Fortune telling with a pendulum will predict the future. Fortune telling on the pendulum: what needs to be done Is it possible to ask the pendulum about the future

I share with you the lessons of the school of the pendulum, in which I myself once studied. The technique itself is not complicated and seems to be simple. But, nevertheless, according to it, I quickly taught the pendulum to work for itself and give the right answers. In the same way, you can teach the frame to work.

The pendulum is the so-called radiesthetic effect, known to mankind since ancient times. The term "radiesthesia", translated into Russian, means "the feeling of waves, vibrations."

Energy radiation emanating from living and non-living objects can be qualitatively determined using indicators such as a pendulum and a frame. We are talking about information and energy radiations that have the same frequency range as the astral body of a person and his subconscious (from an energetic point of view, the subconscious is part of the astral body, they have a common bioenergy field, which is an integral part of the common human biofield).

These radiations are perceived by the sixth astral sense organ and are transmitted not to consciousness, but to the subconscious (since it is it that is able to perceive information transmitted in the same frequency range in which it operates).

The subconscious automatically (in addition to consciousness), having processed the information, gives certain answers to certain attitudes or questions of consciousness through the movements of the hands in which the pendulum or frame is located.

Application of the pendulum in life

There will not be enough fingers on the hands if you start counting the “professions” of the pendulum. And now their number is only increasing. So, if earlier with a pendulum or a vine (frame) in their hands they searched for water - at all times, and successfully, now they are still searching for sunken ships and places where fish accumulate.

They are looking for people in the rubble of mines, during earthquakes and in snow falls. Search and find! And mineral deposits are being discovered in such a strange way to this day.
A person who has learned to work well with a pendulum will answer any of these questions correctly and quickly.

Form and material for pendulums

When choosing a pendulum you need to follow your intuition and choose the one that will listen best to you. You can make yourself a pendulum and hang it on a thread. The best shape for a pendulum: conical or teardrop.

Optimum pendulum weight : 10 - 18 grams;
Optimal thread length : 10 - 18 cm (depending on the size of the elbow and the weight of the pendulum).

It is better to take a thread from a non-synthetic fabric, double, make a few knots on it to reduce axial rotation. The weight should not be too light, but not too heavy either. In general, small light pendulums start working easier and faster. Larger and heavier ones begin to work with difficulty and rotate more slowly.

They can be made from various materials:
Wood - machine or handmade.
Clay - man-made polymer clay and natural clay.
Glass - edged, blown, molded, etc.
Stone - black obsidian, rose quartz, orange calcite, clear quartz, sodalite, amethyst, citrine, carnelian, garnet, rock crystal, amber.

From metal I do not advise buying a pendulum. Since the metal is able to distort information. The less metal, the more accurate the infa. Better from natural material. The rope on which the pendulum will hang is best made from cotton thread or pure wool. I have almost the same, only amethyst)))

So let's go. We take a piece of paper where there are circles with arrows with the words YES - NO.

So, they took the pendulum by the thread with two fingers (15-25 cm from the pendulum) and brought it to the leaf, tried to hold it, adjusted the length of the thread and pronounce simple words.

“I ask you my higher self, you my spirit, you my guardian angel, to help me correctly and correctly adjust the pendulum.

Exercise 1

Bring *YES* to the circle and tell the pendulum that it is *YES* and ask him to start spinning clockwise, if he is silent help him, that is, explain that this is YES.

Then bring it to the circle *NO* and do the same. Then just go to the YES arrows and from there to the NO arrows. After that, already bring it up, as you brought the pendulum, but already without a hint and watch over it. If someone does not succeed on the first day, then they do not proceed to task 2, etc.

Attention! Before working with a pendulum, you must stop it by hand, because it will spin due to the fact that the thread is twisted, wait until it does not spin and start working.

How far should the pendulum be kept from the sheet? From the sheet it is necessary to keep 5-10 cm

The psychic must get used to the pendulum indicator, accustom himself to unconditionally trust him. At the slightest doubt, the indicator will instantly react: it will start giving incorrect answers. REMEMBER that it is not the PENDULUM MAKE A MISTAKE - YOU MAKE IT YOURSELF. The reason is to be found within yourself.

Task 2

You can write the alphabet on paper yourself, so that it would be convenient for the pendulum to answer, or just take (if anyone has it) the children's alphabet (as in the photo). Bring the pendulum to the letter and ask him what the letter is. For example: "Is that the letter A?" Remove it from this letter. Bring it up to it again and ask him again: “Is this the letter A?” Then remove the pendulum from the letter A and bring it to any other. And ask him, "Is that the letter A?" Let him answer you with a YES or NO answer.

