Heartfelt congratulations to my colleague on his 55th birthday

We congratulate you with all our hearts,
After all, today you are fifty-five!
Always be young at heart,
And always give everyone a smile!

Let your beloved give you love,
And he will lull you to sleep with flowers!
May goodness always be with you,
And may you always be happy!

Congratulations on your anniversary!
We are pleased to work with you.
We wish you health and sparkles in your eyes,
We are with a pure and sincere soul!!! ©

We have gathered here today
To congratulate you on your anniversary.
After all, at this age everything is there -
And home, and wisdom, and memories.

Now let there be only joy in life,
May the whole family be healthy.
And we wish you health, happiness,
Always have only good news for you!

Let your whole life just begin at 55,
May sadness leave you forever!
May luck smile on you now,
And let them always strew you with flowers! ©

Colleague, I’m proud of you for good reason,
Today is our 55th anniversary!
There is not enough room for men next to you,
It’s not a sin to fight for your beauty!
And the glasses are filled, the glasses are dashingly filled,
Congratulations are flying to your address,
But I will say quietly in your ear,
Work tomorrow... Maybe we should go to bed?

On this sunny day I want to congratulate you,
Leave a lot of warm, kind words in your soul,
Colleagues, we are at work, we find a common language,
On your anniversary, I would like to give you a bouquet of friendly carnations.
Fifty-five today, but twenty-five in my soul,
To you for long years, I want to wish you health.
Let all your dreams come true in work and at home,
Let your colleagues, husband and children appreciate your kindness.

Days passed and friends gathered again
Again with a kind word to encourage you,
Let the years pass - the main thing is inside
Keep your happiness and love forever.
And it doesn’t matter at all how old you are,
Live, don’t be afraid, for another century.
And today on this best anniversary
I will say: colleague, don’t get sick in life.

Undoubtedly, you deserve respect,
Working for the benefit of the enterprise.
We value your knowledge and opinion,
But we don’t know - will we have enough words today?
After all, 55 years is a good reason
And the best anniversary.
We wish you all the best in life -
Much happiness and great friends!

We know your life completely,
From cover to cover.
Its length is small -
Just two A's.
But they value life not for its length,
And don't pay attention to the length.
Once two fives count -
They are for content.
And content is work,
The desire to take on steep hills,
And behind it all are
Like milestones, two A's.
Life doesn't flow smoothly,
There are tubercles and there are funnels,
A lot of water has passed under the bridge
In the river you got two A's.
But you are not wounded by fate,
Fate did not deprive
For two fives behind my back
She gave me a lot of happiness.
The family has a daughter,
And the grandchildren are like a brood of black grouse.
For all the great family work
They give you two A's!

Posts 1 - 20 from 47

The team is ready to congratulate
Happy anniversary to you.
Fifty-five is cool
This age is just great!

The most experienced employee
Valuable frame good friend,
Everyone loves and respects you,
Look around you.

We wish you strength and luck,
Lots of happiness and goodness
Salary increases.
We all shout to you: “Hurray!”

We congratulate our colleague
Happy anniversary from the bottom of my heart.
Let the heart not know sadness
Everyone's dreams come true.

Life at 55 is wonderful
And especially when
I have a favorite job -
The one that is dear to the heart.

May luck be near you
There is happiness and comfort in the house.
Respect is a reward
For decent, honest work.

Dear ____ (colleague’s first and patronymic), on this significant day, please accept our congratulations and best wishes. Even though half your life has already been lived, this is no reason to be sad. At 55 years old, the prism of your worldview changes its angle, and life reveals new facets. We wish that from now on your only concern will be choosing a new vacation spot.

Vast experience behind us,
But there is still so much to come!
After all, this age is the best,
Go find one like this!

Like at school, these two “A” grades
I gave you my life.
After all, you do everything sensibly,
Once you get to work.

Don't lose inspiration.
We wish you success,
Good health, patience,
May you be full of joy!

You have a great anniversary today -
A worthy solemn date.
You can’t count 55 merits,
And your work path will be open someday.

We congratulate you on this date from the bottom of our hearts.
Live long, happily, in abundance.
Love youth, family, your friends,
Give yourself to life without reserve!

