Download the script for fairy tales for children shown to adults. A collection of scripts for staging children's plays based on famous fairy tales. A real encyclopedia for teachers-“script writers”

Theater available both in kindergartens and at home! This informative section contains many scripts for children's plays and theatrical productions - from Russian folk tales that have become eternal classics, to “old stories in a new way” and completely original dramatizations. Working on any of the performances presented here will be a real holiday for your students, and the process of participating in the “revival” of your favorite characters and plots will be true magic.

A real encyclopedia for teachers-“script writers”.

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All sections | Performance scripts. Theatrical performances, dramatizations

May 2019. Dramatization based on a film"Only old men go into battle." Vorobiev: Comrade commander, the task is completed. Maestro: Sit down. What did you see? Vorobiev: I saw how one smoked great, but I didn’t see how he fell. Maestro: - Not that. On Alyabyev runs out of the stage, Vano. Alyabyev: Comrade....

Contents of developmental substantively-spatial environment: 1. Tales of K.I. Chukovsky. 2. Attributes for dressing up. 3. Masks are symbols for fairy tale heroes. 4. Coloring pages depicting fairy tale heroes. 5. Finger theater, containing the heroes of the fairy tale. 6. Mirror. 7. Children's dishes, furniture....

Performance scripts. Theatrical performances, staging - Stages of organizing theatrical games in preschool educational institutions to form ideas about the traditions of the peoples of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Publication “Stages of organizing theatrical games in preschool educational institutions for the formation...” At the preparatory stage, we recommend creating an exhibition of books: “Tales of the Peoples of the North”, “Burovichok Yugorka”, “Tales of the Khanty People”, “Khanty-Mansi Tales”, “Tales of the Ugra Land”, “Tales of the Ob Ugrians”, “Tales of My Forest: Khanty and Mansi fairy tales”, “My fairy tale! Myths and...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Script for the puppet show “Naughty Masha” Purpose: to introduce puppet theater. Teach children to listen and watch carefully without disturbing the narrator and other children. Develop perseverance. Cultivate an interest in creativity. Create a cheerful mood. Heroes: grandfather, granddaughter, Masha, bear, fox, wolf, hedgehog. Scenario: Presenter:...

Script for the theatrical performance “The Frog Princess” Scenario of the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" Characters: Storyteller Tsar Ivan Tsarevich Elder brother Middle brother Vasilisa Boyar's daughter Merchant's daughter of a buffoon Old man - Lesovichok Bear Hare Koschey Nannies Guests at the feast Fireflies Chanterelle Baba Yaga Pike The curtain is closed. Before...

Participants: children, parents, teachers. Educator: Hello, dear guys! I am very glad that everyone came to our holiday today! Today we have the Opening of the Summer Theater. What is theater? (children's answers) Yes, guys, this is a wonderful magical place where adults come...

Performance scripts. Theatrical performances, staging - Photo report “Performance of the theater studio. Staging "Zayushkin's hut"

Every year at the end of the school year, the Klepa theater studio presents musical performances - reports. In September, children independently choose a fairy tale from the options proposed by the teacher. During the entire training period, young artists try themselves in different roles, and then something happens...

Summary of staging the song “Chickens” for young children Topic: “Chickens” Goal: development of children’s speech through folklore works and their dramatizations. Objectives: Educational: continue to introduce folklore works (songs, nursery rhymes, teach them to listen carefully and dramatize them; teach to recognize poultry in toys...

Script for a theatrical performance based on the fairy tale "Rukavichka" in a senior speech therapy group