Then, for the correct answer, bring it up to the letter A again, so that he gives you a solid answer to the letter A. In short, practice with the alphabet or numbers.

For the frame (if you are teaching it, it is better to hang the letters on the wall)

Task 3

Take something edible and not edible, put it at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Ask the pendulum a question - indicate where it is edible with the answer YES and where it is not edible with the answer NO. Take foods that are good for our body, because if the product contains preservatives in the form of all sorts of E, the pendulum can show that the product is NO not edible.

Task 4

Write out the words (for example) that I wrote to you below, bringing to the word you should ask if it is edible or not and see how the pendulum answers.


Task 5

Asking a question: "Who wrote the tale of the fisherman and the fish?"

Karl Marx

And so you approach from the simplest questions to the more complex ones. Thus, you train the pendulum to answer the right questions for you. To train him, you can ask anyone for a YES or NO answer, and he must answer you. For example: " My name is Sveta?" And he must answer you correctly.

Task 6

Take any deck of cards and select any 5 cards. Write them down.

Then shuffle the selected 5 cards, face down, and place them on the table in any order. Start looking for cards - all 5 in turn. That is, for example, you have playing cards: Ace of Tambourines, Jack of Hearts, 6 spades, 7 tambourines, 9 clubs. There will be 5 entries in total.

Ask: "Where is the ace of diamonds?" and holding over each of the cards, specify: “Is this the Ace of Diamonds?” And the task is to understand yes or no the pendulum tells you. Where he says yes, turn over the card. After turning over the card, all 5 cards should be re-shuffled and search for the next card. And so 5 times.

Wash the new pendulum for a couple of minutes under running water (it will probably carry away the information accumulated earlier). Then hold it in your hands and wear it in your breast pocket so that it absorbs your vibration. Now the pendulum is ready to work with you. Do not give it to anyone and carry it with you often.

You need to use the pendulum that works best for you. You can create a small collection of pendulums, each of which will be used for specific purposes.

Never let anyone touch your pendulum, it is only for you. It will be filled with your energy. You should not allow another person to use it or even touch it, and then it will work more powerfully and better.

When buying a pendulum, it must be CLEARED of all energy traces and bindings, so that it knows only you and is only attached to you. This can be done with a simple ritual. The cleaning procedure is simple and takes from one to three days, but in the most severe cases, if you need to clean the working pendulum from negativity, it takes up to 9 days.

Take a container, box or cup. Also take coarse salt (which is for salting). Pour half of the salt into a box or cup, put the pendulum there together with a storage bag and a chain, wrapped in a cloth, which will then be your canvas for working with the pendulum (the color is up to you, the main thing is plain). Read the following conspiracy over salt 9 or 12 times, focusing on the process as much as possible:

salt salt,
earth element,
You cleanse everyone for centuries,
From everywhere you take away the negative,
You take in your crystals -
Also, take away all the negative from these items (list),
Take it into your crystals
Cleanse my pendulum (and list the rest) from filth and lies,
And then take the earth with you into the cheese!
May it be so!

Then add the rest of the salt. The more worthy and respectful you treat your pendulum, the clearer and more accurate your predictions will be.

And one more thing about cleaning: when you take the pendulum out of the salt, I recommend doing it outside the house - somewhere on the street or on the balcony, so that the salt with the negative does not crumble at home and there is no unnecessary contact with it. Salt and bags in which they carried it right there on the street and leave it - salt can be right on the ground, and the bags can be taken to the trash.

Consecration of the pendulum

Below I give an example of a simple blessing ritual. Don't be afraid to step back from it or redesign it to fit your lifestyle as closely as possible. Know that there is no right or wrong way to bless the manitic system, and whatever blessing you choose, it will definitely work.


