“The miracle of God must be prepared and prepared for it…. Revolution in Russia: are there any preconditions, are the threats real?

An international competition of historiosophical and political science works has been announced on the topic “Revolution in Russia: are there any preconditions, are the threats real?”. Deadline February 26, 2017.

Organizer: St. Mark of Ephesus Foundation with the support of the information and analytical service "Russian People's Line"

Russian and foreign authors are allowed to participate in the competition.

From the abstract of the competition:

The centenary of the revolution is a sad and disturbing anniversary. We will try to understand how it happened that a great country fell under the onslaught of the revolution. We will try to learn lessons from the past, and most importantly, to see similar explosive problems in the current situation that can be used by our enemies.

The organizers of the competition express the hope that the works that we will receive for the competition will contain not only an impartial analysis of the situation, they will not only diagnose social diseases, but will also offer remedies for these diseases. This is what the experts will pay special attention to when summing up the results of the competition.

Our official Vkontakte group:,.

The works submitted for competition must be written in Russian. The volume is 1-2 author's sheets, or 40-80 thousand characters, or 10-24 pages of text typed on a personal computer in any text editor and printed in 12-point font with single spacing. The title of the entry does not have to be the same as the title of the competition.

Collective works are allowed to participate in the competition.

Essays should be sent by e-mail to RNL [email protected] marked "For the competition", with the application of personal data and a photo of the author (authors), as well as a contact phone number for communication.

  • diploma of the 1st degree and a cash prize of 200 thousand rubles
  • diploma of the 2nd degree and a cash prize of 150 thousand rubles
  • diploma of the 3rd degree and a cash prize of 100 thousand rubles
  • 5 works will be awarded with special diplomas and incentive prizes of 20 thousand rubles each
  • 4 works will be awarded consolation prizes of 10 thousand rubles each
  • The works of the contest participants will be published on the Russian Folk Line website (www.ruskline.ru), the best compositions will be published in a separate collection.

Competition announcement.

/Continuation. Table of contents ./

7. How they “worked” on the configuration of 2013

In order to understand the role of the PCA in the course of the sufferings of European integration and to understand the background of these events, which goes beyond officialdom, it is necessary to separately study the open politics that manifested itself in the public discourse of the PCA mouthpieces even then, and the closed actions that can be calculated today from indirect data and from taking into account afterthought.

The study of the archives of the two mouthpieces of the HCA known to us - RNL and IA REX - up to the middle of 2013, with rare exceptions, in itself does not allow us to reproach the alliance for any malicious tendentiousness on the Ukrainian issue. These resources, in a good sense, kept pace with the times, mostly conducted an all-Russian discourse and did not “see the light” about the stable features of Ukraine and the Ukrainian policy of the Russian Federation not too late, so there is no need to accuse them of hiding the truth.

So, for example, back in May 2007, on the Russian People's Line, Dugin's article was reprinted with an exhaustive description of the features of Yanukovych, which do not allow placing any hopes on him. Some ridiculous optimistic articles about Yanukovych from Igor Druz ( , ) and Natalia Narochnitskaya are overlaid with extreme skepticism about both Yanukovych and the entire political class of Ukraine from Zatulin , Leontiev ( , ), Sergei Lebedev , Viktor Alksnis , Mikhail Andreev. True, the question arises whether it was so important to post the murky streams of Leontiev's drunken consciousness, insulting in style, if the editor still had to fish out valuable content from them and put them as headings. It is not interesting, but without any particular flaws, Gennady Dubova spoke at the RNL (,,,), links to which we provide simply as proof of the correspondent's long-standing connection to the topic. During these years, there were also important strategic orientation materials (Anatoly Filatov, Alexander Bliznyuk, Leonid Sokolov, Igor Druz, Nikolai Orlov, Sergey Sidorenko, reports from the conference "Russian Identity and the Future of the Orthodox World in the Age of Globalization" with some theses that became later installation - , ). All these texts, taking into account the time of writing, it is simply impossible to reproach. Unless, the passage at the end of Druz’s article, which is not very appropriate in the specific context of Russian reunification, suddenly turns to geobism, giving the impression of working out the editorial line, is alarming - we will repeatedly encounter this invariable marker of the HCA discourse since 2013.

