Why does green tea help? Green tea: benefits and harm. Proper brewing of green tea

A lot is said and written about the benefits of green tea, and people wonder: is it really that healthy? Like any plant, green tea is a medicine; in reasonable doses it is beneficial, but if consumed excessively, it is harmful. Therefore, you should not drink green tea in liters. Many even refuse black tea in favor of green. But is green tea really as beneficial as they say in weight loss magazines? Today we will figure out the benefits and harms of this popular drink and how to brew it correctly.

Green tea is one of the best sources of antioxidants - substances that remove old toxins and prevent the formation of new ones. Thanks to them, green tea is useful to drink for almost all infectious diseases and for the prevention of atherosclerosis and oncology.

The amazing healing properties of green tea have long attracted the attention of people who care about their health. The ancient Chinese used it to treat many diseases. And today no one doubts that green tea is a miracle doctor that treats ulcers, lowers blood pressure, removes heavy metal salts from the body, etc. But green tea, like any other medicinal plant, has side effects. Let's talk about the pros and cons of green tea, when green tea is a medicine and when it is poison. Green tea is most often used as an effective weight loss remedy.

Nutrients in green tea. Composition of green tea

15-30% of the composition of green tea is occupied by tannins, which are a mixture of more than three dozen polyphenolic compounds - tannin and various catechins, polyphenols and their derivatives. The tannin content in green tea is almost twice that of black tea. High-grade teas have more tannin than low-grade teas.

Essential oils. The quality of tea depends on essential oils. There seem to be very few of them (about 0.02%), but their role is enormous - essential oils give tea its unique aroma. When processing tea leaves, the loss of essential oils reaches 70-80%.

Alkaloids. Among them, the most famous is caffeine. Coming together with tannin in tea, caffeine forms the compound caffeine tannate, which has a milder effect on the cardiovascular and central nervous systems than the caffeine present in coffee. In addition to caffeine, tea contains small amounts of other alkaloids - water-soluble theobromine and theophylline, which are good vasodilators and diuretics.

Amino acids. Glutamic acid is found in tea, which is important for the human body: it normalizes metabolic processes and helps restore a depleted nervous system.

Protein substances together with free amino acids make up from 16 to 25% of tea. All enzymes are proteins. In terms of protein content and quality, tea leaves are not inferior to legumes.

Mineral and other inorganic substances in tea contain from 4 to 7% . Tea contains magnesium, manganese, sodium, potassium, calcium, fluorine, iodine, copper, and gold.

Vitamins. Tea contains provitamin A - carotene, which ensures the normal condition of the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx, larynx, lungs, bronchi, genitourinary organs and is especially important for maintaining good vision. Green tea is rich in vitamins K, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B9 (folic acid), B12, PP (nicotinic acid).

Tea also contains vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Green and yellow teas contain 10 times more vitamin C than black teas. There is 4 times more vitamin P in green tea than in oranges or lemons. In combination with vitamin C, it significantly enhances the effectiveness of ascorbic acid, promotes its accumulation and retention in the body.

Thus, green tea is a treasure trove of beneficial substances for humans.

How to brew green tea correctly

To brew green tea for its greatest benefits, you should:

  • Green tea should only be brewed in clean drinking water. In many homes, the tap flows bad, hard water with a lot of impurities. For green tea, you need clean, soft, natural water. You can buy it in a store or filter tap water using home filters.
  • pour water into the kettle and let it boil. As soon as the water has boiled, pour a small amount of it into the green tea teapot and shake, allowing the water to warm all the walls of the teapot. This is necessary so that the cold walls do not take away all the heat of the water that is intended for brewing.
  • Now with a clean and dry spoon we take the required amount of green tea. Usually the calculation is one level teaspoon per 150 ml of water. You can read the recommendations on the tea packaging. Many manufacturers print methods for proper brewing. Particularly important is the brewing time for green tea, which must be indicated on the box. The time depends on the type and harvest of tea.
  • Pour the tea leaves into the teapot and add the required amount of water. While we were calculating the amount of tea leaves and rinsing the kettle with boiling water, the water cooled down a little, which is what we needed. It is recommended to brew this type of tea with water no more than 80 degrees.
  • poured it in, covered it with a lid and let it brew for the required amount of time. If the time is not indicated on the package, then you can stop at the average value for green tea - 3-4 minutes.
  • pour the tea into mugs, but not immediately filling each container to the brim, but doing it in a circle, evenly and in small portions. This is necessary in order to maintain the correct concentration of tea and get the same taste and astringency in all cups.

Green tea - beneficial properties

Green tea has long been revered as a drink of vigor and good mood. It is thanks to the caffeine it contains that tea acts as a biological stimulant. If you have a headache, drink a cup of green tea. One glass of tea contains as much caffeine as one headache tablet. But remember that headaches can have different causes. If the pain does not go away for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor. There is no need to infuse green tea for a long time, otherwise you may end up with harm instead of benefit.

Restoring a depleted nervous system- one of the medicinal properties of green tea. It acts as an excellent preventive agent that increases resistance to stressful situations. Green tea is a good antidepressant. Only in this case should it be brewed loosely. Green tea harmonizes the nervous system as a whole and normalizes its activity.

It is known that in people with age, the fragility and fragility of blood vessels, including the smallest vessels - capillaries, increases. Green tea will come to the rescue here too. If, of course, you drink it regularly. It will strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their elasticity, and reduce the risk of internal hemorrhages.

An infusion of green tea helps reduce blood pressure in the initial stages of hypertension, leads to a decrease in cholesterol levels in the blood, and improves the condition of patients with atherosclerosis. Japanese scientists claim that long-term consumption of green tea can reduce blood pressure by 10-20 units. To do this, tea should be brewed as follows: before brewing, rinse dry green tea with warm boiled water to reduce the caffeine content in it, which has a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system. Then pour boiling water over the tea at the rate of 3 g of tea per half a glass of water and leave for 10 minutes. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day after meals. The total amount of liquid drunk is reduced, taking into account tea, to 1.2 liters (so as not to overload the cardiovascular system).

