What does a low voice mean in women? Sexy voice (for women)

It is believed that with a low voice she looks more attractive in the eyes. It seems that there is indeed some truth in this, but the point is not at all in the timbre of the voice itself: low or high, but in the various nuances associated with it. This was proven by the results of a recent study conducted by specialists from the University of Vienna.

Experiment to evaluate female voices

Scientists recruited a team of male volunteers and gave them to listen to recordings of the voices of 42 female students who had previously been photographed. Subjects were then asked to choose the most sexually attractive among the voices. In most cases, participants pointed to girls with good looks, although they did not see their faces.

The authors of the experiment noted that the faces of the students whose voices were more often identified as " " were distinguished by symmetry of features; they tended to have high cheekbones, soft jawlines and full lips. According to experts, such an appearance indicates a good genotype, which also affects the synchronization of the vocal cords, larynx and nasal cavity. On a subconscious level, a man perceives a woman’s voice as a signal that everything is fine with her sexually, which means she can become a wife and mother.

Yes, pronouncing words with aspiration and special nuances may seem attractive. But in other cases, on the contrary, it can make a repulsive impression. And not only when it comes to the sphere of personal relationships. For example, statistics show that women with low and hoarse voices are less likely to get a job as a result of interviews. It turns out that many people perceive people with a “squeaky” voice as “unreliable.” Maybe because those with hoarse voices often smoke and have other bad habits.

Female voices and headhunters

A team of American psychologists once invited 800 headhunters to listen to recordings of various female voices and choose which one they would like to invite to. Only a fifth of respondents preferred women with hoarse voices. The rest commented on their choice by saying that a hoarse voice indicates low competence, lack of education and external unattractiveness.

Note that women who work as secretaries or managers and often have to communicate with people on the phone tend to have high-pitched voices. Perhaps such voices on a subconscious level inspire more trust. But at the same time, voices with an overly high timbre, more like a screech, are annoying...

"People prefer voices with vocal characteristics typical of total mass population, scientists say. “Although unusual voices may be more memorable, people find common-sounding voices more attractive.”

Voice modulation depending on interest in the interlocutor

By the way, a group of experts from the University of Stirling found that our voices can change depending on whether we find the interlocutor of the opposite sex attractive. For the purpose of the experiment, 110 heterosexual volunteers were asked to strike up a conversation with each other. Subsequently, all participants were asked to fill out questionnaires that assessed the degree of attractiveness of their partners. It turned out that if a man liked the woman he was talking to, the tone of his voice decreased and the modulation also increased, that is, the frequency of the tone became more variable.

The head of the study, Juan David Leongómez, explains this by the fact that although a low timbre of the voice indicates masculinity (masculinity), it is also associated with aggression and promiscuity, therefore, wanting to please a lady, a man unconsciously tries to speak in a low voice to signal his masculinity, and at the same time modulates the tone to show that he is not aggressive and reliable.

So, if during the conversation you notice that the voice of a representative of the stronger sex has become more “singing,” then most likely this indicates his interest in you. At the same time, the researchers conclude, modulations can increase the attractiveness of a given man in the eyes of a woman. So experienced heartthrobs, consciously or unconsciously, actively use this technique.

It is believed that a woman with a deep voice looks more attractive to men. It seems that there is indeed some truth in this, but the point is not at all in the timbre of the voice itself: low or high, but in the various nuances associated with it. This was proven by the results of a recent study conducted by specialists from the University of Vienna.

Experiment to evaluate female voices

Scientists recruited a team of male volunteers and gave them to listen to recordings of the voices of 42 female students who had previously been photographed. Subjects were then asked to choose the most sexually attractive among the voices. In most cases, participants pointed to girls with good looks, although they did not see their faces.

The authors of the experiment noted that the faces of the students whose voices were more often identified as “sexy” were distinguished by symmetry of features, they tended to have high cheekbones, soft jawlines and full lips. According to experts, such an appearance indicates a good genotype, which also affects the synchronization of the vocal cords, larynx and nasal cavity. On a subconscious level, a man perceives a woman’s voice as a signal that everything is fine with her sexually, which means she can become a wife and mother.

