Vakhtang Beridze: the current girl did not immediately take me seriously. Vakhtang Beridze biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Vakhtang Beridze where he was filmed

Many people are interested in the wife of Vakhtang Beridze, his biography and personal life, whether the actor has children and other details from life. In the article we will give answers to this and other questions.

Vakhtang Beridze was born in St. Petersburg, it happened in 1980, on December 25th. His parents studied in the cultural capital, and when they graduated from medical school, they went back to Georgia. It was there that Vakhtang spent his childhood. He was attracted to sports, especially swimming, and he even got into the Georgian team, with which he managed to participate in European and world championships.

And yet, in addition to sports, he was terribly attracted to another profession, so Vakhtang went to St. Petersburg to try his hand at the State Academy of Theater Arts. He managed to enter without any problems, and even during his studies he was attracted to acting.

For the first time he appeared on the stage of the Ostrov Theater, when the training was over, Vakhtang went to conquer the capital. There he began to play in the Film Actor Theater.

In addition, for the fourth year in a row, he has been hosting the Oriental Coffee show and working as a presenter on TNT at the School of Repair.

As a TV presenter, he was busy in many projects, worked on TV-3, STS and Fifth channels. He also starred in videos, as his remarkable appearance was highly appreciated.

The film career began in 2000, when Vakhtang was offered a role in The Black Raven, there were other series in his biography that opened the way to larger roles.

About personal life

At the Film Actor's Theater, Vakhtang met his first wife. Olga Arntolts played with him in the play. Working together for about three years, young people saw each other common features and started dating. The novel did not immediately become noticeable to others. Olga hid her relationship with Vakhtang even from her sister, and when she nevertheless heard that Olga and Vakhtang were dating, she immediately tried to dissuade Olga from communication.

Vakhtang is a spectacular man, and it seemed to many that he was pathologically incapable of being faithful.

In 2009, they decided to legalize the relationship, despite the pressure of their sister. Vakhtang made an offer, and Olga could not refuse. The wedding was modest, but the lovers were happy. They lived for four years until they decided on a child.

Daughter Anna became a light in the life of Vakhtang. He actively worked so that his girls did not need anything. However, the idyll cracked in 2015, when Olga got another man.

The divorce for the fans was a complete surprise, because from the side of Vakhtang and Olga were wonderful couple, which is all free time devoted to each other and to the child. However, relatives and close friends have repeatedly admitted that the spouses often had conflicts.

Vakhtang was often surrounded by other women, which made Olga jealous, and then she herself was carried away by Dmitry Petrun. Having received a divorce, Olga officially agreed with him, and a year later they already had joint child- Akim.

It was hard for Vakhtang to part with his beloved woman, but he did everything so that after the divorce their relationship remained friendly. He does not forget about his beloved daughter.

Life after divorce

After yearning for his wife, Vakhtang nevertheless returned to duty and soon - at the end of 2016 - started an affair with Ales Kacher. The Belarussian, the actress who won the Beauty of Moscow in 2013, fascinated him after filming together in the series, where they played the roles of sister and brother.

After filming, they often appeared together, and soon did not hide their warm feelings for each other.

Vakhtang often said that he had charmed Ales for almost seven months, and now they are very happy together. Their relationship continues to develop.

In 2017, Vakhtang worked on several projects at once. Especially noteworthy is the main role in the film "Winning Time", where he was able to demonstrate not only acting talent, but also the skill of a swimmer. In addition, he played in the series "Bunch of Grapes", in "I Love You Any". In 2018, he played in the series The Accidental Bride and Forty Rose Bushes.

Vakhtang Iraklievich Beridze - Russian actor theater and cinema, TV presenter. He starred in the TV series Don't Be Born Beautiful, Cop Wars 2, Secrets of the Investigation, NLS Agency, Black Raven, Stolypin... Unlearned Lessons, The Man in My Head and others. Spouse famous actress Olga Arntgolts.