One purple or white candle
Incense (you can also use aroma sticks)

  • Start by lighting a candle and burning incense, draw a straight pentagram in a circle directly on the altar (with chalk), and then place a pendulum in the center of the pentagram.
  • Close your eyes, visualize how the energy of all 4 elements flows into the pentagram and accumulates in it, and this process goes on constantly - the energy condenses and flows into the space of the pentagram all the time. Then take a deep breath through your nose. Exhale air through your mouth.
  • After four or five inhalations and exhalations, open your eyes and carry the pendulum through the incense smoke while saying something like: "I sanctify you with the power of the air." Take a deep breath of its purity and beauty.
  • Taking care not to burn your hand or the pendulum, quickly bring the pendulum through the flame of the candle. Tell: " I consecrate you with the power of fire so that you can fulfill my desire."
  • Lightly sprinkle the pendulum with a few drops of water while saying: "I sanctify you with the power of water, Drink it to the bottom, making your way."
  • Then drop a few grains of salt on the pendulum, saying: "I sanctify you with the power of the Earth, where the Seeds of Power can sprout."
  • And finally, raise the pendulum with your outstretched hand up and say: “Power of the Pendulum, Give me your ability to see the truth; let it penetrate into my soul - into my mind. Through this pendulum let the truth be revealed. May it be so!"
  • Put the pendulum back in the center of the pentagram.

For the next fifteen minutes or so, try to create visual images of connecting with the pendulum. You will see that you can easily feel him, comprehending the inner meaning of his answers, feeling the vibrations.

Visualize how the accumulated energy in the pentagram flows into your pendulum, charging it - you need to give a direction for this energy, that is, what you need it for (connection with the general energy-informational field of the universe, with some specific forces, strengthening your visionary abilities, establishing and strengthening a channel of communication with you, etc.). At the same time, the energy of the elements continues to concentrate in the pentagram and flow into the pendulum. And leave the pendulum in the pentagram until the candle and aroma stick burn out. Then put the pendulum in a bag and / or wrap it in a cloth - in what it will be stored in the future. The bag or cloth itself must also be cleaned along with the deck during cleaning and consecrated during this ceremony.

Only the text for the pendulum container (cloth or pouches or both) is different:

Be filled with strength to contain this pendulum,
And guard my pendulum within you,
And may the pendulum rest in peace
As long as it is stored inside you!
May it be so!

So, you set up your pendulum, he lied and answered correctly, now it's time to learn how to work with it correctly, I write everything according to the points that you need to follow.

1. Before each work, it is necessary to check the correct rotation of the pendulum according to the picture.

2. Ask a question before work: “Can I ask you questions today, here and now?” You should receive a YES or NO answer from the pendulum, if YES then you work, if NO, then you remove it and do not work anymore today. If you got the answer YES, then ask the next question - how many questions can I ask? Start from 10 down or 1 to 10 up, never exceed 10 questions a day.

a) After you have asked questions, put the pendulum in your bag, take it out after 10-30 minutes and repeat all your questions and observe the correctness of the answer, only after that you give the answer to the person, or accept these answers for yourself.

3. You should always work without strangers, if someone asks you directly sitting next to you, you should ask the pendulum, can you ask questions to a person? If he answered YES, let him ask a question.

4. After working with the pendulum, be sure to thank him for his help.

5. Put it in its place.

6. No one should take your pendulum.

7. If your pendulum is lying during the control check, change your hand.

8. This applies only to women, do not work with a pendulum on women's days.

9. Do not work with the pendulum while intoxicated, even if you drank a little, do not work anyway.

10. The pendulum should work in silence, but there are emergency cases, which is noisy, and you need to get an answer, then apologize to the pendulum for the noise and ask it to work in noise. Look at the answer - YES or NO

At the beginning of work with the pendulum, you need to achieve inner emptiness, when the inner word mixer calms down (ideally, it turns off), and you, concentrating on the question, issue a request “up”. For the answer to come, you need an “empty” place where it can come. The pendulum will, of course, show you the answer, but you must be sure that at the moment of “letting go” of the question, you were thinking exactly what you wanted to ask. In short… turn off the internal dialogue

It often happens that a person tunes in to one thing, and then at the most crucial moment a crazy thought flickers - “oh, the kettle turned off ...” - and the setting turns out to be knocked down. As a result, an incorrect answer was received. And who's to blame?

If you wish to tune in to the desired “interlocutor” from the Higher worlds

The next step is to select the “invisible interlocutor” you need and call him “for communication”. Which communication channel you use is up to you.

Depending on the type of information you need, try to choose a possible "respondent" and mentally call him. You can call out loud, but the situation must be suitable, otherwise quite earthly problems will arise.

You need to address the entity you need and keep it in sight all the time of contact. It is impossible to disconnect from mental contact with her for a long time, no matter how unexpected the information received by you may be. If you forget about your “interlocutor” for more than 30 seconds, he may go “out of touch” - he may simply be forced out by others who want to talk to you.