Yes, a deep voice that pronounces words with aspiration and special nuances may seem attractive. But in other cases, on the contrary, it can make a repulsive impression. And not only when it comes to the sphere of personal relationships. For example, statistics show that women with low and hoarse voices are less likely to get a job as a result of interviews. It turns out that many people perceive people with a “squeaky” voice as “unreliable.” Maybe because those with hoarse voices often smoke and have other bad habits.

Female voices and headhunters

A team of American psychologists once asked 800 headhunters to listen to recordings of various female voices and choose which one they would like to invite for an interview. Only a fifth of respondents preferred women with hoarse voices. The rest commented on their choice by saying that a hoarse voice indicates low competence, lack of education and external unattractiveness.

Note that women who work as secretaries or managers and often have to communicate with people on the phone tend to have high-pitched voices. Perhaps such voices on a subconscious level inspire more trust. But at the same time, voices with an overly high timbre, more like a screech, are annoying...

"People prefer voices with vocal characteristics that are typical of the general population," the scientists say. "Although unusual voices may be more memorable, people find common-sounding voices more attractive."

Voice modulation depending on interest in the interlocutor

By the way, a group of experts from the University of Stirling found that our voices can change depending on whether we find the interlocutor of the opposite sex attractive. For the purpose of the experiment, 110 heterosexual volunteers were asked to strike up a conversation with each other. Subsequently, all participants were asked to fill out questionnaires that assessed the degree of attractiveness of their partners. It turned out that if a man liked the woman he was talking to, the tone of his voice decreased and the modulation also increased, that is, the frequency of the tone became more variable.

The head of the study, Juan David Leongómez, explains this by the fact that although a low timbre of the voice indicates masculinity (masculinity), it is also associated with aggression and promiscuity, therefore, wanting to please a lady, a man unconsciously tries to speak in a low voice to signal his masculinity, and at the same time modulates the tone to show that he is not aggressive and reliable.

So, if during the conversation you notice that the voice of a representative of the stronger sex has become more “singing,” then most likely this indicates his interest in you. At the same time, the researchers conclude, modulations can increase the attractiveness of a given man in the eyes of a woman. So experienced heartthrobs, consciously or unconsciously, actively use this technique.

The first word “hello” can make an impression. A pleasant female voice influences a person’s perception. Therefore, not only professional opera singers. Those who are lucky enough to have a pleasant female voice will find success in any field. This applies to working as a telephone operator or negotiation manager, and in personal life: victories over men’s hearts.

Let's talk about what a beautiful female voice is like, what its classification is, how singers prepare to perform a song, and why they look for a pleasant female voice to voice an advertisement.

The phrases imply the ability to sing. The sound here has a certain pitch and the ability to last for a long time. Singing a song is manifested in vowels, is realized by breathing with a sigh, without noise, a large volume of air and slow exhalation.

  • household;
  • professional.

Every aspiring singer says “hello” to the profession through the production of his voice. In this case, the following voice characteristics are developed:

  • range width;
  • brightness;
  • force;
  • flexibility;
  • beauty;
  • not fatigue;
  • other qualities.

The timbre and duration of sounds play a special role. Opera voices are characterized by flight so that they can be heard far away. Metallic “notes” and flight are characteristic of high overtones. And the softness of the sound is achieved in the low-frequency range. The singing voice is strong. He fills the entire hall.

For boys and girls, the following types are distinguished:

  • soprano;
  • treble (boys only);
  • alto (meaning a low female or child's voice).
  • tenor (high pitch);
  • baritone (medium);
  • bass (low).
  • soprano (high) - opera roles of the Snow Maiden from the work of Rimsky-Korsakov;
  • mezzo-soprano (middle) - opera roles of Lady Macbeth from Verdi's Macbeth;
  • contralto (low) - Olga’s opera roles from Tchaikovsky’s “Eugene Onegin”.

