What does Tarasov's mother say about Buzova. Olga Buzova's mother about Tarasov: “He never believed in her and only scoffed. If a man offers a marriage contract, what is the future

The family of Dmitry Tarasov is closely watched by millions. And not only because he is a famous footballer. Thousands of fans of the TV star, singer and actress Olga Buzova still hold a grudge against the ex-husband of their favorite. Other sports fans and gossip fans, on the contrary, are delighted with Tarasov's new wife, beauty queen Anastasia Kostenko.

So, personal photos of Anastasia's mother, Victoria Shcherbakova, got into the network. In old amateur pictures, the parent of the model appeared in an unexpectedly frank form. In one picture, she is with some kind of bottle, and in the other, in a bold pose, she demonstrates stretching.

Internet users reacted to the photos without condescension, accused the abuse of alcoholic beverages in the comments, “appreciated” the origin, and some insulted the woman.

“Mommy is a stupid hillbilly and an equally stupid, crazy daughter. Fuuu vile, mercantile, stupid women”, “Everyone in the village knows that this is a drinking family. Her first husband left her for drinking. “I’m still interested, why didn’t she put up such photos, but why take pictures like that at all? What was the message?" - wrote Internet users.

Neither Victoria, nor her daughter, nor the famous son-in-law Dmitry Tarasov reacted in any way to the noise around the images that appeared.

Recall that earlier Tarasov's mother-in-law received only positive feedback from the followers of her daughter and son-in-law. For example, photographs of Victoria and Nastya, taken on the wedding day of her daughter and football player, made an absolute sensation. Subscribers were delighted with the young and beautiful mother of Tarasov's third wife.

The wedding of Dmitry and Anastasia took place on January 10, and only twenty days later they celebrated their marriage with a chic banquet.

Dmitry and Anastasia met in December 2016. By this time, Tarasov was already married twice. From his first marriage with Oksana Osinkina, he had a daughter, Angelina, she is 9 years old. The second time Tarasov married Olga Buzova, they were together for more than four years and officially divorced just in the winter of 2016. Many fans are still sure that the relationship between Anastasia and Dmitry began long before the dissolution of the marriage with Buzova.

Now the popular TV presenter Olga Buzova is successfully building a career as a singer and she decided to try herself in this capacity immediately after a high-profile divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov.

And more recently, Olga's mother, Irina Aleksandrovna, said that Olga began writing her songs, which have now become real hits, many years ago, because she dreamed of a solo career for a long time, but she did not dare to go on stage.

“Once Olya wanted support from her beloved husband and friend to sing the first song “To the Sound of Kisses” from the stage, and in response she heard only laughter, sarcasm and the words: “Are you not friends with your head at all?”.

He did not believe in Olga, but she nevertheless did not break down and proved to everyone that she was worth something. Her song “But people didn’t believe” is just about that.

“In this song, she expressed all her pain, and I cry every time I hear that the angels will spread their wings and fly away,” the woman said.

According to Buzova's mother, Olga is very hardworking and purposeful, and she is only at the beginning of her brilliant career. The woman does not agree with the opinion that the glory of her daughter is “fleeting”.

“They write that she is a soap bubble, that it is for five minutes. But guys, she's got those five minutes!

Did you have them? They say that if you fly high, it will hurt to fall. So she took off, and someone crawls all his life. Olya lives according to this principle: “Yes, now I am flying,” Irina Aleksandrovna believes.

The woman said that from the age of 14 Olga went to work, she once danced at Dima Bilan's concerts in St. Petersburg, worked as a model, counselor and swept the area in the clinic.

“We worked very hard, my daughter grew up on her own. She worked because she wanted more than we could give her,” said Irina Alexandrovna.

Olga Buzova is an example for hundreds of thousands of fans across the country. The TV presenter was able to achieve fabulous popularity and make a career not only at DOM-2, but also beyond. Recently, the artist gave a grand concert in Moscow and presented her first show program. Of course, the mother of the star could not miss such a significant event.

According to Irina Alexandrovna, she was very worried about her daughter, who performed complex tricks on stage. However, Olga's mother knows how important it is for her to move forward towards her dreams. “I didn’t expect to see such a level of show, although I knew that she and the team were preparing for the performance for days. After the concert, I hugged her, but there is no child - she lost so much weight. After the show, Olya said: “Mom, I had to rehearse even more, I could perform better.” She has this healthy dissatisfaction with the outcome. I respect my daughter for the fact that in her work she always strives to achieve more. I admire her ability to take a hit, because the niche she has chosen to realize her ambitions is not easy, ”said the artist’s mother.

Irina Aleksandrovna remembered how Buzova's career on stage began. Then the artist was still married to Dmitry Tarasov and hoped that her husband would support her ambitions. However, instead, the footballer ridiculed the host of DOMA-2, who dreams of changing her field of activity.

“I remember one moment of her life when she wanted support from her beloved husband and friend in her attempts to sing the first song “To the Sound of Kisses”, and in response she heard only laughter, sarcasm and the words: “Are you not friends with your head at all?” . Therefore, it is the song: “But people did not believe” that personifies a person’s faith in himself, in his dream. In this song, she expressed all her pain, and I cry every time I hear that the angels will spread their wings and fly away, ”said the mother of the star.

