Table selection of the optimal variant of the profession. Project "My future profession is a design engineer". Is it possible to choose a business to your liking for life

Step 1. Identifying the problemIdentifying the problem area
End of 9-11 grades, surrender
exams; (describe in detail
Definition of an educational institution and
the name of the specialty received
at this educational institution.
Definition of health status.

Step 2. Awareness of the problem area

Step 3. Identification of a specific need

Is the need for choice
specific profession,
according to your
interests and opportunities
paramount or not?
Give your answer details

Step 4. Definition of a specific task and its formulation

Analysis of a specific profession,
identifying its main
human requirements and
identify opportunities
mastering this profession.
Formulation of the main task

Step 5. Identification of the main parameters.

1. The chosen profession must satisfy
individual personal and psychophysical
2. The availability of training is necessary
profession (the presence of an educational institution).
3. Material costs for obtaining
specialties must be
family financial capacity.
4. Demand for the profession in the labor market.

Step 6. Identification of traditions, history, trends.

The right choice is based on the collection
information about the profession. You need
discover how they change over time
requirements for the training of specialists.
Information sources:
1. Parents, friends, teachers.
4. Mass media.

Step 7. Activity Analysis

Based on this algorithm, compose and analyze
your thought pattern.
Algorithm of professional self-determination.
1. Determination of interests and inclinations.
2. Analysis of professional activity in accordance with
interests and inclinations.
3. Identification of individual personal and
psychophysical characteristics.
4. Correspondence of individual characteristics with
requirements of professional activity.
5. Determination of socio-economic factors of choice
professions: ways and conditions for obtaining vocational education,
material costs of education.
6. Professional test.
7.Professional plans and perspective.

Step8. Development of ideas, options, alternatives.

1. Based on the OPG methodology
define the scope of professional
2. Using Internet sites, in
which provides descriptions and
characteristics of professions, write out
a number of specialties belonging to
chosen area of ​​professional

Step 9. Determining the requirements for professional activity.

1. Select the parameters related to your field
professional activity.
Example: The job must:
- be varied;
- Have a transformative, creative character;
- Stimulate knowledge and
- Conform to psychophysical and social
human needs.
2. Write out the basic requirements for the future
professional activity, to conclude.

Step 10. Analysis and synthesis of ideas

Of all the above
professions to choose the most
appropriate rating in points (from 1 to 5)
according to the main parameters.
Analyze received in
table results. Draw a conclusion
(Is this option the best).

The choice of the optimal variant of the profession

Votreb Corresponds
According to the profession
Material Qty
ovannos tvie
train on
personality psychophysiological costs
and I
ic on
character character receiving
to stylists to stylists

Step 11. Studying the content of the future profession

professiogram and
psychogram (description
activities) future
Occupations (Create for 23 occupations from step 10).

Example: Profession teacher - CHPFM

1. Types of professions (by subject of labor):
Ch-P; Ch-T; Ch-ch; Ch-Z; Ch-X.
2. Classes of professions (according to the purposes of work):
G-gnostic (to explore, recognize,
differ); P-converting (by processing,
moving, compiling); Research (exploratory, inventive).
3. Departments of professions (by tools):
R-Manual; M-machine-manual;
A-automated; F-functional.
4. Groups of professions (according to working conditions):
B-domestic microclimate; O-outdoors;
H - unusual conditions; M-moral


1. A good supply of physical strength and general condition
2. Strong nerves.
3. Self-control.
4. The ability to evenly distribute attention.
5. Ability to perceive dynamic relationships.
6. Contemplative type of psyche.
7. High level of intellectual development.
8. The objective nature of thinking.
9. Objective character of thinking.
10. Strong "chess" memory.
11. Synthetic power of thinking and representation.
12. Combinatorial ability.
13. Disciplined will.

Step 12. Determining the ways of obtaining a profession and choosing a place of study

basket (rub.)
training (full-time,
part-time, full-time
, evening).
training (rub.)
Location selection
training (named
no educational
Type of training
institutions (state
(the address)
training (years,
(the date)
e hostels

Step 13. Prediction of further professional career

Create an individual program
self-improvement and development.(
What success do you want and can
achieve in your future profession).
All your professional plans and
reflect your thoughts in the form
professional growth forecast and

Step 14. Conclusion

steps taken and
self give
self assessment.

The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Job Files" tab in PDF format


In high school, most teenagers are puzzled by career choices. The future fate of a person depends on the correctness of this choice. . The relevance of this topic is beyond doubt, since the number of professions is constantly growing, which means it is becoming increasingly difficult to choose a suitable profession for yourself. I chose this topic because I myself am now a 10th grade student and, like all my peers, I faced the problem of choosing a profession . I still have not finally decided on my future profession, so I think that this work will be useful both to my classmates and to myself.

Currently, most school graduates have little idea of ​​their future profession, as well as the knowledge and skills that will be useful to them in it. This leads to the fact that people are disappointed in their chosen profession and either work all their lives in an unloved job, or go to get another specialty. In both cases, people spend several years of their lives receiving an education that does not live up to their expectations.