Beautiful female voice - singing

  • Chest, with great sounding power, but poor in timbre.
  • Mixed or medium, where chest and head sounds are combined.
  • The head one is open and bright.

Transitional notes and registers have different lengths.

  • lyrical;
  • dramatic;
  • lyrical - dramatic.

In contrast to the high soprano, the beautiful female voice of the mezzo-soprano is accompanied by greater beauty of timbre, strength and chest resonance. It is divided into high (lyrical) and low (dramatic - contralto). The woman's voice in the first case is mobile and soft. The second one is less mobile, with big amount chest notes. It's called contralto. This beautiful female voice has a large range in the chest register and thick notes in the small octave.

Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish two low voices from each other. To do this, listen to chest notes in a small octave. Full-sounding notes here are determined by the mezzo-soprano. True, if a beautiful female contralto voice is well-produced, then the notes are almost the same. Then they evaluate by the tessitura and transitional notes to the head register how easily it is possible to raise and lower the voice.


The singer says "Hello" to her voice before performing songs, through preparation for the upcoming load. If this is not done, the woman’s voice risks breaking. Let's look at some types of exercises suitable for chanting for experienced singers and novice performers.

A key is selected that corresponds to the lower limit of the student’s voice range. The parts are repeated a semitone higher. And when is it achieved high limit, the next part should be lowered by a semitone, and so gradually reach the lower range.

Each subsequent chanting exercise becomes more difficult. To achieve success, pay attention to the following points:

  • correct breathing;
  • staging of the organs involved;
  • direction of sound flow;
  • strict implementation of recommendations.

Let's consider basic exercises.

  • Singing closed mouth(lips compressed, teeth unclenched). This is a real “hello” chant.
  • Playing on the lips (similar to the sound of a child repeating the sounds of a car: the lips are not pinched, but closed). It starts with a lower limit, which should first be raised and then lowered.
  • Glissando has two variations of the chant. In the first case, the second exercise is repeated, but not with individual notes, but with sliding. In the second case, the mouth is opened, but a nasal sound is produced, creating an obstruction to the air.
  • Vieni, vigini, vyani (Italian "vieni" means "where"). It is performed in three variations, each of which is based on 5 sounds.
  • The last chanting exercise, “Staccato,” is performed with abrupt notes. It resembles laughter. Everywhere you need to raise and lower the scale the same way.

Voiceovers for advertising and what is the most beautiful female voice for men?

A pleasant female voice in advertising is associated with attention and care. Women's voices are used for voiceovers by manufacturers of perfumes, cosmetics, household appliances. Gifts, vacations, cafes, restaurants, and even cars - women are interested in all this.

A beautiful woman's voice is a direct path to a man's heart. But such voiceover also creates trust among female listeners. Thus, a skillfully used woman's voice encourages the fairer sex to make unplanned purchases. It affects them on an emotional level.

But men react differently after listening to the voiceover. A beautiful female voice sounding on the air makes them perplexed as to how they didn’t think of this purchase themselves. As you can see, the voice is professionally used not only to sing a song, but also, at least, for voice acting.

Only someone who has a beautiful female voice and knows how to use it can say “Hello” as “I love you.” But what do men think “handsome” means? Contralto - this velvety, chest-like, pleasant female voice evokes sympathy among men. It’s hard to imagine how even a pretty-looking woman, saying “hello” shrilly, will please a man. A beautiful female voice for men - sedate, “wet”, sometimes aspirated. He calls strong half humanity's hunter instinct.

This is how this mysterious and enigmatic voice works. Surely readers have a desire to train their vocal cords. Well, the Internet will help with this! Practice chanting by turning on audio or video recording, and soon you will notice how you will control your voice consciously.

Incredible facts

Scientists say that men with a hoarse voice are the most attractive and sexy to the opposite sex.

Men are attracted to women who speak with a breathy tone.

Female sexy voice

The actress, as you know, charmed everyone with a high, enveloping voice.

What was very memorable was the breathiness with which the actress spoke. It was this manner of singing and speaking that simply floored men. A connection was established between the attractiveness of a woman's timbre and the body size of the owner of the voice.

