Formula of love: how Mark Zakharov spoiled the wedding night of Andrei Mironov. Mark Zakharov: biography and personal life of the director & nbsp Mark Zakharov biography personal life

When one of the witnesses once again talks about the pranks of Mark Zakharov and his company of friends famous throughout the USSR, one wants to exclaim: “How boring I live!”

He was going to become an actor, but became a famous director. He was a member of the CPSU, but burned his party card on the air. He packed by force Boris Yeltsin to "Zaporozhets" and took Zimny ​​in a mail truck. October 13 marks the 85th anniversary of the birth of the most famous director of Russian theater and cinema Mark Anatolievich Zakharov.

Not an engineer or a plumber

According to the memoirs of Zakharov himself, as a director, he might not have taken place if he had scored enough points to enter the MISI "as an engineer." When the choice arose: whether to go to the unprestigious faculty of plumbers or radically change the university, the family chose the latter.

Mark entered GITIS, because they didn’t take him to the Moscow Art Theater School - he didn’t like him. Mark Anatolyevich graduated from his studies in 1955 and was looking for a place for a long time. A ten-year promenade through cities and villages ended in the Moscow Theater of Satire, where his directorial talent was finally in demand. Since then, Zakharov has staged dozens of performances, shot several wildly popular films, his works are always significant, recognizable and loved.

It is to him that the Lenkom Theater, in which Mark Zakharov has been the permanent chief director and artistic director for 45 years, owes its star cast and invariable full houses. Mark Anatolyevich had to endure many losses: his friends and colleagues left life and the theater one after another. Evgeny Leonov, Oleg Yankovsky, Alexander Abdulov, Leonid Bronevoi, the accident turned into a tragedy Nikolai Karachentsov- each time the theater suffered colossal losses, but Zakharov knew how to keep both himself and the theater afloat.

The director's ability to work is admirable, but in life it is no less important to be able to relax, to throw off the burden of responsibility for a while, so as not to burn out ahead of time. Mark Anatolyevich was able to do this from his youth. The most vivid memories of friendly follies come at a time when Mark Anatolyevich was still working as a director at the Satire Theater, and his closest friends were Andrey Mironov And Alexander Shirvindt.

Bricks for newlyweds

When Andrei Mironov first got married and was about to go on a honeymoon trip to Leningrad, friends in a large company came to the platform to see them off. Under champagne and general turmoil, Zakharov and Shirvindt stuffed bricks into the suitcase of the newlyweds and covered them with a portrait of Lenin.

Mironov with his wife Katya Gradova we could hardly drag our suitcase into the compartment, and our friends were convincingly perplexed: what is so heavy that you can drag with you on vacation? From the time Katya opened the suitcase in the compartment, she began to be somewhat wary of Andrey's friends.

Ghosts and Vampire Shirvindt

Mironov's second marriage, with Larisa Golubkina, friends marked by the fact that on their wedding night they tried to arrange a prank for the newlyweds in the country, where they left after the wedding. Creeping up to the windows, Zakharov and his comrades portrayed ghosts, terribly, as it seemed to them, howling in the night. But the young people were in no hurry to react.

"Ghosts" already squeaked and hooted - all efforts were in vain. Then Shirvindt silently made his way into the bedroom of the newlyweds through the window and bit Larisa on the heel. Friends wondered for a long time why such a wonderful joke was not liked. Larisa Ivanovna?

A table at the Astoria and taking the Winter Palace

In 1970, Mark Zakharov and Alexander Shirvindt staged the play Wake Up and Sing!, which almost became a benefit performance. Tatyana Ivanovna Peltzer.

During the celebration of the handover of the performance, the chief director of the theater Valentine Pluchek irritated friends, saying that, they say, youth is becoming smaller. In his time, if they celebrated, then on a grand scale: they started in Moscow, and ended in Leningrad.

The dispersed "youth" took this tirade as a guide to action. We stopped by Tatyana Ivanovna for money, jumped into a taxi and went to the airport with the aim of suddenly appearing in Leningrad to Andrei Mironov. While they were waiting for the plane, the company noticeably thinned out, but the most persistent - Zakharov and Shirvindt with their wives, together with Tatyana Peltzer - still flew.

It didn’t work out unexpectedly: someone “tricked” Mironov’s mother Maria Vladimirovna, and she warned her son about the arrival of friends. So, rather, the surprise was waiting for them, when Andrey met his friends in a half-bow, dressed in a footman's livery at the door of the Astoria. A napkin was thrown over the arm - everything, as in the best traditions of the old Russian restaurant.