The purpose of this work is to determine and analyze the optimal algorithm for choosing a profession.

The following tasks follow from this goal:

one). Consider all possible types of professions.2). To analyze the market of professions in the Perm region.3). Identify mistakes that are made when choosing a profession.4). Conduct a sociological survey.5). Describe in detail the process of choosing a profession.

When writing this work, sociological surveys and studies were conducted, as well as scientific articles and works on this issue were analyzed.

1 Theoretical consideration of the issue

1.1 The market of professions in the Perm region

In this paper, I will consider the labor market on the example of the Perm Territory and the city of Perm. When choosing a profession, you should take into account the specialization of your region and which industries are developed in it, in order to become a sought-after specialist in the future and not have difficulty finding work in your city.

Perm employers largely support Russian trends in the labor market. There are several leading industries in the Perm Territory: oil and gas processing, petrochemistry, woodworking, mechanical engineering, electric power industry and food industry. Consequently, in this region, specialists working in these industries are in demand. Just like in Russia as a whole, doctors, teachers, programmers and IT specialists are needed in Perm. But this does not mean at all that you need to refuse to choose other professions, since true professionals in their field will always be in demand.

The average salary in the Perm Territory is 20,000 rubles, and the number of open vacancies fluctuates around 74,000.

More than half of the vacancies in the Perm Territory are located in the city of Perm, in second place - Berezniki, and in third - Tchaikovsky.

1.2 Variety of professions

When choosing a profession, two main criteria should be taken into account: personal qualities and professional suitability. This means that a person must not only want to work in a certain area, but also have certain abilities for self-realization in it.

The most elementary division of professions by type of activity is the division into technical and humanitarian professions. The abilities corresponding to a certain kind of activity can be pronounced, but sometimes there are people who have qualities that are characteristic of both technical and human sciences. In any case, there are a huge number of professions that require a wide variety of qualities, so there is no person who cannot find a suitable profession.

Before choosing a specific future profession for yourself, you need to decide on the direction to which it will relate. Usually there are five directions: Man-Man, Man-Artistic image, Man-Technology, Man-Sign system, Man-Nature. This classification seems to me too generalized.

Types of professions

Profession examples


Auto mechanic, car mechanic, engineer, mechanic, metallurgist, electrician, builder, power engineer


Economist, accountant, merchandiser, realtor, manager, marketer


Actor, designer, artist, photographer, hairdresser, fashion designer, director

Military pilot, military signalman, tanker, gunner, paratrooper, marine


Doctors of any specialization, nurse, paramedic, pharmacist, obstetrician


School teacher, kindergarten teacher, psychologist, tutor


Lawyer, prosecutor, judge, lawyer, social worker


Philologist, writer, translator, journalist, linguist, translator, editor


Truck driver, pilot, sailor, train driver, stewardess

Agricultural and livestock

Agronomist, ecologist, geologist, veterinarian, cynologist, farmer

Security spheres

Security guard, policeman, firefighter, criminologist, customs officer, EMERCOM worker

2 Analytical part

2.1 Typical mistakes when choosing a profession

Choosing a profession is a complex and responsible matter, which should be approached seriously and only balanced decisions should be made. A careless attitude to choosing a profession can lead to a mistake, due to which a person can spend several years studying a profession that is not suitable for him. The following describes the most common mistakes that are made when choosing a profession.

1. Inability to analyze one's own abilities and inclinations. In order to become an outstanding specialist in any field, you must have certain abilities and inclinations that will help you achieve high results. Sometimes people cannot determine their inclinations, which is why they choose a profession in which they cannot fully realize themselves and show their talents.

2. The influence of the popularity and prestige of the profession. Many people choose popular or prestigious professions without thinking about whether they will enjoy this work and whether they will be able to fully realize their potential in it, and most importantly, whether their specialty will be in demand.

3. Fascination with the outer side of the profession. When choosing a profession, people usually present it the way they want to see it. At the same time, some features or difficulties of the chosen profession are usually not taken into account or even remain unknown. As a result, a person may become disillusioned with a profession for which he has spent several years learning.

4. Choosing a profession under the influence of friends. At school, children have friends and acquaintances with whom they get used to studying and communicating every day. Therefore, when it comes time to choose a profession, many go to study for the same professions, only in order not to be separated from their friends. Such a choice usually does not lead to anything good.

5. Lack of independence in choosing a profession. Parents often decide for the child his fate, forcing him to continue the family business or learn a profession that brings a lot of income. Often, in such situations, the child does not like the profession he is studying and, having received an education, he goes to work not in his specialty.

6. Comparison of the school subject with the corresponding profession. The knowledge acquired at school is only general and superficial information about various sciences. Therefore, good performance in certain subjects at school does not guarantee success in a profession related to these subjects. When choosing a future profession, it is worth, first of all, focusing on the specific knowledge that will be useful in it, and not on the school subjects associated with it.