The main films of the actor Vakhtang Beridze

  • short biography

    Vakhtang Beridze was born on December 25, 1980 in St. Petersburg. Having decided to become an actor, Vakhtang entered the Tbilisi State University, and then graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts. For the first time on the screen, he appeared at the age of nineteen, making his debut in the series "Agent national security» (1999). This was followed by inconspicuous roles in the television projects "Secrets of the Investigation" (2001-2012) and "NLS Agency" (2001-2003). At twenty-three, Beridze joined the troupe of the Ostrov Drama Theater. The beau monde of the cultural capital recognized the talent of the actor by honoring him with the Petersburg Debuts award. A few years later, Vakhtang left St. Petersburg. “After working for three seasons in the St. Petersburg theater, I moved to Moscow. Although there was no such idea, but the proposal that came in 2006 made me take such a step, ”the actor admits.

    Vakhtang received the greatest fame as a TV presenter. He became the face of the programs “City Episodes” and “Apartment on Credit”, aired on TV-3, as well as the program “Now” on Channel Five. Some popularity was brought to him by the roles of Archie in the serial thriller "Black Raven" (2001-2004), Prince Shakhnovsky in the historical project "Stolypin... Unlearned Lessons" (2006), Banderas in the crime film "Cop Wars 2" (2005), manager Grisha in the sensational melodrama of the STS channel "Don't Be Born Beautiful" (2005-2006), a participant in Satan's ball in the film adaptation of "The Master and Margarita" (2005), a guy nicknamed Pizza in the comedy "The Man in My Head" (2009). Although there are no triumphant roles among Vakhtang's cinematic works, he is still recognizable and in demand on Russian television. In addition to the series, the actor appeared in several videos (Jasmine - "Drops of Summer", Tatyana Bulanova - "That's the Way" and others). Beridze often plays in private performances, and also hosts weddings and corporate parties.

    Beridze's fame increased after her marriage to the popular serial actress Olga Arntgolts. Young colleagues met on the stage of the theater. “The relationship between us did not arise immediately. Vakhtang and I played together for five years in the play "Khanuma," Olga shared. - We saw each other from time to time, in this entreprise there were several actors. Well, at some point there was a "click", and everything changed between us. Feelings are hard to describe... The actors got married in 2009, and in September 2013 their daughter Anna was born.

Vakhtang Beridze is a Russian theater and film actor, TV presenter and just an interesting man, who conquered many fans with his oriental appearance. The actor's filmography is not large, but Beridze successfully played on the stages of various state theaters, which earned him the genuine love and admiration of the public. The artist loves his acting so much that today he already has three higher profile educations in different areas of cinema. The actor himself says that this is not the limit, because it is never too late to learn.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vakhtang Beridze

The young actor has always been an object of sigh for many women. Tall, with an athletic build and bright green expressive eyes, Vakhtang Beridze won love not only among regular theater visitors, but also among viewers after the release of domestic films and TV series with his participation. Today, the army of his fans is interested in everything related to acting and the actor's personal life, what he is fond of, what music he listens to, even his parameters: height, weight, age. How old is Vakhtang Beridze helpfully answered the actor's Wikipedia page. Today Vakhtang is 36 years old, he is full of strength and creative plans for the future.

Biography and personal life of Vakhtang Beridze

Vakhtang Beridze was born in Leningrad in 1980. When the boy was five years old, Vakhtang's parents decided to move to their homeland - to Georgia. There Beridze went to school, where he did his homework with pleasure, ran in the yard with the boys, played football and dreamed of becoming an athlete. At that time, the young man successfully went in for swimming, was among the swimmers of the Georgian team and participated in many European and world championships. Vakhtang wanted to connect his life with sports forever, at that time he had already received the title of master of sports and many state awards. But after graduating from school, the guy realized that you need to get higher education, and somewhere to move on. The career of an athlete is usually not long. Injuries, age, constant overload and non-stop preparation for competitions are all an integral part of professional sports, and Vakhtang was well aware of this. Therefore, after consulting with his father, he decided to go to study in Russia, in the city where he was born.

Beridze enters the Academy of Theater Arts without any problems for the first year, and this activity draws in and captivates the guy forever. He gets excited for the first time when he enters the stage of his institute with his thesis.