The "footman" solemnly proclaimed: "Your table is number two!" The celebration went on all night. The roaming actors stopped a truck with the inscription "Mail" and decided that they needed to take the Winter. Why they didn’t take it - none of the friends remember, but they remember how they danced in the truck too ...

“You need to drink less” and the pyrotechnician Mironov

Not only Mironov became the subject of friendly jokes. The eternally imperturbable Alexander Shirvindt once became the target for a prank, which brought him a lot of excitement. However, outwardly, the actor did not show this, which disappointed his friends a lot, who made so much effort to see the surprise on the face of the Iron Mask.

Mark Zakharov is one-quarter Jewish because his paternal grandmother was a Karaim Jew. But he always considered himself a truly Russian person, a true patriot of his homeland. He became a living legend of Soviet cinema, shot several dozen films that have been popular with the audience for many years. He himself wrote scripts for his paintings and staged productions in the theater. From 1973 to the present time he has been the head of the famous Lenkom.

Mark Zakharov is known as a well-known director and director who made such cult films as "12 Chairs", "Ordinary Miracle", "Formula of Love", "Kill the Dragon".

Childhood and youth

Mark Zakharov was born on October 13, 1933 in Moscow. Father's name was Anatoly Shirinkin, during the years of the revolution he was a cadet cadet in Voronezh. Despite the fact that his father was a nobleman, Anatoly joined the Red Army and went through the entire civil war with it. He did not have a permanent job, so the man worked part-time in different places. Mom Galina Bardina was a graduate of Zavadsky's theater studio, she led children's drama circles. She died at fifty-four, the cause of death was a ruptured heart. My maternal grandfather served with, after the war he emigrated to Australia. My mother's grandmother Sofya Bardina did not leave with her husband, she continued to work in the orphanage as a head.

Mark's parents met in 1931. A year after the birth of his son, Anatoly Shirinkin was arrested without even looking at his Red Army past. He was charged under Article 58 and sent into exile for three years. Mom never became an actress, left her theater and went after her husband.

In 1943, her maternal grandmother, Sofya Nikolaevna, died, and they managed to get permission to return to the capital. They settled in two rooms of a communal apartment, which they barely begged for, and heavy half-starved weekdays began.

My father managed to get a job in the protection of the Moscow garrison, but he was again sentenced to eviction, as a former prisoner under a political article. Mom at that time got a job in a drama club and worked with children. She took the brand with her.

The teenager really liked to visit the Obraztsov puppet theater. He was in time for all his performances, at the same time attended his mother's drama club and found time to study in the theater circle at the House of Pioneers. I went to the circle with him and.

After graduating from school, Mark did not know where to go. Mom was immediately categorically against his admission to the theater, she said that a man’s profession should be serious. He brought the documents to the selection committee of the Architectural Institute, but did not get a mark in the exams, and could not pass the competition. Then the Military Engineering Academy became his goal, but after checking the "pedigree" the boy was refused because of his father. And then one day my mother radically changed her mind about the theatrical high school. The woman saw some kind of dream, which she considered prophetic, and strongly recommended her son to enter the theater institute.

Mark was only pleased by such a blessing from his mother, he went to audition for the Moscow Art Theater. For his speech, he prepared Heather Honey, read it so loudly and with inspiration, but the selection committee was not interested. Then, with the help of his mother, he prepared "The Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov", and went to storm GITIS. This time the attempt was successful.


Mark Zakharov began his creative biography in the theater. He was invited there as a student, and from the second year he was involved in supporting roles. After receiving a diploma from GITIS, Zakharov was assigned to the troupe of the Perm Drama Theater.

He gave this theater three years, and during this time he began to develop in several more directions. The young man liked to write and draw. Particularly successful were his caricature sketches, which periodically appeared on the pages of the local press. He found a job on the radio, organized various skits with his friends. It was in Perm that Zakharov had his first directing experience. Mark began to understand that he can find a common language with the cast, they listen to him, they understand him. And he was full of ideas that were waiting for their implementation.

In 1959 Zakharov moved to Moscow. His wife, actress Nina Lapshina, also came with him, with the help of which he finds work in the theater. Gogol. He increasingly has a desire to write literary works, and he decides to try himself in this type of creativity.

Mark Zakharov had the talent to subtly capture human nature and play it with humor, which is why his productions of Hoax, Barbarian and Heretic turned out to be so interesting. In 1964, the understanding came that he was standing at a kind of milestone, after which something needed to be changed in his life. He, as an actor, is no longer attracted by the scene, he wants something more. Mark Zakharov is interested in directing, and he puts all his strength in this field.