If the RNL is an exemplary loyal, pro-Putin resource of the HCA, then the REX news agency allowed itself some spontaneity. Judging by the numerous comments and reviews, the main part of its authors much more often understood than did not understand what was happening and correctly assessed both the essence of the Yanukovych regime and the ongoing surrender of Ukraine by the leadership of the Russian Federation. From the few dozens of interesting links we have saved from the beginning of 2010 to the middle of 2013. the vast majority are quite worthy materials, the authors of which, if they were mistaken, are excusable for that time ( , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ). In separate sound judgments, even Baranchik and Vajra were noticed, which in modern times cannot be suspected of non-prostitution. And you won’t think that this is a resource that was noted at the same time, to put it mildly, with completely infantile ideas on PMCs in Syria with an openly custom-made nature of their distribution.

Against this background, ridiculous optimism or praise of the authorities of the Russian Federation are relatively rare, including from the noteworthy clown-storyteller Rostislav Ishchenko. Fool Zatulin either calls to vote for the Party of Regions and the Communist Party of Ukraine, or proposes to create a new pro-Russian movement at the end of May 2013, when it is already too late. In the same vein, in April 2013, various figures either put forward the idea of ​​investing in public organizations, or suddenly ripen that it is time to hurry with political integration around the Russian Federation, otherwise Western pressure is increasing. In general, there are few frankly stupid materials.

This does not mean that there is no bias. You can criticize such a reprint from Regnum (then duplicated in another PCH resource - Rosbalt) for "icteric" issuing a joke for a serious sentence or an openly dishonest manner of giving headlines. Somewhat alarming was the spread in early 2013 of a notorious fake from the same master of stuffing Vershinin, that Yanukovych is trying to threaten Putin with a social explosion in Kuzbass. By analogy with provoking the Syrian adventure, it seems that such stuff created a system of restrictions for Putin so that he was forced to respond to the growing impudence of Yanukovych. The same Vershinin already in January 2013 throws in the idea of ​​separating Novorossiya and Transcarpathia from Ukraine, but taking into account Ukraine's desire for the West at that time, the proposal looks quite natural.

The self-fulfilling prophecies posted by the agency are of great concern: threats of revolution from Tyagnibok back in April 2010 or warnings about the preparation of a coup by the oligarchs from Yuri Romanenko in June 2010, Kagarlitsky’s forecasts from January 2013 about a social explosion in Ukraine in terms of economic reasons in the same year, or Romanenko's direct calls for the protests to move into more determined, violent formats in March 2013:

“Successful opposition actions must contain an element of struggle. What has resonated lately? The capture of the administration by the miners, the capture of the DTEK office by the Karas team, and so on. People want to see a clear, tangible victory over the regime, which is a dark hostile force for them. The key word is POWER. Force can only be defeated by force, which means that actions should be aimed at demonstrating strength, and not “unity, solidarity” and other things. Successful opposition actions will have a huge resonance when their participants initially have as their basic motivation the goal of demonstrating strength to the government. This can only be achieved through the use of force against the people, institutions that are associated with it. Imagine protests that are going to solely drive the cops, beat the judges of the Pechersk court, throw out the deputies of the City Council who made another crazy decision.”

The peculiarity of the first two materials is that they were not so much accurately fulfilled prophecies regarding upcoming events, but exactly fulfilled prophecies regarding the words spoken at the same time. Many details are very far from what happened in reality, but what happened was given an interpretation, as if written off from the warnings of Tyagnibok and Romanenko. Regarding the third material, it can be clearly said that, in fact, there was no such sharp economic deterioration that would have provoked the predicted collapse, but looked the “social explosion” is quite similar to the one described: we were again not prepared for events, but for the discourse that accompanies them. Therefore, together with the fourth material, it is rather programmed what will be.

Why Romanenko was instructed to voice the technologies of a future coup in the form of proposals, spreading the idea of ​​the admissibility of such methods of influencing the authorities, who promised him impunity, and why REX news agency continued to cooperate with him for another year, is interesting in itself. It is characteristic that shortly before Romanenko's article, in March 2013, they conducted a "field experiment" with the beating of the deputy head of the Ternopil administration by "Svoboda" with impunity and the calls of the leader of the KUN Kokhanovsky with impunity:

“When there are no weapons, but there are masses, it is necessary to seize where it is wide. First - the Verkhovna Rada. It is more difficult with the Cabinet of Ministers and the presidential administration, there is a narrow lane there, they can block it. After that, a revolutionary Wire is formed - a leading link, 20-30 people who make decisions and govern the revolutionary people. Then the Revolutionary Tribunal is created. How was it in Romania? For a month they caught those who worked in the Security Service, put them against the wall. I think we will definitely do this, but scum and criminals must be punished. As long as the revolutionary situation, there should be no lawyers, the international community. Which European Court? There will be one law - public truth and revenge.