Let the date become a new frontier
To achievements, victories in the team.
We are grateful for your great contribution to it,
And may your strength never run out.

So be happy at 55
Satisfied with life, happy with the environment.
Appreciate what is called destiny,
And enjoy the minutes and moments!

55 is not that much
If you look at it sensibly.
There is still a road ahead.
How much time there is to do!

The main thing is that the heart beats
And the desire to create
To be sung and loved,
To really want to live.

“Don’t grow old in your soul!” -
Your colleagues are telling you.
Don't regret anything
The years will fly by in a flash.

Everyone who loves wishes you
There is a lot of happiness and goodness,
And whatever happens to my career.
No worries for you!

Working with you is a pleasure.
Business and worries - but not without fun.
Everyone at work admires you:
Successful, smart, high spirits.

I can only be proud of such a colleague,
In the family and in the service - well, just a queen!
You're 55! Is this really a year?
As soon as you moved from miss to madam.

Let them always look at you with admiration,
Shine with health, love, patience.
Live large, without troubles,
And many happy years to come to you.

You are very attractive
And very charming
Always attentive to everyone
In everyone's affairs it is obligatory.

And even on a gloomy morning
You're always in the mood.
And, despite the fact that the boss
Everyone is waiting to line up.

You are always very cheerful
Like a young girl.
Are you fifty-five now?
You can't help but be surprised!

So be like this always,
As we know you.
Health, tenderness, warmth
We wish you with all our hearts!

Congratulations, colleague,
Happy anniversary.
Let the "fives" be in your date,
They will bring gifts:

Happiness, health, success
And in everything there is recognition,
For joy and income
Brought a calling.

May you always be lucky in everything,
Every moment is just a joy.
The standard of living is rising
Never falls.

Today is your holiday -
From the “fives” the anniversary.
Congratulations on this date
And we hasten to say quickly:

Stay the same
A wonderful specialist.
You are a role model
For today's youths.

We sincerely wish you
To be, as before, at the helm.
So that you are not forgotten
Neither colleagues, nor friends.

Don't be afraid of these numbers
There will also be “nickels”.
The main thing is that everything is great
It was on the path of life.

Today is your anniversary -
Life gave "A"
And celebrate with friends
The opportunity provided.

May all your dreams come true,
Things are going well.
Fun, happiness, kindness,
Good health to you, of course.

May your life be full
Health and prosperity.
I will raise my glass: “To the bottom!”
And I'll drink it without a trace.

Awarding flowers with a bouquet,
The team congratulates you.
On your anniversary - 55 -

Let me wish you happiness.

For us you are always young,
We won’t look at the years!
Perseverance, peace, prospects
Wishing you a friendly team!

We don't know a more beautiful date,
Than the anniversary, which has
Two A's, as in the certificate,
And to receive one is an honor.

We solemnly present it
From the team from everything
And happy anniversary.
We wish only one thing:

So that those grades on the certificate
There was no reason to be sad:
Age is in the soul! About the postulate
Try not to forget this.

Our entire wonderful team
A corporate party awaits again.
The occasion was fitting -
The colleague is fifty-five.
Accept it, our colleague,
The friendliest crew.
We won't let you down
We definitely won’t eat your lunch.
And wish the boss
I brought you the report myself,
I didn’t call you on the carpet,
More often he gave a bonus,
And until retirement with you
We wish we could live as one family!

A pleasant holiday has arrived for you,
The anniversary has come to visit again.
There will be gifts, the family will congratulate you,
I will join in with the best words!

Happiness, health to you, peace, love,
There is a lot of excitement and ardor in the blood.
So that any business succeeds,
May your whole life be in order!

We congratulate you with all our hearts.
55 is a success!
So that you are always surrounded
Just joy, ringing laughter.

Thank you for being with us.
I wish you health and many years to come,
And fulfillment of desires.
In love, work, in everything - victories!

Don't sum it up
At fifty-five years old!
Shines in your eyes
Beautiful wise light!
Happiness and health,
Cheerfulness, warmth!
I wish you joyful
It was your life!

