Where are the best girls. Which country has the most beautiful women? Video about the most beautiful nation in the world

All women are beautiful by definition. But some countries are especially famous for the fact that the most beautiful representatives of the weaker sex live there.

Naturally, beauty is a rather abstract concept, so each person can have their own idea of ​​​​it. However, in the modern world it is very difficult not to try to bring everything to a common denominator, even when it comes to the beauty of women. This is exactly what statisticians do, who collect data from all over the world and then offer the global totals to the public. The same was done with female beauty.

In one country people like one thing, in another another. Even within the same country, preferences may vary. What can we say, even if two neighbors may prefer different features in the appearance of women. Some people like tall girls, and some people like short ones. For some, the curves of the figure are important, and for others, the attractiveness of the face. Accordingly, if you ask a person to rank countries according to the attractiveness of women living in them, everyone will have their own version.

It's no secret that the ranking of countries by the beauty of women can vary depending on who makes it. However, if you average all the results, you can get a global rating, which will be described in this article. Here, all the main aspects of the attractiveness of women, which are most often used in compiling such ratings, were taken into account, such as facial features, figure, height, skin color, hair, eyes, and much more. What happened as a result? And as a result, a rating of ten countries was obtained, which, according to the majority, are the birthplace of the most beautiful women in the world.

Of course, you may not agree with these data, but it has already been said above that beauty is an abstract concept, so everyone can have their own opinion. But if you want to know the global trends in this matter, then this article is perfect for you. So which countries are famous for the most beautiful women in the world?


Many winners of the Miss World and Miss Universe beauty pageants were born in Venezuela. In this country, almost all women have very beautiful faces. And they definitely attract attention with this, as well as with their slender curvy bodies. Many people consider Latin American women the most attractive, and in many cases this is justified, since they almost always have a seductive skin color and breathtaking figures that they do not hesitate to show in the hot sun.


This multinational and multicultural country is home to many women with very beautiful looks. A swarthy complexion, an exceptionally feminine and modest demeanor, dark shiny hair - all this is the reason why many experts consider Indian women to be the most beautiful in the world.


Women in Argentina pay a lot of attention to their appearance, constantly taking care of the condition of their hair and skin, always trying to look beautiful and attractive. These women, whom nature has endowed with dark and shiny skin, always remain in the top of the most attractive in the world. And this is another clear confirmation that South America is the birthplace of the most beautiful women in the world.


Serbia gives the world the perfect combination of Slavic and Mediterranean heritage. Women here are usually tall, have a beautiful figure, dress stylishly and are generally pleasing to the eye. It is the figure that stands out in particular, because in 99 percent of women it has seductive curves that any Hollywood actress would envy. Surprisingly, you will not find so many European countries in the ranking, but among the sophisticated French women and passionate Italians, representatives of Serbia suddenly appear. This is unexpected, but no less pleasant.

South Korea

These beautiful women are the owners of innocent and sweet faces, behind which often hides a very pleasant character. Their even, smooth skin, their shiny hair, their supple bodies, their striking figures with amazing curves and not too tall - all this makes them incredibly attractive. Women from Asia rarely make it to the top, but if they are already in the rankings, in most cases they will be from South Korea.


French women are known for their openness, energy, and the fact that they always follow fashion. Local women are very refined and at the same time extremely romantic. It is unlikely that anyone was surprised by the appearance of French women in the ranking, since they have been a model of female beauty in Europe for quite a long time.


Italian women with olive skin and fine brown hair look very beautiful. These Mediterranean women are also very sensual, which makes them even more attractive and wonderful. Italians are very different from their neighbors from France, but at the same time they manage to be no less attractive.


In Ukraine, you can find the most beautiful and unusual women in the world. They can be both seductive and cute at the same time. In appearance and their behavior, they often resemble women from Russia, which will be discussed later. Eastern European beauty in general is a well-known fact, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that Ukrainians and Russians were in the ranking.


Brazilian women, both blonde and brunette, are known for their athletic and attractive bodies, as well as their cute faces. These beautiful women have a dark complexion, and their skin is attractively shiny. Many of the most beautiful athletes come from Brazil. And, of course, it is impossible not to note that a third of the countries on this list belong to South America. You can draw your own conclusions.


Russian women in many countries of the world are recognized as the most beautiful due to their beautiful smooth skin, blue eyes, incredible figures and high growth. It is worth noting that most of these beautiful women have extremely proportional bodies, which makes them even more attractive.

Beauty is a relative thing. My girlfriend and I often exchange photos of actors on social networks. And we never agree! She likes the guy - he seems sugary to me. I send some pretty girl - and she grimaces.

Therefore, I decided to see which girls from which countries took the first places in Miss Universe. For guys, I don’t know such competitions. And so at least some criterion, a little more objective than my personal opinion.