And they will do it quietly, without announcing the substitution of the interlocutor. And he will have nothing to confirm his rights to “communicate” with you - you forgot about him. If you do not find a substitution, then you will continue to talk with someone completely different from those with whom you planned. And you will get completely different information that you could. And who will be to blame for this, except you? Nobody.

Check the interlocutor.

Therefore, the next step is to make sure that exactly the entity that you called was “in touch” with you. How to do it? This is not difficult if you have a two-way stable connection. That is, if you use a pendulum, a frame, or are in direct mental contact with an "invisible interlocutor."

If they answer you one way or another, then go ahead! Ask who exactly contacted you. If you ask a direct question, no one can lie to you, there are such rules for the interaction of people and beings of the Subtle World, established by the Creator. Avoid answering, pretending to be someone or being cunning, as much as you like. Lying directly is not allowed.

So, if your interlocutor begins to avoid direct answers or comes up with loud names for himself like the Universal Mind or the Messenger of the Intergalactic Council, then politely say goodbye to him and call again the entity that you need.

If she replies that she is “in touch” with you, arrange for her to be interrogated with passion. Make her swear it's her. Threaten that if she breaks the oath, she will roast forever in the Underworld. Usually, such a prospect seduces few people, and uninvited interlocutors quickly leave the connection.

And the one you really called will give positive answers to such questions and calmly swear that you will ask. And don't be shy! Perhaps the pure spirits are not very pleased to answer your test questions. But it is better for them to experience discomfort for a moment (they still belong to the staff of our hotel) than for you to be deceived and become a victim of sinful spirits.

An exemplary dialogue when working with a pendulum

The mental dialogue when receiving information with the help of the pendulum and attuning to the Guardian Angel can look something like this:

“I am calling my Guardian Angel from the Divine Plan.

Is it a guardian angel? Yes (corresponding pendulum movement).

Are you a pure spirit from the Divine plan? Yes.

Are you a sinful spirit? No.

Are you a demon? No.

Are you the soul of a person? No.

Are you some other essence of the Subtle World? No.

Do you swear that you are a pure spirit? Yes.

Do you know that if you break your oath, you will go to Hell? Yes.

May I have information on the following question….”

This dialogue lists in italics questions that you can ask your Guardian Angel every time you call him for communication or interrupted contact with him for more than 30 seconds.

If you get different answers, say goodbye to this entity and again mentally (or out loud) call your Guardian Angel.

Farewell to an uninvited interlocutor should be decisive and final. You can mentally say to your intruder something like:

- “I ask you to leave the connection and never go to my channel again. I invite you to contact .... ".

With such a verification procedure, you can, with a high degree of certainty, tune in exactly to the one you need. If possible, check who exactly contacted you. Otherwise, a situation may arise when you will be proud of your direct contact with God the Father and thereby amuse the “jokers” from the demonic plane a lot.


Divination with a pendulum or a plumb line has long been used by mankind to get answers to various questions.

Even in our time, the principle of the pendulum is not fully understood. It is only known that its fluctuations reflect the signals of the information-energy field. A person forms a request, and the suspension moves in accordance with the answer coming from the sphere of the Higher Mind.

Such divination was popular in Ancient Greece, Rome, Assyria and Babylon. This swinging assistant aroused the interest of Aristotle, Nostradamus, Lomonosov and other famous scientists and soothsayers.

One of the theories explaining the principle of its work is that the human subconscious is directly connected with the unified information field of the Earth. And, therefore, it already contains the answers to all questions. The manifestation of these data sets the pendulum in motion. That is, in fact, it is a translator of the "transmission" from our internal antenna.

You can make a pendulum from any object. An elegant crystal and an ordinary needle are perfect. True, professionals prefer a cone or a drop with a pointed end. However, in fact, it is not the form and material that matters, but energy compatibility with the owner.

First of all, you should like the subject. Hang the pendulum on a thread (only not synthetic) or on a chain. Its length should approximately correspond to the distance from the elbow to the wrist. And most importantly, believe that the pendulum is “at one with you”. Only then will it “work” and show real ways to solve problems.

Making contact

First, learn how to hold the pendulum correctly. Pinch the chain or thread between your index and thumb, and clench the rest into a fist. Thus, you exclude the possibility of consciously controlling the movements of the subject. Walk with the suspension around the house, observing its reaction to various energies. See how it will move over a vase of water, a flower pot, an alarm clock or a TV.