Rearrange it this way or that way
There will only be number five!
Good in white light
Don't notice your age!
We wish you many new ones
Find hobbies.
Life force is ready
Nature has a lot to give you.
Plant what you brought
From distant lands jasmine.
Stay in love with life!
Others always need you.

Time to collect stones
I think it has arrived
At fifty - with an increase of five -
Life has rewarded you with happiness.
The kids have grown up, it's time
It's time to live for yourself,
Have fun until the morning!
Many joys await you!

Anniversary 55 years to mother - congratulations and wishes in verse

Let no sorrows come into your home,
Let illnesses pass by.
We would place the whole world in the palm of our hands
And they gave you one.
But even this would not be enough,
To repay your kindness,
All our lives, our dear mother,
I owe you an unpaid debt,
Thank you, dear, for raising me,
For not asking for anything in return,
That sorrow and joy are divided in half,
In everything better life you wished for us.
Beautiful, caring, sweet, gentle,
We need you every day and forever!

Mom, what are these tears in your eyes?
What are those gray hair streaks?
Mommy, these five and five
It’s really not worth noticing;
Don't look at your age,
Quickly erase the sadness from your face -
Go through life more cheerfully
Especially on your anniversary!

Happy Birthday,
My dear mother,
On your anniversary, without a doubt,
I wish from the bottom of my heart
Eternal prosperity,
Never know worries
And in life - only the best,
Joy - at 55!

Today I congratulate my mother,
And on this holiday I sincerely wish
Celebrate the anniversary with dignity!
Let us gather as a family,
We will honor you
Heartily, lovingly from the soul,
I hasten to congratulate mommy!
Wishing you well at 55!

Congratulations on the 55th anniversary of a woman

Fifty plus five years old
Today is your holiday!
Ready to say a lot of words
In honor of your beautiful ones!

May health never
Doesn't let you down in life
And for many years
Let the sadness go away!

Congratulations to a woman on her 55th birthday

This anniversary date is special:
There are only A's in it, no matter how you look at it.
Every day may a ray of dawn greet you,
And the crimson dawn sees you off to sleep.

Let health be your loyal friend,
All your dreams will come true soon,
There will be less doubt and confusion in the soul,
And you will be cheerful and young.

Happy 55th birthday to a woman

Today is your holiday,
only A's.
Today is exactly 55,
Don't regret it at all.

We wish you to be loved forever,
Don't grow old at all with your soul,
Give everyone the warmth of your soul,
Look at the world through children's eyes. (WITH)

It seemed that this date would not come,
Days, years, decades passed...
And now this day has come -
Your 55th birthday.
Let this day not add wrinkles,
And he will smooth out and erase the old ones,
And it will bring happiness to the house for a long time.
We wish to live without knowing troubles,
Not knowing bad weather,
And so that it lasts for 100 years
Health, kindness and happiness!

Woman's 55th anniversary - comic congratulations

Fifty-five - is that really a lot?
Let them say “everything has been lived” - don’t believe it,
While we live, what was, is - everything is alive.
When else will life slam the door on us?

You still have a lot to do,
Live long, wisely and beautifully!
And I want to raise the first glass,
For our hero of the occasion.

You are a woman - a flower, a source and a star,
Mysteriously tender, beautiful and proud.
You are the flame of the hearth and home,
You are the light on earth that never goes out.

Happy birthday greetings to a 55 year old woman

Fifty-five for you -
Half of life!
And today I can’t stop
Our feelings are an avalanche!
You can't turn back time!
But let yourself be forced
So that at one hundred and ten years old again
We could congratulate you!

55th anniversary for a woman - congratulations in verse and wishes

You are happy with everything in fate:
Life smiles at you
We can only wish
Keep it up!

And may you be always cheerful,
And, like today, she’s good,
And even on a modest anniversary
Happiest of all people.

We hasten to congratulate you
And we want to wish you
What I dared to dream about,
What have you been waiting for so long!

Fifty-fifth date -
Festive anniversary,
May you have many summers
The nightingale sings sweetly,
Let sensuality not fade,
The spiritual light does not fade,
Sound wise power -
Future element!

Congratulations on 55th birthday to a friend

I wish you to always be loved,
For husband, grandchildren and children!
And be truly happy
Don't get lost among people!