7. Lack of awareness about the world of professions. Today, there are a huge number of professions in the world. A person may not even know about some professions, but it is possible that one of them may be ideal for him.

8. Underestimation of their physical abilities. Some professions require perfect health, which many people do not have from birth. It is better for a person with health problems to immediately discard such professions and look for options that suit him.

9. Choosing a profession is equivalent to choosing the level of education. There is a common misconception that in order to get any highly paid and prestigious job, you must have a higher education. This statement is not true, since getting a good job first of all requires knowledge and abilities, and not a diploma of higher education.

2.2 How to avoid mistakes when choosing a profession

In most cases, students who choose their profession are advised to take professional tests, in which they are offered to get acquainted with the profession they are interested in. The purpose of these tests is to gain practical work experience and to identify schoolchildren's inclinations to work in a particular specialty. In practice, professional tests are not highly effective and rarely contribute to the choice of profession. This is explained by the fact that, as a result, participants in professional tests are not given the opportunity to really try themselves in a particular profession, since this is basically impossible due to their lack of necessary knowledge and skills. Usually, all professional tests come down to communicating with representatives of a profession or visiting enterprises where they work. Such events usually do not give the desired result, because they do not fully show all the objective qualities and features of the profession. However, people who have decided on their future profession should definitely go through professional tests of this profession in order to get to know it better.

3 Design part

3.1 Opinion poll

The survey involved 40 people aged 16-17 years, including 25 boys and 15 girls. All respondents were asked the following questions: 1). Have you finally decided on the choice of profession? 2). What are you guided by when choosing a profession? 3). What influenced your career choice the most?

Based on the results of this sociological survey, diagrams were compiled

According to the results of the sociological survey, it can be seen that the majority of respondents have not yet decided on their future profession and are trying to choose their specialty based on external factors, and not on an analysis of their abilities and inclinations.

3.2 Career selection process

To solve the problem of choosing a profession, I made my own plan that can help an undecided person choose the best future profession for himself. 1. The decision to start choosing a profession. Usually the problem of choosing a profession arises in front of a student in grades 9-10. Most children are not ready to make an independent and deliberate solution to this problem. But in order to receive education in the future, it is necessary to at least partially determine the direction of the future profession. Seriously deciding to choose a profession is the first and most important step to getting it! 2. Collection of information that can help in choosing a profession. In order to choose the right profession for yourself, you must first find out which professions are now in great demand on the labor market, which professions are the most highly paid and which professions are the most promising. This will help you avoid situations in which your specialty becomes irrelevant or unclaimed. 3. Building an image of a future profession based on an analysis of one's own abilities and inclinations. In order to choose a profession, you must first understand what you want to receive from this profession other than money (the ability to communicate with new and interesting people, improve yourself, learn something new, travel, invent something new, etc.). Next, try to list all the strengths of your character and all your hobbies, and then think about what professions you might need this for. 4. Search for suitable professions, their evaluation and selection of the best option. Now it remains to choose a profession that matches your desires, allows you to show your strengths and will coincide with your hobbies (only in this case you will have the opportunity to fully fulfill yourself in your chosen profession). It is desirable that this profession is also relevant in the future, in demand in the labor market and highly paid. In most cases, all these requirements are not combined in one profession, but a profession where most of these requirements are met will be the one for you. the best option!


Analyzing all of the above, we can conclude that choosing a profession is one of the most important decisions in life. It is because of the importance of this choice that it is worth taking it seriously and responsibly. The main rule that should be followed when choosing a profession is paying attention, first of all, to your interests and inclinations, and not to external factors and the opinions of others. Confucius said: "Choose a job you love and you won't have to work a single day in your life." This wisdom explains why the choice of a profession must be conscious, balanced and must be taken on your own, because no one knows you as well as you do!


one). Klimov E.A. "Psychology of professional self-determination" - Moscow: Prosveshchenie Publishing House, 2004.

2). Kon I. S. "Psychology of a high school student" - Moscow: Prosveshchenie Publishing House, 1980.

3). Parnov D. “Who to be? Secrets of choosing a profession" - Moscow: "Knizhny Mir" Publishing House, 2014.

4). Robinson K. "Find your calling" - Moscow: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber Publishing House, 2014.

5). Solovyov A. "Choice of profession" - Moscow: Eksmo Publishing House, 2013.

6). Urutina T. M., Ageeva L. G. "Typical difficulties and mistakes in choosing a profession among high school students" - Moscow: Young Scientist Publishing House, 2015.


Application No. 1

Application №2

Application №3

All-Russian Festival of Pedagogical Creativity

2014-2015 academic year year

Nomination: "Project and creative activity of students"

creative project


Fefilov Nikolay, 11a class

under the direction of

Solovieva Anna Leonidovna

MBOU secondary school No. 49




1.1. Carrying out diagnostics of individual personal and psychophysical qualities and abilities……………………………………...

1.2. Analysis of specialties of the profession engineer……………………………….



2.1. Choosing an educational institution of vocational education in the city of Yekaterinburg……………………………………………………………...

2.2. Professional test …………………………………………………....

2.3. Introspection……………………………………………………………………....





I thought about the choice of my future profession in the 9th grade. After all, then me and my classmates had to decide what to do next? Go to the 10th grade and continue your studies at school, or choose a different path and try yourself in a college, technical school? Many of us chose the first option. Of course, this choice was largely influenced by the parents, and to be honest, I didn’t really want to change the already established usual school life for an unknown study at a technical school or college at that time.

