Build up the words.

Write on a piece of paper in a column of words that increase in length when they are modified:

Teaching Speed ​​Reading: Step Eighteen.

Teaching Speed ​​Reading: Step Nineteen.

Reading through teeth.

The child reads an unfamiliar text at maximum speed for him, tightly clenching his teeth and lips at the same time. After reading, he will need to answer some questions about the text. It is recommended to carry out such an exercise every time before reading the text aloud.

Teaching Speed ​​Reading: Step Twenty.

Accompanied reading.

Learning to Speed ​​Read: Step Twenty-One.

Rhythm tapping.

The exercise involves the child reading an unfamiliar text, while tapping a previously learned rhythm with a pencil.

Learning to Speed ​​Read: Step Twenty-Two.

Learning to Speed ​​Read: Step Twenty-Three.

Mandatory daily five-minute reading.

The child should read in the mode of buzzing reading for five minutes. These exercises should be carried out for 4 lessons daily. Family games. Do not be lazy to regularly arrange all kinds of games with letters and words in your family. Such training will help the child easily navigate in the space of many letters and easily read unfamiliar words.

Learning to Speed ​​Read: Step Twenty-Four.

Reading consonants.

It is necessary that the child takes a deep breath and reads 15 consonants as you exhale - absolutely any set will do, for example: s, t, p, k, n, w, d, c, f, l, g, u, n, f.

Learning to Read Quickly: Step Twenty-five.

Folding words from halves.

Take any simple word, break it into two parts and write it on two different cards, thus preparing about 10 words for one lesson. Invite the child to fold the cards, collecting the whole word. Even better if such words can be made up of several options using the same cards. Constantly change and supplement cards. Over time, move on to more complex words of three or more syllables.

Learning to Read Quickly: Step Twenty-Six.

Reading with expression. The child needs to read a small passage of text, as he usually reads. Then return to the beginning and read it again, but with expression, with intonation, and therefore at a different pace. Having read the already familiar passage, he must continue to read the text further without stopping. The point is that the tempo, on a familiar text, developed and accelerated subsequently does not subside, even when it passes to an unfamiliar part.

Learning to Read Quickly: Step Twenty-Seven.

We train attention. While reading the text, the child, on command “stop”, stops reading, tears his head off the book, closes his eyes and rests for a few seconds. Then, on the command “start,” he must find the very place in the book where he had previously finished reading.

Learning to Read Quickly: Step Twenty-Eight.

The child silently reads from maximum speed a small paragraph, the next paragraph he should begin to read aloud, then again - a paragraph to himself. The method of fast reading in this case works like this: reading to yourself, as you remember, is much faster, reading aloud, with sharp transitions, the pace of reading is partially preserved, and the child reads faster.

Learning to Read Quickly: Step Twenty-Nine.

Role reading.

Teaching Speed ​​Reading: Step Thirty.

Reading upside down text.

You can learn to read more confidently and quickly by practicing reading an upside down sheet of text. This contributes to the development of the skill of memorizing holistic standards of letters, combining letter analysis with the semantic endings of words.

Learning to Speed ​​Read: Step Thirty-One.

A set of deformed sentences.

Practice with your child changing words in a sentence. For example, write a sentence: “friends came to me for a holiday”, out of place: “friends came to my holiday for a holiday”. Write on a piece of paper a dozen such sentences, let the child unravel them.

Learning to Speed ​​Read: Step Thirty-Two.

Search for a given word.

Arrange a competition with children or involve an adult: say any word from the text on the page, whoever finds this word the fastest is the winner. Incentive prizes are welcome. Such a game will form the ability to see not separate fragments, but a complete image of the word. In addition, the exercise develops verbal memory.

Learning to Speed ​​Read: Step Thirty-Three.

Schulte tables.

