What to do if the husband is a sissy. Psychologist's advice on how to live with such a man. “My wife spends all her free time with her mother. The wife discusses all issues with her mother.

Incredibly, the author, the situation is 1 in 1 like mine. If you read, answer how it ended.

I am 30, a girl of 25, on the verge of collapse, now offended, moved out to live with her mother.
We met and began to live with her mother, where she lived. Naturally, for me it was a temporary option, because. I lived far away from my parents for a long time and got used to making decisions for myself. And her mother was sitting at home at a laptop, on purchased sick leave, and her daughter was busy around the house, cooking, cleaning, taking her to the hospital, and so on. At first I wanted to help, it was a pity, work, they also force me at home. Then her mother decided when, where, why it was necessary to go, there was practically no life of her own. While I was working, they went shopping or somewhere else and always everywhere her mother was the initiator. I'm tired, scandals began, my mother-in-law is offended, expresses her daughter, my daughter tells me that she just helps her and nothing special. I forgot to say that the girl had a son, she was 2 years old at that time. Somehow he persuaded me to rent an apartment and move. Very convenient, our work, garden 5 min. on foot. We didn't get married, although we wanted to. She goes to her mother every other day at least, they call each other every day, then take her to the hospital, then cook, clean, pay utility bills, in general, everything. Everything is complicated by the fact that she, mother, is very ill, and it is really hard for her to do all this now. I'm not against help, but the constant feeling of her mother's presence is tiring. If we quarrel, and she refuses her, then she will quarrel. I stopped talking to my mother-in-law. And the girl communicates and drives as if nothing had happened. I swear, communicate and travel while I'm away. Once they had a fight, he said that she was against going to one place, at the behest of her mother, she went anyway. And so they lived for 2 years, with a double life, it seems that they had their own plans, on the other hand, you know that there is still a mother who is not going to let her go anywhere.
The girl honestly tried to somehow refuse her, but she threw tantrums, a bad daughter, blackmail, threats. Then she stopped, and we fought, often. I also can’t stand her mother, somehow I tried to put up with her, she says that she will buy her a car, despite the fact that we have it so that she has her own, I kind of don’t give a car sometimes. And the girl is tired of everything, but she doesn’t want to leave her mother, and I’m not ready to be the third. The husband is the head of the family and the head of the wife, not the mother, I think so. In short, a vicious circle. And now I think either to leave her with her mother, or to endure, to wait for her to move away from her, but this can be waited all my life, this is education.
I love her very much, so I endure, I came to my mother-in-law to put up, she says it’s my own fault, I left money for them to live. The girl doesn’t communicate with me, she wants to leave, I’m trying to get her back, I’m texting the hater, I’m sorry. But I myself think, is it worth it, or put up with it. I love the girl, although she does not seem to appreciate it much. I also tortured her with scandals, but I was tired of enduring their close union with my mother. My parents help us, they give gifts to the child and her, it’s not enough for me, I don’t mind, her mother didn’t help in any way, but we always owe her, and the girl still doesn’t oppose it. Her mother is not her mother, she adopted her.
Maybe I'm wrong about something, advise if there is a way out, or just leave?

Ira and I have been married for only six months. But it seems that in fact our marriage has been going on for twenty years and we are tired of each other to death. At least I do to her. I spend almost all weekends and holidays alone. And all because my wife does not get out of her mother.

I always knew that she was a mother's girl, but while we were dating, this did not bother me. On the contrary, I was glad that she had learned a lot from her mother - to cook deliciously, save money, and quickly cope with household issues. But when we began to live together after the wedding, I fully knew the other side of the medal. On weekdays, after work, Ira runs to her mother every other day - without any need, just to chat. He comes home around midnight and immediately goes to bed. On weekends, she is also with her parents from morning to evening - I can neither talk to her nor go somewhere.

How many times did he offer her in a cafe, to the cinema, to friends. But she considers going to cafes to be wasteful (my mother taught me what to eat at home), she doesn’t like what’s in cinemas, Ira is bored with my friends. She constantly calls me with her, to her parents. But it’s enough for me to communicate with my mother-in-law once a month, my brain explodes from their chatter “about my own, about women’s”! Moreover, Ira's mother is a domineering woman who needs to control everyone. Therefore, she only supports her daughter’s behavior, and the fact that we don’t really have a family life does not bother her.

