Dzhigurda is thin. Beardless Nikita Dzhigurda spoke about the reasons for the change of image. Marriage and life together

— 22.09.2016 Tags: Dzhigurda I turned on the TV, and on the second program on “Live” they were investigating a murder. richest woman Russia Lyudmila Bratash, who died at mysterious circumstances in February of this year. Previously, she left a will in which she left almost a billion rubles to Nikita Dzhigurda, her godfather.

Why did a rich woman leave an inheritance to the outrageous actor? Nikita said that Lyudmila once had an abortion. According to doctors, Lyudmila had twins. She was very worried about the loss of her children, and went to the clairvoyant together with Nikita Dzhigurda, and she said that now Lyudmila should become the godmother of the children of Marina Anisina and Nikita Dzhigurda, since the souls of her children will inhabit the souls of the children who will be born in the Dzhigurda family.

When children were born in the Dzhigurda family, Lyudmila wrote a will for the actor, because of which he is now in trouble. One of the studio guests said that the will was most likely written under the influence of alcohol.

Everyone probably already knows this story, but Nikita Dzhigurda surprised me. He looks very old, almost emaciated, unkempt. Very thin, some kind of feminine facial features, a huge cross on his neck, an earring in his ear, a ring on each finger, gray hair in front and 2 gray-brown-crimson tails on the back of his head. All that was left of Dzhigurda was his voice, with which he tried in every possible way to scare everyone in the studio, including Boris Korchevnikov.

Don't know what happened to the former red monster?
Photos from open sources


With whom I have been married since 2008. After this event, she told in the “Live Broadcast” program why she wanted to leave her husband and what happened in their home, KP.RU reports. The interview took place in Paris.

According to Marina, in Lately Nikita began to behave completely inappropriately and even began to let go of his hands.

He ran after me with a knife around the apartment. He waved them in front of my eyes. Although he shouted: “Don’t be afraid of Anisin, if I kill anyone, it will only be myself.” But I was very scared. What if he gets stabbed? - says Anisina. - Once in a restaurant he got angry, came up to me and hit me head-on! I’m bleeding... I immediately started screaming that I would call the police. Everyone around me began to calm me down. I quickly leave, I seem to have calmed down. He said it wasn't on purpose - it just happened. I pretended to believe it.

The first time her husband hit her was five years ago, out of jealousy over a trivial matter. In anger, Nikita could break all the dishes in the house, and tell the children with a calm smile that dad was rehearsing.

The children and the nanny come, he smiles and says: “And we are rehearsing Shakespeare.” I’m scared because I don’t know what can be expected from this person, what he’s capable of,” the athlete admits.

The showman often organized Kabbalistic orgies at home, during which he used drugs. It was his passion for Kabbalah, according to his wife, that significantly changed Dzhigurda - he became a completely different person.

He just went crazy. I even left him a letter once: starting the day with marijuana and sitting on it all day is wrong,” says the athlete. - And he answered me: you don’t understand anything, you’re not on the same wavelength with me. I woke up in the morning, quickly drank coffee and called the driver: “Take me anywhere, just not to be at home.”

In order not to see all this, Marina was forced to often spend the night in a hotel. She didn’t even tell her close friends about what was going on in their house.

It was a shame - like this beautiful story, he shouts “goddess” everywhere, but here it is,” Anisina admits. - Why didn’t you leave earlier? Because I wasn't ready. I still had feelings for him.

Gradually, from a gentle, enthusiastic lover, Dzhigurda turned into a completely unprincipled person. During all the years of their marriage, Nikita earned practically nothing and lived on his wife’s money. The last straw was the showman's recent trip to America - also at her expense. Dzhigurda flew to the USA allegedly to find the notary who drew up the will of the late businesswoman Lyudmila Bratash. And also to take part in the congress of Kabbalists. It was there that Nikita met his new American passion - the “green-eyed goddess Lilith”, about whom he told reporters. However, not only to them, but also to his wife Anisina.

In America, he participated in the mysteries of Kabbalah, met women there, and they began to write me SMS messages under his dictation,” says Marina. - His American mistress wrote me SMS, gave me advice, including on raising children, and wrote poetry.

Dzhigurda told his legal wife: his American lover - a mother of two children - left her sons with her husband and went on a date with him.