In fact - these tables are randomly located numbers, the task is to quickly find them in order. The main benefit of this quick reading technique is to expand the field of view, to develop the speed of search visual movements. Draw a square about 20-25 centimeters, dividing it into 30 cells. Randomly enter numbers into these cells, starting from 1 ending with - 30. The process of searching for a number must be done silently, silently and indicate the numbers found with a pencil. Before starting the exercise, the child needs to fix his gaze in the center, so that he can see the entire table. In addition, horizontal or vertical eye movements are prohibited, the gaze, like the numbers, must be somewhat erratic. An indispensable condition for the technique of speed reading to improve is the systematic study and positive attitude. The question of how to read quickly and the development of methods and techniques for fast reading are being dealt with by some authoritative experts whose literature we would recommend you read: Academician Andreev, I. Fedorenko, E. Zaika, N. Zaitsev, I. Pelchenko and others. Remember that being able to read fluently is not an end in itself, it is a vital necessity, without which it will be very difficult for your child to study further and achieve some success, both in studies and in communication. Children quickly learn the material, show a readiness for creativity and self-expression. Success gives rise to joy, self-confidence, and stimulates leadership.

And most importantly: do not skimp on the praise of your student.

When you are in last time read aloud?

Why do people bad at reading aloud? Why is this happening? Why does it seem: “Now, oh, how can I read it!”, But dry reading comes out? Let's think about this.

When was the last time you read aloud?

That was a long time ago?

In this article will be (detailed) reviewed causes for which people are bad at reading aloud, recommendations how to develop reading aloud, practical exercises that will help learn to read aloud well, both for yourself and for public speaking .

Reading aloud

As writes Wikipedia: Reading- difficult cognitive process character decoding, aimed at understanding the text.

When we read aloud? Probably more.

And what comes out as a result?

monotonous reading. Inexpressive. Without the desired overflow of voice.

At least that's how it sounds from the outside.

Dear reader! A big request to click on the Google ad as a token of your gratitude to us for the free materials on this site:

What can be done to improve the quality of reading aloud?

It is useful to realize that the skill "reading aloud" we have not developed for a long time, but practiced reading “to ourselves”. And these are, although similar, but different skills of our brain.

After all, many texts are well written. They are carefully thought out by the writers. They contain words that are little used in everyday life, words that are useful for developing vocabulary.

How to sight-read in front of an audience

Have you ever seen a speaker reading from a piece of paper? Agree - a sad sight.

Remember, for example, the speeches of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev.

However, it happens that modern speakers who read speeches very well.

Why don't good speakers read from the sheet? - They are reading. And how they read.

Remember Altov, Zhvanetsky, and other pop comedians. Read, and read very well from the sheet.

Even Barack Obama often speaks while looking at a piece of paper.

But he reads in such a way that no one notices reading.

Here, for example, is one of the videos where Barack Obama speaks using written text. But it does look beautiful. Why? Because he can read.

What should have been done? There are two options:

  1. Read - and "in your own words" to tell this text to the public.
  2. Learn the technique of "public reading".

public reading

Proper Public Reading.

Why “correct” - because there is a rule: you need to look into the eyes of those people to whom the speech is addressed, no matter whether it is written or not.

Public reading (reading in front of an audience) is indeed more difficult than ordinary speech, and requires special skills.

Why is it more difficult? Because, as with any public speaking, eye contact with the audience is important here, and during sight reading it is difficult to create, and even more so, maintain this contact.

And not only see, but also feel how well the audience accepts and assimilates your material.

To see, to feel, whether my dear listeners understood the previous words.

Often, very often, the speaker does not notice how quickly he overloads the listeners' perception.

Let's remember our wonderful lectures at the institute...

What we pay attention to: pauses, eye contact and the speed of our speech. At what speed can you read aloud? I suppose it will be fast, but we need it in such a way that every word of yours is perceived by the audience.

An important technique: read while you pause, and when you speak, look into the audience. And so alternately.

You need to adjust the speed of speech, the duration of pauses and phrases. All this is achieved through exercise.


How to read aloud correctly

So, let's summarize everything written above.