In the third year of the institute, a talented young man gets a job at the Ostrov Drama Theater in St. Petersburg, where he has been working for three years, until 2006. Appears in various performances on stage, and even then attracts the attention of the public. After the Ostrov Theater, the actor also worked for three years at the State Film Actor Theater. For all my time theatrical work, Beridze appeared on the stage in such classic performances as Crazy Day or the Marriage of Figaro, Romeo and Juliet, as well as in many other modern productions.

At the same time, Beridze attends auditions for films and TV shows, and tries to get at least a small role.

Filmography: films starring Vakhtang Beridze

The filmography of the artist is not large, the actor mainly starred in serials, because playing on the theater stage does not leave him much time for serious roles, and Beridze cannot leave the city for a long time. For the first time he appears on the screen in 2004 in an episode of the TV series "Black Raven", in the same year he plays Prince Shakhnovsky in historical film"Stolypin".

Then the actor appears in the most famous serials on Russian television. Peculiar calling card the actor is participating in the role of bandits in the crime series "Streets of Broken Lights", "Opera", "National Security Agent", "Cop Wars". The pronounced Georgian appearance of the guy allows him to play the role of criminal heroes of non-Russian nationalities with particular persuasiveness.

But Beridze starred not only in typically male TV shows. His roles for the beloved by women and the once popular series “All Men Are Theirs ...” with the same four beautiful actresses, as well as in the serial melodramatic series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful,” where spectators all over the country worried about the personal life of an ugly heroine, allowed the actor to increase the army of his fans. Beridze also played the role of a lawyer in the series of the sitcom Happy Together.

During this time, the actor received another higher education at the State theater university Petersburg, and in 2016 he graduated from VGIK, wanting to get a specialized production education.

During his acting career, the actor had many novels with excellent representatives of the acting profession. The biography and personal life of Vakhtang Beridze are discussed in the press with enviable regularity.

Family and children of Vakhtang Beridze

Not much is known about Vakhtang Beridze's parents. His mother and father are Georgians by nationality, the guy was born in Russia, managed to live on his own historical homeland in Tbilisi, and then returned to St. Petersburg. Vakhtang's parents still live in Georgia.

The personal life of an actor is often the subject of discussion. Before his marriage in 2009 to actress Olga Arntgolts, the media all the time attributed novels to the artist, and it was also said that the family and children of Vakhtang Beridze live separately from their father. Although the actor was married to Olga, one daughter was born. In 2014, the actor starred in the Russian series of the First Channel "The Queen of the Game", where he played leading role.

The actress Nadezhda Bakhtina became the beloved hero of the TV screens. Young people played love on the screen so convincingly that after some time rumors spread in the press that Vakhtang Beridze and Nadezhda Bakhtina were dating. It is not known whether this was actually true, the couple did not confirm the rumors about the affair, but in 2015 Vakhtang divorced his wife. Many believe that the reason for the couple's divorce is the inconstancy of the actor, because there had to be a serious reason for the divorce.

Daughter of Vakhtang Beridze - Anna Beridze

In 2013, Vakhtang and Olga had a daughter, Anechka, in marriage. Young parents did not appear in public with the child and in every possible way protected their daughter from prying eyes and camera shutters, so there are no photos of the child of this beautiful couple on the Internet.

Looking at the girl’s mother, we can say that Anna will grow up to be a real beauty, and perhaps the daughter of Vakhtang Beridze, Anna Beridze, will also become an actress, like her star parents. After the couple's divorce, Beridze's daughter lives with her mother, Olga Arntgolts, and Vakhtang only visits his daughter on weekends.

The ex-wife of Vakhtang Beridze - Olga Arntgolts

Olga grew up in a family of theater actors, so it is difficult to choose future profession the girl did not experience, like her twin sister Tatyana. From the age of 17, Olga began acting in Russian TV series, and today she already has a rather long track record. The girl is also a theater actress, but she loves the sights of movie cameras more than the stage.

Ex-wife Vakhtang Beridze - Olga Arntgolts participated in the Channel One project " glacial period”, where she replaced her sister after Tatyana announced her pregnancy. On the project, Olga learned to skate well, and demonstrated it in tandem with a well-deserved figure skater. Even before the divorce from Vakhtang Beridze, Olga became pregnant from the director of her last movie and gave birth to a son in 2016. Perhaps everyone in the newlywed couple was looking for a relationship on the side, since happy marriage has long since ended.