“I immediately said that I was getting a divorce and letting him go,” the figure skater recalls.

Now Marina and her son and daughter live permanently in France. She fully provides for the children. The athlete assures that she has no grudge against her ex-husband, she just wants him to come to his senses and start working - at least for the sake of their common children. But Anisina is still afraid to return to Russia.

Marina also commented on what her husband posted scandalous video, in which she was filmed drunk. Dzhigurda then announced that she was suffering from alcoholism.

This video was shot a year ago, I was after the concert. Before that, he brought me to tears, screamed like crazy, and then started filming. When I arrived in Moscow for a concert, I immediately went to the hotel because I couldn’t be at home with him,” she says. “I was amazed how long in advance he started filming this video in order to use it like this.”

Lately, Dzhigurda has been constantly in the center high-profile scandals. During the divorce proceedings, information about Anisina by Sergei Zhorin appeared in the media. In addition, the showman has repeatedly made scandalous statements about his plans. In particular, he planned to be circumcised and accept the Jewish faith. The actor also began posting his candid photos.

Also, information appeared that a video appeared on the Internet in which Dzhigurda had sex with the now deceased godmother of her children, millionaire Lyudmila Bratash.

Nikita Dzhigurda is a person around whom some kind of scandals are constantly developing. His outrageousness, unconventionality and love for everything extraordinary leads to a negative reputation. Very often, the actor’s relatives and friends suffer because of this. Now last news 2017 from the lives of Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina are not always positive.

Nikita Borisovich Dzhigurda, born March 27, 1961, is an artist, actor, film director, screenwriter, and performer of great songs. Marina Anisina is a Russian figure skater who began her career in the USSR, an Olympic champion. Marina was born in 1975.

Proceedings with Channel One

Relatively recently, an incredible incident happened to them. Having won an incredible inheritance from the artist’s late friend in the Kuntsevo court in Moscow, Nikita Dzhigurda disappeared with Russian figure skater Marina. On the show "Actually", people tried to figure out whether this will could have been just a forgery to illegally obtain a huge amount of money. Fortunately, the ex-director of Nikita Dzhigurda helped resolve this issue, who said that she overheard a conversation between Marina and Nikita, which said that the will was just a fake.

This situation caused an incredible public outcry online. It was decided to discuss the presented problem publicly. A number of television programs were created where the issues presented were discussed.

During the conversation, we learned that Antonina fully supported Dzhigurda after her divorce from her wife. The woman pursued selfish goals and tried to take over Nikita’s fortune. But completely different circumstances arose that significantly changed his life. Today the artist has much more serious problems.

As for inheritance, this question remains open. First of all, Nikita is suing the management of Channel One, as he believes that they slandered him and caused enormous moral damage. His most important statement is that all television programs broadcast by Channel One are prepared in advance according to the script. Dzhigurda was repeatedly offered to work according to the same scheme. Even in the program about the Bratash inheritance, a script and text were developed, but Dzhigurda refused to participate. Already in June 2017, it became known that the couple received a huge inheritance from friend Nikita Dzhigurda in a large number of millions from Bratash.

Nikita Dzhigurda set a condition for the employees of Channel One: if his name and the name of his wife are still denigrated, then there can be no question of any filming. For the artist this was fundamental, and he is going to achieve a decision in his favor.

There is currently an active discussion online about the episode where Dzhigurda was tested on a lie detector. As it turned out, this was all a prepared action and the equipment worked according to a pre-developed plan.

The rigged lie detector misled a huge number of naive people. The audience is incredibly unhappy with what is happening.

Then there was another TV show where the artist was invited. In the next broadcast of the “Actually” program, which took place on September 11, all the secrets of Nikita’s relationship with his own director were revealed. This was an incredible blow to the Dzhigurda family. Not many people know, but Maria Anisina lost her child after such an emotional breakdown. Now they are trying their best to support each other and will most likely achieve their goal in court.

On this moment the artist is sure that Channel One is going to take revenge on him for this revelation. This is due to the threats that are constantly directed towards Nikita. He is under constant surveillance from video cameras. On Channel One, programs began to appear very often, compromising Nikita and his family. In response, the artist is also not shy in his statements. But despite all this, on his Instagram page he did not hesitate to call Konstantin Ernst a “fraudster.”

