How to answer if they ask you where you are. Do you have a boyfriend? How to answer stupid personal questions

It's hard to say why girls like to provoke you in all sorts of strange ways. They may have a lot of reasons for this - to arrange some kind of checks, for fun, just by chance. One of the most simple ways provocations mean asking tricky questions. How to understand whether it is provocative or not? It's actually very simple - either he hooks you or he doesn't. If girls’ questions don’t bother you, then you probably wouldn’t open this article...

Therefore the most main way fighting provocative questions means not giving in to provocations. That is, react as if it doesn’t bother you. Because if you start frantically thinking and coming up with the correct answer, that’s it, you’ve already fallen for a provocation. And even if you answer something, it seems correct, then this will be the beginning. Girls are very good at seeing men's insecurities because it is such a stark contrast to what they value most in men - confidence. Noticing your uncertainty, when trying to answer such a question, a girl can act like an excellent boxer who notices that the enemy has swum - she knocks out such a man with a series of the following questions.

Fortunately, this doesn't always happen. In the first stages of dating and seduction, girls can be especially demanding of men. But in the future, the girl will not finish you off, but will simply take note.

A show of confidence is what a girl needs most often, not the right answer. If you confidently answer “I don’t know,” or “I can’t tell you that,” or “I don’t want to talk about that,” then it will work just like any other answer. But it may raise more questions that you must also answer confidently and calmly. In addition, it often happens that there is no correct answer - the girl just wants to get to know you, and that’s why she asks something.

What questions can most often be considered provocative or inconvenient? First of all, touching on topics to which you do not have an answer, either you yourself are afraid to give one, or you are embarrassed to answer. For example, a list of questions or phrases that may be stressful or seem provocative:

  1. What are you thinking about?
  2. Say something nice...
  3. Do you live with your parents?
  4. What do you do for a living?
  5. Do you have a license/car?
  6. Do you have a girlfriend?
  7. How do you feel about me?
  8. Who am I to you?
  9. Do you like me?
  10. Do you just want sex?
  11. Do you love me?
  12. Is this your first time?

The list goes on. After all, each guy may be slightly different, and if all the questions are summed up, there will be a whole volume of war and peace. The general recommendation is to answer directly, confidently and truthfully. If the truth seems too unpleasant to you, then come up with an answer to ALL questions that are difficult for you in advance.

For example, some guys are afraid that a girl will ask them about a girl and it is difficult for them to answer that she is not there - then he is like a loser, and to say that he is - then what is he with new girl walking. A confident guy would simply tell it like it is, and not worry, but then work with the girl’s reaction. But if this is not your option, then at least come up with some witty answer that you can wrap up in the topic. "Do you have a girlfriend? – (smiling) are you already looking at this role? :))” – and thereby provoke the girl.

Another strategy for responding to a provocative question is to respond not to the question itself, but to the request. After all, a girl asks for a reason, but for some purpose, and sometimes it is more important for her to achieve her goal than to receive an answer. For example, asking who you live with could mean asking “will we have somewhere to have sex?” When you start responding to a girl's requests, you will be surprised how much more productive your communication will become.

To summarize, when answering a girl’s questions, it is important to remain confident, have an answer (the truth or a blank), and answer the girl’s unspoken request. And, probably most importantly, do not perceive the girl as an investigator who is trying to split you during interrogation - treat these questions and answers as entertaining game. Then you will have a good and fun time, not only trying to answer, but forcing the girl herself to work hard on tricky questions.

»What should a girl answer to a tricky question?

What should a girl answer to a trick question?

Communication with girls, especially with your loved ones, has its own specifics. Representatives of the fair sex simply love to discuss relationships and ask questions, answering which can get into trouble. Answer directly - your beloved will be offended, if you start avoiding the answer, you will create a scandal. How to save yours nervous system and, and also what should a girl answer to tricky questions?

Relationships are a fragile phenomenon that must be constantly maintained and protected. In order for a couple to have fewer quarrels and misunderstandings, the guy really needs to be a bit of a psychologist. Since the girl wants to get a definite answer to the questions “what are you thinking about” and “what do I look like?” Often, with the help of such questions, a woman asks for a compliment, from which she will bloom like a flower from water. So, here are the 5 most common trick questions from girls.

What should a girl answer to the question: “Do you love me?”? Probably the best answer would be something like “how can I not love you.” Such a phrase will be pleasant to the girl, and she will not think about the fact that the guy did not directly confess his love to her. By hugging a girl and saying this phrase, you can get out of a situation where the guy is not yet ready for a definite answer. In such a situation, an answer like “I told you so many times!” is absolutely contraindicated. and manifestation of aggression. Otherwise, a scandal is guaranteed.