Living in the Uralmash district of Yekaterinburg - an area built near the industrial giant "Ural Heavy Engineering Plant" - you are imbued with its history, you will learn a lot of new interesting facts about the life of the area and its inhabitants.

The first excursion to the Uralmash plant sunk into my memory very strongly. I was amazed by the impressive size of the equipment, which is moved and controlled by the strong hands of the plant workers, I learned that it was the Uralmash plant that during the Great Patriotic War produced tens of thousands of military and tank artillery and ammunition, it was on it that the unique technology of casting T tank turrets was introduced -34. It was very interesting to see the work of the model of the largest walking excavator produced in the USSR - EKG - 5A [Appendix 2].

At school, drawing and technology were some of my favorite subjects. I especially liked to perform various layouts, scans of parts, the accuracy of the drawing of which determines the result of all further work on the creation of any product.

Hence my interest in the profession of an engineer who creates projects for future structures, equipment and machinery. I understand that this is a very responsible, difficult and difficult job, and training in this profession will be quite long and difficult, but I still want to try my hand at this field.

The relevance of the research problem : The variety of specialties of the engineering profession provides great opportunities for choice, but you need to choose only one of them.

Object of study: profession engineer

Subject of study : specialty profession engineer

Target : Conduct an analysis of the many specialties of the engineer profession.

In accordance with the goal, the followingtasks :

    Conduct an analysis of the literature and other information sources on the research problem.

    Conduct a diagnosis of your personal and psychophysical individual characteristics.

    To study individual characteristics for compliance with the requirements for the profession of an engineer.

    Conduct a comparative analysis of options for specialties of the engineer profession, choosing the most optimal one for yourself.

    To study the content of the future profession through the "Professional test".

    Make a choice of a future professional educational institution.


    1. Carrying out diagnostics of individual personal and psychophysical qualities and abilities.

In the 9th grade, in the classroom of the subject “Your professional career”, in order to determine the scope of professional activity, I participated in the following questionnaires on professional orientation: “Questionnaire of professional preferences”, test “Determining the type of future profession” (according to E.A. Klimov’s classification), “Differential -diagnostic questionnaire”, “Profession choice matrix” G.V. Rezapkina and a number of others, and also studied character, temperament, attention, motivation and self-esteem.

With the help of these methods, it was possible to determine the scope of professional preferences - "Man - technology" and a list of possible technical specialties: architect, auto mechanic, locksmith, design engineer, design engineer, labor protection engineer, technician, electrician, electric and gas welder and others.

Having studied information from various sources about the professions of interest to me from this list, having visited excursions, I chose the profession of an engineer, so my further education continued in the 10th grade, since admission to engineering studies takes place on the basis of 11 classes or after graduating from college in specialized specialties.

To establish the compliance of personal and psychophysiological individual characteristics with the requirements for the professionengineer [Appendix 1] I used the methods of "Determination of the professional orientation of the personality" by J. Holland and "Type of thinking" .

The result of the methodology carried out by J. Holland "Determining the professional orientation of the personality" became two types of personality: "Realistic type", whose representatives prefer activities that require motor skills, dexterity, specificity, and corresponding to this type of profession - mechanic, electrician, sailor, engineer, driver, etc.; "Intellectual" type - focused on mental work, likes to solve problems that require abstract thinking, professions - mathematician, physicist, astronomer, etc.

The type of visual-figurative thinking possessed by people with an artistic mindset who can imagine both what will be and what has never been and never will be - artists, poets, writers, architects, engineers, designers was determined in the method "Type of thinking ".

Thus, based on the results of the conducted test methods, we can conclude that my abilities and inclinations correspond to the requirements of the engineer profession.

1.2. Analysis of specialties of the engineer profession

In order to decide on the choice of a future profession, we have selected 5 parameters for comparing the specialties of the engineer profession:

    Availability of training – territorial proximity of the university, temporary employment (first / second shift).

    Demand in the labor market of Yekaterinburg - the ratio of the capacity of demand and supply of these specialists, and the number of proposals does not satisfy the existing demand.

    Correspondence of personal characteristics - volitional qualities, self-esteem, motivation, leadership qualities, responsibility and other personality characteristics to the requirements of the profession for a person.

    Correspondence of psychophysical characteristics - compliance of temperament, thinking, attention, imagination, physical health, etc., with the requirements of the profession for a person.

    Material costs for obtaining a profession - form of education (budget / off-budget), tuition fees, housing (providing a hostel to non-residents), encouraging academic success (scholarships).

    Career opportunities - advancement and professional growth.