Despite a large number of information that Dzhigurda cheated on his wife, Marina Anisina continues to support him in every possible way. This is noticeable in her actions and statements.

Marina supported Nikita, confirming that this was not the first time that Dmitry Shepelev had deceived the audience; she said that they had already been repeatedly invited to participate in the program, and were even offered large fees, but they did not believe at all in the veracity of this show. In addition, while communicating with Aziza and Danko, the couple found out that the detector was not always truthful.

Thus, we can say with confidence that all the secrets of Channel One have been revealed. The success of every talk show or television program lies in the fact that the directors develop a script in advance that could interest the audience and cause dissatisfaction or special interest. Now everyone is waiting for the decision of the trial.

Loss of a child

In the area of ​​recent events, even more serious grief occurred in the family of Dzhigurda and Anisina. Marina Anisina lost her child. On her emotional and psychological condition All the legal proceedings with Channel One had a huge impact. Thus, it was not possible to save the child that the couple had dreamed of for a long time. Now Anisina is undergoing rehabilitation procedures and soon, we hope, she will be able to get pregnant.

Thus, the latest news of 2017 from the life of Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisimova is not all joyful. The loss of a child also became an additional impetus for the escalation of the conflict. After such a serious disappointment, Dzhigurda became even more angry. Now he will not deviate from his goal and will put pressure on Channel One in every possible way. For him this became a matter of principle.

Of course, receiving the Bratash inheritance somehow calmed the situation, since at that time it was very important for Nikita. Currently, life in the family of Dzhigurda and Anisina is getting better. They spend time abroad together and enjoy their vacation.

Anisina Dzhigurda: latest news

Most recently, Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisimova posted a photo on the Internet in which the two of them were relaxing on the coast of France. In her blog, Anisimova admitted that she had forgiven Nikita. Any loving person resolves his issues in private and tries to find any way of reconciliation.

Now they are enjoying free time and spend it with each other. This cannot but rejoice, since both had to live through one of the most difficult periods in their lives.

Now relations in the family have improved, they are relaxing together at the resort and delighting fans with new joint photographs. Upon arrival in Moscow, legal proceedings will continue. Nikita hopes that he will still be able to prove that he is right. Most likely the situation will be resolved by the beginning of 2018.

Some of the devoted fans expressed their opinion that Nikita and Marina were brought together again by some happy event, for example, a third child. The latest news of 2017 regarding the personal lives of Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina make it possible to make sure that the couple supports each other in every possible way. Despite all the difficulties that befell them for Last year, they found the strength to recover.

Recently, Olympic champion Marina Anisina finally formalized her divorce from showman Nikita Dzhigurda. For a long time the skater remained silent and did not comment on the separation from her husband. Only when the divorce was officially formalized did Anisina come to the Live Broadcast program and tell the shocking details of her life with Dzhigurda.

According to Marina, she was repeatedly subjected to physical violence by her husband. The athlete assures that the artist is inadequate and all this time she lived in fear. One day Dzhigurda hit his wife in the forehead in front of people. “I started bleeding. There were a lot of people. I started screaming: “I’ll call the police.” I was shaking... But I quickly move away, I calmed down. He said it wasn't on purpose, it just happened that way. I didn’t believe it, but I pretended to believe it,” the figure skater said.


Anisina also admitted that Dzhigurda uses drugs, supposedly they help him “expand” his consciousness and establish a connection with the cosmos.

Marina forgave her husband many times, tried to understand him, but after his next prank she packed her things, took the children and left for France. Then the athlete filed for divorce for the first time, but quickly changed her mind. “I felt sorry for him. I wasn't ready. I took the documents back. He told me that no one would love me the way he does,” Anisina admitted.

After this incident, the skater tried to treat her husband. At first he agreed, but then said that she herself was crazy.

On air they discussed a scandalous video in which Anisina was captured in a drunken state. “This video is from a year ago. It was taken of me after the ice show. Before that, he brought me to tears, screaming like crazy... I was amazed that he deliberately filmed the video so that he could use it later. I think this is very mean. Everything masculine that I idolized in him disappeared overnight,” the figure skater commented on the video.