And always be visible everywhere
Beautiful in appearance and soul,
That sincere one that everyone really needs
Heartfelt soft beauty!

Let them give high fives for the joy of the year -
But the soul remains always young,
And don’t let your health fail you,
Relatives will warm you with love!

Let your heart become a little warmer,
Flowers will decorate your Anniversary!
And everything will be in good order in the house,
Live successfully, in love and prosperity.

Congratulations on the 55th anniversary of a female colleague

You always loved the A's, you were proud of them in your diary,
And our years passed, and you walked lightly.
We passed 20, 30, 40 and flew by 50,
It's time for TWO FIVES,
They can't be brought back either.
Even if two A's are not enough, no less will be ahead,
And in your life everything happened - there was sun and rain...
On your Anniversary Birthday,
We wish you, with all our hearts,
Good health, fun, family joy big!

There is no escaping anniversaries.
They will overtake everyone like birds.
But the main thing is to carry it through the years
Warmth of the soul, a bit of cordiality.
Today is your anniversary.
We sincerely congratulate you!
And we wish the most important thing in life:
Health, happiness and joy
And up to a hundred years without growing old!

Colleague, I’m proud of you for good reason,
Today is our 55th anniversary!
There is not enough room for men next to you,
It’s not a sin to fight for your beauty!
And the glasses are filled, the glasses are dashingly filled,
Congratulations are flying to your address,
But I will say quietly in your ear,
Work tomorrow... Maybe we should go to bed?

You are very attractive
And very charming
Always attentive to everyone
In everyone's affairs it is obligatory.

And even on a gloomy morning
You're always in the mood.
And, despite the fact that the boss
Everyone is waiting to line up.

You are always very cheerful
Like a young girl.
Are you fifty-five now?
You can't help but be surprised!

So be like this always,
As we know you.
Health, tenderness, warmth
We wish you with all our hearts!

Awarding flowers with a bouquet,
The team congratulates you.
On your anniversary - 55 -

Let me wish you happiness.

For us you are always young,
We won’t look at the years!
Perseverance, peace, prospects
Wishing you a friendly team!

Today is your anniversary,
Life gave fives,
And celebrate with friends
The opportunity provided.

May all your dreams come true,
Things are going well.
Fun, happiness, kindness,
Good health to you, of course.

May your life be full
Health and prosperity.
I will raise my glass: “To the bottom!”
And I'll drink it without a trace.

Congratulations, colleague,
Happy anniversary.
Let the "fives" be in your date,
They will bring gifts:

Happiness, health, success
And in everything there is recognition,
For joy and income
Brought a calling.

May you always be lucky in everything,
Every moment is just a joy.
The standard of living is rising
Never falls.

On his anniversary I wish my colleague
Have more patience at work
Work tirelessly
With a great good mood!

Many fun and bright days,
Happiness and laughter in the family,
Faithful colleagues and good friends,
55 is still a heck of a lot!

We feel comfortable working with you,
And there is no desire to part.
You are completely positive,
The whole team thinks so.

We would like to wish our colleague
We are on our fifty-five anniversary,
Work to be a joy,
Fatigue did not come.

Health, happiness and success,
Obstacles were not a hindrance
And let all your dreams come true,
Wishes came true.

Colleague, today is your anniversary!
55 years is not half the time,
Rather, it’s true, the golden mean.
After all, we have a wealth of experience behind us,
But the paths have not yet been completely erased.
And all your youth is ahead,
She will make dreams come true.
Take a deep breath and go ahead.
Go on a hike for new madness!

Congratulations, colleague,
Happy anniversary at 55!
And we wish you, as before,
Keep up with technology.

Your honest merits
We praise day after day.
You know how to be among the best
Your sharp mind is an example to everyone!

Happy birthday,
We would like to wish you together
In his work of inspiration,
Confessions at home and not to get sick.

Life gave 5/5 for your efforts!
May all your suffering pay off a hundredfold.
A liter of coffee in the morning, difficult tasks
And the boss constantly demands feedback.

From dusk to dawn, work stubbornly,
But today, our colleague, we will tell you directly:
Accept your gifts, work will wait.
55 is a reward, life is gilded.