Here is a fresh example - New Year's holidays. Guess where we celebrated New Year's Eve? That's right, Irina's parents, although she and I were invited to a good company. But Ira flatly refused, and I realized that I had little choice: either celebrate with Irina's family, or where I want, but without my wife. I do not need unnecessary quarrels, so I followed her lead. I hoped that at least on the 1st or 2nd we would go to friends, have fun. But the next day, my wife told me: “Igor, let’s go to mom’s salads to eat up! Do you want to see Vovka and Lenka? Well, go to them yourself, and I to mine!” The next day I tried to talk to her about everything. In response, there was at first bewilderment: “Am I going to my lover? Or am I hanging around taverns with my girlfriends? Then tears: “You hate my mother, you want to quarrel with me!” In the end, it seemed to me that Ira seemed to understand something. She even agreed to go to the cinema, I hoped later to spend a romantic evening with her at home, secretly bought a bottle of wine and fruit. But this trip did not bring joy to anyone - the wife sat the entire session with such a face as if she had been taken to hard labor, on the way back she whined about what a terrible movie it was, and, as soon as she crossed the threshold of the apartment, she ran to call her mother and talked to her all evening, locked in a room. Here is a romantic evening for you! In general, I feel that my patience is at the limit, but I love my wife, I don’t want to part with her. I don't know how to save the situation...

Incredibly, the author, the situation is 1 in 1 like mine. If you read, answer how it ended.

I am 30, a girl of 25, on the verge of collapse, now offended, moved out to live with her mother.
We met and began to live with her mother, where she lived. Naturally, for me it was a temporary option, because. I lived far away from my parents for a long time and got used to making decisions for myself. And her mother was sitting at home at a laptop, on purchased sick leave, and her daughter was busy around the house, cooking, cleaning, taking her to the hospital, and so on. At first I wanted to help, it was a pity, work, they also force me at home. Then her mother decided when, where, why it was necessary to go, there was practically no life of her own. While I was working, they went shopping or somewhere else and always everywhere her mother was the initiator. I'm tired, scandals began, my mother-in-law is offended, expresses her daughter, my daughter tells me that she just helps her and nothing special. I forgot to say that the girl had a son, she was 2 years old at that time. Somehow he persuaded me to rent an apartment and move. Very convenient, our work, garden 5 min. on foot. We didn't get married, although we wanted to. She goes to her mother every other day at least, they call each other every day, then take her to the hospital, then cook, clean, pay utility bills, in general, everything. Everything is complicated by the fact that she, mother, is very ill, and it is really hard for her to do all this now. I'm not against help, but the constant feeling of her mother's presence is tiring. If we quarrel, and she refuses her, then she will quarrel. I stopped talking to my mother-in-law. And the girl communicates and drives as if nothing had happened. I swear, communicate and travel while I'm away. Once they had a fight, he said that she was against going to one place, at the behest of her mother, she went anyway. And so they lived for 2 years, with a double life, it seems that they had their own plans, on the other hand, you know that there is still a mother who is not going to let her go anywhere.
The girl honestly tried to somehow refuse her, but she threw tantrums, a bad daughter, blackmail, threats. Then she stopped, and we fought, often. I also can’t stand her mother, somehow I tried to put up with her, she says that she will buy her a car, despite the fact that we have it so that she has her own, I kind of don’t give a car sometimes. And the girl is tired of everything, but she doesn’t want to leave her mother, and I’m not ready to be the third. The husband is the head of the family and the head of the wife, not the mother, I think so. In short, a vicious circle. And now I think either to leave her with her mother, or to endure, to wait for her to move away from her, but this can be waited all my life, this is education.
I love her very much, so I endure, I came to my mother-in-law to put up, she says it’s my own fault, I left money for them to live. The girl doesn’t communicate with me, she wants to leave, I’m trying to get her back, I’m texting the hater, I’m sorry. But I myself think, is it worth it, or put up with it. I love the girl, although she does not seem to appreciate it much. I also tortured her with scandals, but I was tired of enduring their close union with my mother. My parents help us, they give gifts to the child and her, it’s not enough for me, I don’t mind, her mother didn’t help in any way, but we always owe her, and the girl still doesn’t oppose it. Her mother is not her mother, she adopted her.
Maybe I'm wrong about something, advise if there is a way out, or just leave?

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