Try to find a "common language" with him. Usually, in the active state, the pendulum either describes circles or oscillates horizontally.

Many experts consider circling clockwise and left and right to be a positive response, while circling counterclockwise and up and down is a negative response. You can follow these criteria, but it will be much more interesting if the pendulum itself tells you what the answer is “yes” and where is “no”.

How to do it? Take an ordinary glass of water and put it on the table. Ask the pendulum if there is water in the glass. Watch how he moves. Then pour out the water and ask the same question. Most likely, the pendulum will “behave” differently. Repeat the experiment several times, asking things that are obvious to you. Remember how the magical assistant expresses its agreement and denial.

In some cases, the pendulum does not give an unambiguous answer - either it describes ellipses, then it swings from side to side, it can even stop or vibrate. Most often, this means that the question should be rephrased or asked again.

Remember that no pendulum answer is negative. When he says "no" to your deepest desire, it does not mean that you will never achieve what you want. It is possible that the wish will not come true at the present time.

It may also happen that after asking the pendulum the same question after a while, you will receive an affirmative answer. This means that the best time has come to achieve the goal.

Questions and answers

The pendulum will help you as long as you act confidently and do not put before him questions that he simply cannot answer. It is best to start using his magical power with the simplest things.

Who seeks will always find

Try to find some lost thing with a plumb line - keys, a mobile phone or a chain. To do this, concentrate, take the pendulum in your hands and ask him if the lost item is, for example, within your apartment or one room. Step by step go around your home, narrowing the circle of searches and finding out a specific place. If it so happened that the keys fell on the bed or behind the closet, the pendulum will make a sharp movement in this direction. Therefore, be careful.

If the experiment fails, don't be discouraged. Repeat the exercise a few more times. And at the same time try to remember: perhaps the thing you are looking for was left in a completely different place.

Paradise place

If you want to change an apartment or build a country house, lay out a map of the city or region where you want to live on the table. Divide it into squares, numbering each of them. Take the pendulum and, holding it successively over each square, repeat the question: “Is there a house that suits me?” Note the positive and negative responses, paying attention to the amplitude of the oscillations. Compare the results, and then repeat the operation over the selected areas of the map until only one square remains.

Time to get to work

The pendulum can help you choose a new job. To do this, write down the name of each enterprise where you are invited on a separate sheet of paper. And then hold the pendulum over each of them, asking different questions.

For example:

– Is the financial position of this organization stable?
Is there an opportunity for career growth here?
Will the team be good?

The list can go on depending on what is important to you. Record all answers and compare the results.

Prince on a white horse

Similarly, the pendulum will reveal to you a lot of interesting details about your current and potential partners. As in the previous divination, write on sheets of paper the names of people about whom you would like to know more. Hold the pendulum over each leaf while asking questions of interest. They should be short and specific.
For example:

Are we emotionally compatible with this person?
Are we intellectually compatible with each other?
Are our hobbies similar?
Will a physical relationship with him be joyful?
Is a common future possible for us?

A large amplitude of movements indicates a high degree of evaluation, both positive and negative, writes Conversely, if the pendulum swings slightly, this is evidence of a low score.

After analyzing the results, you will get a fairly clear idea of ​​​​what are the prospects for relationships with the people you were guessing at.

Work with your pendulum as often as possible, and it will become your indispensable adviser in difficult life situations.

Fortune telling on a pendulum is one of the simple and quite interesting ways to find out all the answers to such interesting questions as: personal life, love, career, health. This fortune-telling will help you decide if there are any doubts somewhere. With the help of a pendulum, it is possible to look into the near future and make the right choice. It doesn't take much effort to do this. Any person can cope with this method of prediction. The main thing is desire and a positive attitude.

The pendulum can be made from improvised things yourself. You will need a chain or thread on which to hang the load. It can be a ring, key chain or any similar item. Ideally, it is better to take a natural stone. You can choose it according to your zodiac sign. For example, for such a zodiac sign as Cancer, a moonstone is suitable. This will replenish your energy. Such a pendulum will become your real assistant in divination.

How to guess on the pendulum

Before asking your questions, you first need to set yourself up. Positive emotions are important here. Taking the pendulum in your hand, you need to relax, tune in to the question that interests you and think only about it. Try to remove all unnecessary thoughts. With the help of a pendulum, you will focus on the most important thing - your subconscious. The pendulum works directly with your energy.