Most often, beauties won:

  • First place in frequency - - 8 girls. True, most of them won in the last century.
  • The second - Venezuela - 7 girls.
  • Third - y - 5 girls.

But can Americans be called a nation? - a multinational country, in different years sheltering peoples from all over the world on its shores. And here I will show a bias - and decide that it is still impossible. Too stormy cocktail of nations mixed in American women.

Then, in fairness, occupies the first place. The following ethnic groups live there:

  • Galicians.
  • Guajiro.
  • Jews.
  • Sephardi.
  • Caribs.
  • Portuguese.
  • Slovenians.
  • Italians.

And after all, according to official sources, the Italians, of whom there are many, are considered the most beautiful nation! Maybe it's their blood that helps Venezuelan girls win beauty contests. Dark hair, big dark eyes, harmonious facial features - and there really is something attractive in them! Expressive eyebrows, fluffy thick eyelashes - this is our female magic, forcing men's hearts to speed up.

Tastes, as they say, do not argue, but the standard of female beauty still exists. Neither Asians, nor Europeans, nor Americans can look away from irresistible girls of Slavic origin. However, beautiful women live not only in Russia and Ukraine. Each of the races, in fact, even countries, assumes its own standard of beauty, due to the appearance of the "fair sex". Beauty competitions are held annually. Thanks to these competitions, we can draw conclusions about the features of the appearance of girls from different countries. We offer to consider the countries with the most beautiful girls. Perhaps this article will help you choose a place to stay on vacation! And we hope that you will finally find the answer to the question, which countries still have the most beautiful girls!

Which countries have the most beautiful girls?


  • Pictured: Sam Pinto
  • Instagram: sampinto_

Opens the ranking of countries with the most beautiful girls in the Philippines. By the number of winners in beauty contests, the state ranks second in the world. The secret of beautiful Filipinos lies in the versatility of their appearance, which combines the features of the Caucasoid, Australoid and even Mongoloid races. There are many beautiful women in the country who have won in such contests as Miss Supranational, Miss World, Miss Universe and Miss International. These include Megan Young, Maya Salvador and Valerie "Bangs".

  • Pictured: Scarlett Johansson
  • Instagram: no

You can not underestimate the representatives of the "beautiful sex" of America. Girls from all over the world try to imitate Hollywood celebrities. Ideally, American beauty reflects a tanned, athletic girl with a dazzling smile. Beauties such as Beyoncé and Angelina Jolie are constantly listed on the list of the most beautiful American women. Speaking about the tastes of the Americans themselves, a lot of names should also be added to the list, but our article is not about that, so let's continue!

  • Pictured: Doutzen Kroes
  • Instagram: doutzen

The countries in which the most beautiful girls live are the Netherlands. Women from this state are distinguished not only by the model parameters of the figure, but also by attractive Nordic facial features. Lovely girls with a "zest" - this is how you can characterize the Dutch. At the same time, the average height of girls from this country is 170 cm. Most of the representatives of the “weaker sex” are blondes.

  • Pictured: Bianca Balti
  • Instagram: biancabalti

There is no doubt that Italian women are among the most attractive and charismatic girls on the planet. In the minds of every guy, a beautiful Italian is the epitome of a well-groomed, passionate and hot woman who can charm anyone. What is only Monica Bellucci worth. It is worth adding that women from Italy retain their freshness and become more attractive over time.

  • Pictured: Chiquinquira Delgado
  • Instagram: chiqui_delgado

No one will dispute the fact that Venezuela is one of the countries where attractive girls live. There is no doubt, because Latin American blood makes itself felt. Every year, representatives of this country win all kinds of beauty contests. Their amazing shapes captivate men from all over the world.

  • Pictured: Carla Ossa
  • Instagram: not found

Many beauty queens live in Colombia. A country where slender, bright and memorable beauties live. The ideal Colombian beauty formula is a beautiful figure, glowing eyes and a tanned, slender body. And how they dance… So the chic Colombian girls take a worthy 6th place!

  • Pictured: Adriana Lima
  • Instagram: adrianalima

Positive and cheerful Brazilians cannot but complement this rating with their natural charm. Each festival in Brazil is accompanied by the appearance of charming girls with a beautiful figure. As a rule, representatives of the country with the most beautiful women are distinguished by their athletic, toned body. At any party, their forms are emphasized by revealing outfits, which is why many men want to travel to Brazil. Such beauty deserves attention!

  • Pictured: Josephine Skriver
  • Instagram: josephineskriver

Slender representatives of Denmark cannot but amaze the male gaze. Blue-eyed blondes that you want to wear on your hands. The skin has a light and touching shade. It is worth adding that the Danes are very purposeful and active individuals. In general, the ideal wife! I would also like to note that the Danes have a very toned and beautiful body, this is the legacy of the mighty Vikings who previously lived in the lands of Denmark.