If you regularly drink green tea, you will never know what sclerosis is. On the one hand, it prevents the deposition of fats and fat-like substances - lipids - on the walls of blood vessels, on the other hand, it destroys already deposited fatty layers.

Dutch scientists claim that if you drink 4 glasses of green tea and eat one apple or onion during the day, the risk of getting a myocardial infarction will be halved. They made this conclusion after studying the eating habits of a large number of people who lived to old age.

Green tea has long been used as a cure for dysentery.. The catechins that make up tea have a direct antimicrobial effect on dysentery, typhoparatyphoid and coccal bacteria. Dysentery bacilli are killed by green tea on the 2-3rd day of treatment.

The “tea medicine” is prepared as follows: pour 50 g of crushed green tea into 1 liter of water, leave for 30 minutes. Then simmer for 1 hour over low heat, then filter. The resulting infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Take 2 tbsp infusion. spoon 4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Green tea is also indicated for food poisoning.

And if you are poisoned by medications, drugs, alcohol or nicotine, green tea will also help you. Just drink it with milk and sugar.

If you have digestive problems, then you should have breakfast, lunch and dinner with tea. Tea tannin promotes normal digestion. Tea is also useful in cases where a lot of toxins accumulate in the intestines due to illness in other organs.

If you have an upset stomach, drink strong green tea for 2-3 days. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, green tea destroys pathogens in the stomach and intestines. In addition, medium-strength tea enhances the motor function of the digestive tract and is a good way to strengthen intestinal tone.

For those who frequently watch TV, Professor Cheng Qikun, deputy director of the Institute of Tea at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, advises drinking green tea instead of coffee and lemonade, as it neutralizes the harmful effects of radiation from the screen. This also applies to people who sit in front of computer screens for a long time. Professor of Kyoto University Tenji Ugai, summarizing the data obtained after the explosion of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, said that green tea is an excellent antidote for poisoning the body with strontium-90, the most destructive isotope that pollutes the air during nuclear explosions. Green tea also helps remove lead, mercury, cadmium, zinc and other heavy metals from the body, which we receive through food, air and water. If you have colitis, then green tea will come to the rescue. Take it orally, 2 tbsp. spoons 4 times a day. Can be used as enemas.

For conjunctivitis and inflammation of the eyelids, rinse your eyes with strong, quickly cooled green tea.

Medium brewed green tea with lemon, pepper and honey is a diuretic for colds and respiratory diseases. But at high temperatures, green tea should not be consumed in excess, as it puts additional stress on the heart and kidneys.

Fresh tea leaf juice or powdered tea leaves help with burns. If you get sunburn, then brew green tea, cool it quickly and moisten the burnt skin with a cotton swab. Strong tea can be used to wash fresh wounds. Thanks to tannins, tea coagulates proteins, i.e. has a hemostatic effect.

For rhinitis, rinse your nose with green tea infusion. For this, 1 tsp. crushed green tea, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. Use a disposable syringe without a needle for rinsing. Do this procedure 6-8 times a day.

Green tea infusion will help with sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, as well as in inflammatory processes on the tongue or gums. Pour 2 teaspoons of dry tea with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. Gargle with warm tea. Repeat this procedure several times a day.

Green tea improves blood composition, improving the number of blood cells. In addition, it activates the activity of the liver and spleen, reducing the risk of kidney stones.

Those who regularly drink green tea are usually not at risk of diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

For motion sickness and seasickness, it is good to chew dry green tea.

If you have vitamin deficiency, prepare this infusion for yourself. Pour 3g of crushed tea with half a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Add 1 tsp. rosehip syrup. Drink one glass warm 3 times a day after meals.

Green tea has anti-cancer effects. It is assumed that the mechanism of this action comes down to the blood purifying properties of tea, i.e. the ability of tea polyphenols to remove carcinogens from the body. Tea strengthens the immune system, which reduces the risk of cancer cell formation.

Weak green tea (no more than 2 cups per day) is good for pregnant women to drink. The drink contains many useful vitamins and microelements. Japanese scientists have found that women who regularly drank green tea before pregnancy give birth to stronger children.

Green tea is a source of youth and longevity. Among the centenarians who have crossed the 90-year threshold, there are many fans of green tea.

It is also an excellent cosmetic product. For example, after washing oily hair, rinse with a strong infusion of green tea. For spider veins on the face, make a mask from chilled tea leaves (tea grounds are applied to a cleansed face for 15-20 minutes). The same mask is also useful for aging dry facial skin. Only after removing the tea leaves should you lubricate the skin with a rich cream. It is useful to wipe oily, aging facial skin with ice cubes made from green tea. To enhance the effect, you can add apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to the tea infusion (1 tablespoon per 1 tablespoon of tea). There are many other useful cosmetic recipes that do not fit into the scope of this article.

It turns out that green tea kills cravings for alcohol. This is why China and Japan - countries with a particular preference for green tea - have far fewer binge drinkers than Western countries. To prepare an anti-alcohol drink, use the following recipe: 1 teaspoon of green tea per 1 glass of water. Drink without sugar. The remaining leaves are not thrown away - they are eaten. The effect is not immediate. Months will pass and the effect will come.

There are many different teas for weight loss, but the best among them, undoubtedly, is green tea. This is an ideal drink for those who want to lose weight without harming their body.

Green tea is beneficial for those who want to lose weight as it reduces appetite. In addition, it regulates the level of norenaline, a chemical neurotransmitter that plays an important role in fat formation. Therefore, when you drink green tea, you reduce fat in the hips, waist, and buttocks.

There is a ten-day green tea diet. Tea in this weight loss regimen is used as a substance to speed up metabolism, suppress appetite and improve quality of life.

Green tea for weight loss with or without milk will help us in the fight against extra pounds and blood pressure. Green tea can be used as a means of losing weight. It accelerates the removal of fats from the body and speeds up metabolic processes

Green tea with milk- a good prophylactic for kidney and heart diseases. It is also a tonic for depletion of the central nervous system and polyneuritis. This is how the drink is prepared. 5 g slab tea, 200 ml water, 200 ml baked milk, 10 g butter, salt. Lightly dry the slab tea in the oven and place it in boiling water. Then strain, add milk, butter and salt to taste.