Bogatova Oksana Nikolaevna, teacher, MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 94" Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description: the production can be used by educators and music directors in circle work on theatrical activities; in the development of scripts for New Year's matinees in the senior group of the kindergarten. The script uses the fairy tale by Olesya Emelyanova "Mitten for a puppet show." I adapted it for acting on stage or in the music hall.
Target: formation of interest in theatrical activities in children, enrichment of the emotional sphere, development of communication abilities.
- develop coherent speech;
- enrich active vocabulary, develop memory;
- improve the ability to combine words and actions;
- learn to control voice strength and timbre;
- promote the formation of clear, bright, intonationally expressive speech;
- to reveal the potential of speech-language pathologist children in public speaking.
Preliminary work:
- reading the Ukrainian folk tale "The Mitten";
- reading the fairy tale “Mitten” by Olesya Emelyanova;
- distribution of roles;
- learning roles and automation of delivered sounds;
- registration of declarations, preparation of attributes;
- selection of musical accompaniment.
Old man
(All roles are played by children)
Narrator (adult)
A group of children (5-7 people) to perform noise accompaniment.
In the foreground is a mock-up of a mitten. In the background is a forest (several artificial Christmas trees).
A group of children tap a rhythm on wooden spoons to the words of a narrator.
Lyuli-lyuli, tili-tili!
Hares walked on water
And from the river, like ladles,
They scooped up water with their ears,
And then they carried it home.
The noodle dough was kneaded.
hung on my ears -
It was a lot of fun!

The game of spoons stops.
But they happen in the forests
More fun miracles!
This fairy tale is small
About animals and the mitten.
An old man comes out from behind the Christmas trees, walks past a mitten (decarration) and drops a real mitten.
A group of children take plastic bags and rustle, imitating the crunch of snow under their feet.

An old man was walking through the forest,
I lost my mitten -
A new mitten,
Warm, downy.
The old man leaves.
A mouse appears from behind the Christmas trees (music sounds for the mouse to come out),
runs up to the right to the mitten.

I'm sitting under a bush
And I'm shaking from the cold.
The mitten is a mink!
I’ll run to her from the hill -
This is a new mink
Warm and fluffy!

Runs behind the mitten.
A bunny jumped along the edge of the forest,
His ears were frozen.
A bunny runs out from behind the Christmas trees (music plays)
And where should I go now?
Where can the unfortunate person warm up?
The bunny runs up to the mitten.

Who is inside - an animal or a bird?

Is there anyone wearing this mitten?
A mouse peeks out of a mitten.
This is the Scratch Mouse!
Let me go, little girl!
Bunny is very cold,
Runaway bunny!
There's enough room for both of us.
The mitten is new,
Warm and fluffy!
The Mouse and the Bunny are hiding in a mitten. A fox appears from behind the trees on the right (music plays).
Oh, save me, Santa Claus
Bit the fox on the nose
Running on her heels -
The tail is shaking from the cold!

Answer the fox,
Who's huddling in a mitten?
The Mouse peeks out of the mitten.
I'm the Scratching Mouse,
Long-tailed minnow!

I'm the Runaway Bunny,
Little bunny in the mitten!
Have pity on the fox
And put it in your mitten!
There's enough room for the three of us here.
It's softer here than on the bed -
The mitten is new,
Warm and fluffy!
The bunny and the fox are hiding in a mitten. A Wolf appears from behind the trees on the left (music plays).
He howled at the moon at night
And I caught a cold from the cold.
The wolf howls.
The gray wolf sneezes loudly -
The tooth does not touch the tooth.
The wolf sneezes and chatters his teeth.

Hey, honest forest people,
Who, tell me, lives here?

I'm the Scratching Mouse,
Long-tailed minnow!
The mouse hides, the Bunny peeks out from the mitten.
I'm the Runaway Bunny,
Little bunny in the mitten!

I'm a fluffy fox
In the mitten of everyone, sister!
You will let me live,
I will watch over you!
There's enough room for four here.
It's softer here than on the bed -
The mitten is new,
Warm and fluffy!
The wolf and the fox are hiding in a mitten. A Boar appears from behind the trees on the right (music sounds).
Oink! The barrel is completely frozen,
The tail and snout are freezing!
This mitten is by the way!

The Mouse peeks out of the mitten.
There's not enough space for you here!
I'll get in somehow!
The Mouse and the Boar are hiding in a mitten. A fox peeks out of her mitten.
It's cramped here! Well, it's just creepy!
The fox again hides in its mitten. A Bear comes out from behind the trees on the left (music sounds).
Teddy Bear is freezing
My nose gets cold and my paws get cold.
The bear rubs his nose.
I don’t have a den!
What's here in the middle of the road?
A mitten will do!
Who, tell me, lives in it?