The debut production of Zakharov as a director was Dragon, which was presented on the stage of the student theater of Moscow State University. This work of Schwartz Zakharov uses again when in 1988 he decides to shoot a picture called "How to Train Your Dragon". It was the stage of this theater that became the beginning of Zakharov's dizzying directorial career. She saw many of his successful projects, which were enthusiastically received by both viewers and critics.

In 1965, Zakharov got a job at the Moscow Theater of Satire. On this stage, the most famous production of Zakharov's "Profitable Place" was played. Forty performances were given, and then the authorities considered a hint in it, and banned it. The same fate awaited the comedy "Banquet", which became no less popular and beloved by the audience.

In 1973, Mark Zakharov was offered to become the head of the Lenkom Theater. He holds this position to this day.

Mark Zakharov is opposed to television versions of theatrical performances that have become so fashionable lately. He believes that with the help of technology, many effects can be achieved, but the atmosphere that is present in the hall, that direct contact between the artists and the audience, is possible only on the stage.


1976 was the debut for Mark Zakharov in the cinema. He filmed his famous "12 Chairs", played the title role, and it turned out to be a real movie masterpiece.

The next film even surpassed the previous one in popularity. Zakharov shot the picture "An Ordinary Miracle", in which he played the main character, and again found himself at the peak of popularity and fame. His films are watched and reviewed many times, people of different generations like them. And the performances of Mark Zakharov are considered the standard of Russian directorial skill.

In 1983, the Lenkom Theater went on tour in Paris. They brought their "Juno and Avos", which the audience rated at the highest level. In 1989, Mark Zakharov took the deputy chair, he was a member of the Communist Party, but left it in an original way - he burned his party card in front of everyone.

Personal life

In the personal life of the actor and director Mark Zakharov, there was only one woman - Nina Lapshina, whom he married in 1956. In 1962, their daughter Alexandra was born. Nina took part in the picture of her husband - "12 chairs", where she became the wife of Father Fyodor.

The daughter continued the dynasty, and today she is one of the leading actresses of the Lenkom Theater, she was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Alexandra starred in her father's films Kill the Dragon and Formula of Love. The director's wife died in 2014.

Mark Zakharov now

Recently, Mark Zakharov has had to participate in proceedings related to the theater's repertoire. In 2016, the production of "The Prince", directed by the director, was excluded from it. The director himself announced this on social networks. After the premiere of this performance, a real scandal erupted in the theater community.

On this occasion, Mark Zakharov gave an interview and said that he had to revise the theater's repertoire and remove from it all productions that are not popular with the audience. Among them was the "Prince", because there were not enough spectators in the hall. At the same time, he noted that this is a temporary measure, and the performance itself will not be permanently removed from the repertoire, it will simply be “mothballed” for a while.

Mark Zakharov is not only interested in life in the theater, he often speaks on topical issues. It was this performance that became the statement of the director in 2016, with which he addressed the press. The question touched upon the level of development of domestic science and the growth of industry. Zakharov emphasized that the future of the country largely depends on politics, the national idea and the spirit of patriotism, and called for the development of these qualities in young people.


On September 28, 2019, in Moscow, at the age of 85, Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov died. The cause of death was re-inflammation of the lungs. Earlier, at the end of August, Mark Anatolyevich ended up in the hospital with a diagnosis of bilateral bronchopneumonia. On his death, the head of state and Chairman of the Union of Theater Workers Alexander Kalyagin expressed their condolences.

Selected filmography

  • 1972 - Train stop - two minutes
  • 1976 - 12 chairs
  • 1978 - Ordinary Miracle
  • 1979 - The same Munchausen
  • 1982 - The House That Swift Built
  • 1984 - Formula of love
  • 1988 - Kill the Dragon


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The biography of Mark Zakharov is of interest to all fans of his work. “An Ordinary Miracle”, “12 Chairs”, “Formula of Love”, “Juno and Avos”, “The Same Munchausen” - pictures thanks to which the audience recognized and fell in love with a talented director. Also, for many years, Mark Anatolyevich has been the head of the famous Lenkom Theater. What is its history?

Famous director Mark Zakharov: biography, family

A man who devoted his whole life to dramatic art was born in Moscow. It happened in October 1933. From the biography of Mark Zakharov it follows that he inherited his love for the theater from his mother. Galina Bardina graduated from the theater studio of Y. Zavadsky, for many years she taught in children's drama circles. She died at the age of 54 from a broken heart.

The biography of Mark Zakharov also indicates that his father was educated in the Voronezh Cadet Corps, fought on the side of the Red Army during the revolutionary years. Anatoly Zakharov failed to make a career, he was forced to survive by odd jobs. In 1934, the man was accused of counter-revolutionary activities, spent three years in prison, and lived in exile for several more years. He died at an advanced age.