The most important rule is that you should be with the pendulum as a whole, this is your friend, it is important for you to learn to trust him, you need to tune in the right way. A woman on an intuitive level should feel it. If you manage to do everything correctly, divination on the pendulum will be as accurate as possible. And you will certainly get answers to all your most exciting questions.

Instructions for using the pendulum for divination

So, you have tuned in, the emotions are positive, the question has been asked, we proceed directly to fortune-telling. You need to take a chain or thread in your hand and hold it between your thumb and forefinger. The pendulum will begin to describe circular motions. This usually happens clockwise or counterclockwise. You do not need to try to help him, you need to be patient and the pendulum will do everything by itself. You must decide for yourself which direction of the pendulum will be responsible for the answer "yes", and which one for the answer "no". This will all happen intuitively. You yourself will understand everything according to your feelings and feelings.

It happens that the pendulum behaves very strangely. It can start spinning back and forth, draw figure eights, or just suddenly stop. Basically it says to try again, something went wrong. Perhaps the question needs to be worded differently, or you may not have focused enough. In any case, you don't need to worry. Take a break and after a while try asking the question again. Start with simpler and clearer questions.

In this article:

To use most methods of predicting the future, additional items and attributes are needed, this is fortune telling on cards, on runes, on a pendulum, on a witch's board and others. In addition to these items, in order to obtain truthful information, the performer requires a deep faith in magic in general, and the means of divination used in particular.

Divination with pendulums

In these methods of predicting the future, the main element is the pendulum. Pendulums are very diverse, some esotericists use special products made of semi-precious stones attached to a long chain.

Such pendulums can be called professional; simpler items are also suitable for home divination. For example, you can make a working pendulum from almost any thing of value to you, it can be a precious metal ring, your personal amulet or talisman, any pendant with a precious or semi-precious stone. In extreme cases, you can use a simple needle suspended on a thread.

The second important element of divination is the "field for prediction". A field is any surface on which special signs are applied. In the simplest versions of divination, the performer uses his palm and interprets the result depending on the place where the pendulum points. For more complex methods, the field is simply necessary, since it greatly simplifies the interpretation of the answers received.

The easiest way is to make a divination field on a piece of paper or some piece of clothing, for example, on a T-shirt, sweater or even a scarf. Special circles are applied to the surface of the field in one color or in different colors. The circles can contain words, letters, symbols, and any other elements needed to get the answers you are interested in.

Rules for the manufacture and operation of the pendulum

The string or string of the pendulum can be any length you like, but you must remember that the weight should not make too much unnecessary movement. That is why the ideal length for a pendulum thread is considered to be a length in the range of 20-30 centimeters. If the cord is shorter, it will simply be inconvenient to work with it. Too long a lace will be unreliable, and too mobile, which will greatly complicate the process of obtaining answers to the questions asked.

The pendulum must be held by the thread between the thumb and forefinger, however, this rule is not mandatory, if this way of holding seems uncomfortable to you, you can take the object the way you like.

Before working directly with the pendulum, you need to get used to it, connect yourself with its energy. To do this, hold the object for some time in the palm of your hand, try to feel the vibrations emanating from it. You can use this attribute only after you "feel" it, usually the unity with the energy of the object is expressed in the fact that the magician begins to feel the warmth emanating from it.

Such a phenomenon is called a positive response, that is, the attribute answered you, gave his consent to help and work. When this happened, you can safely apply it in any method of predicting the future.

In simple divination options, when you want to get a “Yes” or “No” answer to a given question, a prediction field is not required. The meaning of the received answer is interpreted depending on the movement of the pendulum. If the attribute moves around in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction, this is usually considered a positive response.

Movement from side to side - the answer is no. At the same time, this rule can hardly be called strict and the only true one, experienced magicians believe that only a fortuneteller can understand the movement of the pendulum, that is, in order to correctly interpret the answer, you need to trust your own intuition and feelings. If you feel that there is some positive element in the movements of the load, then there is.

The pendulum is an incredibly interesting and effective technique.

Skeptics will say that any movement of the pendulum comes from your hand and no higher powers take any part in this at all. Experienced esotericists will not deny this statement, on the contrary, they will agree with it, because there is nothing in this that contradicts the principle of divination.