The Mouse peeks out of the mitten.
I'm the Scratching Mouse,
Long-tailed minnow!
The mouse hides, the Bunny peeks out from the mitten.
I'm the Runaway Bunny,
Little bunny in the mitten!
The bunny is hiding, and the little fox is peeking out of her mitten.
I'm a fluffy fox
In the mitten of everyone, sister!
The fox is hiding, the Wolf is peeking out of his mitten.
The top still lives here,
Warm gray barrel!
The wolf is hiding, the Boar peeks out from the mitten.
Well, I'm a tusker boar,
The mitten is stuck!
There's a bit too much of you here,
Shall I climb in with you guys?
Yes, I will somehow!
The Boar and the Bear are hiding in a mitten. Chanterelle looks out of it.
There's nowhere to sneeze here!
The fox again hides in its mitten. A mouse looks out of it.
Fat, and also there!
The mouse hides in a mitten.
Here the grandfather missed the loss -
He told the dog to run back,
Find the mitten!
A Dog appears from behind the trees on the right and runs towards the mitten (music plays)
Woof woof woof! So here she is!
You can see it from a mile away!
Hey you, animals or birds there,
Quickly throw out the mitten!
If I find anyone in it,
I will bark very loudly.
Immediately the grandfather will come with a gun,
He'll take the mitten away!

Animals jump out of the mitten one by one and hide behind the Christmas trees. The dog runs after them and barks. The old man comes out, picks up his mitten and leaves the stage with the dog.

The animals were very scared
They scattered,
They hid somewhere,
And lost forever
New mittens
Warm and fluffy!

Creative tasks for theater studio in kindergarten and primary school

Murashova Natalia Yuryevna Teacher of additional education MBOU Secondary School No. 58, Khabarovsk.
Target: Theatricalization of a famous fairy tale in kindergarten.
- Adapt well-known fairy tales for short theatrical performances;
- Organize conditions for creative self-expression of a group of children;
- Develop improvisation skills among future KVN players.
Description: The idea of ​​remaking Russian folk tales for short improvisations came to me a long time ago. Just then I was developing and testing my theater club program for various parallels. “The Golden Key,” “Little Red Riding Hood,” and “The Scarlet Flower” went to the middle grades, and I rewrote these fairy tales for elementary school. But, I think, in kindergarten they will be even more appropriate (you can slightly rewrite the lines in the fairy tale Kolobok, since I did it for 4th grade). Somewhere else I had a fairy tale about Mashenka and the three bears... but over the years, the printout has disappeared somewhere. I'll find it and post it later.
Such an impromptu theater will be useful to many: educators, additional education teachers, theater club leaders, animators and interested parents. It can be used at any children's birthday, birthday celebration in the classroom, during theater classes in kindergarten or elementary school, and in all kinds of events dedicated to theater week.
Each participant in the action is given a piece of paper with one single phrase, which he will have to say every time he hears his “name” (role).
It is important to explain that you need to say your phrase differently each time: with different emotions corresponding to the situation.
It is extremely important to rehearse a couple of times in advance.


Grandfather - “Old age is no joy”
Grandma - “Youth is not life!”
Chicken Ryaba - “Where-tah-tah!”
Egg - “And I’m with a surprise!”
Mouse - “Well, they can’t do anything without me!”

THEATER – EXPROMT (text read by an adult)
Once upon a time there lived a grandfather (replica) and Baba (replica). And they had Chicken Ryaba (replica). The chicken laid it down (replica) Testicle (replica)- not a simple one, but a golden egg (replica). Grandfather (replica) beat and beat, did not break. Woman (replica) beat and beat, did not break. A Mouse (replica) ran, waved her tail... Egg (replica indignantly) rolled, fell and broke. Grandfather crying, Baba (sobbing, says his line) The chicken is crying and (replica) clucks. "Don't cry, Grandfather (replica), don't cry, Baba (replica), I'll lay you another Testicle (replica offended). Not golden, but simple.” And from then on the Ryaba Hen became (replica) every day an egg (another egg runs out and says the line: And I’m with a surprise!) carry. Or even two (the second egg runs out: Me too!), or even three (another one runs out: Yes, we are all here with surprises!). But there were no gold ones among them anymore.
All the artists come out to bow.