It is easy to guess that Mark Anatolyevich's childhood was not uncloudedly happy. The family constantly needed money, had to move from place to place.

Choice of life path

From the biography of Mark Zakharov it follows that he did not immediately decide on the choice of profession. His interest in dramatic art arose in childhood, which is largely the merit of his mother. Mark studied acting in children's theater studios, played in amateur performances.

After leaving school, the young man intended to continue his education at the Kuibyshev Civil Engineering Institute, but did not score the number of points required for admission. Then the young man tried to become a student at the Military Engineering Academy, but he was not taken because of the accusations against his father.

It is difficult to imagine what he would do next if not for the intervention of his mother. It was Galina Sergeevna who advised her son to enter a theater university. Family legend says that the woman had a prophetic dream, thanks to which Mark's calling was revealed to her.


An attempt by Mark Zakharov, whose biography and personal life are discussed in the article, to enter the Moscow Art Theater School failed. Burns' Heather Honey, which he read aloud and enthusiastically, did not impress the admissions committee.

Mark Anatolyevich prepared better for entering GITIS. He came to the exam with "The Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov." The young man was accepted into the workshop of I.M. Raevsky and G.G. Horse. While still in his second year, he began to play small roles on the stage of the theaters named after M. N. Ermolova and V. V. Mayakovsky. Zakharov received a GITIS diploma in 1955.

Moscow Theater of Satire

The biography of Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov indicates that his first major achievement was the position of director of the Moscow Theater of Satire, which he took in 1965. By this time, a graduate of GITIS had already managed to change several theater groups. For the first time, Mark Anatolyevich was helped to declare his talent by the play “Profitable Place”, which he staged in 1967. The production was a great success with the audience and critics, they started talking about Zakharov.

The performances on which he managed to work during his collaboration with the Moscow Theater of Satire are listed below.

  • "Banquet".
  • "Wake up and sing!".
  • "Temp-1929".
  • "Mother Courage and her children".
  • "Weird Man".

The performance "Banquet" was liked by the audience, but for ideological reasons it was banned from showing. The directing profession of Mark Anatolyevich then "hung by a thread." Fortunately, the head of the Mayakovsky Theater Goncharov came to his aid, who suggested that the master stage the play “The Defeat” by Fadeev. Thanks to the intervention of this man, Zakharov was able to stay in the profession.

Theater "Lenkom"

The biography and personal life of Mark Zakharov began to arouse great interest among the public when he was offered the position of chief director of the Lenin Komsomol Theater, which in 1991 was renamed the Lenkom Theater.

It is hardly possible to name all the performances, to the creation of which the talented director had a hand in over the years of work. Listed below are just a few of them.

  • "Not on the list."
  • "Clairvoyant".
  • "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta".
  • "My Hopes".
  • "A guy from our city."
  • "Revolutionary Etude".
  • "Cruel Intentions".
  • "People and Birds".
  • "Juno and Avos".
  • "An Optimistic Tragedy".
  • "Three Girls in Blue"
  • "Dictatorship of Conscience".
  • "Memorial prayer".
  • "School for immigrants".
  • "Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro".
  • "Royal Games"
  • "The Barbarian and the Heretic".
  • "City of Millionaires"
  • "Jester Balakirev".
  • "The Lament of the Executioner".
  • "The Cherry Orchard".
  • "Jumper".
  • "Walpurgis Night".
  • "Day of the Oprichnik".


Of course, fans are interested not only in the creative achievements of Mark Zakharov. Biography, personal life, children - people want to know everything about their idol. The director met his future wife within the walls of GITIS. His chosen one was the aspiring actress Nina Lapshina, who studied a year younger than him.

Nina and Mark met when the girl turned to him with a request to draw cartoons for the institute wall newspaper, for which she was responsible. Later, the director admitted in an interview that he remembered the phrase that she then uttered for the rest of his life. As soon as their eyes met, Zakharov realized that this girl should become his wife. At first, he portrayed indifference, he switched to active actions only when he met Nina in the company of her other admirer.


When Mark Anatolyevich was assigned to the Perm Theater, his wife followed him. Officially, they formalized the relationship only in 1956, when they already lived in Perm. It was Nina who forced Mark to return to Moscow, since the province was crowded for both of them. After returning to the capital, she began to collaborate with the Moscow Theater of Miniatures, on the stage of which she played for about twenty years. Then the wife of Mark Zakharov left the profession and devoted herself entirely to the family.

Nina passed away in 2014, in total they lived together for 58 happy years. The cause of death of Zakharov's wife was cancer. Her death was a great shock to her husband and daughter.