Contraindications for green tea:

As we said earlier, green tea promotes weight loss, and also improves mental activity, reaction and vision. Now let's talk about the dangers of green tea. Despite all the positive properties of green tea, you should not abuse it. Since green tea lowers blood pressure, hypotensive people should not drink it. You should not indulge in green tea if:

acute form of hypertension;

any diseases in the acute phase;

diseases accompanied by high fever.

It should be remembered that green tea increases the acidity of gastric juice, which is undesirable for stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis should also avoid this drink.

The stimulants contained in green tea - caffeine, theobromine and theophylline - actively affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Therefore, people suffering from tachycardia, increased excitability, and insomnia should not get carried away with green tea, especially strong ones.

Remember that tea left for later increases the amount of purine compounds and caffeine. This tea is especially dangerous for patients with hypertension, glaucoma and gout. It is not recommended to drink green tea on an empty stomach, or while drinking alcohol. Tea with alcohol forms aldehydes, which are bad for the kidneys.

Green tea cannot be stored in paper bags: they do not close tightly and allow moisture to pass through; if stored this way, the tea will spoil very quickly.

Four simple rules for brewing aromatic green tea.

Rule one. Brew green tea in a preheated teapot

A cold brewer will lower the water temperature by about 20 degrees. Therefore, the first brew of green tea will be spoiled by the cooled water. Such tea will do no harm or good, and you will not get pleasure from drinking tea. Essential oils and trace elements will not have time to fully leave the tea leaf. Therefore, before brewing tea, warm up the teapot by pouring boiling water over it.

Rule two. Do not brew green tea with boiling water

Hot water destroys the beneficial components of tea and spoils its taste and aroma, and also reduces its beneficial properties. The optimal brewing temperature is 60-80 degrees Celsius. Certain types of tea need to be brewed with hotter water. The brewing temperature is usually indicated on tea packages (if you buy it from a reliable manufacturer). It is better to use spring water, and if this is not possible, then soft and light (without smell, taste or taste in the mouth).

If you want to drink a real healing drink, do not let the water boil! It is enough to heat it to 95 degrees (water bubbles begin to appear at the bottom of the kettle), and then cool it. In boiling water, all salts precipitate, and oxygen leaves the water - so the tea will no longer be as tasty and aromatic.

Rule three. The first water needs to be drained

At tea ceremonies, the Chinese always drain the first water poured into the teapot. This is done to rinse the tea. After this, the tea leaves are immediately filled with fresh water.

Rule four. Control the brewing time of green tea

Do not brew green tea for too long. If you overcook it in a teapot, it will become bitter, since a lot of tannins will be drawn out of the leaf. In addition, such tea cannot be brewed several times, because all the aroma has already been used. Please note that each type of tea has its own brewing time. It can range from 30 seconds to 1 minute.

And yet, you should not focus on the color of green tea. Each type of green tea has its own color. Some varieties are almost transparent, others are light green, or honey, amber.

Advice: Never drink cold green tea.

Cooled tea loses many of its beneficial properties: vitamins are lost, essential oils evaporate, antioxidants are destroyed. Always brew only as much tea as you can drink.

The aroma and taste of tea depends not only on proper brewing, but also on its storage conditions. The container in which you brew the drink is also important.

Brew tea in a clay pot

Clay is an ideal option for a teapot. It has excellent heat capacity, is chemically neutral and allows the brew to “breathe” - i.e. creates ideal conditions for brewing tea.

In addition to clay, you can use glass and porcelain; they are also chemically neutral. But the tea leaves in them do not breathe. In addition, the tea cools very quickly in them.

Never brew green tea in metal or plastic teapots. In the first case, your tea will acquire a persistent metallic taste, and in the second, it will be saturated with toxic elements. Plastic is strictly contraindicated for hot foods.

Store green tea correctly

Tender green tea leaves absorb foreign odors and moisture well. If tea is stored incorrectly, it will quickly lose its beneficial properties and aroma. Your tea will smell like anything but real green tea. Light can also ruin tea leaves. Therefore, use airtight and opaque containers for storage. Tin jars with a tight-fitting lid or wooden boxes are suitable.

You should not store tea in paper bags: they allow moisture to pass through and do not close tightly - the aroma of the tea will evaporate over time.

Enjoy your tea!

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Green tea is included in the list of foods rich in antioxidants - substances that free our bodies from the harmful effects of free radicals, improve immunity, and also slow down the aging process of the body. Thanks to these substances, green tea is very beneficial for our body. It is not only an excellent treatment for many infectious diseases, but is also good in the prevention of various diseases, including atherosclerosis and oncology.

The amazing healing properties of green tea have been of interest to people who care about their health for a long time. Even in ancient China, such tea was included in the complex treatment of diseases of various etiologies. However, even today green tea is a good assistant in the treatment of ulcers, lowering blood pressure, stimulates the process of removing heavy metal salts from the body, etc. Despite the many beneficial qualities, green tea is still considered a medicinal plant. And, as you know, any medicinal plant has a number of side effects. In today's article we will talk about the benefits and harms of green tea.

Not everyone knows this, but green tea grows on the same bushes as black, yellow and red tea. They differ only in the way the leaves are processed. Green tea is not subjected to fermentation and withering processes, which are inherent in black tea varieties, as a result of which the maximum beneficial substances in the tea leaves are preserved. In addition, when brewing, it releases only useful elements into the solution, leaving harmful and useless components in an undissolved state.

Composition of green tea.
Green tea is a storehouse of useful substances and vitamins, which determine its medicinal properties. Today, about 300 chemical substances present in this unique plant have been identified. By the way, some connections have not yet been decrypted. It should be noted that the chemical composition of tea can change throughout the growing process of the tea bush, as well as after processing of the tea leaves.

