Dmitry Tarasov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. The ex-wife of Dmitry Tarasov hinted at the reason for his separation from Olga Buzova Who was the first wife of football player Dmitry Tarasov

The loving Dmitry Tarasov at one time divorced his first wife for the sake of Olga Buzova, leaving her only a daughter from the common property. Oksana Tarasova had to go through the courts to get compensation from her unfaithful husband. However, it seems that it is customary for football players to leave their wives, leaving them only children. Remember, for example, the story of Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin.

Now Oksana Tarasova receives good content from her ex-husband, so she refuses to comment on the latest news about his personal life. Nevertheless, the girl in her microblog from time to time releases sharp hairpins at the former.

Subscribers Oksana Tarasova ridiculed the women of her ex-husband

Today, a message appeared on Oksana Tarasova's Instagram in which the footballer's ex-wife shared her thoughts on the romantic relationship between a man and a woman. The woman noted that it is worth trusting your loved ones, but at the same time do not forget to insure yourself by registering real estate:

If you love, never listen to anyone's advice, do not believe rumors and trust your loved ones ... But! Decorate the apartment better for yourself))))))

It is clear that Oksana subtly hinted at the divorces of her ex-husband, who during the two trials did not leave any of the property to either Oksana herself or Olga Buzova.

Oksana Tarasova's subscribers immediately began vying to discuss the football player's personal life. Followers recalled how, during a divorce from Buzova, it became known that Tarasov registered real estate for his mother. The subscribers did not pass by the fact that the new passion of the football player Anastasia Kostenko puts on things that are very similar to those worn by Olga Buzova, being married to a football player. At the same time, commentators do not name names, making only hints at the heroes of this story:

solo_nat_ it’s better to register for mom, it’s a pity that I found out about this in the process of dividing property

elenochka2203 And also, if you love, you don't have to spend money on clothes and expensive gifts. You can give what the former left behind

0707tatjana1304 @elenochka2203 some males do just that. And then the subscribers contemplate the whole instagram either the pink shorts of the former, the dress, the earrings, the glasses, and so on ad infinitum. The arrogance of some people is astonishing.

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Dmitry Tarasov turned 30: for the first time in 6 years, the athlete celebrated his birthday without Olga Buzova. At his party, he first appeared with his new lover Anastasia Kostenko. It is ironic that the celebration on the occasion of the anniversary of Dmitry took place in the same institution where in 2012 he celebrated his wedding with Olga.

Many fans criticized Anastasia Kostenko, accusing her of taking a married man away from her family. Others immediately remembered Tarasov's first wife, whom he left for the sake of relations with the star of the reality show "Dom-2" Olga Buzova.


Subscribers of Oksana Tarasova on Instagram decided to ask how it really was: “Oksana, please tell me, is it true that Buzova stole your husband from you?” Oksana tried to honestly answer the question of interest: “This is an old story, completely uninteresting to me. I think everything is obvious and so. My life will not change, but someone's PR concept of great universal suffering and the "injustice" of fate may hopelessly collapse. So let's leave this question unanswered."

When Olga and Dmitry were just starting to meet in 2011, the TV presenter was repeatedly accused of taking her husband away from her family with a child. Tarasov then defended his former lover and said that she did not influence the divorce and he broke up with his wife even before meeting with the TV presenter.

Recall that in a recent interview with Dom-2 magazine, the TV presenter said that she considered herself guilty that her marriage to Tarasov broke up. “I could imagine anything, but not what happened to me. I try to live anew, to fully understand, experience and get rid of this situation. At the same time, a colossal reassessment of values ​​has already taken place. There are new goals. Probably, I myself am to blame for everything: I put my personal life on display, ”said the star.

Oksana Ponomarenko and Anastasia Kostenko
Photo: Instagram

The first wife of Dmitry Tarasov, Oksana Ponomarenko, told social network subscribers about how their common daughter and the football player are taking their first steps in the modeling business. Nine-year-old Angelina is already posing for photographers with might and main, and, according to the ex-wife of the Lokomotiv midfielder, the camera loves the girl very much.

Angelina tries herself in the modeling business
Photo: Instagram

In turn, Anastasia Kostenko, who will soon give the athlete a second child, published a post on her Instagram page in which she condemns parents who give small children as models.

“I don’t like it when mothers “sculpt” a small copy of a child with the help of various photo programs and applications,” Tarasova’s current wife wrote on Instagram.

The star accompanied the entry with a photo of Anastasia Knyazeva, who is considered the most beautiful girl in the world.

Kostenko criticized parents who give the child to the model
Photo: Instagram

Ponomarenko, in turn, decided not to openly confront the pregnant Kostenko. She hit back with a post featuring the parable of the lion and the dog.

“One day a dog came to a lion and challenged him to a fight. But the lion did not even pay attention to her. Then the dog said: “If you don’t fight me, I will go and tell all my friends that the lion is afraid of me!” To which the lion replied: “I’d rather be judged for the cowardice of a dog than the lions will despise me for fighting dogs.” Moral: Know your worth, ”wrote ex-wife Tarasova.

However, Oksana's subscribers already understood everything. “I really like your subtle sarcasm. You are a very smart and well-mannered girl”, “How subtly, however”, “I taunted me so much! I love you, Oksana,” Ponomarenko commented on the social network post.

Tarasov's ex-wife answered with the current talking parable
Photo: Instagram

After the divorce of Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova, many Internet users subscribed to the Instagram of the first wife of the football player Oksana. The other day, the girl decided to arrange a live broadcast with followers to answer their questions.

Oksana immediately dismissed the requests of subscribers to report what she thinks about the new beloved Dmitry Anastasia Kostenko. But about her colleague in misfortune Olga Buzova, the young mother spoke more willingly and ... praised her clips. But not everything is so simple - Oksana does not like the vocal data of the newly-minted singer.

“I have no offense to Olya. Regarding her last song - I liked the video, she is beautiful in a red hat, she is great. But she has the voice of a man who is sick with sinusitis. Well, sorry guys. I don’t offend Olga, she’s fine, only her voice ... Yes, Olga is a star. No, I don’t communicate with her, but I follow her work, ” - Oksana said frankly.

Followers are perplexed why Oksana suddenly changed her attitude towards the star, because back in the spring of this year she ridiculed Olga and her suffering due to a divorce from Dmitry. Interestingly, do the daughters of Oksana and Dmitry, 8-year-old Angelina, like the songs of the former stepmother?

The ex-wife of Dmitry Tarasov likes the videos of the new singer.

However, Oksana believes that Olga needs to take several vocal lessons.

Oksana is sure that her former rival will succeed.

Oksana Osinkina and Dmitry Tarasov were together for three years.

Dmitry left Oksana for Olga Buzova.

Oksana Osinkina and Dmitry Tarasov were together for three years

Oksana Tarasova alone is raising her daughter Angelina from her marriage to Dmitry.

Dmitry does not forget about his daughter and often spends time with her.

Recently, Dmitry introduced his daughter to a new lover, Anastasia Kostenko.

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