In 1962, the daughter of Mark Zakharov was born. The biography of the master indicates that the birth of Alexandra made him happy. It is with her that he connects the most emotional moments of his life. Even now, Mark Anatolyevich remembers the feelings that were born in him when he first took his baby in his arms, when he first heard the word “dad” from her. The birth of a child rallied Mark and Nina even more, their relationship became even more tender, warm, touching.

Alexandra Markovna Zakharova was born into a famous family, but managed not to remain in the shadow of her star father. The girl, whose childhood was spent behind the scenes, could not but connect her fate with the theatrical world. At the moment she is one of the leading actors of the Lenkom Theater. "Thin Thing", "Criminal Talent", "Kill the Dragon", "The House That Swift Built", "Formula of Love" - ​​films that made her memorable to the audience.


From the biography of director Mark Zakharov it follows that he devoted his whole life to the theater. However, he is known not only as a talented theater director, but also as a creator of cult films. His first major achievement was the mini-series "12 Chairs", presented to the audience in 1976. Zakharov decided to turn the famous work of Ilf and Petrov into a musical, and he did an excellent job with this task. The main roles were brilliantly played by Andrei Mironov and Anatoly Papanov.

In 1978, another famous painting by Zakharov saw the light of day - a film adaptation of Yevgeny Schwartz's play "An Ordinary Miracle". This film is a mixture of surrealism, music and philosophy. Andrei Mironov, Evgenia Simonova, Alexander Abdulov and Oleg Yankovsky embodied the images of the main characters.

It is impossible not to mention the two-part picture "The Same Munchausen", released in 1979. It turned out to be sad and ironic at the same time, instantly scattered into quotes. Success awaited the tape "The House That Swift Built", presented to the public in 1982. The film tells the story of a genius artist who everyone thinks is crazy.

The painting "Formula of Love", which was released in 1984, turned out to be perky, bright and kind. In this, it differs significantly from the rather gloomy work of Alexei Tolstoy, from which the plot was borrowed. The film “Kill the Dragon”, released in 1994, also had success with the audience. The main theme of this picture is the inability of people to "squeeze slaves out of themselves."

What interesting facts are known from the biography of Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov?

  • Few people know that it was this man who wrote the famous letters of Comrade Sukhov to his wife for the cult film "White Sun of the Desert".
  • Mark Anatolyevich is a person who always tries to admit his mistakes if he realizes them. For example, once he defiantly burned his party card. The famous director committed this act right on the air of the Vzglyad program. He later admitted that he shouldn't have done it.
  • Many Russian stars have become Mark Zakharov's students over the years. For example, these are Alexander Zbruev, Maria Mironova, Nikolai Karachentsov, Alexander Abdulov.
  • In his interviews, the famous director does not like to talk about himself. With much more enthusiasm, he speaks of the excellent team of artists he has managed to gather in his theatre.
  • Mark Anatolyevich always considered himself a Russian person. However, in his pedigree there are also representatives of other nationalities, for example, Jews, Tatars. It is known that his paternal grandfather was married to a Jewish woman.

Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov (real name - Shirinkin). Born October 13, 1933 in Moscow - died September 28, 2019 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film director, screenwriter, teacher, professor. People's Artist of the USSR (1991).

Mother - Galina Sergeevna Bardina - graduated from the theater studio of Yuri Zavadsky, taught in children's drama clubs. She died of a broken heart at the age of 54. Maternal grandfather was a white officer, fought in Kolchak's army, then emigrated to Australia. His wife Sofya Nikolaevna Bardina decided to stay in Russia and worked as the head of an orphanage.

Father - Anatoly Shirinkin - studied at the Voronezh Cadet Corps, joined the Red Army with the beginning of the revolution. Subsequently, he was interrupted by odd jobs. In 1934 he was arrested under Article 58 for three years, followed by deportation. Member of the Great Patriotic War, at the end he served in the Moscow garrison. In 1949 he was again expelled as a former judge. Died at an advanced age. Paternal grandfather was a Russian nobleman, a revolutionary, engaged in journalism, died at the front during the First World War.

His parents met in 1931.

“My father told me that my grandfather was married to a Jewish Karaite, so, I concluded, my father is half Jewish, I am a quarter,” said Mark Anatolyevich. At the same time, he notes that, being a quarter Jew, "he always considered himself Russian, although his father later admitted that Tatar blood was also present in the family from the 13th century."

From childhood, Zakharov became interested in theater, worked in theatrical groups of the Moskvoretsky House of Pioneers. By the way, the future film director worked with him.