Green tea contains almost all the vitamins necessary for our body (A or carotene, K, B1, B2 or riboflavin, or folic acid, B12, PP or nicotinic acid, C). However, besides them, this miracle plant contains a huge amount of other useful substances, thanks to which this drink turns into an effective general tonic. Among them are tannins and essential oils, which are responsible for the quality and aroma of tea. It should be said that in the process of processing tea leaves, more than eighty percent of essential oils are lost. Green tea also contains the alkaloid caffeine, which, in combination with tannin, forms the compound caffeine tannate, which has a mild effect on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, stimulating mental and physical performance. In addition, the caffeine contained in tea, even with excessive consumption, does not accumulate in the human body. Two more alkaloids present in this unique plant, theobromine and theophylline, have a vasodilator and diuretic effect on the body.

In addition, the glutamic acid present in tea stimulates metabolic processes and also leads to the restoration of the nervous system. This miracle plant is also a source of microelements such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, calcium, manganese, fluorine, copper.

Thus, green tea is a storehouse of substances vital to a person for the normal functioning of the body.

The benefits of green tea.
Green tea is a truly valuable product. Thanks to the unique set of nutrients and vitamins in its composition, green tea has an effective diaphoretic effect. It helps well with fever, fever, and inflammatory processes. Due to the diaphoretic effect, the process of removing toxins and microbes from the body improves. Green tea is especially useful for people with diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys.

The use of this product has a beneficial effect on the digestive system as a whole. It improves the functioning of the duodenum, gallbladder, liver and pancreas. In addition, it has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. In addition, the arsenal of beneficial qualities of green tea also includes improving memory and alertness, normalizing metabolism in the body, as well as strengthening and restoring the exhausted nervous system. By the way, green tea (not strongly brewed) is an excellent remedy for depression and increases resistance to stressful situations. This drink has long been taken to increase tone, vigor and good mood. It can be taken for headaches. A cup of the miraculous drink will eliminate it in no time. But this is provided that the cause is fatigue, overexcitation, stress, etc. If the headache does not disappear after a long time, you should consult a doctor and do not self-medicate. Because headaches can be caused by serious health problems.

Green tea also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system (if consumed regularly), reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis, increasing the elasticity of arteries and the strength of capillaries, reducing the risk of internal hemorrhages and preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques. In addition, drinking this drink reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and also stimulates the absorption of ascorbic acid.

An infusion of green tea effectively reduces blood pressure at the initial stage of development of hypertension, reduces cholesterol in the blood, which contributes to a significant improvement in the well-being of patients with atherosclerosis. According to studies conducted by Japanese scientists, constant consumption of green tea reduces blood pressure by 10-20 units. But at the same time, tea should be brewed in a special way: first, you should rinse the green tea leaves with boiled water. This is necessary to reduce the concentration of caffeine in the plant. Next, you need to brew six grams of leaves with 200 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for ten minutes. Take this tea after meals three times a day. In this case, you should reduce the amount of liquid consumed during the day to 1.2 liters (including tea). This is necessary in order not to overload the cardiovascular system.

Regular consumption of green tea reduces the risk of developing sclerosis and halves the likelihood of myocardial infarction. It not only prevents the deposition of fats and lipids on the walls of blood vessels, but also promotes the destruction of already deposited fatty layers. In addition, it improves blood composition and stimulates the activity of the liver and spleen, reducing the risk of kidney stones.

Quite a long time ago, green tea was used to treat dysentery. The catechins it contains have antimicrobial properties against dysentery, typhoid and coccal bacteria. The death of dysentery bacilli occurs already on the second or third day of taking the green tea infusion. In this case, the drink should also be brewed in a special way: pour crushed green tea (50 g) with a liter of hot water and put on fire. After boiling, boil the liquid for an hour over low heat, after which the drink should be strained.

For various poisonings (alcohol, drugs, nicotine), it is also recommended to drink green tea with added milk and sugar.

Green tea has anti-cancer effects. This is possible thanks to the polyphenols contained in its composition. They have the property of purifying the blood and removing carcinogens from the body, which strengthens the body’s immunity and reduces the likelihood of cancer cells.

In moderate quantities (no more than two cups per day), weakly brewed green tea has a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman. According to the results of research by Japanese scientists, women who regularly consumed this drink before pregnancy gave birth to stronger (in terms of health) children.

It is worth noting that green tea is considered a drink of youth and longevity. It is not for nothing that most centenarians, who are over ninety years old, give a special place in their diet to this wonderful and aromatic drink.

This tea also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Rinsing the mouth with this drink prevents the occurrence of caries and inflammation of the gums. In addition, green tea is considered an excellent cosmetic product. In particular, to improve the tone of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, it is useful to wipe it twice a day with ice cubes made from green tea infusion. Also, the infusion of this unique plant can be used to cleanse the skin, used as a hair rinse for oily types (you can add lemon juice to increase efficiency), and prepare various masks for skin (especially for dry and aging skin). With the help of tea baths you can significantly improve the tone of the skin of the whole body. To do this, pour six tablespoons of leafy green tea into half a liter of boiling water, steep and strain. Then pour the resulting tea infusion into a bath of warm water. You can add rose and jasmine petals or their essential oils. This bath stimulates the process of cell renewal. One procedure per week is enough.

According to research conducted by scientists, drinking this drink reduces cravings for alcohol. This explains the fact that in China and Japan, countries where people prefer green tea, there are significantly fewer people who drink excessively than in Western countries. To reduce cravings for alcohol, you need to brew green tea in the ratio of one teaspoon of tea leaves per glass of boiling water. The drink must be drunk without added sugar. The leaves that remain after drinking the infusion are not thrown away, but chewed. In this case, the effect does not occur instantly, but after several months of regular use.

In addition, it was recently discovered that green tea has the ability to neutralize the negative effects of radiation from computer monitor screens. It is also an antidote for poisoning the body with the strontium-90 isotope, which poisons the atmosphere as a result of nuclear explosions. This drink helps remove heavy metals from the body, which enter our body along with food, water and air.

Green tea is a great help for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. This is due to its ability to reduce appetite, and it also normalizes metabolic processes in the body. In addition, regular consumption of this healing drink regulates the level of norenaline, which is responsible for the process of fat formation.

Recipes for using green tea for various ailments and diseases.
For stomach upsets, it is recommended to take strongly brewed green tea for two to three days. Due to its bactericidal effect, the drink has a detrimental effect on pathogens in the stomach and intestines. In addition, this tea improves intestinal tone.