As a rule, these are women of medium build. It is these representatives of the fair sex who are the most attractive to men.

Low male voice

Women are attracted to those with a pleasant, low voice with a characteristic hoarseness. At the same time, the timbre must also be deep enough.

Scientists say that the ideal man for the opposite sex is a fairly tall man with a low voice. However, tall does not mean large. Beauty should be courageous, but not aggressive.

Returning to women, it is worth noting that Dr. Yi Lu says that the most high voice– an indicator of a woman’s sexuality.

At the same time, it should not be too high so as not to give off a “squeaky” sound; the characteristic notes of hoarseness should be captured in the timbre of the voice. Hoarseness in the voice and aspirated speech are almost a hundred percent guarantee that a man will go crazy over such a woman.

Of course, the parameters of a woman’s figure are also important. Miniature, perfect proportions bodies and, of course, a recognizable voice turned Marilyn into a real sex symbol of the century.

Women, in turn, prefer men who are taller than them, physically stronger with an accentuated hoarseness in their voices, which gives them masculinity. However, Excessive aggressiveness in external data not only does not attract the weaker half, but, on the contrary, repels.

A number of studies have been conducted involving both sexes. The results turned out to be quite interesting, although very predictable: in the company of an unfamiliar beautiful woman single men lowered their voices to attract her attention. Psychologists say that the stronger sex does this on a subconscious level.

New research confirms the results of previous melon observations. In 2010, psychologists from Albright College, Pennsylvannia, US also proved with numerous examples that men and women change the timbre of their voices to attract the opposite sex.

Moreover, representatives of both sexes change their voice downward. The results of this study destroyed the stereotype that most women try to speak in a higher voice to attract the opposite sex.

On the contrary, they artificially lower the timbre of the voice, adding to it an attractive note of huskiness. Indeed, this technique works especially when meeting over the phone, when the girl does not have the opportunity to flirt in her usual way: smiling sweetly, batting her eyelashes innocently.

The sexiest women in the world

Sexuality is not just beauty, it is also a kind of zest that can distinguish a woman from a crowd of numerous beauties. It is thanks to this very zest that the following women are included in the list of the most sexy women 20th century.

Photos of the sexiest women:

1. The first line rightfully belongs to the incomparable Marilyn Monroe. A recognized sex diva of the last century, she still excites the imagination of men with her forms and memorable gentle voice.

2. Cindy Crawford . The beauty became famous for her piquant mole above her upper lip. It is worth noting that it was this mole that at the beginning of her journey prevented Cindy from building a career. Several times the girl was asked to remove it, to which she refused.

3. Pamela Anderson . The girl became the living embodiment of the Barbie doll of the early 90s, when the cult of silicone and artificial beauty dominated the world.

4. Monica Bellucci . The typical Italian beauty of the actress captivated the entire male population of the planet with her brightness and naturalness. For many, this beauty is the embodiment of what a true woman should be.

5. Jennifer Lopez . It's no secret that the highlight of the sultry Latina is the most prominent part of her body, which, by the way, its owner insured for a large sum of money.

6. Milla Jovovich . This American actress of Russian-Montenegrin origin, he has the tall height and correct body proportions characteristic of a model. Mila is very popular among famous directors, and among major advertising agents. The girl is the face of popular cosmetic brands, as well as a leading role in a number of Hollywood films.

7. Madonna . This miniature beauty has been captivating everyone with her delightful voice and extraordinary body flexibility for decades. Her popularity is comparable only to the popularity of the King of Pop Michael Jackson.

8. Naomi Campbell . The highlight of the “black panther” is its hot temper and unpredictable character. Apparently, there are men who like passion, which is created by it. Every now and then, details of various stories that happen to Naomi due to her incontinence appear in the press.

9. Brigitte Bardot . The French actress at one time conquered the whole world with her unusual and at the same time, natural beauty. Blonde Bridget has been the standard of female attractiveness and sex appeal for many decades.