Marina decided to put an end to her relationship with Nikita after his trip to America, where the trial took place. "There happened creepy stories: meetings with Kabbalists, orgies, mysteries. But there was no betrayal. For him. He said that he had met advanced women, was studying Kabbalah and going out to new level. He invited me with him. He said that for this we need to get a divorce. Quiet, no scandals. Then he began to tell in vivid colors everything that happened. I didn't like it, I couldn't stand it. Moreover, he showed a desire to get a divorce. I considered it necessary that this should be done,” said the athlete.

In conclusion, Anisina wished ex-husband grab your head. The figure skater said that she does not hate him and wants only the best, because they have common children. “I would really like him to pull himself together and find himself. So that he won't be found under a bridge in New York or in some motel. I sincerely wish him to take his head, because I don’t feel any negativity towards him. I'm not going to take revenge on him for anything. We have common children, I am grateful to him for them. But I think he needs to think carefully,” the skater added.

On September 16, scandalous artist Nikita Dzhigurda shocked netizens by shaving off his beard and posting it on his page in social network a photograph in which he appeared completely naked among candles and. The other day he spoke about the reasons for such a radical change in image.

“I will no longer be Nikita Dzhigurda”

The actor explained that it’s not just the beard - Dzhigurda is no longer Dzhigurda, now he is Janathan El Air Bratash Ji Pogorzhelsky.

I’ve had a beard for 30 years, but I haven’t shaved it for six months. Thus he wore mourning for his murdered godfather Lyuska ( close girlfriend Dzhigurda, businesswoman Lyudmila Bratash, who bequeathed about 800 million rubles to the showman and his wife). Now all ritual and religious formalities have been completed. Having shaved off my beard, I took off my mourning and generally abandoned the image of Nikita Dzhigurda in the sense in which I lived in it, and left the acting profession. From now on, I will no longer be Nikita Dzhigurda, I have already submitted documents for a new last name and first name - Janathan El Air Bratash Ji Pogorzhelsky. Pogorzelsky is the surname of my mother’s family; she was a purebred Polish woman.

The invented image of the bearded Dzhigurda, which I brilliantly played, will no longer exist. I no longer need a beard or Dzhigurda! I was back to myself 30 years ago. Of course, if I’m offered a million dollars for a role that’s worth the level of a talented artist like me, I might as well put on a goatee. I did this periodically about ten years ago. It’s just that no one has seen me without a beard before.

“Such symbols in my hands are propaganda and enlightenment”

No less questions were raised by a photograph where Dzhigurda stands in the middle of a room filled with candles, sex toys and other strange paraphernalia. He explained that these were not sex toys at all, but stone phalluses from the Urals, and spoke about the purpose of the room.

This is my home church on Rublyovka, every evening I turn on the spotlights, and my candles burn all day: both for funerals and for health. On the floor - these are not sex toys (I also have them, but hidden in a separate place), these are stone phalluses from the Urals, a Vedic-Orthodox altar right at home, my “place of prayer”. This is a symbol of fertility, masculinity, a symbol of life, and there is nothing shameful about it, I am an occultist! And I was photographed naked, like Adam, the way he came into this life. I show that there is nothing shameful in the naked body created by a supreme being. I hold the skull like a Shakespearean character. This symbolizes the frailty of the material world, which traps people, and they kill each other and rape. To understand that death does not exist! This is our friend who takes people to another level of the game.

I am the heir of the Theosophical Order, and such symbols in my hands are propaganda and enlightenment. Dzhigurda yelled and screamed, but note that he didn’t beat or eat anyone, I don’t take up arms. These elections... young people don’t care about them! I want young people to absorb my wisdom and not repeat the mistakes that I once made, because there was no one to tell me. I won’t go to the polls myself, this is all nonsense! Vote or don't vote - you'll still get shit. It will be as they decide the mighty of the world this, and not even here, not in Russia, because they rule the world, you yourself understand who - secret orders!

"I'm going to 'revive the dead'"

Dzhigurda (or already Pogorzhelsky) spoke about his plans for the future - striptease and spiritualistic seances fit into them.

Seryozhka Tarzan (stripper Sergei Glushko) and I worked in the same project - “Love without rules.” And now we have prepared our own striptease program with music and poems of philosophical and poetic content. All the others have no conceptuality, that is, they have phalluses, but there is no philosophical vertical. This is not the case with us! And in Greece we will be making a spiritual center where I am going to “revive the dead”: connect millionaires with their recently deceased relatives and friends in a spiritualistic seance.

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