Essay "earth is our home." Essay on the topic “Our common home is the Earth Message the earth is our common home

Essay on the topic: “The Earth is ours common Home»

Prepared by 3 “A” class student Daniil Sarsenbaev.

The earth is our common home, our breadwinner. Motherland, Homeland is the place where a person was born, which will forever remain dear to him.Each of us must take care of it, but we often forget about this. Rivers, soil, air are polluted, due to thoughtless actions of people, species of plants, birds and animals die and even disappear from the face of the earth. But man-part nature, he is inextricably linked with it. If there are no rivers or forests, how will people live?

In our lives, we often do not notice that we are harming nature. Many people don't even think about it. But it's worth thinking about! Each of us is responsible for our actions. And we need to preserve what is left. After all, after many years it may already be too late.

The first thing that appeared on our planet was plants. Life is impossible without them. So why do people destroy them? After all, this is how they harm themselves. During my environment lessons at school, I learned that plants are the lungs of our planet, and without lungs people cannot live. But still, entire forests are often destroyed due to human fault.

The water is also contaminated with chemicals. This kills fish and aquatic animals. But how we, children, rejoice at the arrival of summer! How nice it is to come to the river on a hot summer day and take a swim. But you don’t even want to approach some places on the shore, because everything is littered with waste and garbage. In all cities, even in small villages, there are garbage dumps that are not cleaned up. But many people don't care. Who will take care of our planet if not us?

Once upon a time, our ancestors only grew plants and raised domestic animals, but now huge factories are being built, thousands of cars drive on the roads, and forests are being cut down. Of course, the development of our civilization does not stand still, and I think this is good. But we must remember that it is necessary to use the Earth’s resources wisely, carefully and take care of the cleanliness of the environment. After all, the Earth does not forgive a person for mistreatment.And you have to start with yourself!We must not break tree branches because trees are our friends. They release the oxygen we breathe. Flowers delight us with their appearance, birds sing for us, the sun also shines for us. What if all this doesn’t happen? What will happen to us?

If we don't urgently help nature, it will die. I believe that nature conservation is a matter not only for adults, but also for schoolchildren. We make feeders and birdhouses for birds, fight garbage, help sick trees, and plant flowers.

I hope that all the people on the planet will come to their senses and stop destroying the Earth, because it is our common home.

Awareness of the homeland comes to each person in his own way. But the time comes - and everyone understands the inextricable unity with their native land. After all, our grandfathers and parents grew up on this land, we learned to walk on it, and our descendants will take their first steps. From time immemorial, our ancestors defended this land and cherished it as the most valuable treasure. She was always their wealth, which they were proud of and protected. And accepting nature’s gifts, people understood that these bounties would be much greater if they respected nature.

Nowadays, people have become acutely aware of ecological problem. This is due to the fact that people decided to become masters of nature and began to subjugate it to themselves. Rivers are polluted as a result of industrial activities. The increase in arable land led to the destruction of forests.

The smelly Kakhovka Reservoir was once a picturesque Ukrainian land. Little white huts, cherry orchards and curly willow trees went under the water. And when the beautiful and rich Aral Sea dried up, because water was pumped out of it to irrigate dry areas. Descendants inherited only Shevchenko’s beautiful drawings of the Aral Sea.

People recklessly exploit nature, and sometimes simply do not think about the consequences of their actions. Irresponsibility led to Chernobyl disaster, from which vast regions of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia suffered. Hundreds of people died as a result of the accident. And how many disabled people, villages and cities are contaminated with radionuclides? The radiation background still, 18 years after the accident, exceeds permissible standards.

Crippled earth, crippled people... It seems to me that nuclear power plants they should be banned altogether, because as long as they exist, the country is in danger. The drainage of swamps in Polesie left people without drinking water. And in Kharkov, as a result of changes in the river bed, residential areas appeared flooded. The river disappeared, leaving behind only its name. We have Ne-Techenska embankment along a non-existent river. And many such facts can be cited. And the most harmless thing, in my opinion, is that next to the unfortunate owners stood indifferent people who simply watched the destruction of nature. It's a shame, but there are many of us like that. Is it really necessary to destroy in order to later revive? Do people really only learn from mistakes? We must finally understand that man is a piece of the great mother nature, which should not be conquered, but should be lived in harmony with her. To love and take care of one’s native land, to take care of its well-being - this is what patriotism is all about.

I. The attitude towards nature is an awareness of the native land.

II Our common home is the Earth.

1 With respect for nature.

Essay “Earth is our common home”

Trusov Arthur. Grade 10.

What could be better than watching the sunset on the river bank? Complex issue. Everyone, looking there, into the distance, sees something different. Something that is so dear and dear.