The second common question – “what are you thinking about” – is fraught with many dangers. By asking it, the other half is trying to find out about the latest events in the guy’s life or his experiences. However, men most often answer him “nothing” or start talking about what he is worried about, whether Barcelona will win the Champions League or what tackle is best to fish with next time. With the first answer, the girl will simply begin to think that the guy is hiding something from her, in the second, she may be offended, since for some reason the man next to her is thinking about his hobbies. Therefore, it is best to answer “I’m thinking about what to give you for the next holiday.” This way you can save time, avoid a quarrel and clarify what the girl wants in quality.

Sooner or later, a girl will ask about the reason for breaking up with her ex-passion. What should you answer the girl in this case? We can say that in that relationship the understanding of each other has disappeared - this will be true to some extent and will not be unpleasant for the other half. The main thing is not to insult your ex, as this will make the guy look bad and provoke current girlfriend compare yourself to your ex.

Questions like “how do I look” and “have I gained weight” very often lead to offended girls. But if you say “you look perfect” or “I’m falling in love with you again,” all subsequent questions disappear. And the girl receives the dose of compliment she needs.

Just remember that these tips will help those who have sincere, perhaps not entirely mature, feelings for their significant other.

Just don’t say that you’ve never heard annoying and stupid questions in your life. Many of these questions are annoying simply because they are asked frequently and not always by those who should know the answers. And it turns out that people most often ask about this are people for whom this topic Quite spicy or just boring.

Unmarried people most often encounter interrogation from relatives: “When are you going to get married?” or “When will we go for a walk at your wedding?” If you are already married, then a new series of questions from friends and family begins: “What are you and your child waiting for?” After giving birth to one child, wait, “When will you have a second one?”

And why not the annoying one: “Did you get a job? And by whom? What’s your salary?”

In such situations, a preliminary “forgive my indiscretion” or “I will understand if you don’t want to answer” does not help, even if what follows is a question that you really want to leave unanswered.

Keep a small selection of the most frequently asked questions, and no longer get lost in the answers. And at the same time, check yourself to see if you have a habit of not being particularly tactful in conversation.

"Hi, how are you?"

Champion of asking questions. The most popular question is followed by the equally popular answer “fine.”

The question itself is a dead end and looks very cliched, and in some places even annoying (is it really impossible to come up with something more interesting?).

HelloKakDela lies in wait for us on almost every corner: on the Internet, on the street and even at home. Of course, “normal” or “hasn’t given birth yet” can be a way out of the situation if you have no desire to communicate with someone you know.

But be careful: “I haven’t given birth yet” can automatically transfer to the block about children.

Try using the counter-question method:

What exactly are you interested in?

What business do you mean?

Are you just asking or are you really interested?

How are you going to use this information?

“Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?”

The second frequently asked question, the purpose of which is not particularly clear.

If you have only recently known the questioner, and he considers it possible to pry into his soul, then make it clear that you will not discuss such issues with him.

During a chance meeting with old acquaintances, we offer you a dramatic answer as an option. Try to portray the abyss of despair and say in a tragic voice: “I beg you! Never, you hear me, never ask me about this!”

Keep a great video lesson, practice and don't thank.

If you have no desire to discuss your personal life or someone else’s, then use the “let’s talk about something else” algorithm and try switching to another topic. After all, as a rule, a laconic yes/no entails a series of other questions in the context.

“Well, did you get married?”

Favorite topic after 10 years of separation from friends, classmates, family events. Often found in other formulations, for example, “When are we going to hang out at your wedding?”, “Who needs/will need you after 25?”, “How long do you think you’ll be a bachelor/girlfriend?”

There is no point in objecting or being offended, because “relatives will not advise you bad things,” and friends will begin to show family photos on a smartphone.

Don’t try to fight other people’s prejudices, but don’t get involved in explaining and justifying your own position. Make it clear to your interlocutor that your current state of affairs is not a matter of chance, but a matter of personal choice.

If you really want to confuse your interlocutor, tell him that you are somewhat disappointed in supermonoamory and were just on your way to a lecture on.

"When will you finally have children?"

“I really want to live to see my grandchildren,” “You will be old parents,” the mother/mother-in-law/mother-in-law complains with a sad face, putting her hand to her chest.

Such a personal question is asked by all and sundry. You can hear it from some relatives in the fifth level whom you see for the first time, friends with strollers, or just acquaintances who have become parents.

Sometimes the answer requires maximum protection, especially for those who are in no hurry to sign up at the district antenatal clinic.

Try the joke "Tomorrow!" or “I/we are about to.” It’s especially good for relatives: “I’m still a child myself!” or “Not ready/ready yet.”

By the way, it’s not bad “Cameron Diaz enjoys babysitting her friends’ kids, but doesn’t understand why she needs children if she’s already happy.”

Or use the tactic of a counter question: “Maybe it’s worth giving birth to a child just so that her friends will finally stop bothering her with questions about heirs?”

Season with the terms “I have jatrophobia, nosocomephobia, as well as dinophobia, alginophobia and obesophobia, and it’s impolite to talk about diseases.” And it doesn’t matter whether the person asking the question knows that these terms hide fear of doctors, hospitals, phobia of nausea, pain and fear of getting fat.

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