The relatives of the TV presenter are always ready to help her, because every day a stream of negativity pours out on Olga. Despite the vast experience in the world of show business, Buzova still takes universal criticism to heart. That is why the mother of the star often has to console her after the next unflattering words of the haters. “She leads her own Instagram, despite the fact that many people think differently and read the comments. Of course, some things hurt her. An upset call: “Oh, mommy, again tons of negativity, but I didn’t do anything bad to anyone.” I tell her, and you count how many positive and kind things they write to you, because there is much more of this and smile, ”Irina Alexandrovna shared her experiences.

Of course, a caring mother dreams that her daughter will someday find personal happiness. However, there is no strong man next to Olga who could withstand the constant attention of others to his person.

“Olya never chooses with her head. She falls in love with her heart. She will always think that she is to blame for something, that she saw it wrong, understood it wrong. She doesn’t care what her chosen one will or won’t have: money, business, the main thing is not to lie and betray. She cannot stand lies and hatred, ”said a relative of the star.

Communicating with "Komsomolskaya Pravda", Irina Alexandrovna repeatedly emphasized that she feels like a very happy person. Although it is difficult for many to come to terms with the success of her eldest daughter, but the caring mother herself is ready to do everything possible so that Olga continues to follow the chosen path, fulfilling her dreams.


For the first time, the divorce of Dmitry and Olga decided to comment on the mother of Buzova, Irina Aleksandrovna. In an interview with Wday.ru, the woman said that it was Tarasov who made the decision to divorce. “One “beautiful” day, Olya called me and, sobbing, asked for help. I arrived, packed my things as best I could, and moved my daughter to a rented apartment, ”said the mother of the TV presenter.



When Olga started having problems in her relationship with her husband, Irina Aleksandrovna tried to help her, but at the same time she understood that nothing would come of it: “Then I went through all the possible options. You know, one of those that are given in women's magazines - from "diversify your sex life" to "bake him pies in the morning." But she understood very well: if a man does not love, then at least you can wash his legs and drink this water, nothing will change.


According to Irina Alexandrovna, from the very beginning she did not like the format of the relationship between Olga and Dmitry. The woman was alarmed that the athlete was suing his ex-wife, who gave birth to his daughter, and then invited Buzova to draw up a marriage contract. “Everything became clear. Alas, only for me. A man who earns millions marries a popular working girl and stipulates in advance that he will never owe her anything. What are we talking about? I warned my daughter, but I heard in response: “I love him, I don’t need his money.”


Irina Alexandrovna said that Olga got along well with Dmitry's mother Olga Alexandrovna. “Many holidays were celebrated together: I, Olya with Dima and his mother. Every time I heard words of gratitude and admiration addressed to me and Olin. As it turned out, all this was said only for the sake of a red word, ”the woman shared.


When Dmitry gave Olga a song and a luxurious ring on her 30th birthday, even Irina Alexandrovna believed that her daughter's marriage would be for life, but she was mistaken. After the divorce of the spouses, the woman stopped communicating with the Tarasov family.


Olga naively believed that her love would "save the world" and that she was behind a "stone wall", and her husband was responsible for his vows. And what to say and do are different things, it became a difficult discovery for her. It’s not the separation itself that’s scary, but how a person does it. Tarasov has twice already parted inhumanly with his wives. Having betrayed once, he will betray the next time, ”added Irina Aleksandrovna.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov broke up almost two years ago. Many fans of the TV presenter believed that the real reason for the high-profile divorce was the mother of the football player Olga Alexandrovna.

Despite the fact that the football player remarried model Anastasia Kostenko, who will give birth to his heir this summer, Buzova's fans are still chasing the athlete. Dmitry shared a touching frame with his mother Olga Alexandrovna with Network users, but the picture caused mixed emotions among the footballer's subscribers. Some admired the beauty of Tarasov's mother, while others recalled his difficult parting with Olga Buzova.

“A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there will always be forgiveness,” Tarasov signed the picture.

“The main thing is that the mother has the wisdom not to interfere in the family of an adult son and not decide for him how to behave with women. God forbid that this wisdom is enough for me in the future”, “Yes, we’ll screw up and run to mommy. It’s so grown-up, and most importantly, it’s so masculine”, “Mom will say: “Change women, at least a hundred, but you will find one with which you will be fine.” “But it doesn’t happen, you need to work on every relationship, it doesn’t happen smoothly in life, women are all the same!”, “The mother raised her son badly”, “How badly his mom raised him, big gaps in education,” noted Web users.

The scandalous parting of the TV presenter "Doma-2" with football player Dmitry Tarasov made a lot of noise in the fall of 2016. For two years, fans have been trying to understand what destroyed the star family. As StarHit found out, Buzova intended to make peace with her husband through her mother-in-law Olga Alexandrovna. The star even tried to follow the appearance of the footballer's mother, for example, she wrote her to a beauty salon, attended football matches with her.

“Olya called in advance to meet Dima’s mother, make her color,” designer Bella Potemkina told StarHit. - I have not seen a person who is more worried than she is for her mother-in-law. Every hour she writes to me, asks if she likes it. She asked here: “Offer Olga Alexandrovna champagne, tea, she is shy!” Olya always tries to arrange a holiday for Dima's mother, orders flowers. They say that a man chooses to marry a woman who looks like her mother. And this is the same case. I hope Olga Alexandrovna will reconcile the guys.

However, some fans stubbornly repeated that the mother-in-law is the main reason for the separation of Tarasov and Buzova. There were also rumors on the Web that the football player divorced his first wife at the insistence of his mother.

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