Table 1 presents an analysis of some specialties of the engineering profession. The assessment is made on a scale from 1 - 5 points (1 - "low" to 5 - "high").

Table 1

The choice of the optimal variant of the profession


Specialty Requirements

Availability of training

Demand in the labor market



Material costs for obtaining a profession

Career Opportunities

Number of points

Personal characteristics

Psychophysical characteristics

Design Engineer

Engineer - technologist

Railway engineer

Engineer estimator

Energy Engineer

environmental engineer

Labor protection engineer

As a result of the analysis of the specialties of the engineer profession given above, three specialties scored the most points:design engineer, process engineer, communications engineer.

These specialties were chosen by me because they are most in demand on the labor market, have the shortest period of study, my personal and psychophysical characteristics and inclinations meet the requirements of the profession, the possible material costs for training are approximately the same, entrance exams for all three engineering specialties: physics, mathematics, Russian language; location of educational institutions suitable for me.


2.1. Choosing an educational institution for vocational education in Yekaterinburg

Table 2 presents institutions of vocational education, as well as areas where you can get training and get professions identified as a result of the comparison of specialties and scored the highest scores.

table 2

Information about universities in Yekaterinburg, where

engineering education



Institute (faculty)



Entry exams

Training period

Form of study



190303 "Electric transport of railways"

Specialization: Electric locomotives and electric trains

Russian language


Full-time / part-time

Railway engineer

190401 "Power supply of railways"

Specialization: Power supply of railways

Full-time / part-time


230201 "Information systems and technologies"

Specialization: Information systems and technologies

Russian language


Full-time / part-time

190402 "Automation, telemechanics and communications in railway transport"

Specialization: Automation and telemechanics in railway transport;

Systems for the transmission and distribution of information on the railway. transport

Railway engineer

UrFU them. the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin

Mechanical Engineering

03/15/05 "Design and technological support of machine-building industries"

Russian language


Applied Bachelor

Full-time / part-time

Design engineer

15.03.04. "Automation of technological processes and production"

Russian language


Full-time / part-time

Process Engineer

According to table 2, I can select for myself the direction that is of the greatest interest and suits me according to the parameters estimated in table 1 - 15.03.05. "Design and technological support of machine-building industries".

2.2. Professional test

The stage of professional trial is an important stage in professional self-determination. It is he who makes it possible to understand and feel, check and experience the content of professional activity and make the final choice.

My professional test took place at the lessons of drawing and technology. On them I learned about the properties and features of working with wood, metal, about the rules for working with drawing and carpentry tools, learned to read and make drawings of parts.

About 3 years ago I was presented with a constructor - a prefabricated model of a tank. Details of such a designer can be made of plywood, rubber, plastic and other materials.

Building kits has become my passion. I collected about 10 different models, among which were ships, tanks and armored vehicles.

The most complex model was the Fürst Bismarck armored cruiser, consisting of more than 3000 parts, different in size and complexity of the connection. I have been building this model for about 2 years. It was really hard and painstaking work.

Despite all the difficulties, I do not give up my hobby. Several models were made by me independently: from the idea of ​​the model, the execution of the necessary drawings, the selection of materials, the manufacture of parts and the assembly stage of the model [Appendix 3].

Now, together with my father in the country, we are doing even more difficult work - we are building a bathhouse.

This work allows you to understand the process itself. I already have an idea and can perform, of course not without help, some operations, for example, calculate the required amount of materials, I know how to pour the foundation, lay the walls and install the roof.

Unfortunately, there is still no special knowledge and professional experience in order to pass a professional test in production.

2.3. Introspection

In order to evaluate the work done on professional self-determination based on the analysis of various sources of information, methods, the following indicators and criteria were selected, presented in Table 3. The assessment is made on a scale of 1-3 points.

Table 3

Life and professional intentions.

    awareness of the meaning and purpose of one's life;

Not clear enough

    attitude to various types of labor;

Positive and respectful attitude

    the importance of choosing a profession in a person's life;

Choosing the right profession can make a person happy in life

    choice of profession;

The choice of a specific profession has been made

    intentions after grade 9;

Continue studying in 10th grade

    motive for choosing this profession;

Demand for the profession in the labor market, interest in professional activities

Knowledge of the future profession.

    knowledge of sanitary and hygienic and economic working conditions;

    knowledge of the requirements of the chosen profession for a person;

    work experience in the chosen profession;

At this stage there is no

    availability of initial professional knowledge;

In the process of acquisition

    knowledge of the way to get a profession;

Three options for obtaining a profession have been identified

    knowledge of the prospects for professional growth.

Knowledge of your professional abilities.

    the presence of interest in the future profession;

The chosen profession corresponds to my desires

    availability of abilities for the chosen type of professional activity;

During the diagnostics, the identified abilities and qualities necessary for mastering this profession

    health compliance with the requirements of the profession;


    availability of knowledge in general education subjects directly related to the future profession.

Evaluation of knowledge in subjects related to the future profession - "good"

An analysis of the results of the work done showed that it is still necessary to study the content and conditions of professional activity, as well as the prospects for professional growth, to concentrate on filling the gaps in general education subjects related to the future profession.