(Note that REX IA experts quite sensibly pointed out the dangerous unresponsiveness of the authorities.)

And this poll, published in pre-revolutionary August, seems to be completely programmatic (albeit beyond the chronological framework of the first half of 2013), from which one gets the strong impression that the start of the war for the secession of Novorossia was deliberately postponed until enough there are many "patriots" who are ready to fight for territorial integrity (at least in words, in response to the interviewer).

The first half of 2013 became the preparatory stage of the operation to disrupt the Euro-association and was marked by the gradually increasing expression of concern by the mouthpieces of the PCA, but so far they kept within the bounds of decency and striving for truth. With the exception of Vershinin's winter stuffing, REX news agency has moved to active campaigning for the Customs Union since April. The RNL opened the heading “Association of Ukraine with the EU” (then they added “and the rebellion of the European integrators” to the heading) and placed in it an article per month since the beginning of the year, and two articles in the second quarter. Among them are articles by Baranchik and Glazyev, as well as reprints from the One Motherland website, the Ukrainian brainchild of the Strategic Culture Fund, as malicious Ukrainian sources write, one of the daughter projects of RISS.

Finally, the last significant event of the “decent” stage in the public behavior of the HCA was the conference “Russian-Ukrainian Relations: Realities and Prospects”, held on June 25 by the MGIMO HCA with a keynote speech by Sergei Glazyev. Glazyev warned his colleagues, firstly, about the enslaving nature of the planned agreements, secondly, that there would be no question of any integration of Ukraine with the Customs Union in the event of association with the EU, and thirdly, that under certain conditions protective restrictive measures of the Russian Federation against the import of goods from Ukraine are also possible.

Thus, an analysis of two quite representative HCA resources for the period up to mid-2013 does not reveal almost anything reprehensible in its discursive policy, clearly aimed at the nightmare that began in November-December. Several sinister stuffings are interesting in themselves and deserve additional investigation, but in relation to the two analyzed resources, they still do not prove anything due to the small number. Rather, they give reason to ask about the "sources of inspiration" of specific authors. Maybe other resources, more focused on the broad masses of Ukraine or the authorities of the Russian Federation, will give a different result. But so far, the situation looks as if the mouthpieces of the PHA were trying to enlighten and prevent a catastrophe.

Actually, the campaign to prevent the association of Ukraine and the EU, which starts these months, in itself also does not betray the evil intentions of the instigators, or rather, the mouthpieces-avatars used at first. As far as we can tell, it contributed to the resulting nightmarish outcome as a result of higher-level planning by those who better understood the political context of Ukraine and were aware of the real “willingness” of the Russian Federation to rescue Russian compatriots if necessary. The real goal of a higher level of planning, taking into account what was said above about the configuration of the political system of Ukraine and the readiness of the subjects of the managerial level of distributed structures to go to the end in its reassembly, was to artificially provoke a collision and a final break between Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

The trouble with the HCA's non-public policy of this period is that it developed “in antiphase” with public discourse and represented a tangle of outwardly chaotic and multidirectional tendencies that actually led to the collapse of Yanukovych and a sharp aggravation of the political crisis in Ukraine, including a civil conflict. It would seem that if you are disappointed in Yanukovych and do not expect improvements from him, which your mouthpieces directly write about, then present your claims to him and either convince him to change his policy, or get him to leave! But no, instead, direct pressure on Yanukovych is only limited to making him take half measures or take suicidal steps. And the atmosphere in society is heating up so that the processes are completely out of control of the authorities. Something similar is happening with the current attitude of the PCA towards Putin.

What is the painstaking cultivation of Tyagnibokov's "Svoboda" by the SBU of Khoroshkovsky! Now, few people remember that the turning point in encouraging the most radical version of the militant movement was the massacre in Lvov on May 9, 2011 - the first time that political actions escalated into violent clashes. Here, for the first time, the handwriting of the future battles of 2014, characteristic of the HCA, is manifested - setting up obviously weak supporters for beating by Bandera extremists with the connivance of law enforcement agencies in order to provoke an aggravation of the situation and a transition to a tougher stage of the global confrontation, during which it turns out that the supporters " didn't promise anything. Yury Yuryev drew attention to the obvious provocation of the result with deliberate PR on blood from all sides. By that time, there was a complete consensus in Lviv that May 9 was not a holiday for the city, local authorities imposed a ban on the celebration (albeit illegally), and the Svoboda militants clearly warned that the celebrations would not be allowed. Under these conditions, some Russian organizations in Crimea and Odessa campaigned for the activists to go to Lviv anyway, and there it became a matter of technology to turn the viscous confrontation into a massacre.