Working with a pendulum has the same principle of operation as, for example, working with Tarot cards, because the deck is also shuffled by the performer and pulls out some cards with his own hands. In addition, any fortune-telling is primarily work with your own subconscious. The fact is that deep inside, you already know the answers to all the questions that interest you, the main task of predictions is to pull these answers out.

You should know that the pendulum will give you correct and truthful answers only as long as you believe in its effectiveness, as long as you act confidently and until you start breaking the rules of divination. In addition, you can knock down the pendulum if you ask the same question several times in a row. By doing this, you will simultaneously violate several important rules at once, because if you lack one answer to be sure, then you do not trust fortune-telling and your own feelings.

Prepare in advance and formulate all your questions in such a way that they correspond to the chosen prediction method. For example, if you guess according to the “Yes or No” principle, then the questions should be unambiguous and imply just such answers.

The question should be correct and as accurate as possible. No need to ask, for example: “When will Vasya pay attention to me?” Not only does the question “When” itself do not imply a “Yes or No” answer, it also does not indicate which Vasya, what kind of attention you mean, etc. The question should be: “Will the person (full name) invite me to a meeting this month?”


Divination "Yes or No" with a sheet of paper

For this simple divination, you will need to prepare not only the pendulum, but also the simplest prediction zone. A simple sheet of A4 paper can serve as such a zone. In the center of this sheet, draw a small circle with a diameter of 5-6 centimeters. Write "No" on the left side of the circle and "Yes" on the right side.

Now take the pendulum in your right hand, and bring it to a sheet of paper so that the weight is at a height of 2-2.5 centimeters above the very center of the circle. Focus on the question that interests you, say it mentally several times, and then say it out loud.

Your hand must be completely still so as not to create false predictions. Follow the movements of the pendulum. If at this time the load shifts towards the written word “Yes”, then the answer to the question asked is yes. If there is a shift to the left, the answer is no.

In the case when the pendulum begins to move in a circle, it means that you have chosen the wrong time for this ritual. You can try to rephrase your question and ask it again. If at the second attempt you did not receive a clear answer, it means that the higher forces do not want to give you an answer to this question and you simply need to try a different method of predicting the future. It is better not to try to ask the same question more than three times (even if each next time you rephrase the question), do not test the patience of higher powers and the pendulum that helps you.

One of the most commonly used divination, divination and intelligence tools is the pendulum. The art of using the pendulum is something anyone can learn and master and experiment with.

What is a pendulum?

A pendulum is a symmetrical, weighted object that hangs from a single chain or cord. It is not made of a magnetic substance, but is often a crystal. You can also use objects such as your favorite keychain, marble, metal ball, or even a key. The pendulum is a very simple tool that allows the user to tune in to intuitive possibilities. The pendulum acts as a receiver and transmitter of information, and moves in different ways in response to questions.

The pendulum can be used in a variety of ways. In its simplest form, you can use it to answer questions or help make decisions. Pendulums can also be used for:

  • Healing purposes and detection of allergies.
  • Cleansing and dispelling negativity in the room.
  • To help find lost objects or pets.

How does a pendulum work?

The pendulum works by delving into intuition and the sixth sense and acts as a receiver and transmitter from higher guidance, guardian angels and spiritual teachers. As the pendulum moves, and answers questions - and is suitable for answering yes or no questions. Some people describe how the pendulum works as bringing together the rational and intuitive sides (left and right sides of the brain). When these two elements are combined, decisions can be made using all sources, not just one of them.

Where do the answers come from?

Many people wonder where the answers come from and debate whether it really works or if it's just a pendulum that reacts to the movement of the user's hand. Although the pendulum can, of course, be made to move by its movements, but this is not always the case, and after practice it is clear why. As with any form of divination, the use of the pendulum involves a certain degree of faith, faith, and a decidedly open mind, as the answers come from intuition and from higher spirit guides.

What pendulum is needed for divination?

There are many pendulums available for exploration, but you don't have to buy a fancy, expensive pendulum to get good results. In fact, the type of pendulum you choose depends in part on what suits you. Many people prefer to use a crystal pendulum.
For example, clear quartz is a popular choice as the crystal is associated with clarity and connection to a higher purpose. Amethyst, which has a strong connection to the spiritual, is also often popular as a pendulum with the calming properties of rose quartz crystal.
Ultimately, whichever crystal is loved, or one that feels more drawn to, can be used on the pendulum as long as it is rounded or pointing to one end. In fact, it is even possible to have more than one pendulum, for different occasions. When working for the first time, you can practice using a homemade or manual pendulum.
For example, you can use a rounded glass ball, a metal ball, or even a key hanging from the end of a simple cord.