When writing a creative project, an analysis of the literature on the topic under study was carried out, as a result of which the features of the profession of an engineer and the requirements for it were studied, diagnostics of individual personal and psychophysical characteristics were carried out.

The paper analyzes the specialties of the engineer profession, considers educational institutions of higher professional education where you can get this profession, analyzes individual abilities and inclinations, establishes their compliance with the requirements of the engineer profession, and conducts a professional test.

The results I have obtained inspire me very much to direct all my efforts at the present moment to prepare for the Unified State Examination. I'm excited as this will be the final stage of my professional tryout that I have to go.

In my opinion, I correctly chose my future profession. I believe that it is impossible to get the result of professional self-determination based only on the correspondence of individual inclinations and abilities to the requirements of the profession, since this is not a complete basis for this. After all, a person, in addition to this, must also have a desire to engage in this type of activity, otherwise all work, no matter what it is, will only be a burden to him.

In case I fail to implement one of the three ways I have chosen to get a profession, I have a fourth way, by implementing which I will get the profession of an auto mechanic at the Avtomatika technical school, direction 01/23/03. "Auto Mechanic"[ 1 ] .


1. GAOU SPO SO ET "Automatics". For students [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

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3. Gretsov, A. G. Choosing a profession. Tips of a practical psychologist / A. G. Gretsov. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. - 224 p.

4. Engineer. Wikipedia. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:.

5 . Education in Yekaterinburg [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:http:// www. obrazovanie 66. en/ main _ faculties. php? level=1& ids=333.

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    Rezapkina, G.V. Secrets of choosing a profession.M.: Genesis, 2005. - 144 p.

    Rezapkina, G.V. Ambulance in choosing a profession - M., 2004.

    Self-diagnosis. Site G.V. Rezapkina [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:.

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    Technology: basic level: grades 10-11: a textbook for students of educational institutions / [V.D. Simonenko, O.P. Ochinin, N.V. Matyash]; ed. V.D. Simonenko. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2013. – 224 p.: ill.

    Ural Federal University. Applicants [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

    UrGUPS. Full-time education. Specialties and specialization [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:.

    Chistyakova, S.N. Technology. your professional career. 8 - 9 grade/ S.N. Chistyakova - M., 2010. - 159p.

Appendix 1

History and trends in the development and formation of the engineering specialty in Russia.

The name of the profession has ancient roots. The word engineer comes from the Latiningenium", which means - capable of inventing.

The first engineers were engaged exclusively in the construction and operation of military vehicles. This went on for quite a long time, until civil engineers appeared in the 16th century to build bridges. This is how civil engineering was born.

In Russia, the first engineers appeared thanks to Peter the Great, who sent talented young people to study abroad. Nowadays, engineering includes a huge number of types and directions, from a simple labor protection engineer to an "engineer of human souls", as psychologists modestly call themselves.

Engineer - that sounds proud! Such an understanding of the profession was in the days of the Soviet Union. First of all, this was due to the fact that it is very difficult to study engineering and subsequent work is connected with the world of formulas and drawings, which is practically closed to an ignorant person.

A modern engineer is a specialist with a high culture and knowledge of modern technology and technology, economics and organization of production, able to use engineering methods in solving engineering problems and at the same time possessing the ability to invent.

Features of the profession engineer. Engineerspecialist who does. The main content of the engineer's activity is the development of new and / orexisting engineering solutions. For example,(including alternative design), technology optimization, management and planning, development management and direct production control. New engineering solutions often result in. In his work, the engineer relies on and .

Pros and cons of being an engineer. Each engineering specialty has its own nuances, which are determined by the scope. In a general sense, the advantage of engineering professions is represented by a high demand for competent specialists, career growth, solid monetary rewards, and the ability to turn ideas into reality.

The disadvantages include the complexity of training, which corresponds to the high responsibility of the profession, high concentration of attention and maximum perseverance on the spot.

The specific tasks of engineering work and the requirements of the profession depend on which professional group it belongs to.

It is conditionally possible to distinguish 4 such groups:
1. Designer (develops the design of the device, equipment, etc.).
2. Technologist (develops the manufacturing process, processing of a product or product).
3. Economist (engaged in economic analysis and planning ways to achieve certain economic results).
4. Organizer (engaged in economic activities).

Personal qualities. Every engineer, to one degree or another, deals with technology, with technical objects and technological processes. Therefore, interest in technology, a tendency to engage in it are one of the conditions for the success of his activities. Technical abilities, technical observation, technical thinking, spatial imagination are also important for him.

The work of an engineer is creative. In any field, a real engineer must act independently, proactively, creatively. Often an engineer acts as a leader of a certain team of people. This feature of the engineer's activity requires him to display organizational skills.

A sense of responsibility is of great importance for an engineer, because the rational use of funds, equipment, and labor often depends on his work, abilities, and organization.