Observing nature makes people much more peaceful. No wonder it goes from mouth to mouth famous expression about fire and water: fire and water are equal parts of nature, like the same river and sunset. Contemplating the pristine beauty, a person involuntarily begins to think about something distant and lofty. If people had not looked at the stars, neither astronomy nor spaceships. Marvelous! Nature is a real storehouse of thoughts and ideas. What is most important is that this source is virtually inexhaustible. However, nature is not only enthusiastic and good-natured. Man, especially these days, is often forgotten. Many of us have long ago separated from this “nature” with characteristic grumpiness: it is dirty and disgusting. However, people are not gods, but just like everyone else, children of nature. And, like a good mother, nature can be strict. In comparison with the history of the entire Earth, the history of mankind is a mere zilch, a second. What is this man? Bug! We can all disappear literally in an instant, but we consider ourselves kings of the world. It's funny, isn't it? However, we are still alive and still think we are great. Perhaps someone needs this? Perhaps this is all for a reason? Who knows! However, for now, we humans are given a chance to live. This is our right and our responsibility. Isn't this wonderful? After all, we are obliged to do what we are privileged to do! Isn't the whole point of life just to live? After all, life, as a part of nature, is beautiful.

However, we are not only children of nature in the context of our entire planet. We are part of our small, local nature. Our country. Our city. Our home. Our family. Awareness of the big comes through the small. Nature is everything that surrounds us. We ourselves are nature. From the realization of this thought you come into true delight: we are all something united, whole and so good.

At the same time, we should not forget about our responsibility to the universe. Our world is our home. And, unfortunately, or fortunately, it is we who are destined to decide what it will be like: sweet and cozy or empty and lifeless. It’s terrible, but man even has the ability to destroy his own planet. Couple nuclear missiles they will do everything for us: after that there will be nothing at all. No house, no river, no sunset, no us. A gloomy picture. And I love my home, my Motherland, my world. I love my country. I love my hometown. I spend every summer at my dacha in the suburbs. It was there, sitting on the banks of the Volga, that I first realized what it means to love your home. To protect your home you need to be a good citizen. To be a good citizen, you must be human. In order to be human, you need to understand that you are only part of something larger. Unfortunately, many people do not understand the value and fragility of the world that surrounds them. Perhaps their time has not yet come. We can only hope that they will come to realize this fact on their own and in time. IthisVeryI am waiting.

What can be better then sitting in front of the river and watching a nice picture of sunset? It's difficult to answer this question. Everybody can find something personal in the nature. We love it, but each of us do it special.

Nature makes us calm and patient. It gives us so many themes to think them over. Nature is an essential source of thoughts and ideas. Mother-nature is unique and ideal. But nature can be hard and even violent with us in cases we forget the fact that we are just a part of it. Wild, strong, it can destroy the whole humanity in a second. When we compare our history with the history of Earth we will see that the time of humanity is the only one second for our planet. We are not the kings, the lords of nature. We are just their bad children. It seems fun, isn't it? But we are still alive. It can mean the only one thing: our world still needs us. So we can and have to live. It is our right and our duty. As for me it" s wonderful. The main aim of our life is just to live, because the life is beauty. The life is beauty because of it"s a part of nature.

And we are not only the parts of nature in such a global meaning. We are the part of our local nature, of our small home. My country, my town, my house is my home. My family is my home. And wild nature outdoors is my home too. And the only one thing I can do is to feel rapture being a part of such a huge life machine. I want it will be ideal.

Our world is our home. And we are responsible for him because we have a power to destroy it. It might be a cozy, nice house. Or it might be a lifeless desert. I"m scared of thought that we have so much power. It"s terrible. A few small missile nuclears can exterminate our planet. These rockets have an opportunity to destroy our home, our nice river, our sunset and ourselves. I do love my home. I do love Yaroslavl. I spend every my summer in the village near the city. There I have felt for the first time that I"m a part of this village, of Yaroslavl, of Russia and of the whole world. When I want to protect these things I have to be a nice citizen, nice child of nature, nice human . It "s a pitty that there live some people who can"t understand what is written there. I hope they will do it in time. I wish.

1 Essay “The Earth is our common home”

Head: Zhanturina Zhenisgul Kuanyshbaevna

Aktogay Secondary School

Earth is our common home

1. The earth is our nurse.

2.Protecting nature is the responsibility of every person.

Man is the owner and protector of the earth

Let us preserve and preserve the riches of the Motherland.

3.Attitude to the earth, to nature is one of the indicators of human culture.

Take care of these lands, these waters,

I love even a small epic.

Take care of all animals inside nature

Kill only the beasts within yourself.

(E. Yevtushenko)

Human life is inextricably linked with native nature, with the ground. The earth is our nurse. A person lives and works on it, shares joy and sorrow with it.