Beauty is inside a person - we will not deny it, but, you must admit, it is always pleasant to look at external beauty. Here is a list of the top 10 countries in the world that are said to have the most beautiful women. Take note of this rating when you next plan your vacation.

10th place - Philippines

In this country live girls who have been winners of various beauty contests many times. The number of such contests in the Philippines is the largest among all other countries. The appearance of the Filipinos is very interesting and combines the features of the Mongoloid, Australoid and Caucasoid races. It's also nice that thriftiness can be added to the beauty of Filipinas.

Megan Young

9th place - Great Britain

The appearance of British girls is a mixture of several different cultures, because of this they have different types of faces and skin tones. The British are smart, well-mannered, which is very important for real ladies.

Helen Flanagan

8th place - USA

Girls from America devote a lot of time to their appearance, they are independent and have a good sense of humor. And not without reason, the list of the most beautiful women, according to Esquire magazine, includes: Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron, Scarlett Johansson, Halle Berry and many other famous American women. And most of the models from Victoria's Secret are American beauties.

Angelina Jolie

7th place - Netherlands

Girls from this country have Nordic features combined with model parameters. 170 cm is the average height of girls from the Netherlands. And more than half of them are blondes with sophisticated figures. Isn't that what drives most men crazy?

Doutzen Kroes

6th place - Italy

Italian women have a hot temperament, they know a lot about fashion, style and make-up. They are gifted with natural beauty, so they look young and fresh until adulthood. A vivid example of the beauty of an Italian woman is Monica Bellucci.

Monica Bellucci

5th place - Venezuela

Venezuelan girls are quite sophisticated, tall and thin, and exotic in their appearance adds zest. They are frequent winners of international beauty contests.

Norelis Rodriguez

4th place - Russia

Girls from Russia are distinguished by bright eyes, blond hair, fair skin and a natural blush. Russian women pay great attention to their beauty, knowing that it is a very powerful weapon. Many successful models come from Russia.

Irina Shayk

3rd place - Turkey

Turkey is home to some of the most beautiful girls in the world. They have beautiful facial features, bright eyes and natural charisma, which adds to their appearance of extraordinary charm and grandeur.

Tuba Buyukustun

2nd place - Brazil

Brazilian girls are popular all over the world because of their enchanting carnivals. Brazilian women have appetizing figures (especially buttocks), swarthy skin and beautiful hair. Many popular models come from Brazil. Also, Brazilian girls are part of the Victoria's Secret Angels - in second place in terms of number after American women.

Adriana Lima

1st place - Ukraine

Ukrainian girls are winners and finalists of international beauty contests. Their beauty is quite difficult to convey in words - it is better to see with your own eyes. Also, Ukrainian women care a lot not only about their appearance, but also about the inner world - they are smart, cheerful, quick-witted and kind.

Vera Brezhneva

If you are a single, relationship-free man, and for the coming holidays you want to go somewhere with friends, but have not yet decided where, we suggest that you choose not to focus on the climate, sights and gastronomic delights, but on the beauty and sexuality of local women . They will please the eye and excite your mind, because, while on vacation with friends, you will be able to turn your head around and enjoy the contemplation of beauty without any obstacles.

6. Varna, Bulgaria. Truly Slavic women. Well-mannered, polite, while watching their face and body. Beauty and charm are the hallmarks of Bulgarians. It's worth seeing with your own eyes.

7. Buenos Aires, Argentina There are a lot of beautiful women in this city, and they are beautiful. They are not always natural - the fashion for plastic surgery and the increase in everything that can be increased affects - but at the same time they are still very harmonious, active, charismatic and desirable. These women are in constant search of the right man. For this purpose, there are many clubs in the city where you can easily get acquainted with local beauties.

8. Copenhagen, Denmark. Residence of blue-eyed blondes. And Copenhagen is a city in which, compared to other cities in the world, the largest number of sexually liberated women. There are many of them, they are everywhere, and they are always ready to go to a bar with you, have a cocktail in a different way, and then continue to get to know each other. Being in Copenhagen is very pleasant, because you will almost always catch the eyes of several women at once. If you are not used to disappointing the ladies, it is quite possible that you will drink cocktails not in private, but in a small group. Nobody here will judge you or these women.

9. Stockholm, Sweden. It seems that every woman in Stockholm is a beauty. You go into any store or cafe and see a top model from the cover of a glossy magazine behind the counter. And so it is everywhere. In addition, these women know a lot about parties and how to get and at the same time give pleasure to a partner. They are educated, sociable, friendly, they all speak English and have no inhibitions in sex. These women are created to give a man pleasure. Tall, blond and blue-eyed - try to find somewhere else such a concentration of female beauty and sexuality!

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