Vakhtang Beridze and Olga Arntgolts - wedding photo and video

Vakhtang and Olga played in the same theater in the play "Khanuma" for five years. For a long time the young people were just friends, they did not often cross paths backstage, as the play had several cast members. At first, they could not even imagine that they would soon meet, and even start a family. But at one point it all happened, the couple met secretly, the actors did not disclose the details of their personal lives, so that there would be no unnecessary whispering within the walls of their native theater.

One day, work colleagues just found out that Olga got married. The girl went to work the next day to play her performance. Then a wave of messages in the spirit of “Vakhtang Beridze and Olga Arntgolts wedding” rolled on the Internet. Fans also did not see photos from the wedding celebration. Here we must pay tribute to the actors, they protected their marriage from envious eyes and unnecessary gossip.

Instagram and Wikipedia Vakhtang Beridze

Today Vakhtang is not only a theater actor, but also a showman, TV presenter and producer. Beridze hosts the “School of Repair” program on TNT, is the producer of the “Double Standards” program, hosts the morning show on the radio station and starred in a new film, which should be released soon. The actor also communicates with his fans through social media, shares photos and news from his creative life on Instagram. Both Vakhtang Beridze's Wikipedia and Internet reviewers of theaters have pages with information about the actor.

In addition to his acting activities, Beridze also hosts many events in the capital, which deserves special praise from the organizers, co-hosts and colleagues. Recently, an advertising article for a real estate center appeared on the actor’s Instagram. Who knows, perhaps the “School of Repair” inspired the actor to create and open his own business.

Vakhtang Beridze is a young and promising Russian actor who has achieved incredible results for such short period his acting career. He is truly dedicated to the art and gives all the best on the set at 100 percent. It is very difficult to find a person who would not know about the work and achievements of our celebrity.

Career success did not prevent Vakhtang Beridze from creating his personal life, which is the personification of his biography. Today, many fans want to get to know him, since Vakhtang is truly a unique actor.

Vakhtang Beridze was born in the cultural capital of our country. The child appeared in the family on December 25, 1980. At the age of five, he moved to Tbilisi with his family. He graduated from high school in the capital of this country. From childhood he was fond of water sports. He received the title of master of sports and competed in various competitions in Georgia, Russia and Europe as part of the youth team. Of course, sports achivments and preparation more than once helped him on the set.

Took from early childhood active participation in various theatrical performances. At the age of 15, he realized his vocation for art. From that moment I decided that I would forever connect my life with acting. After school, he decided to get an education in St. Petersburg. Having easily passed the exams, he was enrolled in state academy Theater Arts, which he graduated with honors.

The talented student was noticed already in his second year by the famous teacher Soshnikov V.D., who patronized Vakhtang and helped start a career in the Ostrov Theater. At that time, the biography and personal life of Vakhtang Beridze also developed systematically, as did his career. The young and promising actor did an excellent job with all the offers and roles. In general, he was always ahead of everyone.

aspirations young guy it was impossible not to notice. In the theater, he always tried to be the first and agreed to roles that were quite difficult. Therefore, critics paid attention to him. In 2003, the young actor received an award as the youngest debuting actor in St. Petersburg. After completing his studies at the university, the young actor worked for more than three years in one of the Moscow theaters.

Since 2009, the actor begins to combine theater and cinema on professional level, of course, a talented young man starred in serials before that time, but all the roles were secondary and insignificant. He starred in various domestic TV projects, in addition to acting, he tries himself as a radio host and showman.

Today, Vakhtang is developing not only in the field of television and cinema, but is also a radio host. Thanks to good diction, he was invited to work at one of the radio stations. The transfer is a great success. Since 2014, he has been working at Vostok FM radio, where, together with David Petrosyan, he hosts a morning radio show.

Since 2016, he has been actively participating in the filming of the TV program “School of Repair” and broadcasting “Double Standards” on NTV. Of course, considering this format of broadcasts, one cannot but note the fact that only popular celebrities. In this case, Vakhtang has achieved incredible results and can rightfully be a guest of various shows.

In 2017, the biography and personal life of Vakhtang Beridze is developing in an extremely successful way. He continues to work on several major projects and pleases his fans. In general, success came to him for a reason.