Old man - “I want to eat!”
Old woman - “Where is my frying pan!”
Kolobok - “They won’t catch up with us!”
Hare - “Lap and hop, and I’m hungry like a wolf.” (you can wear a vest, like an airborne soldier)
Wolf - “Shnyaga shnyaga - communal life. U-U-U-U" (possible with guitar)
Bear - “I’m the strongest here!” (the largest or, conversely, the smallest actor)
Fox - “I don’t eat koloboks, better give me mushrooms”

Once upon a time there lived an old man (replica) with the Old Woman (replica). Once upon a time the Old Woman (replica) broomed the barn, scraped the bottom of the barrel, kneaded the dough, baked Kolobok (replica) and put it on the window to cool. Tired of Kolobok (replica) lie on the window and he rolled from the windowsill - onto the rubble, from the rubble - onto the porch, from the porch - onto the path...
Rolling, rolling Kolobok (replica), and a Hare meets him (replica). Kolobok sang (replica) song and rolled on, only the Hare (replica offended) I saw him.
Rolling, rolling Kolobok (replica), and the Wolf meets him (replica). Kolobok sang (replica) song and rolled on, only the Wolf (replica) I saw him.
Rolling, rolling Kolobok (replica), and Bear meets him (replica in bass). Kolobok sang (replica) song and rolled on, only the Bear (replica) I saw him.
Rolling, rolling Kolobok (replica), and Fox meets him (replica). Kolobok sang (replica) a song, and while I was singing, Lisa (replica, rubbing paws) she quietly crept up and ate it.
This is where the fairy tale ends. Who watched - well done!


Teremok (2 people)- “Come in, make yourself at home!” (holding hands)
Mouse – “I’m a little mouse” (scratches behind ear with paw)
Frog – “I am a frog frog” (jumps)
Hedgehog - “I am a four-legged hedgehog”
Rook - “I am a foreign rook - fenkyu veri mach” (flapping its wings)
Donkey – “And I’m a sad donkey – before and after the elections”
Bear - “I’m going to crush everyone now!”

Text(adult reads, pausing for remarks)

Stands in the Teremok field (replica), he is neither short nor tall. Here across the field-field Mouse (replica) she runs, ran and knocks on the Teremok. And the Mouse became (replica) live.
Stands in the Teremok field (replica), he is neither short nor tall. Here across the field-field Frog (replica) runs, runs closer and knocks. The mouse looked out (replica) and began to call the Frog to her (replica) live together.
Stands in the Teremok field (replica), he is neither short nor tall. Here's a Hedgehog across the field (replica) he runs, he ran to the door and knocks. And the mouse became (replica) yes Frog (replica) call for (waving their paws) Hedgehog to his place (replica) live together.
Stands in the Teremok field (replica), he is neither short nor tall. Here above the Rook field (replica important) flies, lands near the door and knocks. And the mouse became (replica), Frog (replica) yes Hedgehog (replica) call Rook to you (replica) live together.
Stands in the Teremok field (replica), he is neither short nor tall. Here, across the field, Donkey (replica) goes, he came to the door and knocked.. And the Mouse began (replica), Frog (replica), Hedgehog (replica) yes Rook (replica) invite Donkey to live with you.
Stands in the Teremok field (replica), he is neither short nor tall. There's a Bear across the field (replica) wanders, he comes to the door and roars.. The Mouse got scared (replica scared), Frog (replica scared), Hedgehog (replica scared), Grach (replica scared) and Donkey (replica scared) and they jumped out of Teremok (replica scared). A Bear (replica) climbed onto the roof (hugged Teremok by the shoulders) and crushed Teremok (replica in chorus and dying voice).
That's the end of the fairy tale! Every viewer is well done!
The actors take their bows

Theater activities in elementary school help the teacher in solving the following tasks:

  • quick and successful adaptation of first-graders;
  • uniting the children's team, uniting children in a common cause;
  • psychological assistance to shy, withdrawn children;
  • development of speech, memory, imagination;
  • development of children's creative abilities;
  • decorating holidays in the classroom;
  • involving parents in extracurricular activities.