For colitis and gastritis with high acidity, it is recommended to drink a weakly brewed green tea drink.

For conjunctivitis and other inflammatory diseases of the eyelids, you should rinse your eyes with strong cold brewed green tea.

For colds and respiratory diseases, it is recommended to drink an infusion of medium-strength green tea with the addition of lemon and pepper. However, for diseases accompanied by high temperature, it is better to avoid green tea altogether, since the load on the kidneys and heart increases sharply.

Iced green tea helps with sunburn. It is recommended to simply soak a cotton pad in the tea infusion and blot the affected areas of the skin with it. It is also effective as a hemostatic agent; it is recommended to wash fresh cuts and wounds with strongly brewed green tea.

An infusion of this plant can be used as a wash for rhinitis. To do this, brew a teaspoon of crushed raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for twenty minutes and strain. You can rinse with a syringe, but without a needle. Carry out the procedure six to eight times during the day. Green tea is effective as a gargle for sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, as well as inflammatory processes on the gums and tongue (2 teaspoons of the plant per glass of boiling water).

In case of vitamin deficiency, it is also recommended to drink an infusion of green tea, prepared at the rate of 3 g of crushed raw materials per 100 ml of boiling water. Leave for ten minutes, then add a teaspoon of rosehip syrup. Drink the infusion warm after meals, 200 ml three times a day.

Green tea with added milk helps strengthen a weakened nervous system. It is also good to take for polyneuritis and as a preventive measure for kidney and heart diseases.

Contraindications and harms of green tea.
As already noted, this miraculous drink, like any other plant, has some contraindications. In general, a careful approach is required to herbal medicine, in particular to the use of green tea. You should not abuse this drink; moderation is necessary in everything.

If you have a particularly sensitive stomach, you should not drink green tea, as it can easily cause stomach upset. It is also not recommended to drink the drink in a strongly brewed version, only for exceptional medicinal purposes. In other cases, with a strong concentration of tea, the drink should be diluted with water.

People suffering from iron deficiency anemia should not drink green tea at all. It impairs the body's absorption of iron, which causes iron deficiency anemia. Therefore, you should not drink green tea with food rich in iron. This drink also reduces the efficiency of folic acid absorption. This is especially dangerous during pregnancy.

It is also contraindicated for people with increased excitability, since it has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, which can cause sleep disturbances and loss of strength for no apparent reason. That is why this drink should not be consumed at night, or for those who suffer from increased excitability and tachycardia.

Women should not overuse green tea during menstruation or pregnancy, and immediately before childbirth and during lactation it should be excluded from the diet altogether.

Green drinks are also harmful for people suffering from low blood pressure (hypotonics). And if you have acute hypertension, you shouldn’t drink tea at all.

In the presence of any disease in a chronic form, a green drink should be consumed with extreme caution, since it can cause an exacerbation of the disease, as a result of which the patient’s well-being can sharply deteriorate. In particular, with gastric ulcers, green tea helps increase the acidity of gastric juice.

You should not combine alcohol and green tea, as this results in the formation of aldehydes, and this can cause overload for your kidneys, which is absolutely scientifically proven!

You should not take your medications with green tea, as it reduces their effectiveness.

Remember that you should only drink freshly brewed tea, since the amount of purine compounds and caffeine in a drink left for later increases significantly. This drink is dangerous for hypertensive patients, as well as those suffering from gout and glaucoma.

To summarize the above, we can say that the benefits of green tea are undeniable. In moderate quantities and in the absence of contraindications, it has a healing and healing effect.

Green tea has been known for its healing properties over 4,000 years ago. This tea comes from the same tea leaves as other types of tea, which differ in the way they are processed. Green tea is not fermented, which allows it to retain maximum nutrients. This type of tea has a rich history, shrouded in legends.

Green tea: what legends and history talk about

The story goes back to distant China. Tea began to be cultivated there even before our era. The Classic Book of Plants of the Divine Husbandman, written more than 2,500 years ago, tells the story of the Yellow Emperor as a healer. Research on various plants led him to poisoning. The leaves of the tea bush, brewed in a vessel, helped him remove toxins and avoid death.

Another legend tells about Bodhidharma, the founder of the Chan teachings. During his nine-year sitting meditation in the Shaolin Temple, he tore out his eyelids, which closed against his will, and wonderful tea bushes grew from them. Green tea leaves have since been used by monks to combat sleep.

In China, tea began to be used as a medicine. There were special officials responsible for the storage of tea and its consumption in the emperor's palace. Ordinary people could also be treated with tea; tea bushes grew in many provinces.

During the Tang Dynasty, it began to be used as a drink, and tea drinking became a kind of philosophy. Tea trees began to be grown in Buddhist temples, and important visitors to the temples were treated to a tasty drink. Lu Yu created the famous tea ceremony by researching tea. He wrote about the culture of drinking the drink in The Canon of Tea.

Features of green tea production

The technological chain of green tea production is designed in such a way that all beneficial substances are preserved in an active state. After picking, the tea leaves are left in the open air to dry. The leaves become wilted and soft, after which they are dried with hot air. This drying prevents the leaves from oxidizing. Tea leaves are rolled in a variety of ways to produce green tea with a unique appearance.

Tea leaves can have different appearances:

  • Strongly twisted along the transverse axis. This type of tea is called pearl tea in China. The tea is marked with the Gunpowder symbol, which means gunpowder. It actually resembles balls or peculiar scales.
  • Loosely twisted. The tea leaves of this tea are practically not twisted, the tea looks like whole leaf tea.
  • Strongly twisted along the longitudinal axis. The tea looks like twisted spiral sticks. A striking example of this type of tea is the subspecies of elite gyekuro tea.

The process of twisting tea leaves increases the shelf life of the tea leaves, preserving its best properties, and allows you to regulate the process of extracting essential oils during brewing. Which type is better? Strongly twisted tea leaves produce a richer, stronger green tea. The leaves of elite green tea varieties are rolled by hand. High-quality tea has a natural green tint; darkening of the leaves is considered a defect.

The main producers of tea are Japan and China, although green tea is also grown in India, Ceylon, and Kenya. Zhejian Province is the largest producer of average quality tea, while Fujian Province produces higher quality tea. Elite tea is grown in Japan in the province of Uji.