Long before the event, the well-known leader of the Rodina party of Igor Markov, Grigory Kvasnyuk, clearly formulated the purpose of the provocation - to file a divorce from Galicia. Then both Markov and Kvasnyuk will be promoted a lot by Vershinin, and the site “Russian Spring” will be worn a lot with Kvasnyuk. Vajra immediately joined in commenting on the massacre with provocative texts aimed at dehumanizing all Galicians based on the behavior of individual bastards ( , ). Then it will be with no less inspiration the entire population of Ukraine.

In addition, in just a few months of 2012, Svoboda received more than 200 thousand dollars from the Party of Regions, including the organization of rallies against the Kolesnichenko-Kivalov “language” law from July 18 to 20, which helped to promote Tyagnibok’s party. Provocation in details she worked out the templates for the future Euromaidan, up to the retreat of the “Berkutites” and the allocation of funds by the regionals for performances (in the “Ambarnaya book” of the PR, see the entry of 07/18/2012: Filippov A.V. - 2648).

Moreover, now it is already safe to say that the problems in the relationship between Yanukovych and the European Union also became the result of special services games. In the description that follows below, many readers will surely see a reason to be proud of the seemingly effective special operations of the PHA. But we would warn against such a reaction, urging to look at the final result. Yes, Yanukovych never signed the AA with the European Union, but where is that Yanukovych now? While the HCA flirted individually with Yanukovych, the West, although not always optimally, was preparing Ukraine for association politically. And as a result of his strategy, he achieved such a balance of power that Ukraine signed the agreement even without Yanukovych, dumping on the Russian Federation the heavy duty of feeding this overweight body. And Europe got Ukraine. If the special operations in question were at the level of the performers and pursued the goal of doing something good for the Russians, then in the end the special services games suffered a complete collapse, however, leaving ordinary performers a reason to be proud of local successes. Like "how we broke them."

Our suspicions are based on the repeated coincidence of Yanukovych's "spiritual practices" and subsequent disastrous steps for him, which, however, corresponded to the local goals of the HCA at a particular moment. As we said in the introduction, one fact by itself does not say anything, but several coincidences turn into a system and into proof.

The first episode that made one suspect that something was wrong with Yanukovych's Orthodoxy occurred during the pre-election televised debates with Yushchenko at the end of 2004, in which the latter poured mud on his opponent with might and main, almost directly accusing him of banditry. Yanukovych made no attempt to defend himself, defend himself, or strike back, but mumbled reconciliation, asked Yushchenko not to be so aggressive, and repeated at least twice that before the debate he swore before God not to respond to attacks. As a result, the discussion looked like the attacks were just and Yanukovych simply had nothing to say. Who imposed on him the idea of ​​behaving like an unrequited ram, and even swearing about it in the church, remained a mystery.

The second episode is connected with the disruption of the creation of a broad coalition between the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc and the Party of Regions in June 2009, which was abbreviated as “shirk” (the last letter “a” partly reflected Tymoshenko’s physical inability to pronounce the word “coalition” in the language without a Great Russian accent, which turns the first unstressed "o" in "a"). The agreement, which provided for the replacement of the presidential republic with a parliamentary one with presidential elections in the Rada, had already been worked out, and everyone was sure of its signing, when suddenly Yanukovych was praying for the Trinity in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and announced in front of television cameras about the rejection of the coalition:

“My heart tells me: the election of the president by the people, in direct elections, is the only right choice. I do it. And may the Lord help us!”

What was the share of courage in this irrational decision, which abundantly hammered into the head of a coward and compromiser, and what kind of extraneous suggestion, is now difficult to determine, but it opened up considerable opportunities for short-term transformations of a weak-willed rag into a berserker. And they were implemented after the election of Yanukovych as president.

This was done for the first time after Yanukovych's trip to Athos in early June 2010 - it was then that Yanukovych was predicted to be overthrown in 2014, but from Khoroshkovsky's triumphant interview you can't say that the head of the SBU is saddened:

“To the clarifying question: “What state tasks did Yanukovych solve on Mount Athos?”, Khoroshkovsky replied: “I hope you understand the degree of influence of the local spiritual elite, abbots of monasteries on the ongoing political processes. I hope the degree of influence is understandable? And we discussed exclusively state problems, discussed the development of Orthodoxy.