After school, he applied to the Kuibyshev Moscow Civil Engineering Institute, but did not score the required number of points in the exams.

At the insistence of his mother, who, according to Zakharov, saw a "prophetic dream", he decided to enter a theater university. In the summer of 1951, Zakharov became a student at the A.V. Lunacharsky (GITIS, since 1991 it has been transformed into RATI - the Russian Academy of Theater Arts).

In 1955 he graduated from the acting department of GITIS, where his teachers were I. M. Raevsky, G. G. Konsky, P. V. Leslie).

Even in his second year, he began to play small roles on the stage of the Moscow theaters named after V.V. Mayakovsky and named after M.N. Yermolova.

Since the autumn of 1955 - an actor of the Perm Regional Drama Theater.

He began directing in 1956 in an amateur student group of the Perm University, some of his students became famous. It was there, according to him, that he felt that students were interested in him, and for a long time he could "keep the attention of a large team of people" and lead the production process.

Having moved to Moscow, Zakharov continued to direct: thanks to his wife, actress Nina Lapshinova, he got a job as the head of the drama club at the Machine Tool Institute.

In 1959, Zakharov got a job at the Moscow Gogol Theater, and in 1960 he moved to the Moscow Theater of Miniatures. The team at that time was led by the writer Vladimir Polyakov, under whose direct influence Zakharov "acquired a very valuable and necessary literary skill for the director."

In 1964, Zakharov left the Theater of Miniatures, where he worked with his wife. At that time, Lapshinova supported his decision to start working as a director at the Student Theater of Moscow State University. This theater became the "launching pad" from which Zakharov "entered professional directing."

In 1965, Zakharov was invited as a director to the Moscow Theater of Satire. The play “Profitable Place” staged by him in 1967 by A.N. Ostrovsky became his first directorial success on the professional stage.

In 1969, Zakharov became the director of the comedy and Grigory Gorin's "Banquet" (he became the director's first collaboration with Gorin, in the future he co-authored many of Zakharov's performances). Both performances, despite their success with the public, were banned for ideological reasons. Zakharov noted that at that time his directorial profession "hung by a thread", and only the help of Goncharov, who offered the director to stage Alexander Fadeev's "Rout" on the stage of the Mayakovsky Theater he headed, helped him stay in the profession.

In 1973, Zakharov was appointed chief director of the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater (since 1991 - the Moscow Lenkom Theater). His productions on the stage of the theater: “Autograd XXI” (Yuri Vizbor, Zakharov, 1973), “Til” (Gorin, music by Gennady Gladkov, 1974), “Not listed” (Vizbor based on the work of Boris Vasilyev, 1975), “ The Star and Death of Joaquin Murietta" (Pavel Grushko based on the works of Pablo Neruda, music by Alexei Rybnikov, 1976), "Cruel Intentions" (Alexei Arbuzov, music by Gladkov 1979), "Juno and Avos" (, music by Rybnikov, 1981), "Optimistic Tragedy "(Vsevolod Vishnevsky, 1983), "Three Girls in Blue" (Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, 1985), "The Dictatorship of Conscience" (Mikhail Shatrov, 1986), - became events in the cultural life of the country. Many of these performances were called the decoration of Lenkom's repertoire for many years.

Zakharov's artistic ideology, which corresponded to the spirit of the times, finally took shape in the late 1980s. Among the theatrical works of this time, we should highlight the performances “The Wise Man” (after Ostrovsky, 1989), “Memorial Prayer” (Gorin after Sholom Aleichem, 1989), “School for Emigrants” (Dmitry Lipskerov, 1990) “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro "(Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais, 1993), "The Seagull" (Anton Chekhov, 1994), "Royal Games" (Gorin - Sandor Kallosh based on the play by Maxwell Anderson, 1995), "The Barbarian and the Heretic" (based on the novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky, 1997) , "Hoax" (Nina Sadur, 1999), "Jester Balakirev" (G. Gorin, 2001), "The Lament of the Executioner" (on the themes of Friedrich Dürrenmatt and Jean Anouilh, 2003), "All-in" (after Nikolai Ostrovsky, 2004 ), "Marriage" (according to Nikolai Gogol, 2007).

The success of Lenkom's productions, according to Zakharov himself, was that the theater "strives to follow the great precepts of the Moscow Art Theater teachers, but most of all it is afraid of boredom, when everyone already understands everything that is happening and, most importantly, what should happen." Critics agreed with him, noting that Zakharov's performances "exist not according to the laws of the dramatic theater, but according to the laws of the Spectacle: everything that happens (or just is) on the stage must be spectacular - and the scenery, and costumes, and jokes, and songs".