1. Not a problem.

If you (or someone else) are bad at reading aloud, this is not a problem. This - a task. You need to start reading aloud, and this skill will quickly develop.

And, very quickly. You just need to start doing it.

How to increase vocabulary is written in great detail here:

How to increase vocabulary

2. What to read aloud

  • Recommend these
  • And this is a whole site of good parables

3. How to read aloud

Yes. Exactly. Doubt? And you are doing the right thing. After all, there are many recommendations on the Internet where it is recommended to read at a speed of “120 words per minute”. But I am a public speaking coach, I know what I recommend.
With a normal reading speed, there is no time to pay attention to pauses, intonations, gestures, facial expressions. At this speed, 120 or more, the brain only has time to read.
And when to memorize words?
At this speed (120 words per minute), you can only read by looking at the text. But after all, you need to look not at the text, but directly, at the listener or listeners, or at yourself in the mirror.

  • This is described in detail in my book "Mistakes of Speakers":.

4. By reading aloud slowly, you will be able to read beautifully.

Try to keep the phrases different: something louder, something quieter, something faster, something measured, stretching the sounds, something intonation higher or lower.
By reading slowly, you can have time to switch emotions, and admire them in the mirror.

5. Practice reading aloud to yourself first.

Speed ​​reading is a skill that is surprisingly easy to level up. You can improve your speed by using special software or by attending speed reading courses. In this article, we talk about 5 basic speed reading techniques that you can master yourself!

So here they are:

Stop saying words in your head

By the way, many people have an even more terrible habit: to speak the text aloud when reading. This slows down the process of reading more than pronouncing thoughts in your head. Subvocalization is a habit that most people have. When reading, we kind of “hear” all the words with the brain. Try to get rid of this habit and your reading speed will increase significantly! All you need to do is turn off the speech mechanism in your head. Try chewing gum while reading, mooing under your breath (tested on yourself, it helps!) Or even eat.

Avoid "returns"

When we read, we tend to look back and dwell on the word we just read. This slows us down a lot. Unfortunately, the only way get rid of this habit - recognize that you are doing it and record when you do it.

Follow the text

One of the most amazing speed reading techniques is meta guiding. Remember how in school, when reading a text, you ran your finger / pencil over it or followed it with the movement of your head? Well, this story is about that. It turns out that this method seriously speeds up the reading process. Don't forget to concentrate on each word if you want to remember the incoming information.

Speed ​​reading, in fact, is not shown to everyone. Most people are able to process the vast amount of information they read on high speed but there are those who can't. If you're interested, give speed reading a try, but don't be discouraged if it doesn't work out. There are other options:

Skip sections (or even chapters) you don't need

Another trick to increase your reading speed is to skip necessary information. As former British Prime Minister Arthur James Balfour once said, “Man is only half the master of the art of reading, unless he adds to it the ability to skip unnecessary text.”

Skipping unnecessary text is one method of speed reading, and although it is not The best way for schoolchildren and students, but, for example, for scientists who are interested only in certain sections of a particular book, the method saves time perfectly. Professor David Davis shared his strategy for effective skimming:

1. Begin with an introduction or preface. Read them carefully to understand what the main feature of the book is and where the information you need is located.

2. Read the last chapter or conclusion.

3. Go through all the chapters and read the first and last paragraphs.

Obviously you won't do this with every book. We do not recommend. Skimming is best used on books that you are not very interested in reading, or for skimming through the book and identifying areas that interest you the most for later detailed study.

Listen to audiobooks when you can't read

Listen to audiobooks when you're driving, cooking, playing sports, and other times you can't read. It's a great way effective use time.

Read multiple books at the same time

Last year, Jeff Ryan set a goal of 366 books for himself to read in a year. Such a goal seems incredible until you find out how Ryan achieved it:

The idea of ​​reading one book a day from cover to cover quickly fell through. Jeff also had days when he was busy with work and raising children, and he did not have a minute of free time to read. As a result, he used the method of parallel reading and eventually managed to complete his difficult challenge.