Composition of green tea

  • Tannins. These substances occupy more than one third of the composition of tea. They include various compounds of polyphenols, tannin, and catechins. High-grade green tea is rich in tannin, the amount is 2 times higher than the tannin content in black tea. When combined with caffeine, it forms caffeine tannate, which helps stimulate the nervous system.
  • Alkaloids: caffeine, theophylline, theobromine. Green tea contains from 1 to 4% caffeine, this is... The amount of caffeine depends on the growing conditions of the tea, the size of the tea leaves, the processing method, and the brewing temperature.
  • Vitamins. Vitamin C contained in tea helps improve immunity. The carotene content exceeds the amount of vitamin A in carrots. This vitamin is good for vision. Green tea contains all B vitamins. They help fight viruses, regulate the body's carbohydrate balance, reduce cholesterol, and have an antioxidant effect on the body.
  • Minerals and trace elements. These are iron, fluorine, potassium, sodium, gold, magnesium, calcium. The leaves contain a sufficient amount of essential oils, some of which are lost during processing.
  • Enzymes and amino acids. Japanese green tea varieties are rich in the best protein composition. When drinking tea without sugar, you don't have to worry about extra pounds. Green tea has no calories.

Benefits of green tea

The beneficial properties of green tea are due to its rich chemical composition.

Tea is an excellent energy stimulant. This is a drink of good mood, well-being, vigor and health. Regular consumption of green tea prevents the occurrence of chronic diseases, has a beneficial effect on the immune system, and helps destroy bacteria. Green tea has antimicrobial, antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Scientists from Japan believe that green tea has unique properties that can actively fight cancer. It is included in the diet of cancer patients because it supports the immune system and removes carcinogens from the body. Green tea is able to remove salts of heavy metals - the dangerous radioactive isotope strontium-90, mercury, lead, zinc and cadmium. It neutralizes the negative effects of any radiation. This one is for those who spend a lot of time on electronic devices.

Green tea is a drink of longevity and youth. It regulates metabolism and blood sugar levels. Tea extract is actively used in cosmetology, as it improves complexion, slows down the aging of the body, and is an excellent antioxidant. Rinsing oily hair with a decoction of tea leaves improves their condition. Masks made from brewed green tea are effective; ice cubes made from a strong infusion tone and refresh the skin.

A cup of green tea can relieve headaches and cope with stress. For an exhausted nervous system, this is a real find, tasty and without chemicals. Drinking green tea will also help to activate the brain, and green tea is also useful for concentrating.

For poor digestion, indigestion, poisoning, green tea will help. Its properties destroy pathogenic microbes in the stomach, enhance the motility of the digestive tract, and remove toxins from the body. Strong tea taken after meals four times a day helps with painful colitis. In case of drug poisoning, you should drink a cup of green tea with sugar and milk.

Green tea affects the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic, preventing the formation of blood clots. Doctors recommend tea for the prevention of heart disease and atherosclerosis. Dutch scientists conducted a series of studies showing that people who drank four cups of green tea a day avoided heart attacks. In the initial stage of hypertension, a tea drink reduces blood pressure by 10-20 units.

Strong green tea helps with eye inflammation to relieve tension and fatigue. Proven benefits for sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis. For rhinitis, it is useful to rinse the sinuses with a decoction of green tea. In dentistry, tea is recommended for the prevention of caries as a mouth rinse.

Green tea is consumed to prevent the formation of stones in the kidneys and liver, and to activate the work of the spleen and liver.

Green tea: contraindications

The benefits of green tea have been proven, but you should still not abuse it.

  • It is not recommended for older people due to the fact that tea can trigger negative processes in the joints. This is dangerous for rheumatoid arthritis and gout.
  • Large amounts of tea have a bad effect on diseased kidneys. Tea increases acidity, so you should not drink it if gastritis or stomach ulcers worsen.
  • Due to the increased stress on the kidneys, green tea is not recommended at high temperatures.
  • A dangerous load awaits the kidneys if you combine alcohol and green tea.
  • The presence of caffeine is beneficial for hypertensives, people who suffer from changes in blood pressure.
  • Tea is contraindicated for thyroid diseases.
  • You should not drink stale or low-quality tea.
  • You should not drink tea very hot and strong, so as not to provoke a headache and burn your internal organs.
  • Women during lactation should be careful when drinking green tea; caffeine can have an stimulating effect on the child and impair his sleep.

The best varieties of green tea

There are hundreds of varieties of green tea. Depending on the country of growth, time of collection, processing process, they differ in appearance, taste and aroma. Chinese, Japanese, Georgian and Ceylon varieties are recognized as the best all over the world.

When choosing the best green tea, you need to pay special attention to its brewing. Using soft water at a certain temperature and good tea will allow you to get a high-quality, tasty and healthy drink. Green tea can deliver indescribable pleasure, produce a beneficial effect, and allow you to heal and rejuvenate the body. Regular consumption of tea is the key to longevity, beauty and youth.

Today there is a lot of information about the benefits of green tea, but can you trust it? Indeed, the fact that this drink helps to cope with many diseases was known back in ancient times. For centuries it has been used as a preventive and medicinal product, and modern doctors have only confirmed its properties. Let's try to figure out in what cases it is worth drinking green tea.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of this drink is very rich. About a third of it is occupied by valuable tannins, which are various compounds of tannin, catechins, polyphenols, etc. High-grade green tea contains twice as much tannin as black tea. The chemical combination of this substance with caffeine has a stimulating effect and affects the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

This tea is also rich in alkaloids - for example, it contains more caffeine than natural coffee - 1-4%, there is also theobromine and theophylline.

Basic chemical indicators of green and black tea

The drink also contains protein substances – amino acids and enzymes. Most of them are found in green tea from Japan.

It also contains a lot of vitamins. Green tea leaves contain more vitamin P than citrus fruits, and there is also a lot of vitamin C. They enhance each other’s effects, help strengthen the immune system and protect the body’s cells from destruction. In addition, this tea contains six times more carotene (vitamin A) than carrots, and it helps remove free radicals and improves vision.