To the remark that in Ukraine the church is separated from the state, and the president "has nothing to do with this!", the head of the SBU answered reporters: "The church is separated from the state, but the church and the state always go side by side. You often cross the line. I I would think that we all need to be somewhat more restrained. I have already said that you are destroying the foundations, the foundations of statehood - you really do it. "

Khoroshkovsky, who hated Tymoshenko since the dispute over customs clearance of Firtashevsky's gas, had reason to rejoice: apparently, it was then that Yanukovych was "hooked" on another source of influence. Probably, one could also rejoice at the Russian branch of the PCA: after all, both in 2010 and in 2012, Yanukovych visited the “Russian” St. Panteleimon Monastery on Athos - the same one that a few years later would give Poklonskaya a paper against Matilda. And from the very first visit, the persecution of Tymoshenko is gaining momentum (it all started, we recall, with an audit by American firms, and continued with the gas deal case). It is no coincidence that a year later, among the people who made the decision to sentence Tymoshenko at the end of June 2011 at Yanukovych's, according to her information, were two future co-organizers of the Euromaidan - Lyovochkin and Khoroshkovsky! However, it was not without the American line: it was Manafort who picked up the companies that audited the Tymoshenko government in order to achieve her landing.

And, on the other hand, there are indications of a direct connection between Khoroshkovsky and the Russian branch of the PCA - numerous reports of that time that the most desired Kiev politicians for the Kremlin are Medvedchuk and Khoroshkovsky. By the way, the same article says that Yanukovych was not invited to the banquet after Putin's inauguration in 2012, but they tried to invite Yatsenyuk and Turchinov. This does not look like respect for the “pro-Russian president”!

As for Putin's godfather Medvedchuk, he is known for his cooperation with the KGB and the American agent Marchuk, the absence of moral barriers and cruelty - even by this set of qualities one can assume belonging to the PHA:

The next important "coincidence" was Yanukovych's visit to Athos on October 8, which was followed by Tymoshenko's verdict, which quarreled Yanukovych with the European Union, and Ukraine's hasty signing of the CIS FTA.

Finally (here we are getting ahead of ourselves), in November 2013 the use of the Athos factor to manipulate Yanukovych was no longer hidden. On the HCA resource "Century" there is a story about the disruption of Yanukovych's trip to Athos because of his preference for Europe, as well as a strange and dubious story about Yanukovych's confessor, the elder Zosima from the Svyatogorsk Lavra; the material is immediately distributed by other PHA resources
( , and etc.).

If we add here the assumptions of the Americans about Manafort's participation in the disruption of the signing of the association, then a harmonious picture of individual irrational influence on Yanukovych is being built since 2010, organized in such a way as to make him a handshake figure for the West, to drive a wedge and prevent him from signing the association of Ukraine and EU.

Unfortunately - and this is the claim to the games of the PCA - no constructive purpose is visible behind his special operations. Having disrupted the signing of the SA without scandals, the HCA did not make appropriate efforts to ensure Ukraine's drift to the east. Satisfied with the signing and ratification of the FTA, the curators of the "Ukrainian direction" in the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, and these are representatives of the HCA, switched to obstruction. Yanukovych was frankly treated with a series of demonstrative humiliations, and in this context, the skeptical tone of the PCH resources begins to seem no longer accidental, that is, not objective, but editorially set. What is the “proprietary” discussion by the IA REX agency in December 2012 about the story that Putin threatened Yanukovych with the fate of Tymoshenko! How similar it is to the discussion of the fake October of the same year about a telephone conversation between Erdogan and Putin, in which the latter allegedly threatened Turkey with war!

In addition to the incident with Yanukovych not being invited to the banquet after Putin's inauguration, Putin was more than five hours late for a meeting with Yanukovych and a large group of his officials in Crimea in the summer of that same 2012. Ukraine did not present any special reasons for such behavior at that moment, and if we recall that in May the Yalta summit was canceled with the heads of Central European states who refused to come because of Tymoshenko's landing, Moscow had all the cards in hand. Moreover, following the results of the negotiations, Putin handed over Tuzla to Ukraine anyway. Unfortunately, on the way from the airport, Putin, who was already more than five hours late, stopped by to meet Zaldastanov’s bikers, and on the way from the bikers to Yanukovych, Putin did not have time to “turn off” the “tough guy” under whom he worked at meetings with bikers. There are too many absurdities: this already resembles a picture of not demonstrative rudeness, but another mega-setup. The rank of bikers is not such that one cannot cancel or postpone a meeting with them if interstate negotiations break down, and the protocol service could not have been unaware of this. It could not help but guess that Putin could be slightly “ripped off” after talking with his brother in intellect and cultural level Zaldastanov.