Beridze is a sought-after actor of the national cinema and theater, a successful TV presenter. A talented young man seeks to progressively develop, discovering new facets of his enormous talent. professional activity the actor can now be divided into several stages. Wikipedia has a lot about the biography of Vakhtang Beridze interesting information. In fact, his success in the acting field is more related to the desire to develop in this regard. His sports mindset never allowed him to deviate from his intended goal.

Initial acting activity in the theater at Vakhtang is associated with the famous St. Petersburg Drama Theater "Ostrov", where the actor made his debut and began to develop as a full-fledged artist. At this time, under the guidance of the famous professor V.D. Soshnikov, the style of the professional acting of the actor is being formed.

He becomes known to the general public thanks to the role of the pilot Young Sung from the play " a kind person from Sesuan. Then he continues to hone his acting skills, playing in various theater productions. It should be noted that already six months later Vakhtang was invited to play in the play “Guilty Without Guilt”, where he has to play Grigoriyach Neznamov.

Vakhtang tried himself as a presenter

The young artist perfectly coped with the task perfectly, he managed to play a controversial character, displaying the whole gamut of feelings and contradictions that overwhelm Gregory.

Thanks to this debut role, Vakhtang began to be invited to participate in other performances. Soon he becomes known to the general public for his amazing acting in various performances. In 2006, the young actor moved to the capital, where he was offered a place in the capital's theater. Thanks to hard work, the artist, a few months after moving to the capital, participates in the productions of "Holy Boy", "Fool", "Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro".

Activity young man is not limited exclusively to the theater, he takes an active part in various entreprises, participates in tours. He also plays the main roles in interesting solo performances.

In 2007, the artist amazes the audience with his talented performance in the play Oscar and the Pink Lady. Successful biography and the personal life of Vakhtang Beridze cannot be ignored by the media, which very often publish his photo surrounded by ladies. The young and successful actor has already been married several times and today is more focused on his career. Therefore, he is not particularly interested in the rumors spread by magazines and the yellow press.

Movies and series

The participation of the actor in the filming of films and TV shows began in 2000, when Vakhtang got a role in the mystical series Black Raven. The young actor played in it a character named Archie, during the filming he managed to get acquainted with famous Russian actresses and get a unique experience of professional, team work.

Worked in in large numbers famous Russian TV series. By and large, recognition came precisely thanks to such projects. In 2003, the young actor gets a role in the television series "Streets of Broken Lights -5", after which work in various television series known to the domestic audience follows.

Shot from the series "Stolypin ... Unlearned Lessons"

The genre associated with investigations, police and crimes has always been close to Vakhtang. By appearance he is very reminiscent harsh man, which is great for the role of police or bandits. In 2004, Vakhtang takes part in new series, namely, he plays in "National Security Agent", where he meets famous artist- Porechenkov Mikhail.

In 2005, the actor manages to get a role in the famous Russian television series Don't Be Born Beautiful, where he appears before the audience in the role of a car dealership manager. In the same year, Vakhtang received an invitation from director Yuri Kuzin to play a role in his drama, dedicated to the rethinking of such a famous historical personality like Stolypin and its importance in Russian history.

Shot from the film "The Conqueror of Time"

In addition to roles in television series, the actor starred in various films. So in 2000 he plays the role of one of the characters in the film "The Man in My Head", then in the same year he gets a role in the films "The Crime Will Be Solved ...", "Gypsy", "Balzac Age". The films received recognition from television viewers and enjoyed incredible success.

Shot from the series "Queen of the Game"

In 2013, Vakhtang plays one of the main roles in the detective series, where he transforms into investigator Dovzhenko. In general, his career developed very quickly and promising steps. For ten years of work, he managed to try almost all areas of show business and achieved incredible results.

Success as a producer

Vakhtang Beridze is multifaceted and talented person, who is rapidly developing as a person, conquering new heights of show business. He began his first steps on the path of a TV presenter by participating in the City Episodes program, which was broadcast on TV-3. Then he took part in the "Apartment on Credit" project, and then became the TV news host on Channel Five. On this moment he hosts the TV program "School of Repair".