Education. First of all, an engineer is a deep fundamental training in such technical disciplines as mathematical analysis in various variations, engineering graphics (in a simpler sense - drawing), strength of materials, materials science and many other highly specialized disciplines, the list of which depends on the specific focus.

In the process of learning, students receive thorough, general technical, physical, mathematical and other natural science training, depending on the specialty. At school, you need to know physics, mathematics, and drawing well.

In Russia, many universities, especially industrial ones, have engineering faculties. Most universities train engineers in a specific specialization.

Place of work and career. An engineer works in almost all sectors of the national economy: in factories and factories, mines and construction sites, research institutes, aviation, military affairs, transport, etc. He can hold positions: master, art. craftsman, engineer engineer, enterprise manager, shift supervisor, department, site, laboratory, lead engineer.

The company "NIPIGORMASH" - one of the leading machine-building enterprises of the Ural region, specializing in the development and production of a wide range of products for underground and open pit mining, is hiring a leading design engineer.

The average salary of a design engineer in the Ural region is 65,000 rubles.

Qualification Requirements specialist. Category I engineer: higher professional (technical) education and work experience as an engineer of category II for at least 3 years.

Category II engineer: higher professional (technical) education and work experience as an engineer or other engineering and technical positions filled by specialists with higher professional education, at least 3 years.

Engineer IIIcategories: higher vocational (technical) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and at least 3 years of work experience as a technician of category I or at least 5 years in other positions filled by specialists with secondary vocational education.

Specialties of the profession engineer. There are a large number of different specialties of the engineer profession, whose specialists work in different industries and areas.

    Design engineer . The specialty provides for the design of various equipment and machinery. Technological schemes, drawings, calculations, technical specifications for production - this is the main part of the work of a design engineer. In addition, he must supervise the manufacture and testing of the mechanism designed by him.

    Process Engineer . A specialist in this industry is engaged in the fact that he develops a scheme for the production process and organizes it. The specialization of this profession depends on the direction of the enterprise. There is a process engineer at any enterprise, and he is a specialist of a wide profile. He selects equipment and modes for optimal operation of production, controls the implementation of the process and maintains the technical documentation of the enterprise.

3. And power engineer . A specialist with a higher technical education in the development, production or operation of systems designed for thermal or electrical supply. As well as a specialist with a secondary technical education who has worked for five or more years.

4. Engineer estimator - This is a category of specialists in determining the cost of construction. Cost engineers are engaged in practical and / or theoretical activities in the field of pricing, cost estimate, valuation, cost engineering, organization and conduct of tenders and competitions.

5. Chief Engineer is the technical manager of a manufacturing enterprise. The person holding this position is the first deputy head of the enterprise and is responsible for the efficient, fruitful work of the production process.

6. Design engineer - a specialist in the field of design, construction and operation of facilities.

Should know: methods of designing and carrying out technical and economic calculations; principles of operation, manufacturing and installation technologies for equipment and structures, types and properties of materials; resolutions, orders, orders of higher and other bodies, methodological and regulatory materials for the design, construction and operation of facilities; standards, specifications and other guidance materials for the development and execution of design estimates; technical means of design and construction; fundamentals of patent science; advanced domestic and foreign experience in design and construction; technical, economic, environmental and social requirements for the designed facilities; organization of labor and production; labor protection rules and regulations.

7. Railway engineer - a specialist in the field of designing transport interchanges, highways, railways and airfields, and also organizes their construction, road maintenance.

The communications engineer must:

    know the basics of mathematics and natural sciences, related to the construction of scientific disciplines, graphics;

    know the basics of architectural planning and design;

    understand construction management, as well as the management of processes and organizations in general, including quality management;

    be able to estimate the cost of construction;

    know building materials, building mechanics, strength of materials, building physics, energy efficiency principles;

    be able to draw up projects for the construction of bridges, roads and railways according to their specialization; understand the organization and safety of road traffic.

Annex 2

Excursion to the plant "UZTM"

Appendix 3

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The condition for the optimal choice of profession

I WANT - the aspirations of the individual (desires, interests, inclinations, ideals).

I can - the possibilities of the individual (state of health, abilities, level of knowledge, character, temperament).

NECESSARY - the needs of society in personnel, and the awareness of the need to expend certain efforts to achieve vital goals.

When planning your professional career, it is helpful to answer the following questions:

What skills and abilities do you enjoy the most?

What are your main interests and favorite pastime?

· What are your favorite subjects?

· What would you like to do every day for 8 hours a year?

What job do you dream of?

How do you envision your occupation in 10 years?

· What would be your ideal job? Describe it in as much detail as possible. Imagine yourself in this job, who do you work with, how do you spend your time?

· What are your criteria for choosing a profession? (mandatory and desirable)

· What are your strengths and skills that make you feel most suited to the job that you feel is ideal?

· What gaps in your knowledge and skills do you need to fill in order to get the ideal job for you?

· If the job that is ideal for you is unattainable at the present time, what kind of work could you do to move forward in your chosen direction?

· Who can be consulted for useful information for career planning?