Starting from 1st grade, together with children and parents, I have been implementing the “Mini Theater” project. Every quarter, during class hours, breaks, and in the extended day group, one performance is prepared for production. While working on a project, children try on various social roles: assistant screenwriter and director, graphic designer, costume designer, critic, dramatic or comedic artist. Young talents perform for parents, for elementary school students, and at school celebrations

I write script texts in verse, so children can easily remember them. I choose fairy tales with numerous characters in order to attract as many artists as possible. For each performance I select musical accompaniment and record a soundtrack consisting of musical excerpts. All characters appear to music that matches the characters' personalities and perform dance or other moves. Due to this, fairy tales are bright and dynamic. I suggest the artist listen to his music. excerpt and choose the movements myself, then I adjust it a little.

Performances do not require complex decorations and are prepared very quickly (in five to six rehearsals). Scenarios can be used in elementary school and in older kindergarten groups. It turns out very well when, instead of tape recordings of muses. excerpts are played by a pianist or accordion player.



Pinocchio goes to school.

*Each character appears to the music from the movie Pinocchio and performs dance routines. movements*

EDUCATION: Papa Carlo gave Pinocchio an alphabet book with pictures and sent him to school.

1 music excerpt (chorus from the song “Bu-ra-ti-no”)

Pinocchio: I'm walking on the way to school. I will find a lot of new knowledge.

VED: On his way, Pinocchio met a doctor of puppet science.

2 music excerpt (verse from Karabas’ song “I’m ready for nasty things”)

Only one show!
To everyone's surprise!
Don't go to school!
Skip the lessons!

Visit the theater and watch the performance! (Takes Pinocchio aside.)

VED: The beautiful Malvina was hurrying to school.

3 music excerpt (gentle music)


Let him go, villain!
School is most important to us!
Time for business - time for fun.
After lessons we will visit you too.

(Takes Pinocchio.)

Vedas: Inveterate swindlers - a cat and a fox - were dancing in a forest clearing.

4 music excerpt (chorus from the song of the cat and the fox “What a blue sky”)

BASILIO: Do you want to be rich?

ALICE: Should I buy a new dress?

BASILIO: Lots of candy, lots of ice cream

ALICE: And lemonade and cake.

BASILIO: DURAKOV is waiting for you - a beautiful country.

ALICE: But the rich don’t need school at all! (Malyavina and Buratino are led away by the hands.)

EDIT: Malvina’s faithful friend Artemon comes to the rescue

5 music excerpt (verse from the song “Man is a Dog’s Friend”)

Friends, don't listen to the cat and the fox!
They will rob you and throw you in the forest!
Soon the school bell will ring,
Our first lesson is starting soon!
The teacher is waiting for us - let's run quickly,
We have many true friends there!

(Pinocchio, Malvina and Artemon sit on chairs above which it says *SCHOOL*)

6 music excerpt “verse from the song “Covered with brown mud”)

MALVINA: And I’ll learn to dance well!

ARTEMON: I'm glad I came here! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

(The negative characters come up and speak in plaintive voices.)

KARABAS: We want to learn too!

CAT: We won't be lazy anymore!

We won't lie anymore!
We want to play too!

TORTILLA: The doors are open to everyone. WE accept you to first class!

7 music excerpt

(All the characters dance to the music “WHAT THEY TEACH AT SCHOOL”, bow and leave.)



VED: In one village there lived a lonely woman.

WOMAN (singing):

I have a good house
Flowers grow in the garden.
But there is no happiness in my house
No son, no daughter.

VED: An unhappy woman turned to a witch for help. And she began to conjure.

1 MUSIC EXCERPT. (Dance of the Witch).

VED: And then an unusual flower bloomed in the woman’s garden.

2 MUSIC EXCERPT (Thumbelina emerges from a blooming flower and dances).

Thumbelina: Hello, mom!

WOMAN: Hello, daughter! Where are you from?

Thumbelina: From a flower.

TOGETHER (singing):

Thumbelina and I together
We'll live very friendly.