On the other hand, if we remember that "Night Wolves" is a 100% PHA project, then the version of the next "hooligan" special operation does not seem absurd at all. There was no need to even initiate Zaldastanov into the conspiracy - you just had to put him in the right place at the right time and toss the late Putin with the idea of ​​stopping by on the way to an old friend. Everything else they did themselves. However, no: the Cossacks who happened to be at the meeting, who presented Putin with a whip, also tried their best. Apparently, Yanukovych's subsequent persuasion would become more convincing.

The conclusion suggests itself that the HCA really wanted to disrupt the association of Ukraine and the EU under Yanukovych, but did not really set itself the goal of ensuring the integration of Ukraine with the Russian Federation, at least for 2012. The goal was to delay the process.

Before moving on to further narration, we will immediately close the question of the role of the BGS in the launched campaign against the European association. We did not carry out the same check of the then discourse of the mouthpieces of the BGS on the Ukrainian issue as on the Syrian one, however, we will pay attention to three facts that emerged during the investigation.

First, this is an interview by Remchukov in September 2013, in which the HCA campaign to intimidate the population of Ukraine with the prospects of European association is very condemningly mentioned:

“And integration processes in the space of the USSR are a priority for Vladimir Putin. We see the pressure Ukraine is under, including in Ukraine, they are accused that Russian PR structures are already involved in terrifying Ukrainian public opinion, that the hryvnia will soon fall, that if they sign some kind of agreement with the EU on associative membership, that's it, it'll be over. In order to drag her to us."

If Remchukov began to angrily stigmatize opponents of Ukraine's European integration and dedicated his interview to this, then his words could be interpreted as PR through criticism. But no: attention was paid to the episode in passing, in a discussion on the topic of Sobyanin's electoral prospects, and taking into account the surrounding conversations, one gets the impression that the respondent is simply not in the subject of the scale and prospects of what is happening. This is anything but complicity in the campaign!

The second fact is the active buying up of assets in Ukraine by oligarchs from the Russian Federation, which went on in 2013, just when the movement towards European association became irreversible.

And third, in mid-September, when criticism of Ukraine's European integration reached its peak, Sberbank provided Ukraine with a $750 million loan, and in October Gazprom provided Ukraine with a discount on gas for pumping into underground storage facilities.

By all indications, the "seven bankers" were not interested in disrupting the agreement - on the contrary, they planned to gain access to the European economic zone in this way and continue to make geshefts! But the clinical inability of the BGS to see the Russian and geopolitical dimension of the conflicts played a cruel joke on him: they missed the danger that lay in wait for them from the intrigues of the PCA on the Ukrainian front. And already in the fall, the PCA even managed to take advantage of Gazprom's anti-Ukrainian gesheftophile threats. (Humanitarian limited Gazprom workers, probably, simply did not understand the significance of their cries in the ongoing special operation, and the PCA easily played on their desire for geshefts.) The price of the threats, as always, turned out to be not even zero, but negative, moreover, the alleged agents of the PCA, like a gas expert K. Simonov gave them a more terrible look than the threats themselves had.

And later, as far as we can judge based on our model of the top of the Russian Federation as a conglomerate of PHA and BGS, the real actions of Gazprom have always gone wrong with the steps of PHA aimed at aggravating. And this factor was apparently taken into account at a higher level of HCA planning: the one who started the Ukrainian adventure knew from the very beginning that the BGS would not let Ukraine die in the end.



Born in Constantinople, in the family of the deacon of the Great Church, George. He was educated at home, at the age of 13 he continued his studies with Plifon, a famous teacher of philosophy of that time. At the age of 24, he became a deacon and sackelary of St. Sophia. Emperor Manuel II made him his adviser, but he soon left the capital and became a monk.

Fleeing from the advancing Turks, he returns to Constantinople, where he becomes a kind of theological and philosophical consultant to the emperor. In 1437 he became bishop of Ephesus and in the same year he went to the cathedral, which went down in history as Ferrara-Florentine. The council began on April 9, 1438, and St. Mark was commissioned to represent Greek theology before Catholics. In his opinion, the time has come for the restoration of the unity of the Church and a detailed consideration of the issues of dogma.

However, there was no free discussion at the council - the Greeks were faced with the need to accept the teachings that prevailed in the West. Therefore, he begins to defend Orthodox theology, which was expressed in the writing of a number of treatises criticizing Catholics: "Ten Arguments Against the Existence of Purgatory", "Summary of sayings about the Holy Spirit" , "Heads Against the Latins" , "Confession of Faith" And "On the Time of Transubstantiation".