Zakharov has said more than once that the main asset and pride in his life is the stellar galaxy of Lenkom actors. Over the years, such talented stage masters as Viktor Rakov, Sergei Stepanchenko and others have played on the stage of the theater.

Mark Zakharov worked extensively and successfully in film and television, in particular, filmed a number of plays by Evgeny Schwartz and Grigory Gorin in the genre of a fantastic parable.

Among his films are the moviegoers' favorite "The Twelve Chairs" (1976), "An Ordinary Miracle" (1978), "The Same Munchausen" (1979), "The House That Swift Built" (1983), "Formula of Love" (1984), "Kill the Dragon" (1988). Zakharov also acted as a screenwriter, author and co-author of scripts for such films as The White Sun of the Desert (1969; he wrote the letters of the protagonist of the Red Army soldier Sukhov), Sannikov Land (1972), Star of Captivating Happiness (1975) and others .

Mark Zakharov on the set of the film "The Twelve Chairs"

Socio-political position of Mark Zakharov

In 1989 he was elected a People's Deputy of the USSR from the Union of Theater Workers of the USSR. He was a member of the CPSU. On the air of the Vzglyad program, he burned his party card.

In October 1996, he became a member of the Council for Culture and Art under Russian President Boris Yeltsin, but in November 2001, when the new Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a decree invalidating Yeltsin's decree establishing the Council for Culture, a new body was created with the same name , Zakharov was not included in its composition.

In March 2014, he was among those who signed the appeal of cultural figures of the Russian Federation in support of the policy of Russian President V.V. Putin towards Ukraine. However, he later stated that he did not put his signature under the “fake of a provocative nature” and added that no one had approached him with a proposal to sign a letter in support of Putin.

He was a confidant of the All-Russian party "United Russia" in the elections to the State Duma of the VII convocation.

Pedagogical activity of Mark Zakharov

Mark Zakharov combines work in the theater with teaching for many years. Back in 1983, the artistic director of the Moscow Academic Theater named after V.V. Mayakovsky A.A. Goncharov invited him to GITIS to teach directing.

Mark Zakharov - Professor of Directing at RIT. He is the secretary of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation, a member of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR, an academician of the Academy of Russian Television (1997), an academician of the International Academy of Creativity (2000), an academician of the Russian Academy of Cinematographic Arts "NIKA", an academician of the National Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences of Russia, a member of the Joint Venture of Moscow ( 1999).

He died on September 28, 2019 in Moscow from pneumonia. Mark Zakharov on October 1 next to the graves of Stanislav Govorukhin, Oleg Tabakov and Leonid Bronevoy.

Mark Zakharov in the program "Tonight"

Height of Mark Zakharov: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Mark Zakharov:

Wife - (05/10/1932 - 09/10/2014), actress.

They got married in 1956. In 1962, the couple had a daughter, Alexandra. In the cinema, the most famous work of Lapshinova was the role of the wife of Fyodor's father in Mark Zakharov's film "12 Chairs".

Daughter - - actress "Lenkom", People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Filmography of Mark Zakharov (director):

1969 - Schweik in World War II (teleplay, with Alina Kazmina)
1972 - Train parking - two minutes (with A. S. Orlov)
1975 - "Feast during the plague"
1976 - Twelve chairs
1978 - Ordinary Miracle
1979 - The same Munchausen
1982 - The House That Swift Built
1984 - Formula of love
1988 - Kill the Dragon

Filmography of Alexander Mitta (screenwriter):

1969 - White sun of the desert (took part - letters of the Red Army soldier Sukhov)
1972 - Train stop - two minutes
1973 - Sannikov Land
1975 - Star of captivating happiness
1978 - Ordinary Miracle
1987 - I have the honor
1988 - Kill the Dragon
1989 - Prisoner of the Chateau d'If

Filmography of Alexander Mitta (producer):

1970 - Do you know how to live? - episode

Mark Zakharov is a well-known film and theater director of the USSR and Russia, teacher, writer, scriptwriter, actor. Mark Anatolyevich is rightly called a figure of national culture, a symbol of an entire theatrical era. Several generations grew up on his productions and musicals, and his films were sorted into quotes.

However, behind the fame and success of Mark Anatolyevich is a lot of work and decades of effort. Some chapters in the biography of Mark Zakharov, including personal life, children, are of particular interest to the public. The website will tell about the brightest moments in the life of the famous director.

The biography of Mark Zakharov originates in 1933 on October 13th. The director was born in Moscow. Mark's father - Shirinkin Anatoly Borisovich - decided to connect his life with service in the Red Army.

After that, he was arrested for counter-revolutionary activities and exiled for 3 years to Ryazan. After serving his sentence, he held the position of a teacher of physical education.