WOMAN: Go to bed, daughter. The morning is wiser than the evening. (Puts Thumbelina down)

3 MUSIC EXCERPT (A toad appears with his son)

I'm a fat scary toad.
And this is my big son.

I don't need a wet woman
I want to marry this beauty!

VED: And they stole Thumbelina and took her to their stinking swamp.

(They transfer the sleeping girl from the scenery of the house to the scenery of the swamp)

INCH (wakes up): Where am I? Who you are?

Here is your beautiful groom
The wedding will soon be over.

SON: Let's go catch some flies for the bride as a gift.

VED: Thumbelina was left alone in the swamp and cried bitterly.

A swift beetle flew past.

4 MUSIC EXCERPT (beetle dance)

BEETLE: What a beauty. I like it very much.

Come fly with me. Will you be my wife.

5 MUSIC EXCERPT (Beetle and Thumbelina dance a waltz. They are joined by 2 pairs of butterflies)

  1. Horrible!
  2. What an ugliness!
  3. She only has two legs!
  4. She doesn't even have a mustache! (the beetle is taken away)

VED: Thumbelina was left all alone again. Then a nimble mouse peeked out of the hole.

6 MUSIC EXCERPT (mouse dance)

MOUSE: Who is crying near my hole?

INCH: Mouse, let me into the house and warm me up.

Oh, what beauty!
Here's a bride for a mole!
Hey mole, come out.
Look at your wife!

7 MUSIC EXCERPT (dance of the blind mole)

For a blind mole, beauty is not important. (feels Thumbelina)

A little girl - good for housekeeping.

Before the wedding I will fulfill any wish.

INCH: Let me say goodbye to the sun!

MOUSE: Stupid wish.

MOLE: But I will keep my promise.

Goodbye red sun
Goodbye beautiful swallows!

8 MUSIC EXCERPT (swallow dance)


Don't cry Thumbelina, we will save you!

We’ll take it with us to hot countries. (they take Thumbelina by the hands)


We fly over the mountains, we fly over the valleys
Look, the land of the elves is right below us.


You won't find a better country than this
Here you will find happiness!

INCH: Goodbye swallows!

VED.: And so Thumbelina found herself in the wonderful land of elves.

I am the prince of this kingdom
My heart burns with love.
I've never seen beauty like this
Be Thumbelina my wife!

It's so good that I ended up here
When I saw you, I fell in love too.

VED.: They celebrated a wedding here. The bride and groom were dancing.

9 MUSIC EXCERPT (Wedding. All the heroes dance. They line up in one row, bow.)


Who said meow?

DECORATION: booth, sofa, pond. A dog is sitting in a booth, a puppy is sleeping on the sofa, a cat is sitting behind the sofa, and a frog is sitting behind the pond.

VED: The puppy was sleeping on the rug near the sofa. Suddenly, through his sleep, he heard...

CAT: Meow.

PUPPY: Who's there? I'll go have a look.

1 MUSIC EXCERPT (rooster dance)

PUPPY: You didn’t let me sleep, you meowed so loudly?

Everyone in the village knows
Behind the village, in the meadow
Why am I screaming...

AUDIENCE: Kukareku

(The rooster leaves importantly, the puppy goes to bed again).


(The puppy jumps up and pulls out the mouse by the tail).

PUPPY: Did you say meow?

MOUSE: Oh, how scary! Out of fear, I forgot how I cast my voice.

VED: Guys, help the mouse. Tell her how she uses her voice.

AUDIENCE: Peep-pee-pee.

Someone is meowing nearby.
Oh, I'm in trouble
Apparently I need to save myself
Otherwise I'll be lost.

2 MUSIC EXCERPT (the mouse runs around the hall and asks for help)

CAT: Meow.

(The puppy approaches the booth).

DOG: (jumps out)

Where are you sticking your nose?
A huge dog lives here.

PUPPY: You said meow7

Very stupid, you puppy
Didn't learn my lesson at all!
Guys, help him
Tell me how I growl!


3 MUSIC EXCERPT (The dog chases the puppy in a circle. The puppy stops near the pond).

PUPPY: Oh, he ran away forcibly! Why, children, I'm tired!