His attractive appearance and athletic figure caused him to receive various invitations to star in music videos. The actor can be seen in the videos of the singer Jasmine, Tatyana Bulanova and the Behind the Scenes group.

In 2014, Vakhtang mastered the profession of a radio host and now delights listeners of the Vostok FM radio channel with his programs. Almost everyone new project Vakhtang becomes instantly successful. He is a true professional in his field, who easily copes with any tasks. Since 2014, he, as an independent producer, has been working on the Double Standards program on the NTV channel.

Actor's personal life

To date, the actor is single. WITH ex-wife he met on the stage of a Moscow theater. immediately won the heart of a young man, but the girl turned out to be impregnable. Only three years later Vakhtang managed to achieve her sympathy. After long term relationship young people realized that they cannot imagine life without each other. In 2009, they got married, and 4 years later they had a daughter, who was named Anna.

In 2015, the couple broke up. The reason for this was the frequent infidelity of the spouse. Vakhtang discovered with horror that Olga had been dating director Dmitry Petrun for a long time. The gap was very painful for Vakhtang. For several months he did not appear in society, worrying about parting with Olga. A year later, he began to appear in public in the company of the beautiful Ales Kacher. Relations with the girl continue to this day, as their joint photos very often appear on the network.

To date, the biography and personal life of Vakhtang Beridze cannot but be covered in the media. mass media. He is rightfully enviable groom, to which almost everyone pays attention. Nothing is known about Vakhtang's further family plans, but he does not forget to devote much time to his daughter, whom he loves very much.

Olga Arntgolts in demand Russian actress known to many viewers of our country. She has appeared in thirty different films and television series. The personal life of Olga Arntgolts, according to the latest news in 2017, is not as eventful as the life of her twin sister Tatyana. Like many popular actresses, Olga prefers not to talk about relationships with the stronger sex, however, there is still some reliable information.


According to some rumors, Olga was in love with her partner Alexei Chadov in the film "Alive". Alexey reciprocated the girl, but the young people hid the romantic relationship. The couple has never confirmed that there is a love affair between them, and in some interviews Olga chose to deny this romance. Personal life does not go unnoticed even now in 2017.

First marriage

Olga's relationship with Vakhtang Beridze began to emerge on the stage of the Moscow Film Actor Theater. More three years young people were partners in the play. After that, a close relationship began. At the very beginning of the events, the actress was in no hurry to talk about her novel even sister, although the girls always supported each other and saw each other often. A little later, Olya nevertheless shared her secret with her sister.

With first husband Vakhtang Beridze

But she has not yet introduced the young man to Tatyana, but only showed a video in which Vakhtang gave an interview in Georgian. The actor struck Tatyana with his beauty, “It is dangerous to fall in love with such men,” she told her sister. Laughing, Olga replied that she would marry him and be like behind a stone wall. In the summer of 2009, Vakhtang Beridze and Olga Arntgolts officially registered their marriage. The wedding was modest, the event was celebrated in the circle of close friends and relatives. After several years, Olga and Vakhtang became parents. The couple had a daughter, the baby was named Anna.

In the summer of 2015, the family had a good relationship, according to the couple's friends, Olga and Vakhtang behaved like newlyweds in love. The couple walked hand in hand, exchanged glances, gave each other kisses and played with their daughter.

But very soon in the autumn of that year it became known that the marriage of Olga Arntgolts and Vakhtang Beridze had seriously cracked. Two months later, the official divorce took place.

Olga Arntgolts: photo

Neither Olga nor her former spouse, did not comment on the event. Later there were rumors that the actress became the initiator of the gap. In the personal life of Olga Arntgolts appeared new lover Dmitry Petrun. According to the latest news in 2017, Olga and Vakhtang still maintain a close relationship. In acting circles, there was also talk about Vakhtang's betrayals, many associates on the stage saw Olga's wife surrounded by young girls. The couple broke up peacefully, but the husband still sincerely experienced a breakup. Olga's father, in one of his interviews, said that there were some problems in his marriage with Vakhtang, he does not regret that the couple broke up and supports his daughter in everything.