Homeland and nature, land are concepts that are inseparable from each other. It is symbolic that these words have the same root. For many of us, the concept of the Motherland is associated with home, with relatives, with the river where we spent our childhood. Mom’s hands, toys, fairy tales, the street, grass, forest, clouds in the sky and much, much more - this is our first idea of ​​the Motherland, of the complex huge world, about the earth. We are the masters of the earth, the masters of all living and beautiful things that adorn our lives. But if we are the owners, then we must also be the defenders of the land, because one cannot only own without paying good for good.

Our land is great and rich. Its wealth is immense, but it is not infinite. You need to know how to take care of them. The time has come for all people to take care of preserving nature and the wealth of the earth.

How much joy the earth has experienced together with man, and how much pain soulless people who do evil deeds cause it! The native land can do everything for a person. She can feed you bread, give you something to drink clean water, surprise with its beauty. But she can’t defend herself. Protecting our native land is the sacred duty of everyone. Man is part of nature. We should never forget that a person must take care of everything in the world. Today, one of the important problems is the threat of environmental disaster.

Man is a part of nature and by destroying it, he destroys himself. And at the same time he drinks contaminated water and eats food grown on poisoned soil. We rarely think about how all this will affect our health and the health of future generations.

Nature is also a source of inspiration. Probably, a poet will not become a real poet if he cannot love nature, cannot admire it the way the poet N. Rylenkov did. He believed that nature and man are inseparable, but we must remember that

She'll give us everything: boom, but don't freak out,

Known beauty for vain undertakings...

Nature and the Motherland, land and man, its riches are inseparable in Yesenin’s work. Yesenin’s nature lives, moves, listens, dreams.

Lovely birch thickets!

You are the earth! And you, plain sands!

Before this host of departing

I am unable to hide my melancholy!..

… I think:

How beautiful

Each of us must be not only the owner of the earth, but also true friend nature. Man should not fight with nature, that she is not his enemy, for he himself is a part of it, has now become obvious.

Attitude towards nature is one of the indicators of a person’s culture and upbringing. Everyone has a responsibility to take care of nature and environment. Man and nature are connected to each other. Reasonable human participation in the life of nature is beneficial to both man and nature. We must remember that clean rivers and rich forests, animals and birds, fertile soil and pure water is needed not only by us living in the 21st century.

Our task is to preserve the wealth of nature for the future. Future descendants will not forgive us for our consumerist, thoughtless attitude towards nature. Everyone should think about the fact that nature can be saved only when we realize a simple truth: by harming the environment, we thereby harm ourselves.

I want to finish my essay with poetry

Oh, Kazakhstan, a free country,

A land of wonders and good fairy tales.

Always be independent

Be rich and fertile.

Live in peace and goodness,

In harmony, friendship, prosper

And in this fabulous country

Know no sorrow, no sorrow!

My friends, our union is wonderful!

The Earth is our planet, and we live on it. This is our house. There are many of us, but she is one for all. We are a family. This is both man and nature. Nature created us and that is why we call her mother. She gives us everything, and we, her children, forget that she needs help and care. Our planet is in danger!

People create terrible poisons that infect and kill all life on Earth, produce cars that pollute the air with exhaust gases, cut down forests, drain swamps, and throw out garbage wherever it ends up.

Every person makes his home clean and cozy. IN

There is a lot of light and warmth. But when we walk out the door, we see heaps of garbage, landfills, and breathe poisonous air. This happens because people only care about their home. But no one guards, cares for or protects our common home! People, look around! Look at our forests, rivers, seas, meadows, they all need help.

Ancient people knew their open spaces well. The earth seemed huge to them. Previously, there were few people on earth, and they lived in harmony with nature and did not interfere with it. Now there are many more people. They cut down forests. Now there is no one to clean the air. Cities sprang up everywhere. Even the water was no longer clean. People have lost a lot

Forever already. Every day one species of animal disappears on Earth, and every week we lose one species of plant. The Red Book is swelling with new names being added to it.

Man must become the master of the planet - carefully spend all the resources of the Earth, take care of its cleanliness.

A person must remember that one cannot only take from nature, but must give it something in return. Let's respond to her with warmth for warmth, love for love. Let's not forget that by caring for nature, we also take care of the Earth.

We, children, must help adults, protect nature: do not throw away garbage, do not pick flowers, feed the birds.

This winter our class decided to find out how birds winter. From various sources we have learned about birds and their life on Earth that it is very difficult for hibernating birds to feed themselves in winter. We even defended a project on this topic (Appendix 1). To save the birds, they made feeders for them and hung them in the school yard. Every week we feed the birds with grain, millet and seeds. Now our birds are always full and delight us with their singing.

To save our planet, you don’t have to be poor or rich, an adult or a child, a scientist or a worker. You just need to listen to your heart. The future of planet Earth, its well-being and prosperity are in our hands!

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