You are kind, full of talents, we appreciate you very much
And we will always believe your wise advice.
We will also advise on this beautiful day
Enjoy life vigorously, happily and passionately!

Anniversary 55!
We hasten to congratulate
We will be there now, colleague,
Wishes to read!

Don't be sad and don't be sick,
Don't get bored and don't get old,
Every year it gets better
Become younger!

Let there be a lot of friends,
Don't regret anything
May happiness always come
Get money from power!

We were one team with you
We are a lot long days and for many years...
And today is this happy day
Two A's for you is the price of victory!

We are happy to congratulate you on your anniversary,
After all, you, as our pride, are an ideal!
Let all obstacles disappear from life,
After all, your most beautiful holiday has arrived!

Let your aspirations and dreams be all at once
They come true everywhere and anywhere!
Let today only by your decree
Everything will become a hundred times better in fate!

For being beautiful - you get an A!
The second is for your spiritual uplift!
We congratulate you loudly on your anniversary!
Let everyone call you worthy!

May everything happen for you on this day!
May God give you health!
Let no one judge you in life!
We wish you easy paths in life!

And may all your plans be like birds
They will soar up and come true soon!
Let your strings of good thoughts
They will give you many long days of happiness!

You are the pride of the team and, undoubtedly
You deserve two A's at once!
We would like to humbly congratulate you now,
To wish you the best chance in life!

To wish you happiness and good luck,
To wish you the brightest days!
Let there be more inspiration in life
And a lot of good news!

Let dreams now burst into your life,
May they come true for you soon!..
Let all plans touch reality!
We congratulate you here and now!

You turned fifty-five today,
We want to wish you many good words.
May life be bright and full of hope,
Let the laughter be pure and kind as before.
We wish you good luck - in work, in everyday life,
May you never lose your dream.
Be loved, cheerful, happy.
We wish you health and a beautiful life.

Today is truly a festive day,
Today we hasten to congratulate our colleague.
Today she will celebrate her anniversary
So many words and gifts are associated with him.
May the sunshine smile on you,
Let the smile touch your lips more often,
Today marks fifty-five years
And let everyone who loves you congratulate you.

We spend half our lives at work,
We strive to make this world more beautiful,
Always in business, in problems and in care,
We often burn with fire, like a fakir!

We became each other without a doubt
The second family (no offense to the first),
We celebrate birthdays in our circle,
And if we resist, we will give one to the left!

We are ready for anniversary congratulations,
Today we united with renewed vigor!
Stay happy, healthy,
Beautiful, cheerful, playful!

May these anniversary fives
Life's aspirations will be assessed,
Let your eyes be clear, bright, sharp,
We wish you love and happiness on your birthday!

Today you are already fifty-five,
That's more than half of a hundred!
But don’t rush to give away sadness
Your day: you still have a lot of power!

Not only strength - female beauty
And you still have a lot of business acumen!
Dreams and dreams have already come true,
And there is a long road ahead!

Luck and love await you there,
There are children, there is a family - what else do you need?
Let your blood flow with happiness,
Well, work will be your joy!

Your birthday is a holiday for us too,
We are happy to congratulate such a lady!
Stay sweet, sassy and stubborn!
Let's raise our glasses! Let's drink to you!

It’s your anniversary, colleague!
You are now a year older.
But there is no need to be sad, dear!
You are still so young!
We congratulate you today,
We wish you a sea of ​​happiness and love!
Don't let worries weigh you down,
There will be joy in the heart from work!
Let the family grow stronger year after year.
The weather will be clear in the house!
Stay young, beautiful,
Bright, cheerful, happy!

The team is ready to congratulate
Happy anniversary to you.
Fifty-five is cool
This age is just great!

The most experienced employee
Valuable frame, good friend,
Everyone loves and respects you,
Look around you.

We wish you strength and luck,
Lots of happiness and goodness
Salary increases.
We all shout to you: “Hurray!”

We wish you happiness and success,
Love, hope and goodness,
Let your faces light up with laughter.
Let's raise a glass of wine.

Let everything go smoothly in your work,
Everything will always be in order,
And everything goes smoothly
Towards the best - forward!