In 1949, Anatoly Borisovich was again exiled to the North. The reason is an early conviction. Zakharov's father died at an advanced age. The mother of Mark Anatolyevich - Galina Sergeevna Bardina - dreamed of performing on theater stages all her life. She graduated from the studio under the direction of Y. Zavadsky. She taught children in drama clubs. Mark also introduced to theatrical activity. She died at the age of 54. The reason is a broken heart.

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During the second exile of her husband, Galina Sergeevna had to work hard to feed her family. Mark at that time went to school and studied at the House of Pioneers, where he learned the basics of acting. After graduating from school, Zakharov did not yet know who he wanted to become in the future. For starters, he entered the Military Academy.

However, he was not accepted due to his father's bad reputation. Then Mark tried his hand at the entrance exams to the Architectural Institute. But here, too, failure.

Then Zakharov decided to go to the audition at the Moscow Art Theater. Reading the work "Heather Honey" did not impress the commission. But Mark did not despair and continued to look for his path. The last and successful attempt was admission to GITIS. He was taught theatrical art by Konsky, Leslie and Raevsky.


After graduating from the institute, the novice artist was sent to Perm to be assigned to one of the local drama theaters. Here Mark Zakharov immediately showed himself for the better. Later, a talented boy was invited to the post of director of performances at the university. The director returned to the capital in the late 50s. There he tried his hand at various theatres. But he stayed only in the capital's Theater of Satire. There he staged the following plays:

  • "Plum";
  • "Mother Courage and her children";
  • "Banquet", etc.

At the age of 40, Mark headed Lenkom. He had to make a lot of efforts to put the theater back on its feet. One of the first and successful productions of Zakharov is "Till". The audience was also delighted with such plays:

  • "Royal Games;
  • "A guy from our city";
  • "Juno and Avos", etc.

The last works were productions: "Walpurgis Night" and "The Day of the Oprichnik".

Mark Zakharov made his contribution to the cinema. Films such as "12 Chairs", "Ordinary Miracle", "The Same Munchausen", "Formula of Love", "Kill the Dragon" are his merit. These pictures remained in the memory of millions of viewers. And many people still use catchphrases taken out of context.

Mark Zakharov also wrote scripts. He has 14 films to his credit, including:

  • "Prisoner of the IF Castle";
  • "I have the honor";
  • "Ordinary Miracle"
  • "Kill the dragon";
  • "Twelve Chairs", etc.
  • Personal life

    The biography of Mark Zakharov, the personal life of the director and his children have always been of interest to the public. However, we hasten to assure you that the director did not sin with any intrigues and betrayals. The fact is that Mark Anatolyevich lived with one woman for 58 years, whose name is Nina Lapshinova (the couple is very happy in the photo).

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    They met while studying at GITIS. With the wedding did not take time. Played it right after graduation.

    Beloved Zakharova died in 2014. Nina died of cancer, which she had been fighting for several years. Mark Anatolyevich at that time was undergoing treatment in Germany.


    6 years after the wedding, the long-awaited daughter was born in the Zakharovs. Nina tried to get pregnant for a long time, but she did not succeed due to health problems. They named the girl Sasha. Since she was very sickly, the mother had to leave the theater and devote herself to her daughter.
    Alexandra followed in her mother's footsteps.

    She entered the theater school, and after graduation she began working in her father's theater. At first, Mark Zakharov did not give his daughter the main roles. Alexandra was content with secondary roles. Over time, the girl was able to show her talent.

    She has repeatedly acted in films and played many roles in the theater. Now Alexandra Zakharova is called the "Princess of Lenkom." But in her personal life, the woman was less fortunate. Until now, Alexandra has not found her beloved man, she also has no children.

    Mark Zakharov now

    Mark Anatolyevich is still in demand among theater fans. He directs Lenkom, writes articles, heads the directing department at GITIS, and teaches students.

    This year, on October 13, the great director celebrated his 85th birthday. Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev congratulated Mark Anatolyevich on this significant date.

    Zakharov celebrated his birthday on the stage of the Lenkom Theater on October 14. The anniversary evening was attended by many famous people, including Konstantin Raikin, Alexander Shirvindt, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, Oleg Tabakov's theater artists. Mark Anatolyevich was shocked by such attention to his person and thanked everyone who participated in the celebration.

    Several programs on central Russian TV channels were devoted to this significant event. Channel One aired a documentary called Mark Zakharov: I'm an optimist, but not that much. Mark Anatolyevich also appeared in the program “My Hero” on TV Center, hosted by Tatyana Ustinova.

    According to

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