Under strong pressure from the emperor, the Greek delegation, in addition to Mark of Ephesus, signs the union "Laetentur coeli". The return to Constantinople was bleak, in fact, immediately after their arrival, the hierarchs who signed the union, except for a few conscious supporters of it, refused their signatures. On May 15, 1440, he leaves for Ephesus, where he tries to establish church life under the rule of the Turks, from there he continues to oppose the union, which causes anger. As soon as the saint was on Byzantine territory, he was arrested. However, even from custody he continued to argue with the union. In 1442 he was released and returned to Constantinople. He died in 1444 after a serious illness.

Troparion to Saint Mark of Ephesus, tone 8

Orthodoxy mentor, innovations antagonistic, / degree of faith, the Church of the lamp, / teachers inspired by the seal, Marko all-wise, / your writings have enlightened you all, spiritual barn, / pray to Christ God to be saved to our souls.

Kontakion to Saint Mark of Ephesus, Tone 8

John Eugenics: Theologians of the God-wise writings, / as the God-speaker is true, welcome to the hearts, / you proclaimed the procession of the Holy Spirit, as it should be, with laudation, / and the all-holy one imprinted the Symbol, / for this we sing: // rejoice, Marko the Bogogolive.

Kontakion of St. Mark Eugenikos, Archbishop of Ephesus, Tone 4

With the wise words of your weaving, all-blessed, / every blasphemous mouth has blocked thou / and the faithful Theophany enlightened the honor of the Trinity in the identity of nature.

A conference dedicated to the ideological platform for the formation of a new Eurasian statehood will be held in St. Petersburg ...

In mid-May, the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University and the Mark of Ephesus Foundation, with the informational support of the Russian People's Line, are planning to hold an international historical and political science conference on the theme "Ideology of the Eurasian Union" in St. Petersburg on the basis of the Faculty of History.

As you know, on October 3, 2011, the Head of the Government of the country, elected on March 4 this year as the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin published an article in the Izvestia newspaper on the formation of the Eurasian Union, which he called "A New Integration Project for Eurasia." The article made a lot of noise, becoming the subject of active discussion among politicians, scientists and public figures. Vladimir Putin in his article drew attention, first of all, to the technological foundations for the formation of the future Eurasian statehood: to the problems of the economy, the development of the financial sector, industry and trade. He focused on the fact that "we are talking about turning integration into an understandable, attractive for citizens and business, sustainable and long-term project, not dependent on the fluctuations of the current political and any other conjuncture." This is quite understandable, since the article was written by a statesman who should talk about practical issues and express himself with the utmost correctness.

Meanwhile, any statehood is formed on a certain ideological, philosophical, religious and ethnic basis. What will it be like in the case of the Eurasian Union? How to direct religious and ethnic energies in the direction of building a new statehood, and not in the direction of counteracting its formation? In this regard, the idea arose to discuss the ideological platform for the formation of a new statehood. And with the support of the Mark of Ephesus Foundation and the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg University, a decision was made to hold in mid-May this year. conference on these issues.

The organizing committee of the conference brings up several important topics for discussion:

The Eurasian idea in the tradition of Russian thought: from K.N. Leontiev, N.S. Trubetskoy, P.N. Savitsky to the present day.

Orthodoxy and the ideology of the Eurasian Union; the role of the Russian Orthodox Church in the integration processes on the territory of Historical Russia.

Eurasian Union and the future of the Russian people.

Russian Empire, Soviet Union and Eurasian Union: Is Continuity Possible?

Eurasian Union and Traditions of Russian Geopolitics.

Eurasian Union and East, Eurasian Union and West.

Eurasian Union and Russian-Slavic civilization.

As the readers of the "Russian People's Line" know, the holding of scientific historical and political science conferences in St. Petersburg is already becoming a good tradition. We can recall the conference on March 20, 2009 on the topic "The Russian people, the Russian world and Russian civilization: history and modernity." On June 18, 2009, an international scientific and practical conference "Carpathian Rus and Russian Civilization" was held. And on February 4, 2010, an international scientific and practical conference “Russian civilization and the Vatican: is conflict inevitable?” In part, its continuation was the international historical and theological conference "Orthodox-Catholic dialogue after Jasenovac", which took place on October 28, 2010. Finally, on October 6, 2011, a conference was held on the occasion of the 180th anniversary of the birth and 120th anniversary of the death of Konstantin Nikolaevich Leontiev "Russian identity and the future of the Orthodox world in the era of globalization."