Fifty-five – what does that change?
After all, there are no ugly women.
And at this wonderful, noble age,
You can do whatever you want freely.
You have intelligence and beauty,
There is no doubt, you know your worth.
And we are proud that you are our colleague,
We are happy to continue working with you.

In work - constant success

"I can't! After all, I’m 55!”

We are extremely pleased to congratulate you,
Our colleague is a young hero of the day,
You just turned fifty-five,
And you are a spectacular lady, beautiful and young!
The men are staring at you with their mouths open,
And women sometimes gossip about you out of envy,
So may you always be lucky in love,
And success and good luck accompany your career!

We came to congratulate a colleague - today she is 55.
She was already ready to retire from us.
But the laws have changed and in the morning she has to get up again,
And go to your favorite job for another 5 years.
We congratulate you on your anniversary and wish, as always,
May you always be healthy, beautiful, forever young.
And you listen to whoever says what, and take it all in your head,
Then, from these wishes, choose what you need!

We want to wish, beloved colleague,
In work - constant success
So that the bosses don’t argue with you,
Salaries constantly increased
So that you can work and skillfully,
And to want to sing with delight,
So that there is no reason to say:
"I can't! After all, I’m 55!”

Well, colleague, anniversary
You've been caught off guard again.
Pour us some wine. Do not be sorry.
We will say a lot of words together!

We've been working with you for a long time,
We are like a family already.
And we decided
I wish you everything in full:

May things always go well at home.
He was healthy and young,
So that fate smiles
And so that the mood is fighting! ©

Well, Spring has come to you,
The second youth shines.
And you can live life to the fullest!
We are seeing you off to retirement today!

And even if it's a little sad,
And believe me, it’s difficult for us to talk.
You gave so much light
And how much will you give!

And so many new horizons -
Everything is open to you now.
Science, dacha, just relaxation.
Spring sounds like drops again.

You are very attractive
And very charming
Always attentive to everyone
In everyone's affairs it is obligatory,
And even on a gloomy morning,
You're always in the mood
And, despite the fact that the boss
Everyone is waiting for the formation,
You are always cheerful
Like a young girl
You're fifty-five
One can't help but be surprised
So be you always
The way we know
Health and warmth
We wish you with all our hearts!

Congratulations on your anniversary, colleague,
I hasten to reveal to everyone a glorious secret:
What is this number - the beginning of the run
For many big relays to come!

I will evaluate your date with a sober look.
Let me remind you that we sighed with you for many years:
“Oh, where is that pension...?” Here she is! Near!
Sending what seemed like a long-awaited greeting.

But the second wind has just opened!
And there is plenty of gunpowder in the flasks.
Accept, colleague, a quick confession:
I wish I could work with you for another twenty years!

You certainly deserve respect
Working for the benefit of the enterprise.
We value your knowledge and opinion,
But we don’t know - will we have enough words today?

After all, 55 years is a good reason
And the best anniversary.
We wish you all the best in life -
Much happiness and great friends!

You are very attractive
And very charming
Always attentive to everyone
In everyone's affairs it is obligatory,
And even on a gloomy morning,
You're always in the mood
And, despite the fact that the boss
Everyone is waiting for the formation,
You are always cheerful
Like a young girl
You're fifty-five
One can't help but be surprised
So be you always
The way we know
Health and warmth
We wish you with all our hearts!

We were one team with you
We have many long days and long years...
And today is this happy day
Two A's for you is the price of victory!

We are happy to congratulate you on your anniversary,
After all, you, as our pride, are an ideal!
Let all obstacles disappear from life,
After all, your most beautiful holiday has arrived!

Let your aspirations and dreams be all at once
They come true everywhere and anywhere!
Let today only by your decree
Everything will become a hundred times better in fate!

For being beautiful - you get an A!
The second is for your spiritual uplift!
We congratulate you loudly on your anniversary!
Let everyone call you worthy!

May everything happen for you on this day!
May God give you health!
Let no one judge you in life!
We wish you easy paths in life!

And may all your plans be like birds
They will soar up and come true soon!
Let your strings of good thoughts
They will give you many long days of happiness!

What else to read