New relationship and the birth of a son

As is known, from latest news about the personal life of Olga Arntgolts in 2017, she is in an unofficial relationship with director Dmitry Petrun. According to some journalists, the romance began at work when they were filming the series Officers Wives. The guys spent a lot of time together on the site, they became especially close when the work took place in Ukraine. According to one of the actresses, Dmitry from the first days paid attention to Olga, protected her and cared for her.

The second husband is actress Dmitry Petrun

The couple in love did not advertise their meetings, and the questions asked on this topic remained without comment. In December last year, Olga and Dmitry had a son.

The event took place at the end of December, in one of the Moscow clinics. The baby was born healthy with excellent growth and weight. But about the second pregnancy, the actress chose to remain silent for a long time, and about " interesting position became known only in November 2016.

Almost until the birth of Akim, Olga worked. It is known that instead of maternity leave, the actress chose to go to the set. Fans of Olga Arntgolts' creativity continue to follow her personal life in 2017.


Olga Arntgolts was born on the first spring month 1982. The family of the future actress lived in Kaliningrad. On the same day, Olga's sister, Tatyana, was born. The difference in the birth of girls in time was only about 20 minutes. According to her mother, Valentina Galich, Olya is the youngest of the sisters. I must say that the names Olga and Tatyana went to the sisters for a reason.

The fact is that long before their birth, mom and dad re-read Eugene Onegin more than once, whose heroes they really liked, hence the idea arose to call the girls names from classical literature. The twins were born in creative family, since the father and mother worked in the local drama theater as actors. The communal apartment in which Olya and her sister grew up was located not far from the place of work of her parents. WITH early years Olga visited the theater, as a rule, her mother entrusted the girls to the dresser, who looked after them.

Olga and Tatyana Arntgolts in childhood and now

Despite the insignificant difference at birth, the parents treated Olya as the youngest. She was forgiven for many pranks, but at the same time she could be scolded for her actions, girls were instilled with accuracy from childhood. Unlike Tanya, Olga grew up more shy, it was difficult for her to read the verse on New Year's party, and with a large audience of adults, she felt constrained. A few years later, such fears and complexes disappeared.

Olga studied well at school, the girl managed to attend the gymnastics and pentathlon section. For some time she and her sister studied at music school playing the violin. But music lessons were not easy for Olga and Tanya, and when the time came for the exams, the sister did not come to them. The teacher, of course, noticed the absence of the Arntgolts students and called their parents. As Olga recalls, mom and dad were very upset about this, and she and her sister had to retake exams.

After Olya finished ninth grade high school mom and dad advised Olga to enter the lyceum in the class acting skills. But at that time, the girl wanted to make a career as a journalist. But under the influence of her father, who told how useful the training would be, Olga entered the Lyceum. During the training, Olga learned to dance, move correctly on stage, and are not afraid of the audience and the camera. Not much time has passed since the beginning of her studies, and Olga has already changed her mind about being a journalist and firmly saw herself as a professional actress.

Olga with her sister Tatiana

After graduating from the lyceum, Olga and her sister go to Moscow to take exams at the theater institute. Despite big competition, both Olga and Tatyana successfully passed creative tests and were enrolled in the first year of the Shchepkin Institute. Olga got into the group led by Afonin.

Arntgolts and his sister lived in a hostel during their studies. The living quarters were small and in addition to the sisters, two more girls lived. The first days Olga was literally shocked by the mess, but gradually Arntgolts, whom her parents taught to be neat from childhood, put the room in order.

On the set of the series "Simple Truths"

During their studies, Olga and Tatyana practically did not quarrel and tried to help each other in everything. The sisters lived together for a long time. So after the hostel, they rented an apartment together, and then lived on their own square meters.

In June 2003, Olga graduated from the university. Both sisters took part in the graduation performance "Little Tragedies" by the press of A.S. Pushkin. Olga played Donna Anna in it.

Shot from the series "Samara"

Even while studying at the institute, Olya made her debut in the TV series NEXT. Further, there was main job in the series "Three against all." In 2003, Olga and Tatyana worked together in the detective film "Why do you need an alibi." A year after graduation, it became popular. On the street, the girl was recognized, asked for autographs. Today in 2017, as then, the personal life and career of Olga Arntgolts is interesting to many fans.

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