10. Audrey Hepburn . The angelic beauty of the actress, her touching childlike spontaneity became exactly the highlight that did not leave any man indifferent when Audrey appeared on the screens. Her huge eyes and sweet smile touched the hearts of the audience and made the entire male population of the planet fall in love with the actress.

Each woman has her own ideal, it can be a voice with a hoarseness, or a clear timbre, but I am one hundred percent sure that all women will unanimously say: “Of course, a low voice.”

Why does this happen? Perhaps the answer is genetics - deep voice = fortitude = success. Success may include different parameters, but in any case, be it getting food, that is, hunting (the preference of women of ancient times), childbearing (a value at all times) - still, the owner of a powerful voice will be perceived on a subconscious level as an alpha male, a kind of brutal macho. , at whose feet all the individuals he meets on the way throw themselves - some out of fear, some out of lust (depending on the situation or preferences).

“Everywhere you spit there are only pure machos, but there’s a real shortage of men”

Although, again, the same scientists give hope: even if the male voice does not have such strong charisma, it can still have an advantage for ladies. Guess why? It is unlikely that such a thing as fidelity will occur to you. Yes Yes!

It is this loyalty - it is believed that in men with high-pitched voices this quality is developed to a greater extent than in representatives of the stronger sex, who with their voice, roar and, of course, their minds try to conquer as much as possible. more women. So, rejoice, everyone - friendship has won! For some, victory, for others, the warmth of true love - there is plenty to choose from!

It has long been proven that testosterone affects the quality of voice in men, but its role should not be exaggerated. A very low voice does not mean that a given man has an excess of this hormone. If this were so, then the entire bass line of opera houses would be observed by specialists - endocrinologists.

And vice versa, dear girls, I draw your attention to the fact that if a man can sing high, this does not mean that he speaks high, or that he has low level testosterone, most likely a man, has a large range. The main thing is in what register he speaks.

Transitions from a whisper to a powerful chest tone saturate Miles' voice with overtones that are so pleasant to the female ear, and his large range and excellent technique allow him to hit high notes, both in the falsetto register and in the mixed register.

A little about the technique of male vocals: in the chest register, the vocal folds close tightly and vibrate with their entire mass. The vibration also includes the arytenoid cartilages. This tightness of closure creates a rich, bright, strong and sonorous voice. This requires relatively little breathing. In the falsetto mode, only the edges of the folds vibrate and a spindle-shaped gap remains between them, through which air flows freely. Therefore, the sounds of natural falsetto have a blown character, are poor in overtones and do not have much power.

Let's move on to pleasant things, so what attracts us women to men's voices?

Monotonous male voice? Enemies are afraid, women love. Researchers from the University of California and the University of Pennsylvania found that women are turned on by a monotonous male voice. Not boring, but monotonous. Without transitions to high tones and excessive expressiveness.

A man's monotonous voice is a sign of independence, power and strength. Such a person shows that he is in control of the situation. He is courageous and not afraid of danger. Women like this voice. They subconsciously feel a man who can protect them in any situation.

In this recording, British actor Alan Rickman reads Shakespeare's Sonnet 130.

What to do?
Get used to speaking calmly, without harshness or vain expressiveness. They are afraid not of those who speak emotionally, but of calm equanimity. In calm speech lies more threat and warnings.

Male whisper

Many men neglect to speak in a whisper. But in vain! Scientists have found that women are aroused by male whispers. Researchers say that it is best to use hissing consonant sounds (zh, sh, ch, sch) in words. These sounds have the most stimulating effect on the female mind and body.

Legend of Russian dubbing Vladimir Eremin

What to do?
Tell the girl in a whisper in her ear: “Sasha was walking along the highway and sucking on a dryer.” You can choose other words, but remember the hissing consonants!

This conclusion was made by scientists who published their article in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society. The authors note that the ability to determine the strength of the enemy through the voice exists in animals, which is why it is possible that it is also present in people. That is why the natural world is filled with many voices, thanks to which certain species of the animal world manages to profitably “stake out” the most advantageous territory for itself. In the animal world, this is a normal phenomenon when rival individuals assess the strength of the enemy, for example, by roaring.

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