All these conferences were held at the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University with the support of the St. Mark of Ephesus and with the informational support of the Russian People's Line. And now the RNL will provide information support for the conference. In this connection, we appeal to all our readers, first of all, to scientists - political scientists, historians, philosophers, theologians - with a proposal to take part in the conference, for which you need to send information about yourself, the topic of the report proposed for discussion and brief summary of your speech. Until May 1, the Organizing Committee will decide on the formation of the conference agenda and notify all participants of the exact date of the conference.

The Organizing Committee of the Conference is traditionally headed by Deacon Vladimir Vasilik, Associate Professor of the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University, Ph.D. in Philology, and Anatoly Stepanov, Editor-in-Chief of the Russian People's Line. The conference is supposed to be held on one day, the approximate date of the holding is between May 15 and 20. Conference organizers pay for travel and hotel accommodation for its participants. As a result of the conference, it is planned to publish a collection of reports. The organizers plan that the conference will have an international character and expect to hear reports from scientists not only from Russia, but also from Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other states that could potentially become members of the Eurasian Union. We are waiting for your applications for participation in the conference, which can be sent to the email address of the editors of the RNL.

Revolution in Russia: are there any preconditions, are the threats real?

The coming year 2017 is the year of the centenary of two revolutions in Russia that fatally changed the course of Russian history. Russia, which was half a step away from victory over Germany and its allies in the bloody World War I, as a result of the betrayal of the Supreme Power by the generals, the oligarchy and the political elite, not only could not take advantage of the fruits of victory, but was drawn into a period of internal unrest and civil war, cost the country millions of lives, devastation, famine and epidemics.

The revolutionaries were able to use for their own purposes the real economic, social, national problems and contradictions that existed in the country, competently exploited the aspirations and hopes of the people. However, today it is no secret to anyone that without financial assistance, political and moral support from Great Britain, partly from France and other Western centers, the February Revolution, which opened the doors to merciless "commissars in dusty helmets", would hardly have been possible.

The centenary of the revolution is a sad and disturbing anniversary. We will try to understand how it happened that a great country fell under the onslaught of the revolution. We will try to learn lessons from the past, and most importantly, to see similar explosive problems in the current situation that can be used by our enemies.

Due to this The St. Mark of Ephesus Foundation, with the informational support of the Russian People's Line, announces a competition of historiosophical and political science works on the topic "Revolution in Russia: are there any preconditions, are the threats real?"

The organizers of the competition express the hope that the works that we will receive for the competition will contain not only an impartial analysis of the situation, they will not only diagnose social diseases, but will also offer remedies for these diseases. This is what the experts will pay special attention to when summing up the results of the competition.

Russian and foreign authors are allowed to participate in the competition. Submitted works must be written in Russian. The volume is 1-2 author's sheets, or 40-80 thousand characters, or 10-24 pages of text typed on a personal computer in any text editor and printed in 12-point font with single spacing. The title of the entry does not have to be the same as the title of the competition.

Acceptance of works for the competition ends on February 26, 2017, this is Forgiveness Sunday, the eve of Great Lent and the eve of the abdication of the Throne of Emperor Nicholas II and the short-lived celebration of the February Revolution. To sum up the results of the competition, an Expert Council is being created, which has agreed to include well-known Russian scientists and writers. We will announce the composition of the Expert Council later, when we finally agree on its composition.

After the working group of the Expert Council conducts a preliminary examination of the essays, a short list (short list) will be drawn up, from which the members of the Expert Council will select the best works. The shortlist will be announced at the end of March. The final results of the competition and the awarding of the winners will be held at the end of April, after Easter, the day of summing up will be separately reported on the website of the Russian People's Line.

The Expert Council will determine the best essays, which will be awarded with diplomas and cash prizes: a 1st degree diploma and a cash prize of 200 thousand rubles, a 2nd degree diploma and a cash prize of 150 thousand rubles, a 3rd degree diploma and a cash prize of 100 thousand rubles.

Besides five works will be awarded with special diplomas and incentive prizes of 20 thousand rubles each, yet four works - consolation prizes of 10 thousand rubles.

Collective works are allowed to participate in the competition. In the case of a bonus, the team of authors independently distributes the received reward.

The organizing committee of the competition and the Expert Council do not enter into correspondence with the authors to explain the motives for refusing admission to participate in the competition and inclusion in the list of nominees.

Essays should be sent by e-mail to RNL [email protected] marked "For the competition", with the application of personal data and a photo of the author (authors), as well as a contact phone number for communication. Contact details will not be published. The organizing committee allows the situation of anonymous publication of works in case the author (authors) is threatened with persecution for participation in the competition or the content of the essay (for example, authors from Ukraine and some other countries).

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