Excessive consumption of green tea can lead to loss of energy, nausea and increased blood pressure.

The drink is very rich in B vitamins: vitamin B1, which regulates carbohydrate balance in the body, B2, which strengthens hair, nails and immunity, B3, which cleanses the blood of cholesterol. It also contains vitamin E, an antioxidant that strengthens cell membranes.

Of the trace elements and minerals found in green tea, calcium, fluorine, iron, iodine, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, gold, and sodium are found. It also contains valuable essential oils, which, unfortunately, are often lost during processing.

Benefits of green tea (Video)

The extremely rich composition of green tea allows you to use it for a variety of diseases or drink it for prevention. This drink is an excellent stimulant for the nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems. If you use it regularly, you may notice that over time you will begin to get sick less. This is explained not only by the stimulation of the body’s defenses, but also by the drink’s own antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activity.

Green tea helps cleanse the body of carcinogens. It removes heavy metals from the body and, according to some studies, even fights cancer. To some extent, this drink can even neutralize the harmful effects of various radiations, which will be useful for those who spend a lot of time at the computer or in front of the TV screen. True, there is no scientific confirmation of this fact yet.

Very often people are confused about what effect green tea has - invigorating or calming. It depends on the infusion time. If the tea is brewed for more than 2-4 minutes, it turns out to be invigorating, if it takes 5, it becomes calming, and after 6, it is simply a pleasant and healthy drink.

There are studies that confirm that green tea can activate the whole body, treat endocrine diseases and normalize digestion, improve skin and hair. Let's try to figure out if this is so.

Green tea for skin and hair

Due to its antioxidant and antibacterial properties, green tea is widely used in cosmetology. Of course, when preparing cosmetics, it is not the drink that is used, but the leaves of the plant. But at home you can also use regular tea leaves. Even simply drinking the drink can significantly improve the condition of your skin, but if you freeze it and wipe your face with a piece of ice in the morning, this will help achieve amazing results. For oily skin, you can add a little lemon juice to this ice.

Green tea can be used to make effective face and hair masks.

If your face suffers from dryness, then you should not overcool it; a mask made from warm tea leaves will do. After it, the skin should be thickly lubricated with a rich cream. This mask helps get rid of spider veins and rejuvenate the skin.

Drinking green tea in a bathhouse is very beneficial for the skin.. It helps expand skin pores and increase sweating. Thus, the skin is deeply cleansed and acquires a fresh, healthy color. In addition, after this procedure, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and small pimples disappear.

For digestive health

Green tea is an excellent means of detoxifying the body, so it is recommended for food poisoning. The strongly brewed drink has antibacterial properties, so it helps destroy pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract. It can also improve the condition of a patient with dysbiosis.

You can add fruits and herbs to green tea

Those who have digestive problems should definitely drink green tea. Tannin helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it enhances the motility of the digestive tract and intestinal tone. If you drink tea after every meal, you will soon notice improvements in your well-being.

Green tea should not be consumed at the same time as alcohol. This can lead to kidney problems, swelling and pain in the bladder.

You should avoid this drink in case of exacerbations of gastric diseases - for example, gastritis and ulcers. But even if at the moment the illness does not cause discomfort, it is better to drink weakly brewed tea.

For the cardiovascular system

We have already said that green tea makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic. This allows you to prevent their ruptures and internal hemorrhages. In addition, the polyphenols contained in the drink prevent the formation of blood clots. Its ability to lower cholesterol has long been known. This helps prevent atherosclerosis and some heart and vascular diseases.

High-quality green tea can even help prevent heart attacks

Green tea helps prevent heart attack. This was stated by Dutch scientists who noticed that people who drink 4 glasses of this drink daily and eat one apple or one onion suffered from this disease half as often as others. Such conclusions were made after a detailed analysis of the eating habits of a fairly large group of elderly people.

The caffeine contained in the drink can be addictive, so you should not abuse tea.

It is also worth remembering the benefits of green tea in the initial stages of hypertension. Doctors from Japan claim that long-term use of this drink can lower blood pressure by 10-12 units.

Green tea for weight loss

Due to its ability to normalize digestion and activate the gastrointestinal tract, this drink can be used as a means of promoting weight loss. Of course, this does not mean that you can continue to overeat, and tea will solve all problems. But if you start eating right and drinking at least three cups a day, the results won’t take long to arrive.

Drinking green tea helps you lose weight

In order for the effect to be maximum, it is necessary to give up too sweet, salty and fatty foods, and also increase physical activity. In this case, tea can be drunk both hot and cold. You can add ice cubes and lemon to the cooled tea, as well as decoctions of herbs such as lemon balm, mint, oregano, and chamomile. They will make tea not only more tasty and aromatic, but will also have a beneficial effect on digestion.

Benefits for the liver

Green tea is very useful for people suffering from liver disorders and bile flow disorders. It is especially effective for cholelithiasis. If you consume several cups of it a day, you can quietly get rid of sand, and even small stones can come out without serious consequences. This drink is also useful for those who suffer from bile stagnation.

Catechins in green tea protect the liver

There are also studies that confirm that systematic consumption of green tea helps protect the liver from the harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco. This information cannot be considered completely reliable, but a couple of cups of tea will definitely not hurt people who smoke and like to drink.

You can add milk to green tea - this will give it a new taste and aroma and make it more nutritious.

Benefits of tea for teeth

Today it is definitely established that green tea helps to improve the health of teeth and gums. The substance responsible for this is catechin, which can even reduce the symptoms of periodontitis and other diseases. Regular consumption of this drink allows you to get rid of bleeding gums and generally make them stronger. And the antibacterial properties of tea help prevent the development of caries. It should be noted that improvement in oral health was recorded even in smoking patients.

Frequent consumption of green tea has a beneficial effect on dental health

Separately, we need to consider the property of green tea to whiten teeth. This is due to the high fluoride content in it. Of course, your teeth will not become perfectly white immediately after drinking the drink, but if you drink it regularly and use it to rinse your mouth, you will definitely get results.

In addition, green tea helps get rid of bad breath, which often causes a lot of problems for patients and causes them to visit the dentist.