· Finally, write down your immediate and long-term career goals and take action.

Temperament and activity style

Each student must make a choice where he will continue his education after school. And in order not to be mistaken, it is necessary to take into account your individual characteristics. Such individual characteristics as interests, inclinations are very fickle and changeable. Therefore, it is necessary to stimulate their development. However, there is another type of individual characteristics that are practically impossible to change, but it is also impossible not to pay attention to them, since they affect activity, behavior, and relationships with others. Temperament is one of these traits.

Temperament is a set of properties that characterize the dynamic features of the course of mental processes and human behavior, their strength, speed, occurrence, cessation and change.

Today there are several different typologies of temperament, but the four types that are known to us from the classical teaching on temperaments are most often observed: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. In most cases, people combine the features of all four types of temperament, one of which is more pronounced, while others are weaker. You can talk not about temperament, but about "temperamental structure", which includes all types.

Temperament directly affects the style of work, although the degree of its influence on labor depends on the working conditions and the preparedness of the worker or student for this type of labor and its direction.

Work style is a set of behaviors of an employee in work, expressed in purposefulness, interest, duration of development, in the pace and productivity of labor, in the rhythm of the labor process, in exactingness to the quality of labor results.


It can be reliable in any work, except for automatic, monotonous and slow. He is more capable of lively, mobile activities that require ingenuity, resourcefulness and activity. A sanguine person is usually purposeful, works not for the sake of the work itself out of necessity, but with a specific goal to achieve the desired, and persistently and patiently achieves the intended result. But this purposefulness and perseverance are manifested by him when the work is varied and satisfies his tendency to change impressions. In all matters moderately restrained and calm. However, it does not tolerate interference in work from someone else's side. In the event of such delays in work, he often "gives up", shows indifference to the matter and even apathy.


He most successfully performs work with a pronounced cyclicity, where during some periods of the working cycle the maximum exertion of forces is required, and then the activity is replaced by a calmer work of a different nature until the next cycle. But he can eventually adapt to the even rhythm of the work, which he will master well, and will have invariable success in it. It should be borne in mind that the choleric temperament, more than others, contributes to tension in the performance of dangerous and responsible actions in which certain inaccuracies are allowed. Therefore, it is very important to encourage and strengthen his confidence in success. He has poor self-control. In cases of failure - and he often has them during his training - he can make rash decisions. Cholerics are prescribed activities that allow them to establish a normal order in work and rest, moderately active work, since tiring physical and mental activities are unfavorable for representatives of this type of temperament. At the same time, they should not choose a profession that requires a sedentary lifestyle, as well as activities associated with a long stay near the fire (forges, stoves) and, in general, with high temperatures, as this is also harmful to their health.

Phlegmatic person

The most appropriate is such educational and production work, where there is no need to quickly perform dexterous and varied actions. The phlegmatic starts work slowly, but prepares for it in detail, without losing anything from his field of attention. It is worked into a normal rhythm for a relatively long time. The pace of work is not high. However, due to thorough preparation for work, perseverance and perseverance, the productivity of his work can be quite satisfactory. He is demanding on the quality of his work, but does not strive to do more and better than what is required of him. Not inclined to change activities and their goals. More inclined towards monotonous, well-mastered work. Phlegmatic has to hurry. And at the same time, given his perseverance and perseverance in work, as well as the fact that he works with great, although not pronounced, tension even without prodding, he cannot be reproached for slowness, because this property of his does not depend on his will. He needs to be hurried, helping and encouraging, but not depriving him of independence in actions and not unnecessarily patronizing.


In relation to emotional excitability and impressionability - the exact opposite of a phlegmatic. Some similarity can be seen only in their sluggish response to stimuli coming from the environment, and in the slowness of actions, although the causes of lethargy and slowness are different for them. He can work quite successfully in a calm and safe environment that does not require quick reactions and frequent changes in the nature of his activity. However, for a long time, experiencing grievances and even minor "shots" of self-esteem, he is often distracted in his thoughts from the work being done, making inattention and mistakes, therefore he slowly works into the normal rhythm of work and does not keep it for long as a result of periodic appearances of apathy and lethargy. The pace of work is not constant. The productivity of labor can be very high in a cheerful mood and low in a depressed one. Prefers to work alone. Due to his high sensitivity, he easily captures and understands the subtleties in the behavior of people, the world around him, as well as in art, literature, music. A melancholic is suitable for work that requires attention, the ability to delve into and work out the smallest details. He is contraindicated in activities that require significant stress, associated with surprises and complications.

It should be noted that any group of people works more efficiently if it includes representatives of all temperaments. Melancholics are the first to feel in which direction to start the search. Cholerics perform the functions of fearless scouts. Sanguine people are a source of positive emotions and constantly generate unexpected ideas. Phlegmatic people analyze information and offer a balanced decision.

Thus, the influence of the properties of the nervous system (strength, mobility, balance) and the typological features of the personality associated with them on the motivation of activity is manifested in the fact that people with a certain temperament show a preference for a certain type of professional activity.

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