CAT: Meow.

PUPPY: (points to the drawn fish) That's who has been meowing all day!

Ha ha ha! You're just a stump
I've been sitting in a pond for a whole year
And this fish is nothing!

PUPPY: So you said meow?

You can go around our whole pond
You won't find someone so stupid.
Help him guys
As I say, tell me.

AUDIENCE: Kwa-kwa.

VED: The wet puppy returned home. He sat down on the sofa and cried bitterly. At this time, a domestic bull was returning from the meadow.

4 MUZ. EXCERPT (The bull strides)

Why are you crying, puppy?
Where did you get so wet?

CAT: Meow.

PUPPY: Did you say meow?

BULL: Together with my mother in the meadow, we always scream...


Look the cat gets lost
Maybe she knows everything?
And I'll run to my mother
Well, goodbye, puppy, mu!

5 MUSIC EXCERPT (goat dance)

CAT: Meow.

PUPPY: Did you goat say meow?

In our village everyone knows
Meow-meow who's talking
Who steals milk
Yes, she's not far away.

6 MUSIC EXCERPT (cat dance)

PUPPY: Didn't you let me sleep?

I, puppy, played with you.
I want to be friends with you.
Catch butterflies together.
Jump together, run together, have lunch together.

PUPPY: Okay, let's be friends and have fun with the children.

CAT: Get up, guys! Let's dance and sing a friendly song...

VED: The animals want the guys to be friends, like our kitten and puppy.


(artists and spectators dance to the DANCE OF LITTLE DUCKLES).


Under the mushroom.

An artist wearing a mushroom hat or holding an umbrella sits on a chair on the stage.

VED: In front of you is a forest clearing. And suddenly it began to rain heavily.

1 MUZ. EXCERPT 3 girls with rain in their hands dance the rain dance

VED: A hard worker ant was walking through the forest and found him in the forest with heavy rain.

2 MUSIC EXCERPT (ant comes out)

ANT: What to do? Where to hide? Everywhere is wet, but under the mushroom it is dry. I’ll crawl under the fungus and wait out the rain.

(singing): I’m sitting under a mushroom as if in my house.

VED: A wet, tired butterfly flew in the rain.

3 MUSIC EXCERPT (butterfly dance)

BUTTERFLY: Ant let me under the fungus. I'm wet and I can't fly.

ANT: Where should I let you go? I somehow fit in here alone.

BUTTERFLY is crying

ANT: Well, what should we do with you? Come in.

We are sitting under a mushroom
And it’s not crowded for the two of us.

VED: Far from home, a prickly hedgehog was caught in the rain.

4 MUSIC EXCERPT (hedgehog exit)

Hedgehog: The rain led me astray. Can't find the way to the house.

I was completely wet from head to toe. Let me go under the fungus.

BUTTERFLY: Come to us, hedgehog. It's dry and fun here.

(everyone sings): We are sitting under the mushroom and it’s not crowded for the two of us.

5 MUSIC EXCERPT (the hare runs out and rushes and grabs his head)

Friends, please help me
Save me from trouble.
Oh, I'm in trouble!
Oh, save the loss!

HEDGEHOG: Come to us, hare!

BUTTERFLY: We will hide you.

ANT: And we will protect.

(singing): We are sitting under a mushroom, we will save the hare from the fox.

VED: and here comes the villainous fox.

6 MUSIC EXCERPT (fox dance)

FOX: Guys, have you seen the hare?

Where did he hide? Ah, that's where the bunny ears stick out. Come on, hare, come out!

HARE: Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid!

ANT: Go away, fox!

HEDGEHOG: Don’t you dare offend the little ones!

The hedgehog and the ant drive the fox away.

HARE: Thank you, friends!

VED: It started to rain here. The sun came out. All the animals are happy, singing and dancing.

7 MUSIC EXCERPT (animals dance around a mushroom)

ANT: There’s one thing I can’t understand. Previously, it was cramped for me alone under the mushroom, but now there was room for four.

VED: Can you guys tell me why? (audience responses). This is where the fairy tale ends, and well done to those who listened.

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