Of course, Jeff combined this tactic with the others we've listed here. The technique of reading several books at the same time implies that you can distinguish between the material you are reading and it does not merge into a continuous mess in your head. If there are signs of this behavior, adapt the method for yourself: read books of different genres and formats at the same time (example: comic book, novel and audiobook).

Discard Books That Don't Work for You

The advice seems obvious, but we still dwell on this point in more detail. So, if you have already read several chapters, but you don’t feel pleasure or benefit from reading, then just stop reading it. Think about why you don't enjoy reading. Is it just the wrong book at the wrong time? If so, then just postpone it until better times. Someone recommended a book to you, but you don't like it? Return it to the seller, give it as a gift, or donate it to the library. Don't waste your precious time on books you don't like.


Take a look at the books you want to read. With the methods described above, you will master them in less time. Set yourself a reading schedule and go!

One day I decided to ask myself the question - what do I do best? During my life I managed to try a lot of hobbies, but among them there was one, the only one that I have been doing with particular passion since childhood. There is nothing unusual in this hobby - it is reading books. Therefore, in this article I decided to list simple rules readings that I have learned in my entire life.

1. Rule 10%
A long time ago, when I first started freelancing, my income wasn't great, but I made a firm decision to spend 10% of my income on books. At that time, one could hardly buy a normal book with this money. But as the years passed, I continued to strictly adhere to this rule. On the this moment With 10% of my monthly income, I can buy so many books that I cannot read even in a year. This means that I did not buy and read books in vain.

Make it a rule to set aside 10% of your income for books - after all, this is the best money investment. Postponing more is not worth it, however, as well as less.

2. Read with a notebook
I sometimes call this rule “read smart”.

I never reread books. This happens for the reason that while reading, I study to the maximum all the ideas that are in it. Notepad helps me with this. When reading a book, in a notebook I try to write out all the useful and interesting ideas, links to other publications, quotes that inspired me. If I didn’t have a notebook at hand, then I write in the margins with a pencil.

Ultimately, in a notebook, I get a kind of summary books. Notepad is nice to reread after a while, as it is very inspiring.

Such reading helps to feel the idea of ​​the book as deeply as possible.

3. List top books you want to buy
Combining the first two rules together, we get a rule to spend 10% of income on books and a list of books in a notebook that should be read. This list should become a list of your future acquisitions. It will constantly be adjusted and reworked, because interests tend to change.

4. Read not less than an hour in a day
And even better, if two hours are allotted for reading. It really doesn't matter how much time you spend reading, although I strongly recommend reading for about one hour a day. The most important thing is to read regularly. accustom yourself to simple rule Not a day without reading.

It is very difficult for a busy person to find a whole hour of time for reading in a day. In such a situation, you can break the hour into twenty-minute segments, which will be distributed for reading throughout the day. But before going to bed, you still should not read, as a tired brain may not perceive the information received.

5. Mix styles
I am a true fan of books about motivation and self-development. Probably, I am one of those people who replaced self-development with books about self-development. But I agree that reading books on the same subject every day is very boring. Therefore, alternate books, first business, then science fiction, after useful, but then you can get to fiction, which is no less useful and interesting.

6. Don't hold on to books
What's the point of reading a book and putting it on the shelf? If you learn to read correctly, then the realization will come that a book is disposable thing. It can be compared to a syringe with the ideas needed for an intellectual drug addict.

I suggest to exchange books with acquaintances and friends. First of all, this is a great way to save money. Also, using this method, you can help your loved ones learn and develop.

7. Pay attention to e-books
This phenomenon causes a lot of controversy, but I will not stop saying that the paper book is gradually living out. last days. It turns into a kind of vinyl record, which is appreciated only by fans. Read with e-book very easy, simple and cheap. For a true fan of reading, an e-reader will pay off in two months.

Like these ones simple rules I listed you. If you have already started reading, then it is impossible to stop, trust me.

What else to read