Green tea has replaced black tea and coffee. Without additives in the form of herbs and dried fruits, this tea is not as aromatic as its analogues, but it has more beneficial properties. How to extract benefits and minimize harm from green tea? We would like to answer this question in this article.

The properties of green tea have been used for hundreds of years, but only in recent decades has the effectiveness of green tea for various diseases been scientifically proven. It is important to drink not only high-grade tea, but also to store and brew it correctly.

The correct way to brew tea is in a special container...

What is green tea?

Green tea is the result of steaming tea leaves at a temperature of 170-180 degrees, then fermentation is possible for no longer than 2 days, which is completed forcibly using heat. When dry, the color of green tea varies from light green to dark green. The tea itself is light yellow, orange or greenish in color with a herbal note and a slightly tart taste. If the tea has a bitter taste, then it is of poor quality, over-stayed or improperly brewed.

It is safer to consume loose leaf tea of ​​the highest quality. This is due to the fact that green tea bags are waste from the tea business, essentially tea dust. Even if bagged green tea is properly brewed in boiling water, it will not provide any significant health benefits.

In Asian countries, they prefer “brick” green tea, made from old leaves, branches and pruning parts. “Bricks” contain at least 75% green leaves, thanks to which this tea stands out for its tart taste and can be stored for a long time.

Composition and beneficial properties of green tea

Green tea contains:

  • vitamin K;
  • minerals (fluorine, copper, iodine, manganese, chromium, zinc and selenium);
  • natural antioxidants (polyphenols);
  • caffeine;
  • tannin (vitamin B1);
  • riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP).

Vitamin C improves immunity, helps fight viruses and avoid illness. Tannin has a beneficial effect on the digestive process, supports stable functioning of the nervous system and has an antimicrobial effect. Vitamin B2 affects skin elasticity, and B15 helps to penetrate the body with beneficial substances. Vitamin PP has an antiallergic effect. But they especially highlight vitamin P, which affects the strengthening of blood vessels.

Iodine affects the functioning of the endocrine system, and fluoride will help effectively fight caries in combination with other treatment methods. Vitamin K affects blood clotting by promoting the formation of prothrombin in the blood. Natural antioxidants in green tea effectively remove radicals from the body, which is used in various diets and diseases. This is how green tea can be beneficial. How to brew it correctly and for what diseases it is beneficial is discussed further in this article.

Benefits of green tea

Green tea can be used to prevent various problems and diseases. Green tea benefits:

  • vision;
  • cardiovascular system;
  • cerebral vessels;
  • hypotensive patients, regulating blood pressure;
  • pregnant women with toxicosis, during lactation;
  • metabolic processes in the body, cleansing it of toxins;
  • digestive system;
  • nervous system;
  • immune system;
  • teeth, whitening them;
  • diuretic system;
  • for diabetes;
  • with excess weight;
  • alcoholics, reducing the effect of a hangover - although these representatives of the animal world can only benefit from getting rid of a bad habit;
  • mammary and prostate glands (anti-cancer properties);
  • the body, uplifting the mood and relieving stress.

In general, it should be noted that among varieties of tea, green is second in its beneficial properties only to tea, which retains more healing substances in its composition due to minimal processing and fermentation.

For green tea to have an effective effect on the body, it should be consumed regularly, an average of 2 cups per day. But no more than 4 glasses of green tea per day. Pregnant women should alternate drinking green tea with other healthy drinks - compote, fruit drinks.

In order not to destroy the beneficial properties of green tea, it is important to know how to brew it correctly. To do this, it is necessary to monitor the quality of all components involved in the brewing process:

  1. Water – filtered or drinking non-carbonated, brought to a boil at 100 degrees. But it is better to brew green with slightly cooled boiling water - 80-85 degrees.
  2. Kettle for brewing - ceramic (porcelain) dishes with thick walls are used, which keep the desired temperature longer. It must have a lid on top and on the spout. Before use, boiling water is poured over the inside and outside to warm up and only then green tea is added.
  3. The tea leaves are of high quality, from a reliable supplier and are in the correct storage conditions. Transfer to the kettle only using a dry and clean spoon. Before brewing, rinse the leaves with boiling water in a teapot, and only then pour boiling water over them.
  4. Brewing time depends on the type of green tea leaves. Large leaf tea takes longer to brew than small leaf tea. The average brewing time is 10-15 minutes if you plan to have tea for a large number of people and dilute the tea in glasses. If it is brewed only for a family or a couple, then it is infused for no more than 5 minutes, and is not diluted in glasses.
  5. Proportions – 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves per 1 cup, about 200 ml. When drinking tea for a large number of people, add 1 more spoon on top of the norm.
  6. Additional ingredients: lemon, sugar, milk. It is especially popular to add milk to green tea during pregnancy and lactation; such tea regulates the pregnant woman’s blood pressure, cleanses her body and supplies some of the necessary nutrients. The warm liquid itself stimulates milk production, and the combination of milk and tea increases lactation.

Harm of green tea

Green tea can be harmful, rather than beneficial, if storage rules or brewing methods are violated. Therefore, when purchasing, pay attention to the leaves; they should be light in color. If they are broken, with a dull and dull color, this indicates a long shelf life. This tea cannot be used.

When brewing, the main mistake can be getting unboiled water into the tea tincture. This will spoil the tea and may cause stomach problems. You should not drink strong brewed tea on an empty stomach, during periods of exacerbation of diseases, tone and the threat of miscarriage. You should respect the time limits for brewing tea; too strong tea can cause insomnia or nervous tension.

You should not take medications with green tea, as it does not promote their absorption. Do not use stale tea leaves or leftover tea from yesterday in the morning. You should follow the rules for storing it - in a wooden box or in a glass jar with a tightly closed lid. This is what green tea can be, the benefits and harms of which are discussed in this article.

Still, you should not abuse the beneficial properties of green tea; drink it several hours before meals, and not on an empty stomach in the morning. Regular consumption of properly brewed green tea will benefit both men and women. It is strongly recommended not to overdo the dosage and limit yourself to 1 cup of green tea per day during pregnancy or serious chronic diseases.

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