How to prepare for working with a pendulum?

When the feeling arises to work with the pendulum, you can move on to the best, professional pendulum. Before you start using the pendulum, you need to:
Before using the pendulum, it is advisable to first clean it and charge it with energy. The easiest way to clean a pendulum is to place it on a windowsill in direct sunlight during the day to catch the sun's rays.
To charge it with energy, hold the pendulum in your hands, covering it with your hands. Then spend a little time (5 to 15 minutes is fine) sitting quietly with your eyes closed focusing the energy on your pendulum. If you wish, you can say a prayer or ask your spirit guides or guardian angels for their support and guidance in using the pendulum. Once the pendulum has been cleaned and charged, it is recommended to keep it in a safe place. Many people like to wrap pendulums in silk or take them out in a small velvet bag for storage.

How to get started using a pendulum?

The chain or cord of the pendulum should be held between the thumb and forefinger, in which ever hand feels most comfortable. Some pendulums have a small metal loop or ring at the top of the chain, making them easy to hold. Ideally, the pendulum chain should not be too long, especially when you first start working with the pendulum, so if it seems too long or there is an extra string or chord, you can easily wrap it around your index finger.
When ready to begin, sit down with the pendulum held between the thumb and forefinger of one hand, and run the other hand along the entire length of the chain or cord of the pendulum, bringing the hand against the lower end of the pendulum. Reversed palm. Now the pendulum should be completely stationary, and you can move your hand away from the bottom of the pendulum. When you move it, the pendulum will probably start moving. This is completely normal.

How to calibrate a pendulum?

Try to be as relaxed as possible (the calmer you feel, the better the flow of energy will be) and sit watching the pendulum as it moves. This may stop after a while, and you can start looking for the yes and no definition of the pendulum. Ask the pendulum out loud or in your mind, "Please show the answer YES." Take the time to look at the answer - it may be minor at first, but that's okay as it takes time to find out the answer.
Try the same again by asking the pendulum to show NO for the answer. Don't worry if you can't tell the difference between yes and no - it's completely normal at first, and you should understand that the more you practice, the more you get.

For example, some pendulums will make wide circular motions in response to "yes" and "back" or "forwards" in response to "no". It is helpful to repeat this exercise a few times before you are satisfied with the pendulum's yes and no answers. Sometimes they can change over time, if someone uses or checks the pendulum, it may be necessary to do it again to energize it.

What type of question is best to ask the pendulum?

The pendulum is better at answering questions where there are “yes” or “no” answers. As you begin and practice, ask simple questions like "Is it Tuesday today?" "What's your best friend's name Vanya?" Or “I live in the UK?”. This will help you better understand how the pendulum reacts and help you gain more confidence in using it.
, you can ask questions about decisions you make in your personal life, such as whether to buy a certain type of car. You can try fun activities like finding a castle, ruins or water on the map. Hold the pendulum over the different parts of the map and see the answers. As you become more experienced, this method can also be used to locate lost people or animals.

What if the pendulum doesn't work?

There are some cases where the pendulum may not work, or you get incorrect answers to questions. This can be caused by several reasons:

  1. Perhaps they misinterpreted the “yes” and “no” movements of the pendulum.
  2. If you tried it, got excited, emotionally, or felt out of place, the pendulum may not be working properly.
  3. If you are not relaxed enough or feel unwell.
  4. You may be too close to electrical equipment or equipment with high frequencies, which may affect the pendulum.
  5. Wrongly formulated questions - they should be simple and specific.
  6. Not focusing enough - sometimes you have to wait a while to get an answer.
  7. You may have to try a different pendulum as it may not be compatible with the energy.

The main thing to remember is to relax, keep trying and have an open mind. The more you train, the better your skills and then with the help of the pendulum you will be able to get good results.

https://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/to-ekkremes.jpghttps://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/to-ekkremes-150x150.jpg 2017-04-11T15:34:49+07:00 PsyPage Reflection Fortune telling, Pendulum, divination pendulum, Image of the world, Real world, EsotericOne of the most commonly used divination, divination and intelligence tools is the pendulum. The art of using the pendulum is something anyone can learn and master and experiment with. What is a pendulum? A pendulum is a symmetrical, weighted object that hangs from a single chain or cord. It's not made of a magnetic substance, but...PsyPage PsyPage [email protected] Author site

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